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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 22. 1913. NATURES MQST . NATURAL , SUBSTITUTE ARTIFICIAL LIMBS i ; Afenf WantU E23 ASKS KAISER TO QUIT. Copenhagen, Oct. 21. The socialist newspaper f TauKisctie lagespost, in a sensational article which was quoted throughout Germany, appealed to the kaiser to abdicate, saying: "he bears the burden of th. greatest world war and is the last military monarch." Rome, Oct. 21. President Wilson's note to Austria ia equivalent to a re fusal .to recognise the Austrian govern ment as legitimately .representing the people, recording to an official note is sued here today. The man. woman or cJuld who has had the misfortune to lose one ot even both fegi can, fir the use of "Anowsmith" Artificial Limbs, walk with movements so easy and natural &at both wearer and friends loon forget the deficiency.. TThey uKreaseeaming power, i improve the health and appearance, add pleasure and comfort to bvmg. No need to leave jour borne to purchase these limbs, you save that expense. We guarantee a perfect hL ' WRITE FOR CATOG AND fWmMwc'r' THE ARR0WSM1TH MANUFACTURING COMPANY UiA. NIAGARA FALLS Canada . i ARRnWSMlTH ADJUSTABLE AKCrl fKUr. Relieves Tired, Aching reet and Umb Eua W. kodr w& Mike. Arck MorW kj "An Tnf Washington, OcU. 21. A crushing blow to the Austrian morale was the un animous entente opinion, ot president Wilson's decisive reply to Austria-Hun gary, cables to the Italian embassy and tb. French high commission today stated. , Aim. Ask Your Shoe Dealer 1 ti - . t , While homeward bound last Saturda; t mor'ning the army transport Amphion lsfc Iiad a two hours' running fight with a German submarine, in which eight Americans wefts wounded, two . ; . 3C V DISCOLORED, WRINKLED SKIN EASILY REMOVED ' . , j- Since brown or' yellow, over-red or (blotchy complexions ara decidedly not , the fashion, I cannot understand why so many continue to wear them. Sure ly every woman has heard of.mercol- daed wax. This I know from my own and others' experience will positive ly banish every unsightly " tint. The wax really takes off a iad ' complex ion It Gradually, harmlessly, absorbs ARMISTICE TERMS Continued from page one) .thethin layer of surface skin with all its defects, as liver spots, pimples, "freckles, blackheads. Just as gradually ithe; discarded skin is:; replaced by the 1 h't outhf 1 kin uuderneathiJ a watt-img pence, it cuu uu bmu .MelcoLr'a4 Sf any-j persons cle8e to the president drue store, is applied nightly like cold eream and erased mornings with wan 'water. One ounce will produce the lo-vo-licst girlish complexion, in less than a fortnight. . . I can't understand, cither, why folks wfll be bothered with wrinkles, since ithe, famous saxolite formula has be come public property. One ounce of ipowdercd saxolite dissolved in a half mint witch hazel, makes" a wash lotion lev and application to "unconditional surrender". ." ; Confessions of Defeat. 1 Intimates of the prcsidont see in Ger many's lates move us-an abject con fession of defeat and culpability to which that government would submit only in the hope of obtaining a toler ablo peace or, failing hat, securing intense popular determination of her people to fight against " cx (emana tion". " , , , . President Wilson's lnbors during the present peace drive have bcon to pro vent the pan-German junkers from con vincing the German- people tha t mili tary leadership alone can enable Ger many to survive. This idea on the pre sident's part will figure in the forth coming action. , . , "Kaiser May Have To Quit. As ";p the question of German sin cerity in wanting peaco, it can bo said and to the sta(6 department viewed the Gorman reply as acceptance of the pre sident '3 terms of evacuation. They said frankly that thcre was no doubt in their minds that eGrmany wasboth sincore and desperate in her attempt to, get peace. Incidentally, thoy pointed to Hcrr Harden 's speech in Berlin wherein he was applauded when be de clared the emperor must submij to the inevitable and becomfi the nation and tho government ,for some reason, has never dared to suppress him entir ely, according to state department au-J luuriuvs. - Germany '8 attempted justification of her wanton acts of cruelty and destruc tion on .land and sea stirred Resent ment hero. But authorities said that in the same breath she apparently met the picsident's requirement by elainuig to have ordered thes0 practices stopped. Hence, it was held, that she virtually admitted guilt thereby. Mili.ary men and othcr9 say that while thorc niay be trickory in Germany's re coup nianouvers, the niilitary-econbmic situation confronting her is so bad that she is making a sincere drive for poace. 