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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1919)
TKE D4ILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 21, 1019. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL NEW TODAY WAft RT A (Tr. ITT) A T fC JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEDH1 E IARI0N COUNTY-TRY TEEM FOR RESULTS CLusamss asvebtlsimq rates Rate per word New Today t Bach iassrtioa 1 as week (6 insertions) S Use ontk (26 insertion) ,.. 17 Tie Capital Journal will mot be re ponhl lor more than on insertion, Cm errors in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the f irat day It appear and aotify ua immediately if arror occur. it inimum charge, 15c WANTED Cattle ami calve ny kind. .Phone 1576W. 5 2 WHITE Indian Runner ducks for aalo. ll)St) Norway St. 4 24 FOR SALE 44F5. 2 brood sows. Phone 4 21 TAKEN' UP 2 sorrel, bald face colts. Phone 70E11. 4 24 JAS. LYONS, practical painter. Phone 704. 5 16 Bid TIR stove wood for sale. Phone C4F14. 4 21 WANTED Roomers and boardfrs, 495 N. Com'l. Phono 144tf. tf FARM hand wanted. Call Salem 3F3, C. C. Russell. tf WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf FOR SALE Pansy planta. Maruny, 211 Miller St. 4 30 STREETS garage, 420 S. Com'l. All kinds of ropair work. 4 2b FREB BOOKLET 'Care Baby Chicks' 544 State St. Telephone 4U0 Headquarters for baby chicks, tf W. BEAVER, well driller phone 827J 1165 N, 19th St, Salem, Or. 5-5 WANTED Poultry, eggs, hidea and veal, heavy hens, 32c; light hens - 31c. Cherry City feed barn. tf FOR RENT Clean apartments for .eloan people at tho Miller, 083 Fer ry St. tf FOUND Bunch of key. Owner may obtain same by describing tame at this office and paying for ad. tf FOR SALE Three quarter ten truck. - In first class shape, $200. Highway garage. U FOB RENT Or eale residence at 360 N. Capitol St. one brock from Cap ital, tf WANT To secure at once, $2000 loan on good farm security. Socolof ky, Bayne bldg. tf WANTED Experienced grafter at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Bale- Rt. 8. tf xfunu imi ior niiKi, tveuuosuiiv afternoon. Owner call at Journal of-1 "V T"-n TT.l : TTT-.T 1 fice and pay for ad. tf FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co,, 271 Chemeketa. Phone 308. tt WAl'It PAPER 15 cent pr double roU spward. Buron's Furnitur Store; 179 Commercial. tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valloy Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phoue 1400. tf HAVE recently listed some exception al bargains, for grain, fruit stock or dairy ranches. 1 can assist you in buying right. For best buys pe Socolofsky, Bayne building. tf We Buy. and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Exempt FirstMortgage Farm Loans INVESTMENTS OF MERIT ONLY -HAWKINS AND ROBffiTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. WANTBD--Experienced girl in house work. 743 S. Com'l. tf TWO Poland China pig for sale. Wt. 100 lbs, registered. phone 53K5.421 FOR SALE Milk cow. Phone 103P 16. 42s I BOY young calves. C. C. Russell, Phone are. tf WANTED Rubber tire, top buggy, in good condition. Must be cheap for eash. Phoue 1W13. 4 22 FOR SALE 40 acres at Liberty; best terms ever heard of; take some eity property. Wm. LeuiJcy, Salem. 4 21 TENT for eale. 40x110, blaek wall tent note size before making inquiries. Mauagcr Oregon theater. 4 24 FOR SALE 5 room modern cottage 700; terms. Call room 304 Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris. tf WANTED Player piano, crtate make, price and condition. Addresa Piano care Journal. 