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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1899)
ASSEMBLY NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY ImpsaclimeBt and Remoyal of Gomez M EecoiM ty General Bracts. NO SERIOUS CON CERN IS FELT Cnitel States Has Never Recognized the Cubao Goveromeut and Will Not Do So Now. New Yobk, March 13. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: Newt from Havana of the Cuban as sembly's action in deposing Maxim Go mel from command of the army will cause no change in the administration'! policy. The American military author ities in Cuba will continue to recognize Gomes and to deal with him. It is not believed the turmoil which has been created temporarily will make necessary any change in the plans for the with drawal of the volunteers, though if the devevopments seem to require it, the plans will be modified. The intention was to have all the vol unteers out of Cuba by April 15. Per emptory instructions have been given that the transports should bo available, so that there would be no delay in cm barking the troops. This is understood to have been done by direct orders of President McKinley. No serious concern is felt over the art' ion of the assembly. Official reports have all increased the confidence felt in G6mec. He has impressed General Brooke and the other military com misttioners with his sincerity, and they have stated their confidence in bis ability to secure the disbandment of the insurgent army. .The commissioif'arranged for the $3, 000,000 payment but the administration gave neither to it nor to the assembly the handling of the funds. W. H. Leo. Vancouver, Wash., March 12. W. H Leo, editor of the Vancouver register died at 10 o'clock last night. On March 6 Mr. Leo was seized with a severe cold wnich developed into pneumonia. Deceased came here about three months ago and assumed the management of the Begister, Lieutenant-Governor Daniels paper, daring the proprietor's absence at the legislature. Previous to his coming here be was for some time employed by the Ellis Priming Company, Portland He was 28 years old, and leaves a widow and a young child. Arrangements for the funeral have not been definitely aettled. ' A Thousand Tongue Could not express the rapture of Annie JS. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Cocsumption bad completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burdea. All other remedies and doctors conld give her no help, but she ays of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Diverse." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Students Unduly Hilarious. Eugene, March 12. The students of the nniversity have been in the habit of giving vent to their enthusiasm in a loud manner on cccasions of victories in var- ious contests. After the recett debating contest at Forest Grove, on hearing the home team ha 1 won, a number of the boys paraded the streets at a late hour la me nutit and cave the co lore yell and ma le various noises not catmlnted to produce peaceful slumbers on the part of the ritizent of the town. Com plaint was file 1, and the officers give notice that if the act was iepr ated the offenders wculd be srrestel and Dunish ed. Monday night, on hearing of the success of the nniveisitv's representa tive at McMinnville, there was another outburst. These young meo were placed under arrest and the names of ten others were taken by the rfficers. Deafness Cannot be Cirtd. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf new and that it by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cvt out of ten are caused THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15, 1899 by catarrh, which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. 6-10 Light and Water for Prinerilte. Pbinevii le, March 12. The city coun cil has granted H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, a 15 years' electric light and water fran chise.' Bonds to the amount ol $10,000 will be Issued. Work will begin in 30 days. ' UPPER REGIONS OF TEE AIR. Vnesplored Space la Very Mark More Interesting Tbaa the Xorth Pole. Above us there extends a vast unex plored space far more interesting from a scientific point of view than the Icy regions around the north pole. No one can reach the limit of the upper regions of the air and live, unlets he carries ivith him air to breathe and fuel to warm him; for at the paltry distance of ten miles above the earth the air is too thin to support respiration, and