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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
i 0 WEATHER j T day Fair. VOL. XXI II. N- no' KW"i' ID) Irvr 2 OSEBU, In Which is Included The Evening New. and The Roseburg Review VIEW Today'sEdition Reaches Over 17000 Reader m Anon 1. 0.0. F. PICNIC: Sutherlin Welcomes Visitors With All Varieties of Entertainment. ROSEBURG NEXT YEAR re r- (JETS l.5t HEIt VA(JK. SALEM. April 27. (Stioclal to the News-.lev low 1. The su- court today issued an order that hereafter attoi nevs v may collect from their clients $1.25 a puce for priuliuK briefs instead or 1 aa at the present w nine, it was contend lawyers that It was to get briefs printed for $1 a. page under existing, conditions and that in many Instances they were charging as much as nosEBURQ, ORKffltt, TIKSKAV, AHKIL 87, 11120, II irv ah . " JOulit HAMILTON S- :GRiSDE TEACHERS 1 DECISION REVERSED; SIGN CONTRACTS1 VOL. IV, Xo. lot, OF TIIK KVh.MXo NEWS HELP OFFERED TO IP . ALL EX-SOLDIERS i Automobile Itide Through lleuutiful SutlK'iliii Valley Much Enjoyed Feature of the Iay Pro gram Was Good. Auto rules, brass bands, good of that ja" commouiiy Known i: pen. "ever a dull moment pu the way in which Sullierlin wel tuned tlie Douglas County Associa tion of Odd Fellows in their city fcouday, and a rousing good tlnu' rro.n 10 o'clock in the morning until : o'clock at night was given the jg tors. II was me opinion 01 ceiy- ane iircient that fiutlierlln "overdid" Iriwlf in entertainuient anil praises tl tie lire qualities of the members l trie Ionise mere Hie ueuiu un cveiy fie. I One of the best tenures of the day Iri-ordtiiK 'o many, was the automo- (1? ride winch was given the guests I tlie afternoon. Plenty of cms lire provided for all who cared to p, uml with the real summer sim ilar, wliiih seemed almost "made i order,'' ulilning on tho cavalcade, e cars wound .dowly through the Irautlful Sutehrliii valley, made lore attractive at this time by tho miitlcSB number of orchards, all rating into iilooni, which line the and 011 every side. The "Olis" an-1 yiha" were frequent as the partlru lr beauties of each new spot on the ji-lscane were pointed out to the fciiora. iTIie program proper began ot 10 Sclock in the iiiui-ning, and was held the Gent theater. 11. 11. Strong, 'prominent member of the Suther- order of Odd Fellows, welcomed visiting members with a short Ik of friendliness and good fel krsblp, the quiding qualities whicli iBiiiiiuUed the entire day for all. Cox, of Oakland, then gave a ikdinK, followed by a piano duet hyj . Koss and Miss l,ois Heed, both f Sutherlin. C. V. Hartley, of Wlicrliri, entertained with a saxa (fine solo, and Messrs. Baniber trk, .Norton and . Kcthwell, all of wierlln, sun? several numbers, lr voices harmonizing well. Rev v. Warrington of the Presbyter crnircn or this city, spoke on I Fellowship," dwelling also on fraternal spirit of the order, and qualities for winch it. stands. solo be Alice .Manlev. of M t'reek, a piano solo by Marie t!pohl, of Sutherlin, followed by f j by C. A. stark and a trom m o!o by Stanley ILogan com i me morning progran it 12 o'c lock