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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1919)
"Aim are stire getting wise to tobacco quality says the tobacconist, "Any kind of plug used to be good enough for most of them. Nowadays nearly everybody is beginning to learn about the real to bacco satisfaction Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch- loll of imtm From Over there" General Pershing's Official Report The following disunities are reported! hy the coniniauding general of the American Expenditionary Forces: Killed in Action 1 lied from Wounds 4 Hied iu Aeroplitne Accident lied from Accident aim Causes 1 ouier J jj llied of I'isease .... 'Wounded Severely Wouiuleil Slightly Mis-ing in Action si: - Ti Totitl ..311 Died of Wounds. Lieut Victor Mny, Auburu Ala, Privates, (ieorge L Imhoff, New Orleans La. ' Jetii-e C Johnson, Whiting Iowa. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Lieut Waller L Harrison, l.eluinoii Ky. Privates. Henry L Oeister, Turning Mich. Henry H Ludwig, New York X Y. CURRENT CASUALTIES Killed in Action. Pvt Floyd U Auslnuder. Dei her Mieli. ' Died of Wounds. Pvt Mnttioa Kozltmsliy, Chietigo 111. Died from Acroplaue Accident. Lieut JoIhi Stoiui, l'liiladeljihin l'a. Died from Accident and v.u-i. Wagoner lleorge C linuniKii, Kosiu dale Mass. Privates, (itinige Ford Jr, Wiinflioro S C. Ailam tint liinsky, Koidiester V r. John C l"go, Hi iilgeport (Jonn. Clarence Kelly, Cincinnati Ohio. Cluirles 0 McCov, Little Kork Ark Finiicis Patrick lml. Qtiinii, Dicksonville I Perley F Rogers, Burtlett X II. Ernest K Hchroeder, Newton Kan (ieorge E Kinks, Lockman Iowa. John 11 Wer.ver (ieneva Iowa. Died of Disease. Sgt Hen Harnett, Lawrence Kan. Sget Samuel W Holmes, Hoston Muss. Sgt David T Rese, Thiirnian Ohio. S','t Frank Charles Selileretli, Muspeth H Y. S't Iterinaii Teiin U. Sleiibenvllli' 0. Sgt Albert II Wlreaton, Rapid 'ity S J. " A CLEAR COMPL Ruddy Cheeks-Sparkling Eyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 yeart treated cores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well known vegetable fnKfen',nlxf3 with olive oil, naming them Dr. Wwards Olive Tablets. You wiU know them by their olive color. . These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which causa a normal action, carrying off the waste and poison ous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, ou take one i Of U. inwards' Olive Tablets nip,htly for a tome and note the pleasing results. .n mi Thousands or women .. w :onInowd then juit to keep In the pink of condition. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. r - " "1 c 'I . n , AT.-.L'UCA'S HOME Used by thrifty people SiiirfOiA is beneficial to all leather. makes shining easy ia home or office. BUW-TirWHlTE-REB-PC-n 1 of genuine Gravely Plug." Good titte, (mailer chew, longer life iswbat wak.C-ca-uiae Gravely cost !ni to chew this ordinary tobacco. WWW Hi Genuine Gravely Danville, va. ftr Uklet tkcwiut plmf- i Corporals. Horace C Bolcomb, Lynn Mass. Ivan J P.ules, Braddyvilc Iowa, John Knss, Menominee Mich. Wagoner James D McQuadc, Juliet! 111. Cook Henry W Lainpe, Newark X J. Cook Edward J York, Merrill Wis. Privates. Henry Baumgurdt, Slerliag 111. Fred W Berner, Jnmeslowu X D. Bhestor Bower, Jeffers Moat. Murk Brierly, Sardis Ky. (ieorge 0 Brown, Albany X Y. David Forsyth, Koscoe Pa. Earl O Hilton, Everett Mas. Lee Jackson, West Point Miss. Lorenzo O Jiloca. Philippine Island; Eugene Joseph, New York K Tf, Eivin (1 Kliise, Milwaukee Wis. C.eorgc W Kueliler, Cissnt; Jl'nrk III Elmer G T Liutliiiist, Viking Minn. Alfred Lintlsey, Ward Ala. Harvey Martin. Blnnehnrd Ohio. Paul p Mobley, Pimtn (jonla lla. Walter Petersen, Davenport, Iuwu. Etlwurd Ross, Lag range Ky. J nines Senders, Crossett Ark. Clarence Swilling, Irndell Tex. Willioni Thoains Taylor, Atlala Ala. Lent H Tiiiiiin, Shawnee Oklu. Jules