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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1900)
rEOfLS IOC all mow. fMixrdar a tai'y. id 15-Mr.. regV.ereJ at Lie ! l u-yi'i- Harry Lei Luto to bt boM by for lb l v it ir. c - to lixJay .rj lte:r tcme at Grata Valiey. C. W. Dibble. prt:rjtt Xm'jth. , axt varrirg coci frw tie , mow." ii op-'tom i'orilaxd in tL. io-; . ol '- prodo-? " . Ho, John Kmrnervil ,f from Idaho yetteruay. ar.J ,---.-a - tWtUn-e-iibbUUnn y. . , raa.e in from ttat p- yei:crw. . ; tpendini today is to n. Re. r. F. Haak. bo irae a t.ort trip to Port :anJ. ill retara bnv t irht and occopy bit pa'ptt loavorro. inr- .i Mr. John Foon cax faaerat of Mrt. Fuix a c , Hojth G:nn and J. P. V'lcerry are Ukinc ttt.'r aonaai balb at t-t. lart:a t marten, barir.x r:c doa oa lie boat ; yetrday. Mr. and Mr. J- WeKia.!, tare Ft oa.e Ciu in Antel. arr:ri - toa ye!rr ca tb aay in ttit borne at Maltecr ei:;- Mr. Joba F5::b as-i ki. Bay. rate dwa !rom M'yro :riT aa-i fst Uoiar kit. Mrt. -jc r ' i k. (,irl -r" T i 1- ' -u-. . vTi.kiWt:trtM eia-!. He i atijias5ti ty 5. W. i (Xi-'ini a i daagiitT. E:wr Go- Ferrwc. i i o bat ft Li f! ire Tir;-i. t: BMrbraxkl tdiirf rt-Jtrre aa Jrjffndt iaCeatrC 5raia. rec.Ewd tn&e yta t a'-.r-ii-..ti. !r. Fe-rt-.a i.ti tb wta: tj:-nbat ! ftrrett frona tAa a oouun bere. beitg eiirea- ly cnui. aiding, tfcere t:c et atnt tire caw ; a ;arr sajtwroi re iiiKiioa ,t tv, taie iJ, wbea conlro&lea ia toae c-o-. ' fat&erpi at tie G2".cre bojte?ead, t o ' cw;it cf getticz on record, rote W. J. Kerr, tf CItlTi. ariT-i . J fuca ti lirer, on tie Wasf:icg-; ivt tKe bi:l. It if (ail ttat at lean fjor froia that p?e reriaT ax-4 it at ti r) fitiay ahernoca at 1 o'elock r ftit bith boosea tow for tbe Mrt. Icjm TiAi7a ail rr. ; .j M t tbe rirer many Verraa Ccr, ca J . rf rf aomtnd it to froai Le-an-.a 13 b jrewxt at tie re-. ' ' ar-UtieCer laa t. will rrrajOi Fe!at cemetery. bere tbe re teeiit : iTjr g t jat a a'jrt paxt j were ioterreKJ, corered with a nrcv. Mr. .vn tat ba attest ? profatioB ol flywert, among b;ch wat a iroaa i l -a- j e i- Tnn, m:i v ber fraesct a'ro ux-1 ber 5 art t:fit at Ue tvKZ o Dr. ! B:&ebart, t'.e tutottd aot to bare eiasred is tbe Wet, bstwat tie aasve Mary otter obtained from tbote who accompanied jcTtlr- tie tody bJ tbe city. Instead of tbe , lamp exploding in ber lap, it n ac E'pteV WiI-r4 5'n UU 'tt ,oricidenta!iy knocked from the table by 'one of tbe litt!e bora and canght tbe tJjirt Wa. ! carpet, la attempt'ing to escape from jibe room, M let Gilmore dreei raagut .K13' fT"', "OBf l-r-. In ber terror, the raa from the tb paeecrrt on tbe bal Una tborn- , . iag bound tor PorCaod. ! roon' tbe flamea completely eneloptnt CB.rrb-awaei. town yesterday, DUd rMcbed thLa ,twe,1 "ben oabiawayfrxn prjrtiand. w bere be bat f Johnnie Bennett caoght her and wrap been aiti-.inz b.t family, to bit beme at ping a blanket aronnd ber, extinguished Antelope. Ta"H3maa Heart" company, eleven ia aemter, amred in tbe city iart eren ia from Portend and are rejitteml at tbe L'fsaliia. Vie France Van Victor went oat to W. X. Brown' ranch Sunday where the will teach a private Kbool for a few aaoBtbt. Condon Giobe. J. A. B.'aketey.depaty tberi? of Uma tilla oonry. who came down from Pen dietoa oi oral batioee. tpent yester day wi;b t. brother, G. C. Biakeley. WilVir Bton came op on tbe trtin from Prt:anl hatarday to attend the fwnerai rif Mr. Bjiton't niece, Maggie Gi.'more. He ie.'t today for Antelope. Cr. and Mrt. G. C. Ebelman, who hare made tbeir home ia Dafar for aome time, mortd into tbe city catqrdir, baricf rented a boneon Eighth street eppo A. K. Tbotcpton. Mr. H. P. Le, who bat tpent the pl few weekt at Good Samaritan hot pttal in Portland, retarned house laM nibt, bavin; pawed throo1, a difficult operation, and it now grealiv improving in health. ' j Brore Johnfon it op from bit heme In California viiting bit grandparents,! Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Hood. Having been , bat a tmall child when be left here, Dalles people can scarce!? recosnrze in ! Bruce the tame lad who plaved aroond thettreettof Tbe Dailet ee'veral years inc. Tawlay a Daily. B. San hnan, of Mt. Hool, ! la town today. F. 3. Stark, of Antelope, came in from that place yetter Jay on baiiness bent. K. H. Webber, tbe nortery man, left on the train tbis morning for Portland. Charles Bagley, who accompanied W. V. Gil more in from Antelope with bis daughter's body, has letarned to that berg. C. J. Van Doyn drove In from Tygh yesterday bandied nptt if it were a cold day. There are few cold davt for Charlie, however, for he never gets left. He is in oa a baamees trip. B. K. Tucker came op lan night from bia place at Tucker, five miles from Hood K ver on the Mt. Hood road, and is transacting bntiners in town today. He returned the semi-weeklv calls which Th Chbomclb make at his home. Jaeob (Jurist, of Fairfield, was among or visitors today. He mm he never eaw it snow harder limn it did when he came down 3-MiIehill thi m'.rning, and aa tbe wind was blowing, the trip as not a pleasant one. Mr. Obrin fears for the froit in hfs vicinity. The cherry tre are tome of them in bloom ar.rl I orrhardists say if a cold snap comes it iiaoieio am tne trees a well as tbe A BpUadid flay. It was a great satisfaction in nli. people last night to again Jiaten to a1 good play, one which appealed to the; unman neart and maoe all feel that they had advanced, instead of retro graded by listening to i'.s teachings. "Human Hearts" is well named, for in tbe p'ay is depicted all phases of that mil DAILx-a wxjjuji , I member ci th. toa oaMW; from the tweet innocent ol ehi:doood j to the black devutryot nm -j 1Ucl th Tbe iner :u.e U joMbefar.hlertwilearllbeEr.alrewar ! of tilOM to Jv::ow the pain U wirto. tft pfMMtt4 ia toca rx-ar M 13 ; : bate snirrvi (evilec'Ir i atrtdtd, aid aay t I ;ittiosi were beastiJs!, tbe t..wi j Tie ,-ari c tie tUy. i u tt. .tUr oi arytiUg ; . a eot r.t. - . n:.r Lave itei K t J ; i: !tt eitr pr2 fr, aJ jU a ae 5 tie ri,- -a L dniJ ti tU .t aiJ T.; ejx TM , .bo,M fr1-fU Kapctka tie traap, Ti-a Lrccao. or ti I:rg liy, ibe esi e ai .r. Ss r.i :t My C2 pnlid- j j SWEET REST FROM SUFFERING ' r!t rnirl' avmr4teK ta latk f HIot fw' Irar- ... , . J 1. Tie terr.b erwastaccet vtics eaotd ber death, ttaJe tbe oc-! ra&cua dMU'j ta-L ET. D. . Po'.iEg esbdnced tie eerrioM, r.T:Eg a abort ; ailreat rsliej to the octatkn, and t a; -rfj-late trxti were ratg by Eer. Pofieg aid W. F S i5ft. Tbe pa!! : bearer Ho'tcn, Grant Maj , V. Kwiatr, Cnf:t,L. Curtif and M. ' lrjti . At I be faseral i-rotrttUm , wreath from tbe Antelope tcbool. Fnller martin ara of the accident wbich canted Miet Gilanore'a death are the flame. He was badiy horned about tbe band and writts. At fret tbe physician did not deem ber eaee aeceFtarily fata!, although four Cfibs of the (urface of tbe body was badly barned and tbe tufTered terriblv. It bowever, developed later that the i swallowed the fire, which caused her I death. Her grandmother, Mrs. Gil more, who wat there at the time, with great pres ence of mind for one of ber years, grabbed a flier mat and beat out the