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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAR. 21, 1918. EIGHT . ft 6t o voir 197 On 1902 Mr. Penney opened at Kemmever, Wyoming, doing that year a busi ness of $29,000. In 16 years he has produced 197 busy stores in 25 states, do ing an aggregate business of Fourteen Million Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand dollars. They cannot keep us back, we will go over. Just a few of the reasons why we are growing. 9-4 Sheeting 39c 27-inch Dress Gingham 18c 42-inch Pil'ow Tubing. ......... 21c 27-inch Zephyr Gingham 20c 72xS0 inch Sheets, . .69c, 79c and 89c 28"inch PercaIe 12c and 15c 81x90 inch Hemmed Sheets ..... 98c n( fC? !! " : 7 ' 17c and fQC 01 ha i ii n r,, , 28-inch Cheviot Shirting 19c 81x90 inch scalloped Sheets. . . . $1.29 24inch Calico 1Qc 42x36 inch Pillow Cases 15c 32-inch Renfrew Devonshire Bed Spreads 98c to $4.98 Cloth 25c KIMONAS BATH TOWELS We have a fine, line of Kimonas Fancy Bath Towels nAn ,. , 2oc, 35c, 49c and 69c each made of serpentine and Japanese Piain White Bath Towels Crepes, $1.19, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98, $2.98 . . 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c and 98c pair WAISTS BUNGALOW APRONS White Voile Waists ........... 98c Nice collection going at 79c, 98c, $1.15 Silk Waists . . $1.98 to $4.98 HOUSE DRESSES Fancy Voile Waists $3.98 From $1.25 to $3.98 PERSONAL. Mrs. Smith Mann returned last even ing from a woek 'g visit at Bundon. Leander Narmcst, of Dallas, is regis- W. T. RIGD0N1C0. UNDERTAKERS W. T. RICIDON L. T. EIGDON Oallg answered all hour day Res. Phone ill; Office Phone 183 252 N. High St. and night ik WHEY For Feeding Hogs CAN BE HAD AT THE Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2i - 3 FARM LOANS Rw and seven yean loam with privilege to repay $100 or multiples on any interest date. 5 Yemeni Loan & Trust Co. t 114 Masonia Bldg., Salem, Ore. I Used Furniture Wssted Highest Cash Price Paid for TTaed Furniture E. Ii. STIFF SON, Phone Ml or 608 t mm) JUNK And all kinds of 2nd Hand Goods. Full Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Oct our price befort yon sell. THE PEOPLES JTJNTC 2ND HAND BTOHB 271 X. Com'l St. Phone 734 ttihie TOONG THE GOLDEN RULE tercd at the Capital hotol. George Eyre left today for Saakat chewan, Canada. Dr. M. E. Fomeioy made a short busi ness trip to Portland yesterday. Bruce Fox of the Liberty district, was in the city today. Kmil A .Schaeffer left this morning for Portland on a business trip. I). OibBon, telegraph operator for tho Southern Pacific, left this morning for Portland to spend the day. Wm. Gahlsdorf is spending tho wi.ok in San Francisco ou a business trip. He expects to be absent till next week. Mrs. Robert Godwin arrived ynstor- day from Pullman, Wash., for a visit of several days with friends in this city, yuay Ht. Clair is homo from the nay on a furlough for a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. St. Clair. The dance at itickrenll last mgut is reported to have been largely j and a very enjoyable occasion. C. L. St. Helens is in the city for a: short visit, having been called here by ! the funernl yesterday of his uncle, tho I lato Henrv St. Holona. j A. A. l" lirnh arrived yesterday from Portland and is a guest' for several (lavs of his brother, J. F. Unruh, of this city, " . f'ifi Miss Laura luxson, stenographer and bookkeper for Hulvorsen and Burns, was confined to her home today with an attack of la grippe. Charles Jewett, formerly a resident of this citv, has been in Salem the p.v-t few days demonstrating the Liberty automobile for which he has tho agency out of Portlund. Mr. Jacob Hatighman former! v a resident of Howell Prairie and widolv known in this community, is reported to be seriously ill at her home in Wood hurn. She and her husband are old pion eers of this section. Clarence Albert and wifo are here for a visit with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Byrd, of 1185 Marion street. Remarkable Increase In Life Insurance A remarkable increase in life insur ance business is shown by the reports of 48 companies, now filed in the insur ance department. The annual amount of insurance on the lives of Oregon eiti- aens is now 1 17.311,t26. this being an increase of 27 million over last year I The total premiums collected on this amount of insurance during the year is ' r BETTEB HAVE YOUR ETES EXAMINED MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 20S-9 Hubbard Building. "Optometry Means Eye Service' 99 H o Chapter Course for Home Service Workers , Will Start Monday The chapter course for tho workers of tho home service section of the ci vilian relief corps of the Bed Cross, will start next Monday at 2:30, with an address by F. B. Foisia, director of the work of the civilian relief section of tho nontihwest division. Another ad