1 rim the president down, all are sat isfied to leave in the hands of I'och adjustment o fanv armistice. Under the conditions for this laid down by President Woilson, Marshal Foch is able to calculato ' Jho apparent advan tages of ceasing or continuing to fight, will If the problem of determining is whether the chance of making a big bag of the Germans retreating to their frontiers warrants continued pressuro by the allies, Or -whether, if tho Ger man army can withdraw with compar atively small losses, an armistico ig ad visable now to save human lives. Prepare To Demobilization. . That the Gormans are preparing not only for complete withdrawal but ac tual demobilization Of the armies is in dicated in a dispatch to this govern ment today from Copenhagen which an nounced that reliablo newspapers there printed German ' dispatches that Gor man ra)roads havB been asked for de mobilization order. Other dispatches show that Germany has been prepared for some time to go far toward peace and has for somo weeks known thn hopelessness of her dreams of victory au Bequest. One of these received through official chan nels, from Copenhagen quotes .informa tion direct from reliable sources in Bor- lin, which said: "Ludendorff admitted the game is lost and sent a telegram to the kiiw the latter part of September saying he would not hold the est' front1 longer than fourteen days. ,. Ludendorff has lost his nerve and can no longer sleep well." ... . Diplomatic comment, while guarded, was practically agreed that Germany had pocketed her pride in the latest note. But soino expressed the view that her extreme humility looked sus picious and that, if Germany were ac tually in the dire straits which, such a note might indicate, she would never Circuit Court Rules On News Print Price Washington, Oct. 21. Acting o the ruling of four judges of the Vni.tsd States circuit court, named as arbitrat ors on the matter of".prices to be charg ed for newspaper stock, the federal trade commission has amended its price schedule as follows: j - Koll news in carload lo.fe $3.50 per hundred pounds. t Less than carload lots $3.62 per hundred pounds; sheet news, , larioad lots, $3.90 per hundred pounds; lcs.s than carload lots, $4.02Va .' per hundred pounds. - These prices r0 fob at th mills. The price schedule applies to the eight great paper producing companies. The commission rules are to be effective as of April 1, 1918, in all eases except .hat of the Minnesota and Ontario Power company, when it applies ttom January 1 last. The arbitrators ruled that increase of wages, freight rates and wood costs jus tified .Tie newspaper scale. EXTRA-Misses M Women's New Coats $19.50 ,$22.50 and $24.50 Mezzanine Floor that will ouiekly efface every .- line first citizen, stripped of his former au- admit it to the allien, even the' deepest. Julia Orff in Social , tocratic powor. Harden has been thai German Army Strong. Mirrori- .'' , " "-. , i . ..' most independent of German writers Entente military men also pointed ... It f If I - mm I 2 ih It ... . A " 'ski to the fact that Germany is conducting her retirement without greaJ losses i mcn and supplies and in perfect order. They doubt if her military situation is so weak as is generally supposed al though the fact that the allies strength grows daily, while the Gorman army diminishes, probably plays a part in prompting tho present desperato at tempt for an early peace.- Austria's imminent : collapse was pointed to s another factor which is prompting the German move for an early peace. Morale, which is grtwing weaker in Germany, would receive a ser ious blow in tho event of an Austrian defection, diplomats say. While admitting the conciliatory tenor of the Gcrman no p, entento diplo mats are not inclined to welcome ad armistice without iron-bound guaran tees-dictated by allied military repres entatives at Versailles. Allied diplo mats are eager thaj the war should end at an early date but only on terms which amount to a Gorman snt.tuuer, either forced by moro fighting or agreed to through -an armistice. Thoy do not welcome or seriously consider any arm istice proposal which inflict less stern terms upon Germany's military estab lishment. .. . ' Ground for Skepticism. As y to tho alleged constitutional changes pointed to by Solt in his note of yesterday, diploniat8 are skeptical, but time must elapse before permanent uuangus are eiieciea ill me constitu tion, it i. said. Neutral diplomats, while nafurallyj no.) speaking for publication, express the view tha Gormany is sincerly de sirous of peace. They expect the al lies to follow President Wilson's flead i meeting the present peace offensive. By the Gorman reply, it is now up to President Wilson to either- recommend to the allies that an 'armistice be con sidered or rejected, thoy say. They do not believe' he willvge -much -further without bringing, the allior iu, pointing out that thus far