Joseph Truss, Kansas City Mo. Stanley Zaliktiwski, Chicago 111. CHANGES IK "ATU8 The following cabled corrections are issued ts mi appendix to the regular casualty lists at the request of the sev t ial press associations: Killed In Action, Previously Reported Died. Pvt Robert .T Muir, Mount Cnrmel Pa. ulea or womias. previously Reported Died. Pt Fred E Runkle, Hialtvllh Ran Died of Disease, Previously Reported Died. j Capt Oeorgo C Freeland, West villa Ctiiin. . Killed in Action, Previously Reported Woundod (Degree Undetermined). I Pvt James Jones, Corning N Y. ' Pvt Conrad Silor, Jersev City Heijihts x .r. Killed In Action, Previously Kuortcd Missing in Action. Pvt Albert Breault, Put uauT Conn. Pvt Steve S Currv, (ilenwood City Wis. 1 Pvt Joseph MoscoroHo, Brooklyn N r,(,i J''v' Anderson, Astorm; Miss Pvt Henry (1 Preiliecr. mlb.'vielv.iilR r-v Heiitlrickson, Asioria; Mis (irace ra. Pvt f leorgp L Ratligeber, Tonawamla X Y. Pvt Joseph C Whitlev. Tei-umsoh Ok'n Died, Previously Reported Missing in Action. Sgt Maurice Conn. Keating, Hartford Sgt Lawrence J Whalen, Richmond Hill X Y. Privates. John R Dierinever, Cleveland Ohio. Ciiiuilio Dtirnntlo, Philadelphia Pi,'. Howard L Fortson, Texnrkann Texas, Cosine Griego, Albuquerque M W. Ambus K Hunter, Dullns Tex. Car C Lenardson, Adrian Mtebv William Parris, Knoxvillp Tonn. , Jasper E Shear, Brook Ind. HUNS TAKE TIME T.,i Anril PS r HllitPll PreSS.) A ..'..,, t oi: t isim ell to i. jiiioriiiHifoi i win mi of Zur.(., ,.,-, the Clerman peace delegates probacy would leave April 23, arivinR in er sailles on May 1. .7 . J L 1 k. . 1 t- -ti li a - ! Mkh J V 4 SHOE POLISH J because it Saves Time, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23. 1919. SENATORS GUESTS OF . MONMOUTH FACULTY Normal Scb.' Club Enter tains Legislators With Dinner Party. (Capital Journal Special Service.) V.mmuntli Or Anril 2:! The annual I faculty club enter'ained at dinner Mon ! day evening in the domestic science rooms in honor of Senator Patterson of j Polk county and px Senator aud Mr.! Haw ley. j Tin- tt.hlcs wore decorated with spring blossoms anil the plncccards wcroi sugg"stive of the season, lhe oinnet,i which was prepared and served by the domestic science class, under the'di-; rcctiou of Miss Lucille Chase, head of i the domestic science department, wnsj a credit. to both teacher and siuueuts. ) Following d;nner. President Acker- man in a most interesting manner, told J !how he "mauaged" those august indi- 'viduuls known as senators and succeed-! !ed at the last session of the legislature! in getting them to inveigle that body; to appropriate funds to meet the needs , of the Oroiion normal school. Ex-Senator Haw Icy, to whom the nor- inal is much indebted for many im-' provements, spoke next, (riving interest-1 ing reminiscences of senatorial Ul'e. Senator Patterson shi:,c last, jiving a detailed account of the edurutiuiiul leg-1 islation enacted by' the last legislature,! which Kll agreed would place Oregon among the leading Btates educationally . wheu these new laws become effective. GAS ON STOMACH SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION KPARTRIIf M HUMIllUUiUl Instantly Relieved by ?y?ATED r AND POWDER FORM IN 5 GRAIN TABLETS HISURATKI) MAOXKSIA is a Mag nesia compound especially prepared for the safe, speedy ami cerlnin correction of dangerous stomach nri'lity. It pomes onlv in the form of five grain tablets and powder in sealed blue packages. To not confuse with commercial mag nesia, milk of magnesia or citrate of mntiesia. Ijook for the word BISCH ATKD anil get it he genuine from 1)1! l"(.;: 1 TS E V Kli Y Wl I KH E . EONHDUra NEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Or., April 2il. A recent visitor lit the normal was Superinten dent Kirk of The Dulles, who came to select teachers for his city for the com ing year. He addressed the assembly nt chupel on