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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1920)
ROflKBITW HEWS-RUVTEW. SATrBOAT. APBIIi tO, 1IHM. Mob rorn ( ILOVE and MARRIED UFE txL the noted author All Classified Advertisement In serted aw todjtj trill be found on but page under "New Today' WASTED. coiunn 1 When you're J 11111 nervous or tired, Jm Ur refreshes! J 2 .4: VRIGLEYSA 53 Sealed Right asfe Makes Waste nphese are busy days, and days we must be saving, but in your haste do not forget, that a person to be prosperous must look prosperous. Have your suit cleaned, pressed and repaired by our skilled and san itary methods. Our work and service will please you. WHO'S YOUR CLEANER? AX IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION. When I awakened In the morning, for awhile I did nut realize what had happened the day before. The sun was shining brightly, my bed was toft and comfy. Physically, I waa feeling fine. I lay there and reveled Id the quietness and calmneBS that surrounded me. There war a light tap on my door and Hannah came In, bringing a great florist box, almost as tall as she was. I opened the box to find a great bunch of American Ileautles and a card which said, "Come home to me soon. John." Then It all came back to me. I asked Hannah to turn the flowers out on the bed. I knew she thouehl was delighted with them. I Kept perfectly still until she left the room, and then I picked those roses up one by one and deliberately tore them to pieces, scattering their fragrant paves all over the bedroom carpel. When I had done thlB I took the De nuded stalks, upon which only the thorns remained, and hold them In my hands for a moment. Again I felt a great desire to laugh, but I told myself that I must not do It, for I might really go mad If 1 let myseir go. Tlio First Mowers. These were the first flowers that John had sent me since we were mar Ired. This was the first time that I had ever received anything from him that he could not help me en)oy. It was too obvious, as r.llzniietn Mnreland said In the note she did not sign. John was not going to let a rich wife net out of his hands For nltv sake. Katherlne, saia Alice, opening the door and coming In. "What have you Deen ooing; aren't you ashamed to mutilate those beautiful roseB?" "YeB, I am a little ashamed, dear. but you see they weren t flowers to me. They were a kind of some thing that commenced as a beautiful dream and ended In one of those ter rible nightmares, from whlcn you awake in cold perspiration. I wasi trying to dissipate it, to put it out of my llfo and memory as soon as possible." "Katherlne," asked Alice solemn ly, as she unconsciously stooped to nick ud the rose leaves. "Did Karl Shenard send you those roses? "N'o. rny dear, t wish he hud. But you know that Karl never sends me anything but white violets." -- "I have no right to ask who did send them." All the Klatht In the World. "You have all the right in the world, because it waa one of your own family." 'Katherlne Gordon, you don't mean to tell me that my brother John had the nerve to send you loses this morning, after writing the telegram that I read on the blotter last night?" I silently held out to her the card. Bhe looked at it and groaned. "Katherlne, you are not going to live with him. I will not allow it. 1 did not think that it was possible that my own brother could live a double life or this kind. And be cause Be has used you as he has I shall never speak to him again." "Wouldn't that be a little foolish, dear? You see It 1b very easy for him to send flowers to pay all the attentions that a man may pay to a woman that he thinks is necessary to keep her Interest. Already, Alice, dear, I am learning that money call buy at least a semblance of love." "Poor Katherlne, you are alto gether too young to be so cynical." "One doesn't grow cynical because of the passing of years, my dear, hut because one receives hurts that do not heal. "You Have Seen the Wire." "I shall write him today that I shall no longer live with him. Of course he will think that my sud den riches have gone to my head, and he will accuse me of living with Mm only because I did not have money enough to take care of my self. Ho will say that as soon as I found myself Independent, I tried to get rid of him as soon as possioie. You. Alice, know differently; you have seen