4-22 YOUNG man who attends business col lego mornings, wishes work after noons. C-58 care Journal. tf WANTED To rent four rooms in pri vate' house, close in. Phone 423 be tween 8 a. m. and 1 p. m. 4-21 FOR RENT 5 acres, all in cultiva tion, close to car line, fine vegetable land. Socolofsky, . Bayne bldg. tf HAMBLETONIAN horse and ouggy for sale. Phone 70F32 or write Rt. 9, box 1MB. tf FOR SALE Or rent, store building with living rooms, furnished or un furnished, in connection; also .gar age. Call 335 8. 19th. 4 22 50,000 TO 75,000 Italian prone trees for fall delivery, Fruitland nursery, 1 mile east of state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. St. 6, Sale. tf PLANT artichokes If yon want cheap hog feod. Both top, and tubers make splendil feod. I have s few bushels loft. Phone 622 or -54. tf Fruit trees, rose and shrubs. Special low price on certain line. Phone 111F3. tf JOOD rooming house to lease, 30 room partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 606 N. Com'l St. or phone 1549M. tf TE PAT highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Oo, 171 B. High St. Phone 1400. tf roR 8 alb At 1260 Jefferson Bt. nice little house end lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this 1 a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator' expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at mv office, only. C. W. Icmeyer, Masonic building. tf COM:iOSEKS and song writers, forty copies of your composition for $8. Let mo show you how to have your work published. Bruco.-Music Pub lisher, 304-305 Ik-rntce Bldg., Ta cema, Wash. A SNAP I have a nice 5 aero tract, well improved nt city limits, good new house and barn, young orchard, loganberries and other fruit. Will take good trade. Price $5.f)00. Big discount for cash. O. W. Laflar, 503-6 Hubbard Tbldg. tf LOST Crold wrist watch, between Ma rioa and Division, on Libert. Leave at Journal office for reward. 421 FOUND Pair man's leather clove. t ail at Journal office prove same and pay for ad. 4 21 WANTED Some hop stove, must be in good condition. JW Washington St. , 4 22 40 ACRES good berry and prune land for sale. Will soil in email tracts r whole piece. Phone- 2381J. 5 19 LOGANBERRY tips. $20 per thousand tor sale. Hans I opp, Oervais, Rt 2. 422 PORTABLE chicken fence, ISO lineal feefor sale. 11. C. Hummel, 2340 Laurel Ave. Phone 2097J. 4-21 tK PALE Auburn touring car, in first class shape. Highway garage tf WALTHAM wateh, 11 jewels, perfect time keeper, will ttade for cheap work horse. 22o tenter St. 421 FOR SALE iBean (praying outfit in first class condition, and cream sep arator. Phone 10iF13. 4 21 FOR SALE Corner lot 132x132 with 8 room house, modern conveniences, eement wains, tarn and fruit; on carline. 1393 X. Liberty. tf MIXED gladiolus 25c per do. Dah lia bull's from fl."j dozen to 75c each. Mrs. S. L. Furvine, 1009 Fifth St. 4-21 GOOD team, 9 years old, weight 2100 ius., lur gale; will work any place; also good hack and harness. Bar gain at $115. .Phone 12F5. 4 22 FOR SALE 40 acre farm, well locat ed, close to Salem, and a modern 5 room bungalow, close in. Address Owner care Journal. 4 22 FOR SALE Or will trade for liberty bonds. 5 acres in Hollywood. Call at Clarke Tire House, 319 N. Com mercial. 4-22 FOR SALE 5 room modern house lo cated at 1507 8. Cottage, corner lot east front, price $1500. See W. F. Shank, 1550 S. Uberty. 4 El FOR SALE Am leaving town, will sell my new 4 room plastered bunga low at once for $500. 620 S. 18th. 4.25 HAVE you bought that Fordson trae . tort Let Uncle Sain furnish the mon ey at 5 percent payable ia 34 years. See W. D. Smith, 303 Salsm Bank of Commerce. 4 81 FARM for sulo, 24 acres, 5 mile eat of Salem, new buildings, 9 room bungalow. 