the subject of ''The Teach er's (initio to Success." "Loyalty, nrepnratiou and self-confidence," he said, "are absolutely essential o a teacher; without these failure is cer tain." Miss Arty Nettleton of Corvnllis, a member of the senior class, has been chosen May iiieen. Practice has beguu on the program and much interest is being manifested among tho students. Eight students completed tho normal school course and received their dtplo- mas on Friday April 12, which ended the third term of the year. They are Mrs. Mabel Robbins, La Uranus, miss Anna Tnylor, Hoed; Miss Marion Howe, Hoot) River; Miss Roby Workman, Was MeCann, Kerby, aud W. E, Buell, Fall City. All have secured positions for the coming year. The pupils of the training school en joyed a short Easter vacation, bein iiuig Friday noon and lasting until i "e!"'1'v niorning. titan loud ami Assistant in-an ijovis took advantago of the Lnster respite anil spent the time in Portland. The west side highway in the vicinity of Monmouth was surveyed lar.t week. The contract for the paving of .the SJ miles from Rickreall to Monmouth, in- jcluding the post road bet wen Monmouth and Jnuepentlenee nas oeen let vu tue Wnrren Construction company fir S-'Ol,-122 A design for the proposed memorial hall to be erected in Monmonth, has been sketched by John V. Bennes of Portland, If the hull ever materializes, as planned, it will be a "Hung of benu tv nnd a iov forever." anil a nossession . - - ... '. . . . t0 wnlc)1 every citizen will point win. V. Walter Brown has been appointed; registrar for the four election precincts. of Monmouth. R. W. Tavenner has been elected prin cipal of Monmouth high school lot the coming year. Miss Doiightv wiil re sume her former place in tho history department, Miss (iaylurd and Mis Ills lop are also retained on the faculty. Mr. 'favemu'r wu principal-elect last year but was culled into the service just li.-f nee the opening of school, so had to resign. Mrs. C. 1'. Cornwell and little daugh ter, Mary, left Saturday for Portland where she wJl spend a week visiting relatives. David Campbell, who recently re turned from wrvp-e in trance, .t re ceived his discharge at Camp Lewis and arrived home Thursday, W. A. Wall er of Springfield, grand master of the I. O. ti. o, 4i.gun, will be in Monmouth Thursday niglit, April 21, at which time the local lodge will hold open session to all Odd Fel lows and Relwkahs. A program and a banquet have been planned for the octsioii. Miss Daphne Ostrnrn Miss Fay Ward came np from Portland to spend the week-end with home folks. Daphne ji a stcnograober with the American J Railway Express eomny. Miss Ward is specialising in pLtsiial education it 3 71 r , 7 Know Kat you gW ItJOtnCrS your children. The cpea published formula Tie Infants and Children's Regulator I - p.'.in. client vee bocaiuartK. RtUrb-s Tcjurctutor of f bv Icxcncd doctors m trwuag Gecactioo. cohc and dmrrlwea. t,m MertMt-ltirhtv valuable in trcatinc ever guinc ukligesuoa in chutiriea. On of Anise. Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Glycerine, Sugar Syrup, all of which help to make this formula the very best that niedical skill can devise. If it were possible to improve this for mula it would be done regardless of the fact that bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Smip now costs twice as much to make as any other similar preparation. Yet it costs you no more than ordi nary baby laxatives. At ell Drnf Pi'jfl ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO, 21517 Fultoa Sect, N.Y. r-mral SelHni RueU I. IMim J. a Perry 't Reed college. She is a eousin of Mrs. Frank Jloreland. Dean Eawcett, of the 0. A. C visited Monmouth last .Thursday and addressed the students of the high school on the subject of "Meals of Education." Miss Mabel Johnson, who is teaching at The Dalles, came home Friday even- ing to senit tno taster vacauon. The Charley Chaplin eomeeiy "Shoulder Arms" was filmed in the normal auditorium Thursday evening and enjoyed by a largo crowd. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wood left Thurs day in their new Ford fur Hood River, where they will visit their daughter and family, then go on to Seattle. They 'expect to remain in the latter place for (ll COUpl,, of years while their son Oak is specializing st th state university. TUlttmOCALS (Capital Journal Special Service) Turner, April 2.1. Orris Bowman of She'lmrn is visiting at the '. A. Mar tin home. O. W. Cobb and sons' of West Stay- ton were guests of Mr. Cobb's sister, Mrs. AVill Martin. Mrs. John Shnfer was hostess for the Woman's Work clasg on Tuesday of this week. Nine ladies were prosent to partake of the good dinnes prepar ed in advance "by tho hostess. A pro gram consisting of readings and music followed the short busines. session. The May Advent will be held at the home of Claud Lewis AVOID COUGHJ1 and COUGHERif ! Couqhinq Uisccxse i J a Sjbc ji. Ji tVa 3ODROPJrT0l'J'C0Ur.H,r HALF THLf FOR CWIUKLN VICTOR POINT NEWS. (Capital Journal Special Service) Vi'tn.r Point, April 23. Three schools of the countrysiile, Victor Point, Fairview and McAlpin enter tained on Sunday with a most pleasing program and delightful dinner at tho Victor Point school house. Reverend Allen snoke after dinner. Mrs, Royal Condit and bauy son are visiting nt thp A. T. Hnvage home The Misseg Ava Dnrliy and Bertha Doerflor, Inez and Elva Fisher speut the week end with home tolks. Francis M. Miller nttended a dance j Saturday night at enmp No. 1. Were tho roads muddy or the whv longj Miss Anna Doerflor has meen nurs ing Mrs. Matilda Lillilund since the letter's return from the hospital. Mrs. A. Beer of Scotts Mills is vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Amstut:. She intends to return home Momluy to attend her daughter who is ill. Mi Wilhelminn Hierfler who is teaching at Sacred Heart academy is spending tho Easter holidays at her home. Sergt. J. B. Starr, recently dischnrg ed from his country's service, was a visitor nt Indian. Brook last week. ncc It e? MUji tua Sa'.' j House Cleaning Time Is 1 Here Re-tint your walls with our Bulk Kalsominc on which we are makinig a special price of 11c per pound. We have it in all colors and are prepared to supply your wants. Let. us figure that new bungalow or garage bill. Our goods are the best and our prices are right. FALLS CITY-SALEH LUMBER CO. "Everything in Building Material" A. B. KELSAY, Mgr. Thone 813 3-19 South West Salem 414 12th Street r J appears a every bottle of lwf If? W Q SwEra Cilil n effcetir rc I outfit! With other imtriiient 4Ck,W. R Trk Ti Reverend and Mrs. Allen are visit ing with tho Jssquets. Lieut. Iris Miller of the 4th engin eers, who is with the army of occupa tion, is expected back in the state soon . FEE MISERABLE FROM THAT COLD? Colds and coughs are quickly relieved by Dr. Kin&'g New Discovery Nobody should feci "perfectly mis Table" from a cold, cough or bronchia) attack for very long. For it takes only little while to relieve 't and get back ca the road to recovery when Dr. King'i New Discovery 19 faithfully used It soon loosens the pldcgm. re lieves Irritation, soothes the parched, ore throat, brings comfort. Hall a century old and more popular today than ever. 60c and $1 .20. Hake Your Bowels Behave Make them function with gratifying Srecision. If regulation of the diet oe not relieve their torpidity Dr. King's New Life Pilla will They are perfect bowel trainers, cleanse the system surely, comfortably. 