a basket dinner was W-i at the Harth building on ('en menue. and eats notable fo. J quantity and quality were in y. At i:.,o a picture show wa fi free to the Odd Follows and rkaris at the Gem theater. A I Jiock the Sutliorlin academy was "i'ini or interest, and the fifth fee work. the strati o, ) rites of which have never f Put on In this county beforn Jny other county for that mnt wre presented by the Roseburg rncws. The burlennuo was i uiien up and vas much en io i p. m., a supper was r' stylp at the Kplsco parish house, followed by He- ff We work put on bv the r m'Ii;e at the Sutherlli. y. A social dnnne was h?ld o -i Mt the Odd Fellows' and a dj.intv '! there f,-..o . -.u JKenekahs. It was decided that mini celebration will ho held !itirir net vmi- anA k ai f officers were elected for the ''"r rinvil, Tlnsebnro. reel.ti- Andrew-,, Mvre Cwyt vlrp ut. K-lward Stunrn. nni,ia,,j fresiden'; n,.orir v' T"T Pf'M-nt: H. a!' Trow. vlr ? nr. cl.l.. 1, m """rg. secrctarv '" treasurer. i. uiy BiieilrT Frank Hop- Kins of Canyon villi- was quite seriously Injured this arter- noon while aitcmutlii 1.1 o,ul hla n,,.. ...I.n.. . ... ... T iw j.n-fiu v i - .' nuiiu inn macnino was led by ih .WegOn Supreme Court Todaw Instmrtrtre Fnr r-i v Itu. ... ZVlV".rir- A ljhone message impossible u , n . - . wiiiiib i car . i ne service ana information:! L .1"01""1 "t,,1 .-.. lwwi, yP nion in ( Are tmploved bv Board at Rranrh nf w n . II J "?u'r. V. "" i- - vi hoi iciyai imcill I" inacnine cranking .iK.Tuu.iy wnsn suddenlv the engine started and it plunged forward, pinning Mr. Hopkins to the ground mid ms h'KS. IiiveMtiKatiuii OREGON PRODOCTS Case of E. L. Giles. Session Last Night. Offers Help on Problem. llii-SUIT TO QUIET TITLE FEW CHANGES MADE 1 LETTER RECEIVED HERE l:SS closer relationship and co-operation 1 . j UU I was b in handling affairs In the county, i . ' i I was s TO BEJISPLAYED Merchants Agree to Decorafa Windows With Oregon Made Goods During Festival. H m,T"? " Stie."d!, rT. "'...,"lse ""'""'' '' F.ror,Kdgn.i4n,rew nearly all of those eligible in this city and later attempts will be made I to spread the organization to the other towns and communities of tbei county. ' o : i Many File on of Mr. (Hint Hut Nuncem i Holds thai the city of It.o burg is l,e Vlt-tir. !'i"!.'.'l'," ,he -w-Heviwv.i SAll'M n .' '""'I at u'e fegular meeting Prlnclutll. 4o Allow Teachers t Kuter Into a IHnVrant Line of Work. At the regular meeting of the oiid Tluu. A. r i a .. i "e w8 r'l"'r',l as resting easy oiid Ti.ow Are. IaU Adjutant of American Utoi,! a late hour this afternoon. revealed the fact that his leg PRI7rQ ADT firrmrft broken and a physician ' nlL UrriinriJ uiuiiionen immediately. " lunlcatUm in W'hlrh T . llumiu Asks to bu fut In Toiicli With l:vtvl1(. u Xt. , should boost along. The Tmpqua 10"t of the Anierlcnn Legion only . u.uuii, aujutant of the locul ' recently passed resolutions endorsing Kirort Is lUing Made to llve l.,.t Mm at $2.1 l llH-rally ami AiiiHiumpiiu'iit Im Ktl Sis in of Result. go,, supreme court, in . ,,",,; 1.." UK.TJ,,..rl ',i(,l't "''!" American Legion, was this campaign and the ex".e - i.r I r ,r . ! written by Jusiii o n,. ' Tt " """". couiraeis wvr.! : this morning the reclnieii. ,,f ....,,,.. i realize mom .1,,,,, .:.... ..i " . .. Urani LanClS '.""l-l down here odiv teh.,. ""k " '1.,..' lhe radt' ' "''"" relative to ex-soldiers. 