Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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M;K more society is on the qui-f
vivo foe entortnino'.ont, and when
it brings in its w&ko a philanthro
pic cause the interest ia more intense
and efforts go forth unstinted.
,- Tb. affairs attendant on charitable
Viurposes arc a delight and matron!) who
arrange these benefits know full well
bow to take advantage of society's
keen zest for merriment which at this
time of the year seems more than nsu
,. ally eager for entertainment.
Before we are sated with tlio whirl
of the winter's social activities and all
the supplementary circumstances of
generous spending fo good times, these
very clever women sec that wo do our
community duty to charity. Hence the
many benefit affairs, that havo char
acterized the past few months.
Dancing of course, has occupied the
limelight again this week, the most im
portant function being the annual guild
dance at the armory for the benefit of
the 8t. Paul's Episcopal church.
Another merry affair of the latter
part of the week was the dinner dunce
at the Hotel Marion, Friday night.
Interspersing these gay festivities
hare been teas, luncheons, bridge and
dinner parties.
Among the most delightful of the
latter affairs were Mrs. Arthur H.
Moore's bridge on Tuesdny afternoon;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Thielsen's
".WO" party Tuesday night; the din
ner for which Mr. and Mrs. Asahel
Hush were hosts Wednesday; Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Hobcrts' dinner Thurs
day; the ten for which Mrs. Robert
Chauncey Bishop was hostess to honor
Mrs. Roy Hisliop of Pendleton, Friday
tae bridge given by Mrs. ilcorgc I
roc this afternoon to honor her sister,
Mrs. Hcheurlo of Ccntralia, Washing
ton and the bridge and supper for
which Mr. and Mrs. David . V. Kyrc
were costs.
To welcome her Bister, Mrs. M."B.
Scfceuerle, a charming newcomer to Ba
irns, Mrs. Ueorge P. Fox entertained
this afternoon with a delightful and
pretty Dridge-tea
truest made up eight tables of bridge,
and a few more matrons augmented tho
party at the tea hour. The residence
was attractively decked with liuxe yol
low chrysanthemums and colorful au
tumn leaves
I'residing at tho tea table, which was
adorned With an urt'Btic basket of gol
den yellow button chrysanthemums
were: Mrs. Joseph Haiimgartncr and
Mrs. Alice If. Uodd.
Assisting about tho rooms and in
the serving were, Mrs. Zndoe .1. Kiggs,
Mra. Oeorge M. Post, Mrs. Merlin Hard
ing and Mrs. (lenrge Watson.
The hostess' young daughter, Miss
vosaiance rox, attired in a dainty
white frock, greeted tho guests at the
, Those bidden to meet Mrs. flcheuorle
were, Mrs. V, (1. Hhiplev, Mrs. Frank
. Spears, Mrs. It. W. Thielsen, Mrs.
Ueorge Palmer Putnam, Mrs. Charles
U Dick, Mrs. W. Carlton Hniith, Mrs.
J. W. Harbison, Mrs. (leorge K. Waters,
Mra. William IT. Lytle, Miss Kllen
Thielscn, Mrs. uvid W. F.yre, Mrs. 11.
J. Hchuldcrman, Mrs. Zadue J. Kiggs,
Mra. Max O. liurcn, Mrs. Oeorge M.
Poet, Mra. Alice H. Doil.l, Mrs. Joseph
Maunigartner, Mrs. K. Cooke Patton,
Misa Margaret Cospor, Mrs. V. (J. Al
len Mrs. C. It. Webb, Mrs. R. B. tlood
in, Mrs. Armin Hteiner, Mra. Frank U.
Myera, Mrs. 1. A. Wood, Mrs. William
McUilchrixt, Jr., Miss llolon Whitney
of Portland, Mrs. L. 8. (Icer, Mrs. K.
O. Sieckc, Mra. Henry Poiaal, Mrs. John
taughell, Mrs. Kalph (Hover, Mrs. K.
Hoffncll, Miss Joy Turner, Mrs. John
Brophy, Mrs. Hal 1). 1'utton, Mrs Mer
lin Harding, Mrs. 11. C. Marvin, Miss
'ora Talkington, Mrs. William M. Ham
ilton, Mrs. K. T. Harnes, Mrs. U. 11
Sleeves, Mrs. William Kirk, Mrs. t'lar
ence Koene of Silverton, Miss Jessio
aimer sua Airs. .1. O. Ooltra.
