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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1918)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1918. II 1 4 I 4 1 1 f imas Sale! 225 Boxes of California's Very Finest Oranges. Great, FineWell-Colored Fruit. Sunday and Public Schools We can make you prices below today's wholes de cost. Dan't fail to see us before making your purchases. BUY A BOX FOR YOUR HOME Extra large fancy fruit, $4 per box; half boxes $2 We have them at 50c, 60c and 65c per dozen. See the oranges and you will buy. NUTS AND UNDIES Oregon No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, 35c. Soft Shell Almonds, 35c; Oregon Filberts, 35c; Brazils, 40c MIXED NUTS 35c PER POUND We use only the best in our mixture Christmas Mixed Candies at 35c per pound JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES-A very fine line of box candies. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT The finest fruit yet shown in Salem, 2 for 25c A CHRISTMAS ON APPLES Good medium size apples, $1.00 and $1.25 box. Get a box today. Roth Gsocesy Co. SOCIETY, By CABOL & DIBBLE. Our Store Will Not Remain Open Evenings. Revised Figures Gives List Of Troops Homcbound Washington, Doc. 16. Bovised fig ures Announced by the war department today showed the following organisa tions aboard the liomo coming trans port Manchuria, Fifth field artillery brigade, 13 of ficers and G2 men. 116th field artillery, 64 officers, 801 Slat division cavalry, 10 office! , 08 men. 106th ammunition train, 10 officers, CM men. Headquarters 62ml infantry brigade, 18 men. llTth field artillery, (51 officors, 1452 men. Casual, 10 officors siok, wounded 4th division, one seaman, total 4208. Organizations on board the Mnllorj re all from Tamp Kearney. Transport Persit Maru sailed IXicem- bor 12 with tlio Twelfth divisio.i ad vnnce school detachment, and medical detachment with casual officors and men totalling 18 officers and 99 men. The transport Carillo sailed Decem ber 12 with 24 casual officers. Tlio transport Nansemond left Liver pool December 14 for New York with casual numbers 1057, 1058, 1059, 1050, 1001, 1063, 1064, headquarters in charge of abovo, fivu officers; sick and wound ed, most of them who do not require special attention, moro than 850 offi cors and men, ARMISTICE PROLONGED. Copenhagen, Doc. 14. The armistice has been prolonged to January 17, sub ject to further extension, according to a dispatch received today from Troves. Thomas T. Korl, millionaire laud owner nf Cour d 'Alone, Idaho, has gon,. died at Halsey, Friday, boon fined $2000 for violation of tho espionage act. THE original idea launched by the Business Mens League of Salem to beautify the Salem streets this Christmas as a tribute of welcome to the home coming soldiers, has proven but one of a diversity of suggestions, which have since developed to make this Yuletide distinctly memorable and one of outstanding festivity, marking, as it does, the first Christmas after the close of the war, toe first Unrlst mas, in several years when the joyous- ness of home and heart have not been partially dimmed by the shadow of danger to those across the seas. The latest movement to swell the tide of Yuletide gladness and one which has captured popular fancy in a number of citiee in the country this year, has been started by the Salem Woman's club, that of Bulging Christmas carois throughout the town on ennstmas eve. No happier occasion could be chosen to revive thU delightful old t'me custom than the present one. The Christmas talcs of Dickens and Henry Irving abound in references to tho dovotion' al ballads sung by strolling groups of the community musicians or church choruses. Amons the favorite Christmas songs, which it is planned to nave ine vari ous ehoirs of the Salem churches fea ture in the rendition of carols Christ mas eve will be the beautiful "Holy flight." Mrs. William H. Burghardt, head of the musical department ot the wo man's club has , been putting forth earnest effort to awaken a lively in- terest in the undertaking and has suc ceeded in stimulating considerable en- thusiasm among the leaders of the church choirs, who are planning to ap portion various localities of the city to respective units or me carumero, who in turn will lend, aaaoa cnarm to the Christmas atmosphere with strains of music, sweet and familiar, drifting in through-candlolit windows in home upon home this "Unnstmas eve. Mrs. Boma C. Hunter entertained the members of