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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1920)
TAtn TRTtm HIGH-CLASS AM FRAMES Just received a large shipment Ny STUDIO is second to none in the State. Special Kodak Dept. CLARK'S STUDIO C. W. CLARK, Proprietor Roseburg National Bank Bulldlnj JMMBmi imKWHW, HATfRPAT. APttH; 10, (U, . : !iiuun milium iMNW.TULUBb --Winning Appearance CONSIDER a man's clothes consider their mission in the life of a man who is successful, or what they mean to the man who wants to be suc cessful, I Clothes play a bigj part in the ball room, in business, in selnol, anywhere, fl Consider the man in the picturein formai surround ings. The impression he makes; in company, depends very much on his clothes. Other things count, of course but a man is judged, first by ap pearance, because appearance speaks before the man. KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES are intimately associated with successful Americans. Men of every age, of every type, of every personality, find in them the proper medium to attain good clothes appearance. 9 This store hasKuppenheimer good clothes for men; new spring models: they're worth seeing because they're worth wearing. HARTH'5 TOGGERY For Good Shoes Florsheims FOR JUR PATROL Assures Chamber cf Com merce He Will Urge Big Fleet For Forest. GENERAL STAFF CUTS i Vlnns of flnW Arnold Are HnwJiiNl by General Htnlt of Army AWiith Avtlgiu Oiily One Squadruti ' to Duty In Oregon. KOCIAIi DAXCK. I To-be given at Winchester hall Lturday night. April 10. 1920. Good &c. good floor, and a Jolly good limt for everybody. K. E. COOK, Manager. A complete line of Infants venr. .oats dresK-s. bonnets. Jackets, hos krr, ' comforts. Uirtrudes kimona. ytll''MiiH'y. Banded sailor and ready-to-wear in Mllans. Llsere, liasket avr Hanirkoks. Bell Millinery. EGGS FOB BATCHING. Thoroughbred white Rocks from 300 egg strain. Also thoroughbred S C. Whit Leghorns Tancred strain. Eggs $8.00 per hundred. A few while Rock cockerels for sale, 4.00 cash. A. S. Hunt, 225 Jacksoo St., N., Koseburg. Oregon. o- KKTTIXO KfiGS. From HiKh Producing White Leg horn hens Tunc red Strain, $1.2.1 per setting or 15: 18 per 10U. Earl Voshurgh, 227 N. Jackson or 702 Fullerton. VAI HKV1I.I.K AM) DAXCK Pulillr Liliniry Fund, at s Anuori-. Mumlm- 4....II ij ; Tickets $1 for a couple. Extra Ladies 2."c. tiallery 20c. AAfcAAAAA . .AA..AA ........ l , " NEW SNAP SHOTS The county court and roa.imaster spent toveral hours (e8ttrday in spect Ins thy Looking lilusa road pro Jfvt aud other proposed improve ment!. It Is expected that consider able Improvement work will be done this hummer. l-ave IVr Salt l.ko ! Mr. :tnd Mrs. Karl Rhoads and daughter. Ituth, left last nitfUt for 0KoVn. Salt Luke and other points in tliut viiinity, where they will spend about six week visiting with relatives und friends. KOTICK OK AXM'Ah SIKKTINO OF KTOTKllOI.DKltS OK TIIK ItOHKHt ltJ lU liailNO 1IOMKS ASSOCIATION. Give ConsecratedDollars At Home or Abroad the church stands back of civilization THE Presbyterian Church hat always been forward in evangelism and social service. It seeks to turn men to God and to uplift life in every commun ity it touches. Teaching and preaching amid the snowi of tta Arctic and (he jungles of Alrica Tending the tick on five continent! a coloual Samaritan minitering to luffering humanity in lupef. iniion-ridden regions, where the only hospitals are church-maintained Teaching India's millions to impound their waters against coming drought, showing Brazil how to plow its land, and combating Bolshevism in the mines, lumber camps, and congested areas of cilier This it how the Pretbyterian Church it helpmg to make a Letter world. Every Presbyterian adherent a a partner in this magnificent enterprise. What can the church count upon from you in the financial canvass April 25 to May 2 AlUnJ Iht f Pntbytwrian Chnrrh U m Aai M regular pUtm tf lMrAi Now Er Movement Presbyterian Church in the U.S. A Cooperating with Inter church World Movtrrtent Eddy Is Member State Hoover Club Senator B. L. Krtdy today accepted an anpointmenl lo the mate execu tive buard of the Hoover Koinililicun club of Orecon. Hlnce Hoover has announced himself as a republican, liis Biiiportera in the state have started an orga'iiiutlon to handle his campaign. Tho state organiza tion is in the hands of O. ('. Loiter of Portland who yesterday wired Mr. Kddv asking him to accept the appointment. Mr. Eddy today ac cepted the position on the state '..... i.i. Hoover is hein Riven con &tderale support in Orecon. lie was a resident of Oreaon for six years and was a graduate of an Ore son college, and is informed on Ore gon's resources and needs. The club expects to put forward an active campaign in the near future. M.lltltii:i YKSTKUU.sY. W. Tl, l.erwlll and Mrs. Rosle A. I.ervill were married yesterday at the office of Justice of the Peace I. H. Riddle. Mrs. I.erwell in addition to being the wlfo of Mr. Lerwell is nlso a sister-in-law of her husband, having heen previously married to his brother, now deceased. Tfhey will make their home at Tiller. CAUI) OF THANKS. Wo desire to express our hcirt- felt thanks to our friends and neigta- Dors nna to tne