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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1899)
WEEKLY 0 ill VOL. IX If pff y ill sin 1 f fy AsMy J THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AUGUST , 189. NO. 44 kill COERCE INTO ARBITRATION M EiiWe Em Arana From lines. BUILD RAILWAY TO DAWSON CITY This Would Avoid War and Show the U. S. That There Is No Advantage to Be Gained in Refusal to Have Boundary Line Determined. Keiv York, July 28. The Herald's correspondent at Ottawa has interviewed Sir Charles Tuiper, lender of the op position and Senator David Mills, minis ter of justice on the Alaska boundary qaeetion. Senator Mi lis went at great length to ehow that the Canadian con tention was supported net only by Amer ican precedents but by the language of the treaty. "The settlement of the question," he Bjid, "in accordance with our conten tion, is ft matter of great importance to Canada, because it gives us easy and in expensive ingress to our own territory, whereas, if Hie United States wins, it will be a great detriment to us and of little benefit to them. I recall a bound ary dispute between the United States and Great Britain in which the Amer ican authorities .'contended their views ought to prevail because the contention was of great advantage to them without being seriously Injurious to England." After detailing their contention that the Canadian line was to follow the winding "of the oast" and across the mouthof inlets and estuaries from head lands to headlands without following the sinuosities of these arms of the sea, Senator Mills made this statement: Just why the Americans refused to arbitrate or to compromise except on conditions impossible to ns it shown In the treaty of 1825. By tho Seventh arti cle of that treaty, 'the vessels of Russia and England or those belonging to their subjects' were to he at liberty without any hindrance whatever to enter all the inland sea?, gulfs, havens and creeks for the purpose of fishing and trading with the natives. By article 10, the British and Russian vessels navigating tho Pa cific ocean, if compelled by storm or ac cident, were allowed to take ehelter in the ports of the respective parties and were at liberty to rcCt there. "Now is it not too clear to admit of question that the contracting parties as mmed that under the provisions of this treaty there were ports and estuaries lonj the coast that wero under the sov ereignty of each? Yet if the United States' contention is correct there were Ports and waters remaing to Great Brittin. Ai a matter of fact if the treaty is followed, the Lynn canal will tofonnl to be entirely within Canidian territory. This point was made in the commidion. On that Canada would hve won. That is why there Is no arbi tration." Seven Babies at a Birth. Bbowshvii.i.. P.. Jnlv I'd Mrs G,-o'Ue Ilackett, c .lor-.l. Nit-d 22, gave birth to envmt luliies to 1 iy, four boys ad three girls. Tli..nh inail, all were H formed and Itnty lunge,!. Threo ,lved till noon, when ihey nuvnmbed to th swful heat (if I lie. hadly Ventilated rom In which l hey lay with their mother, and later In the. atternoon three H'ersj ilieil. One, it b,.y, remains and doctors say he has a kxmI chanc to live. Th father is laborer, 2 ears old. The ""her has hid tw cliil Ireii befoie, wthof whom ar-.ilive. Polygamy, or Spinstcrhood. Cttrci, Jy 27 . r,.ei-iHl to the '"oes-Henhl fr,,, Indep. ndence, Ka.i., : The girls' e uln ..f several South rn Knias towns hnve rjlvei never marryayoun mmi unless ho served 'lh the famom Twentieth Kansas. ny say they are determined to keep "ie'r agreement and that sooner than to rry man who stayed at home they , " "mti" "ingle all their lives. They ntendtogiTathe boys of the regiment bi Option hen they return. Helping the Insurgents. Nw ( York, July 2H.-A special to the 'rld from Washington says : Accord g ,0 Verb reports to the navy from oflberj returning from the Philippines, Auuinaldo continues to get war supplies through German merchants in Hong Kong and Japanese merchants in Yoko hama, although our consuls have been directed to keep a sharp lookout for fili-busierii-g. In ) ere tliun one instance. Eritis:: officers Lave aided tho United States in preventing theehipment of arms from j Hong Kong, but officers just returned say there is no doubt the temptation of fered by Aguinaldo'a high prices has in duced meichanta to violate the neutral ity laws end try to forci the imperfect blockade. Twelve Spanish gunboats recently put on blockade duty have done remarkably good eervice In cntting off supplies be tween different ielands. Last mail re ports said they had captured 16 differ ent cargoes of supplies, but not any val uable munitions of war. VOLCANO TOSSES BIG ROCKS Come Out Red Hot and Go So High They Get Cool Before Reaching Terra Firma Again. Hoxomti.i:, July 21, viz San FranciFCO, July 23. The volcanic eruption on Manna Loa is still in full blast. The lava flow is apparently filling up the table land, and Ililo and the whole island of Hawaii are enveloped in smoke. Vessels encounter dense clouds of smoke a hun dred miles out at sea, and navigators aro seriously inconvenienced. Kilatia Is also smoliing freely and indications ate this volcano will soon be in active eruption. Frank Davey, a photographer, has re turned