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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1918)
So. ioL Capital Jouvnai CHARLES H. ITBEH Iditor ud Pvb&kar SATURDAY EVENING September 14, 191S- i I Page, of HP! ' lite I ham FT'RI.TBHEO EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. El B. BARNES. CHAS. 0. FISHER, Vlce-PrwIdwiL- DORA C. ANDHEPES. Sec. and Treat. , , 1 gl'BSCIUlTIOX BATES Pally by carrier, pr year $"ik) Pm- Month 45e Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per Month 85c j FULL LEASED W1KB TELEGRAPH HEPOKT I EASTERN HEl'ltESE-NlATlVES W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. ' Only one week.until the state fair, and as the weath er clerk has been trying his hand gently with his sprink ling pot, it is hoped he will get through testing it and lay it away until after the fair. t The opening day of the fair is to be "A Day Of All Nations". It is understood though that Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey will not be represent- CuM-ago, W. H. Ntockwell, l'eople'a tiaa MuildlnK The Capital Journal carrier bora are Instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or ueglocta getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation iramiaer. as tub) la the only nay we can determine whether ce aot the carriers are following instruction l'b.rae Main HI before 7 :3 o'clock and 1 aper will be ent you by ecial mewenger It tfc carrier baa missed you. TUB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper In S.ilem wrhoae ctrculatlon It guaranteed by the Audit bureau of Ctrculationi PAROLING PRISONERS A BUSINESS. Charges that a ring exists for the sale of paroles to prisoners at the Oregon state prison have been laid be fore the Prisoners' Aid Society, of Portland with the result that one case of alleged bribery is under investiga tion, while it is hinted that others may exist. One guard, has been dismissed for complicity in a plot that it is al leged was traced directly to him by the investigators. The specific charges are that M. S. lrvin, sentenced from Douglas county in 1915 for larceny from a dwelling, re cently mailed his personal check f o $200. to an intermed iary in Portland for the purpose of transmission to the discharged guard, and then to a "higher up" who was to negotiate Irvin's release. Districr Attorney Evans, of Multnomah county, Attorney General Brown and War den Murohv at once besran an investigation during which it is asserted the guard confessed the money was intend ed to secure the release of lrvin on parole. He declined, however, to state how this was to be effected, or to whom the money was to go. His dismissal followed sometime last week. While the investigation is still in progress nothing further has been discovered that has been made public. Governor Withycombe says it is a frame-up to discredit a certain parole official, and while he mentions no names it is presumed he alluded to Joe Keller. It is claimed lr vin not long ago was left a goodly sum of money. At the same time it is pointed out that he had been paroled be fore and violated his parole. It is asserted Joe Keller is opposed to granting him a second parole on this account holding he is not entitled to it. There is nothing to show that Keller was in any way implicated in the matter, but the combination above mentioned causes some of the sus picious ones to put two and two together and arrive at the conclusion that Keller will at least be put on the wit ness stand by the investigators. KAISER CHANGES HIS TONE. That was some trio of notables that watched our boys run the Germans cut of the St. Mihiel salientGen erals Pershing and Petain and Secretary Baker. And the Yankees did the job in just foity-eight hours, about as easily as one of those jack rabbit drives are staged in the sage-brush country. Hunting Huns can no longer be classed as big game sport. On receipt of the war news yesterday corn in Chi cago dropped a cent a bushel. This means the value of the crop dropped $.10,000,000. ' The French are taking