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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. APKIL 19. 1399 Tfia UoaVh Phfrttwlp I not vo,e lhat ,ear If he hti i vote'! Thcjr Le formed lnto l,altaIion 1D6 W66KJ UDlUIllulw I there is no doubt that it would bare,! of four companies, under American jii iioutit , coiruueioni'i uncers, ami win serve Adrlllii Kate. j been also fur McKinley. .both will cast lit publican ballots un Hie island until July 1, 1901, ftt IHCk O t It.oh or 1ik In nm!y f 1 ! next year. The Hqmblican party : receiving the regular army pay and o t two inehw ami ui..irt'fVur iiioii.'.'.'.'. 1 m ! Is going to get many Demicralic Orer four Inches aud uudt-r twelve Inches.. 7 ' , nnn ti.. i OtT twelve Inches W DAILY AMD WKKKLT. ue Inch or leii, nor Inch I"- W Over one inrh and uiider four inches J uo Over four luchc sud under tweive inches. . 1 Over twelve inch. 100 VILS TU.lT NEVER LOME. allowances. The noncommissioned votes in 1900. The reason cf this ofllctrs will be natives who can speuk is plain, of course. The Republican . English. This order is a rccogni is the party of solidity, sanity and j lion cf tbe good behavior of the AT HOOD RIVER. How tha Teachers lnj"yed ths mil Wsr BeneOisd by tit Meeting. stability. It knows what the people want, and does it. Two parties are essential in a country with repre sentative institutions. A little op position Is a good thing to ker-p a At every stage of events in the Philippines prophets of the dismal order present the dark side of the partv from dropping into careless situation. They never feeui to be ' ness and shiMessnes. Tbe Democ- discouraged by the collapse of their predictions. No sooner is one phase of affairs cleaicd up favoiably than a fresh chapter of tlismalisin is opened. Three mouths ago they insisted that it would take an army of 50,000 men to drive Aguinuldo's army out of its works. Hut 10,000 proved enough. Then expenditures in the Philippines were estimated by opponents of the treaty at hundreds of millions a year. The real figures are quite moderate, with some revenue as an offset. Even the an nexation of Hawaii drew forth a warning that it would be necessary to maintain theie a strong army and fleet. A few soldiers sufficed and the presence even of one cruiser is not required. There has been talk of a spirit of revolt in Cuba and Porto Rico, but all that has happened is distinctly encouraging. A favorite assertion of the pessi mistic class is that the Philippines can not be quieted for years. Bui the change for the better within two weeks has been remarkable. The natives will be given all the home rule they can maintain successfully. and many are finding out that they Lave no reason for further fighting. The calamity prophet will not down, however. If there had been any thing retiring in his nature he would Lave quit after the presidential campaign of 1 830. That was truly a culmination of dreadful forebod ings of universal ruin if the gold standard prevailed. Yet the decis ion to slick to the 100c dollar bas licen followed by one of the greatest eras of national prosperity. Those who are gloorry in regard to the Philippines will draw it mild if they carj t) be warned by their uniform failure to make a true forecast of American progress, racy, if iti imbecilo leadeis do not extinguish it, may peiform all the necessary functions o4 an opposition party for many yeais yet. TWO SYSTEMS COMPARED. I'orto llicsii people. Tbe copperhead bureau nt Hong Kong is sending a fresh batch of pessimistic dispatches about the Ma nila situation. No doubt it is sub sidized from Aguinaldo's reserve fund in the Hong Kong banks. Telegrams from Olis, Dewey and reputable correspondents at Manila are the ones that the American people lead with confidence Inspector General Breckinridge, The British war office is reported just returned from Cuba, says he is to be again at its wits end to secure confident thai 'if a vote were taken recruits for the army, a condition today on a proposition for annexa that frequently exists in peace time tlon to tbe United Statts it would in oreat iintain. uti me immense be adopted by two 10 one." The population