Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1917, Image 1

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Sterilization Bill Is Reported
Adversely by Majority
louse Member Objects To
Memorials As Expensive
The stream of business flowed smooth
ly mid without, a ripple this morning Un
til ftie senate committee reported back
senate bill No. TSj relating to the steril-
-lion ol the feeble minded and moral
(inverts. There were two reports the
Committee splitting as near " fifty-fir -ty
" as it could, the majority report be
iiijj signed by four of the committee
ivomending the bill do not pass. The
minority report recommending the pass
age of the bill was signed by three
members. A motion for the substitution
of the minority report for that of the
majority was like opening the exhaust
on a natural gas well for the oratory
took a perfervid character at times.
Vinton grew eloquent and said the ac
tion of those who wanted to force this
bill on the people after it had been;
voted oh at tie last election and beaten
b) B three or four to one vote, reminded
inn of the "publican who went out on
(be highway and thanked God he was
atot as other men."
LaFollettt said people change their
jninds and he had changed his. lie vot
d against the measure, but had been
convinced it v.us right He had seen
thi feeble minded since at the instil u-
i ; i. m and if he could get his friends
Vinton and Hurley oul among thcfeeble
minded he could convert them.
Hurley took the ground the people
bad defeated the measure, said they did
'it. I want it, and they should not have
a law forced ou them which they had
.1.. tinctly said they did not want.
It had been said by others that the
pt pie did not. understand what they
Were voting ou but this was no excuse.
It might as well be said they did not
understand what they were voting on
wl en the voted Oregon dry.
1 Irton was sorry his friend Hurley
ha I "got all liel up" as there was noth
ing to justify it. All that was wanted
(Continued on page three.)
Trenton, N. J., Jan. 2.). Mrs.
Beatrice Forsyth, an actress,
didn't mind il a bit when she
was asked to show the evidence
lo the jury in her damage uit
against the borough of Deal.
She jest lifted her skirts above
her knees and showed the
twelve tried and true the dif
ference between her two knees.
The jury took a good look and
then told her she could cover
'em up if she would give as
surance that the evidence might
be inspected at. any time.
Miss Forsyth alleges she in
jured one of her kne
swimming tit Deal nt
they don't mutch. Tl
her in her chosen pi
she alleges.
s; ;
si- A
iew photogra.i
wifliin th' gift o'
sr&t th ' nrice.
th1 people
Judge Suggests Kissing
As Panacea for Troubles
of the Unhappily Married
I San Francisco, .Inn. B.V Constant
ssing as a panacea tor damesti. trou-
i i a v. i i.l
Q ft u .i i in 'iiiiiuii it-1 ii uill I ur iK'Utll (
Vnerior Judge Graham yesterday,!
.-iiii u uvuirsui j'.i' lllt-1 una
v 'ii the name of "the greater
eeommeiidation whs
s'ro.ig ilia in
honor could not refrain
from burst i. i'lit out iuto poetry to
set forth his . Wheu John Srhuler,
who is being : , ' for divorce, com
plained that he quarreled frequently
with his wife, Judge (irahain advised
hiiu to avoid s;uch fusses by Kissing his
wife as often as possible.
Later the judge mailed tins effusion
to Schuler:
"When your wife and you fall out,
Don 't strut about and, shout,
Don't growl at her, or MftWI nt her. or
hiss her;
Vou will find it doesn't pay;
Try your luck another way;
Just take her in your arms and gently
kiss her.
When your wife and Ton must fight,
Make her think she's in the right:
Don 'I rush off to your club, where you
will miss her;
Should a fight with wifey start,
V'ou play the big man's part,
If vou take bat in your arms and gently
kiss her."'
si. -t, j- u.
"I find lack of home news
papers to be : - general com
print (among Amerieuiisiii the
allied armies) and any Arneri-
ican whose sympathies with the
tine boys lighting out jkfje
might do worse than ma)
newspaper everv week
"American Soldiers, care
Commanding Officer, Royal
Canadian Regiment, British Ex
peditionary Force, France."
From Lord Northclif fe 's story
on American fighters at the Bri
tish and French front.
V v". vl,
V -i-
encan music and Boston baked beans
(Following is the first of two remark- j familiar,
able stories of the American soldiers I Raids Are Feaaure of War.
fighting in Europe, written by Lordl A great feature of the war on the
xr. U..HM. .v nniuj t t i-i ' western front at the moment is the day
Northcliffe for the united Press, iiitue I , . ,-, . . ,
and niglit raids. 11ns dash and des
aas been told to date of the Americans re! ate form of individual fighting is en
in the world's greatest fighting line, cotiraged by the British leader, Sir
These articles bring ari Uluminating
story by one of the leading men
By Lord Northcliffe.