... i
miss Janet Gray, who has been pass-
mg a few weeks at
mc m. i,. ,ioiies
country homo "Lnbish Meadows," left
Tuesdny for Hillsboro, where she will
vwit Misa Eva Bailey beforo returning
to her home in Seattle.
Mra. E. K. Waters went to Portland
tnia afternoon for a several davs visit
to her daughter, Mra. William C.
Knighton and other relatives.
Watch Us Dress-Up Week
October 30 to November 5
i II
'Mrs. Robert Chaunrpy Tlisliop's tra
Thursday afternoon to honor her charm
ing sister-in-law, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop
Of Pendleton, was ono of tho smartest
and most artistic attulrs of the week.-
About 40 nrettilv eowned matronal
and maids called to greet tho visitor,
who has many friends in Sulcni society. I
Tho Bishoo residence was decked!
with lovely feathery bronze and yellow
chrysanthemums and huge baskets of!
autumn leaves, effectively arranged in
the various rooms and hall. I
Mrs John Withvcombc of Corvnllis.
presided at the samovar, the tublc be
ing adorned with an artistic arrange
ment of pom pom chrysanthemums in
tones of yellow, bronze mid wine.
Assisting in the dining room were,
Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mrs. William
Honry Burghardt, J.
Those asked to greet Mrs. Bishop
were: Mrs. Clifford. Brown, Mrs. Wil
liam H. Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. W. Curl
ton Smith, Mrs. Alfee H. Dodd, Mrs.
John H. McNary, Mrs. Geo. Win. Gray,
Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, Mrs. F. H. Spears,
Mrs. Clydo C. Oraham, Sirs. M. A.
Thompson, Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton,
Mrs. Ronald C. Glover, Mrs. Thos. R.
Townsend, Mis. W. H. Lytic, Mrs. H.
G. Helinlderman. Mrs. W. 0. Dyer, Mrs.
C. P. Bishop, Mrs. R. M. llofer, Mrs.
Thomas C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Zadoc. J.
Riggs, Mrs. W. K. Grier, Mrs. Walter
L. MeDougal, Mrs. J. A. Bishop, Mrs.
John W Harbison, Mrs, James Withy,
combe, Mrs. John Withyconibe of Cor
vallis, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Mrs. C.
D. Gabrielson, Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mrs.
George Palmer Putnam. Mrs. lien W.l
Olcott, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs.
Thomas A. IJvesley, Mrs. Frederic D.
Thielsen, Mrs. 8. Guy Sargent, Mrs.
Harry K. Clay, Mrs. R. K Lee Steiner,
Miss'Rita Hteiner, Miss Kllen Thielsen,
Miss Florence Cleveland, Miss Mabel
Withyconibe, MiBs Grace Bean, Miss
Margaret Wishart, Miss Aline Thomp
son, Miss Hazel Bishop, Miss Cora Talk
ington, MisB Margaret Gray of Seattle,
Miss Veda Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush
at a charming dinner Wcdnesduy night
in celebration of their wedding anni
versary. Tho affair was most informal, and
lovely, only the members of their wed
ding party being asked.
An artistic arrangement of yellow
Uidielia roses and scarlet Bouvnrdia
intermingled with laeey ferns, decked;
the exquisitely appointed table.
Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
Frederic D. Thielsen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob
ert Chauiicey Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Brown, and the hosts.
Miss Elizabeth Lord, who with her
mother nnd brother, Mrs. W. P. Lord
and Montague Lord, sailed from San
Francisco on tho "Chinyo" Mnru" for
tho orient curly in September, writes
to friends en mute ami recounts the
wonderful times tlwy are having on
their trip.
Thev were in Honolulu for several
days last week and nro now en route
toManiln. where they will linger for
few davs before going to Cebu to
pass the winter.
About 25 of the married set who are
members of the Merrv-Go-Round card
club gathered at the delightful "SOU"
party for which the Henry B. Thielsens
were hosts Tuesday night.
An array of lovely French Marigolds
were effectively arranged about the
card rooms nnd the score honors fell to
Mrs. R. It. Fleming and Dr. Thomns C.
Smith, Jr.
Assisting Mrs. Thielscn were her
daughter. Miss Kllen Thielsen, and Mrs.
II. W. Thielsen.
Tho Merry-Go-Round club composed
of a congenial group of card players
includes Mr. and Mrs. Ruben P. Boise,
Mr. nnd Mis. John 1). Sutherland, Mr.
a nil airs. iiiiam mown, Air. ami .Mrs.