the, . interchange has been confined entirely! to Berlin and Washington.' It . is1 possible that Pre sident Wilson will ask the allied mili tary commanders for a statement as to the advisability of an armistico and as to what terms they think desirable from the allied poin of view. '. Such a move would tend to create 'a greater allied unity in the political strategy of the war toward which President Wilso is now making determined efforts behind the scenes, Senatorial Opinion. Senator Hitelicock, chairman of the foreign relations committee, declared, he believed the note was an acceptance of President Wilson's tonus. How ever, Hi(chcok did ndt think it would result immediately in an armistice, as h0 expects General Foeii toHk iiiand such hard' tonus that Germany will delay ne gotiations. As for the changes in the German constitution,, the foreign rela tions chairman felt the Germans. had met tho president's requirements. Senator McCumber characterized the answer "as 'camouflage". ' Senator Borah called Solf a liar, ex claiming: "They don't know wha a free government is." Senator Lodge, republican leader, n 4 n Stockton's (Old White Corner) Store Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store s New Fall Suits, $32.50-$55 1 There are so many beautiful new model that it is impossible to describe them in detail suffice to say every new and popular sty le for Fall and Winter is represented. Suits of burellas, serges, velours, velvets, broadcloths, poplins and novelty mixtures. Braid , and fur-trimmed models, some fitted at waistline, others with belts. Don't decide on "your new suit until you have seen these attractive new models $32.50 to $55.00 New Fall Suits, $29.50 Handsome suits embracing many desirable style features favor ed by the devotees of fashion t,hese splendid garments, so skill fully designed and carefully tailored, will win instant approval from women desirous of adhering closely to the prevailing modes. Though faultless in style, fit and quality, they have been espec ially undervalued at $29.50. All sizes for women . and young women. - ' ' New Velvet Hats, $6.75 Distinctive Fall ' modes, smartly fashioned of Lyons velvet, Panne velvet or of Lyons and Panne combined. Many styles. All new and different. Some ot the hats faced with satin or Georg ette crepe. Large, small and medium shapes.- All colors. Attractively trimmed with fancy feathers, ostrich nov - elties and ornaments. Espec ially good at .$6.75 S5 to $7 Trimmsd Hats $3.95 . Velvets, Plush and Velour Hats, Small, medium .and large shapes, including tur bans, sailor and large velvet hats. All neatly trimmed, Values at $7. Special... $3.95 Women's Fall-Winter Coals, $27.50 Here are a lot of Women's and m:..i i misses new coats in soit snappy cloths such as Silvertones, Bolivias, Broadcloths and Plushes. Plain coats with simple belt extending all the way around and loose cape like backs are seen. Most of the coats have large collars and cuffs of fur. Collars are among the most aitracuve ieaiures 01 these new coats, being in cape, shawl and close fitting styles and there are crossed collars fastened with orna mental button at the back. All the new shades of Brown, Gray, Blue or Taupe. Special Sale price $27.50 New Fall And Winter Coats, Special $24.50 Smart, new belted models; Some with large con vertible collars, round or square " effects. New plaited styles and military models. Cheviots, vel ours, meltons, burrellas and velvets, in all the lead- ing colors. Sale price ; . . .... ,,; . . . . .$24.50 it withcld comment pending closer study of the Gcrman note. . Senator Thomas said tho president should refer Gormany to Foch for fur- thor negotiations. He-felt Germany's denial of atrocities branded the whole note as false. Senator Ashurst saw trickery in the Hun response, doHribing it as cunning, shrewd, suhtlo and ingenious. Tho Teuton disclaimer regarding brutalizes, Ashurst said, ' reminded him of a con victed criminal standing under th0 Rtil lows and proclaiming fur himself a cer tificate of good diameter. ALLIES ADVANCE Continued from page one) 1 II Passed by the Censor. Copyright 191'. 