25c. J. 0. Perry's CLOVERDALE NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Clover.lale, Or., .April ii.t A. Wood's uncle from Washington is visit- inir him with a view of locating here soon. Mrs. L. E. Hennis received nn unex pected visit from her son, Elmer, who is encamped at Vancouver. Elmer ex pects to be moved to Seattle nntl trnm there to be moved to Seattle nut! from thero to Alaska soon. Ho visited the Cloverdnle school giving the children a short talk on army life while here which much tit lighted the littlo folks. Miss Ruth Drager was an unexpected hostess Tuesday evening wnen ner BACKACHE' Umber Us) With Penetrating Hamttn's Wizard Oil ' A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back aatl Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Kver constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 tents. I itiarantecd. Jot?a a! Want Acts Quick Reference To Firms That G:?o Service On Short ' Where Bayer And Seller Meet-Ve Recommend Our Advertisers. EVESYTHIN3 Salem Eleetrie Co., Masenie Tsmplts, WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER fOiiPAXY Office corner Commercial and Trads streets Bill parable monthly la advance. Part 80S. SHEA REPAIRS all kinds of furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che mcketa St. between Commercial and Liberty. Phone 181. -20 REAL ESTATE IFOR SAIJC 120 acres of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salem, on good road, in good location, good house and barn and othtr buildings, farm implements, 4 horses, 5 eows, 5 year ling. 50 head of hogs, round 500 cords of wood ready cut, all at a bnraain. Write M W care Journal. tf FOR SALE A good double team har ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchango for good dry wood See Square Deal Realty eowpaao. Phone 470 schoolmates Slithered at her home io surprise her. Taffy pulling was the or der of the evening. Floor games were enjoyed by all till a late hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. magcr, Ruth Drnger, Pearl Drager, Alfred Drager, Mike Weatherell, Raymond Wontherell, Clifford Weatherell, Nuth- . t :.. I., .....I. an Morris, riorence munn, f Morris, Willie Morris, Cleo Bluio, Mar- cell Blaco, Violet Craig, Hazel Craig, Emery Wood, Everett Vtootl, Lucille Fleet wood. M. Fiiflet and family motored to SU- verton Just Tuesday to visit relatives there. Mrs. Anna Kuuko was a Sulum visitor Thursday. The Capital Journal t UlUTj LidlUU ncpuii Orain Wheat, soft white Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats - tLiy, cheat 3 80c 124 Hay, oats 23 Hirlpv. ton S48(tl)50 Mill run 43(ij;44ei Butter fat Butterfiit wo Creamery butter BDfeOOc Pork, Veal ana Muiion rork on foot lOVi!"' Veal, fancy , JB Steers -- 5lw Cows uw.v? Spring lambs 14c Lwssl Lambs, yearlings -- i"(u;ioe ggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 41c 2830c 15 Hens, llvo Old roosters Cockerels ............. . 22c VegstaDies Radishes, dos . 85e Sweet potatoes uiauyau Potatoes 'H? Onions, local Cabbago f5V4n'A Tnrnin. 2 3 4c Head lottuce - 4 2X 4.75 Beets -.- Y Parsnips 3e Cnuliflower, flats - 2(o2.25 Wloouiin nnnles. box - $4. 50 Cnlerv. craiu ' Irult Oranges $35S8.75 S5Ca)9 e ... VGi 19it,20e Lemons, bos Bananas Florida grape fruit, case .. Hlack figs lb. - Whlta fiis. lb. Package figs per li ou pg Honey, extracted -- tteiau ruma Eggs, dozen - e Ircniuory butter Flour, hard wheat - .l.U(aJ-so romana oiubi Portland, Or., April 23, Butter, city sreiiniery ai(.)ii Eggs selected local ex. 44fa toc Hens 8(4ihs Broilers 42(5 43c Ueese 17(oyi0e Cheese, triplets 3."(o 37c DAILY LIVE STOCK alAEKXt Cattn Receipts 11 Tone of market steady Best steer. I3.7('( 14. 7"t Good to choice steers lL50(a 12.50 M odium to good steers 111 Fair to good steers (Dot 10 Common to fair steers HfnD cows and heifers $10.50 12.25 Good to choice eows and beifen iWw 10.50 Medium to good eows "d heifers $7(i 8 Fair to medium eows and beifen :(( 6 Cnnner, 13.54.50 Bulls f H.50 Calves !l.5lfiH Stockcra and feeders 710 Hogs lieecitits 482 Tone of market strong Prime mixed 2Wfi $211.2.1. Medium mixed l.50fi20 Rough heavies 1818.2j Pigs 17.2.