from a visit to the volcano. He says there is a series of eight craters; five of them were dead, but appeared to have been active quite recently. One of the others was belching forth smoke and fire and molten rocks of great size. Ac cording to Davey, the rocks were as big as horses and went so high that they cooled before falling to the ground again. It took Davey and his party 15 hours to ascend the mountain from the active cra ter to the summit, where their horses were left. Two men became delirious from want of water. The trip is described ns a terrible rne in the extreme. All' around the top of the mountain was cold, but at the cra ter it was very hot, The extremes were such as would knock most anybody out. Euiistments Are Numerous. Washington, Jnlv 29. Col. Pettit, commanding tho Thirty-first regiment at Fort Thomas, Ky., telegraphed the war department today that his enlist ments number 1130, which is within 200 of the full quota of the regi.nent. Ho will withdraw the recruiting officers on Monday and the regiment will then be organized for actual service. Ho thinks Unit in a month it will be ready. It is stated at the war depaitment that the Thirty-first, the Twenty-seventh and the Thirtieth will no doubt be ready to sail for Manila on the lirant, Sherman and Sheridan about September 10. is ir umiiT For an Keillor to Ieciiminrinl 1'atent SletllcuiM? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. U. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper bus the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as preventive oi suffering we feel it a duty to ssy a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemed y. We have known and mid this medicine in our family lor twenty years and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the Inception of an attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of physician would not be required. At least this has been onr experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. Was Not Killed By The Cars. HakirCitv, Or., July 29.-The cor oner's Jury returned a verdict this even ing that the nnknown man, apparently about 35 years old, who was found nnder Pumpter Valley railway car yesterday morning, did not meet death from the .... Th man was a stranger here. He displayed money and was plainly but neatly dressed. HARBOR LEASE TO CANADA Oacstica Kay Mi Selutiaa tf tie Ma BsmSar? ProUn. ENGLISH INCLINED TO FAVOR IT At Any Rate, the United States, Canada and Britain Must Be Neighborly About it London-, July, 29. -The Alaaka bound ary again looms large in the newspapers, and a heated discussion is raging for and against the suggestion that a harbor should be leased to Canada. The official view seems to he favorable to this com promise as a basis for a friendly arrange ment. It h pointed out that as the United States, Canada and Great Britain have to live as neighbors, and, in there hearts desire to live as friends, neither side can afford to asjume a noopossiruus attiude or act as if it were the last tran saction to be arranged and as the main question at issue, though almost lost to view among the multitude of irritating side issues, was a means of easy access to tho Klondike, the lease of a harbor would seem to be the practical need of Canada. On the other hand, the Satur day Review voices the feeling of a consi derable section of the public in pointing out that by accepting the suggested settlement Canada debars hereelf from again raising the question of territorial right, and becomes a mere licensee w here she desires to becomo the owner in fee simple. Manv think the proposed com promise would lead to endless complica tions, annoyances, acts of retaliation and attempts on one eide to exceed their own or restrict the other side's rights under tho proposed compromise, the Saturday Review thinks Canada ought, in no event, to surrender her rights In international law, unless she concurrent ly receives considerable concessions from the United States on other questions be fore the commissioners. The Saturday Review proceeds to claim that Canada now suffices, both politically and economically, and has no further need of the United States; that oi ly the most factious policy on the part of Great Britain could revive the annex ationist party in Canada, and asks what possible reason the Canadians could have for involving tho country in the gravest international questions. WILL NOT BE PUNISHED Private Girard Acted in Obedience to Good Impulse. Pokti and, July 29. Governor Geer yesterday received tho following letter from General Summers in regard to Private Frank Girard. "Headquarters Second Oregon In fantry, U. S. Volunteers, Presidio, San Francisco. .Cal., July 20. Hon. T. T. Geer, Governor, Salem, Or.: My dear Sir I am in receipt of your fuvorof July 17, together with several petitions in the interest of Frank Girard, a private in company I, of this regiment, and In re ply would etate that there is no nec-ssity lor any nneasiness in his cnse,as this man was granted all the privileges that were possible, and ho will not be dis turbed. He has done exactly what yon or I, or any other soldier of metal, wonld have done under the circumstances, and I certainly would not be disposed to treat the matter severely. He will have t ) report here for final