flames ia the room, thus earing the house and prehap tbe lives of tbe little one. Mlts Gil more was attending school in Antelope and bad made msny friends there, who deeply deplore ber sad fate. Kaprroloa of Gratitude. Although having been almost core. plete'y stunned by the sorrow which came upon ns in the terrible death of our daughter, Maggie, we arj not in sensible to the many kindnesses be stowed upon os by friends on every hand; on the contrary we cm never txpreets onr thanks sufficiently. While 1 it is well nigh impossible to designate among those who were particularly thoughtful and helpful were Messrs. S Bolton and J. Ruhertson. We take this means of thanking yoa all. Mb. asd Mrs. W. D. Gilmore. Bobbed tha Gist. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by '.him as follow: "I was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and side, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cian had given me op. Fortonately, a iriend advised "Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and urpriee, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, end robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A Houghton s drag store. & Ila.Lln'a Funeral February 3. Losdox, Jan. 21. The remains of ohn Ko'kin. io eccordance with a wish expressed yesterday, will be interred in .wuinuiLii, in. luiiciii win mae place on Februarys. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Falk. Uuka ofTcek Dead. Londox, Jan. 22 The demisi of the DukeofTeck occurred at 7:13 Sunday evening. The doke 'ied from pneu monia, f:er an illnest of several dava. tttV rrcTT?nvTrrr.T:. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY . ' I I . . . . . r- LANAL bILL iifii uAVX Iliss ,,ww:i r, f P r Tt tie itire . lyOTtrwt- iiktWilI,S;diti0n. Aboat &X)0 worth cf blanket. trt -fx.ier Cj3"-' 5t Ten, tt Aceari s t tl ! tb peBt ct car f peaier KeoJerK it ia !aTir te tb lid an! cf proapt a-.:- -fuur ryr, pr-acu. ten w lie eaie, ao-a cuun aai eprn lt aeei ttat - it LO U! t paed at aa ear'.T date. 7v . . . . n. i rm t'r.m ttrrtraral 4 . ' . rr- cf tie jrnidetu Tbere ia an over bdaiBi: icajw-ItT ia both hou-a of rirfrf ia fatx cf tbe fntizg U.I anl tbe retort ol tbe Wa'kr comsiUfion. Many mea ia tbe boate eUed ai nocwscaiitt! ara ttroog'.T incliced ti j fafvr tie Htpbara Vi.l, bet are ccwiil j scf to rmuil tbo:Tef before tb I bare Ka tba report cf tbe committee. S4ze of tboce bo arc oppoceJ to artioa . .... . . ... s.a,tori wboexpren decided prelertcce, cn ay or tbe other, are Urge:y adaiiniitratioa men, ho wi:l be ic3aeccd ia their rotea br tbe detire of tbe president and tbe administration leadert. Tt.e knowledge that Preeidect MoK:dt it acxioot to tee the canai t: i 1 paed br tbia conzrett It beiiere-J, istare tbe rotet of tbete tena tori for tbe meatare. Blds.r Hum ! ia Partlaad. The Ha aeon divorce caee, which hat been brccght so prominently and of fensively before tbe people for tome time past, bat ended at many tuch cases do tragically. Latt night Hon. W. K. E'.lit, who patted tbrocgb the city on bis way to Heppner, broegbt Ibe news of the taiciJe of Sidney Hawton by shooting himself yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock in the hotel at Portland. M.iney rlawton is well known in Gilliam county, and for that part throughout Eastern Oregon, having been a member of the legislature some years since. Of late years be baa been man ager of the Moody warehouse at Arling ton, having lived there tince ISM. Kine years ago be was married, and for the past five years there has been continual domestic tronble, bis