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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1899)
11 ilk S ClaJ r VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1899. NO. 29 . innni PTTP IS REACHED n :..;.miui nf fhrno Tnton 5213311 UODllillSSluuuu ui .iiugq iuici- ested Pawerx to Be Instructed. Alike. LAST OBSI ACLL IS REMOVED Conimissioners W ill Be Empowered to Deal With the Situation as It Finds It and to Take Such Actions as Is Necessary to Place Affairs of the Island in a Peaceful Condition. Washington, April 14. After hear- in this morning irom tne oeimno ami . . r . I I British embassies, tne state department Was CUaUie I w biiiiuuih;o pucm?cij c.iu I I. ,.....nA.t)! finally tbat tlie parties to me uerun treaty bad agreed upon me ineiru juuiib .1 t . .i to be given ttieir oatnosn comiuieBioners and tbat it was certain tne commission would leave oan irautiew ami ill i' T? : 1 II Ae The instructions to the coinmiieioners ire lueLllcai, wis mrro luvcruuicuit having accepted a form wnica com promises the differences which have eiisied up lo tins lime. 1110 cuuiiiiib- . j . .t ! . : T I. i HOD will ue empowered 10 ueni wiiu ius ii i i :u i. - lituulion as it flnde it in t lie fed moan islands nnon its arrival. This applies to the acts necessary to place trie auairs ol the island in a peaceful and satis- isctory condition for the time being and lal'iect to the approval of the three powers. The commissioners will have no power to altar tne treaty ol isernn. Sainoarj Matters Discussed. Washington, April 14. The cabinet meeting today was devoted principally to ducussiun of the Samoan Question and Instructioni to the American com missioners, and to the czar's department conference at The Hacrue. ' A complete written report concerning the Dreliininariea leading qd to hostil ities made the secretary of the navy bv j - . Admiral K'aiiIz wan mail in thn cabinet br Secretary Lomr. It throws some ad- itional light upon the complication prior to tlie admiral's arrival, the most UJDOrtant fttrt hrnnirht nut Kninir that ths three conanl, Amariran Rrlttah and German, at the time nf the admiral's arrival at A nin had recnirnlzed the revolutionists under Mataafa. The uprising after Chief Jutdice' Henininn In fa imp nf Mulinfna TantlS. ilia admiral Inrtinatpa. all fomented laroel- h lliu nman pnnanl. bo Insisted npon recognizing Mataafa il Elnff. ( liana ... lli.A.tanAl .nil tllS AnifrVan anil Rrttlali raalftnrtra B " im' p. . wa iii.igiiiiu wuu tOnill arsil 1 1. 1- . 1 n.a - v.. . iiiviiiauiica ii. vein. . .. uina ItCre Was fenrprl am! rtnHur tha nlrnr.m-. Stance' tllfl A nirlnan anil Tli-lli.K vnn. Inta lni...l .. - .1. iL.i. i --j.iicn nun me uermana in recog- Bl"ig the provisional government. Scant Satisfaction. Washington, April 14. Tne war de Putnient will reply to 'he telegram of Governor Lee, of South Dakota, to Presi dent Mi Kin'ey, asking for the imuneliate moi-iter out of the South Dakota troops '" tbe Philippine, that all the troops "ill be brought home as soon as is deemed "pediate by the United Slates and as J000 possible with the transports a land. It Is said at the war department that he law requiring the muster out of the VP' contemplates that the fxative Apartment shall have time to lame the ""etsary orders and make preparations "Properly discharge the soldiers and Drl"tf them home. FREIGHT TRAIN IS WRECKED . ent Over an Embankment Near Uwiston. J "w, Idal.-), Ap,U 13 A t o'clock . "hi liv nil's iuui ,c,'" lt train on the Lewlston exte-.siou of the Northern Pacific ran over an embai.kiuent. Engineer Mat Rilston and Fireman Fred Lemon were killed. The wrecked loc jmotive and cars lie half imbedded in the stream 100 feet below tbe track. Fireman Lemon was killed instant I v, and his body was shock ingly mangled. Engineer Ralston was still alive when found. He said : "Hold my head for me; I am dying. Take my hand : I don't W An t tit ad a Inn i He was taken to Vollmer, and died three hours later. His body and that of L.-.HOI1 were sent to Spokane on a special. Ralston left a wife and child. Lemon had a wife and two children liv ing in Spokane. The wreck was caused by the recent heavy rains. Sheridan at Manila. Manila, April 14 11:30 a. m. The United Slates transport Sheridan, formerly the Massachusetts, which (ailed from New York Febrnarv 19. hav ing on board the Twelfth and a battalion of the Seventeeth infantry, has arrived hereafter a smooth paesa.