Rol)in K. Page, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
('. Sm th. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. A. IN.
Monres, Mr. ana Mrs. John V MijXary,
,Mr. and Mrs. Thomns B. Kav, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mr. and Mrs. II.
W. Thielsen, Dr. and Mrs. .1. X. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Mr. and
Mrs. Max (). Daren, Mr, and Mrs.
Frank V. Spencer, Dr. and Mrs.C.H.
Robertson and. Mr. and Mrs. llcnrv H.
will be proclaimed as Dress-Up
Week, Get the spirit and boost 5a
lem by dressing up.
Suits Coats Hats Shoes
and Everything for the Lady
415 State
Mrs Arthur H. Moore entertained
Tuesday afternoon-with a charming
brides party at her residence 1010 Les
lie street. The affair,' -which waa the
second of a series of bridgo parties for
which Mrs. Mooro has been hostsess,
was one of the most delightful events
of the week. . ... . .
The rooms were attractive with fra
grant roses and autumn leaves. Seven
tables of bridge were arranged for.-the
imcsts. card honors tailing to M.ra.
Richard Cartwritht
Assisting Mrs. Moore were Mrs. K.
(t. (loodin. Miss Cnlista Moore and the
Misses Helen and Ruth Moore.
Mrs. Moore asked as her guests: Mrs.
Juhn II. Albert. Mrs. William H. Eld-
ridgv, Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. William
Brown, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs.
Henry B. Thielsen, Miss Kllen Thielsen,
Mrs E. Cooke Patton, Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith. Mrs. David W. Kvre, Mrs. Dan
icl J. Fry, Mrs.. Eugenia Gillingham,
Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mrs. L. F. Grit
fith, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mrs.
Lawrence T. Harris. Mrs. William H.
Lvtle. Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs.
Richard Cartwrisht. Mrs. K. F. Carle
ton, Mrs. .James Chinnoek, Mrs. Susie
Jones, Mrs. Gcorgo i: fox, jvirs. r,u
enr Hartley. Mrs. Georae Post, Mrs. E
F Tillingliast, Mrs. Charles Wcllcr,
Mrs. G. F. Shafer, Mrs. K. F. Parker,
Mrs. J. h. Clark, Mrs. Armin Steiner,
Mrs. George Watson, Mrs. Willim Ham
ilton. Mrs. K. W. Hazard, Miss Kdith
Hazard, Mrs. Frank Brown, Miss Matty
Bentty, Mrs. Roy Burton, Mrs. W. E.
Anderson and .Mrs. A. J-.. r,on,
Artistically appointed and charming
in every detail was thn dinner ior
.which Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts
wero hosts on Thursday night. A huge
crystal bowl of exquisite red roses and
laeey ferns centered tho table around
which covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Asahel Bush, Dr. and Mrs. Thomns
C. Smith. Jr..Mr. and Mrs. W. Melvin
Pliimiton and tho hosts.
After dinner the Roberts and their
guests attended the St. Paul's guild
dance at the armory.
In celebration of their tenth wedding
anniversary Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Evre entertained informally Tuesdny
night; their guests numbering about
a dozen of the married set.
The evening was devoted to bridge
and the high score honors were won by
Mrs. Mack llofer and Mrs,
Curtis U.
by a de-
Cross. Bridge was
lk'htful .slimier.
An artistic arrangement of Kilarney
roses ami brilliant lined autumnal foli
age adorned the card rooms. In the
dining room a huge basket of fragrant
Ophelia roses tied with pink tulle deck
ed the supper table.
Their guests were: Mr. and Mra. 'Wil
liam Council Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
H. Spears, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Gra
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, Mr.
and Mrs. Muck llofer and Mr. and
Mis. George William Gray.
Another delightful affair given by
the Eyres was the informal supper for
which they were hosts following the
guild dance at tho armory Thursday
night. Covers were placed for 8, the
table being adorned with a charming
basket of yellow pom pom chrysanthe
mums. Salem society friends of John Ran
dolph Lntourette of Portland, will be
interested to know that his marriage to
Miss Sally Clay, the charming Scattlo
belle, will take place Wednesday ev
ening, November the first at the Clay
residence. Sixteenth nvlenue north.