wife charging him with fxretsive drining and ill treat ment of ber and asking for the custody of two children. He in turn accused her of infidelity. For seme months the Arlington Advocate has been airing the family troubles, and since the divorce case came no in Portland Iat Thursday, the Oregonian has given it prominence. Fall particulars as to the tnicid have not been obtained, but co doubt the un fortunate man grew despondent over the stale of aflairs, or may have taken to excessive drinking whicb caused the terrible deed. A trigntful HI under Will often cause a horrible burn, fcald.cotor bruiee. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and prorup'.ly hen! it. Cures old sores, fever tores, ulcers, boils, corn;, felons and all akin eruption'. Beet pile core on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, druggiets. 1 A.hland Woolen Mill tieatroyrd. Ashlasd, Or., Jan. 21. The Ashland woolen mill, one of the oldest industrial establishments in the state, owned and operated by Messrs. E. K. & G. X. An- Ho Tried a Sample Bottle Kearie ,n r,r,i . store and ak the Drueirisu to recommend tome medicine for their trouble. Very! neswi to pre- , CICI, n Mill anyone has a cough, cold or throat anllr,rr trouble. -I al way. recommend Acker Ki.r- lifh Remedy, rxi-aufe I know Just what it yrill do. It has cured every cae wliero I tiaveaeen it tried. It is the best expectorant I and tonic I ever handled in my 14 years' w.Kcm.ic. i in giTeiim one instance or, gentleman who had been troubled ftir years with a naaty, hacking cough. I ad wed Acker s Knirliflh Remedy. He tried a rumple bottle, and was cured heforo he had taken half of It, at no cot whatever. -Thia I an exceptional re, however, a it usually take two or three bottle.." (Signed) A. II. Cow a. I'.ellofontaine, Ohio. fold nt 2.V.. .W.. and Si a bottle, through out thel'nite.l Mi.:t.-. un-l Cnnala; and in Knjland. nt 1. 2 1 . '2. Hil.. 4.. If you are not .ati-Hl m'ur huvinir, return the bottle to your Urufjbt, and get your iuwuey B evlhmix tt abort fwnxntft! V. IL it CS.. ivurkWrt, cv YrK FOR 84 LE BY Blakeley & Houghton. WAV , ... tMMt ranital 1 . ;. n tfit-e.!1 ranita oenra,ni"'"" ' 0f over f.OCO, and regularly employing thirty to thirty-fire bandt. wa de- (troyed by fire, wbicni toppotea v have originated in Ibe weaving room I ir. tV. j tbU morning t 5:10 o'clock. McMn- I ery to the !o ol 130(0 ku reevnlly bera edJuJ to tbo plant, and tbe con- : . ik. m rt nrrikrtMnni m n- auJ bUnkrticg in procei of njanofac 'tare if aleo botned. Tbe intnranre on 1 t-'e bnudlng and iU contenti amoonted ta I3,V;0. HUNG HIMSrF. 1T'"'.' Hit Fraaa "rlaf; WLea F. H. Wakefield reached LU bja;e on Tenth treet last eTening aboat 4 :io o'clock, be was met by bia daughter with the startling newt that ber ancle bad hung himself ia the barn loft Harrvicg to the barn he found tbe life- less body of Samuel W. Xealy, b: brother-in-law, hanging from the rafter (Joickly catting tbe rope be endeavored to find whether there waa any life in the body, bat ia vain, for the deed must baTe been committed about 4 o'clock. Mr. Xealy, who was an unmarried man of 7S rear, bad been a great suffer er for twenty-five years, and, hoping to benefit bia health, four year ago Mr. Wakefield brought him bere from Mon mootb. lie improved, but for aome time baa suffered terribly with rbeoma- tism. A abort time since he resorted to a mustard plaster for relief and directly after began robbing bit back with Wizard Oil. This combination blistered bia back and tide dreadfully and added to tbe pain drove him almost