mnter-out. It is not the disposition of the command ing officer of tltt! regiment to be severe with nian who endeavors to act in obedience to good impulses. He has done no more than would have been done by any other person, and Is en titled to all possible consideration. "O. SUMMERS, "Brevet Brig. Gen. Commanding Second Oregon Infantry, U. S. V." Did Boil His Wife. Chicago, July 29. Adolph L. Lnet !' sudden death in the penitentary at Joiiet on Thursday last has brought to light the fact that States Attorney C. 8. Deiuen has had locked up in the vaults at the criminal court building, almost from the bet-inning of accused's iiia! for wife murder, two jears ago, an implication that is considered morally bis confession of guilt. It was made by Lnetgert to a fellow-prisoner in the jail. It was sworn toby tho latter at the time before the state's attorney. Now it is given publication for the first time. From this document itwcn'd appear that Laeigert a'.ked his wife to fo with him to the sausage fuctory office on May 1, 1S97. She refused. This anger ed him. During the quarrel that follow ed he gave her a violent kick in the side. This rendered her unconscious. Luet gert expected she wonld come to, but she did not. Seeing t tint she had died, he disposed of her body in tho factory vat. LAUNCHING WAS A SUCCESS Christened by Little Gertrude Ballln, the Boat Slid Easily and Grace fully Into the River. Portland, July 29. Fully 5000 people, fringing both the Morrison and Madison- street bridges, standing 10 deep on the docks along the west side ot the river, and crowding every possible point of vantage on the eaet bank, witnessed the launching of the 30-knot torpedo-boat destroyer Go'dsborongh from the wa8 at the Wolff&Z flicker Iron works yester day. The event was called for 2 o'clock, and it came off on time. Belated sight seers wero still struggling with their earlier ueikhbors for places to view the launching when the last shore was knocked from the cradles, and the boat began slowly to gather headway for her first jonrnev. In 40 seconds more she was ri ling gracefully on the river. There was hardly a ripple under her stern as she entered tho water, so easily did she slide down the ways, and scarcely did the lines intended to restrain her lift from the water and vibrate as they tight ened before she was quietly swinging dawn with the current, n flag which was unfurled as she lnft the ways floating from her stern. From the knocking out of the first shore there had not been a hitch, and the launching of the Golds borough was a start in life which any sailor might covet for the ship on which he cast his lot. THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD The Crime of a Rejected Suitor at Arlington. Arlington, Or., July DO. At 8 o'clock last night, Al Kessler attempted the murder of his sweetheart, Miss Maude Mitchell, who came here fiom Portland i few days ago. Miss Mitchell had rejected Mr. Kessler, whereupon he followed her from Port land to thii place, and, locating her, watched his opportunity to get in his deadly work. When she was preparing for bed, Kesslor entered her loom, masked, knocked her senseless with a club and tied a towel r.bout her neck to produce strangulation. He then jumped out of tho window and escaped, thinking he had accomplished his purpose. The peoplo nt the house, hearing an unusual noise, went to her room and, receiving no answer, forced the door, and found Miss Mitchell, as they sup posed, dead. Medical aid was sum moned and she was restored to con sciousness, and will recover. The police are on the track of young Kessier. Sue For Marriage Fee. Hii.i.siioiio, Or., July 27. A very pe culiar case has been filed in Justices Humphrey's court. The parents of a bride sue her husband for f "0, alleged to be due for their consent to the union. Julius and Minnie Peopples are the plaintiffs, and Joseph Rooks the defend ant. The complaint alleges that tt e de fendant agreed to pay plaintiffs that sum for the girl's services from the time of marriage nntil she became of age. The plaintiffs allege that no part of the sum has been paid. Rooks married Mbs Peopples lft November. "We have sold many different rough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhaner, Druggist, Newark, N.J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in oil cases of coughs, oolds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. m - Makes the food more delicious and hotesome ovm aioo pownrn co.. npw vow. 1UVA lUAIi IS RESTLESS Its AM if Natives Is Par Prom fcssariuii. THE RIVALS ARE FIGHTING Commission Seems to Have Accom plished Nothing Justice Chamb ers Talks. San Fkaxcisco, .Inly 28. Samoiin ad vices under date of July 14, were receiv ed today by the steamer Moanna as fol lows: The situation In Samoa is one of great uneaeiness, the attitude of natives being far from reassuring. Several fights have recurred in different portions of the islands between supporters of rivals for the kingship, and several natives have been killed. Nothing much seems to have been accomplished by the high commission since arms were surrendered by the contending factions. Chief Justice Chambers, being dissat isfied with the support extended to his court by the commissioners, will leave today for Washington. Their action in refusing