1 ha. the Salvation Army can do a ,. r v!'.rlu".8 '.al.lish,eia of r..uSU j . . liamilion, of l)oul i, Svork here next veir Tiw.r, . ': , u" , "e sun "ancisco di- PPro.iinatuly 2:,0 annllc.mts TV"' ' few c&Zg SZhmZhT, Vl lV1 "'-,at.o have filed on tl r r.;. i ""V: . "uministrator of theing lost more . .- " i ..." ' r ocpanment. The Oregon .Made Pm,l.,. - , , , , ..... .a f ,,a the - I . " lhV w,"'iu' f Jdge J. w. ndl .,""', i ," i i ,iVeJ couiinue their, sent out from the San raiieicn nil ' "as accomnlish .d h " """!" during ,. ,lllM,a s,r,,w . h . contest for tlie E. T. Morlan and wife, who havo , ',,,, ,l7ri"l,d window has been ' -. . , equil to lnt cai. or -.-.. ir. and fit), to be aawriled In the order named, by 111. Associated li,duiii,. .A uregon uc cordinii to mi anuounrement niado ' " A (, ( larke. stuto manager, .hrougli Mrs. J. w. Ivrkins. rhairl "inn of tho loci organization. Mrs. Perkins has a ii rise iiuiuher of Hie niercliants of he city and the uinloriK- nt it are favorable to such a conte.-t. Thov ' once ngnt. A large portion of the, ti.i. ..... - i nose who have (lcnd r . ri. di,.r. i., ! ..... ,T""'. .". application, were received from ' Oil ,.,.' " Dr",":"t b" - - .... y wi... nan , ,Vu?"hul '"'"''. '''." " ""-"'Hd in Fmi.s' L.m,'" v"-" arrolt, tlenients from the LTtL 7.50.000 SoMtWx In hur and to enlol,, tho ., , ",T.', . '. . ,Bty c-ul1" uy and Myth way of Insurance, allotnienis nr ir- 7 . " 'ii'Hiii.ii'niiii ; Mt'iHinrartii . i ... ...... filing in large numbers on various X ,V,T "mi ealoMnK a lien 7)enson school H. V .,. ' ...a " u units and it is exported that ov, cause o .-ui,.; I'l.J"111 ?nro,yn achelling, Nola V. Kent.'! The ser men here who' TZa " o ''"IJ:11 ''' i t'fe m.VwtKi i Rn'LT. rh0-L- "' F.ncbW, been called "A buuWj Mexico In Uprising place. There are a few tracts ' tracts on 1... ... .. ...... . . - nun awinuvy. imhi i..ui.i.n i....... ...... ... orhleh tW. ill... I ' ' "' Property Was SWo-nl .ot.... v.... . ... . . " "' "l'"M "'"'K every an ...v..., i 1 iiiuniLLiiiK Q I II in nnl l..-, .. .. . . " ...... n . nri a iiuth rilTIIIIOfl In HY-RrVII-a mnii unl.. I. I.. I..l..l.l .. itons and in one instance five nien , ..:.. V. " ,." ..." .a'reet' conso-, renew their contracts for vh. ,m 1 1 . . , . " S ' ' .". '" " ' V"' i " "" lne Vnrnnz goveru- have filed on the same tract. These rr "L " "e'nt w!'s..l'ot. of f-asons. The majority are h . , his off u " , ' ." V." i "M' A .." Tn" '"'""""'d a. military . .- iu niiiiuui 1 1 1 e im- rinm -.1. 1 . .. . . I Ilie rr.,e.M,,n 1 . . ." Ity AsBoclaled rrcss AOUA I'HIKTA. Anril 27. Ov..r I sii.outi soldiers In Mexico nre now In conflicts will be decided at drawing which takes place montn. profession, some on ac- ! fort and energy to obtain RED CROSS NORSE IS EMPLOYED niowuiont nt.,1 !.. l !..- im wi.-BBU'n, Hume on ac- ' ion "evt - ,m.,it. Tbo co ,r, inUiH Z. ZZZ - C".nt ?' 