Miss Clay's sister, Miss Lncile Clay,
will be mnid of honor and the Misses
Helen Hayes and Jessie Hiblcr will be
the brides inn ids,
R. W. Kellv of Hood River will be
best man, and Merle Campbell and
Morey Dooley of Portlnml will be tho
Miss Helen Whitney or Portland is
the house guest of Miss Kllen Thielsen
for several dnvs. Miss Hhitnoy fro
ipieutly visits in Salem, and has many
lriends among the younger set
Miss Murjoric Kay, who is attend
ing the Vniversity of Oregon this year,
is passing the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kay.
LAiiilAAiiiiAi A A A A A A
- .
Perhaps the merriest and gavest afl
fair of the week was the annual guild
daaco given for the benefit of the St.
Paul's Episcopal church in the armory
Thursday night.
Tho absolute informality combined
with the earnest efforts of certain ma
trons on -whom the guild always de
penda to advance these artistic and at-
tractive parties, made the aftair a huge,
The ball room was a bower of bril-'
bant .autumnal foliage, with festoons"
or evergreens forming a canopy over
the dancera. Gaily lighted pumpkins
suggestive of Hallowe'en, suffused the
room in a soft yellow light.
One of the most dellsiitful features
or uic eruuiK was me ariisiic. cxuiui-
tion of fancy.. esthetic and, ballroom
dancing by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gra-
dy of Portland. Their exhibition in-
Icluded the exquisitely dainty and
graceful "Caprice Ballet," the ' one.
step, fox trot, canter' waltz and the
"two two." Mr. and Mrs. Grady who
donated their services, te make the oc
casion a success are the most artistic
and graceful dancers that have ever
been seen in Salem. .
Mrs. Grady's costumes were lovely
and they botn have a charming per
sonality, which makes them extremely
The Gradys are justly entitled to be
called the Castles of the west and their
new place in Portland, which is known
as the Harlow-Grady home of dancing
is fast becoming a popular rendezvous
for Portland society.
A charming affair of Monday even
ing was the dinner presided over by
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin K. Page, in honor
of Mr. Page's sister, Miss Alvina Page
of Portland.
Covers were placed for 12 around a
table artistically centered with crim
son blossoms and ferns.
Miss Eleanor Rogers entertained a
small group of young folks, Tuesday
night at an informal dancing party at
her home in Ben Lpninnd Park, compli
mentary to Miss Anna Yantis, who
with her mother ajid sister, Mrs. S. E.
Yantis and Miss BinUe Ynutis, will
leave soon to make her home in Fargo,
North Dakota, where her brother David
Yantis and family are now living.
The affair waa iriveii on the root
garden of the attractive residence and
the evening was closed with delightful
Thoso participating In the gayeties
were Miss lautis, Alias Jessie liolcomo,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith, Robert Dun
can, James Marr nnd Frederick Lam
Dr. and Mrs. Frank -S. Snedecor of
Birmingham, Alabama, who hnve been
ue guests of Mrs. Snedecor s mother,
Mrs. M. E. Breyman, left Tuesday for
tew months sojourn in Portland, and
have taken apartments at The Stelwyn.
About 20 merry makers participated
the second dinner dance of the sea
son at the Hotel Marion Friday night,
the guests for the most part being of
the married contingent.
Although there were not as many par
ties as usual the affair was one of the
gayest of the week.
Those mailing up tnc largest pariy
were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Livesley
and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy
Poorman of Woodburn, Mr. and Airs.
John J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. S. Guy
Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chnuncey
Bishop and Dr. aiuT Mrs. "Thomas C.
Smith, Jr.
Circling another table were: .Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Deekehneb, Mi9s Helen
Deckebach, Fred Deckcbach, Mr. and
Mrs. James Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chnrles Miller.
To bid adieu to Mrs. John P. Jones,
who soon will leave Salem to make her
Borne in i orxianu, .un. ,iuhu- i. wi.j
will entertain on .uonoay miernuuu,
with a bridge-tea, guests having been
asked to make up four tables of the
Mrs. Jones departure from Salem is
tho source of much regret anion;; her
many friends.
Attractive girl visitors at the Rich
ard Cart-wright residence are, Miss
Dorothy Flegel of Eugene who is the
guest "of Miss Constance Cartwright,
and Miss Cora Rossiter of Dallas, who
came home with Miss Gladys Cart
wright for the week end. Miss JTertha
Hansen, who also was a guest of Miss
Constance Cartwright . this week, re
turned to Eugene Friday. The girls are
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters,
Prominent among the winter's so
cial events are the dancing parties to
be given by the Monday night dancing
The club will give a series of dances
again this season, and the congeniality
of the large list of members insures a
gay winter for this club, which will
give its opening party in the Moose
hall on Hallawe'ea.