the country possesses, feeling will grow with the progress much of which is in excess of tbe 0f events and Ibe intelligent study productive capacity or the home 0f the subject, islands, it would, on the face of it, appear remarkable that so few young The Spanish fleet at Santiago, Con nie r. are willing to enter the military sisting of four fine modern armored service. A glance into the existing cruisers and two torpedo boats of conditions, however, shows several the latest pattetn, was totally lost in reasons why the belter element in a battle in which it succeeded in tbe British manhood shuns a military killing but one man. Under the career. circumstances it is not worth while Small pay, of course, is the first to rebuild the Spanish navy, item which may be numbered in the list of objections. Next, there is The Maine Heavy Artillery, C50 the absence of a chance for pro- strong, lost but two men during its motion. Rare, indeed, are the in- service, Including its six months in stances in the British army where Cuba. A record of this kind is men from the ranks have been given carefully excluded from anti-admin- commis8ions. Between the enlisted '"'ration papers, man and the officer tbe breach is as broad as centuries of tradition can THE MAN WITH THE RAKE. make it. No matter how excellent Lead the Last rr at this Artici the soldier mav be or linw fltloil l,e Means Vou. is for command, a commission is not it having been spent in repairing them in every direction. The Ninth street road -Jl SAD ANNIVERSARY. List night marked the 34th an niversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by J. Wilkes Booth, in Ford's theater, Washington City. It was just at the ciose or me ctvu war, on lue eve of the present generation springing into existence. The Telegram says: The occasion was a horrible one, convulsing the entire nation. Those of the past generation yet alive, when recalling the tragedy to their mi nils, shudder at ft to this day. Piesident Lincoln had just saved tbe Union from dismemberment, and was about seeking comparative rest, uch as he had not known in four dreary, troublous years, when be suddenly was ushered into eternal life and immortalized on earth. What a difference between April 14, 1863, and April 14, 1899! Then the United States was entering upon an era of renewed peace. Now this countiy is embroiled in difficulties fn various parts of the globe, and those who were opposing each other during the rebellion are, In 1899, fighting side by side against foreign foes. Strange conditions are brought about by the mutations of time. The war with Spain has obliterated all sectional lines in the Ur.ited Slates, and at this moment the nation is more compact lhan ever before. WILL WIN DEM OCR A TIC VOTES. The Democratic Brooklyn Eagle, in referring to the fact that the New Yolk Times favors the nomination of Richard Olney by the Democrats in 1900 for tiie f residency, remarks that "the probability is Mr. Olney will vote for William McKinley for that office, and the Times will ask its readers to do the same thing." This forecast is probably correct. Very likely Mr. Olney, if he voted at all in that year, voted for Mc KiDlcy in 189G. It was said at the time that President Cleveland did Everyone who bas driven over the ror him. Ibe British race is growing roads leading out of the city has been more democratic every year, and gratified to notice that the man with the young Briton no longer accents tlie hoe' or rther lne shovel, has been at i v a. a ir -i At i . with ornno fati,e A. A wur"' "uuul la general luuri .... ev aiwaww U I ftUUUVI UIU 1UV consequences of lowly birth. He wants a cuance to work bis way is perhaps the only one which it was upward and sees no opportunity to Impossible at present to improve, it do so in the army. It is not a lack beinst determined that it would require of martial spirit that deters him ' 'f8t 30 ' ceomplish .nything at , . ... 