w . it. v., . u. and B. P. O. K. for the many favors shown us in the loss of our husiiand and fnther. E. n. Hagen. M It8. E. D. H AGES', J. W. HAOEN. MR. ANT) MRS. J. M. CYRUS. Satisfied Customers We do a great deal of advertising in various ways, but we believe toat ths most favorable publicity which we receive is through the snsdlum of a "satisfied customer." Such customers talk about us to other prospective customers, and this cosalitutes "advertising by word of mouth," and Is most effec tive. Besides providing the very best of service, we Install every conven ience that a good store can obtain. or stock of ready to wear dry goods Is arriving, men's overalls, oats, shoes, shirts, men's and women's hosiery and underwear. Our prices are as low as right quality can be had for anywhere. If we have not had the pleasure of serving you, we should like to yeu to eur list of "Satisfied Customers." Peoples Supply Company Miss Lulu Sterling and Miss Bergh, residents of Superior, Wis consin, arrived In Hoseburg yester day from California, where they have boen spending the past few weeks, and will visit here for several days with Miss Mutlle Perry. Mrs. Sarah Russell and Mrs. C. V. Parks, who are all cousins of Miss Sterling. Miss Sterling and Miss Bergh are en- f route home. WE SELL Edison MADZA LAMPS Douglas County Light'and Water Co. Strong Women Bv. Da. Valentin Mott. 4 ' Kfforts are belli made to put thru the orinigal plana (or the aerial fur eat patrol, according to a telegram received by the Chamber of Com merce from Senator Charles L. Me Xary. Some time ago Col. Arnold recommended to the air service that a large Dumber of planes le atatioiud fn the northwest for fire patrol duty. 11 in plan was taken up with the general staff and was given con sideration but on account of the nhorlHue of planes and pilots It was deemed advisable to cut down the number of machines for patrol pur poses. Consequently only one squad ron was provided for Oregon, With IhiB pltahle force it would be impos sible to properly patrol the vast tim bered area that should be given pro tection. The Chamber of Commerce took (his matter up with the Oregon delegation to congress and finally despatched the following telegram: Senator C. L. McNary; Washington, I). C. "The Roseburg Chamber of Com merce is vitally interested in secur ing airplane fire patrol protection for her large area of timlter. Col onel Arnold has Btrongly recom mended and outlined the nature of service necessary and we trust that you can urge favorable action. Cham ber of Commerce." In answer to this the following was received today: "Chamber of Commerce, Rogehurg. Ores. "I am In hearty accord with tho desire to provide for adequate air-i plane fire patrol as evidenced by my' amendment which passed tho senate anpioprlatlon, sixty thousand dollar being provided for that purpose. I , urn thoroughly disappointed by the ruling of the general staff of the army who have recommended only, one air Bquadron for this purpose.! I have again appealed to the war) department and will press this claim: strongly. Senator Clias. L. Wlc- Nary." i 1 Organizations all over the entire etate have requested the Oregon delegation to push thin maiter as strongly as possible and it may be. that their influence will assist In providing greater protection next ! year. The airplane method of forest patrol has been approved by all who have feeti it in operation and who are familiar with the results ob tained and it is hoped this year to extend the service and to add to the number of shlim assigned for duty. The appropriation provided Is large enough to maintain many more ma chines than have heen provided by the air service and it is hoped to pet more planes assigned to duty in this state. Notice Is hereby given thnt the annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Uoseburg Building Homes ( Association will be held at the of-1 flee iif the secretary, George Neuner Jr., Rooms 210-11-13 Perkins Hide., 1 City of Hoseburg. Oregon, on Wed nesday the 1 4th day of April, 192D, ! at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors and three audit ota for the ensuing year, re-' ceivlng the annual report of the secretary, and transacting any and all such other business as may pro perly come before said meeting. Dated at Hoseburg, Oregon, this 31st day of Mnrch, 1920. f a '0 KKOROH N KCNKR. JR.. Sec XOTICK OF sfCKIIOMKltS MKKTINU OK T1IK OH'yCA t.iunviits' ASSOCIATION l Notice Is Hereby Given, that the annual meeting of tho stockholders otf the Umpqua Growers Assoclutlon will be held at the City Hall, cor ner of Main and Oak Btreets. in tho city of Rosebutg. Or. on Monday tho 12th day of April. 