-e. ' On the night of April 11, Lieutenant Meyer dieappeared from the ship. The weather a as intensely hot, and the lieu tenant was sleeping on the deck, and it is thought that he fe'l overboard. Three privates and six children of pri vates died of pneumonia. REBELS ARE CRUSHED Campaign Will Xot Stop on Acconot of Rain Exterminating the Bandits. Manila, April 15. Tbe Americana plan to trap Aguinaldo by sending troops via the sea route to the north of him. Then he will be between two lines of Americans, and it may result in his cap ture. General Otis declares he has crashed the rebel army and Asuinaldo's so-called government. He adds that the Ameri cans are not going to stop on account of rainy weather, but will make an active campaign, cutting the rebel forces in two at Manila and trapping Aguinaldo to the north. He thinks the chief problem is now to exterminate the brigands and bandits who infest the island in immense bands of great strength and daring. The condition of Spanish prisoners is terrible. They are weak, emaciated, starved, beaten cruelly and ordered about by bayonets. United effort lias been made by merchants of all national aties to have the Spaniards set free by Aguinaldo. The petition u to be de livered at once. However, Otis thinks it will be some time before Luzon is pacified. SWEPT INTO THE RIVER Prominent Idaho Man Drowned in the Clearwater. Lkwihton, Idaho, April 15. B. F. Elliott, one of the best know rivermen in the Northwest, was drowned in the Clearwater Tuesday. He owned a fine farm seventy-five miles above Lewiston, on the Clearwator, and while on the way to that place on foot he was caught in a enowalido which carried him Into the river He was expeetod at hie place on Tuesday last, and on Thursday a messenger started down the river in search of him. His tracks were found leading to the track of the enowsli.le, and they never left the slide. There can he no doubt about his fate. He passed the home of a friend on Tuesday, and would have reached his farm on that day if he had not been caught In lh avalanche. lie leaves a sister In this ci'J. Volcanic Kroptlona Are grand, but skin eruption" rob life of j.y. Bucklen's Arnlc Salve cures them also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on urih. Drives out r1"" "rul ,lr1"'" "M "l""'1' I'onghton, IflKtS. On Account of 111 Health. WAalilMiTON, April 17,-John Addison Porter has resigned his ponitlon as secre tary to President McKinley. Ill health Is given as the cause. It B. Cortelyou, at present assistant secretary to the . resident, will be pro moted to Oil ti e vacant s.cretaryshlp. according to generally accepted opinio... LAWTON CAPTURES TWO TOWNS Rebels Forced to Retire from Lodo and Paete. HOT FIGHT AT LATTER PLACE North Dakota Volunteers in the Thick of It Five Americans Killed and Two Wounded Gunboats Shelled the Position of the Enemy for an Hour, Driving Them Out. New York April 14. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says : Tbe expe dition under Mapr-General Law ton yes terday moved 12 miles further north along the lake, taking two towns, Longoe and Paete, A squadron of the Fourth cavalry was left to garrison Santa Crux. There was only desultory shooting from the retreating enemy until the ad vance reached Paete, the center of the insurgent military government in the district of Lagnna de Bay. Here the road is flanked by steep hills .on each Bide, on which the insurgents had con structed great log trenches, and also across the road. The North Dakota regiment ran into a cross fire. Squads of five sharpshooters each were sent up the steep hill and through the thick brush to flank the insurgents, One squad of the North . Dakota regiment suddenly came to the insurgent trench, baiting when only fifteen yards off. Only one man in this squad got away unhurt. The thin-clad gunboats shelled tbe in- surgents position for an hour. The enemy was finally driven out. Our loss was fire killed and two wounded, the greatest loss Lawton has yet sustained. The launches captured Tuesday are worth fCO.OOO. INTENSE SUFFERING FROM DYSPEPSIA AND STOMACH TROUBLE Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cured by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. A Kew IHacovery, But Not a Patent Medicine, Dr. Redwell relates an interesting ac count of what be considers a remarkable cure of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use of new discovery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tau.' He says: "The palUnt was a n. who had suffered to my knowledge, for years with dyspepsia. FIverything he ate seemed to sour and create gases In the stomach J he had pains like rheuma tism in tlie btti'k, shoulder blades and limbs, fullness and distress afier eating, poor appetite and loss of flesh J the Jieart became sfTected, causing palpitation and sleeplessness at night. "I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As an experiment I finally bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost immediately relief was given and after he had used four boxes he was to all appearance, fully cured- "There was no more acidity or sour watery rising, no bloating after meals, the appetite was vigorous and he has gained between 10 and 12 pound In weight of solid, healthy flesh. "Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are advertised and sold In drug stores, yet I roiuider them a most valuable ad dition to anv physician's line of rem edies, as they are perfectly harmless and can he given to children or Invalids or In any condition of the stomach with perfect safely, boing harmless and con talnlng nothing hut fruit and vegetable essences, pare pepsin and Golden Sea1. "Without any question they are the safest, most effective care for Indiges tion, biliousness, constipation and all derangements of the stomach, however slight or severe." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made by the F. A. Stuart Co., of Marshall, Mich., and are sold by druggists every where at fifty cents per package. Little book on stomach diseases mailed free, address, F.A.Stuart Co., Marshall, M ich. Statement By Alger. Washington, April 14. Secretary Al ger tonight put an effective quietus on thi persistent reports tbat he contem plated retiring from the cabinet by a positive and unequivocal statement that the reports were absolutely without fonndation and that unless some unfore seen and unlooked-for contingency arises, he proposes to remain secretary of war throughout this administration. Lawton Takes Calamba. Manila, April 15, 10 p. in. News is received here by way of Taasig that Lawton baa captured Calamba. It is known that he has landed, but the de tails of his taking the place are delayed on account of poor transportation. RUBY CITY WIPED OUT Was Once tbe Metropolis ol Okanogan County. Coui.ek City, Wash., April 15. The driver of the Coulee City & Brewster stage line reports that last Tuesday tbe town of Ruby City, in Okanogan county, was entirely wiped out by fire, except a livery stable. The fire is thought to have originated by some persons who were under the influence of liquor carelessly handling matches. The old brewery building, saloon and four dwelling houses were burned ; loss f 3000. Ruby City was the first town of any Importance In Okanogan county, and was tnce county seat. At one time 30U0 people lived there. Tbey were supported by the rich silver mines. Lack of trans portation and the drop in the price of silver depopulated the town. Kit Klfhttu Ucllneas. The woman who Is lovely In face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive mutt keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all rnn down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate the stomach, liver and kid neys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 2 VOLUNTEERS WANTT0 RETURN Small Per Cent of Them Desirous of Rc-cnlLstinir. Washington, April 10. The desire of tlie volunteers to return to this country is evinced in a report which shows tbat of those who have been offered opportu nity to re-enlist with the offer of a bonus in travel pay of over $500, onlf about 7 per cent will accept. The volunteers, it Is said, desire to come home by organiza tions, instead of Individually. Some discharges of Individual soldiers have been brought about by congressional pressure, but as a rule General Otis has been disapproving all applications for discharges except in cise of sick or wounded soldiers. The Deaf Hear. Mohii.c, Ala., April 10. Reese Hutchinson, a young electrician graduate of Auburn college, Alabama, is exhibit ing here Ms sppiratns for making the deaf hrr. He anmenta vibration and enables dual mutes to hear word spoken in ordinary tones. The apparatus Is the sizo of a pocket-book, and is connected by wires with an audiphone, which is held at the ear. Two totally deaf men were experimented with. They stood fifty feet from the piano and marked the time of the music, laugiiing with delight over the novel experience. Use Clarke A Falk't Floral Ixtine for sunburn and wind chafing. tf jtBSCIlrTILY Makes the food more GOVERNOR GEER'S LOYAL MESSAGE Ortua Sais. No Sirrtnicr in k PtilijjiiiBS." CONFLICT IS FOR LIBERTY Stinging Rebuke Aiming to Policy. to Those Who Art Thwart McKinley's Salkm, Or., April 14. Governor Geer this morning received the following tele gram from the Chicago Tribune : "The governors of South Dakota and Nebraska are demanding the recall of the volunteers from their states from tbe Philippines, on the ground that their term of enlistment expired when the ratificitions of the peace treaty were exchanged, and that the present conflict in the Philippines is in opposition to liberty and in the Interest of capitalism. Dj the people of your state demand the return of your volunteers for the same real ins?" Tonight the governor telegraphed tbe following reply : mere is quite a general wish among the people of Oregon that the volunteer soldiers of the state may soon be returned from Manila, but not for the reason in dicated by the governors of the states you mention, to-wlt., that 'the present conflict in tbe Philippines is in opposi tion to liberty and in the Interest of cap italisin.' "There is some juet:c3 in asking for the return of the volunteers, now that the war with Spain, for which they en listed, has been honorably concluded, and