1'ealth. others because fac coiiieniion and a verdict neailiiuurtcrs here toduv N..urlv a satis- half of this number have Joined the Ciiles'! of their desire to io lido7.ll Z ,, fnr ov.., .. , ". .. ".."" ..." ! S"""ra r, vul u,""'y f" who I - I 'bat the property shall abut upon - v.,i JLi T .,' , davenport. Roseburg Women and Girls ' Til VZ Vteta To Be Taught Methods with ainay.ltiK 1 friii) t a and has now directed Uh aim to tho I aid of dinablod nitn, and thoac whose cIhIius uKninKt tho government hftve not hwn ftiitlsfactorily nettled. ftt .. - - , ... IFPIII1 MIT IIIIPT IlkUII llUill DV D An UCATUrn Ul UttU IlLHiriLR of Home Hygiene. 'turned in hs fuvor: Appeal to the T . V .. r.aioii; prin- s. rvea in tno recent war. ; .-up, vine court was taken Z li e cltv f..' " "p6" 8C"0"'. ' ' return ! The bureau was originally estah i of lt,burg. I his old,, on Jus c 1'' f J"urnn",l"c Profession, having , llshed Jointly with the navy and war i Hcnnett said: i i .1. . t. 1 e l""nw'"g the j (tciiartmcnU to replace into Biiiliiblv; ' "The general rule is that, where ! nt,ll,uitaiT ," ''lian occupation everv ex-servlec I a ninnleliiaiitv t.- o,,.i,.i.. ... ... UH(Witaii(lliig that he would serve man who could work. This ifnc-l labllsh ussessmem disiri.-t. ",.,,1 ""'"B" "V or the school , .ompli-died sess the cost of consirut ttne sewers 1 . on property therein It Is ot esse 1-! , "' ,0',he"' 'be Rose bni th. .,: ; r'-coine. sirs. h. M. davenport. i main purpose is to get into direct Peaches Onlv Are Damaced contact with the men thi.mselvfmi.v . . ''7 UaillJKU me of fact and If It be determined i ir ?,.,, "''.?001 '''"fence find out Jos' what their troubles by f-TOtraCted RainS and 'iy the proper tribunal that thtV ., i-aiiiiiie Miiams. consiai or, and then puMhe case bo 1 property is especially benefitted bv 1 n1"!! , Jollll,pk I for ,ho "Per offirlalH and see that ; Im cnnstr.ii ii,,,. ,.f na Co .,' f.ave declined to Bleu contracts for it receives consideration. The meni- assessment Is nroper to the extern I. f"niln V"- Miss Jelllnek and - hers of this office are full of action i ....I. k tu ...u-.u.. .. .' " ' "er sister Csld Days and Nights. EQUIPMENT IS N EEDEO - !" I j?,' r APPLES CROPS ARE SAFE X w " I J Mi-i-UUL provclnent or not . I, r "e '" n,fddle west dur-I Ihat milch pleasure to their work. iiik 1110 summer and will remain i It Is tlie w ish of this bureau in there. i-sl ililiul, 1,1-,,,,, 1, in ..-,,-, ,,,,,,,,1,1,1. At hp FHllerton school Ml.o itv Willi ll will be nble to vivo nion. ! 1'eillK, ! rtTilin HoiiMns retires. The h'gh ! personal attention to all those ex- school teachers who have signed ! soldiers who' need help, and If the announced om tinie ao. leases are complbHtcd. then this Tho scbnol ImsrH hau not vol , branch will n.,ri- its a .-limriiiu I.,-,. " chosen teachers In AM the vre,1Mcl. s ', house, and refer them to the hrad- painrui ucciucni was sustained hut Is considering Hie nnnilr-ntlmis nuarters. This brunch when ostnb- s.ikk.1 ,! Ask.,1 (,, vrM, Painful Accident It.Miin aiwl i:.iiiiiioiit vi't.n.. 1 ... 