Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 17, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 11

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1 V'. J (frEmiHJFdVEj j
o ; fifflBBJHKKS,
XVE are not representing DAY-'
V ELDER tracks because they
are the buestprictd worm-drive
trucks made. We an representing
them because they embody every
worth-while feature of quality and con
struction possessed by the .ost expert
im tcvrm-driH truths mad.
It is true that they cost hundreds of
dollars less than any other worm-drive
truck of the same carrying capacity
but not at the sacrifice of quality for a
single instant We will be glad to
prove every statement
The weights in the column on tht right
or the chassis carrying capacity of tack
model, ISCLUDI KG weight oj body.
C. A. Campbell, Prop.
:r2-:tt6 S. Com'l. St.
Pounds '
I 14000
Is eld and run down and undependable, you will
save money by buying a new one.
2G:5 N. Commercial Street, offers a very liberal al
lowance for the used battery toward the purchase
price of a new
Philadelphia Diamond
Call in any time and lefrus assist you with your bat
tery troubles, or any electrical trouble that might
develop on your car.
Exida Mas Encmerates
ThtM- bulletin are ismd weekly iy Row Kivor and Wild wood. Krai-lied by
the forest service nd report the i:tiiiij auto from Cottage Grove,
conditions for stream in sud Bear the! Slurp Creek sud Layng Creek,
national forest of Oregon and Wah-j Wster is too high snd cold for fish-
uigton. These report are based on data injj.
furnished bv the field men
Eagle Creek.
Cui'iiies Good Battery
Should Offer Purchaser
I man wants from a storage'
says R. l. ltarton, of 171
Good cstehes o"f trout are reported oa
points above the l'unchbowl. Retched'
1 1 s c J ; Q: .... i r , ;x L. -
vCT .u - South Commercial street, "is service.:
Stream. 8nj Exi,ie butteries have s reputation!
Xo catches vet retorted. . -.-rviee which is uimwoai-hed. The'
Drew Creek. lability of Exide batteries to irive better
by Columbia River highway ni.d taghfj Good catches of trout are being made service, under Average conditions, is
Creek trail, also by tuilroad to Bonne-'near Drew's dam. Reached by passable, due to a "'cat mauv different things.
viile or Eagle Creek, jroad. Some of these, like the non-flooding I
Tanner Creek. Deep Creek. fi!iina plug snd vent snd the sealing sr- j
Good catches of trout reported at! Good rntches of trout reported at all r:-.ngomeiits fan be appreciated by any-'
points below the falls. Reached by Oo-, points along the ereek. Reached by one. There sre many other thing, some j
luinbia River highway or railroad by , sUge road, passable for wagons only. 0f which are even more important.!
wty of Bounevile. Fishermen report! Mill Creek. v ! which are wot so self-evident. I
bettor ratehe 6u Tanner ereek than on! Good catches of rainbow trout at
Kagle creek. points between Cove and Grande Ronde
South Fork Santiam Eirer. river. Reached bv auto ot natron from
l'u ion or Cove.
Indian Creek.
Good catches of rainbow
Good catches of trout are being made
at Cascadia eastward to the Anderson
ranch. Reached by the Willamette val
ley and Cuscsdc mountain wagon ruau' being made near Elgin,
'A starting battery must be able to
(deliver electric current at a very high
rate and at an effective voltage or
pressure or it w ill not be able to suc
cessfully crank the automobile engine,
trout are It must be able to deliver electric eur-
irent at lower rates or discharge for
daTS,S VreeS.. mnnv hnun rt i,rorul-lv snnnlv t1l tlltft-
Good catches of rainbow trout report- mobile lamps. It must be ss light snd
ed ne:;r Elgin. j smHl
ss possible consistent with
Pine Crek and Clear Creek. ,,,gKedness sud durability. The most
Good catches arc reported at various satisfactory st.-.rting buttery will nat
lwiiits around the stream, jointly east-. urallv be the one in which cm .."esc
rn brook and rainbow trout characteristics is developed to the full
est possible decree. It is easv to design
by wnv of Lebanon. The catches arc
now being made by bait fishing. There
is considerable snow water still running.
