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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1919)
HuE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919. LAST TIME TODAY Eeu-ans Hot water Sure Relief ;ELL-ANS 'for indigestion 3" 1 I mm a """LPN.g r in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" MR. RAYMOND BALLARD At our new organ BLAKE'S HAWAIIANS The REGO N RIVES BANK M OWNED BK SALEM r wv yi nt 1 Now Has usance lo Acquire Two Blocks From Court Street North. Oxfords 328 African Brown, Cuban heel PUMPS 421 African Brown, Cuban heels $6.00 437 Patent plain pump, French heels Shoes 188 Beautiful white all kid, lace, French heels Oakland Team Manager ( Gives Tentative Lineup Oakland, Cal., Mure . Dol ilow id, manager of the Oakland tnara, ia first Pacific Coast league loador to o n record with a tentative lineup of his team. Here') what Howard thinks bout his present assembly of ball toss rs: "Wilio, Lane and Rod Murphy will core more runs than any other throe aion in the league. Hack Hiiur, nck Eoche and Rowdy EUott will click the ball in the neighborhood of .270. Bill Stumpf ia a hard hitter also. "Buzi" Arlett Is 100 per eont bettor AVOID COUGHJ? and COUGHERiT! Coughing Spreads Disease i J. fc' 30 DROIUXFTOIV COUCI s HALF rCR CHILDREN than ho wa last year. Kiause, Krciuor, Breton, Homier ami Hulling all look fine, particularly Brouton, who will win morn games tor us tnaa l'rougn did. If Hap Morse can hit during the aoaeon the way ho has been doing in training, second base will be guarded. "This ia the best looking outfit I ever had in the league," admitted How ard. "Anyone who trio to walk on our necks this rear will cet. n inlt that will surprise him." ENGLISH MINERS STRIKE London, March 24 While representa tive of the' "triplo nlliance" and the government were continuing their ne gotiations today, six thousand minora went on strike in tho Rhondda, Vfiltoy region. They announced the walkout was in protest against the government's failuro to grant the miners1 full de mands. Railway workers in Llvcrnool nnsanil resolutions expressing Indignation at tho government's compromise offer and demanding a strike Railway union officials describe tKe situation as "Oifficult." Although for many years the only means of transportation was on tho Wil lamette river and whilo tho river is yet offering lower freight transportation charges, tho city of Salem has never owneu not even one foot of river front aye, execpting where Trade streot is platted t0 the river bank. And even this river frontage tfn Trade street is not available, to any extent from tho fact that since Front streot was graded and paved and raised to a level with Commercial, the haul from the river bank to Front street has boen too steep for general merchandise pur poses. Even in the nays before railroads, the city fathers of Salem were not inter ested in owning docking privileges and even when the original city of Salem was plotted, none of the lots run to the river bank. The femes of tho olden davs and all dock havo been owned by privato parties or companies. Own Bank for First Time. And now for the first time in its his tory, the city of Salem is given an op portunity to own at least two block of its river bank running from Court to Center st roots, or perhaps half a, block north", midway between the Polk and Marion county bridge and the South ern Pacific bridge. Tht chance' for the city to have pos session and ownership of the river bank comes from tho fact that tho Spaulding Logging company offers to give the city this two and B half blocks of river frontage in oxchango for tho foot of trade; streot, which is now only used as a dumping ground, and the streots and alloys at the foot of State streot which have boen used by tho logging company for the pasf generation. When the city was laid out in the early '50 's, certain blocks were laid out between Front street and the river, and mere was thon laid out Water street. B9 feet wide. But even with a street, of this width, there was still left several feet of rivor bank. Hade Transfers, Hence when transfers were made of the blocks between Front and Water i strets, thero was still left the river frontage, which was of course includ- ed in tho original land claim and pat-: cut of William n. Willson and his wife, Chloe A. Willson. In the original city charts, Water streot begins about where the present warehouse of the old Oregon City Transportation company is located 344 Patent, French heels $6.50 316Black Glazed Kid, Cuban heels $6.50 317 Black kid, low or school heels $4.85 ALSO OTHERS Misses' Glazed Kid Oxfords, School heels, siz,es 12 to 2 $3.00 436 Patent Pump, Cuban heek $5.00 134 Elegant brown, all kid, lace, French heels, Red Cross $12.00 2:0!