1 cal ( h:iiter I'ltys Hnlui y and i THlS MominP 'er announced i...u.... v i O 1 Tho scbnol I i-llncs, t'lierries t'niilli.iic to IIIimuii Arier Itnliis (Vim., As Miring (JniH.-rs of I'ollliia llon and (iiHiil I roil. lll!IIOV llln. (1,.... ' , , , , v "..uii niinip products should be shown wherever possible and they are willing to co-operale in this great work. This year tho contest will he con- ' r.ned strictly to mini ura tared pro duct,, and fruits, flowers and V(.Ke- i.blcs will not be considered. Strict- ' ly Oi-egon-made niiwlii.i.. .a ..- shown and as these an) carried by 1 no majority r niclclianls 01 tlie city some excellent exhibits are ex- ' peeled to rosult. Tile coulest will I.n I.. .1.1 .1. ' '.'.'. lhrVe (l"ys r ""' fotlvul .the ',; 01 siuy anil tin. windows will bo Judged by a com mittee of local residents. An effort r Is being made to have the first prize ' or :T. liberally increased and Mrs. Perkins has written Manager Clarke to sec if a larger appropriation can not he mints.. sn B,WPr -within a few days and If a largo prize is obtainable, an aiinounco nient to that effect will be made The other prizes will remain the Mime as announced nnd In addition to the prize winners honorable men tion will be given the most deserv ing dlsnlavs. Last year this' feature won one or the most pleasing. Tlie windows beautifully- (iHcnrnled iittrnctii great deal of uti.'iiHon and result. -d i t onlv in favorable comment but 01 prom 10 iiuiKo mailing the ills-Plir-s. The windows of the busi- ss uimrt.-i at thai time presented The employment of a licit Cross1 ' ,3 '"" u ivn ncnnaii, : now on hand and ."111 pinko I llshed Is called a central committee. . " uearu . ,.y ,minive enanince nurse to give Ir.strui lions to hiirii cuimo.. uy ine u. r.. i:ouiy during the n.-xl few weeks and ran be composed of anv or the ! ." . " UB,"!' .. '..""" 7" "n cm,i- school girls and to tho ladies of the i ,0"V"C. "? co'",nnll' .on the highway , Then h-vtrd Is evnrrislne- caution In 1 members of any welfare commit- ! :"""1'J " . .'" " '"" ."-1 . "vn by the cnles'an towns'a, r " TtZlW K.rked.d. '"IZ ''70 ZXZ n r pi bib-! - fT"' '"'7 IhX'dec". .V. of the county was the action taken 1 !,1.,pI!,cl f'''" ''"cka " ,he ba"k "boo,ine- nlv ..e who come well' health officials In that district. 1 ','." " " . ' w 1 " peach the! decraKo,,., ui uiv roan vwirre wora is ocing rccnnimen'l.-d. It has bc-n esterday by the local chapter of i ti," i,i" ..v." 1. . .. '.'.'ii :cl'"P I" hurt and hurt seriously. the lied Cross following an interview ' i'T; andM1 a distance of several I ... ra'se .1.0 salaries .0 oulte a de-Jont with as little' delay as ponHlhle ' 'mlL'L 'i'-ViT 1? with Miss Margaiet K. Duikin ,vllo i fl,l "'e road, dirctlv in front of 1 "ro and the board desires to find the many difficulties that occur when : ,T r 1 1111 1 1 ""' also addressed the school board und " '"t,""V" w,"ee' of whlchbc best leacbers obtninnble for the such a great number of men are at- j . " " .TZ",' ... .1, . i . . ,t tenintiniF lo olilain silt l,.mptil a nt a , ... . .. . . 