(Written for the United Press.)
(Copyright 1917 by United Press.)
(Copyrighted iit Clreat Britain.)
Headquarters of the Canadian Army
j.!in Fran i
, Jan. 25. Embodied in Hie
sjc.iieart W tne great uanouiai) army in
-k ! France is a bodv of American citizens
in khaki who have already succeeded
in effecting another of -several revolu
tions produced in warfare by the United
The first and most important was the
second i'
invented bv the Wrights; tht
the machine gun. originally
jy Hudson Maxim, with the
newer Lewis light machine gun, easily
carried, or for use on aeroplanes. The
third revolution is one I would hardly
believe had I not had ocular demon
stration. It is
British Tommy
beans instead of
has foiniht sine.
Ihe conversion of the tinents they came. They wore in high
lo faith in poik and spirfti. Released from tin Cramped
the beef ou which he j tension of always-shelled and water-log-the
time of the Nor- ged trenches, they cuinc tumbling over
1 man conquest of England.
Sing American Songs.
; These Americans in the British
with whom 1 have just spent a day are
part of the topsv-turvydom in which we
the living and when 1 saw them march
ing back from the trenches to such tunes
as "My Country 'Tis of Thee" audi
"The Star Spangled Banner," with less
i and, more modern ragtime music, I won-'
! dered what the small American boys
'who have so often teatfd nie on the
Fourth of July celebration in your cov.n-1
j try, would have thought of this factor!
i in the war that is not sufficiently:
j kuown in the I 'tiii.-d States,
j I propose telling you what the Amer-i
j ican soldiers in the British and French
armies are doing, where they come
j from; how they live and w hy the Ger-!
'mans are particularly bitter toward
I til II, and say that these splendid Am-'i
oricam w ere hired by the allies. From
the German point of view the pay of !
Americans who are fighting against!
j PruHsiuiiiMi: is doubtless princely. It!
! amounts to exactly a dollar and a quar-.
ter a dav. I lenve people in the United 1
States to judge whether that would be
the sort of remuneration calculated to
j draw American university graduate-.
: some with considerable private foruncs,
j businessmen, real estate men, clerks. I
lumbermen, engineers across the At- j
The falsehood is one of the bits of
j German boomerang propaganda with.
! which m-'itrals are becoming acquainted. !
How They Enlisted.
The Americans in the British audi
i French armies enlisted in divers ways.!
In the first few months of the war
many came to England direct and enter-'
Canadian Officer Shot
to Death by Prisoner
Windsor, Ont., Jan. 25. "This is
wliat 1 got 11 being kind to you,"
were the last words of Immigration
insnoAtor ( T i .1...,, .., ;..;
" I v ivi iu. u. m v iiiwi
nee. shot to death in tho-smokine ear!
of a C P. R. train early today by
.lames Stewart, safe blower. Jackson
was bringing Stewart to Windsor,
where officers were waiting to take
him 40 Battle Creek, Mich., where he
is wanted for cracking a safe in a bil
liard hall.
The dfficer was murdered with his
own weapon, as the train was about
three miles outside of Windsor. Stewart
had slipped the gun from the officer's
pocket while the two were talking to
gether. Jackson had permitted Stewart to
make the long .journey from Winnipeg
without being manacled.
Stewart was still at large late this
morning, although both sides of the
I Detroit river are being closely guarded.
Bloodhounds picked up his trail" at the
spot where he jumped from the mov
ing train after1 shooting the iminigra-
j tion officer, followed it for three miles
and then lost. it.
Stewart is also wanted on a charge
of robbing the cafe of the. Orpheuni
theatre in Madison, Wis.
ed the British army. Those who were
, residents in Europe at the outbreak of
' ' the war formed a union with British
residents in France and joined the
French. Others came over later and
entered the flying service where they
have done splendid work.
Early in the war during the battle of
the Maine, I was billeted with a num
ber of our dispatch riders and was much
urprised to find the particular cum
uli which 1 was spending the
night were almost cntnelv 1rom the
: United States.
I It is almost impossible to estimate
the number of Americans in these two
armies, but including those engaged in
the noble work of the Aerican nmbr
! lance corps in Carta and its numerous
automobile and convoys, it has been e
j timated at quite a sufficient number to
I have made the American language, Am
j Douglas Haig, and it is in this that the
Canadians and the British who have
considerable forces of Americans with!
them are adepts. .
