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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1919)
PAGF FIVE I Ttie Journal -New ;. Tctlay' Mds I MMM THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING ISEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THIS FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVSBTISINCJ SATES Rat pr word New Today: Each insertion le ae week (8 insertions) 5e One month (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors ia Classified Advertisement Head your advertisement the first dsj It appears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. WANTED Guitar, secondhand Phone 1415 3-13 BOARD and room at 1120 Center. Phone 1074. . 3-17 FOR SALE Boston 3 Star cornet. In quire 483 State St. 3-11 TRAILERS for sale and" made to or der. 271 D St. 3-12 BUGGY for gale. CaU 58F4. 3-15 WANTED Small potatoes for feed. M S. Lang, Phone S-12 WANTED To buy eattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1576 W." 3-15 FOR SALE Good secondhand top buggy cheap. 726 N. 15th. 3-13 FOR SALE Modern 6 room house, two lots. Call 1625 N. Front " 3-13 FOR SALE Wheat hay,' 10 ton. phone 411 or 1593. F. E. Shafer. tf WHITE Rock eggs for hatching. .Phone 9aF5 or 403R. 3-12 FOR SALE Good mdlca cow. Inquire 1305 Highland Ave. 3-15 TOUNG fresh cow and calf for sale. 675 Brooks Ave. 3-36 SHINGLING and roof repairing. C. C. Kays, Phone 1802. ' 8-11 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 597 N. Liberty St. Phone 2i56W. tf WANTED Cattle, calves, veal, any kind. Phone SOi'll. 1-8 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, will give o gal. a day. 715 S. 21st St. 3-11 WANTED Position by competent etenographor. S M care Jounial.3-11 WANTED Experienced saleslady for dry goods, etc. Gale ft Co. 3-11 PIANIST and saleslady. F. W. Wool worth Co. . i . BUGS cleaned 35o per rug Phone 16. Jj. L. Buckner., ' 4-4 FOR SALE Good table potatoes, 1.25 per aaek. Phone 80F22, tf FORD for sale cheap. Just been over hauled. Phone 853J. tf WANTED Good second hand man's bicycle. Phone 81F2. .3-11 RANTED To rent, modern 5 or 6 Toom house. 31 care Journal. 8-14 SOB SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F2S, Bt. 5, .box 125 on Macleay road, tf SO ACRES plow land for sale,, 2 miles from town. Phone evenings 8F23. 311 WANTED Acreage near Salem. Ad dress DaVoe, Baker Apta. 645 Ferry 0-12 BOARD and room in modern home, near state house. Phone 1354R. 161 8. 14th. 3-12 A- E. HUTCHISON. 240 State St., Phono 311. Overland service and ccnoral roDair sliOD. . 4-7 D . M. FOR SALE-jSix room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. tf JMSCHAKGED soldier wants work by hour or by day. Address nu- a! rnnm 15. . 3-8 BARRED Rock eggs for hatching. from fine winter layers, i.ou iur 10 TT TT Pii-kflTia. 305 S 14th St. tf FOR SALE Baled wheat straw $9 at .barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. 3-22 FOR RENT Modern upper flat, close in. See R. B. Fleming, zau or too 124 nr B2. tf UBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy thorn S14 Masonic bide, tf FOR TRADE A good, neat 4 room house with garage to iraae ior uw. Ooll 1644 or 2022 in mornings, tf FOR SALE English cluster hop roots. rnone azr .u. i-n FOR accordion pleating, gee Mrs. Al ice Hildebrand, 4-J0 X. 24th St. 3-12 BARGAIN 148 acre farm. 6 miles out on paved road, $85 per acre. F. L. Wood. , . 3-13 POSITION wanted as practical nurse. Phone 920R. 3-12 WANTED A Wait leghorn rooster, phone 44F5. - 3-15 BABBITS for sale, New Zealand Beds 75c a piece. 1645 Hall St. 3-11 INDIAN bicycle A-l condition. Phone 1902.U, 1986 Caemeketa, . 3-12 WANTED Salesman and collector, with car. 337 State St. 3-15 BABL chicks for sale today, today 544 Court St Opp. Court house. ef WANTED Work fcy experienced truck driver. 75 care Journal. 3-17 FOR SAJJB Gasoline engine and Tmn 4..1 Vlw.nn KtTOI J. III. . HWUV V . .V FOB BENT Furnished, housekeeping rooms. 1510 State St. 3-13 FOUJfDBunch of keys. Call at Jour nal and pay for ad. 3-12 FOR SALE Good team work horses, 1100 lbs; also Jersey cows for sale. - Phone 33F21. , 3-12 WANTED To rent by April 1st, five or six room modem house with gar age. Phone 1231J. -3-12 FOR SALE 1500 strawberry plants 60e a 100. F. Bischoff, Rt. 6, box 49A, Salem. 