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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1916)
THE DATLY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. IB, 1916. f Rag Rugs All sizes and colors 8x10 rug, regular $12.50, sp'l . $6.98 Other sizes at accord ingly low prices. Japanese Tokanabe Vases Values $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 D I i 98c Wear-Ever Complete line. Ev . ery thing for your kitchen REDUCED PRICES ELEGANT PAR LOR SUITE Three-piece Birch Mahogany Par lor Suite. Sells regularly for $22.50, Fire Sale Special $12.98 'WELLERS IVORY JARDINIERES $2.50 value .. $1.75 value $1.50 value 7.rc value . $1.89 $1.38 $1.00 ... 40C BRASS HANGING BASKETS $1.50 value 98c 7.r)c value '19c 50c value 29c feT&m. . Regular $70.00 Solid Oak Bed Daven- pffl port, NOW . IpMgf; . $31.88 LIBRARY UMPS SERVING TRAYS $1.60 value 99c $1.25 value 89c $0.00 Mahogany Bedroom CUalr $2.60 $7.r0 Circassian Walnut Bedroom Rocker fci.BH $19.00 Tea Wagon, old Ivory $11.99 $9.50 Solid Mahogany Pedestal $5.99 $70.00 Overstuffed Genuine Leather Chair $4S,00 $05.00. Davenport, .genuine leather $30.00 BUFFETS u la n u 131 ! 19 11 n ia la isa M sa iu n ea $75.00 51-in. top, quarter sawed oak .$18.62 $60.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $13.91 $65.00 Jacobean Oak $13.78 $165 William and Mary Period Buffet $115.00 $15 Quarter Sawed Oak $35.99 $35.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $20.91 $25.00 Quarter Sawed Oak $19.68 $17.00 Solid Oak $12.18 CHINA CLOSETS $21.50 Solid Oak $168 $30.00 Quarter Sawed $23.50 $50.00 Colonial design, quarter sawed $33.50 CANDLESTICKS $5.25 Mission Oak $1.99 $2.50 Mission Oak $1.18 $1.50 Mahogany 99c $1.50 Brass , 99C $1.50 White Enamel 91c POLISHES $1.50 Happy Day Polish Mop 79c 80c Bottle Nulac Polish 29c BRASS JARDINIERES $4.00 value ..: '. $3.09 $1.50 value I3'29 Save Money Lfifll II on your Hr AH I Christmas A Mb ft UUllll Presents- I IllflU Buy them at II This Sale JJ $7.50 Mission Lamp .'. .-. ; $3.18. $8.50 Japanese Basket Lamp $1.68 $7.50 Brass Lamp : 83.18 $12.00 Antique Brass Lamp $7.86 $18.00 Brass Lamp $11.72 JAPANESE BASKETS Prices as high as $2.75 89c Prices as high as $1.25 19c Prices as high as 50c 21c "COUCHES S25.00 Steel Couch, Vclour ?. $12.98 $37.50 Automatic Morris Chair $18.00 $30.00 Spanish leather couch $11.98 MUSIC CABINETS . $11.00 Music Cabinet $10.98 COMBINATION BOOK CASES $25.00 Combination Book Case $18.61 $22.50 Combination Book Case $16.71 D n u 11 u n M M II P n n H El u H D r. 11 11 11 n H Expert Says It Bids Fair To Be Hardest Fought Battle of Colleges BOOK CASES $25.00 Quarter Sawed Oak , $19.82 $17.50 Quartered Oak $13.76 $16.50 Quartered Oak ;. $11.88 $35.00 Quartered Oak, slightly used $15 98 ROCKERS SAVE PROFIT Salem's Best Sale of Furniture $3.00 Royal Oak : jjgg $5.60 Solid Oak $298 $6.50 Boston Rocker $-L29 $8.50 Quarter Sawed !.1."ZZ '" $s!89 $9.50 Quarter Sawed 5699 $12.50 Quarter Sawed, Spanish leather cusiiion'"..S8 91 $15.50 Quarter Sawed, leather seat and hack ... $199 $17.50 Leather Seat $10.99 $35.00 Genuine Spanish Leather Rocker ....... $19.90 DINING ROOM TABLES $30.00 Solid Oak $18.68 $27.50 Quarter Sawed $ 7.68 $25.08 Full Quarter Sawed $16.86 $55.00 Quarter Sawed, plank top, 51 in.. .' $39.71 $6.00 Golden Fir $1.98 fit M 121 El Em French Plate Mirror regular $10.50, fire sale price ...... Hard wood Dresser $7.68 $12.55 Mahogany Libra'ry Table . . . .$ 7.55 $25.00 Mahogany Settee $10.99 $18.00 Morris Chair $ 9.90 $2.00 Breakfast Table $ 1.25 $:!7.00 Princess Dresser $15.00 $:?0.00 Mahogany Sewing Table $16.50 $4.00 White Enamel Chair ...$ 1.69 $67.50 Leather Turkish Rocker .... .$29.90 $22.00 Ladies' Desk $12.50 $3.50 Smoking Set $1.99 OPEN EyENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Cm) ) lUMjQ Black imitation leather rocker, reg. ular $18.00, at $8.98. Many others at low prices. U n n n ei u n a n Q n n ii n ii ii li 0 n U a n ii I! ii u n n Si g B By H. C. Hamilton ( United Press staff correspondent) Xew York, Nov. 1(1. Indications- to day are stronger than ever, that those who journey to Princeton Saturday will be rewarded with one of the hardest fought football games that hit fcthen place between the Yale bulldog iml the Princeton tiger for many a day. . The reason is this Duvc Tiblmtt has returned to the ITinceton lineup ami there is every probability