Each one of these raids is a miniature
battle and it was in studvinir this form
of warfare that 1 had the pleasure of
... i i. ..,
a Canadiaa regiment reviewed by a
general on their return from the firing
line for a rest and festal dinner.
Like Lumber Camp Scene.
By a curious coincidence, the setting
ot t li e scene was that ot a thousand such .
in American and Canadian lumber1
imps even down to the log house. We
i were just out of shell range of the Ger
man guns, though the British artillery
were talking all the time. A the men
came down the hillside through tail pine
trees, it did not take long for one who
has visited most of the states of the
I'nited States to despite the mad and
fatigue, from which of the world's con-
leach olher like school boys. All aie in
i pleasant and happy relation with their
Canadian and British officers which
makes for good fighting and does not
derogate from strict discipline.
(Continued on page flirce.)
Germans Say Their Raids
Were Mainly Success
fully Carried Out
French Aviator Has Brought j Apparently Bridge Is In Hope
Down Twenty - Seventh less Tangle at Present
German Aeroplane
Berlin, via Sayvillo wireless, .Ian. 25.
Successful operations of German
recomiitering and thrusting detach
ments on the western front were re
ported in today's official statement,
which also detailed a temporary in-
rense in fiehtiue activity, n rt i II
jami mine inrowing in Artois and be-
tween the A acre
and AiSne
"'There were r
ennnoitering dot:
clashes of re-
the fore
statement u Bae and
field of position!
said, "Southeast o
northwest of
Saxon thrusting
French trendies
ussiiin and
ts entered
ned after
violent fighting wit
fficer and
thirty prisoners and
'By dashing, pluc
lint, recon-1
noiteriug soldier:
infantry reserve
in overwhelming
times their strength numerically, and
orougiiT. oac.K tins torce witn one
chine gun into their own Duo.. ,.
German Attacks Repulsed.
Pctrograd, Jan. 25. Repulse of Ger
man attacks near the Tirul swamp and
forcing back vt their columns there,
but success of a German counter at
tack, pressing back Russian forces one
third of a mile along the southeast
course of the river Aa, was described
in today's official statement.
''North of Shmarden and also near
the northwestern corner of Tirul
'ZV : T; ' ,
enemy after attempting to attack, was
driven back to his entrenchments."
Bnngs Down Twenty-Sevlen.
Paris, Jan. 25. Lieutenant (fuyne -
liter brought down his twenty-seventh
German aeroplane today his second in
.......... ' I - I. .... 4 , ... I ...I.,
forty-eight hours
-the war office an-
The Official report also detailed an
utisiierosstul surnrise attemiit. liv (ier-
mans south of Berrybac, in which the
: enemy lost heavily.
Russian Fort Captured.
Tjrtl;,, ma 1,
I 25. Capture of Russian fort posi-j
j tioug of more than, six miles extent,
wfth 14 officers, 1,700 ranks and 13 1
j machine guns, was announced by the
: German official statement today from
Prince Leopold's trout
of the river Aa (I'igi
on hot h
Greek Situation.
Park, Jan. 25. The chamber of
deputies met ill secret sessi in this
afternoon to discuss the Greek "Situa
tion. The Match is Off
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. :
Mitchell's bout with Johnny Kllbane,
s.-heduled to go ten rounds February
8, nt Cleveland, is off, it became knov.e
here today, because of a broken knuckle
in Mitchell's right paw. The Milkan
kee tighter will be out of the game
six weeks at least. He has offered Ci
fight Kilbane at any place under al
most any conditions after his hand
heals, his manager, Billy Mitchell mo!
t'HO. mO0KTm l- r w ,,,, .I. MAUTU HI ,1 WUlllll W
STAT6 THE M JvnuiN KI .1,
Kirkpatrick Declares That He
Will Consider No Other
"Salem can settle the bridge site
to please itself, but as far as the Polk
county court is concerned, it will be a
concrete bridge. That is what Polk
county wants and that is what the coun
ty court stands for," said Judge Kirk-
pa trick this morninir. at the meeting of
two' county courts.
Views of Judge Bit-hey
Judge liushey said, "We put it up
to the state highway commission as to
the type of bridge, and they decided
the only thing to do was to build a
Bteel bridge and this court stands for
a steel bridge. If there is any other
reason why the bridge should lie at any
other site than Center street, I would
like to know. However, this court has
never decide,! ,1 ef i it i telv mi ntiv true nt
j 1 1 we want is ll hn.ee lenvv
enoutrh ;0r all traffic. '
State Commission Roasted
succeeded j Judge Kirkpatrick opined that neith
post three I or himself nor the Polk county people
I were married to the state highway
mission. "J do not agree with the state
highway commission, nor do the people
of Polk county. We oppose a Bteel
bridge. The Southern Pacific and oilier
railroads are building concrete bridges.