dress, for Mia D-enerHl rtnhlin n;il V. given in tho evening, both talks be- ng made at the commercial club audi torium. Mr. Foisia is considered a forceful speaker, and the lenders of the civilian relief work iu Salem bolieve that much good wili result from his visit. The ci- vilian relief work has been some what neglected in the paw in Salem, anil for that reason the chapter course was installed, with Mr. Foisia as tho first spea.kor. Tho course will continue for three weeks, with speakers and instruc- 'ors from tho University 0f Oregon, iJe0( allege, and from tho Bed Cross headquarters. It is expected that at least 15 will go through with the course, as at least that many workers are needed in Sa lem now. There are over SO connected with the home service section at pres ent, but many will not be able to take tho course. Mrs. Frederick J. Buell is nt tho head of this branch of the Keu Cross work at present. to policy holders is estimated to be ovtr a million. Oregon people are a healthy risk to the insurance companies as the nmornt paid out for denth claims amounted to but $1,340,639 during last year. This is less than one per cent of' the total amount of insurance in force. The amount of new insurance writ ten last year is 25 per cent of tho total amount of insurance in force. This amounted to $14,913,000 and excepds any previous year. The investment's of the life insurance companies in the slate are also increased. WOODRVS ORCHESTRA e PIECES 6 Open for all engagements. Hew them at Armory every Saturday Night. Phone 511. p WHEN YOTJB ETES TROUBLE TOTJ WHEN TOU ARE IN NEED OF GLASSES . Don 't overlook the fact that we have made a reputation by giving quality and service that are unexcelled- All Around Town COMING EVENTS March 22-23 "Country Fair" Bed Cross Benefit at Armory. March 23. Demonstration of uses of Substitutes for Flour at Public Library Auditorium 2:30 p. m. March 26 "Fanny and the Servant Problem" by Snikpoh Dramatic Society at Salem High school. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor reetly. U. 8. National bank bldg. tf. o The Willamette today registered 6.6 feet above low water, falling from 6.2 feet since yesterday. . o . "The funeral beautiful" Webb & Clough Co. tf 3. P. Nealen, of Sublimity, left today for Pennsylvania for a visit with rela tives. Mr. Nealen has three brothers m the armv and will visit with them in the east before they sail for France. o Pntton Plumbing Co 385 Chemeketa Phone 1098. Wo do repair work. Boves and furnaces coiled. tf Eleven new rubbers were initiated at the meeting of the Maccabees last night. Large delegations were present from Albanv, CorvaHis, Falls City and other points. State Commander J. W. Sherwood had charge of the initiatory ceremonies, assisted by Deputy Com mander, N. N. Christie of Falls City. "The best" Is ali you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co Phone 120. tf o The funeral of the late Mrs. Lloyd T. Reynolds, whose death occurred Satur day at Biverside California, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Webb & Clough chapel. Eev. B. N. Avi- son of the First Methodist church, had charge of the services. Burial was in the City View cemetery. o Evangelistic meetings, Leslie Meth odist church, 7:30 every evening, ex cepting Monday and Saturday. Come, tf Spcial meeting of Multno mah chapter No. 1, E. A. M., thisi evening at 7:30 sharp. Work in the I'. M. and M. K M. degrees. Visiting compan ions welcome. o 299 N. Commercial St. 163 S. Commercial St. Delivery to West Salem Monday, Tuesday and Friday Friday and Saturday Specials 2Gc Coffee, 5 lbs. for $1.05 21c Coffee, 5 lbs 90c 1 lb. Boyal Club Coffee 33c 3 lbs. Boyal Club Coffee 85e 1 lb. M. J. P.. Coffee 33c '-'ia lbs- M. J. B. Coffee 80c 5 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee $1.55 Several Hundred 2 oz. cans Spice in window, per can.... 5c Jell 'o, 3 pkgs. 25c Albers Oats, large pkg. 30c 3Vi lb. pkg. Rival Oat Flakes 30c Balston's Bran, pkg 13o 7 lbs. Bulk Boiled Oats 50c No. 5 Karo 50c No. 10 Karo $1.00 Best Creamery Butter, lb- 50c Peanut Butter, lb. 17c Quaker Oats, large pkg. 32c Mother's Oats, round pkg.....32c 2 rkg. Grape Xuts 25c 2 Cans Borden's Milk 25c 3 Cans Sugar Peas I 35c 2 No. 1. Cans Kipe Olives 25c 4 Eolls Toilet Taper 25c Fancy Jap Bice, lb. 9c 1 Large pkg Snow Flake Sodas 35c Soda Crackers, lb. 17c Cans Deviled Meat 2Sc 3 Bars Crystal White Soap 25e 2 lb. can black and white Tuna Pish 15c Phone C. O. D. Orders Before 3 o'Clocx 198 and 186 April 3rd Is the date set for the an nual glet given by the Freshmen of Willamette univeiiiy. The entertain ment will be given at the armory, the entire proccds of which will be donat ed to Willamette chapter of the Bed Cross. O. E. Unruh, money to loan, 202-3 Bank of Comimerce. Phone 815. 