811 toward bettering its condition, and from entering the service of the there is really no necessity for passing queen, nor is it a lack ot patiiotism, over it in driving in that direction, as Tor the Briton is every whit as fond l"e road over Mill creek bridge answers of fljibtinz and as true to his countrv tbe PHPse. n . ! Now that the city has done Its part n as ever, but, minor objections aside, . . , . F ' ' 'the much-needed work, the countv the idea of entering a service where ghontd follow it and do ,tf Dart 1 he will ever be ranked as an inferior good place to make their debut in the being and subject to severe discipline work would be by at once placing a to him is most repulsive. force of men at work on lhe famous t i,n.i, at,. . a Thompson Addition route, the citv's low though the pay of American . .. , . . . , .6. . J ".". ,UI, (diction only reaching as far as the .j.u.cis is, n is lar oener luan inai ea8t Bi(ie of the Rowe place, at the top given uriusn soldiers, as well it may of the brewery grade be, considering the fact that our hrmy AnJ now e have the extreme pleasure is small in comparison with that of ol informin the citizens of The Dalles Great Britain, and in addition such TT'"- "'ll T'!' T" .. , the work of cleaning the streets of our allowances are made the American city, removing rubbieh, etc. A force of soldier as to insure him a comfortable men was put to work, and will continne living and a chance to save a little li" t,le city 'ks 8S if civilized people Ofhisnav. In addition. nrom..tirm dwelt therein frnm il.. nU u t J But tl,e question i. bow long will 1 , " they remain so? If past experience is bright and studious young soldier ,ny c,i!erion, just until some store tne way is open to rise to the highest keeper or other citizen unthoughtediy rank. It is coming to be recognized dumps a ton of loose papers, old rags, in the army that whilo the military old iron, or oIJ bolt,e r'lfht into the academy is necessary for the technical f' P?t J?lhUrea' ta,X oo' " i0Dt- It would keep an immense force ,u'uuu,uu"1 Ule Boater portion 01 of men continually busy until doomsday lhe officers of the array, some of the to make the city look only respectable most excellent officers como from at 'he rat we have been going of late, the ranks. Officers themselves rec- U iB di,Krace to 'own or even pig- ognize that the training of actual Pen to be ith rubbish of .11 .,!: .i i . 7 , IUJ1 kinds as are our streets most of the time, service in the ranks is splendid prep- Whose fault Is it? No one in narticul.r. aiation for command. This is proven Everyone in general. Let oi begiu by tbe fact that the sons of many new nd sist the marshal In "scrub- officers who themselves are Wesl bI"8nP-" Let ns take pride enough In Pointers, enlist with their fathers' 1" consent in the ranks and work their NuW as to where the ''price" is to waJ UP- ome from for the work which is now This system gives the army the being done. Perhaps when you realize best material to be had. No longer that the road Ux !i to meel ihi can the riffraff of humanitv pnt.r .' ' . " " LB it'll 1(1 "WMTflM-aah a Ism, I the army. At every recruiting office "give a Chinaman a music lesson" just in lhe country the percentage of ap. when you see the collector approaching, plicants rejected on examination is Any w,7 you on,T (,e,y the agony of large. To belong to the regular '",ying ?vcr your Iiule 4 ,or ,he city army of the United States is some- I". rJ" . " DOt 'n one , , I " J III uutuci, ming worm striving for. Never, A more enthusiastic crowd of perfuns could rot be found than the learners and Iht-ir friends who returned frtiu Hood Kiver ratur.1ay night, loud iu their praises of the trip, the institute, j and above all the beauty of 11J Kiver ! nd the hospitality of its wple. Arriving in that now-thriving liitle berg, they were met by a delegation of teachers and others, ho soon hail tli -in comfortably seated in a hck driven by Capt. J. H. Dukep, at,d they were irlvtu over the beautiful road abvve the city, where was obtained the grand est view of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams imaginable. It was just the day for such a drive. Upon returning they spent a short time in walking about the city and viewing the many improve ments now going on, after which they were taken to the school house here the meeting was to be held. Much has been said hy them regarding tbe neat