Tho personnel of the committee in
charee of tho dances this season ia 0.
B. Webb, chairman; Grant R.- Bonnell,
secretary; and Harry Wenderoth, treas
-Mr. and Mrs. Henrv C. Greer, of
Sayre, Pennsylvania, arrived in Salem
today and are visiting at the home of
their son. .Nelson E. Oreer, 100 South
rourteenm street.
Miss Fay Cord, the charming singer
who is to appear as soloist at the open
ing eoncert of the lyeenm course, Mon
day night is the honse guest of Miss
r.ieanor rtogers.
Miss Cord i an instructor of music
at Miss McClinook 'a school in Boston,
and it was while attending school there
that Miaa Rogers and Miss Cord became
Misa Cord, who ia an extremely pret
ty girl with a wealth of golden hair and
a lovely complexion, has a refreshine
ana attractive manner as well as very
rich and beautiful soprano voice,
A groui) of vounir friends of Ralnh
and Arthur Hamilton gathered at the
residence of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hamilton, Friday evening, to
participate in tlie delighttul supper par
tv given in celebration of their birth
day anniversaries.
The decorations and appointments,
suggestive of Hallowo en were unusu
ally artistic. Two lovely birthday cakes
yellow candles pumpkins and cunning
favors adorned the attractive table,
Games formed the evening 's gayeties.
Mrs. Hamilton waa assisted by Mrs.
eph Baunigartner.
Circling the table were: Josephine
Baumenrtncr. Otho White. Lowell
White, Robert and Helen Corey, Lenta
itaumgartner Lois Smith, Florence
Voung, Milton Steiuer, Florence Jones,
Frances Hodge, John Elliott, Wallace
Griffith, Clarence Hamilton and the
young hosts,
I An interesting event iu the calendar
for next week is the "President's
Day" reception to be given by the Sa
lem Woman's club, on Saturday after-
noon, October the twenty-eighth.
I The affair which is an annual event
, and one of the most attractive of the
season will be given at the C. P. and
R. C. Bishop residence. Mrs. James
Withyconibe, wife of Governor Withy
combe, and Mrs. Willis O. Hawley, wife
of Congressman Hawley, will bo the
honor guests for the afternoon.
Miss Grace Bean entertained -today
with a charming luncheon compliment
ary to several young girls of tho Gam
ma Bhi Beta sorority, who have come
to Salem from Eugcue to pass the week
The affair was most informal and the
dniutilv appointed luncheon table was
centered with lovely pink sweet peas
and ferns.
Circling the table were: Miss Bean's
house guest Miss Helen Johns of Pen
dleton, Miss. Margery Kay, Miss Helen
McCornack of Spokane, Miss Cathar
ine Carson and the hostess.
About SO matrons and maids gather
ed at the charming informal Kensing
ton for which Mrs. V. 8. Gannett wus
hostess Friday afternoon.
The rooms were artistic with autumn-1
al foliage and Hallowe'en decorations
and tho hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Grant R. Bonnell and Miss Emma Da
vis. In celebration of the anniversary of
Mrs. Oideon Stolz's birthday, "her
daughter, Mrs. Lenta Westaeott, was
hostess for an attractive dinner Wed
nesday evening.
Her guests were for the most part the
members of the family, and the prettily
appointed table was centered with an
array of pink eornatioiis and greens.
Covers were placed for 10.
An inforninl dinner party was given
Thursday evening bv Mrs. L. . Glea-
son, who entertained a group of friends
at her home 32.) South Fourteenth
st fret in honor of Mr. Glcason, on the
occasion of the anniversary of his
birthday, ('overs were placed for 8.
After dinner a few more friends
joined the party for an evening of
"500". The high score honors were
won by Mrs. C. G. Henderson and Louis
I Quality
merchandise 145 N.
f ; IK
vl -j
i 1 U
lM'"'''''''''''''''''''"Mtttt MM IMtUHiltllll.
1 tttWVV.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Bcehtcl. Mrs. J. C. Siegmund and Mr.
Bascy were awarded tho consolations.
Their guests were: Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ITaar, Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Sicgmuhd, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Haar, Mr. and Mrs. Xouis Buchtul and
Mr. and Mrs. Basey. . , ,
Mrs. O. P. Coshow and Mrs. Bono
baek, who have been the guests of Mrs.
