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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOfr RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1916. SEVEN tt ff T. " f 1 4 PBBMBHBB 8 nana naiiiMiaini Singing, Dancing, Comedians g oniiiiiiiiiiia fwwmmmmmmsm "MASTERS OF THE XYLOPHONE" Singing and Comedy QDnniiuMtinooa it Dainty Ccmmedienne PHUllIlllillHI' ?! naainiiiiiiiaa: g With "Billie Burns" and Six First-Class Singers and Dancers nooiiiHiiHinan II The Cay Deceiver Classy Costumed Surprises I QBlilllliliDi Novelty Acrobatic Asrial Act Matinee and Evening GRAND Theatre ,i,m'ii,itn.,m.uii The Film Novel of the Hour Showing at The Bligh Theatre every Tuesday and Wednesday Extra Good Show for PwaniI TAtMAWAur0 kit popular price Hippodrome vau I I1C UICU1U IVUlUUUn deville road show. The cast includes three attractive girls and four corned- . Billy Burns, known throughout thoians who furnish plenty of melody and show world for his qpmedy creation of hilarity. Others on tho bill are' Four Patsy, the freckled-faced red-headed Musical Bonnell-a, tho Three Lilliputs; school boy in Charles Kendricks' up-Jeane, a remarkablv clever girl come roariously funny sketch, "The School-dieune; Vardainan, female impersoiiat- n V , ... J.1 SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT ONE DAY ONLY ARMSTRONG'S "BABY DOLLS" The Big Classic Girl Show Sunday -- Bligh Theatre -- Sunday - : v nirn'Ttii r-'-" "J ' n nninnrr'- T-'-mttii-Wti master," will come to the Grand theu tre tomorrow, matinee and night, with :l III I 111 " vfmn KM -4f 'Ml:! 11 ? Iff J ? ' 1 !' " ' MM m mi n a i ; f II it 1 1 i r - I ! -1 M -V h ffy ?V . j Miss Audrey Munson, the famous Panama-Pacific exposition art mod el, will be seen in Howard Clifford's "Purity," at the Bligh theatre Mon day and Tuesday. This photoplay day and Tuesday. This photoplay has been endorsed by America's best known artists as an educating and moral picture. Miss Munson is the favorite of American artists and sculptors, being noted for the beauti of her figure and rare grace of her poses. or; Adelyne Lowe & Co., novelty sur prise artists, and feature photoplays. Our circulation is still climb- ing up read the paper and you'll know tba reason. director Holds World Is in "The Grip of Evil" "The Grip of Evil is right," growled the usually urbane and sunny Sherwood MacDonald, who is directing the 1'atlie release. "The Grip of Evil" 'as he trained his binoculars on one of those high fogs that occasionally infest the sunny environs of Long Beach, Cal., where the studios of the Buliioa Com pany are located. When asked why Tie was of that opin ion, no replied : "Here Jack Reach has everything- pre pared for that big scene in 'The Grip of Evil' four hours ago and not a foot of tilm has been run yet. Then I hail two blow-outs coming to the studio; my wife 's pet eat was sick all night ; the water in the ocean was too cold this morning for me to take a dip; my neck is BUiiDurned to a blister and I'm hun gry. Talk about the grip of evil I know all about it. It's got me." "The Grip of Evil." which MacDon ald is directing, will be released by the i-atne txenange- the latest release will be seen here at the Bligh theatre i.ext Tuesduy and Wednesday. PERSONALS , Chester I.utz, of Shreveport, I.a., is in the city. Judge Bingham went to Mill City this morning. William O. Schulte is in the city from NiMH, Slont. Mrs. W-. C. Mitchell, o'f Corvallis, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simon are visit ing a few days at Sheridan. J. E. Drillette, of Marion, was reg istered yesterday at the Capital hotel. Miss Marcella" Bynon, who is teaching in Mission Bottom, i5 in the city. A. M. Clough and fumily arc motor ing today on tho Columbia highway. Miss Irene Curtis, a student at tuc O. A. C, is visiting hero over Sunday. Frank Ward wpht'to Albany this aft ernoon. Football was the attraction. F. H. Hughes and wife, of The Italics, were registered yesterday at tlie Bligh. Miss Helen Savage, deputy county re corder, is visiting iu Portland over Sun day. Guy Barber and Dwight Burtlett, of Portland, will visit friends in Salem to morrow. Joe McAllister, assistant secretary of the descrr. land board, is in Portluud .to, see the big football game. .lames T. Chinnock, superintendent of Water Division, No. 1, motored down to Portland this morning Mrs. R. F. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson returned last even ing from a short visit at Newport. Miss Mabel Robertson, of 1)0!) Center street, is spending the week-end with Marguerite Looncy, ot Jefferson. Mrs. Ralph Body, and daughter, of Portland, are in the city for a short visit at homo of Ray I'. Richardson. Harvey Lambert, of Waverly, Wash., is in the city visiting with his sister, Mrs. William McLaughlin, and family. Miss Laura Tantis, stenographer for the telephone company, has returned from an extended visit to relatives near Albany. I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ashby, who pur- j chased-a farm near Gervais recently, have left their place east of Salem for : their new home. I Mrs. Maude DaMotta, stenographer at j ine siate nouse, went to Portland today to attend the O .A. C.