their turn at smashing the German line today, while the Americans are herding their prisoners back to the rear and gathering up the spoils of victory. Rippling Rhymes I jRnll of Jf mtur jfa "From Over There" K General Pershing's Official Report GAIL W. CHURCH (Continued from page one) The following casualties are report-. Ark; Earl Malcolm Robertson, Hood ed by the commanding general of the River, Ur, American expeditionary forces: ;Died from Accident and Other Causes Killed in action 10 Privates George Gbirardi, League Missing in action 37 , cty, Tex; John Sheehan, Ireland. Wounded severely 68' Wounded Severely Died from wounils 5 Major Manton V. Mile hell, Provi- Died from airplane aeeideuts 2 donee, K. I. - Wounded slightly '. 2: Lieutenants Harry JI. Haper, Smith Wounded, degree undetermined 6 boro, III; Sidney G. MaeMiilan, Wil mington, -. C. Total 13D by Walt Mason HE GUESSED WRONG. The kaiser i ntalking to the workers at the Krupp works took a very different tone than he usually uses. He pleaded with them rather than commanded, and even forgot to state definitely what God intended to do, say- int? instead "it is inconceivable that God will not stand firmly with us." He also insisted they were fighting for their country, which shows the kaiser still imagines ne is th whole country, for he knows that all that is keeping the war going is his and his war lords' deceiving the peo ple into the belief they are fighting for their homes, while he knows they are fighting only to perpetuate the Hohen zollern dvnastv. How the German people can be so camouflaged by the Prussian gang is one ot the modern mysteries, iney are told the allies would take their country, and drive them out. This is so preposterous a proposition that it is inconceivable that an intelligent people could for a mo ment believe it. There are in Germany in round numbers (55,000,000 people and in Austria-Hungary about 47,000, 000. If the allies wanted to take these countries they would have to move the present population out, and a glance will show that the moving of nearly 120,000,000 people would be some job. Besides some country would have to be found to move them to and this would prove another big task. The German people will be left in pos session of their country per force, no matter how the war ends. The allies expect this but they do not expect the 120,000,000 Teuton people to be left under the control of the Hohenzollerns, the Hapsburgs and Prussianism. That is the part of the German country they are after and that part they will get. The kaiser and his crowd will have to go, that is the only solution of the present dispute, the only acceptable ending of the war. I wonder how the kaiser feels when he recalls the foolish spiels he made a year ago? He laughed to scorn this country's might; he wouldn't walk the floor at night for such a phantom foe. We had no perfect war machine ; our boys would all be raw and green, too awkward for a scrap; his weir drilled me,n would even think it fun to chivy them with sword and gun, and push them, off the map. And "even if we formed a host, according to our idle boast, how would we cross the sea? His submarines would lie in wait, and send us diving to our fate, down where the mermaids be. "My aunt!" the kaiser cried, "my word! Americans are too absurd! I cannot help but scoff ! Just let them butt into the fray, and 1 will show them, right away, just where they will get off!" Our sol dier boys are over there, they wave Old Glory in the air, they cannot be denied; and every time they see a Hun they make him 'drop his tools and run asd hunt a place to hide. I wonder what the kaiser thinks when he beholds his well drilled ginks before the Yankees fall? I wonder how thekaiser feels when his brave soldiers show their heels and hike for timber tall? to EWIFE By JANE PHELPS ''Well, there may bo something in what you say about a lawyer's needing to live in a good locally. Perhaps we can arrange it. 1 expect to get some new client 3 soon; until then I gnoss I can scratch what I have, o that it will meet the extra rout." Ho entirely ignored Ruth in the matter. Ho let her gv hnllwny and stairs, the ugly paper! " " ; 'c b" ,. , pIiuiik. it was because she had enn ui lhe rooms. 