the Nemo club and a few additional guestB at a prettily ap pointed dinner party last evening at the Hunter residence on South Liberty streot. Tho table was adorned with a lovely centerpiece of Papa Gontier nose buds. Lator tho guests adjourned to the drawing -rooms for an evening of five hundred. Tho attractive favors were won by Mrs. A. L. Johnson and Mrs. George Shand. Gorgeous yellow chyrs anthemums combined with fernery lent effective decoration to tho rooms. Tho jollities of the evening were rounded out with music. Assisting the hostess were her daughtor, Miss Macyle Hunter and Mrs. Cal fatton of Port land. Besides tho club members addition ally bidden guests wore Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laflar, Mr. and Mrs. George Shand, Mrs. O. W. Moon, Mrs. Cal Pat- ton, Miss Minnie Uoorhing. One of the most originally dovoloped and mirth-provoking parties sponsored among the college co-eds this fall, was a Mother Goose masquerade, given by tho girls of tho Adolante sorority Fri day afternoon at tie Adelante hall on tho Willamette campus. A wide range, SAYS COLD WEATHER BRINGS RETURN OF INFLUENZA Public Most Be Careful to Avoid a Second Epidemic Easier to Pre vent Than Cure, What to Do Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab- lots remove the cause. Thero is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES signature on the box. 30c. i JSaa, simon-pure satisfaction in eatin4 corn, flakes ,tatanc( jin- 10 consideration avon crisDnes s. T JL 1 I I rf na Texture, is .ssared a aa. J wrteix ikes are POST TQSTIES "Encouraging reports of the fewer cases of influenza in this vieinity should aot allow us to relax our vigi lance or to eeeome careless in the be lief .that the danger is all over," says a well known authority. With the com ing of cold weather there is apt to be a return of thia frightful epidemic and its seriousness will depend on the ex tent of the precautions, taken by the publUv to prevent infection. WheiNthe air is full of influenza germs, you -may be- constantly breath ing them into your nose and throat. But their danger may be avoided and you may make yourself practically im mune to infection if you destroy the germ before it actually begins work in your blood. During the recent serious epidemic, which hit Salem so hard, meat success ful results were obtained by many tarn the simple breathing into the nose, throat and lungs of the nitdicated air of oil of Hyomei. Probably no bet ter, safer or more sensible precaution against influenza, grippe, coughs, colds bronchitis or catarrh of the nose and throat could be employed than to go now to the nearest drug store and get a complete Hyomei outfit consisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of Hyomei and a little vestpocket hard rubber in haling device into which a few drops of the oil are poured. Carry this inhaler with you during the day and each half hour or so put it in your mouth and draw dtep breaths of its pure healing germicidal air into the passages of your nose, throat, and lungs to destroy any germs that may have found lodgement there. This sim ple precaution may save you a serious illness and the loss of several weeks work. It is pleasant to use and not at all expensive as the inhaler win last a lifetime and further supplies of the Oil of Hyomei can be had tt any drug store for a few cents. Hundreds of people in this vicinity used Hyomei -in this way during the recent crisis and avoided donger. They should not neglect it now for the dan ger is by no means over. liHitti tXMMIti MMOMMMMMMMMHtMtTVTT of characters was depioted in unique costume, including the Old Woman in the Shoe, her children, Sin pie Simon of the vacant look, Cinderella in search of her lost slipper and Mother Goose, herself. The part of the Old Woman was cleverly taken by one of the small est members of the society, while Mrs. John R. Sites, an honorary member of the Adelantes won entnusiastic ae claim in her realistic impersonation of one of the children in the shoe. The hall was gayly decorated with Christmas ornamentation, a festive tree adding to the juvenile- spirit of the occasion.. A variety of children's games were -played during the afternoon, which culminated with a buffet sup per. Miss Florence Richards is also an honorary member of the Adelante sooiety. Mrs. D. Siewert was a charming dinner hostess Monday evening in hon or of the joint birthdays of herself and her daughter, Mrs. Lena Hilfiker. A handsome centerpiece of White