1920, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, for the purpose of receiving the re port or the Hoard of Directors and transacting any and all other busi ness that may properly come before said meeting. Dated this 31st day df March, 1920, at Kottehurg, Douglas County, Oregon. GKORGE NEUNER, JR., Secretary. All Have Good Time at Social Women and men too are just aa strong and healthy as their blood. Vigor and health come with good blood. Without good red blood a woman ha a weak heart and poor nerves. In the spring is the best time to take stock of one's condition. If the blond is thin and watery, face pale or pimply, if one is tired and I listless, generally weak, a Spring I Tonic should be taken. An old I fashioned herbal remedy that was used by nearly everybody 50 years ' ago is still safe and sane because it contains no alcohol or narcotic. It is made of roots and herbs and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical ! Discovery. If druggists do not ! keep it in tablet form, send 60 cnta ! tnT a vial tn Tr Piprc'a Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was tlie reception Riven by the Ladies' Aid society of the .Methodist church at the beautiful home of iMra. A. O. Marstcrs on Thursday evening. The spacious rooms were tastefully decorated with spring flowers, ferna and palms, and a spirit of hearty welcome prevailed. At least a hundred guests Joined in the pleasures of the evening. The InterestlHR program which had been prepared for the occasion consisted of vocal boIos by Leon McOhnlock accompanied by Mrs. Jas. Watson, and Miss Claire (iazley accompanied by Miss Hazle Hinkle. These num bers were well rendered and were much enjoyed. Ernest Arundel and Hinkle oach furnished piano solos and the appreciation, of their eoiffls were made manifest by the hearty encore they received. Splen did readings were given bv Mrs. V. W. Ashcraft, Mrs. I) R. Shanibrook and Mrs. F. A. Stewait. in their us ual characteristic manner, and It Ik needless to say their numbers brot; forth heartv spplutis", each respond ing willingly. At the conclusion of the program the merry group in dulged in games until a late hour when delieiou refreshments were served hfter which all returned to their various homes well pleased with the evening's entertainment. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Malley. Mrs. Compton and Mrs. Markers. NOTICE OF SALE OF COVEltN MK.NT TIMHKIt. General Lund of fice, Washington, D. C. March 20, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limita tions of the Act of June 11. 1 '.1 10 (39 Stat.. 218). and the Inslrucllons of tlie Secretary of tho Interior of Sep tember 15, 1917, tho timber on the following lands will be sold May 12. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Hoseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the apprained value as shown by fhls notice, sale to he subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of, one-fifih of one per cent thereof, being commissionc allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be relumed If pule is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Illds will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations orgnnlzed under the laws of tho United States or any stnte, territory or district thereof only. Upon Application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any leenl subdivision will be offered separately before being included In any offer of a Inrger 'tnlt. T. 16 R. R. 1 W., Sec. 7. Lot 2. fir !" M.. Lot 3, fir 300 M., not to be sold for less than $1.60 per M. T. 19 S.. It. 1 W'., Sec. 33. SW'4 SW",, fir 1000 M., SKVi SW14, fir 1070 M.. not to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. T. 37 8.. n. 7 V., Sec. 11. NE'4 NE14. fir 515 M., sugnr pine 3f M.. none of th9 flr timber to he sold for less than $1.25 per M., and none of the sugar pine limber to he sold for less than $3.00 per M. T. 37 S.. It. 7 W.. Sec 13. Lot fi, fir H0O M., NWV( KKV. fir 600 M.. pine 25 M., SW", SKU . fir 2000 M., Lot 7, fir 1200 M., NE'4 SW14, flr 170 M., pine 170 M.. SK SWlj, fir 1 200 M.. none of the flr timber to be sold for esi tbnii $l.2r per M.. and none of the pine timber to be sold for less than $2 50 per M. CLAY TAI.LMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. In Ue For Over 30 Years Always bears Co RON A liie IVrsonul Writing Machine." prlc? $:j0 no with case, fii r coitnov, Accnt, 121 Cuss Sf. t...e!Mire SODA Buy It By the Cae All Flavors Rosebur Dairy and Sod Works PHONF inn But; Garments that serve you Style is a wonderful thinjr, marking you as in the , mode and giving you an individuality, if you choose wisely. But service see that you get garments made right. will give you service that you expect, so it proves its value as you wear it. See the dainty, becoming serviceable coats and suits we are offering during this month. BURCHflRlTS SQUARE STORE 0 Foutch's Restaurant Comer Cass and Sheri lan Newly renovated and fitted up. Finest dining room in Roseburg. Prices Reasonable Services Good Try Our Meals You Will Like Them GERM5 can't live in pastuiized BUTTER and Cream Insist on Jersey Brand IT'S PASTURIZED Douglas County Creamery ANTLERSTHEATRE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14- Alcazar Stock Company IK THE KW VOBK CRAMATIC SENSATION "BROADWAY AFTER DARK" A Story of New York Political and Society Life. Another Great Show! Seats now on Sale. Prioas 23, 33, 30, 75, Plus Tax The Umpqua Savings and Loan Association OIUiAM.r ! 1917 Capital Stock $200,000.00 0!?ftr" you a lart;r return rn a pnvlnga account than outside concerns, who pay largo cotmniftflioni to stock sales ui on. Investigate our pioposiifoa hefore inventing. Office with Douglas Abstract Company, 243 North Jackson St