1he commonness of it ; vi1,.,,a him that it was good for law all, had giowti even more distasteful yer to live in a better apartment than than at first, bv contract. I the one they now occupied: Kaeh night as she left the artistic I Ho knew as well as did Ruth, that surroundings of the Fifth aienuo shop,! he- ulone could not pay fifty dollars and entered the door to the little flat.i n't and "ve anything left to meet Ruth Convinces Brian That They Must Move. CHAl'TKll XX.rll. ! Iiulh 1't.d not given up the idea of j living -n better quarters. It would be more convenient for her to be nearer! the shop, and just as much so fori Brian, rlha grew to hale the little, din-! Killed in Action Capt. Jo Hunt Eeanev, Devil's Lake, X. D. Corp. Frank S. Webb, Worcester, Mass. Privates Leslie Barlow Austin, Ow- sosso. Mich; John 3d. Bailey, Paw Paw, W. Va; Herbert J. Barnes, Brooklyn, X. Y; William Bradbook, Grcystoue, R. I; Johu Brennan, Port Norfolk, Va; George K. Curtis, Crossett, Ark; Her man K. Davis, Zebulon, Ga: Mike Foy, Serapto, La. Died or wounas Privates Frederick Banack, Wash ington, D. C; Henrv J. Beam, Newark, X. J; Eussell E. Carter, Hillsboro, Or; David R. Ferguson, Glendive, Mont; Walker J. Griffith. Steubenvillc, 0. Died from Airplane Accident Lieutenants Frank S. Latham, Jr., Memphis, Tenn; Arthur Preyer, Xew ark, X. J. Wom'ded Severely Sgt. Frank Hart, Someiville, Mass. Corporals Marlin D. Burns; PitUburg Pa; Burkley H. Cook, Montgomery, Ala; Harold A. Draney, Patterson, N. J; Joseph Gauthier, Sheboygr.ii, Mich; Jefferson D. Jackson, Xew York; Btrn hardt Johnson, Litchfield, Minn; Jack MurphypVaa Buren, Ark; Otto Pinks ton, Merom, Ind. Privates John Anderson, Lafayette, ml; Luther Antle, Columbia, Ky; Frank Attilio, Jr., New York; G. F. Bales, Pasi'ola, Mo; Washington Baseo, Gorum, Laj Charles Belland, Luding ton, Mich; C. Bentkowski, South Bend Ind; Alfred Berg, Stark, 111; Lewis j lilackman, Cleveland, 0; Kugene W. Blundoll, Los Angeles, Cal; K. F. Bohn ing, Anita, la; Daniel T. Box, Los An geles, Cal; Leon F. Buck, Schenectady, X. Y; Iver W. Carlson, Roma, Wash: Leonard Theodore Coleman. Wheeler, Mich; Charles A. Collier, Cogswell, N. D: Harl T. Collins, Chenyridge, Mont; Glenn E. Damon, Spencer, Wis; Joseph Deiranan, New York; Edward Leonard Dcutseh, Wonewoc, Wis; Joe Doty, Paterson, La: J. S. Drysoh, Cicero, 111 William J. Ellft Inksvillo, N. Y; John Ervick, Norway; R. C. Estop, Newman, Ga; Joe L. Fienuer, Minneapolis, Minn; Arthur I. Fryklind, Athol, S. D; J. W. Geiser, York, Pa; Marion Gibbs, Louis ville, Kv; Albert E. Gnaldi, Chicago; Shelby Gribbin, Merinock, Ky; James Griffin. Rochester. Minn; Charles F. Ha fner, Wibaux, Mont; Richard Will iam Hanson, Roekdnje, Wis; Joiin u. Harrington, Onomia, Minn; Harris i. Haynes, New Washington, D. C; Tal' mage Hobbs, Empire, Ga; Arthur L. Jones, Moundsvillo, W. Va; Henry R. Kustl, San Francisco; Simon Kinman, Starbuck, Wash; Orin LaPoint, Mosi net, Wis; Frank P. Luttrell, Green ville, Tenn; Frank McKlasliy, Cleve land, O; S. E. Mixon, Allenville, Ga; William H. Moran, Pittsburg, Pa; Bur ton G. Odell, Amarillo, Tex; John Ar dagh, Chicago; Duncan Bell, Kansas City, Mo; Henry P. Bennett, Steptoe, Nov; Philip O. Bioughton, Marshall, Mich: Thomas J. Brennan, San Francis co; Daniol F. Bums, Litchfield, 111; Alexander B. Chestnut, SHdell. La; Cy riel M. Cones, Minot, X. D; Ralph F. Cooke. Alva, Wyo; John Crawford, Washington, D. ('; Michael Daieh, Butte, Mont; John S. Daly, Conrad, Mon't; Fred Erickson, Leonard, X. D, her revulsion grew greater, until in ally nhe got up courage to hint some thing of her feelings to Brian, At last, she made up her mind that his share of the other expenses, as they"" had been doing. But it pleased him to ignore that side of it, and Ruth was too delighted at her success to It is claimed the estimate