1 u "el sevpr.,1 .o .,!, i...i....' ., .1...' Passed over his left leg before it Amount of monev nald Miy. This nurse, who will be fur- co,,Id, T.Tli T 1 uur1, "la" 1 " " nlshod by the northwest division of ,",'UK V ' "','? c,'y '",""?lately J r the Red Cross, will organize regu-' f""0'' the accident and taken to l eiV DireCWrS I I 'Hi Ml i l (j UUIUIll tUII'Hl(7IHN III H'.l.ll, ,.i1,i i . ' , distance. Any ex-service man who ,'th, 'd growth and pre- The purpose of Ihe dimlav Is In lir.iniol,. Intrrest iu Orecnn manu-liic'tn-ed gnods and to n!.l the Ote on inannf.-irliireis In their endenv ors In this localltv. ll Is also to edu-.-ate dm people of ike slate In regs- I lo the Hue of goods produced In I Jin ' tito and to persuade tbeni lo bnv Oreiron made goods wherewr sir-h tnoils can bo obtained at a prl.-o .an not get local assistance Is In- ' , , ,,J "'"""'"" u"u lr'" vlled to take on his case with either ' .... "' in hoine hy.ione and care " '- D , I !!' " "" "'i'rS' proWM'-formTn' K JlnS '! '"i-ed member, .t was fouinj i UIOSCl ,'' Z of'iiie i J "' d elsewhere. one in each of the rural communi- i' ,"'B T WK lrfc' ! . ; I-"'""- "ut to everv cx-soldier r. ,j " V , ig a claim to be settled. : . ... , , I r j. . r-. .....iiKii utrw OIOSSOIIIS IO nSSlllV I Tl tl 1 C TPtl t ftf a good siod mm A l,.. .1 ...... . U IC t C I Ul At a meeting of the stockholders having ihat the bone in the leg was frac II..A n...i i .i.i i, i.- t ! rureii. anil ine nnsie siiraineu. Ac- clnity. It is desired Hint the school "'" "u '"K I y'c'nns. , or ine Cnipuua Growers association, board provide a n.-oiu iu the high, bfl Beveral months before he three new directors were chosen to laso ine piace or .lonn Alexander, M. 1. fireen and Arthur Marsh, who became disqualified by the surrender j of their slock. Those selected were I A. .f f;oH.l..M n,4,ri.i, V.,it,,,.r 1r a.wl Paid For Team v;(,H;':iha,;k' tot,,r srtmni tuiiMintr f- ,i,fl(i., nf wm ueaiiiii to muni 10 worK. these local claufiprt and that the equipment needed be immhased by T nnrtA Torino To the district. However, the linnrd h:s iVtCJU- I I LLC IO taken tho matter under advisement nd up to the resent time no de-i cision has been Riven.' ' Tt will he neeesarv to tmv a 1ms-' pltnl rot. several tallies, dek ehairs,' dummy, and other ntmnrattis mountine in value to ai'nroxfm.itelv 1 $100. The Tied Crop wanta the, to.hnoi bonrd to buy thin enii;tnient vnno the loro! agrees to pay the salary and ex penses of the n urse. The plan Is to arrange elapses of Clifford Jope Is a good sized crop. A heavy drop Is expected within a few weeks, but it Is believed that enough have set lo Insure a pn.i.l hnrvu.i .....I . ..1..1. Reelected President ,'im"Z, ,.. ...... , 1 n r, -ty m I in .'leiir. I ' - I The trees are mil yet In full bloom I KI tiK.NK. April 27. The conven-,""" '"ere is practically 110 danger.' 5 Starting Fire II. (!. .Siiiiinirrlln. who was ur-.'c.iti-d la -i ,1111111, -r 7i.irg.-d with Inn lug sinned fires In the l'inpiua ... . 