carna tions and yellow chrysanthemums deck ed tho table. Covers were placed for ten. Steven Elmo " Wright and Orval James of the spruce division, squadron os, were weel end visitors et the home of the former a mother, Mrs. J. Jr. Dunlap. They returned to Vancouver Sunday night, and expect to be muS' tered out by Xmas. Mr. and Mrs, Albert O. S'owert were host at a merry "500" party Friday evening at their residence, liav fcoutn Commercial street. Four tables of cards were arranged for the players. A Yule- tide atmosphere was suggested in the decorations. The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. J. R. Pemberton. Mrs. Richard 'Breeding of Eugene re turned home yesterday, after a few days visit with Salem relatives. The members of the -Woman's Home Missionary sooiety of the F ist Method ist church -will hold their annual din ner in the church parlors tonight at 6:30. It will be in the nature of a "Hoover treat." A program will be given later in the evening. - Congratulations are being extended to Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bonnell at their home in Portland upon the arrival of a daughter. Mr. Bonnell was a form er manual training instructor in the Salem h,igh school. " Mrs. Cal Patton of Portland is visit ing in Hal em as t he guest of her mot h er, Mrs. Will Goodrich, at her home The ladies of the Jason Lee church were entertained at their regr.lar month lv "coffee" last Friday by Mrs. J. i. Vnruh at her home, 1595 Rose street. Several musical neleetlons contributed to the pleasure of the social hour. Mrs. H. a. Hams and Mrs. ieo unrun. as sisted the .hostess. Miss Era Miller of Hanisburg iaas returned. home -after a-few davs visit in Salem isa the guest of her -sister, Miss Jessie Miller. Miss Jean Belle was a Portland vis itor over the weak end. The party for which Mrs. W. T. Sta- ley was to have been hostess Friday night at the Country club for her son, raul Btaley, has been postponed until Monday evening, owing to the Home Conking festivities t the high school rraday night, which will include many of the same participants bidden as guests to the affair planned by Mrs. tualey for the younger set tho same evening. Mies La Von Coppock who is teach ing in a rural school at Antone, ia Whecrer eounty, is enjoying a weeks visit in Salem -with her mother, Mrs. T. J. Uoppoek, at her home, 1394 Sax- 11 8 Days f DOLLS I $16.48 TO $45.00 SHI HIPLI Y'S DOLLS j THE STORE FEATURING PRACTICAL GIFTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 8 Days It Do your shopping mornings when you possibly can. The afternoons are so rushed that it is impossible to handle all trade--Saturday is always a big day for out-of-town people. We ask our city please do their shopping other days if they can conveniently do so. This store will keep usual hours during Christmas week. Open Saturday Evening until 8 o'clock ; all other evenings the usual hour, 5 :45. YEAR-END CLEAN-UP Coats Suits $19.75 TO $34.75 'resses $14.75 TO $44 75 Every garment offered this season's stock. The greatest buying opportunity issiiifciiiw i: . or the year. SEE OUR LINE OF CREPE DE CHINE LINGERIE GARMENTS Pre-Holiday Selling on Novelty Jewelry GIFT SUGGESTIONS SILK WAISTS LINGERIE WAISTS SILK PETTICOATS LINGERIE TJNDEKWEAB SILK KIMONOS ' BATH ROBES CARTERS UNDERWEAR SILK HOSIER? CHILDREN'S HOSIERY KID GLOVES WOMEN'S H'DK'FS HAIR BOW BLBB0N3 DENNISON'S HOLIDAY BOXES TOWELS DENNIHON'8 PAPER NOVELTIES LINENS DENNISON'S ZMAS SEALS BEDDING . FABRIC GLOVES NOVELTY RIBBON NOVELTY NECKWEAR HOLIDAY STATIONERY NOVELTY JEWELRY PARISIAN IVORY LEATHER PURSES COLGATE'S PERFUMES HOWARD'S BRUSHES TOILET ARTICLES LEATHER BAGS SCHOOL SUPPLIES DOLLS GREETING CARDS XMAS BOOKLETS Quality t Merchandise Feminine Articles Exclusively If You are in Doubt Buy A Merchandise Order U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145-147 N. LIBERTY STREET Popular. t rnces 1 mi FORGET THE RED CROSS CRISTMAS ROLL CALL JOIN NOW! it AN EFFECTIVE POULTICE One of the most effective poultices vet iound for removing cocgestion in ease of inflnenai, pneumonia, grippe, etc., ia PUKOLA Medicaltd Plaster. This necessity of life is easily applied. Absorbent as well as antiseptic, and a (treat : aid to recovery. 