of thirteen million subject to registration was below the mark end that it will be ex ceeded by more than eight per cent. This will make the total registration above fourteen million. This is still worse news for the kaiser, but a million or two makes no difference here at home. LADD & BUSH, Bankers? fl AlL, LIBERTY BONDS fafLO Will be for sale on and af tersSaturday, Sept. 28 she would sneak to him. She could ! eavil. hardly wi'it to get home, now that shoj The next day she confided to La had decidtd, so anxious was she to 'Monte that she hoped soon to be living sMak to him nlmut it. ISho hud again j nearer the shop. Ho in turn told Man tnken to spending part of her noon j del. hour looking for a place that suited, "I hear you are going to move,'' lier her, and had found one she considered employer said to Buth, a day or two ideal. It was in the verv building she j later. had looked for one. before she liadi "Yes. I have found a small apnrt her rai. But when she did reach home, ! ment and il is not yet dworatcd. That, and faced Brian, she couldn't say a I think, decided mo to take it. Vhe word. Brian, however, sensed she had , one wo have now. is-"wickedly ugly. It something on her mind, and asked: ihas got ou my nerves." "Well what is it?" "1 think you are mee. One's sur "Oh, Brian, I saw the dearest little; ronmlings affect a person more than apartment today! not much bigger than j they are sometimes aware; espe-ially this, but so light and airy. It is iu a au artistic jierson like yourself. You building not so far up town with anlsny the phue is not decorated, I will elevator and everything. And dear, it j will ask La Monte, he will show yon isn't dcorated, and the superintend-, a lot of stuffs we have had left from ent told me he would let mo select all j different jobs, we have finished, somo the decorations, Do let's take it. dear,! of them years ago. If there ts anything It would be better all around. A law-, in the lost you can uso, take it and yer needs to live in a nice place! it is welcome.'' such a nice profession. Then, too, he isj 'foh, thank you!" Ruth icplied w'.ih apt to meet a different class of peo-i fervor, ho well kew tnit there would plo and so get some business." Kuth-ne some beautiful things in iu:h a i'.I had grown tactful with Brian. lection. Ruth's mind was of the sort that. 'Don't thank mo! List Selp yo:vr- goes straight at its object. Pne hateUiBclf." to 'beat around the bush, to weigh herj Ruth cculd scarcely wait to ace La j words. Like most women, she waMni,tl, all(, g;ve Bi,n i,cr employer's 'guided to a givat extent by her mo.; message. He looked surprised for a ; tions, intuitions and instincts. She'. moment, tj.en led the way to a small 'felt things'' and felt hurt when Brian 1 closet. Ho unlocked the door, and said: did not also "feel" them, She waited pll turn yon loose. If Mr. Handel for his answer. told you to take all you wanted you i "How much was the rcntf he ask- will fin! much that will make your ed. He spoke slowly, heavily. japartmeut very attractive. Some of 'Oiilv fifty dollars a month, .lust tnffs ar exnutsite. although there fifteen r' than wo pay Here, ana jg no great quantity of any one thing" it is worth twice as much " Left alone. Buth commenced to pull Killed in action , 10 Missing in action 37 Wounded severely .". 67 Died of. wounds 4 Died from accident and other causes.. 2 Died from disease. .! 2 Wounded, degree undetermined 6 Total V2S igt. James- F. Mize, Seymour, Ind. Corporals George Dittberner, Merri- mac, Wis; Edward '. Hudson. Rocking ham, N. C; Joseph D. Hunter, Gales- burg, 111; George J. Kosek, Taylor, Ark John L. MeGraw, Marlingtoii, W. Va;. James B. Roane, Cohoes, N. Y. Mechanic Uillinm C Fmv-W Wnyli. .Privates Norman B. Flagg, Larimore -n. JJ; John A. Frankowicz, Chicago; Paul C. Gelpcke, Brooklvn, N. i"; Geo. Cross, Hokah, Minn; Cecil L. Guy, Chrystal Springs, Miss; Legrand Hei ne, La Salle, Utah; Harry R. Henry, Trenton, N. J; William A. Harringi Philadelphia; Herbert F. Himmel, Mos cow Mills, Mo; Abie