7. ... . . Tl... 1 ... . .i .n.illliiKll rore-t. was in irti-,1 I, v. tl,.. their resignations and J.T. Mathews, ' l" ln?, ' '",""y, ' '"-.stinn I .. "'r ' v;rV federal grand Jury at I',. Via nil Kay Stephenson and C. II. 8penc; '-ndeavor tlnlon which closed -Z!n m Vl J". Mi'"" '"m who n-a a I. :,r is li, l o wore chosen in Ihelr place. ,f' nlt;ht at Hpilt.g leld was the . " w w 11 fl d a very prosperous .,,,, WK ., n " 1 npse otian'tH nave neeti made to , , , , ,"",M " w'i.1, ,.,.,.. ' , ., . , intf r 11 nre tii'i 111 ljh' run. y. i itt'i" were .i.: ...... vimiih-d mh- cumuimwii in I registered deleeales. Cliffoid 11. , ""ill the same as will, prunes. New ! I "? "":,,.'' ? Jl''i, Jope was re-elected president of th- blossoms have appeared since ib.M n, , . 'J ! ",n t ,, ,nT rr:: county union. Mr. . opo Is an over- ". Ii..irl.,- polllno.lon and fruli. ' ' ' ' ' 7,00 , ,, 'i r , '' . " ,r" seas veteran.. He is now completing appear to have I n litlle da,-i """Un"' '" ",M ,"ll"r;'1 W. Ity Associated Tress . KHMONTON, Alta.. April 27. Wlinl iu thntiol.t 1 ho a reoorrl nrM for a team purchased at a farm auc-VD,'rf-ct 11,8 organization which will Hon 111 the provinces was paid re- : maintained in this city by the A. e"'ier in mrn ; " .. ' rlin-oH tho ri- rcrefi Kercnernn mares ai iienvnr 1 ,,. . ....... n Falls sold for 11975. tne L'nipqua (Jrow.-rs nssoriat i.)ii urutfc in i uuin mill lirf'para-' , - .. .... f ,.r ii.. i 4io, for the turnover are under ' '"'? " '" ,' ' of ini nH fi" i'"""' y"' ' Kr"" way. Slockholders are for the rreal- i university. Ills home Is In Rose-; .Hud tllelr pear trees only er majority exchanging stock."' r . r f . - In the local concern for stock in the care of sick. Thcv are tatttht the 1 fl J UiZU-dlUVlU A. Itupert company, and to thiu end . first X-idimeiils of .anltailon. the directors are lielng apponlted ' who oalVatlOn ArmV he orgaulzallou whieh , J bad In en start, d by Ins his education In Kugene and Is a "kcii, and although Ibis crop Is nnl not to exceed forty women and ln Rncfidi.iti Dyimlt series of fifteen lessons give them ; the prlnc-lnles of home hycicne and. nroner . methods of r-anne for cuts.;. , hold stock in the orgauizailou ferulae and minor R'rkno.. Th v. iy .issia-iaica I ress , wn b , chllrj!(. ,)f thl, cnnI1lllt are taught the care 01 infants. LONDON', April 27 A flolslicvik work here this year. Atiorney Ceo. proper bathing methods, feeding. ! revolution has broken out in Neuner Jr. has been retain. d ity the etc., and In the fjnnl lessons given .Slavia. says a Central News dispatch company as s; crctai ; and attorney, are instructions retarding the care from Home quoting Trieste advices the same position as he held with of the sick. The course is fre and o the Messagero. of Home. Ma- the L'mpqua Growers. is given under a foienelent trained chine guns have been brought Into o nurse. Hrsulnr rlarscs are cop- action In Belgrade, where I. is said , . , ducted In the hieh schools In nddl- thai hundreds have b-en slain, while VOlP.r.t h.TTTl r?.?.C ITMJ tinn to .ho lessens .riven .he women faial riots have occurred at I.albach ' of the community. and Agram. The nurse would probable be in - the community for at least six- M VS St'l'I'l.lKM. . : Ily Associated lrMw months and during that time would . from which COLlMnt'S. April 27 Ohio Tot to Dealers Are Organized 'n0al!",.',"''"ty Aulomotlve 'tht I, -, .U," VM organized hni..i neia at tne . noi.