Fish, Clear atd Big Lakes.
No report of any fishermen reaching
these lakes has been received.
North Santiam and Brightcubusa Elvers' Bear Creek.
Small catches of Holly vardon troutj Good catches of mountain trout ro-1 a battery with high starting ability if
are luing made near Ditroit. hcachcu , nonou nt various points along- near,,,,,,, ; li ,,,, , gaci fiee durability
milium!. Streams still swollen from I ereek. Reached by suto road by way of ! ,) vice versa, but it takes a skillful
ange ro us
I ,
melting snow. I Mitchell.
Kogue River. suage ureek.
Small catches of Chinook salmon are! Good catches of mountain trout re
being made at Grants Tass and other, ported at various points. Reathed'.by
points along the river. Reached by rail-ianto by way of Mitchell.
road and auto roads bv way of Grants
I'ass. River is still too high for fly
fishing. li'
Little River.
Good catches of salmon trout arc bo-
in made between Glide snd tho month
of Cavitt creek. Reached by auto stags, j
Salmon trout are biting only in the deep)
holes. River is too high and cold fori ,
mountain trout. ... Three Rivors-Opon between W ilia-
North Umpqua River, 'mina and Tillamook. This road is in
Fish are not biting. poor condition through the Grande
Row River.
catches of speckled and red
r M1 experienced batterv engineer to pro- j
duce P ln'.terv which w ill be not only
powerful for its weipht and sire but ;
als" long lived and sturdy.
"When you dismantle pn Exido start-1
in batterv and compare it with bat
teries of other makes vou will find that
Exide design and construction is in a
class by itself. Yon will find that
Exide covers and sealing arrangement
save a great deal of space that in other
batteries is occupied bv troublesome
senlitiiT com'ioiind. Vou will find that
in the Exide bnteries the span- saved
by doing rwnv with this mass of sealing
compound mnkes it pos-ili'e to use
plates of larger area, and it is largely,
sides trout are being made at Dorena,
Hondo Julian reservation; payable for Nine to this that Exide starting batter
aa expert driver. Construction work nrc u''''' "' autmnnliile en-
glue more jioweriuny mail o.io-r iniiiei
ies cf eiiial weight and sixe."
(Continued from page one)
between Polpli and Hobo nukes travel
slow, Thei-e are no detours,
Eusene-F!orence-(i'n between Eu
Si'ne and Mnpleloa, but quite lough.
losed over North Pork mountain.
Will be open about June 1. Road is
narrow, with steep grades and sharp
turns, and should be attempted only
by experienced drivers.
"Alstl River Open -between Cor val-'
lis and Waldport. In fair condition,
Corvallis to Missouri Itend. Passable
Bow New Methods Fortify This Tire Against It
Bruises mean broken inner fabric, and broken fab
ric mean blowouts the ruination of more tires than
all other causes combined.
Frequently bruises result from underinflation,
but too often they are due to faulty construction and
to the shortcomings of ordinary rubber and fabric.
Two Years of Drastic Road Tests Have Proved The
remarkably resistant to the stone bruise. CROLIDE
makes the tread tougher and the fabric stronger.
And it unites the plies of fabric to one another and
to the tread in one solid and practically inseparable
Naturally you pay a higher price for
this casing than for average tires. But
you pay more only at first in the end
LIDE COMPOUND casing will prove
this to you.
We ask ycu to take no risk, for this tire is sold on
a basis of 6,000 miles of GUARANTEED service (in
Ford sizes, 7,500 miles).