the thermometer would repis-ter far below zero. It would be a region of perpetual snow on a peak of the earth if it should rise to such a height. A person in a bal loon could not bear a friend In a neigh boring' balloon, even if they were near enough to shake bands. There would be no medium for the propagation of sound waves. There would, however, still be a medium iu fact of great con ductibility almost as good as a metal; and it is this medium at even a less height which Tesln proposes to use in his methods of transmitting power hundreds of miles through the air with out wires. We live under a blanket of air which protects us from the extreme cold of outer space. This low temperature be comes evident 14,000 or 15,000 feet above the surface of the earth, and would, as I have said, reach a point far below zero at a height of ten miles. At this height we should no longer observe the twink ling of the stars; for thi scintillation is due to the movement of our atmos phere, which at the height I have men tioned would be extremely rarefied. If one could photograph the sun's spec trum nt this altitude we carild greatly extend our knowledge of the shortest wave lengths of light; for the atmos phere completely absorbs such wave lengths as are concerned in the X-ray phenomena. That this absorption real ly tukee place can be proved in a labora tory. , , The heat and light which we receive from the sun are thus greatly modified by this blanketing layer of air. The long waves of the energy from the sun are called heat waves. The interme diate waves are termed light waves; and we receive these in full measure. The very short waves, however, are stopped by our atmosphere and are transformed into what? Forum. II In Yearn. SeldumFedd I'd like to have a repu tation as an after-dinner speaker. "Soiled Spooner What for?' "In order to be a successful after dinner speaker I'd have to speak after dinner, wouldn't I?" Puck. Kobbed the Oiave. A tartlln iic;dent, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, It narrated by him as follows: "I was in a raoit dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the firtt bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, 'at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 5 Stock holders Meeting-, Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their officj Saturday, April 1, 1899, at 2 p. ru., for trie pur pose of electing sevea directors, and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles, March 6, 1899. ' L. E. Cbowe, Secy. Cash In lour Checks. All countr warrants registered prior to May 1st, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Feb. 27, 189U. , C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. RegarJin; a sorrel mare, reported to be on government flit. Said mare is branded L. O. on left shoulder; has star in forehead ; is six years old. Party who ill deliver same to me at Endersby Dos to (flee will be suitably rewarded. Address, August Longbe.x. Feb.l3,lm-i Endersby, Or. STALLION roR BALK. One Clydesdale stallion for sale. Can be seen at Ward's ranch, near Dufnr. For terms apply to Ward Bros.,Dufur Or. , 123 lmw. ONE FOR A DOSE, nil U ft 1t.moT. Pimp!.., nTw, fll I u14 DR. B0SANK0 CO. FhMa! el r-BKSO.tAL MENTION. Batunlsy a Daily. Jos. FrsEier was down from Wasco : yesterd. j J. M. Patterson csme down from Wasco yesterday. ; J. P. Mclnerny went to Portland yes- terday attet noon. D. M. French was a passenger for the metropolis ;esterday. J. J. Luckey. one of Hood River's fruit raisers, is up from that berg today. F. H. Ward, of Boyd, is in the city to day and gave the Chronicle office a call. E. H. Parrottcarae op from Portland last night and left this morning tor Goldendale. Miss Mattie Bailey, whose home is in Grass Vallev, is in the city, the guest' of Mrs. B. T. Collins. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Meredith returned to Salem this morning, alter a visit with relatives in this city. Miss Catharine Martin wss among the number who left for Portland yesterday to bear Ward and James. Mrs. L. H. Rnesell, who spenk yester day with Mrs. W. A. Kirby, returned to her home at the Locks on the afternoon train. Mrs. Geo. Blakeley went to Portland yesterday afternoon, where she will re main for a short time visiting her relatives. M. A. Butlerf deputy internal revenue collector, spent yesterday in The Dalles on business, returning to Portland on this morning's train. T. M. Boyer, B. C. Price, David Cor nett, A. L. Wallace and L. R. (iresham, who arrived in this city a few davs since from North Carolina, started for Mitchell this morning, where they expect to take op their abode, making the West their future home. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyle came to this city from Lyle to consult with physicians regarding Mrs. Lyle's health. She was advised to enter the hospital in Portland and undergo an operation, and this morning they lett lor home intending to leave for Portland Tuesday. Monday's' Dally. W. Wing and wife are over from Goldendale. Robert Mays, Jr., came in from Ante lope yesterday. Dr. Chas. Adams is in from Tygh on business today. Mrs. Thornbnry and Mrs. T. A Hud son returned on No. 4 last night from rortland. Ed'Wiugate and Will Crossen re turned from Portland on the boat Satur day night. J. A. Eberle left this morning for Portland to purchase stock for bis new tailor shop. Dr. H. A. Stnrdevanl and Max Vogt arrived irom Portland on the delayed train this morning. Alex McLennan, Murdock McRae. C, Lowrey, Geo. Metteer and J. Malone are in from Antelope. Bert Fariell, who spent a few weeks in The Dalles last summer, came up I T .1 1 o-. I J .ii rum i uiuniiu ouiuruay uu win remain a snort time. Among those who returned on No. 4 yesterday from Portland were Mrs. N. B Sinnott, Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Miss Martin and Mr. J. A. Uouthit. - Thos. Balfour, who has spent the past nve montns at noine in England, re turned yesterday, and left this morning lor iiis rancn near L.yie. Farm for Sale. (Ptlce S3, 200. Four miles from Dufnr and 14 miles fmin The Dalles. 40 acres under culti vation; half the crop in. 400 bearing mm trees; nneassortipent ol small truit. Some good-meadow land : olentv of oak wood on the place. Fine stream of water running through the place. Good outlet for stock. 280 acres of this land is under fence. 120 acres of deeded land. School bouse on the place. The following list of live stock, imple ments, etc., go with the place : Four young horses, one cow and young calf, one good brood sow, 100 good hens, one horse rake, plow' and barrow, all new; 25 stands of bees, 50 good bee hives, one new cook stove, one hack, one cultivator; blacksmith tools. All farm ing tools and household furniture with the place. Good house with good fire plate. Well of water on the porch. Good barn and outbuildings. Inquire of L. Klinokr, of Dufur, or Bxw South well, on Eight Mile Creek, at the place. ' " SUMMONS. I tr-erere: - - - - - III Chronicle Publishing Co. The, We Hae" PRINTERS. Heat Ulopk. Quick Uiotk. Reasonable Prices. The Dalles, Oregon. k4 60 YEARS' V V EXPERIENCE Mil Tracc Marks w9 9 'ft ' " COPVRIQHTS AC An rone Tirl1n m nketrh and dtwrrtptlnn tnaf qn1kly njcerrnin our opinion fre whether an Invention ts probably patentable. Com m tint r,v ttonsntrtctlrcnnnilential. Ifnrnlnonk on Patent tent fr. OMant airmtcr for necunnir patent a. Patents taken through Munn A Co. rclv ipreUU turtle, without charge. In tb Scientific American. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKfiYlrom I2.75 lo o.tfO per gallon. (4 to 15 years old Mash Whiskey. IMPORTED COGNAO from 7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.? AIIIOEHIA OAM71IB mmia.'Jo tote HQ per gallon. (4 to 11 years old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. EOF GOLD BEES on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. -v PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bake, and am now prepared to supply every . body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also" all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. A handaomely 111ntratv, weekly. miHiMwi oi mnj fitjnuiic journal. 'i erma. f4 a renr: f"r roontha, L fcoldbjall ncwartealera. MUNN & Co.38,8i'- New York Branch omoe. t Pt Wuhlostoa, D. U CATARRH Ask your Druggist . for a generoas 10 CENT TRIAL. SIZE. Ely's Cream Bali? contains no cocaine, merco-jr nor any f h.r Injurious drag. It it quickly Absorbed. UIvm Itellef at owe. Tt njn anr eteauM. th. Niual fuMM?.'.. Allan Inltamniatton. Heal, and Protert. th. Membrane, lptore. th. ne of Tart, and Hmell. Full BUaHic) Trial aiz. ai nnit:i.'ws or rtj mail. I'm. - r Warr.a8trett.SsW Tort hfilOne 157. OLD HEAD After the Holidays.. W have large stock ot Pianos', Organs. Sheet Music, Musical Instru ments, etc., tbat we are selling at popular prices. siru. Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. ' Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. rS THE CIRCUIT COURT or - I of Oregou, lor th. Count of ' i M. D. Kaeelaal, plaintia, ... ! . JoMsi n A. Johnaon, C. W." cth aV Kdtly, J. C. Duucanaou aud W i -"l Wbealdon, defendant. To John Barger, Jowph A. Johnm, tu feddy and J. C. Itancanaun, dWenda,Jr In the name of the bute of Onwoo each of you are hereby required u ..i! ' anawer the complaint Died again. the date of the service of th!. mons upon you, if served itIL! County; or if served within in? i County of this State, then within tw,.. from the date of the service of thi. , upon you ; if served by publication men on or before tbe last day of tbe time tnL' in the order for publication, towit, wi?"' weeks from the loth day of March, l tf' being the drat day of publication brnS " you fail o to anawer. for want ttJL." plaintiff will apply to the Court for irayed for in bis complaint herein udguient anal ut defendant O. D. T,t. lOou and intereat at s per cent per dou Oct 1, 1W2, and for his coata and dlsbniw herein, and for Judgment and decretJ' each and all of aaid defendant., forwlm?'' right, title and Interest of each of laid " ants respectively, in and to all tbe sauHar, the southwest quarter of the sonthwwuT, of section 14, and tbe south half of th,nf quarter of section IS, township 2 north r iu twi, ' . u.,i.u uiiwuiig .uvuiei land, and that tbe proceeua be appU4 ) meub ui aaiu juugiueut. j uia suiuuiiiu. i. srrveu upon you or I Hon thereof by order of Hon. W. L,JjtJ Circuit Judie, dated March 11. im. HUNTINGTON A WIlAul Attorneys lor pw 3) llUu Uosl 'Wild NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION Febbuabv, in, limi Notice is hereby given that the uiJ ii.iiicu hivici uMiiini uuui. u ills lottotliii make final proof in support ol his dua l that said proof will be made before W. B,, United Htates Commissioner for Duiry, Washington, at hla office In Uoldendale, I. uigLvu, uu Daiuiuity, April o, low, viz: Thnrman K. Wright, Homestead Entry, No. 103'J9, for the Nr.. tlon 32, Township 4 north, of Ranee ii , Will. Mer. ' He names tbe following witnesses to prw continuous residence upon and cultivaiio-, aid land, via: George B. Lyle, of FuldaP. O., Washn(1. mis j. oeiine, jonn a. eimmons, )mi Reynolds, of Lyle P. O., Washington. Keb !-i W. K. DUNBAK, Retfw DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partar. heretofore existing- between W. I.. Winn Ward, K. H. Ward and J. C. Ward.dolnji J erai lumrenng Dusiness at iJUlur, orwm derthelirm name of Ward dc Hons, Is Uni dissolved by mutual consent, W. 1 Ward a C. Ward ictiiing, J. W. Ward, F. H. Wartis i-.nara win continue tne Dusiness stir. unaer tne nrm name of ward Bros, tud collect all outstiindlng accounta and y bills against the old firm. All partieskn themselves Indebted to said firm are notii. make an early settlement, either by cash a; JJufur, Ore., Feb. is, lsyj. W. L. W1 J. W.Wui F. H. lit J. C. Wit Administrator's Notice! Notice Is hereby tiven that the undertrl nas oeeii reguiuriv a; pointed by the en uuuib.ii innDinieo: uiegon mr vaHCooonr. administrator of the estate ol John bnwll deceased. A!i nersona hsvlnir t lulm. said estate are nerebv notified to i,rp, ni i with the proper vouchers, to me at (lie a of HlDiiott AUinnott, in Dalle. City. 0ml within six months from the date of thi. ua uanes City, Oregon, JnniiHry JO. lUDii. K. . UOKMA.N, AdiuinlMiiV Horthern PACIFIC RY, H U n s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Oi Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO ST. FAUfe MINMEAPOLI DtJLCTH rAKOU OKAKD r)B CROOK9TOH WISNIPKO HELENA as BUTTE Through Tlekets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA ' WW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Tot Inform. ttnn v n . - A Hrld , - ...... u. LBIM.i wiwitiu. I'm 1 nn wI.a "Ml. W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Uallea,Ur' A. D. ARLTON. Asst. O. P. A., jo rrison Cor. Tblnl. Portland 0w Sama Fe ilou ...Spring Is Coming... . t Vlol to put you, buggies Second and Laughlin Streets, ' Dm... ....! 1-1 . . .M.aiU n.fcirri ciioice oi me iouw"' routes east. The am all famous their scenic .tlra,.',lnr. i. K. N. view Omlen and Penvf; and Denver. Khssta Knnta R.ormnto. I' Angeles and Alberqnerque. A daily line of through PU!XM PALACS and TOUKIST SLKKP frnm Kmn Pro ...ia.. ...,1 I A.aalsllV Chicago. Thii i The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agent of the O. K- Co. or the undersigned, for foMeri J uestripnve literature. J. J. DKVEKKl'' THE DALLES, OREGON. Oen. Agt. Worrester, lUt. I'ortlsnu.1"