Thomas B. Kay for a few days, left
today for Portland, . where they will
visit friends before returning to their
home in Roseburg.
Miss Florence Cleveland has had vis
iting her for a few days, Miss Dorothy
Collier of Eugene.
Miss Catharine Carson has us her
house guest for tho week end, Miss Hel
en McCornack, of. Spokane, Washing
ton. Miss McCornack ts attending the
Vniversity of Oregon and is a Gamma
Phi Beta sorority sister of Miss Car
son 's.
Mra. James G. Hcltzel eutcrtainod
informally Thursday afternoon with a
sewing bee. The rooms were prettily
adorned with zenias and the hostess
was assisted in serving delightful re
freshments by Mrs. Wilson Darby.
The guests were the members of the
Rathepersian club and included: Mrs.
G rover Bellinger, Mrs. Floyd Utter,
Mrs. Guy Smith, Mrs. Otto Wilson,
Mrs. Wilson Darby, Mrs. Earl Eyre,
Mrs. F. H. Reeves, Mrs. Charles Bates
and Mrs. F. E. Thompson.
Miss Lura Gerald of Pendleton, who
has been tho hbuse guest of Mrs. Wil
liam Council Dyer for a couple of days,
returned to day to Eugene where she
is attending college.
Miss Gerard is n member of the Chi
Omega sorority, of which Mrs. Dyer is
also a member.
Mrs. Charles H. "Fisher who has been
visiting friends and relatives in Rose
burg, returned Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Dnncy have
bs their guest, Mr. Dancy's sister, Mrs.
D. W. Kbcrlin of Spokane, Washing-
a : i x,....
ion. xurii k "cr siay in ouicni .urs.
Eberlin will also visit her father and j
, m ti. r
mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Dancy.
Mrs. Clyde Riimsby, who has been
visiting Mrs. Roma Hunter tor a few
Every Home can have'
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a Musical
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Talhini Machines, Etc. ' ' - l.
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Carter's Knit Underwear Novelty Neckwear
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G. Shipley
Liberty St Salem. Oregon
days, returned to Icr home in Silvertoa
- Mrs. L. F. Griffit has visiting hor,
for several days, Miss Juanita Matlock
of Portland.
Friday evening a pleasant surpri
purty was given Mr. and Mrs.;E. M.
Law and their granddaughter,' Miss
Alice Rcints, at their home in Salem
Heights. - '
The gathcring.was given to bid fare
well to the honor guests, who will soon
leave for their new home in Jefferson.
The evening was spent in chattMig;
and later refreshments were served.
Those present were: Sir. and Mrs.
Ellis Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tharp
Mr and Mrs. O. M. Rooves, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. A. Rntcliffe, Mr. and Mrs.- R.
D. Hulsev, Mr. aipl Mrs. F. 'T. Robinson,
Mr. and' Mrs. E. M. Law, Misses Rwth,
Robinson and Alice Rcints, Messrs,. Ed
ward Robinson, Claude Robinson and,
Kinney Halsey.
The C. P. and Robert Chauneey Bish
ops have as their guests for 1 he -week
end Clarence Bishop and Miss Beth
Smith of Pendleton.
The members of the Spanish Amc.ii
can War Veterans were informally m
tertained on Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Roma C. Hunter and Mrs. Lester Davis
at the home of the former. The boor!"
were pleasantly whilcd away wi'h.
needlework and later the hostesses
served dainty refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vignrs ami
daughter, Miss Catherine "Vigarsj and!
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Vigars motor
ed to Salem from Portland this after
noon, and are the guests of Miss and
Dibble. They will return Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Lee returned hmne Fri
day from Portland, where she hns been
tho guest of her sister, Mrs. L. 11. Tar
plov, for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Townsend went
to Portland fer a short visit Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Seiche were a
mong the Salem folk going (0 Portland
today to attend the. football game.
Miss Jessie Miller went to Portland
today to pass the week end.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. Colts, who have
been sojourning in Salem since the
death of Mrs. Kelts' father the lute
Soloman Durbin, left today for tliejr
home in Riverside, California.
Salem music lovers will flock to lh
arinorv Monday night to attend the
.- -. - - .. , eirtrt. !..,...,
l'cn"'K ""'"J ' ' .no - nod
irse. Miss Fay t.onl soprano nnn
(William Morse-Rummel, violin virtuoso
will be tlio premier aitraiiions. .miss
(Continued on page three.)
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