the wire he sent to Eliza beth Moreland." "Yes. dear. I have seen It, and unless I had seen It with my own eyes I would never believe my brother could be such a despicable creature. Are you going to send It to him?" "No, dear, I am just going to say that I am not going back to him, but I am not going to write him to day. I will wait until tomorrow." Isn't It fortunate that we can not look ahead even twenty-four hours? (To He Continued.) WANTED Dishwasher at Foutch's restaurant. WANTED IS gallons milk par day year round. Phone 16. WANTED Woman to cook tor (our persons. Phone '7FB. WANTED Man to help in harvest lag garden products. Phone 9F4. WANTED First clasi- mncn cow. J. C. Royse, Phone 34F2. WANTED Dishwasher at once at the Cafeteria. WANTED Man Phone S4F11. Roseburg. ' to slash brush. Leslie Hatfield, WANTED To exchange use of nif ty pull cart for baby suggr, phone 600-Y. WANTED Nicely furnished houso In good residence district. Ad dresa A. C, care News-Review. WANTED Small house or suite of rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Address "Q" box 00, care News. WANTED High school boy or a man to work as janitor evenlngB for board, Apply at Cafeteria. WANTED Man for general work on farm. Uood wages with room and board. Address O. H. care News-Review. WANTED Man to wock on farm principal work handling team cul tivating orcnara anil Denies. Phone 34F4. C. V. Oden. WANTED Married man without children for ranch. Houae and 80 a month. Permanent if O. K. Inquire at News-Review office. LYMON L. SPENCUl TRY OUR WAY Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call Spring Styles Select your spring styles (rum oar new arrivals of wools, serges, silks, printed crep do chene anil voiles. We also have In New Spring Coats. Tho snnp and froKhneu of Spring find xp na tion In the chic styles and brlltitmt weaves of our now fabrics. They combine rxquUlte tusto with erfoct reliability which stamps them ns the best. d I. ABRAHAM wm 0001,9 "Everything the Best" WRAR County Court Takes Trip Over Projects The county court late yesterday passed an order calling u Bpecial election for the Suthcrlln vnlley on May 29th for the purpose of voting on the matter of an Irrigation dis trict for that community. This or ganization has been planned for some time and all arrangements have been completed. The election will Include practically all of the Sutb erlin vnlley and the conipnny, if formed, will take the name of the Sutherlln Valley Irrigation district. Attorney J). L. Eddy has been re tained as attorney for the district and has been In charge of the legal work. MKETIN'O CALLED. There will be a mass meeting for women at the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. The members of tho missionary societies are espe cially urged to be present, as there will be an especial message for tbem. SPRING SAJITLKS ARRIVED Half box for children, linery. o Bell Mil- Dress hats In transparent brims of hair brulda nets, trimmings of tiny French roses, leaves, gauze rib bons, lace. Hell Millinery. Don't fail to call and Inspect our fine line of spring samples for men's clothing. A beautiful line to make a selection from for a nobby suit. G. W. Sloper, the cleaner and pres sor. Mf MIRACLE MAN WELL RECEIVE!, The second performance of "The Miracle Man" was witnessed by s crowd which filled the Antler's thea ter to capacity. The show was pro nounced one of the finest ever seen In the city and all went away satis fied. The company has a number of other feature pictures booked for the spring months and theater goers are assured of some delightful en tertainments. Children Cry for Fletcher's WAKEFIELD & HINEY PHONE 46 i GROCERIES Fresh Vegetables Cereals, Canned Goods , Oread, Hour, Candy PHONE 46 KAKEFIELD & KINEY PH0NE4U The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has teen In use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of i - and has been made under his per-j- sonal supervision since its infancy. Wut&y. -eUCAtl &now no one t0 deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castnria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iu age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlshness arising tuerefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friead. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS WANTED A woman for general housework on the farm. Good wages and steady work. Address Lock Box 136, Yoncalla, Ore. WANTED A No. 1 logging camp cook. Must be well recommended and able to handle 75 men. In quire News-Review for information. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sntety deposit boxes Roseburg National Hank. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms, 112 Brockway. Phone 202-J. FOR RENT 1 1-2 acres river bot tom soil, close to town. Phone 278-L. FOR RENT Nice large (furnished room, with bath and fire. 851 W. Mosher. phone 365-R. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Also sin gle rooms at reasonable prices. Roseburg Apartments, oor Main and Douglas. FOR RENT 20 acres, one and half miles from Roseburg: a 9-room house, windm-111, with water in . house, large barn, hay barn, fam ily orchard. Balance In cultiva tion. For particulars call on or write to C. O. Sheppard, Dixon- ville. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. O. & C. LAND LOCATOR And compassman. Chas Kyes, 62 7 N. Main St., Roseburg. DRESSMAKING "Stylishly done tailoring. 749 So. Main. Phone 429-Y. FOUND An envelope containing kodak pictures and films. Owner please call at News-Review office SAFETY FIRST Secui a safety deposit box for your valuable pa pers at me Koseoure national Bank. tf. O Beafs the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay highest market price In cash. Bring In Your Products ( Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. PHONE 279 Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entry April 12th. $1.50 per township. Douglas Abstract Co. HEINLINE -MOORE CONSERVATORY Music and Physical Education Managed by Accredited Teachers Only Tb State dtunaods fclrhly efficient teachers and this School complies lOO par cent with the elate law. Kohlhagen Bldg. Phone 390 Precaution is a Preventive those who suffer most from periods of Inflation or de tint ion are those who simply refuse to realize that roudlllona change, .and who are therefor never prepared. Conditions at present are not nor. liuil. Would YOl be perpared if a I'biuige should come? -. An I'mpq'ia Valley bank account ' 1 .., alwuys preparedness. .' i; i, M. THRONE, Cashier ! the UWPGM VHLLEH bank WVJLBUWU KJK fcVJ VJ N EGGS FOR . HATCHING Brown Leghorn, good layers; 16 for 11.60. D. S. Houser, phone to . 802-L. tf MONEY TO LOAN 20-year r.iral credit farm loans, low interest tate. ?20,000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mort gage. See M. F. Rice ot Rice & Rdce. tf. USED CARS O. K. Garage has a large number of different makes. Prices and terms to suit your poc ket book. Call and we will de monstrate tbem to your satisfac tion. Geo. Shanks & Son. FOIt BALK. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE News- Review office. FOR BALE Medium sized safe. See 'it at Foutches. FOR SALE Oil heater, good as new. Inquire 135 So. Stephens. FOR SALE Sow ana rive pig, . bred Poland China, 6 weiki .i? Phone 44S-B ' wl" FOR SALE-lJay old White jjtZ COW FOR SALE One Jersey, loo4 . van. ruucu, tiTOrk. FOR SALE Span ot work mr or either or bot'l. Prk, able. R. A. Herder, D:!hrd FOR SALE. BARGAIN-Troo; dern bungalow, sleeping, porT garage, close In, phone owner, ,t COAL, BODY WOODSUbwaH mill ends, cement, lime, suit,; storage, transfer. H. j n,.. J. FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Mrs. A. Fisher. Phone 20-F2. FOR SALE Baled l.ay. W. F Ramp Rt. 1, 1 mile east of town. 270-R. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow with young calf. C. E. Keyser, Wilbur, Ore., phone 27F11. FOR SALE Six-lid Real Estate range for .either wood or coal Phone 9-F 15. FOR SALK Several good Jersey milch cows. A. E. Chenoweth Looking Glass. FOR RALE One Case gang plow In good condition. C. L. Weber, Rt No. 1, Phone 4 2-F 13. OAK WOOD FOR SALE MOVE BY TRUCK. Quick .reliable service. Prices reasonable. Phone 20F2. FOR SALE One surrey and one good set of harness, almost new E. E. La Brie, Wilbur, Ore. tf FOR SALE Bargains in 1919 Chev rolet and 1919 Maxwell, In good mechanical condition. Liberty Auto Sales Co., 607 N. Jackson St. FOR SALE 21 acr.s a mlleB from 9Clma, Wash., or will trade for Douglas county land. Address G. W. Bowles, Elma, Washington, Rt. 2, Box 40. CHICKS Purebred Plymouth Rocks and While Leghorns; day old, 25 etc.; 10 days, 35 cts.; 4 weeks old, 50 and 65 cts. Mrs. E. H. Huf ham. 828 Houck St. Phone 