J. B. Hileman
Phone 787
291 N. Com'l. St.
"When one of the wedges becomes
loose, the rim starts 'working' and
gradually t lie other wedges become,
loose. "A 'creeping' rim is the result'
and the valve stem beivis the whole
strain until it finally mills off. Further'
more, those wedges are often tightened i
up unevenly. This ends in what is re
ferred to as u 'wobbly' tire and the.
tread is worn out prematurely.
''At other - times, motorists )oiiihi
both the rim and tho tire with a ham-1
uier to got the run olr or on. the
pounding of the rini doesn 't do any par
ticular harm, unless it bends the I'm, ' ,,n ti, rnll(i
but every blow on the tiro may cause , Grants Pass-Crescent City Open bi
a fabric break and that is very serious. ' tween Grants l'ass and Crescent City
"Rusty rims are dangerous, because. all(i j R ,0(i condition exi-qit between
they, corrode tubes, make it hard to Kerby and Wablo for four or five
change tires and sometimes result in 'miles on Oregon Mountain, which is
'freezing on' of the tire. Rims should f very rough.
be cleaned at loci nnco every six Willamette Open and in fair eon-
I months. Orijinnry llaint sometimes dition letween Kugeno and Bonder
j placed on tho rims after the cleaning j Grade. Closed iby snow between lloulil
I process is not good practice inasmuch i e.r Grade) to .the summit.
I as the heat generated by the tires melts McKeuzie Highway Open
ed lsr snow between Tst Creek rang
er s'ntion and the summit.
Anna CrsaV. Open tn id in fair con
dition between Klamath Kails and1
Crater Lake Turk boundary, Cli s;'d by
snow inside park. No di tours posii-
AI'Ill 1 .. I I.. I.. I
'inc. v ill no open irinuii ,iu;v i. ,., ...u-,,,., i'-n 1 I -l i . ,
Medford-Cratcr Lake Open and in I ' '"V""'" we will leave for Bordeaux not
fair condi'ion between Medfud and j a ,nl to Vancouver and Victorin, B. C, . week. ' I heard that 20,01)11 of'us will
Union Creek. Cosed between Vuion'nnd intervening points. Light refresh- be uver the sens 1...' n, mu .i.:-
1 hope I will be one of them.
! ! --
I'l'iVPk mill l fii t i p l.tlUn I'nrli nv sm.W. t . ,t
between Missouri Head and Wuldi.ort.l v. u,. .., I ere served me guests Iiy Ai i month.
. . . . , . .o uctouin m atiiie. T-:iuuiti o ecu
..h.i im iivn i..-,-u r.u,n,- ulou t duly first. 1 " .......... ...,,o ,,.-,, ,-u , , , , , reports snv tnnt we will eo
Missouri Head and over Tidewater! Santialu Wag(n Road Closed to all!"' '" ""! whit.! carnations. Those! t Camp Uorilon, 12 miles from Atlurt'i
"'"' vo7 r?"h ,lt" exeept foot traffie between (Wlia- witnessing fhe, marriage were Mr. and (ieo i Ho I c;;e.s we won't be hnnio
tenmtei onlv bv exiurieneed drivers i .... , , ,. , ... v.....: ,. .... , ....... " : " 1 we wou t He homo
- unit cu.Ti:tu tu.JMiiuniY m i n i hi m 1111 '.yiii,.
Willi 11,111 C41IS, Itiinuil fi,Mit . 'I'herrt ftri Hcvcml I'fln-
Roscburg-Peal J(pen and in good
condition between Risdiurg and I'wl
Row Biver Open and in fair coii.li
'tion between Cottage (Jrovo and Diss
I ton; rough in places. Repair work is
going on. There are goo.t camping
the point and the tire sticks to the rim.