-Red Cross African Brown ' all kid, new Cuban heel, $13.50 239 Brown Calf, military heels 404-Black Glazed Kid, French heels $7.00 505 Black Glazed kid, Cuban heels $6.50 116 All black kid, French heels $9.50 111 All black kid, Cuban heels $8.75 THEN THERE ARE LOWER PRICED LINES IN ALL STYLES ' ' ' PI v VIP in I ' j ? , : : ' I 1 1 ; ' D0530THY LWJON - "-l roii'tTITY DALTOX Sfr in "HARD ROILCT)'' AT TIIK ORKGOX T MXJR0W AND W-E0.VE3DAT ond extends north until it is intersected ey tho river, Tho first deed of record in which note is tnado of the river bank is dated Dos. 1 11.1857, wheroin Chloe A. Wilson docd- cd to K. M. Barnum all the river bank extending directly west from the south side of fcStuto street if extended across to tiio west side of Water street, north I along the bank' until Wutor street runs into the river. In this first deed, tho description is as follows: "Commencing !9 foot west of tho northwest comor of block 64, running thence on a continuation of the north line of said block t0 the Willam ette river j thence down said rivor to the point where a line bounding Water street in said city on the west drawn through the point of beginning inter sects said river, thence with the west boundary of said street to tho piece of beginning, containing one aero more or loss." The consideration was $400. Sold and Resold. And from this first deed by Chloe A. Willson t0 the river bank, this land has changod hands a dozen or two times. A year or two later the rivor bank from the font of -Court street north wtvs iold to J. W. Brown for ?2U0. Mr. Brown ENOUGH WARS YET :; .::..! While tho peace conference is settling Athe "peace of tho world," tho following wars are undor way: Hungary versus the allies (newly declared). Russiun bolsheviks versus the allies. . Poles versus the Ukrainians. Poles versus tho Germans. Poles versus the Czecho-Slo-vaks. Ukrainians versus the Russian bolsheviks, f ' " , fi 5s )jc 3C sc SC jt j ?c jt lc iji J )JC S( !S Dr. Franklin To Talk On "What Is A Frenchman" Tuesday Musical Club To j Aid In Armenian Relief 1 The Tuesday Musical club of Salem is hoping to materially aid in the Ar menian Relief work by giving a bene fit musical program. Tho club has en gaged William RoDlnson Boone of Portland for a lecture organ reeita? at tho First Congregational church Tues day evening, April first. Mr Boone is recognized as one of the best musicians and organists on the Pacific coast. Ho held many impor tant organ positions in New i'ork and Brooklyn before ho came West and fori the past several years he has been or ganist at tho First Church Scientist in Portland. The musicians of Salem are well acquainted with his work anl feel certain that his artistry combined with his pleasing personality will be back ground for an excellent musical treat Kathryn Crjsler Street, contralto, one at Portland's most pleasing vocalists will assist on tho program with two Mrs. Htrcet sang in Salem secretary of Btato last week bearing upon tho nine measures that are to go Upon the ballot at tho June election l,t 'is noticeable that all of these aro af firmative arguments and are confined to two or thrco measures. The timo for filing such arguments ends today and tho matter goes at once to tho hands of the state printer. Tho State Land Board this morning appointed O. Sehucbel of Oregon City as State Land Attorney for Clackamas county, to succeed Attorney W. A. Dim ick who recently ied. SOUTH CAROLINA ARRIVES "What is a Frenchman" is the titlo nt tlin lil.rorv Wtnrn nn WwlllAsflaV I numbers, . . , I two j-ears ago when she was assisting evening of this week. Dr. F. G. Frank-Qn Uvy,s c(mccrt lin of the Willamette