-I. Al,01,t , j,.. Mm. . d i"ok na In the resident C a .""l jonitee was ,,,,,'. k.. .t.' ! cover all of the principal towns and While In Portland Tnl to ilrtw .... .. - ine. ... . inn.n. ni,..n. i nn nf .Lo Vie returner! Isst nfht I'ilv Ire- ers urn Irtilov ovnre ilT-h. .... .. "nL,lu ....) II... ...b la a... tl I. Whir.r.le Vi.l.oH tl.o Oroi.OO tnp nruaMen. W. I .n,H.Uid ..... - no inese will l '. """il,ul . - -- r. raivaiton Arniv. sllglilly hurt by the rain and cold ' wen l her. .localise of the various condillona. ! types of soils, etc., In Douglas conn i ly, II Is difficult to make a state- Itf t r I ' " '" wl" cover tlie entire -- mun in txoseours v ' "" localities th.. prune, a Mass. Ballots on Delegates at Large Ity Associated lros IIOSTON, April 27. Maawichu- badlv hurl because Ihev bloomed a ! four delegates ill large !e lb,, rei.iib. ,, , !"', "r'" days earlier Ihan In and democratic national con-fi.-ld represenla- other places. In some sections. ., i..i,,.., .... None or the c.i ml lea les at huge ap peared on the ballot as pledged f Their Preference 'n,ren Cblcotc ... .. .., .-,..,,, 1I1B frees ate JSt IIOW III tb c-ily today and spent the after- reaching full bloom These rr,n,li- l.f.riO inn ferrlotr u-l,K l,.,..! ,e.. 1.,... 1 , . . .. - .l , - ,., .k li....?.. ' " . .: ... . ...oe , , s.nsing in an aver-, any parliruliir presid.-niiul ran ill ... .. ..,,, ., n.,,1M,rv a.e necessary and conseouenlly by date, ludlcailous point lo a light hoard con ernlng the cainpslgn for close investigation It Is believed that vote. "- "" ". inoK.irm. on in wnole me con.lltlons this venr Mr. Chii ote had a number of excel-j nre very ravorable for a large fruit lent photogrn'ih of the lllshop Scott ; yield. school and farm w hich will be opened n soon for the homeless boys and girla: .(WirtlllS AltlO I'lloSr'.V r.l tills stale. It Is needless to dwell esslng their pref- ,, the Knul U.III5 j,mr. ity ,tlr. MtltKKT VrtT.Tll)i. W ii "tnetine of. the sihool board, I'OHTT.AND, Anril 27-C.u- t-,1 .nd a,lo;nW a7e,he 'next ! to that " of the r-ronoced army retail core ,d ordered a large and electing delegates , , r,.pub- t ' nM to the home ser? IZZ'X VJrZW "IZTZ .TbuX t V b. held Mod I1""" -.""-' ?" todtag.l.inimmt o .rmy ..PPll that and democratic national con-, progran, during rescue week .' MlntmE,. were Vi. im... .". . and u clnce, 7,l h .... I ! a 1 i organization i. rn.n. ticpft ailments of senno rti ntn-n. . w ill n- soki on a. purine saie as soon TMiuon. ine principal primary , starting on Vav 1st will lie snent in v.r a . m. . v I A , ,, Z Parnose" of pr'" I work among tuberculsr r.sidenfias they arrive, l.acon, blanket, and fight is between General Wood aad Or."o tVn 'fl I Is li.rlf : hl.hrl l,,HI r "w vesler '"a""1'8 "'' u,wl ? " also toP h;rJn.K.!'nnd In other wsv, assist Jn raising, canned yegetables will be ottered the;8enaior Hardin, for the republican 'n homeless ch ldren and Vhe dt -1 n..,?.! fl.! " ""?', . Y. 1 r'"'"'r- same aa at iorruer aaies. presidential endorsement. the central health of the county. tute and It Is a cause. that everyone Carmony the Benson school.