he will' get a chance to insert a thrill or two by at tempting field goals. Charles Sheldon, lal.c tackle, who was sent to the- in firmary and counted out of football for the rest of his days, auin in wear ing togs at New Haven unci the chances are very good that he will get into ac tion against Princeton. Most surely b will be ready for tho big combat with Harvard. These two facts are enough to instill life and pep into'the two teams. . Princeton, accorded more than an even chanco to lay the blue low, is full ing buiuc in me. v.nimuuuji ui urines since it has developed that not onco this year has so much energy been shown in offensive work as right down in daily practice at Yale.The buclifie.M is play ing an extraordinary string with .racque., Neville and Legore in tho points. Tibbott has been out. several times trying out his toe for the Tigers, but st far has been kept out of serimniago practice. His place has been filled by Ames, whd is said to be showing welt as a half back. Boxing Contests Only Now York, Nov. Hi. That the New ork state law which allows ten round no decision boxing "exhibitions" will shortly be put to a test, was indicated toilay" by the wrath of the managers of Harry Pierce and Shainus O'Brien, lightweights who met a few nights ago. Their bout was stopped by the rcieree, who declared the men were not doWff their best. , The boxing commission ruled that the referee was right 'in stopping th bout and refusing to allow the boxers any pay for their services. According to the New York critics, if O'Brien and Pierce carry the matter to the eourts, which they have intended to do it wilt raise the question of whether the com mission has the right, to demand that the boxers fight instead of boxing. Tho state law allows only "boxing for exhibitions." 61 Berkeley is Cheerful Iterkeley, Cal., "ov. 10. Despite tho fact that the enemy will invade Berke ley tomorrow, coaches and players of the University of California, football squad, were decidedly cheerful today. Although tth(y are not doing much boisterous talking, they hope to land the long end of the scoro when Califor nia meets the University of Washing ton here Saturday afternoon. The Washington squad led by the lu gubrious coach, Oil Dobie, will arrive tonight. Tomorrow morning the north erners will be given the use of Califor nia field for practice work. A gpneral shakeup in the California lineup is expected Saturday. Madden is Champion Seattle, Wash., Nov. It!. Tho north western lightweight boxing title chang ed hands here last night when Lloyd Madden, of Seattle, gained an undisput ed four round decision over Harry An derson of Vancouver,' n. ('., in a sln.'h ini' buttle, in n. smoker staged by the Moose club in Dreamland rink. HnEsnBRnnnnnnnnnsEassnnnannnnnnHaniEZM Ii Harry Pollok Has Heard Nothing from Jess Willard Regarding Project By II, C. Hamilton (Tailed Press staff correspondent ) New Yovk, Nov. 10 In spite of the 1'urt that Hurry Pollock, manager of Freddie Welsh, aim Charley Weinort, has heard nothing from doss Willard regarding; thy proposal of .lame Poll nith and Huron Long to stage a series of finish fights nt Tin.iuiinn, Pollok is licit letting the project slip. Ho camo nut today nith a statement to the I'nit ed Press in which lie charged that Wil lunl is nt' raid to meet Weiuert. '.less Willard is still wrapped in si lence regarding (lie offer froin Huron Lung lor ii championship mutch at Tin jtmna with ( hurley Weinort," Pol lok 's typewriter spat out today. "Fifty ''"iisniid dulliirs is a lot of dough, but Jess evidently has been given the low down on tho manner in which the New- DEPENDABLE REMEDY HOSTETTER'S 1 B STOMCH BITTERS Tor Poor AppeUto. Kausoa, Indigestion DyTicpsia, Malaria.. Teyer and V a rli heavyweight lias 'come on' during' Hie past lew months, mid is going to let well enough alone. It was Weincrt 's twenty first liiitlidny n couple of weeks ago niul he is growing so fast that ev ery wick he lias to be uiiiisiired fur a -iiiit of clothes, lie has hit the "no mark and is six feet two. Kvcrv day he gets bigger ami is so strong niul hits so hind it is impossible to get a spurring part ner for hiin." And that is sumo statement, some growing nnd some hitting. Anyone who grows last enough to command the at ti'iitiofi of a tailor every week is entitl ed to a tew fights and .less ouijlit to loosen