14 oeres in cultivation, balance pasture. Write Rt. 6, box 25A for further information. tf OWING to the continual increase in four shoe dyes, labor and polishes wo ore forced to raise the price of shoe shining to 15o straight after May . 1. W. J. Halscll, Clms. Maxwell. 4-24 LOST Somewhere in Aumsville, a black imitation leather pocket book containing $100, nil $20 bills. Also a W. S. S. book with $25 in stamps In David Alexander's signature. Finder please return same to G. M. Alexander, Aumsville, Or. and ro ceivo reward. -23 BETTER REALTY BUYS Dairy farm of 426 aercs. All new buildings; large modern house, barn fiOxo'4; silo; 200 acres cultivtated, (more than half in crop now,) Splen did range of farm machinery; 66 head of sheep and gonts; 11 hogs, 10 head of eattle, 6 horses; ail liny and feed, seed, etc. The whole rnnch complete at $90 an acre, tloso to R. R. town and high aehuol. 5 room bungalow, new; very com fortable little home, i block off main street; 2 beautiful lots; ....od fruit. $2000. 260 S. 14th street, good 3 room bungalow, $2S00. Good terms. 10ia acre apple orchard; no build ings. Fine location. $2500. 10 acres with good house and out buildings. All cultivated, $2000. $100 down balance cusy. A real snap. 2 acres and large, modern house; just outside city limits. 4750. 5 acres; 3-4 acre loganberries fine iruii. ianay son. Aew building; horse, 2 cows, chickens, implements, etc. etc. Off Silverton road. $2200 the lot. Lood at thl one) 5 acres 1 mil from S. Commercial treet car. 2 acre, logans; 2 acre full bearing cherries; good modern house with bath, etc. Gas lighting plant. $4509 0 acres near Pratum, 0 acre log' berries; bo building. Fine land. $2050. iu acres Yj mile to H. ll. a acres loganberries; 414 acres evergreen blackberries family orchard. Wove wire fenced. No buildings. $3200. 6 acres at Fruitland; good build ings fine little family orchard. A good loganberry proposition, $1300. Quarter of a city block; splendid fruit and fine soil; 7 room house and fullv modern except basement; $3, 500. $1000 eash will handle. Bal ance long time. FOR REALTY BARGAINS See CW.NIEMEYER 215-216 Masonic Building LOOSE hay for sale. 47F22. 4 24 FOR SALE White spring oats. Phoue 39F3. -.23 FOR SALE Hard red brick, cheap. Phona 101F2. 4-26 FOR SALE A No. 1 cow. Rt. 17. , not 422 YOUNG lady wishes po&itlon as clerk or office worn. Phone 1416. tf FOR SALE 1914 Ford, good lion. Apply 712 State St. eondi 323 FOR isA t.E Good Jersey cow, makes pound -butter day, $05. 2505 Stati st. 43 FOR SALE Fine four year old, fresh Jersey eow; very rich, heavy milk er, gentle.. 20S3 State St. 4-23 WANTED By middle age lady, work by the hour or by the dav. Address Mrs. C. M. 1340 Shipping St. 4 21 LOST Blue serge vest with chain and charm. 146 Center St. Phoue 1325. 422 10 ACRES -8 acres in loganberries, 2 aires full bearing No. 1 berries, 3 mile on Jefferson road, SO rods east See owner, F. R. Stark. 4-25 WOOD CUTTERS wanted to cut sec ond growth fir; fine timber; 60 days work, $2 per cord. 3 blocks from-end of 12th St. ear line. T. L. David son. ' 4-2 FOR SALE A bargain in a large 9 room house, lot 78xS8 ft. on eorner of Center and Winter, good furnnee and fireplace, toilet, bath, electric lights one of the best locations in the city, 2 blocks fiom stato house, for $3. 230; (j . cash balance time to suit Inquire or phone R. R. Ryan, 19 F3. 4 21 WOU1 D like to trnde four room house, cloeo in, for larger property, closo in and pay difference. Addresa S5 care Journal. . 