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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1916)
'A I - NEW TODAY - i CLASSIFIED ADVEET1SINQ BATES Sato per word New Today: tr u i . : . Aufloruvu, per worn.. 1 vsa wees insertions), per.vtord.-.Sc fflie month(26 insertions) per' word' 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertismenta. Bead your advertisements the fir9t day it appears ad -notify us 'immediately Minimum charge, 15c. TRESPASS Notice, for sale at Jour nal office. a " EUBBEE Stamps made 163 8. ComT i tf HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 7(18. novll POTATOES WANTED Phone 203 or call L'liO ft. Liberty. ootid WANTED 2 experienced ters. Phone H.".K24. wood cut octlS GIRT.. Wants work for room and board Phone 1241 W. octlli WE HAVE Baled hay and oats for sale. George Sweigle, Garden road. . -aeVe li;; pig. Phone llS. oVio FOR SALE Fresh milch cow. Phone 207M. 120(1 N. Kith street. octlli BEST Chinese dishes, noodle 10c. Din Sin, 410 Ferry St.. octlO FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tl FOR SALE Two good cows, a bargain. T. A. Monde. Oil) Shipping. octlO GET PRICES--On farm sale bills at The Journal office. OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf FURNISHED Apartments, also barn suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage GET TOUR Trespass Notices, new supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour nal tf WOMEN"- And girls wnnti-l nt the glove factory, 14.m Oak St. Stendy Hvork. oH21 FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, G!4 N. Com'l. Phono 2454W. j. . ootid JiADIES And girls suits mado for $5.0(1, all work . guaranteed. I'hone (ili.'l. -. ,. , oct 17 WOMEN'S First olnss house dresses made for 1.0(1 and other plain sew ing according. Phone d(.". ; octl' FOR TRADE A Dayton motorcycle, first class running order, to trade a good work horse. .15 care Journal, ol" F(lR SALE Tonin, harness and .job. Bore s your chance for winter h job. Address U. T. care.Tonriial. octl" KXCEPTiONAL 425.00 buys a busi ness that nets ..monthly 100.00 to il2.i.oo. Koom S, U4I State St. oi-tli WANTED fiirl or woman for general housework, ,C. C. Russell, phono :'.UF4. octlfl LOST Presto tank between Chomnwa and fairgrounds. Return to Gideon Ntolz Co. octl" WANTED First class milk cow, Hol etein preferred, (leo. S. Cooper, phone 41F2U. .. , oct 10 MAN With family wishes position on ranch' or will rent ranch on shares. Phone 11F3. octl7 CLOVER Prune and flax land to lease or sell, splendid proposition. Clell Hnydeu, Sulem, Oregon. octlO FLUFF BUGS Rag rugs and rag car pets woven nt reasonable prices. Mrs. Lillie DeBord, 1S0B Currant Ave. ol8 FURNISHED Booms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, elosu in, 160 Court. tt MEN WANTED-Tn mill, yards and logging enmp. Applv Hammond Lum ber Co., Mill City, Oregon. octil ' WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none but parties owning choice cows need call. Phone 1431 or 4!U. tf IXiST At Albniiy. Indies watch, din- ihoiid on onv;side and initials C. W. n other; $10.00 rewnrd. Communi cate this office.. . . oct17 FOR' WALK Good house and lot, fine home chenjv must - cl at once. Call or. write tj,.L. C,,'Ji:tli Fiiirmoiint live. i - ,.' Octl" A twioiv DniVyl'iuni to rent, 140 acres fn cultivnti.m, ' silo, etc, good build--itifcs, cash Yciit. See -William Flomin;, "41 State St." . ., Oct Hi i'CHLIC An'TIOV'S-ALEOf farm iniplcinonts mid stock nt Waooiidn. Oregon, Thursday tW. . Ittth., tli'n. II. Finney, ' Owner - ... ' oct Is HAVE Two thirds in ensh and a $1200 Toperty to tru'de-rnr a modern home close in. Addrosir T.--M. care .luurnal. ' , : octlli FOR. SALE Five acres, j'boiee.'. land, fenced, small-: hoiisol -well --Vi . mile from station.. ou Oregon Electric R. It, on good rtmd, all in cultivation; price $750.m. Hiiiare Deal Iietiltv Co. 1W2 U. S. bunk bldg. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Ads ." bbin3 tou RESULTS Pnon 81 Prompt Service CIDER cheap. PRESS Wanted, Phone 70P11. must be octlO WOOD CHOPPER Wanted. 