The highway commissioners are steel
bridge architects and know nothing
about cement bridges, said the coun
ty judge of Polk county. "We do fav
or a steel bridge encased in cement,
am! we believe wi!h Mr. Ptircell, back
ed by such bridge builders as Mr.
Youne and Mr. Benson, that our opin
ion is right. Polk county doesn't care
i about the site. If there is anv delay,
it will he on the type. We are instruct
f(( H,i(.k fl)1. , 't,emcnt bridge and
W(. )hink ()f Ilotnill (,lsi,. - -
What the R. R. Will Do
v (. Dwk,8bch 0f the Commercial
'elub said Judge Kirkpatrick should be
I thanked for his frank expression of the
! situation.
Chis. A. Park, chairman of the com
mittee that conferred with assistant
Manager Dyer of the S. 1'. in I'ortland
yesterday, said that all that Mr. Dyer
i wanted was for the two county courts
j io goi. mi'i'iiii "i mm i ;j i u i milium mi
(the bridge as an assurance that it would
UV mini iin nuun un iiuni-i ui-. i u iu-
meantime, Mr. Dyer was willing that
the city of Salem should begin at oiu-e
the building of the 800 feet of approach
necessary on the Polk county side and
also the work of planaing, but that the
railroad would not give permission for
the use of the bridge until the two
county courts had signed a contract for
the building of the new bridge. The
railroad would also require an indem
nity bond against suits for damage.
Oflcfialn were in Doubt
It dewdope.l that the railroad offi
cials were slightly in doubt as to
whether the county courts would get
together, and did not want to get into
an arrangement for their bridge until
there was something definite in sight
i-.iguieeii rauntuB was roe am iiinu im
the use of the Southern Pacific bridge.
The Southern Pacific agreed to make
no charge for the use of the bridge. As
Salem and Marion county will have lo
put up the 12,000 to 010,000 expense
of planking and building the Polk coun
ty approach, it is possible that a small
(Continued on page three.)-
Bend, Or., Jan. 25. Scrawl
ed on a shingle found in an
abandoned cabin near Eittle
Kniigrant creek, the following
message today told what bad
happened to Paul Fiske. Ben
Cutler and Jim Bennett, miss
ing for months.
"Some time in November,
1916, three of us got lost in an
awful storm. We have had
nothing to eat for two days. We
found this cabin, stayed here
one night God, we are hungry.
Tomorrow we will try to go
straight south. We should hit
some place ono man can 't go
much farther. By one more dny
we will be goners. We have
got guns, but can find noth
ing to shoot."
Four stockmen from Suplee,
plunging through the snow
along frozen Emigrant creek,
found the death note when they
entered the shack, seeking ref
uge from a blizzard. There were
no other tracks of the lost men.
French Woman Kills Babe
Because Father Was Ger
man Soldier
Paris, Jan. 22. Josephine Barthel
emv, age 20 years, killed her baby. To
day she Stood acquitted of the crime
by a jury of f renchmen and applaud
ed b her compatriots,
The reason was that Josephine's bn-
bv had a German father. "That is why
1 killed it," she told the jury.
Her story was one of many which
have been heard in France--of girls at
tacked by German soldiers and of un
welcome babies. Josephine Barthcle
my's lawyers appealed to the jury
which tried her for infaticido with
the idea "would you condemn this
girl for stifling life, of a child of one
of those who killed France's sons and
violated France's daughters f ' '
It was recalled today in connection
with Josephine's vindication that the
French government has re-established
the "cradle of shadows," which be
fore separation of church and state in
France in 1902, was a feature of every
Wnvent, This was a cradle placed
just outside the convont with a bell
attached. Mothers might leave their
children there, ring the bell and then
disappear, certain that the nuns would
rescue the child and bring it up. It is
tho government, now, however, that
guarantees the support of child and
the cradle is placed near the town hall.
Nell Harvey Is Victim and
Harlan Winter Is Under
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 25.-M',ss Nell
llarv'ev ? Ewtcr, d.l., was found dead
wrlytoday at. the Lconide hotel on
South Main street, in a bed covered
with blood. A short lime later Harlan
,T. Winter, motion picture actor,
was ,
J detained as a suspect, but he insists tin
woman a death was due to u nemnrrn
age. Winters saVS be is a son Of form
District Attorney of New York.