university will je S0Cond appearance here is being continue the scries on France, which eagerly anticipated by those who heard bogan two weeks ago wittt ut. ironoy's her at that time. The Tuesday musical ,, ., ,, , club is especially interested iu elevat- address on "France, the Country and . ta8og nd 8prca(Ung thp People." The prosent subject concerns : causo of good music. With this end in French character and society, of which i view a special price of admission will sold the same to Harrison Smith and inlthe Dr. Franklin has beon making a careful study. Dr. Franklin is Hie professor ui noei ology and economics iu -our university, hnving some the past year from Albany. Ho was educated in tho east, and did his post-graduate work in tho Univer sities of Wisconsin and Chicago. Tho lecture will be given at tho usual hour, 8. o'clock Wednesday evening inj be made -to music students for the or gan recital. lie STATE HOUSE NEWS 1874 ho sold it to J. N, Matheny and .1. U. Wright, and the value was just the initio, $300. Later tho Hiilem Ferry company was organized and a one-third interest of i.t river bank north from tho foot of Court slivft was purchased from J. N. Matheny, I. 1,. Willis and R. P. Boise. A few yours later, some lots bordering along the river bank were of so little nine that they were sold for taxes. Tho river bank continued to eat into what was left until on Nov. 2, 1H05, H. O. Cross and Thomr.s Holman. who happened to own the bank north of the ioot of Court street at that time, deed ed it to tho Spaulding Logging com pany. - In the early days of the city, the river bank extended west of Water street from close to Trade street north to even beyond the Southern Pacific bridge. As time passed the rivor wore uway the bank and now what is termed the point where the west line of Water street intersects the river is' just about at the big bridge or just midway be tween tho bridge and the Southern Pa- ifie railroad. Attorney General Brcwn has recently auditorium of the public, library. ' squelched an ingenious attempt to The public is invited Dudley Storrs To Face TV7 OTHERS Reduce your doctor's bills by keeping iwayi on hand Vicicsl 'APfizniirttt YOUS BODYGUARD" -SOf. 60V side-step the Blue Sky law on the part I of a corporation that sought to sell fractional interest in a promotion ' scheme in lieu of the regular shares of ! t .....i.' f ;.,.i Ahniirhnn lltiarffM est in the final aiialvsis must resolve Viiaigc. .tsMf .nto dpfiu.te shires of st0t,kj th0 , . , ,', , o, r. ii -. I attorney general rule dthat this plan Senttle, Wash., March .-Dudley M. flf 'otion cttmc un(ier the law gov Htorrs wiib taken aboard a train today , erui al guch 0))ortttions. r this Cou bound for Okanogan at 8:30 a. m-i' ne(!tion it uhould be noted that two pro where he was to face abduction cnarges, motors-membeis of the Portland firm while Ruth Garrison, the I8-yer.r-old o rianr,igan 4 (Jtlinn were recently girl who is charged with poisoning his arr(.sted on the order of Commissioner wife, remained closeted st the juvenile! schulderman and placed under bonds detention home. ' ' for selling stock in a "holo-in-the- The persistent visits of the morbidly ground' type of gold mine over in curious, the telephone bell ringing at all Baker county, without securing the hours of the day sud night wttfc ro-ncc,.89ary permit from the corporation quests to speak to tho imprisoned girl, j department. disturbed the peace and quiet of the 1 : home and the mother superior Saturday! The Hiphway Commission today start requested Sheriff Stringer t0 remove! from Portland on a trip of inspection his youthful charge t0 souie other plceo'over the west side highway frcin that of confinement. (city south as far as Corvallis. The sheriff's primary motive in re- moving tho girl from the county jail - Commissioner C. H. Gram is in Port was an effort in her favor to avoid land to investigate several matters por contact with the other-women inmates taining to the labor department, of the institution. The aspects of the; Warrisou case were discussed in .nearly Among the list of new corporations .