Graphite is much better for this pur
pose. ' '
fair eoniljtioiv 'Between KugO'iie and
liluc River. I'oor condition, Blue Riv
er to Ijost Creek ranger station. Clos-
The Aurora :'.nd Dounld banklnk dis-
r'i, . rYceeib il their II UOt IIS of
"Victory Bonds by a good margin duo ',!.u't!'
to liberal subscriptions at the last hour,
In tho Canbv district the batiks toc
by the 1'armcrs Bunk of that plnc. The
St Ti'til bank guaranteed the fit. Vajl
(ii i;e. Kpbbard is short 3."n0 of ts
Tho Woodburn banks took the
W.'wlburn tpiota fc-nd have several tin us
and dollars left on -their hands Aurora
tie entire quota of about 48,O0O aiid Observer.
Id about 3o,000 to the people. Too accidents to no-
WiUnvilU- quota of 112,000 was tuken
lice department.
Reduction in the price of
ii 12
The Salem
474 Ferry Street
Phone 364
gerous bridges, whi.-h sliou'd not be
used by vehicles. Will pio'nbly be
open July first.
Crescent City-Gold Beach Open and
in fair condition between Crescent
City and Brookings. Koir;h but pass
able, Brookings to (loll U.'lirll.
Riddle-Drew )Kn and in fair con
dition, Allegany to Ioon Lake. Clos
ed 'between Loon Lake and Scottsnurg'
by wafhouts and the rough, steep na
ture of the roadbed. It is-unsafe for
wagon travel and should not he at
tempted by motorists.
Bandon-Golci Beach Open and in
ipassable condition for light cars be
tween Ban.lon and (lold Bench.
Barlow-Oa'3 Grove Open and in
fair condition, between J'ortland and
Twinbriilges. Closed .by snow between
Tw'ihihridgex land Kiiiimis l'liiirie,
Should be open by dune 15.
M. .1. iMsnii anil cliiilitren. Oscar, . before .li 1 If ... If u ili i. i..
Ilaiold, Violette, IJIIinn mid Cnrroit good luck. If I get home before taut
Olson- Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. (iill, Mrs. i'.idi.te we shall have to go some.
A. I.ivesly and children, Philip and, The weather is bad here -not com,
Katherine J.ivesleyj 11. M. Austin and but rainy ami chilly. Will sure be glad
.laughter Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. 'when we leave, but dread that trip on
John (tregory and (laughter Minnie, of tho ocean. They snv only the aiiiiill
lieur Mar.luain.JWoodbiirii Independent, tram-ports como to Bordeaux, but I
I .ton t care, i would trv to cross In a
John Jvister, Co. B 32th Infantry,!
wrote April 1(1 from Cadillac, Knince,
to his sister, Mrs. Henry Tautfest, at
Purge, as follows:
"1 am still here at Cadillac, but I
I row boat." Aurora Observer.
Examine cliiieher rims occasionally
for irregularities sad nwt.
Htainl still in front of approaching
vehicle, don't dodge buck and forth.
. v : .; -,,. , . .i:.y : .W
.v A.- yv.- '-, , , ' 4 - - ' ' J
-Si.' -rJ ,: i i
S,-V 4lbU4' v 1 4 ' r
f I
V '
it K I
Ths war has mad ths wot 14 safe
for oisa who wear wrist-wakbss. A
vad-bloodsd maseuUna person today,
lu appear on ths streets wearing
wrist watch without ths danirer of
weurring snser or a brick. Before
ths war, ths wrist-watch was
badge of tffemlnacy. Ths man, who
affected ons was looked on as a fop,
a simp or a sissy. Today In this
qvssr world, real men wear wrist
watches, unashamed. Taboo yester
day, ths sudden popularity of the
wrist-wufceh is the old story of ths
tons that ths builders rejected be
coming ths chief of ths corner, ths
despised outsider easing boms on the
chin-strap to victory in ths derby,
the ugly duckling turning out to be
a swan.
JThe war did It The war fixed Its
imprimatur forever on the wrimV
watch ss a man's wstch. It made
the wrist-watch almost as neeessa:
a part of a soldier's equipment as h
rifle. It washed out in blood any
itigrns of effeminacy that ever may
have clung to the little tirne-cieee.