ness of the buildin and the air of interest in their scheul which pervaJes the atmosphere there. Hon. E. L. Smith welcomed the visitors in an eloquent and most cordial manner, which just captured tbe teach ers, particularly the young ladies. Prof Gavin answered in a happy manner assuring the people of Hood Kiver that they were glad to be privileged to meet with them. Director N. C. Evans being compelled to visit Portland, was not present to speak on the subject assigned him "Our Schools." Some of the best papers ever read at an institute in the county were those by Mrs. E. I.. Smith, Miss Minnie Elton and Miss White, while Troy Shelly gave a splendid talk on "How to Teach Multi plication." Mies Halloa Thinnan told how she taught number work in the first grade, and her remarks were at once interest ing and entertaining, as she illustrated her methods. Prof. J. 8. Landers covered a part of a wide field embraced in the subjact "Literature in the Schools." ic manner which at once caused every one present to be interested. The question intended to be brought np was how shall we have literature in the schools? and the answer naturally was, create a school library. It was dis covered that about seventy per cent of the districts of the county have started libraries since November 1st. This subject was very thorough! r dis cussed by Supt. Gavin, J. T. Neef, Troy Shelly, C. D. Thompson, J. M. Carroll, H. L. Ho,we, Hester Howe, Kate Daven port and Mrs. E. M. Wilson. During the session some of the best of singing was listened to, which was fur nished by the school children, under the direction of Miss Ann Smith. At the noon hour the visitors were escorted to the hotel by a committee of teachers and friends, who joined them in the dinner served. The meeting closed at 3:30 o'clock, and about 4 :30 they started for the boat landing. Although the wind blew heavily, the return trip was very enjoy, able and they reached home at 7 o'clock. These educational meetings are not only instructive, but a great benefit to the teacheis, giving them an oppor tunity to recuperate after weeks of arduous work. REGARDING THE SEWER SYSTEM An Kniioaer to II Employed to Inrca-tlg-ata Concerning Ulovo Conteata, The council met in special session Saturday night, with Mayor Nolan pre siding and Councilmen Kuck, Johnston, Johns, Clough, Gunniog, Stephens and Keller on hand. The mayor stated that the object of me meeting was to bear the report of tbe special sewer committee which was appointed to investigate the proposed sewer system for the city and advise concerning the best means to the end desired. Kuck, of that committee, recommended that a civil engineer be emplojed to look into the proposed sys tem and report as to its feasibility. Whereupon, on motion of Councilmen Johnston, the recommendation was ac cepted and the committee directed to employ V. J. Roberts, formerly of The uanes, but now of Pullman, Wash., as such engineer. The recorder Immedi ately a rote Mr. Roberta to that effect. An application having been made for liceOfe to give a glove contest in our city next Saturday evening, and no ordinance being on the statute books regulating such matters, Council V CommorTsense tea'tU rVV u tha.t debilitated 11 cuniinuKu purging Wr,,tk iwwv. lot atitcnotn, cp A body already weak, cned by disease. Most so-called blood builders are purgatives. VJX Tn 1 : . ur- imams' nnK PiriS J V JZ ct on the bowels. fh7 build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. The same dood that leads you to give Dr. Williams' Prnk Pills for Pale People a trial will prompt you to re fuse any substitute an unscrupulous dealer offers A druggist who says he has "something just as good, or "the same except in name" is dishonest and does not deserve yourtrade. Alderman Louis W. Camp, of our city, tnyt t 'I was broken down In health and utterly miserable. I was unable to work much of tbe time and so badly alUloted with a form of stomach trouble thai life was a veritable nightmare. I tried vurlous remedies, but during the six months of my sick ness 1 obtained no relief. 1 had always been a robust, healthy man and sickness bore heavily upon me. "About two years ago I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People. 