-)f 17.70 Bulk 1.7.V 20 I Bleep Receipts 72 Pk.IF SF.vr Telepsoae Maia 1S0O ELECTRICAL 127 North High- DORA DEAN MeCUTCHEON, teneher of iiano, a licwand logical met hod for both ftipil and teacher, making elear all fcasic principles necessary to a musical education, and giving the "music teacher" something t teach. 421 Court St. Phono 3i2. PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE For bargains in new and secondhand goods for the house, furniture, rang es, heaters and sioves, ru:s, sewing machines, graniteware, dishes, suit cases, trunks aud tools. We want your old furniture and stoves, wiS pay you highest cash price. See us last. Peoples Furniture Store, 271 X. Commercial St. Phone 734. SECOND-HAND GOODS XO CASH RHl'lHED Hood overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of music al instruments, shotguns, rifles, beak ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and HUM) other useful articles to soil or trade. What have you! The Capita Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493. AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool and bil liard parlor is now open under new management an I it renders you ant the general public a congenial place to pass away a few leisuie hours. The basement of Oregon Elect rio depot, corner of State and High Phone 62S. VVm. Livock. prop. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES RKBU1LT AND KKPAtREs 50 years experience, Depot Nitional and American fence. 2 to i)S in. high Paints, oil and varnish, etc. jOgai.,berry and hop hooks. Salem Fenco and Stove Works, ' 2.-( Court street. Phono 124. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, selis and exchanges new ana 2d hand furniture. All kinds of repair work, ight grinding, filing; nnd hruzing a specialty. Right prices. 2(7 North Commercial St. Phono Id. SALRM SCAVKNHKH irbs: ant refuse of all kinds removed on monta, ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead aiiimal re moved. Office phone Main lli7. LODGE DIREQORY KNICIITS OK PYTHIAS MKliT AT MtiCornnck hall on every Tuesday at ft. P. Andresen, C. C. T. Kuntit. K. H, 8. . RlOYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon drape camp No. 1.100 meet every Thursday evening in Mc.Cornaak hall Elevator service. Oiaelo, Mrs. ('ae rie K. Bunu, 618 Union St; recor der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OP AM F.RICA lOregon Cedar camp No. 524tt meets every Thursday evening, o o cioc an MiVCornack hall, over Meyers store. Ray A. llrant, V. C; P. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at H p. m. in Masonic Tempie. Ciena C. Nile, M. A; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MONEY TO LOAN On Onod Real Estate Seenriity TlliOS. K. FORI) Over Lndd Bush bank; Salem Oregoa PKDKRAL FARM U)AN-3 per- ceat interest. I'rompt service, .w years time. Federal farm loan tmnde for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Ma sonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. INSntANCE COUNCIL For free 1B- formation about Lire insuranee bp" J P. Hutchas'in. (list, mutineer for the Mutual Life of X. Y., office at 371 State St.. Salem. Ore. Office, phone Wl, residence 1300. M LAUNDRYMAN HKll' LKK, expert laiindryinan, 43S Ferry St. I psv top market price for chnikens and F.ggs. Office phonS i:i:l.l. residence I33.T.. WOOD SAW PHONE 109OR Our Prices are Right M. Z ASHLER, Proprietor . .Hummer Street. Salem, Oregoa. W. 1255 V REPAIRING STBWART'H IRKPAIR HIIOP Have just installed s mnchino that will sharpen Inwnmnwers the snme as the factory puts them out new. Bring nil voiir light repair work to me. Al vin'B. 8teart, 347 Court St. Phone , AUTO REPAIRING ALL kinds of auto repairing by n e perienced workman. All work, guar anteed to be satisfactory. Mnl,.bak cr repairs a specialty. D. 11. Mott, 2t3 N. Commercial. Tone of morket weak Prime lambs Sl7(u 17.30 Fair to medium lambs lo(Slfi. Yearlings llrti l3 Wethers 0fr,12. Ewes 0.jO( -