4-17 Attention Elks The proposed en largement of our building will be a speicial order ta be discussed. Be there Thursday evening. o Webb and Clough have recently ad ded some improvements to their chapel which give it a very handsome aid pleasing appearance. Hanging baskts of flowers and shrubs are suspended from the ceiling, which, together with hang lr.g lights and fern decorations about the altar, combine to give the interior appearance of the chapel a most cheer ful aspect. Hygrade cigars mads in Salem sell lor a cents, not raised tout worth more. A steroptican lecture on "The Eoad from Jerusalem Down to Jerico" will be given next Sunday evening, Mar., at the iirst Congregational church by Prof. J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agricultural college. The views are pic tures taken by Prof. Horner himself whilo on a tour of the Holy Land and promise to be very interesting. o 3 in 1 Red Cross stamps at Macleay Saltuday evonine Ma. 23d. 'Dancine. cards, games, 3 to 1 you'll be glad you came. Musdc will be diocted bv Miss Joy Turner of Stalem, o Tiie new city improvement bonds turned amounting to $31,169.74 were over yesterday by City Treasurer C. O. Bite to Ladd and Bush, the successful bidders for the bonds. Tho premium and accrued interest on the bonds amount ed to a total of $1428.63, which added to t!:e smount of the issue gavo the citv a total credit for improvement of $32.5l.37. - ! 0 Miller tires are guaranteed for foul and four thousand five hundred miles, 99 .per cent perfect. Let your next tires be Miller. Miller cord tires, tubes and accessories. Clark, Y. M. C. A. bldg. 3-23 o Articles of clothing and bedding which have been solicited for the Bel gian relief commission will be gather ed up today and tomorrow over the city. Those who have donated should havi the bundles on their porches in order that they may be secured by the driv trs of machines. In case any are over looked, tho ladies in charge would deem it a great favor if the donated articles were brought to headquarters, which are located the first door to the left of Steusloff's market on Court street. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appre ciation to my neighbors and friends for their sympathy and assistance dur ing the illness and't'uneral of my be loved husband. Mrs. W. P. Morse. o Representatives of the jitney drivers and taxicab companies of the city met with Chief of Police Foland and City Recorder Bace at the city hall today to lay before these officials a grievauce arising from the operation of the city ordinance requiring chauffeur's licenses. The taxicab and jitney drivers claim they have to pungle up $15 a year for a license and then are given no protec tion. They say that farmers and other owners of machines come into town and operate without licenses, thus cutting into their business. Their particular lievance seemed to be occasioned by tho fact that the auto stages running between Salem and Silverton and Stay ton are permitted to operate without licenses, the local drivers claiming that these cars run in and out of the city without license and secure much busi nfss that should go to tho licensed Sa lem drivers. The local drivers say they will bring the matter up at the next meeting of the city council and see what can be done about it. Interesting services were held at Kimball college of theology yesterday afternoon when a service flag was un- tiuledJn honor of the two students from the college who are in their country's service. The names honored are David C. Hassell, who is with Company M in France, and Leslie B. Bailey who is in the service in Honolulu. Dr. E. S. Ham mond had charge of the exercises, which were as follows: Opening song, "Hail to Our Country's Flag," by Kimball Chorus; prayer, Professor Edwin Sher wood, D. D.; presentation of the flag by G. K. Abbott of the student body; response by President H. J. Talbott, D D.; quartette, "We'll Pray for the Boys over There," by C. it. Keefer, Mrs. B. C. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bates; address by Kev. R. N. Avi son, 1). D.; song, "The Recessional," by Kinvball Chorus; benediction by Dr. Avison. DEED WniTE At his home at 8S0 north 17th street, Thursday, March 21, 1P1S. Samuel French White, at the age of 83 years. Old age was the cause of death. I Deceased was the father of Dr. B. il. White of this city. Funeral services will , be hold Saturday afternoon at 2j o'clock from the Evangelical church, l?lh and Chemeketa streets, Rev. Jacob' Stocker having charge. Interment will! be in Lee Mission cemeterv. Friday Saturday special for your advantage 94 Bleached Sheeting 49c Yard 42-inch Pillow Tubing 29c Yard Our Prices Always the Lowest" Commercial and Court Sts. Phone 1072 Formerly Chicago Store. 