1 purchased one box and received so much benefit that I used Ave more and waseotlrely cured. I gaintd twenty-two poundt in fli week. Dr. Williams' Pink PUis restored ma to health and I most heartily recommend them." 1 W. Camp on oath says that the foregoing statement Is true. W. W. MELOA.N, Notary Public. From the Sy-Stander, Macomb, III, Sold by all drug gists or sent post paid by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y., on receipt of price, fifty cents per box; six boxes; $ 2,. 5o. W hat Will We Do About It? Another plan for benefiting the city and at the same time saving hundred; of dollurs to the producers is cupgested by the following communication. It should not be passed over lightly, but considered, and plans at once laid to the end intended by the writer. A cannery would be just the thing for The Dallet people to invest in. "Producer" Bays: Editor Chboniclb : We believe the time is fully ripe for a move to be made in the direction of savi.ig a portion of the hundreds of tons of fruit in and aliout The Dalles that annually goes to waste, a conservative estimate would i placu thu siuouut ellhur whhik.1 on a glutted market or never gathered for the same reason at somewhere from 5,000 to 110,000. This sum disperse.! among the producers and wai?e earners of this c immunity would be ol benefit to an tne ptople ol this municipality. i wo nceu in an institution that can take the raw material and make ol it a finished article that can wait until the market is ready to receive it, thereby tendicg to enhance the nnca oi ar"n fruit to a paying figure. How this if to be broiiBht about is th question of the hour. As for us we be- leve it needs the thrift, foresight, de- termination and exuerieii of ihn..n of business. Hence we would suffceiit that ih prrducers and business men of The Dalles and vicinity come together and formulate ulans. If ihia pun b Hn.. u will he a step toward proeperitv. Can we hear from the business nun? What V you. I'ltOUCCKB. Mrs. Cowan Wlnw. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from frightlul death. a telling of it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu- monia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discover. One bottle gave great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am weil and strong. I can't gay too much In its praise." This marvellous medicine is the sdrest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular X9 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Blakeley A Honghton's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. T 2 Tbe itinerary of the National Editorial Association in our state will be as fol lows. They ml) arrive via Huntington, Sunday, July 2, and will breakfast at Baker City, partake of one of Grandma Munra's celebrated dinners, spend a few hours in La Grande and run to Pendle ton for supper. After remaining a few hours there they will start for Portland reaching The Dalles for breakfast, take boats for Hood River, stopping there for dinner; thence to Vancouver for supper, reaching Portland In the evening. After the close of the session. Ju' 7, the time in" Por' t fa n d " ' " Ulllj 18'WU' t"Mm",t Residents in the Vicinity of Ward & Kerns' sUble last evening were much entertained by some trick riding on a bicycle, the performer beinir the rli.l. man neu serine of lliu T vt a. i i . . . . i - ..o-.fuuiiiHineer. Dtepnens Jueed Ordinance N.j. 300. 1 His favorite trick eenipil in l . i-ii.i- . '- wiesTounu with lull fore and almost Last evening's Telegram bas ths fo' lowing concerning Mrs. Cowan's can which will tie read with a great deal of satisfaction tiy those who hertil ivm. pathized with her, and many who felt the opposition was merely running t "bintl on her: "Mrs. Sarah E. Cowan, who a week ago was brought here undor a decresol the United States dietrict court to com. pel Ler to make conveyance of ceruin real property sold under xecution bj the United States marshal to satitfvi judgment against her hnsband held bi the Bank of Calitornia, was discharged from custody this afternoon. "The discharge was made upon her