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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1909)
THE EVENING NEWS - MOVIUY, NOVEMBER H. HMD. THE EVENING NEWS IIY B. W. BATES KiHVUU DAILY KXCK1T SU.MJAY Subscription Hates Daily Fr year, by mail 3.00 Ii!c month, delivered... 50 Hrinl-Weekly Per year 2.00 Six months 1.00 MONDAY, NOVKMIIEII K, H. 'Is your name written there" on Tho Kvenlns Nowh' subscription tHJOKH? At tho rate now subscribers for The Evening News Itoseburii's on ly vii du ly nro IjkIiik received, lie- 'ore the present, week closes our list if tlioHo who will recelvo the paper nurularly each day will be larger than any other paper published In llDseliuri;. Verily, here seems l o all kindsoof room for a real, live daily paper in KoschiirK. A Hnn Fiunclsco millionaire after 1ourteen4veijiy0 u0jnnp-1k-l if hlH wife on the grounds of having married hlui for his money. The wife must he an exieediniily Rood woman In a cutm where afler all himo years no belter excuse for n divorce from Unit alleged can be found U Why do democrats and democratic newspapers so severely denounce the proposed "assembly" plan pno-osed toy republic-ins for I lie suggestion of hn nominees on their own ticket? 11 Is hecnupc all the Miotics told ot democrats registering as republicans. prior lo the last general primary to lefeut republicans are true? They must, lie or Ibis talk iignlnBt the "ns wembly" would net be made by those who are "democrats solely for prin ciple." They would bnvo nothing to object lo In what is done for Its own government by the republican party lld they not have some selfish mo tion which piQmpts them to condemn . Mimelhlng which should In all rca win be none of their concern. VUlh our Improved Increased rail road prospects our present line street paving is very likely to look like 30 cents as compared with tho amount nf work In tills lino that will be done next yeur. Willi the terminus or the Oregon Uleclrlc .Hallway lino from tho north at lioseburg not only will thorn be a great Increase In street tmving but much moro building done Ihnn was pushed to c pletlon this year. II Is evident Hint we will not only have our rull share of the gen eral prosperity Is beginning to prend over the entire country from nnn end lo the oilier, hut wo will hum a very big lot of good times nrhirh will belong exclusively to Hrauhurg and liougias county. Till.V'JK VK THINK. Tho man with polished manners always shows you his bright side. Taft stands on tho tariff. That ought to keep the schedules down. The race between Cook and Peary hinges on who shall have the pole. Peary says ho nailed tho flag to tho pole and has Cook nailed and has demonstrated In other ways that he is somewhat of a knocker. The person with an evenly-modulated voice will hold your attention long after the person with a loud, high-pitched voice has lost his wind. Tho Cleveland Plalndealer has dis covered that there are 3,000 ways of making pumpkin pies and this num ber presumably does not Include the way mother makes em. Someone who claims to know says that in the days when l.jiHn wan a ' . ffflfflffgn iSffl'P" Wliir" meant "something to eat." The edi ble variety Isn't raised In Douglas county. Don't keep your children living In fear of some fearful punishment or allow them to feel Uuit they are not ns good as their associates. It will develop a feeling of timidity that will be a great handicap in tneir lat er fight with the world. One of the demure daughters of the "400" has completed making a payment of two and a half millions for one of those gilded puppets of Europe's aristocracy which she re- cenlly Imported. Here must be a tariff schedule which a watchful and benevolent republican congress for. got to revise. CLEVEI-AXD NEiS'8. A Chicago professor argues that we should teach our young ladies and girls the Jlu Jltsu system so Hint they will be utile to defend themselves from vile-minded men. Young ladles who spend their spare time with as sociates morally their cnunlg will find a knowledge of Jlu Jltsu of little prnctleal use. Beauty Is said to lie skin deep, but wh?i would want a hide like a rhinoceros? Wbon they get to making news papers out of corn stocks tho thrifty farmer will take a stent of fodder to town and luivo the printer run him up n year's supply of reading matter while he waits. After riding with Dr. Houck in his auto, N. LI. McBeath and Conrad Long decided to purchase them one if Dorrls Davis would go in with them. Mr. Davis says he will take a share if Jess Tooly will loan him some monoy. Mr. Tooly will ac commodate his warm friend, provid ed Mr. Morgan's family will pay their "board bill." Mr. Morgan said the Moon shines more this year than It ever has be fore. A. E. Martin Is thinking of mov ing to Washington D. C. We don't understand what for, but