5jc sc sjc jjc fc jfc sjc jc sc jf i! State House News A report has been received from tho circuit court of Lane county in regard to the case in which a decision or the public service commission has been appealed to the court. The mat ter involves the alleged appropriation, by ithe branch lino to Maishfield of the Southern Pacific, of a portion of a county road between Mapieton and Cushman. This' is permitted by tho sta tutes when it is impossible to build the road in any other manner, but res titution must be made to tho county, it is claimed by the state commission; A petition from Lano county lead to a decision by the state commission that the Southern Pacific would bo required to build a road between the two cities, a distance of 10 miles, to : replace tho road taken over for a right of way by the railroad compairy. This . will require about $30,000 it is csti-, mated, and the railroad company ap- j pealed the case to the court which has , upheld the decision of the state com mission. Tho Hjeltanaes motor Ship com pany of Portland, was (incorporated this morning, with a capital stock of $000,00, to buy and operate the mo torship Hieiltanaes, now being built at Cfrayls Harbor. The Bay City Shipbuild-1 iug company of Bay City filed incor-1 poration papers this morning, giving j the capital stock as $150,000. The Ore- i gon ChTomo company of Portland, al so filed articles of incorporation, and will engage in mining chromo and oth er metals. Loyal M. Graham of Forest Grove, a republican, filed today for represent ative in the legislative assembly for tho 15th district. His slogan is "I propose to apply good business princi ples and economy to legislative affairs' In his platform ho states he will work consistently for just legislation to pro mote the best interests of the stato and Washington county. The resignation of Charles H. Stew art as assistant superintendent of banks has been received, and Superin tendent Bennet announces the appoint ment of Marshal Hooper, present ex aminer, to the position. H. A. Sonne of the" Baker Loan and Trust eompany, is appointed to the position of bank.f01. examiner. Mr. btewart resigned Ins po- ! reserve bank at San Francisco. He has been with the state banking depart ment for the past four years. W. E. Smith of the First National bank of Monmouth has been appointed to a clerkship in the banking department. A petition from the Newport com mercial club hr been received by the Public Service commission asking an extension of tho Southern Pacific branch from Yaquina to Newport. The extension is neeeilsary, Ihe pdtition states, because of the inability to prop- 'Vrly care for the freight and passen- ger business bv way of boat from la- iquina to Newport, E. L. Seicke, deputy state forester, ! has resigned and will accept an ap-1 pointment as state forester of Texas. Mr. Seicke has been a deputy forester ' since 1911. and had been recommended ; to the Texas office. His successor j here has not been selected. I The appointment by the -governor! of a member of the state fair board j is expected, Mrs. Edith Tozier Weath-j erred 's term having expired on March 14th. Apparently there is little doubt that the appointee will be a woman, i but it is by no means certain that Mrs. ! Weatherred will be re-appointed. Four CHIROPRACTIC t THE WORLD'S GREATEST HEALTH SCIENCE If ycur spine is right yonr health Is good all disorders of the Momach, heart, kidneys, bowels and blidder can be corrected by put ting the spine in proper condition. Let me make you right. DR. PAUL HJ1AY,D. C. AUCTION SALE WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET Cor. Ferry & Liberty, Saturday, March 23, '18 10:30 a. m. One 3-4 Studebaker Wagon 1 Hay Rack, 1 Good HacJt, 1 Slip Scraper, one 2-horse Disk H.irrow, one 8-inch Plow, Log ging ..Chains, ..Horses, ..Buggies, Harness. Tools, etc. All the above machinery Is iiearly new. 1:30 p. m. 10 Boys' Coaster Wagons, new. Men's and Boys' new Sweaters, Household Furniture of all kinds, including 1 green. Scotch Wool Rug 9x12 nearly new, 1 good Cook ..Stove ..with ..reservoir, 3 Heaters, Dressers, Extension Tables, chairs. Canned Fruit. Ice Cream Freezers and many other things. Private Sales Daily. Household Furniture bought for Cash. Phone 510 or 511. F. N. WOODRY, THE AUCTIONEER. PHONES 510 AND 511 B3E3!5E3SEI prcininen.t Oregon women are candi dates. They ore Mrs. Hattie Vail, Mrs. George MeMath, Mrs. Millie Trum-. bell and Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, all of Portland. Don't be backward about contribut ing to the Salvation Army war service fund of JJic, Y. M. C. A. fund for tho same purpose. There's rjlcntv of work both of them and more, too over there. DR. L. M. HUM care of TICK SO TONO Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure ay known disease. Open Sundays from 1C a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High St. Salem, Oregoii. Phone 283. SACKS WANTED Highest price paid old sacks for I CAPITAL JUNK CO. Chemeketa St Phone 398 271 06-7 Hubbard Building. ' The Bolsheviki by any other name will be as bad.