-verr church in the city vesterdav and 'f "'"ft artielea at the state house today rer; iel direetlv or indirectly in the! the Odin Falls Luniber eompr, the minister. cf Portland, capital stork JlW.OtW; ff Stringer ni. todr.y that with "tt,nn' r'Ti- 7 H r,Kin, her attorneys no 0M 10.0W; Impcnal Lagle Mining . com- would be allowed t. a. lk I Garrison ,TT.V" J' .... , . . C J Summers, C. B. w heatoa. Bernaro .rl , hrr lnce of waftnement, rr.,,:. i-tar, . t,.e luvcmio ,pte)ition home. 1 'A comparatively small number cf a,r jruments eamc into the office of the JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY New York, March 24. The 103rd trench mortar bnrtory of the 28th divis ion (Pennsylvania) arrived today on the warship South Carolina. TEACHEES MAY FORM TJNION Stockton, Cal., March 24. To secure an increase in salaries,' public school teachers here are considering the for- ' mation of a union. An appeal is to bo made to the public for support. Miss J. Eice of Sacramento, an officer In a recently organized teachers union In that city is aiding the local teachors in tho movement. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Mother of All the Doughboys Is World's Champion Sympathizer She Has "Sons" In Every Country, and Gets Hun dreds of Letters a Month, r O soldier that ever went to war lias bad as manyx volunteer relatives as the man from the V. S, A. He has "sisters" galore In every one of the Y.M.C.A. huts here and abroad. They feed him, dance with him and show him the sights in whatever city or coun try he happens to be in. In Eng land several hundreds of his Brit ish "cousins" are doing their ut most to give him a good time on leave. He has "brothers" aplenty, and in every country he has found "uncles enough between paydays. But the American Y. M. C. A. in London has whnt It contends is the one and only Mother. She is Mrs. John I. Raymond, and her home Is in New Roehelle, N. Y. She went to England to ba with her husband, who runs 1he commissary and stores upon which soldiers and sailors depend tor the three meals served every day in the Eaglo Hut, in the Strand. She has remained for about the most important job that has been dis covered. As a builder -up of morale, sheTins no rival. She is the Official Sympathizer. NEEDLE IS CAMOUFLAGE. Over in the corner of the big London hut ehe sits, always busy with sewing. The needle, however, is mostly camouflage. A disgusted looking doughboy en ters. To add to his evident disgust at things in general, there is a tear in his coat. He looks around the hut, sees Mother and makes for her. She glances up with a smile at his torn uniform. "Certainly I can fix that so you'd hardly know it had happened." she assures the boy. - "Sit down and tulk to ,me while I do it." In that sentence there is the cue for the doughboy, and he never misses it "Talk to me." If there is any ona thing that the Ameri can soldier away from heme wants to do. It is to talk providing he finds the right person to talk to. He Is not hankering for mere con versation, though when he meets a Sirl "Y worker from home much Mrs. John I. Raymond . of his reserve disappears. But when ho sits down by the woman in tho Eagle Hut, he invariably finds himself, before he know3 it, telling her the long list of his trou bles, and 'his mistakes, and his grudges everything, in fact, that he want3 to "get off his chest." SHE'S NO LECTURER. And when the boy has unburd ened himself, she says a few words. They are only a few, but they al ways seem to be the right one3. The soldier or sailor who conies in with a grouch, for which the dam ages to his apprtr.! wiy furnish an outlet, goes out, ten o one, with a grin. It it isn't a grin, it is a cheerful, gritty lot that is even better. M.dlwr has shaken hands with him und almost always he has voluntc ore.1 t'u.i :roniise to write to her, 'if elu dje-.-.i. t mind, the first time he b; a chance. This sort of thing takes place not once but a dozen timcj a day In the "Mother's Corner" of the .hut in London Mon-over, the first time the boy Has a chance he does write to Mrs. Raymond. As a con sequence, not wn a general gets more letters than she does from her big "sons" in France, in Russia, in Italy and tho lucky ones back here at borne." Her mall totals aev erat hundred letters month. "