Hinkle, Clinton, in; Jloaert Ik Hoyt, Lyons, Kan; Ed ward Johnson, Mullan, Ida; Peter Ka mara, Chicago; Jgnatz M. Kanip, Inde pendence, Wis; Nick Kastrichis, Greece Arthur J. Kelley, Mishawaka, Ind; Jerry W. Klima, New York; Joseph Kobusinski, Detroit Mich; Henry F. Lindstrom, Palermo, N. D; August "V. Malecki, Berlin, Wis; Louis Marko witz. Brooklyn, N. Y; Louis Marieouti, New York; Toney Felix Mattingly, De bow, Ark; William H. Metts, Figboro, Va; Nelien Miller, Sheridan, 111; Paul 8. Minnick, Payne, 0; Mike Moleson, Scranton, Pa; Sidney R. Nail, Gaines ville ,Tex; Edwin M. Nielson, Buchan an, JN. i); Fred Earl Nettleton, Rhodes, Mich; John Nykowski, South Chieasro; Austin L. Rose,, Truro, Mass; Joseph H. Rose, Chicago; Wadyk Smolinski, Union City, Conn; Saul Solmon, Day ton, O; Mitchell M. Schwartenzcnberi;- er; Devils Lake, N. D; Floyd C. Teeter, Albermarl, N. C; George S. Vinson, Col qmtt, ua; Koftert .- westergard, Can do, N. D; Emil Wieber, Henkinson, N. D; Ernest W. Wright, Hazelton, N. D; Frank L. O'RcRly, Grand Forks, N. D; Bruce A. Price, Buffalo, S. C; M. P. Rineholt, Sunlight, W. Va; Emil O. Rossj Montello, Wis; John Ryan, San Francisco; William Sanderson, Brad ley, Wis; George F. Schtimer, Tanston, 111; Earl Scharow, West Branch, Mich; Sam Silverman, New York; James Christopher Spruill, Comanche, Okla; R. Taylor, Woodbine; Ky; Charles W. Thomas, Cumberland, Va; Charles 1 White, Jr., Hoper, Utah; 8. Wizans, Duryea, Pa. Woundad, Degree Undetermined ' Privates Dennis P. Hassett, Worces ter, Mass; John J. Lilley, Chicago; Wil liam M'cManu8, New York; Orian M. Morrisetto, Lewiston, Me; Brady 1). Virden, Balilknob, Ark. Missing, in Action Corp. Elmer A. Walstad, Evansville, Minn. Privates Murphy Brand, La Grange, Ga; Marko Bubalo, Bhillipsburg, Mont; Edgar J. Daigle, Patterson, La; James B. Daly, Holyoke, Mass; Fred H. Deem Parkcrsburg, W. Va; Victor C. Fcne, Huntington, Ark; Louis F. Fitzer, Clear Lake, Wis; Edwin A. French, Mothuen1 Mass; Paul Friscan, St, ' Paiil, Minn; Baiva Hanzook, Russia; Ira P. Hoff man. Shelbyville, Tex; Henry S. Holmes Kirkwood, Ga; Leon Earl Hovenkamp, New York; Manthos Zakaris Xakis, Greece; John Kolitka, Coaldale, Pa; Thomas Lay, Bridgeport, Conn; Will iam H. Lucas, Stiles, Wis; Allen J. Mc- Cullnugh, Hammond, Wis; Paul Mamies Antigo, Wis; Henry Marquardt, Nee j nah, Wash; Samuel Melawskv, Chica- caa go up there in that hell of lead and gas and eome out without a scratch. It was right out in the open acrosa grain fields and through small woods, up hill and down with no trenches or dug outs. '"We went so fast that by the time fellow had made a little protection for himself, the word woutd come to go for ward again- We had three weeks of " that and believe me, it seemed lik three months to me. "Bight here I want to tell you that if yon ever meet a fellow who has beea to the front line and he tells you he wasn 't scared, you can make up your mind he is either bluffing or a liar. I was scared all the time I was up there and so was every man that I have talk ed to since. Of course we all tried t hide the fact but it is hard to do when you hear one of those big boys we call Jack Johnsons come screeching thru the air and you know its going t burst some place near. "It is really funny how many thinga a fellow can think of io a short time. Then the thing bursts off to the side of you in some place and you look at your 'buddy' with a sickly grin and wonder how you ever escaped that one. Then the next one conies along and yoa go through the same experience again. And to think that some gny has the nerve to tell people he was not scared. "Some times one goes two or three days without eating or sleeping until at last one is so exhausted that he just crawls off to some sheirbole aud takes a few hours sleep, shells or ne shells. It doesn't matter what branch of the service one belongs to up ther as to duties to be performed. We strung communication lines, carried in wounded,. buried the dead,packed water to fellows on the firing line, repaired roads