3-11 WANTED Married man for ranch, with or without team of horses. Geo. L. Rose. 3-15 ITALIAN prune trees for slo, reason able. Twin Hill farm, B. F. D., Tur ner, Oro. Phone Salem 49F24. 3-11 FOR RENT Nico, clean, modern housekeeping rooms, 4 m suite, in quire 246 State St. tf FOR SALE Cheap, an improved lot ; a good investment . if taken at once. Inquire at 1520 N. Front Btreet. 3-12 WANTED Small potatoes for fded. Phone 8P3 evenings. 3-13 HOUSE and lot for sale at a bargain, if taken soon, at 2194 S. High St. 3-12 FOR SALE One two-year old Jersey bull, Bire and dam both imported. Phone 2F3. 3-12 WIANTED-Gentle driving horse 100O to 1300 Us. Give price and descrip tion. J. A. Callan, Bt. 9, box 27, 3-11 WHAT have you to trade for one or more Klamath Falls lotst E B care Journal. 312 8 1TO MADE OF "STANDARD COUNT PERCALE" SALE OPENS 9.00 A. M.-Shop early while the stock is large. We shall sell out the entire line. FOB SALE 36 acres with small fruits, cash Or terms; See Owner at 1417 Market St., Salem. 3-17 FOR SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers i'eed barn, . ilign street. tf MONEY to loan on good farm securi ty. Ivan G. Martin, Masonic lem ple. 3-11 FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for a bachelor. Inquire 1280 State street. 3-15 WANTED To exchange two fine resi dence city lots for light automobile. Phone 1147. 3-12 FOB SALE House and lot, 54x164, 1 blocks from State, 25V 8 lath. 3 27 LOGANBERRY plants for isle. J. P. Aspimwali, Brooks, Or. .Fnone JM1 12. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursory. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Rt. 6. tf HIMALAYA tips, 500 for sale. W. O. Franklin, Bt. 1, box 11. .rnone D-r 14. tf GROCERY stock and fixtures must be sold within 30 days, easy terms, 1390 S. 12th St. tf mrvu a& TWWa Kba Jmrrnw -near ly new, 24 18-inch discs. S. R. Bailer Bilverton, or., Kt. . " EXPERIENCED man wished position as foreman on prune ranch. Ladd m Bush reference. Phone 664. tf WANTED A women or girl for gen eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap- nlv moraines 890 Oak St. tf SALTS White Leehorn and Ore gon setting eggs ?1 per setting, -oa-by chicks $10 per hundred 768 S. PARTY whe took the roller skates from the library Saturday, marld with the namo Harold, please return to 715 N. Com. and save trouble. 3-11 IMPROVED farm, 235 acres 'e from Marion, Or., 75 in fall gram, 80 in pasture, U in timcer; price 75 tier acre: terms. Henry Fennel. 3-14 FRUITLAND Nursery, Salem, route 6, box 138E phone 111F21. We have the Roman strain grafted Franquet wal nuts and also a few moro Italian nriiiin t.rfipa left. . "12 r . WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ntto Vullev Transfer Co.. 171 South Hi nli St Ptinnn 1400. tf FOB SALb i rxlS snaft governor, S T. ' 1 ..mnlan illlMTl. tmgine ana uuuer suiuww, v..., fin B68. Turner. Or. tf WALL PAPEB 15 eenti pet double roll npward. Buren 's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co., 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. tf A3 GOOD an new, gas range, good heating stove, water heater, retail ored overcoats and suits, at half price. Tub Capital Exchange, 337 Court St Phons 493. tf CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS If you want to buy or sell car come and soe me. Dodge, big bargain, $650. Overland, good condition, $150 Buick Toadster, $325 Elgin 6, will consider property in exchange Maxwell roadster $275 1917 Maxwell touring, almost new big bargain at $575 Paige touring ear, big bargain Studebaker, perfect condition $300 Ford bargain, $330 Phone 362 FOR SALE or trade, 640 acres of graz ing land, with water; for acreage noar.Satem. Address M-1990 cr Jour nal . . 