up. Also, perhaps, the statement will serve to provide Weineit with a sparring partner or so. Hut the end is not in sight. Pollok kept light on state ineiiting with the following line ".less does not seeai to be the only one who has been tipped off, as Carl orris flatly refused to meet him when offered a match in Kansas City. In stend of taking on Weinort, Morris let him mutch him up with Ihiu Morgan's battered battler, llattluig l.exinsk.v. Tho battler had just been given u tesr ful trimming by a secoud rater, un known middleweight, oue llillv Misko. Morris surely believes in picking tlicin nut vvliili. llu.v n.n u.ifl "Weinort s'nmls teiidv to box nun man in the world for a ll,0uO side bet. Ami 'nnv innn' means any man or every num. First come, first licked." nut the strange part of all the be laboring of the typewriter was that not once did Pollok open his keylmaid re garding Freddie Welsh's probable op poneut in the bout at Tinjiiana that f off ruth and Long want to pull off. May Be New Major League Xew York. Nov. 1.V The New York Kvening Sun today prints a rumor that several former Federal league backers, ilispruutled by nets of organised base ball, are considering the advisability of forming a new baseball league in oppo sition to the American niul National leagues. The Sun also declares that the information ciiuie principally from Har ry F. Sinclair, a former prominent Fed eral lengue backer. To the I'nited Press today James A. tJ, furuier president of the Fed ernl lengue, declared "absolutely no foundation to the rumor," baling his assertion on a conversation ho had with Sinclair yesterday. The story also was denied from Sin clair's office. I i .1. i ii. i it , . ..ii..,. . . . nciice uie --worms record. secretary, laime i icuntin, nowevec, ad-1 retarv was fiudiug it. hard to live on Asked about his rumored resignation iinitted that McAdoo was "considering: .' ... MeAdoo said he "didn't know." His; it." PoHaun explained that the sec-S tUp 1-.000 a year salary. WILLIAM FARNUM in 'TIRES OF CONSCIENCE" Sunday YE LIBERTY Minor Leagues Meet Xew Oilcans, La., Nov. Hi. Minor league representation and tho abolition of tho optional agreement were the chief topics of conversation us the min or le.lgue baseball magnates, uuiungers nnd players went into session here yes terday ufteiiioon. There is much sentiment among the minors for representation on the mi tinaal commission, despite the fact that a majority of those present have no hope of securing a member on the eoui mission. Al Tciiruoy of the Tluxe; Al ltiium of the Pacific Const league; lesident Harrows of the International league and President Chivingtnn of the American association, lire out boosting the proposition. All said they would be satisfied if a neutral was appointed to take cure of the minor leagues in meet iugs of the main body. Manager Jack Hendricks of Indian njioliB announced this afternoon he had purchased Pitcher Miller of the Winni peg (Northern league) club. Manager Holmes of the Lincoln, Western lengue, team sold First Hase man Williams to llloomington, 111., and purchased lnficldcr Si hmandt and Pitcher Fast of the St. Louis llrowtts. Jack Corbet t, lust vear manager of tho Asheville club, has switched to Co-j luiubia, S. ('., club of the North Caro-' Una league. How Long Should It I Take Women to Dress? i Palas, Texas, Nov. Id. How long should it take a woman to dressf , Mrs. F.leauor McAdoo, wife of the secretary of the treasury and daughter of President Wilson told newspapermen that she "set a world's record," when she dressed ill twenty minutes. She was here with her husband, who is heading the farm loan board in h scries of hearings. The party reached lallu over the Texas and Pacific at Mrs. Mc A don admitted she overslept "THAT LITTLE GAME". An Awkward Player JJI I, llliiUiiiLJ EVERVTIMEr - ZiBY LOJJB Y a right, might- i the same ole , hah'ks deal in' ! GIVE THE next TO 'L "'mill LP. WHy AGAIN.- BRING A i THE" LAST ONE TO U WJ OQHT VATAkE HAMME?' AND cAKP AND TWE Top bo IT YOURSELF. AfN SE V STRAIGHTEN ONET-oHAVEy, WILLVA. ' j K DEALING? I s--THlNGS OUT V THAT'LL PJv it' WTTA YA , LJ W ZlA l , ! ACIGUT 7 'THINK I AM ? NOBODY A mOiTIM hllim'! Ill lit 'JsS .ARIGHT - I ASSISTANT ( NEVER- J j I H I' 1 111 ' l'" A 1 L jT'iiL dealer? i L6oT v -J 4 W v j ''I I 1 S TJ DEAL 'I ) I ! SOME NIGHT. so Awkward I 11 ( i jlPRoA 1 f anx ppacticE, CT V