that the spasmodic difficulty yet lingering in the Philippines should be suppressed by the regular army of the United States, which is amply equipped for tbe purpose. It is believed, however, that this wish Is confined to those of us who are at home, as the Oregon bova at the front quite generally express a de sire to remain there uutil the difficulty is settled, "Our people take no stock in the de claration that the conflict in the Phil ippines Is 'waged In opposition to liberty and in the interest of capitalism.' The very men who make this charge now are the ones who, little more than a year ago, were loudly accusing President McKin ley of 'cowardice' and of delaying the war with Spain in the 'interest of capit alism,' as represtnted by Spanish bond holders. "The seizing of Ihe Philippines was an incident of that war wholly unfore seen by anybody, applauded by every patriotic citizen at the time, and they could not now be relinquished without a taint on our national h nor and a con fession of nation il weakness. "The charge that the American flag is waving over a confl ct In (lie Philippines 'in opposition to liberty and in the in terest of capitalism' savors very much of a spirit of demagogy to which (he people of Oregon are habitual strangers, and which finds no lodgment in their minds at this tune. T. T. Giicr, "Governor." LAND ENTRY WAS CANCELLED Tracts Were Granted to the Military Wagon Road. Washington, April 12. -The commis sioner of the general land office has cm celled the homestead mtry of Alberi O.B 'A n . 13acson(& hfltE delicious and wholesome cerofa number of small tracts ol land in The Dalles land district, Oregon, as) those indentical lands were granted to The Dalles Military Road Company in 1867, to aid in the construction of its road, Last rear Officer was permitted by the local land officers to make entry of these land'', and final certificate was issued to him, he claiming to have settled on them in 1890. Later, when the error was realise J. the entry was held for cancellation, and Officer given sixty days within which to show reason why the entry should not be finally cancelled. This he attempted to do, saying that there was no other claim than his to tbe land when he settled, that no such grant was ever made to fhe road company, and tbe further fact that he ha made improve ments valued at 2000. The commis sioner holds, however, that Officer failed to show tbat the lands were ex cepted from the grant for the military road company, and tbe mere fajct tbat the lands were not listed by the com pany in no way affects the company' right. He therefore held Officer's home stead entry for cancellation, bat subject to right to appeal. Daafoees Cannot Da Carari. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to core deafueea, and that is by constitutional remedies) Deafness is caused by an Inflamed cone dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling eonnd or imperfect hearing, ami when it is en tirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cass out of ten are cansed by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. Chb.nxv & Co.. Toledo, O. fsirSold by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Hall's Family Pills are the beet. EMMA NEVADA " HISSED IN SPAIN Queen Regent Did the Right Thing by the Singer. London, April 17. The Paris corre spondent of the Daily Mai), reconnting; an interview with Madame Emma Nev ada, the first American operatic singer who has visited Spain since the war. says : "Madame Nevada's manager had ar ranged an operatic singing tour, but on the first night, at Seville, though tbe house was bought up, the curtain rose on empty seats. The opera was "Lnci de Lammermoor." In the second act all theelite arrived, together, but turned their backs to tlie stage and talked ostentatiously until the end of the opera, when on returning to acknowledge burst of applause, Nevada was roundly hised. At Madrid the queen regent was informed of the occurrence. Her majesty invited Nevada to a soiree at the) palace, and presented to her a diamond and sapphire bracelet. Nevada arrived here in a state of the greatest indignation. Warrant for John I.. Sullivan. Astoria. A ril 10. The John L Sullivan show appears I heia tonight to a packed house, t ut as soon as the show opened, Manatier Sel.g, of Fisher's of era honse, was arrested on a warrant sworn out at the instigation of the Ministerial Alliance. He gave bonds an 1 the show proceeded. Later a warrant was issued from the same S iti'ce aninat Sullivan. Th warrant ega'n't him was not served, as he It-It wiiu n.e company on a special train as nineer, dressed in oily overall, urn per and peaked cap. l:ah lu lour core a a. All conntv warrants reentered prior to June 1st, lSi'5, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 5, 18W. . C. L. PiiiLi iea, Countv 'treasurer. You need have no boils it jod will take Ciarke A Fhlk's sure cure for boil.