1H w " I Oi iilllly J1 "Illl4 Here is what the money from Liberty Bonds goes to supply. The machine pinner, peering out across No Man's JLsnd, tost tweaty-ohe $50 bonds to put in the trenches. His gun cost four $50 bonds and ia kA action it uses up one BW bond -in nmanition every two minutes. It was shtiray before "Stand to," kle hotfs 61 wnttlifulcess before trie jiieisF came tfee word down the Matoio. Afj-eitlicx nd of the line, teachine ' tdinuers awaiting just such La eiflefSrefiCil Jumped into action. Be tween the American line and the on-. icombur GcrnDJ twta streams of lead Lwii Hi Man's Land, crossing each i . . i . .. . . r a hjtjier in, S poot wbicb nrovea rowaro Kha raiders and throueh them. JTk a your tarragci pllow it up, came tke war ot tne piatoon com- of death were quickly dealt with. Be tween the lines of fire which met In that deadly, steadily advancing point, tney kept on going. The tables were turned, thanks to the machine guns and a neat bag of prisoners resulted. The whole incident lasted less than fifteen minutes. Those two machine guns which deci mated the Hun patrol, which protected our boys with their "young barrage" had been blazing away the proceeds of one $50 bond every minute, and every, minute saved American lives Tbe training tmWnd IbL'JVk uo tier dM. The! and destroyed Brjdies. hUMt t it.'YlJja tWledai one of these experts behind the deadly weapons cost forty-one $50 hy?Ai. The guns themselves cost fo r,' $50 bonds each, and more of both are urgently needed.' ' Every bond buyer in the present drive I fighting the battle as surely as the men behind the guns. They may not be able to go "over there" but tbey will make possible Jb train ing of men who can. . They may not pull the trigger of a machine gun, but they will be supplying the ammuni tion that will make our boys able to turn the tables at every sUge of the gara. "''" "r V fni Whcntlie morning cun is unsathfacliory suppose you make a change from the old-time beverage to the snappy cereal drink INSTANT POSTUN You'll be surprised at its cheering, satis fying Qualities and delightful flavor. It's all health no caffeine. ' Try oTln g it is perfectly clear cut. ENCIRCLING TOTJENAI abandoned all their coast dofense guns. "British troops have reached tho Es caut between Builloul (four miles north west of Tournal) and lfelchin (five miles northeast of Haillmil)," tho statement said.. "Wo advanced over 1!500 meters be tween tho Escaut and the Lys. The French improved their positions along tho Lys. - '" - "The dcrmaug have abandoned a" their coast defense guns." . , 3. By Lowell Mellett (United Tress staff correspondent) . With the British Armies in France, Oct. 21 (Night) British troops are rapiilly'enclosiiig Tournai, loth to tho north and south. Jeep weilgcs nave been driven into the German line on both sides of this important city and its fall appears imminent, I UO enemy is stubbornly defending the approach es with artillery and machine guns. The Germans heavily snclled JNeu- villo touiirht, from which i saw wet and bedraggled, but happy w6men, chil dren and old men escaping tris aner- noon. They were be in a escorti'd Mr Tommies, who, were carrying chickens, household goods na oiner vumaoies. - Haig Tells of Advance London, Oct. 22. British troops are now within less thnn a mile of Tour nai, Field Murahal Haig announced to day. The Germans in that region were driven out of Ourcq and the wood near Froyctines. .Tho left bank of th Escaillon was reached south of Thiant, five miles southwest of Valenciennes. "As the result of local fighting dur ing the night wo advanced our line to the left bank of the Kscaillon, south of Thiant, the western portion of which is in our possession," tho statement said. "Further progress was made be tween Valenciennes and Tournai. The enemy's resistance on this front is in creasing. "In tho Tournai sector, as tho re sult of sharp fighting last night, the enemy was driven out of the village of Orcq and the wood in the neighbor hood of Froyenncs. We arc now with in less than- a mile of the town." The British advanced about a mile between the Escaut and the Lys, while the French improved their positions along the latter river. ' The Germans, it was announced, : The Journal Jot Department, will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real inonoy. 1 A. S. Bennett Seeks supreme Bench seat Judge A. S. Boiuiott, of Thu Dulles, will be tlie Democratic, cnnclidiito for the position recently made" vacant ia the .supreme court by the death of Jhn- stico .Frauk Moore, according to au an nouncement mado by Harvey G, feturk weather, chairman of tho Democratic stii'ni central committee. .. Judgo Bi'n ut'lt is one of tlio ablest lawyers la Ilia state, and for years has been a leader in tho Democratic party. Four years ago ho was a candidate for tho Demo cratic, nomination for governor. He was dofeajcd by Dr. C. J. Smith, who was defeated in tho general election by Governor Whitycoiiibe. Judge Bennett's entrance iito tho -supremo court contest brings tho total number of ( up to four, Junic.0 Conrad J. Olson-and Circuit Judges Campbell and Coke.hav. ing previously announced they would bo candidate. ' fc ' 1 war work". Attorney Genoral Heed of Nebraska has ruled .lint "neither tho law of God nor the law of man prevents women from weininu trousers when encairod in Mr. Business Mail As a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing-we are satisfying Salem's leading firms-r-put us on your calling list. Phone 81 3 BffTf1Jlt J" - -. - -