perhaps Air. lan could leu us. Prof. Geo. A. Crane is in the wild erness of the Cascade mountains near Prospect. He is teaching school in the day time and trapping rats at night. There Is a prospect for a school. Creed Conn liays he can stand the snow storm as well as anybody. While shearing sheep for Geo. Al derson, Davo Good and J. Alderson got more woo) in their teeth than in tho sacks. Mr. K. II. Crane has returned from h$8 fnrtndlt Cleveland and moved to the Metropolis of Douglas and Is now a man of leisure. Walllee Alurdock Is having good luck catching "Dog Salmon." Good luck to you, Wulllce. Dan Hall was seen passing over the streets of Cleveland, driving Kobert ilaydon's $500 team. Wo are glad to hear that Frank Conn bus found his Sii.00 hat while on bis road to Cleveland. Conrud Long Immagined that he could shoot better in the dark than by electric lights. JOKER. LOCAL MAItliET 'I'eaclicr's Annual Institute. In accordance with Sec. G3 of the Oregon School I.nws. the County Superintendent of Douglas county, will hold at Uoseburg, coninienclng lug Wednesday, November 17, and conl inulug three days, an annual ln stilute for the teachers of said county-All teachers of the county are re quired by law to attend, unless ex cused by the Silpt. for some unavoid able cause, and nil hoards of direr- v;.f?,?i?,!?i bp ?,r,?w Ph?.? iV p"aT'frtrPoUiiic( lotJtfi .UlJit- tendance at said Institute. A good programme lias been pre pared and I trust every teacher will make an effort to attend. . Yours verv truly. Till ItMAN CI1ANHY. tf County Superintendent. FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! ! Tho rHlzctiH of Salem have done a wIko thing In imtttiiK up only one Ret or rnnriululmt Tor tho city ciiiin rU. Thorn Ih wIhoiii tn such a ennrne In that tho iiomtnci-H nr sure ly th choice of a majority of the tax tuit in h, and when the election Ik ovur evorvhiidv will have no erourh an win ric mm mm mini ikiohumk inu rity. OutHide of Portland pollth-H -perwmullllt'H, Hpflo work or any i-on-tnntloii in (hi? Khapt1 of a side issui of any ho it tthould not he porinltU'd to rat nny Hmiro In it municipal elec tion. They dlHlract, miner mid di vide n community wllhoul. any koimI TUHiiltinn from mich a declnion, and cfci the heat of content many men are rushed into oftlcQl position who would never ei (here while the tax-payni-H were In their cool and care ful HenseH. Unm-liur hiwr been eminently siieceHal'ul in Ihn election or her ollli ialH diirliiK these years, 'Vi ' hi 1 in iN'jHiMiur, ihh r mil only been chosen hut elected hy the citm ntt who have not Koite. mad any occiislin and In: rodmvd polities in vDy elecilons. If this shall he the general policy hcrciu'ier. for six" or mKhl years at least, tho growth of I liosetniiK will continue to he pushed! Itnwiinl liv mill. i.l . II. iTl .... ' : " '"wi"t f Its taxpayers, ami will advance by Senps and hounds until some peace jlest rover Inl rod nees pol It les. Then l.e will be back' d by others whose ui;erness for ntllce II divide the workinn and huildliiK force of the city Into discordant and destroying fiu-linns In order that they may have an opportunity of securing spoils. J Ol It OltM ltS. In the matter ot the petition of (). CSmiter and others for a county road In road district No. -Iti. Ordered that the board of toad viewers meet Hi Die tnnnininn point of mi id mad n ho eighteenth day of November 1 fli'S, and proceed to fcurdtlii' to net il 'no ! In the matter of (he petition of A. j .1. YYnoilard and A. K. V heeler ask- : iiK for a ipilt claim deed fii tne ouuly to certain hinds sold hy thel county as delitupteuts: Petitioners rcriiisted to furnish atistract gjfh. 1 11 111! Hj .MIIIU.I .1 , I I U. Thp claim of Harvey 3rn)n. ftr $it danuiijes. for a horse .vm h sustitlued a broken le by j - r J C .Qppitm Inio a knot hole in the Sandy flnp nnn Anp thirfl MPP IVtck LrldKe, near l.eona. was disal- UIIU lllllu ,UI' Sowed. I Petition for a county road between I FOOTBALL! 00 U. of 0. 0. A. C. j University Campus, Eugene iS, Friday, Nov. 19, '09 The Southern Pacific Company Will make a round trip fa 'aro to Cereals, WIIKAT 11,00 OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton; grain, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17. ROLLED DA HLUY $30.00 ton. Live stroll. STEBllS -Alive, 3c lb. COWS Allvo 2V,c. VI'ML Dressed, 6c. lb. 14008 Pressed, 8c; Allvo Gc. SIIKIOP 314 c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 12c; dressed, 12c: ducks. allvo, 9 (iii. 10c; dressed, 14 16c. HIITTER Creamery, 42 Vic lb country, 37 hie lh. KOOS 4 0c doz. POTATOKSNew, lc Ih. WOOI., Spring, 24c; full, 20c; year clip, 24c. 1-IONKY 12 c. CAIIHAGE 1 ',ic. lb. ONIONS 2c lb. , mtl REGAL I -JJL, m iimm m t f riHTIMI OO t & ; . CAItl'KTS and JtUOS. I Wa;m Shoes for Cold Weather We have special wintcr-weifcl'.t tlioca in cur new Regal models that we recommend to enyene v. licsa fect are sensitive to the cold. NoMini clum:y in sty!? cr ft cbcut tiiese heavy Regal ILfio's. They are U skillfully r.a-J: t!:at iSey afford the same comfort ar,d have tiie same s.nat appearance as a scrr.i dress shoe. Tiic-re's one uic!:, TuTe fvy if p;db;ng tk;3 come to our store and !ry on a pai-. are the only ready-to-weir ahoct ii C-.x n-r'A are made in quark.