own application and not opposed by Mr, Zera Sn w, counsel for the bank. Bat, on the other hand, Mr. Snow waived the right to demand that she pay the coin f the proceedings, he paying then himself." " The Heat In the World. We believe Chamberlain's Coufh Kumedy is the ben in the world. A few weeks g we suffered with a severe told and troublesome cough, and havin read their advertisements in our on and other papers we purchased l bottle to see if It would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more ttu half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake !) A HoiiKhwm Drugirists. under tbis system, will the nation lack recruits. Perhaps tbe Jiritisb war ofllce will, In time, cast away tradition and adopt a similar system. When it docs it is safe to say recruiting will be easy. Spokesman-Review. At each of sixteen Porto Rican towns twenty-five natives sre to be enlisted in tbe United States army. But then, when you have read tbe Chkonicm and realize it is to assist you in wading out of the debris which sur rounds you, certainly yon. will hesitate no longer, but come up like a little man and hel p you reel font. Let as not cause visitors to our city to turn up their noses and say: "What dirty streets one encounters In The Dalles." To Cure a Cold la One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AH druggists refund tLa money If It fails to cure.. 25c, winch reads as follow riie proprie tors or agents of all exhibitions of prize fighting, glove contests or exhibitions of skill in glove fighting shall pay a license of for eaih exhibition." On motion of Councilman Johns, it was placed on Its final pa-sage, every council man favoring the same. It was then reported that a nuisance to the city existed under the Chinese house at the corner of Second and Union streets. On mutton of Council man Gunning the matter as referred to the committee on health and police. Meeting then adjourned till tha night for the regular meeting. Ask your grocer for Clarke A Falk's Pying bis form. And Jhen havina -..ic ma column (spinal; he would gaze about ns if in March of an item or delinquent subscriber. His antics were amusing, and were calculated i?le"'J I'l." ,0 !"" ' Mount, aineer had better do its climbing on foot nstead of attempting to wheel it, wa, through the world. 7 For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, Msema, skin disease,' and especially Piles, DeiVItt', Witch Hazel Waive stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless rood. .r. not imitated DKPART TIKS SCHIIIULt. roa FkoM Dalles. Ft gait T.k Denver, Ft. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan M:oOp. m. sss city, Bt. Ixuis, CnlCHiro and East. Bnnksne Walla Walla. Spokane, riyer MlnneaiHills. Ht. Faul, 5:40 p. m. ,)n luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East. S p. tu. From Pohtla nd. tXVrtll hlfHIHHi4. Hot Bail i ranclMtu Jiit.Uury .'2, and every live days theiealtcr. p. m. Ex.suudny ftriumliU Rv. Rtmimprs. u.,..h r Astoria and Way ID p. in. Ex.Sunday Orr-iron Hy, fcewbcnr, Halem vay Liid s. LVL "iLCKiviRa. ; aiidftau 'W'n City, l.ayton, and Way-UniiiiiK. "Jhnr.iPortlaiifl to rorvallls, ' and hat. ,M Way LandliiKs. 1 111. i . R"s Rivkr. dnl jr RII'rla to Ltwl.ton. arrivi From. Fa Mill. S:l.r p. m. Hpnkant Fljer. VOOs, a- l n. m. Ei.suiiil") 4:30 p.: II p. in. i.Aved Mull.. and r ri. 4 .'to n. ra. I'iip., I hut and H"- l.KAVS dolly iirt.., .... pur. concentrated flavoring extracts, tf 1 H.xel BT" ! V fifTl l-1r1iiir to in to llr-puner h"iiW i l.n' 1V",vl"" " :, P- ,"' niasins; iliriv t fopiiwiIi.ii .i u..,.,i.r lnni'll""' r.;"'1r1 ijn.lii,i.tlr.fir..itii'ti..i t Il-Pl'if' i.lA p. m ' '"""'"a- '!' I'"""' F-rrl V' ,"r0,,,;n, fri'lcht, Ffl-t bfrUIKl, 1" s"a l'"""""r"i ""Ives 2.60 a. ir., di' h.u,'!J1' 'T1 ,r,,"h'. csrri pa-Fnot, Nn ,i ! n., d.-imrls s i. P. No. !, we-.l hoiiiiii n, ....... i. ....i..,.. h.u-t S""' l'""'-ri arrives :li p. in., drl-l" p. m. r No. WFt hound IofrI frrlnht, Fsrrl. V" enrs; arrives :l.'i p. m departs S:au s. m. ssFlTtall1 '",,,","l"r,r"llon O. R. N. ' "lit 1 be dalles, or address W. II. IIURMIITRT. Oen, 1'as. Agt I'ortlsud, W nnl itu sst ..-.iucrBiy urilg t'o,