distracted A physician wat summoned, bat be im proved bat tiightly, and growing melan eholy often wished be were dead Everything was done to help and en coorage bim, but teexed fruitless. A few day ago be took hi gun to tbe barn, and fearing something was wrong. they watched bim and finally discovered bim just iu tbe act of killing himself, He was afterward watched closely, bat yesterday afternoon succeeded in bit desire to be rid of his suffering. He leaves, beside Mrs. Wakefield, a lister, Mrs. Jane Wolverton, of Mon mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield will leave for that place tomorrow, taking his body there for burial. The coroner' inquest, held tbis morn ing, found tbe following verdict : In the matter of the inquest held over the body of Samuel W. Xealy : ' We, the undersigned, jurors empanel led by W. H. Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon, to inquire into the cause of the death of the body now be fore os, after hearing tbe testimony and evidence produced herein find the facts and come to tbe conclusion following, that is to say : That the name of the deceased it Samuel W.Xealv, whose age was 78 years, and whose residence was The Dalles, Oregon, that be came to his death in The Dalles, Or., about the hour of four o'clock and thirty minutes, p. m., on the 221 day of January, A. D.. 1900. That at tbe aforesaid time and place, the said Samuel W. Xealy, while ter ribly suffering from rheumatic pains on bis body, and being greatly depressed in his mind thereby, came to bis death by his own hand, and purposely by strang ulation by hanging himself by the neck with a rope until death relieved him from his sufferings: Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this COM day of January, A. !., 1900. E. M. Wing ate, C. F. Stephens, C. A. f-CHCTZ, J. L., H. D. Pabki.ns, F. C. Sextos. The Knia-hta Eujoy TbmeW(t. The Knight probably didn't iio; it to their wives before they left home last night, but nevertheless they didn't "go home till morning." But then, this ia not a common occurrence with the Knighttof Pythiat and they were no: douot forgiven, at the extra occasion j demanded it. The aforesaid occasion I was the visit of their grand officers! Grand Chancellor J. P. Kennedy, of Portland ; Grand Vice Chancellor W. L. Bradshaw, and Grand K. of K. and 8. L. K. Stinson, of Salem. J. H. McKib ben, editor of the Senator, was also T . t J .i . . fc... x,COiu. witsa mere were a nost ' 1 iaiting brothers, tome from Heppner lodge, five from Pvfh.anr.. f fuseto d'o soi!Csc'Jes' nd wcoma lodge, of Hood becau.e, as a j River, delegation consisted of Messrs. St believe it ! C Stranahan, W. E. Sherrill, C. P. proper to ad- j Ross, Wio. Graham, G. 8. Evan, F. H. 2JC11!i l9en er- l!ert Stranahan, M. H. Nickel. j medicine of en. J. R. Xickelsen, Geo. Coleman, C. ytoh:yth.'M,arkhm' F' t.n,on and Geo. rral'er. ykl the nhysi-j Work in the ranks of Kuight and i nm,-, mere uemg serine, eomo'two candidate. This it considered a: EpUonhowIlfc-001 '." "ork, at that of either uifir wtirULUCB UIUCII llDie. n . , . , , , . ! L A"0rk n,J no make Jack a : ; doll boy. o at the close of the work the ' 1 rn.t. .... .ni.,i.:.j - - . ! . , ---""-""" suioaer, n'C lanch being spread and the best ol irood cheer r,r.v.!i; n prevailing. One after another joined in the jest and ttory telling, while, we are told, Michell sang "Annie Laurie" to the amazement of the crowd; Chat. Phillip alto Insisted on singing "Anld Lang Syne." There was no discount, however, when Rev D. V. Poling favored them with a o!o, which was greatly er joyed. The visitor seemed highly pleased with theevening'i session, while Friend ship lodge fell highly honoied by their presenca. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget thit. 24, 1900. s- 0 1 S TV TT DErii.T Ti schvdclb. Aaaiva Ka ton DAixa. 1 rut salt Lake. Denver. Ft Fat Jlail w'ortii, Omalia kauH U iip.m. City. et. Looia.) I:ia p m Cliicaco and l r - Pt r m Walla Walla. Rpoaane, Erfkan iyer MinneUi. bt haul, Kljer. 7:'jp.B. tt a I t h, Ki)auac, 4:3) a. a Ctiicaco and at. t p. m. 4 p. m. Faoa PorrLAXD. Oeeao ptemaii. For ean Francis txtmwr i. . U. U.23: j and J- j 4 p. m. Ei.eundaj Colninbia Rv. Steamer. Ex-Bunda To AtruaiA and wry Saturday . Landicga. ' lu p.m. I 1 a. m. Wruxrrra Kiria. i4 30p ia. x.&uu4aj Oreiron (.itr. Neoerf. Ez.:nnuaj i u.em d Way Land . Wiuawrrra in Tn bill Kivaas. Oreeon City, iiaytcn. and Way-Ijuidinga. ' S SO p. m. ltoo.,Wd and FrL Tnea.Tnur. lim. I ViUiiim trriL I 4 irj p. m. Tue-.Ttiur, Portland to corraiiia. Hon. Wt and Sau and Way-Landinga. and Friday Ekakb Rrraa. Riparia to Iwiaton. I.ItTt Lawiproa daily 8:30 a. m. Lv Riparia dai.y j I.-'n m. I Partiea dinnc to ro to Heponer thoold o. 4. learinf Ibe ialles al t :io p. vx macinr direct roaneetiuna at Her pner mnetioa Ke'urnlng making direct onnecaon at Heppner juncuon no o. l. arriving al ine ia:ieaai i m. Xo. Z2, tbroozht freicht, east bound, does not carry pasaenfera; tirrivea 2:30 a. m., departa t Mia. m. So. .'I. kiTil freirbt, rarriea paxenrer, east bound: arrive. 4 . m., denaru :lo p. m. No. 21, vol bound through rrviicht, doea not earry paaaenfers; amvea a: 15 p in., depart 9 jp. m. No. 23. wect bnnnd loral frelrht. earriea paa- KOen; arnrea l up. m., aepu-u : a. m. For full partiea lan rail on O. R. A X. Co.'a gent Tbe Iwliea. or addrew W. H. HCRLBrRT. Gen Poa. Act., PorUand. Or. JV Complete Cipe of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. 4T- ' Rooms on Third Street. One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 333 0N 3WOO ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will rnn every day except Pundav. Rate Reasonable. Telephone 201. W. A. .CATES, Prop. i SUMMONS. ix the ciEcrrr ipi rt rr Tng ol Orwoo, lor let Cooaiy ol v.'aacu. "TAT, Bl SleGreevy, pUloUT, ;' Tnooaa Mcoreevy, defendant , To Tbotaaa KcGreary, defendant : In tbe Xameol tb state of Oreaon r ben-fcr required to swear and ai er thTL i.l.iiit filer! T.lm in ih. .v ult wilbin Urn dy irota ibe date of the lei of lbu aummona upon vou, ll aerTol wlnT tni. Cotintv: or 11 aerred with-.n uy oti' Countrof ibia ntate, tbeo wilbin uttm. from ibe date of lb avrviee oi ihj fomaTJ. i nnon oo: or ll wrved upon yen b pnb i,i ll,M.J.fheinflAi lf.kNi ft,H . time prex-ribed ia lh oMer 1, puMiewi? to-it, on or before iz wcefca Iroa tne a.T; tbe tint publication betnif ; and il tou liii inun, lor want Ihemrf tbe plaint ff . apply to tbe Court ! -the rr!i( pr.i4 d In ber eomp:aini, lu-wii, tbat tbe acarriaReo tract now eii'lioe betwea plaimiif u. 1 fendant be forever dimolved and that ptaia't be awarded tbeexcluiTe ea.t.r of tl ebildren ol plainiirl and deirndanL : 1 nn Fuminoni u at-rvea upon yon by poMfe tion tberaol, purauaut la tbe order of m.1 1 ,. euil Court, made and entered on the l'.nh imm Janaary, l'jiu, mjuinnc Um publieati.i tirre, !r tlx eonruuve weeaa. eomaoenein lanaxn Ai, but, tbe date of tbe firt txibliratirm. . HL.M1.NOTOX WILSON, i Jan 20 04 Attorney lor Flinti ; GUARDIAN'S XOTICE. IX THE COf STY COURT OF TIIK PTlTT 1 OK Oregon. lor Waco county. In tbematterof tbe frnardiantbip of Gen Kiimt. Frark Jordan, Katie jom