257-R. FOR SALE Modern 7 room bunga low and furniture, on pavement, $2400: also 40 acre dairy farm, good buildings and orchard, price 6,000. Chas. Kyes, 527 N. Main St., Ro8oburg. HATCHING EGGS Hollywood 200 egg strain White Leghorns, Gold en Campines, from first prize pen San Francisco Word Fair; White Face Black Spanish ; heavy layers and nonsetters. Eggs $1.60 per setting; $8 per 100. Phone 9F25 Ed Bryant. STOCK AND FARM PROPOSITION 768 acres, all good Boil, 300 ac res In cultivation balance pasture land, good house, stock barn and other outbuildings, good location. For full information call at 125 Cass street, Lawrence-Cordon Co. FARM AND FRUIT LAND 20 ac . res In tract, all good tillable land, 1 1 1-2 acrdes In 6 year old prunes a family orchard, 2 good wells, pnmp for Irrigation, creek thru place, good seven room houBe, a barn and other outbuildings, good location on good hard gravelled road. Price J10.B00. Lawrence Cordon Co., 125 Cass street. FRUIT LAND 13 acres In tract, 600 prune trees, 125 apple trees, (6 pear trees, all full bearing, grapes, 5 acres low land part plan ted, well fenced and cross fenced, modern eight room house, plaster ed, big barn, 7 tunnel drier, other outbuildings, close In on a good road. Price, 18,000, very easy terms. Lawrence-Cordon Co., 125 Cass Street. FOR SALE New $72 Western Bs trio sewing machine, rotary tjM cheap. O. B. Frank, Umpqua Hoi IV1. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring tr new tires, first class condillon' some extras, $490. H. H Own' uuniauu, vlc, FOR SALE 11 1-2 acres land, in mile to town; good 5-room bow, barn, chicken house. Easy term wn n, ki. I, Koseourg, .Ore. FOR SALE Large county mipt, shows all R. R. and gorenweii lands open to entry, price li.ut. F. C. Frear, county surreyor, noseuarg, uregon. FOR SALE 1919 Maxwell S paswt-1 ger touring car, run only 350t tulles, new tires all around, loon and runs like new, $750. H. H. Owen, Oakland, Ore. FOR SALE Italian prune treei (or fall delivery. 6 to 8 feet. 50c; i to it., 4uc; 3 10 4 it., zsc; zui ft. 15c. R. L. Ellis, 2 miles tat of Roseburg. I FOR SALE Prunes and all varletw fruit trees, ornamental, shade, roses, Including climbers. Prlca on application. Van Sickle, 125 Sheridan. FOR SALE 1918 Studebaker Sli In A-l condition, cord tires wilt a tra. Driven less than 7000 miles Parker, Roseburg Garage, 121 No Stephens. 'FOR SALE Good work horse at double harness $110 for both I! taken at once. A. V. Hammono E. Second Ave. South. FOR SALE 1918 Harlev-Dartlf motorcycle and sidecar In "W class condition, $325.00. CallHsr rison's Garage, 123 N. Main FOR SALE Mapleleaf ConfecO ery. Bargain If taken before MH 1st. Owner desirous of taMo W only reason for selling. Ooo4l cation, goed business. FOR SALE Black mare. $ old, weight 1300; four-rearo gelding, weight 1050; bay mi years old. weight 1000; bar 4 years old, weight 950. 0. W Tin, west KOHCHU'S FOR SALE Store auildlnt and) lots at Myrtle Creek, sear flow auw (wub " - j. Invoice. Terms on part Catherine Fritts, Myrtle cn Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two frame, 10 rooms, modern, ton ment basement, plastered, I lots, paved street, Mwill;i age, car line. University Fart trlct. Portland. $8,000, or trade for grocery stort ranch In Oregon. AddreM. W. Lane St., Roseburg, Ore. agents. FARM AND STOCK PROPOSITION 320 acres, 66 acres under plaw. 30 acres timber, balance pasture land, 8 acres family orchard, 4 1-2 acres one year old prune trees, 2 creeks through place, good five room house, water piped to house from spring, 6 barns, chicken house and other outbuildings. All stock and equipment including a Ford ear goes with place. For full Information call at 12S Cast Street, Lawrence-Cordon Co. PRUNE ORCHARD 10 acres 1 prune orcnara, en -years old. all under in1aJJ Improvements except fenclnf. ' Is a bargain at $5,000.00. U rence-Cordon Co.. 125 Cagjg FRUIT AND FARM PROPOSm 69 acres In tract, 50 iTL. cultivation, 10 acres yona f. es. 5 acres bearing apple or cherries, peaches, quince rr all crops tn, plenty out hm,. s barns. grsMT. apple house, chicken house. t house, tool house, large fo" I and place all fenced and tm ( ced with woven wire, crew . place year round, well. j i roads 4 1-2 miles from '""j. I and full set of implan") "T I In a a new Bean Spray 0ll-' with this place for $'- rence-Cordon Co., 12 c"'