the aid asked for to eu9taiu the court's authority is said to have been prompted by dispaciches received by the German commissioner from his homo government, which, It is claimed, is greatly displeaeed with his recognition of the eupieme court in the kingship case. The commissioners have been well re ceived on all the islandii they visited. They expected to sail for the United States on tho Badger on July 1G. BURIAL WITH MILITARY HONORS General Otis Denied a Permit to Go In to Business to a Volunteer Who Would Not Re-Enlist. San Fbascisco, July 30. Private James A. Doyle, of company D. Second Oregon regiment, died late last night at the general hospital, from dysentery. At the deathbed were the comrades and tentmates of the dying soldier, who gave his life to raise the flag in a foreign land. Private Doyle enlitted at La Grande, 0. The body will he burled tomorrow at the Presidio, with mili tary honor, unless ic.murr hib lii-ard from. Privati Doyle was about 3" years of oga. He spent seveixi week- in the hospital at Manila bli" hi- regiment left the Philppines. His condition while here seemed to improve until a day or two since, when h liegin to sink. "Otis froze me out of Manila," said Private Ling, who is reyi-tered ith the others at the Montgomery house. "I wanted to start a little restaurant there, and legged Oils for a licence, but. he would not have it that way. lie said I wanted to have my eating-house too close to a Spaniard's place of business, and that the competition whim n o be fair. Another man wanted to go in with me. II told Otis ha would starve un less he got employment very soon. If you do not want tore-enlist in the army you would better leave the island, was all the satisfaction he got. There is ro show for n soldier in Manila. Lang'lives in Russellville, and says he and bis comrades are going north In day or two. Situation Docs Not Improve. Ci.evki.ani), July 31. lierond an out break In the Polish settlement which the inill'.ia promptly supirjised, the trVFWDEE? ni;ht passed without lerious trouble, Many street irs were stoned in the sub urbs, but so far as learned no one was injured. A mob in the south end of the city was dispersed by the militia with fixed bayonets and a number of ringlead ers arrested. The boycott movement has reached a point w here it is almost impossible for any one who rides on Big Cons iluiated cire to purchase the nec essaries of life. This is especially true in the outlying districts nf the city. Teaohvra' Kaanilnatioii. Notice is hereby givcu that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may idler themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court house in The Dalles, Oregon, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, August 9, 1S99. Dated this 29th day of July, 1899. C. L. Gilbert, County School Superintendent, Wasco County, Oregon. According to law, tho following pro gram Isas been prepured by the state board ot education : rOit STATE PM'KllH. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teachiug, grammar, bookkeeping, physic. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane eeometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. FOK COUNTY I'AI'KKS. WednesJay Penmanship, history, spelling, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. FOE PRIMARY CBUT1FICATKS. Wedneslay Reading, penmanship, orthography, the art of questioning, methods of teaching. GRADUATES. All parsons who have gra luated from chartered institutions, this June, may take examination upon ti e six branches, even though they may have failed in Juno. 29-lld Spain's Mrratcst Nettl Mr, R. P. O.ivla, ui Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Week nerves iid ciused severe pains In the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon loft him. He says this grand uiedicinn is what his coun'ry needs. All America knows that k'dney trouble, puri fies tho blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and now life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you ned it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 5oc. Soi l by Blakeley & Houghton, druu'sts. 1 Mrs M'Kinlcy Improving. Hotel. Chami'Lain, Clinton County, N. Y., July 20. President McKinley did not attend chinch today, but re mained at th-i Hotel with Mrs McKin ley. This morning he went for a long walk with his fri-md, Commander Buck ingham, ot tho navy, ami after luncheon he went out for a short walk with Dr. Rixey. Mrs. YclCinley continues ti improved steadily. Tcnight the weath er has turned cold, and there will prob ably be a light frost. A Night of Terror. "Awful at xiety was felt for the widow of the br .ve General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live (ill morning," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who tten led her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die fio n Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than ones saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small c'oses she slept easily 11 night, an I its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles liei at Blakeley A Houghton's dm; store. 1 You can't c dyspepait by dieting Eat good, wholesome food, rnd plenty of it Kodol DyspefsU Cut digests food without aid from the ston ach, and is made to cure. Butler Drng Co,