4-22 FOR SALE Or trade on account of cireumetanees, will 'sacrifice good horn in Brownsville; will trade this cle property for your mortgaged horn if well situated; might trade for good lot close in, or acreage. Ad dres 1335 State St. or phoue 113 8. tf FOR SALE .Yes, this is for sale and it u going to e)l too. come and see it for w want to soil it furnished or unfurnished, $3500 unfurnished, $4, 000 fnrniehed. This offer will not last but one week; you never saw a more complete 8 room bungalow, big lot with garage; come on and hurry. 876 North 14th St. Key one door south. Easily worth $6000 . 4 25 THE 480erM in Jefferson county d- "' some nmo ago, win De tnk en off the market May first. This is a nap at $8000, a there are im provement as well 150 acre in crop, all tillable land being under Suttle Lake irrigation project which ill be ready to irrigate tho 1920 crops. More particulars can be had by addressing or talking to dvertis ing mgr. Journal. Act quick, your time is limited. - tf FOR SAL" !M acre of No. 1 land located 6 miles from Salrm, on good road, in good location, good houso and barn an.l other buildings, farm implements, 4 hnrsen, 5 cows, 5 year lings, 50 had of hogs, round 500 cords of wiod ready ciit, all at a bargain. Write M W care Journal. tf GLADIOLUS BUU1S Trv 1,,p grown bulbs. We are offering a mix ture admired on nur ground, for its range of color. Bulbs of vignr and vitnlity, 5uc per dozen. Also a lim ited number of the flame colored, Mrs. Francis King, called the most popular gladiolus, 60 cent, per dozen Any variety d.-sired that wu do not nave will be glad to order-. W. C. Franklin, phone 52F14. 4 21 MEN WANTED AT WFST LINN TA PER MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. TtART.nw at ilvTEL ACROSS EIVEI FROM OBBGO.N CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 5 2 ANYONE looking for a place all ready to set up housekeeping couldn't do better than buy the following: 10 sere good fruit land, 3 room kouse, gooa well, barn and wagon shed wod house, chick houso and park; sd tree rnund house and barn, good garuVn in and fencea in neee ry places, l'j acre strawberries, logans, gooscDerries, raspber ries, bla-kberries, pears, plum, p ple and cherries. Everything ja in nrt elan condition and miles outh of Salem. No incumbrances and can give possession at once. $2500. Term, if desired. 3 XIV care Journal. tf SALO! AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If yea want to boy er (ell a ear come and ice me. Buick roadster, 1914. $2R3 2 1914 Ktndebsker 250 and $275 Overland good as new $70o 19m Ford, good as new, 475 115 and 1913 Fords, $375 1915 Buick, first class condition 400 1915 Ma swell, meehanicajlv per fect, $rVM) Detroit-Abbott $225 Lots ef others, eome and e us Open till 9 evening Phone 867 ' LOST Agate lavallicr ana chain, prob-! ably on State St., Saturdav. Kind er phone 12F14. " 4 22 FOR SALE 3 Jersey cows, fresh; ouc Durham eow, fresh, 2015 N. Com mercial. 4 22 TRACTS! TRACTS! TERMS ON ANY ONE Two fin acres adjoining city limit $2100.. Good kouae and barn, garage. All cultivated. 5 acres; 4 room house; barn; cow, chickens, boggy, implements; close to car; $0O S acres; small plastered house; all cultivated; at Hollywood, $1700 o acres ail lit orchard; 1 acre logans; 2 acres prunes; blackcaps, gooseberries and strawberries; S room houso; good barn; bock oil, close to car; $3500 S acres on Smith's fruit farm; small house; $1500 5 acres off Silverton road; good house and barn; 1 acre mixed orchard; 1 acre loganberries; oow, hone, chick-, ens, good implements; fine soil and ' lays well; $00 j 5 acres S Silem, with first das: houso has full cement basement; 3 acres mixed orchard; i acre logons; , $30O0 (the house is worth more) 5 acres with modern house; bath; Kas lighting plant, etc; 2 acre full bearing cherries; 2 acre logans; fine ' buildings $4500 6 acres at Fruitland; good buildings $1300 6 3-4 acres well improved, close to car. J3.00 8 3-4 acres with 6 acres in logans; no buildings, $2000 9 acres fine loganberry land; no buildings; all cleared land; $1500 10 acres; 3 acres prunes; 2 acres lo ganberries; balance In grain except 1 ; era timber; buildings poor; just out side city and a great bargain; $1000 ! 