and carried ammunition. We were on the go from morning to night antt from night to morning. vl got gassed slightly on the las ilav I was at the front aiid that made mo sick the next day. Then it run int tonsilitis and then into diptheria and now here I am pretty weak and shakey. But by the time you receive this I wilD no doubt be back on duty. "The nurses hero in the hospital will not let me get out of bed even to look out of tho window and so I lay here and read and sleep and cuss the luck that caused me to bo sick as I am anx ious to be with my company and doing -something useful. ' ' When 1 was in the states, I aiwaya had a desire to cross the ocean. Well 1 still have that desire but believe me, if I ever get back to the states they can fill the ocean up for all I care fot I'll never want to make the trip again. "There is one thng I know and that . is, tnat tne ibiik, is a oetter somier than the best trained Hun ever will be." Wash; McKinloyH. Shirk, Grand Fork N. D; Archie F. Sinclair, Seattle, Wash .Joseph R. Smith, Sparta, Tex; Frank John epilski, Menasha, Wis; Ora li. Taylor, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Total number of casualties to date, including those reported above.: Killed in action (including 291 at sea) 575t Died of wounds 1764 Died of disease 1734 Died of accident and other causes 829 Wounded in action 16575 Massing in action (including prisoners) 3968 . Total to dato 3061 Sugar Shortage Grows Still More Acute San Francisco, Sept. 13. The sugar shortage continues so acute that no ad ditional allotments will be made to candy manufacturers, who now get 5 go; Frank Mueller, Albany, Minn; Frej per cent of last year's requirements, Killed in Action Privates Mervine F, Hammond, Ore gon City, Or; Frank F. Holfz, Janes ville, Wis; Jones W. Hunter, Charlotte, N. C; Ray B. Laudes, Greenacres, Wash Michael J. Mclnness, Troy, N. Y; Thos. F. Maron, Hartford, Conn; Arthur M. Miller, Websterville, Vt; John V. Raa en, Fingal, N. D; Fred Schcier, San Francisco; Cornelius Van Dain, Flattc, S. D. Died of Wounds Privates Walter J. Hatzfeld, St. Louis, Mo; Thomas A. Jones, Dexter, Mo; Jessie L. Murray, Roaring Springs Pa; Elmer Arons Oakley, Burr, Mo. Died of Disease Privates George Hooper, Thornton, O Brem, Waupaca, mis; James W. O'- -Neill, Jr. Morgan Park, 111; Charles W, Payne, Cherrydale, Va; Joseph Po poski, Hamtramck, Mich; Robert L, Reid, Round Hill, Va; Walter J. Reit er, Milwaukee, Wis; John Romediek, Pittsburg, Ta; Antonio Uusso. Lansing, Mich; Georgo H. Schlosser, Sunnyside, the food administration here Tuinouncoft today. Candy manufacturers had complained that shortage of glucose as well as su gar limited their output to less than half what it was last year. JOURNAL WAnTadS PAY 1 things off the shelves. Her little ex clamation of delight when sho found a piece of brocade or tapestry largo enough for a pillow or a. drape, delight ed aud amused the man listening a short ways away. Arthur Mandel had followed Ruth, anxious to see Sow the first gift he had proffered would be accepted. They meant nothing to him, these piece of fabrics so lovely it was a joy to handle them, to one who realized their beau tv; ret he would have not sold them, save for a round price- Ruth's plea&nrei in them, more than repaid him what he had lost by giving (hern to her; When he saw her folding up and laying them back in orderly precision, he hur ried away. He had no intention of al lowing he. to know she had been ob served. (Monday Buth Is Sent Away Again Brian G Out With Molly King.)' OREGON "FIRST" ALWAYS. IF WE have been able to top every state in the Union in patriotic endeavors in the past THINK what we will do in this fast ap proaching 4th Liberty Loan-When OUR BOYS are over there watching us, depending on us, trusting us, believing in us, caring for us. There can only be ONE answer. Ore gon MUST go over the top the min ute the drive starts. So prepare NOW. You'll find the United States National Bank READY. UnltedStoles nMBanJ Oregon, 11 KMLiS?r lWy nrSSSL- Salem f lt