-l'niversity eft' Ne braska football game there. Hurry Q. Milljj who is attending the University of Oregon, returned to Eu gene this morning after a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Mills. Orville Baldwin, of the Frank H. Ward drug store, will leave for Port laud in the morning. He will enter the employ of a wholesale drug house. Fruitland Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Ore., Oct. It). M. M. Han som has installed a telephone in his home. And now Mr. or Mrs. Rubberneck you have another chance to play the sneak listening to what dou 't concern you. A few nights ago Carroll, who is now runner for a new barey firm, was the subject of about every old kind of noise. One would have supposed the bread was burning or the yeast jar had exploded and the fire alarm had been turned in with every kid yelling and every ol'l cow bell ringing. But aH is now serene and congratulations of Docia are ex tended. Mrs. Monson, of Hollywood, is visit ing her daughter, ,..r. Nina Bressler, of this place. L. C. Rautenburg is sawing wood for some of the neighbors. Last Friday morning, tile 13th inst., occurred that sad accident chronicled by the local press. A family has been called to moiira the instant and untime ly death of a loved wife and mother, Mrs. C. M. Matlock, of Salem. Mrs. Mona Matlock, formerly Miss Moua Simpson, of Fruitland, was also very se verely injured at the time. She is the daughter of Mr. an -I Mrs. J. B. Simpson of this place. The Capital Journal seems to have not been informed of her injur ies and narrow escape from death. Her right shoulder was badly crushed and collar bone broken, also her right ear SALEM'S ONLY Sunday and Mondan was badly slit. She also received some severe laceration of the scalp. Ono of her knees is also badly wrenched. She was tuken from the wreck as dead and did not regain consciousness till nrrival at the Salem hospital At this writing she is on a fair way to recovery. An other sad circumstance is her two-year-old child, little Ailene, did not escupe, poor baby, its lower lip und chin were cut through to the bone, the cut extend ing toward the throat. The head was also hurt. It is thought the child will recover. It has been taken from the hospital to the home of Mr. Matlock. Market Irregular But Prices Higher! New York, Oct. 21 The New York Evening Sun finauciul review today ! said: ! Trading in stocks was in heavy vol- : vme throughout the list of prominent issues, with especial activity in United States Steel common which sold up one point in the initial operations. Other steel shares joined in the advancing movement, while the equipment ana i sugar securities moved into higher I ground, both Cuban cane sugar and Am erican beet sugar going to new rec ords. Realizing liquidation was well absorb ed but at times it was heavy enough to bring about price reactions in tho lead ing stocks. Speculative adjustments incident to the end, of the week were responsible for the irergular tendencis in tho last hour of business. The market's general tone, however, was firm, with exception vauced more than four points. Journal Want Ads Get Results. AUDREY MUNSON The World-Famous Model P U R I-T V An Artistic Triumph in 7 Parts Scenes of Marvelous beauty in which the absorbing uetiou of the powerful drama are laid: " ALLEGORICAL PAXCE on A wood bordered lawn, facing the Pacific Ocean. Gnrdon fete in an outdoor natural Greek Amphitheatre, whore Miss Munson poses in sculptor amid poetic dunces. The sunken garden where EVIL casts seeds of discord over the GAUDK.W OF LIFE. - The Artist's discovery of ri'RITY bathing in a woodland pool. Reproductions of fnuious paintings in the artist's studio, posed by Miss Munson MAGDALEN, by E. Herbert Ml'SI DORA, bv Gainsborough ANDROMEDA, by Mile. Marguerite Tho HATH of PSYCH K, by Leightou PRUM1BR, by A. Asti T1IK TOLAR STAR, by Luis FaleroSTAT I'A R V Ft INKS DESCENDING NIGHT, the crowning figure at' the Court of Honor, tit the Panama Pacific' International Exposition, by A. A. Wernuinti, as originally posed bv Miss Munson. APHRODITE of ONIDUS, by rinxitele. ABUNDANCE, bv Carl Bitter (as originally posed bv Miss Munson). SPRING, by Albert Toft. FATB, by Gilbert Ledward. TV ALTJOGliO, by Henry lleriug. (Dy Special T'erinission.) KI'XNING DIANA, by Henry llering. Hy Sjiecial Pcnnisiiii.) Two Days Only Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 23-24 Matinee and Evening Matinee and Evening BLIGH Theatre IU MiWii I " i I Hi f I I , DAREDEVIL KATE'S NO MOLLYCODDLE She Knows Trouble When Sho Sees Tt, and She Does Not Object, to Plunging Headlong- Into It. That Is Why She ILis Received Such A Nickuaino ' VIRGINIA PEARSON Portrays tho Title Iiolo In William Fox's Soul Stirring Story of a Woman's Redemption DAREDEVIL KATE" EXCLUSIVE PHOTO-PLAY WILL BREAK JITNEY MEN Portland, Ore., Oct. 21. Jitney tins men declared today they would be driv-l eu off the streets if the city council framed the ordinance it contemplates' I The proposed law prohibits jitneys from paralleling trolley car lines, which has I the effect of ejecting them from the' principal thoroughfares and excluding' them from the downtown district. ; EXTRA GOTHAM Producing NEW YORK SUCCESSES MISS DONNA YICKROY-MR. BERT PORTER , And an Excellent Cast POPULAR PIRCES Grand 2 days com. Oct. 25 in THEATRE Matinee and Evening BIRTH CONTROL CLINICS New York, Oct. 21 Margaret Sanger, known from coust to coast as a birth control advocate, hus established Am erica's first birth control clinic hero today. .Mrs. Sanger said that not only will the police, who arc looking for her clinic, fail to find it. but she will soon cstnblish four others here and open clin ics in ull the lurgo cities in the country. ORDINARY The STOCK CO. the Latest