3-15 FOB SALE 6 room house and 2 lots, 4 Mocks from S. P. depot; would consider 6 room bungalow on Lib erty St. Call at 1595 S. Lee St. 3-17 FOR RENT Modern furnished house keeping apartments iu 1, 2, 3, and 4 room suites. Miller apartments, 633 Ferry St 3-15 FOR SALE On brown mare. 6 years old, 1450-lbs; also 24 ewe8 and 24 lambs. Phone 33F24 w address Wm. Sheridan, Turner, Bt. 1 3-12 FOR SALE Young cow, 1200 lb horse, 314 ineh wagon, set douuie narness, sinjgle harness, ibuggy and light wa gon. 1395 N. Liberty St. 3-15 WANTED To rent small house in good condition, with ground for chickens and gaTden. Boom 26, 645 Ferry St. 3-11 HOR SAliB 6 acres iwoH Smproved, 4(4 acres close in. I 'buy and sell all kinds of real estate. 319 Hubbard ildtf. 3-15 FOB SALE Eggs for setting, Silver- laeed Wyandotte and Cartridge Bock, $1 per 15. 447 S. Com'l Phone 2499M. 3-10 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Bt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf FOR SALB-Chevrolet 5 pass, car, m ehamcal condition guaranteed, new tircs.2 extras: siot lixrht chains, cte, 675. (P. W. .Bvrd phone 1925, J-ll ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe DanveTS, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervais, lit. 3. mono ism. o-su FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50e -er lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Rt. 6. box 51, Phone 23 F21. tf 6 ROOM house with bath, electric lights, 2 lots, 16 fruit trees, grapes, ruawharrina. harn and chicken house. Bargain $875. Terms. 1976 Fairmount VB O-IO WANTED Middlo aged lady to help with house work and care for old lady. W. H. Humphrey, Jr., Shaw, Or., Phone 22F5. - 3-12 4 ft T it FOUND Largo auto curtain on Sil- verton road, near ucntrol iiowen. Owner can have same by paying for ad. E. E BaBsett, Bt. 7. 342 FOB SALR 160 acres beaver dam land in British Columbia, will take nart, trade. 245 S. Winter, Salem. 3-12 WANTED To rent furnished bunga low, modern, not over 20 minute walk from state house. Address J J J care Journal. 3-11 FOB SAiLB 500 lbs. of commercial fertiliser, fine for corn or gardens; also horse- for eale. Phone 341F13 af ter 6 p. m. . 3 -12 WHTEH Leghorn hatching eggs $5 per hundred, shippinig , orders o; oaoy chicks' $15 and $20. W. R. Baker, Bt. 6, 6alem. Phonei 68F2. -13 YOUNG or elderly woman as compan ion and eare for young gin. c. o. i preferred but not necessary. 78 care Journal. . wm T.F Thvmlct B nass. car. mechanical eondition guaranteed, 4 Tim tirM. 2 extras moot htrht. chains etc $675. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. tf The Most Convenient Front Lacing Corset p We Know is the Nemo Marvelace The Nemo Marvelace is the only front lacing device which preserves the indispensible support of the front center steels and adds the feature of the Closed Back, which so many women prefer. In addition this Corset includes the patented Won derlift Bandlet which Lifts up the abdomen adjustably and gives the figure natural symmetry and style. . Come in and have one of our corsetieres help you se lect the Nemo Corset designed for you. Sjjy woNDtRUFT New Airirivals WHY not iget the good, old honest United Btates citizen to cry your sales, he only charges 2 per cent. Col. W. F. Wright, Turner, Or.,' or phone 734.. 3-17 TO TRADE For Salem home, modern 5 room bungalow or rot in Mt. Ta bor addition, Portland; also have timber claim in southern Oregon Ad dress T. F. Mescb,' 382 Glenn Ave., Portland. Or. 8-I7 MBS. MAICIKIE holds a class every Tuesday evening for high develop ment in Spiritualism and Soul Cul ture. 343 INorth Liberty. Will give free treatments for 10 days on all diseases of mind and body. 3-11 FOR BALE By owner, modern seven room bungalow, $2750, 'beautiful, convenient, fine location, and a bar gain, at 1710 Court. If interested write to A. E. Mitchell, Rt. 9, box 4. 3-17 HORSES Will arrive at Skipton'i sale stable, 448 Ferry St., Salem, Mar. 6, car of Camp Lewis horses, heavy boned and blocky, some well matched teams, 2400 to 2600 lbs., guaranteed ae represented or money back. W. S. Pemberton. 