10 acres with a modern house and fine fruit; $3500 ; 15 acres; 7 in bearing prunes; good buildings, $1500 BUY LAND NOW I Two yearn from now, if you have, not bought, you will wish that you! had FOR REALTY BARGAINS ! BE S C W. NIEIEYER "Just Real Estate" 215 210 Masonic building 4 21 YOU ARE GOING To lose the opportunity to pnrchase that modern house at 1133 Court St. for $5500 on your own tcrmst Un less you do so within a few day it will be taken off the market. It is worth more money and proj'erty val ue ar going up. The same will ap ply to tho beautiful home at N. 1263 Court St. for $4500. See JOHN H. scon 404 Hubbard building GOOD BUYS 50 acre farm, well improved, 4 7 '4 acres in cultivation balance pasture, targe house and barn, family orchnrd, dark prairie soil, 'j mile to school. Price $10,200. 36 acre river bottom farm, 25 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; giod six room bungalow, fine 'barn, fnmilv orchnrd and berries closo to school. Price $7200. 20 acre tract, 15 acres under culti vation, balance pasture, 1 acre of lo ganberries, l(j acres bearing cherries, 4 room house, barn; 3 horses, 2 cows and farm mnchinery. Price $.1150. 40 acre trnct, 17 acres in cultivation bulnuce pasture and timber; house ntnl luirn, running water; stuck ami ma chinery go. Priije $u000. 40 acre tract, 35 acres of bearing prunes, 2 acres of pears, located south of Snlrm. Price $275 per acre. ."lUj acre tract, 24 acres tn 5-yenr old prunes, beJanee nearly all in grain, some timber. Price WOO. 4t.2 acre tract, 30 acres in cultiva tion, H acres 4 year old prunes, 2 acres Loganberries, 10 acres in wheat; houso and barn, family orchard. Price $1000 63 3 4 acre farm, all faun land; good house, barn, well, rock road. Price $5500. $3500 down, balance 5 years 6 percent interest. 320 acre farm, 80 acres under culti vation, balance good timber ana piui ture; good hoiwe, bam, spring water. Price $40 per aero and in crop, balance pasture running water, good set of farm building. This litncl is m a nign sintc or cunivu tinn. ami if you are looking for a first clais farm, investigate thi. Price $31, 000. 102 acre dairy farm, all cultivated and in crop, dark noil, well limited; good set of modern farm building, good road. Price $125 per acre. 100 acre farm Im'ated miles east of Turner, 100 acres in cultivation; good house; barn, 50 acre in crop. Price $12,500. 340 . acre Howell Prairie farm, 210 acre under cultivation, two set of buildings. Price $!5,"i p r acre. 10 acre all under ruilivHtioa and in crop, located 4'4 mile from Kulem. Price $1350. 6 room modern bnngalow, lot 50 by 110 feet, gravel street. Price $1350, $350 down, lalanrc terms at f percent interest. 100 acre ttum, 100 acre under cul tivation, balance timber; large plas tered houso, barn, roek road. Price $10,400. $3000 down, balance 6 per cent interest. 5 room modern house located on pav ed street. Price $1500. $500 down, balance to suit at 6 percent interest. 15 aire tract located 5 mile from Halem, acre under cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, fine spring. $1000. If you want to bnv, trade or sell, Kee W. E GRABENHORST & CO. 275 Utate street National Gingham Week This Week is Set Aside "Nationally" to Emphasize 3i A Codif rlialyfe Special Introductory Sale ' i - . . .i V The Sphagnum Moss Girl To Introduce these SFAG-NA-KINS Special Price for Package of Six - You can always f A ijGOOKiOOOiC.N- LAKGE modem rooms with hoard, 461 N. High. Phono .1627. 