Thousands of soldiers went over ths
top ly their wrist-watches, timed
their battle rushes by them, fought
i tbjuo.iiled.by them. If the wrist-jany kind of watches.
Corporal Mike Mnhoney, who went
ucross to Krnn.e with Coinp--y i nnu
whs transferred to the 2titb Division,
lll-lth i n tun I iv, uii i veil homo last week,
lie was on all the fronts and made a
most gallunt record, lie was hit in tno
hip at Argonne forest and still curries
the bull, nn. I also was wounded in the
knee at Chateau-Thierry, Corporal Mu
honey bus a big story to tell if he only
would tell it, including capture of dcr
in, .us, but pief. is not to talk over what
he has gone through in tho big battles,
lie visited Wooillriirn with his parents
and Miss Klla Knviige Katur.lny.
Heth Heche and Albert Otterstrom,
who hnvc been members of tho ilKith
Sanitary train', II 1st division, returned
to their homes Haturilny night lifter be
ing mustered out of service lit Camp
Lewis. They left ('amy Lewis Inst dmy
for France via houthuuipton, Kngland,
and saw service in the artillery field
iiietiitul lit Ht. Milnel, Argonne ami iei
giniii. They were nil tho timo exposed
to shell fire until the lust, when the
(lermans knew they were beuten and
tliought it good policy not to further at
tack the hospitals. As high as 800
me:n were cared for in 4S hours by this
i hospital. Private Becbe sr.w all tne
devastated part of Belgium and Prance
nnil snvs he pictures cannot tell the
! horrible story. Where they were re
building mails they had to depend upon
maps to locate whut had unci! been
towns. Jn one spot Hi bodies had been
buried mid thev were thrown out by
shells. Kverywliere were skeletons.
The intensive shelling brought up new
soil and the grass then; grew longer.
Many of the towns were completely de
molished and even the brick from the
ruined walls covered up by the shell
fire. Neither tongue nor pen can des
cribe the greut iluiiinge wrought. Wood
burn Independent.
f hsffi m- si si r '"" -ii' " "-: ' -'ry
LwkjW i f m I I mam
Ceurrlilil RiMtnd, IV1W
watch didn't win the war,
Ll. J 1 I... .nflninal I
the fashion A the wrisUwatch ,
would wane quickly after the
war. But the war has proved its j
practical worth snd the business man i
of pesre times finds it as convenient j
and utilitarian as the soldier found I
It In tho days of hatttlu. It evident-;
ly has corns to stay. Jewelers de
clare there is as brisk a demand for
it as during the war and more wrlst
wntches ars being sold today tMn
In the presence of immediate relatives
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
am Mrs. M. J. Olson of this city, Hun
day afternoon last at 2:30 o'clock, .Miss
Myrtle Louisa Olson was wedded to Mr.
Wayne Barton dill, son of Mr. and Mrs.
II. L. dill. Hev. Charles L. Dark of the
Methodist Kpis'-opnl church ol'ticluced.
The-bride sai attired in a blue serge
trsveling suit and carried s bopict of
roses. The couple were attended by Mr.
Oscar Olson snd Miss Minnie (Iregnry,
brother snd cousin of the bride. After
Willard Service and You
It's for you that the Willard Service Sta
tions are maintained.
It's for you that the Willard 90-day in
surance plan was worked out.
It's for you that the Willard Service and
Adjustment Policies you'll see in every Wil
lard Service Station were drafted.
The meaning of Willard Service to you as a
car owner is given in the booklet, "Willard
Service and You." Ask for a copy next time
you come in. Ask also to have your battery
tested with a hydrometer so that you can De
mire you have been keeping it properly ,
charged. -
Degge & Burred
Automobile Electricians
Phone 203 418 Court St.
, We test, repair and re
charge storage batteries,
and always carry a full
j supply of battery parts,
new batteries and rental