-.sUei. fijou Uf-. i: ; Detween tlie lull t.-.d IlU :;c3 cr ord n?..- i.-m Regal Shoes are tin only shoes in which y. j c secure perfect fit tad comfort. The quality of leather! and v.'orkx&nshS Kegal ohoes is standard everywhere. We are the exclusive bej accr.ts f-r jegai and m liarth's Toggery 1 1 JJ fi irh-eut '(gal Atarm Mj4 1()'T CliOW OVKK GLASSES oopaoao that you have bought at a bargain, nargain glasses aro about the dear est investment you can make. We chnrgo a right prlco because our your sight as only skilled opticians can do. They will aid you when bar gain glasses are just as apt to In jure II U E Y Jeweler ami Optician. Our stock of Carpets and Rugs la complete up to date. Ingrain carpets at 30c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c, 75c, and 85c per yard. Hugs In room siz(! from $i.35. In all wool, to $35. Complete line of all Qasses of furniture. tf U. W. KTltONG, Tho Furniture cMiQCP :::::::::::::::::::::: :: SWELL SAMPT FS II jKo Ooooocrao O00OOM F0Ro SPRING B0 DGE Reliable Tailor The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare :oooo ca ooo o o oo o co cj o o o"o " "CS CO Where are You Going to Trade? UKene anil from nil stations from for a' hm-sc ! 1'ortland to noaeburg inclusive of Sale dates November 1G and I'.Hh . Siiriniter. dismissed because of al-1 l'J0i. ChiMroii under 12 half fare, UCKi'd ili'tei-t In iM'tltlon. jPliriiirlllon ot $10 per month' to the Hoys' and lilrls' Aid Sm-lety. I .if I'orlland. until such lime ns the 1 court nmyQli'cin ll win' to dtscon- j ktlliui) said amount. Sec the great annual game Siopor, the ncancr and pressor, between the two leading colleges of lias lutrt. received lift Odl and v, Inter tho state. camples from tho Itojnl Tailors, Chi cago. All mo latest weaves and de signs aro shown. If you nre look ing for somovhlng swell can on him. lr lias the goods at the llKht prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. tf. Abdul llamld Is writing a book Hn uerslsls lu iieisecutlng niaukiud. For rates, sche fules, etc., call on any Southern Pacific agent or on Wm.lcMURUAY, Geuoral Passeuger Agent, Portland, Oregon. AT THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS O C23 O C3 OO O for the LEAST MPNEY. jo Try .Them In Your Order For GENTSiFURNISHINGS AND SHOES Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them For Dry Goods The People's Cooperative Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. ROCLAMATION NO. 2 1 BE IT KNOWN'; to all people, especially the ladies, that Thanksgiving Day will soon be here, and that it behooves you to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore; you are hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy; first a gocd enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that old iron one longer. By so doing you can get one of the best , Heed pattern, a woman'3 invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and with each a 6" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving Day. Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with roaster is gooit but will not fill the place gf a carving set. iSbod work is done best with good tools. Also do not forget that a good msat chopper is necessary in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other delicacies. Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock. Witness my hand and seal. The Ironmonger OOo 03 OOOqOO O O 01 F. H. CHURCHILL 0 o oRose&we. Oj-g'on WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the palate. THE ROSE Next to Fostottice. nure we nave mates snirt waists. kimonos, long and short ones; bath robes, aprons, long ones with and without sleeves: tea aprons, black niiu nulla W11M1B, ttUU Ull K1UUS OI neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear coats, and hoods for the babies. Also a Urat-ciasa Una of millinery. Our 1 ic, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are 4 loaded with good things. How do we sell themt Why X uui-aper man anyooay else. Wnyr Ueeause our expenses are less. Be a Mlssouiiaus: come in and let us show X ou- c t Leaders In Popular Priced Goods. X Home of the lc Post Card. The 0 Fair fciMfctafca n K , , , n n iuililil ft s. SEE . I W INNIE GADE)IS I THE PLUME ER Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe An thing Ton Want SKy Lights. Cornfce,0 ,1 eavy Iron Tanks PHONE 1284 ? - . LINE SPINE STS mfi 99