3-11 tr 5-Fl 1 LOANS-6 ittti .ah. imTmr nnn wnrf VfAPQ SIV. AT. 11 LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON 11 rriij? TJumrtPAT. nN ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AM) ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. .' Salem, Ore. FOR SALEA lot of large Belgian does with young, from four to eight each. Sickness requires all my time; also twenty five sodn ready to market. Party buying lot can nave use of fine Tabbitry 6 months free. 629 N. Winter. Phone 1532J. Phone calls after 5 p. m. tf (WANTED (Experienced sale lady for dry goods and ready to wear. No other need ap ply; references required. Ji ll care Capital Journal. A 7 ROOM house completely modern, on Court street, $3650. A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, on Capitol street for $.-;ooo. A' 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, ha good new gar ge. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me an offer. 8 A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will you give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine eon dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargains see me at once. O. W. Laflar, insurance man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf FOOl SALE Well improved 3 acre tract, new 8 room modern house, large new Ibarn, 2 chicken houses, fruit house, wood house, garage, pri vate water system. Price $4000. $2000 down, bn'anco 6 per cent in terest. W. H. Grabonhorst Co., 275 Stat street. ' . 3"12 Tub Silk Waists A most beautiful line of those pleas ing and satisfactory Tub Silk Waists. The kind that's Dres sy and exceedingly comfortable. Specially priced ib Silk Waists. $3.95 Envelope Chemise We have filled our Liberty Street Window with this number, putting it out at a' Special Price, Quality and Value.. $11 You can always do better at r v nr1 NOTICE A quiet, permanent home with elderly ludy for a young or middle aged lady, who is working or otherwise homeless, and who is will ing to help with light housework morningg and evenings, in part pay ment for board; pay you to investi gate at onee. Call at 2JJ97 E. Center St., Stilem, Or. 3-12 What's the matter with your feet 9 9 9 ? 9 9 Improper fitting of shoes causes most of the trouble known to feet. You can still wear the most stylish, up-to-the-minute shoes and yet en joy foot comfort. Shoes that are made of scien tific lines to fit the modern-day foot. It costs no more to investigate our shoes. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FOOT COMFORTS, ARCH SUPPORTERS, BUNION REDUCERS, HEEL CUSHIONS, TOE STRAIGHTS, FOOT SOAP, FOOT POWDERS, AND FOOT OINT MENT. IF YOUR FEET HURT YOU, TRY US ! Vice President Marshall Will Not Discuss League Plicouix, Arizona, March 11. Vice President Murshull does not propose to (linens tho leugue of nations, for the present at least. That was evident today following his address beforo the Arizona stittc legis lature. - He refused to discuss the lea gue, although he asserted his loyalty to President Wilson, Marshall warned that it was humani ty's duty to prepare now either for peace of for the next war. "I would rather eat a little dirt than Liken Korean Situation To Present Irish Question Washington, Murch 11. Korea's ap peal to the peace table for Independence from Japan was likened in principle to Great Britain's Irish problem u) .i anese di plomats here today. - "Korea ig an integral part of Japan" the embassy commented in answer to queries conworning the reported declara tion of indnpendnce of tho Korean, national indpendence union. "There was no situntioiii in this re gard for discussion at the peace table. Koret- was joined to Jupan with world have another war," he declared 'bnt approval. Naturally there ia a small sometimes it is bettor to fight where lelement there, as everywhere, desiring WE DO SHOE REPAIRING HOME OF QUALITY AND DO IT WELL tho, Integrity or honior of the nation is involved." The California legislature has adopt ed a resolution urging congress to re storo the 2 cent tariff on dice. a change.' Denial of bad conditions at tho army debarkation camp at Brest is made by Chaplain W. B. Ayrcs of the navy, who served eight months at Brest. alem Auction Co. Conducts AH Kinds of Sales WE SELL TWICE A WEEK AT OUR AUCTION 1 ROOMS. LIST ANYBING YOU HAVE TO SELL WITH US. ' 157 S. COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 1117 SALEM, OREGON. G. SATTERLEE, Auctioneer D. CURRIE, Mgr.