4i!i EX -SOLDIER from Honolulu wants work hire in lumi. Wiirs of all Muds or work by hour. Address 473 N. Cottage St. 4 21 WANTED A dish washer ut Roynlo Cafeteria, steady work for light par ty. 422 FOll SALE 3 fine lots, in excellent condition, and a good luiy. Phone 12;!!V or call 1263 N. 20th St. 23 I SILOS Ensilage is better and cheap er than liny for your stock. Build your ilo with fii percent govern imnt money. I'av in 31 years. See W. I). .Smith. 303 Hnlem Bank of Commerce building. Kill KALE 40 acre orchard, 2H acres Hyenr old Italian prune trees; 7 acres 5 year old Italian prune trees, 5 acre pears; $273 an acre. W, H. (Irn'ienhorst Co. 273 State f. 21 rXrlt SALE 20 acres, close in, one half in orchard, mostly Italian prunes, sime cherries and peaches, balance of land in wheat. $:ii" an acre. W. II. (irabenhorst It Co. 275 State St. I0O0 LOGANBERRY tips for sale; al so stock hoys draft an 1 driving horsi-s, and Eailv Itosn potatoes. W. E. Egnn ft hoi. Gr.vais, Rt. 2, phone 3E11. rK)ll S.U.E 20 acres, north of Salem, 18 re, cleared, 4 r r. s timber, fm- ny orcnara, iyj tr es logans, 2 rig lish walnut trees good 6 room house and barn wove i wire fence; price $41X10. $I5'0 r h, balance terms 6 percent inti re- . W, II. Gra-benhors' Co. 73 St ,te St. 4 21 MARHY if lonely; for resnTts. try mc; best and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar Tinge eon; strictry conf ialuntial; most reliable; years experience; d' scriptinns free. "The Huceessf ui Club," Mr. Purdie, Bjx 558, Oak Und, Cal. AMERICA'S GREAT FABRIC GINGHAMS We shall specialize on this fabric this week, in PIECE GOODS. DRESSES, APRONS and CHILDREN'S DRESSES All made in the United States SFAG-NA-KLNS A Sphagnum moss sani tary napkin . The "Sfag-na-kins" will be found to prove greatly superior to any thing else on the market 1 to 3-0ne "Sfag-na- kin" will be found equiv alent to .3 or more ordi nary cotton sanitary napkins. do better at M'ODBHN house fur ?iile, 8 room hon-i lot 54x1X0; ull modern improve ments with sun parlor; double gar ae; f iri-pluee, furnace, full lusv meiil. For terms and inquiries call phone number 2tl.iVV. 1745 Mtati street. 4-2J P I! SALE -Or trad - .Superior self dropping potato planter, regulateil to plant hills any ditnce apart; bn-t been UM-d to plant only nine acres, guarantee to be as good as new. 1'rieo $70. Top biig,(y aud singbi harness, buggy cost $.i, harness $20; Price $75. Ti p buggy au l eiugln for young cuttle or large milk cow, to be fresh in the near future. A. II. Craven Monmouth, Or. mi City Mayor Welcomes LW.W, Horde to City Turns Deaf Ear to Heroes Sioux City, Iowa, April 21. Approxi mately a thousand I. W. W. are her to attend llio convention of the agriculture section of that organization which oien here todsy. Wallace M. Short, mavor of Siouc '.City, dee.arcd this morning he would do live, the address of welcome, despito il'iotests from returned soldiers who ves- crdny held a meeting. The meeting uoopiea a rosoiurion usKing eiiy uutuor- iities to prevent the sessions. ! . j p01tlaila IlOg PnCCS Soar To New Coast Record Marli i Portland, Or., April 21. A sudden ad vance of 50 cents over Paturdar's fiir- lures sent the price of hogs to $20.2J a hundred here today. This is a Pacific toast record. A small but loynl band of Korean- paraded through Philadelphia to Inde pendence hall Wednesday, where thev prepared a petition to President Wil m a.-king for recognition of the new Korean republic. tf 3