3oc and eoc cans at all druggists inaw street. Miss Ooppoek, has just the week's vacation and wall return to her school Sunday, much to the regret of her many Salem friends, who weT an ticinatini a loneer sojourn over the Christmas holidays. Jlis Coppock is well known to Salem as a clever read er, havinir graduated last spring from the Fish School of Expression. Albert Osuma, aged 80, and once pri vate secretary to Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, was killed at San Pedro Thursday by being struck by an elec trie train. GMiTp KNEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard 'Bat. the old-fashioned nmstard-Dlaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and wit trout ine ouster Muateroie does it It is dean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. It is acientinoally prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest shin. Just massage Musterole in with the finger-tips gently. See how ouickly it brines relief how speedily the pain disappears, Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilrtis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia!. v auu vw fus, uuspuaj size HEALTH FLU -In tho green grass and blooming flow ers of Beautiful Oregon te the snowy I wastes of the Kaisas winter time. B r Tho lure of Turner has again brought I ;Bek a worthy citizen, Ira Pease, within . hflr fold. Mo fri.n,l0 1,1,1 1,; i mu ufui nti" Five Health Officers Over State Wi Enforce ' Regulations. By action of the statv board of health, at its annual meeting, influ enza is placed on the list of quaran rinable diseases throughout the state. Dr. A. C. fieeley of Portland, secre tary of tho boar. I and state l.ralth of ficer, reported that good results are being obtained from the use of anti- tiu vaccine, whu'U is being distributed by the board free. The board will ask tho rext legisla ture for an appropriation of $95,000, as against $-5,000 for th last two years, in order to be prepared to meet and cope with any epidemic which may hit the state and to perform the work which the board feels is necessary. It is proposed to divide the state into five districts and employ a dis trict health officer for each district to see to the enforcement of state health laws and rogulatiuns. Dr. il. Brooks of Portland was elect ed president of the board ftr the neit year, and Dr. C. T. Bacon of La Grande was Chosen vice president. Dr. Seeley was continued as secretary and health officer. TURNELOCALS (Capital Journal Special Service. Turner, Or., Dec. 17. C. M. Miller, saw mill man of Aiunsville, ia u wal with L. II. Turner which if consumated will be a fine asset to Turner, bring ing several more families here. M-. McClelan and Mrs. Fast of Har ion were business callers here Monday. Mrs. B. O. Brown is in Portland fnr a week's visit with her husbaifd and friends. B. C. Porter nf Anmsville nu a vim. itor in Turner Friday. lArtL Billinrslev. a visitor mm Tn. peka, Kansas, finds a pleasing contrast her fold. eomc. Harold Stone, of Bochoster, N. Y., las been appointed superintendent of all bureaus for aiding soldiers and sail ors in securing employment. Thousands of tobacco growers of Ken tucky, dissatisfied with the prices being paid by the manufacturers, arc with drawing thoir supply from the market. Tho budget for, Yamhill eounty the coming year aggregates (312,000. 5HSHSH5ES2SSSH5Z5E5S5H52SES2S2S Try Making Your Own Cough Remedy San ran save about S?, n,l have a brttr rrntrrij than thf. ready muda kind. Easily duo. lies of every known "ready-made" cough exm-uy, ,vou pronaoiy eouta nos get as much real curative power as there is in rihia nimivU l which is easily prepared in a few min utes. Get from any druggist 2 ounce of Pinei, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup, using either Til il in f.ran.1 1 u mnrvnm )-..;:.. L molasses, honev, or corn syrup, as desired. The result is a full pint of really better cough syrup than yon could buy ready-made for three timed the mnnev. Tafitpa Yilpflana anrt titronn Spoils. AT F,nPT "nJ ST preparation gets' right at the cause of a cough and giv-s! -v--" -uiujcutiio feuei, je loosens irm phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle . U.-A.B mo eurv, lrriukiea mcmuranea so gently and easily that it is really I astonishing. I A day's use will usually Overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis eronp, whooping cough, and) bronchial sthma, there is nothing better. 1 Pmez is a most vahianle concentrated! compound of gennine Norway pine x Jract, and has been use for generations to break up severe coughs. m, T yoid disappointment, ask you druggist for "214 ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis faction or money promptly refunded The Pinex Co, Ft Wayne, lad.