..11 autopsy wi
termine whether
ie oertui uied to de
atll was due In ac
cident or murder.
Winter and Miss Harvey registered
at the hotel Tuesduy as Mr. and Mrs.
A. .1. garland of Sacramento. Since
then, the woman has not been out of
the room.
Early today a diaiurtJanc la the
apartment occupied by the coup!
awakened a man in an adjoining room, belligerents, if any of them choose to
who says he beard Winter say "Oh, Ignore them. It is only from neutral
.Nellie, I knew this would happen." Hu states that effective sanction can bo
later heard the man leave. ' given to them."
The lodger told the landlord, and Continuing, Bonar Law declared tb
when the police were summoned, the Germans at the outset of tho war
woman was found dying. Her face andj"Kwepl aside " such barriers of law and
the bed weie covered with blood, the cited prescnl Belgian deportations,
nose appeared to be broken, and there " ,s lu.K been done," he added,
were other indications ot violence. 1
woman died within a few minutes.
Halt an iiuur liner uiuici ivns mi
rested ill another hotel. He was thinly
clad and evidently ran all the way from
the Leonid to the other hotel. Arriv
ing, he told a friend that the woman he
was to have married had just died from
a hemorrhage and asked his advice. The
friend called the police.
Winter was on the verge of collapse
when taken by the police. By the. time
he iciiehed the police station he was
talking incoherently.
The police later ascertained that the
diad woman was the divorced wile of
r 11 Exeter, Cal., man, and was also
known as Mrs. Harvey. She played lu
moving companies here at various limes
She was SB years old.
When found, the woman was nude
and lying fucc downward on the bed,
(Continued on page two.)
Opinion Is General That Great
Offensive Will Again Be
Bonar Law Says Wilson's
Aim and Great Britain's
the Same
By Robert 3. Bender.
(I'nited Press staff correspondent )
Washington, Jan. 25. Official senti
ment in Washington is that a great
spring offensive will prove to be the
tumingf point in international peace
The president, and his very close ad
visers who arc sitting in with him on
all his peace plans -still remain as secre
tive as ever; but among other high of
fielala who know the minds of thosi
former few, the opinion is a near cer
tainty that the president himself be
lieves one more great effort will bi
made by one or both sides before the
first actual step toward a real pcacs
goal is taken.
And, regardless of responses direct
or otherwise from belligerent govern
ments ou President Wilson's remarkable)
address to the senate Monday, many
diplomats here agree in the belief that
the goal of peace will not be in sight
until after a gigantic effort they feel ia
coming in the spring.
They say news from the front showa
preliminary plans for such a drive now
are in full swing.
Within six weeks all details for thia
campaign will be completed. Belief in
firm here that the entente nations will
insist upon awaiting the outcome be
fore peace Is possible.
Summing up the moves of the last
month, however, it is believed President
Wilson has laid a real groundwork for
peace after the drive.
lie has outlined what this country
stunds for, what, arrangements he be
lieves should be made for making a
peine lasting, what, he believes thia
country will do toward joining in m not
form of "international sanction" to
preserve future peace after both aides
have exerted their greatest effort of
(he war this spring.
His advisers believe he has created
a situation which will make it difficult
for either side to insist upon continu
ing the war after the results of the
spring campaign are definitely deter
London, Jan. 25. "President Wil
sons speech nils this aim lo gain nut
mil secure peace for the future.
rhil is out aim, and our only aim."
I'liis was tlie phrase from Chancellor
of the Exchequer Bouur Law's speech
last night that was regarded hero to
day as England's official answer to the
American suggestions. Editorial com-
1 ""'"' regarded it as a sufficient answer,
1 tik-i with Bonar Laws reminder to
Ln.ted States that America has a
share of responsibility .n the past and
I !'r,'s;'lt.- . .
I Ills W lloie s ll i i,J c 1 l is not on "u-
strocl question for the future," Bonar
Law declared. "It is a question of life
mid deatii now. In judging whether
that result can be secured by hi meta-
- ! o.is, it is impossible lor Us
to forget tha
- past, For generations humane men,
11 g I will among all nations,
have striven by The Hague convention,
by peace conferences and by all other
means, to mitigate the horrors of war.
When war comes by what means can.
these barriers, built up against barbar-i.-iii.
be made el'tertivct
"That cannot be preserved by tha
"i' ' 1 1 iml no neutral power has been nolo
; t0 No neutral power, indeed,
page three.)
(Continued on
Oregon: Tonight
and Friday fair
southwest, til
tiled probably
rain northwest,
rain or snow
east portion;
southerly windau