and Maiy Jotdan. minora. Now on lhi lib djy ol Deeember, l-. ' W illiam Jordan, tbe duly app'.iDte, "mtliB and acting ruardianol tbe above named mi Don and presented hi. peliiiou prayinr l.raaonle -autbi.rizing and dirwtiDi bia toselltbtinimr, ol aaid minors In certain real property beras' c after described, and it appearing to the otr from aid petition That it is necessary and bea. fieial to said waida that I heir interwt in u tifntb bail ol tbe southeast quarter of eA-:r IN townf bip 2 nortb, rai:re i east, W. M., ki sold; therefore it is ordered teat Theresa Klie; tbe rooibei and next of kin ol 4,eorge Klimt ti: Frank Kliint and aaid William Jordan, ftth-r and next of kin of Annie, Katie and Hit Jordan, and all persons Interested in said etutt appear before tbis court at Uie eonrt room Ue oi in bailes ( lit, urer-m. on tbe lb day c January, .'i. at tbe hour ol two o'clock n bl . then and there to show cause why a lieeax should not be gianted lor ttesale ol such esut. and that tbis order be publitard at least thn suresaire weeks in Tbe UIles Chnwiic, i xly newpair printed ia said eonuty. Hated this Ktb day ol leeen ber. 1. P.OBERT MAY?, deell-i County Judge. XOTICE FOR PCBLICATIOX. i Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. ; - LaD Orrtcs atThb Dallis, Oatooxi Jn. iao. Kotie ia hereby (riven that in pmsuanee Instructions liom lr,e eomoDissioner ol tbe ' eral lard oftiee, under authority retted in ai by section Ji-'A V. t. Ker. eu a. amended I the act ol eoinrresa approved Kebrnary ', 1 tre will pioc- d looflcr at public sale on earn. day, tbe 17th day ol February next, at the hoc of 10 o'clock, a. m .attbU office, the foilou tract of land, to-wit: Tl Lot I. See. .'4 :and lot t and t. See. 23, T. 1 X. I 1.' E., W . SI. Any and all persona claiming adverselT tt above described lands are advived to file tbtc claims In this office ou or before tbe day aboc deienated htr tbeeoinmencement of aaid sak otherwise tbeir rights trill be forfeited. JAY P Ll'CAS, Register, janlM OTI3 PATTEKSOX, Beeeivtr. Administrator's Notice. The nndertirned having been appointed s4 ministrator of tne estate of Jonathan Jaeksos deeeaxd, under and by virtue of an order dah made and entered In tbe County Court of tat etate of Oreeon for Wasco County on tbe 2Jn day of December, 1S39, all persons having claim against aaid estate are hereby noti tied, to pre teut the same with the proper vouchers and doli veri tied al the office of my attorney. Fred Wilson, In Tbe Ialle. Oretron, within sU months from tbe date of this notice. Uattd Tbe Da.les. Oregon, Jan. Ik. 1'KJO. K. K. tiALTM AH!HE, )an 20-it Adminllrah. Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice 1 hereby aiven that the undersign the duly appointed and a-tin g.ianliau d IJeorve Klimt, Frank klimt, Annie Jordan, Tit tie ioid.n and Mary Jordan, irlnors. a 111. Ires and nlr the 17th day of February. I'.mt, sell the ritclir, title and lutete-t ol tbe bova nsii minors in and to the south half ot the aouihea (jnarterof section Is, biwnship 2 north, rainte: east, W. M., tbe amc beintr a Ihree finhs In tr eat ic and to said laud, for cu In band, at k vt sa'e. Dated January 13, 191.0. i WILLIAM JORDAX. Jan 20-St Ouatdiais -FIEE- Hi With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a Aluminized Steel I'ango. Garland B S RUBTlRnTOII s w HISTISOTOM A W11JIOX, ATlOMNKYi-l AT LAW, ". Til K DALl.Ka, OBrttl J Office over Flrat Nab Bauk . r. MCOIC, JOHN oavil aMOOKK & (JAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Itooms snd ), over U. 8. Land OHI'-o. Dialer & Benton, i ll I