1322J. Thone oet20 EXCHANGE Finest inside resident corner for outside lot or tract and difference. J. ,W. care Journal. octlO WANTED WORK With dairy or on ranch, or would, rent on still res; ex perienced. Add ress Salem Route-2, box 2. ' octlO SPITZENIURC And Baldwin apples, 50c bit., extra fancy 75c, good potn toi le lb. Phone evenings C4F21, Jlra. O. Meyer. , ' octlO FOR RENT My furnished home of 7 rooms, tiath-aml toilet. Call at 880 North Seventeenth street. S. P. White tf City Tax Next Year Will Be Same As This 14 Mills The taxpayers of Balom will have tfj'ie pleasure of paying the sameaxes I next year mar tney did last, .provided I tStLT " a9S""9Pd At the meeting of the city council tins evening, the committee on no counts and current expenses will sub mit a tentative draft of the budget for Jin i, and the recommendation of the committee will be that a levy of 14 nniis ie mane, the snme as last year. The amount to be raised bv this as sessment of 14 mills will be several thousand lesn than raised this year, due to the lower assessed Valuation of city property.. The estimated assessed value of Salem property is $11,500,000. A levy of 14 mills on tins value will raise 101,000. Last year the budget called for $174,000. This year it is $10:1,389. With the raising of the smal ler amount this year, it is probable that several' Items in the regular budget will have to get along on a smaller ap propriation. Besides the '101,000 to be raised bv the 14 mill low, the citr recorder estimates that fully $2500 will be rniscd by fines and from other sources. Oregon Railroads File Annual Reports Reports of the operating expenses of tho rnilronds for the state of Oregon for the fiscal year .Tune 30, lP-15-.luno SO, 1010, were' filed with the public service commission this morning. The reports shows that the operating in come of the Oregon Electric railway for that period was $75,71 7.50, which contrasted with the figures for the same period of 19141915, shows that the railroad is beginning to earn money over its expenses. For the fiscal year 1914-1910 the operating income wns noted in red ink, which indicates a de ficit of $134,112.50. Other rnilronds filing their reports were the Willamette , alley Southern of Oregon City; the United Railway companv: the Mt. Hood runway com party, the Pacific and Eastern railway company, the independence ana jioii month Railway company; tho Benson Timber compnny lessees of the Clnt sknine and Xehiilem Railway- company and the Carlton nud Coast railway company. ' . Libel of Washington Case Before Court ' Tncoiua, Wash.. Oct. 10. Whether it is possible in this day to criminally libel Georue Washington by ..publicly charging that the first president of the country indulged too freely in strong drink iml with other things unbecoming a gentleman and a scholar, is to be de cided by the state supreme court, which todav begun hearing arguments in the case' of .Paul Huffcr, a Tneomn social ist, convicted by a jury in tne superior court, and sentenced to six months in jail. The case reaciieu tne supreme court on appeal. Attorney P. L. Pendleton, defending Hsiffnor. in opening his argument, inniu- tniued Hint power to sue for the libel of a deeensed person ends with the lit't time of tho person's immediate rela tives, lifter which time disarrangement becomes only criticism. American Athletes Make Good Showing Stockholm. Oct, 111 The perform ance of Aineru-iin niiiieios sent ncro after the A. A. V. giimos to take pnrt in contest in countries, aroused much tnvorable comment hero today. The performance of the Ameri cans was excellent, considering the length of the trip they made and the luck of preparation. , . . . . Three races the too meters, ine iu etors and the 800 motors retny went to the Americans Saturday. Pod Meredith finished first in the 400 motors run, defeating Holing, hold er of the 800 motor record in Sweden. His time wns 49 7-10 seconds. Ameri cans took first, second and third m the 1(10 meters event, Jo l.uomis loinl- n the field. Andy Ward, ( Imago, wns second and Boliert Simpson. I'ni- vrsitv nf Misoiiri. third. I he Amer ican relay team wns composed of Looni- Simpsoii; nrd and i red h. .Mur- rav. l.alituriim. iinriuer. FEAB COMING OF CBIPPLES. Pin- Tie .Tnnerio. Oct. 10. A bill regulating the admission into Ilrazil of persons mutilated in the Kuropenn war is being pushed by Deputy (itistavo Unroso. iiurroso fears the country will be-overrun by crippled immigrants. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, J PERSONALS 4. J; Itqllragswdrth, of Sih-ertan, is in the city ' '-. t M. M. Fraley, of Albauv. was in tho city yesieraaj-. a... A..xravis, oi J-'auas is a business visitor in Salem. L. U. .Josse was -a Sundav visitor in Salem, from Roseburg.. ired S. Bynon was in Dallas this morning on real estate business. A. t,. Laflar. of the Oregon thontro. is iruiisuciing Dusmess in Portland. Mrs. A. J.. Conger, who is teaching at iiiuiaun, sjient oununy m the city. Clyde Larson, of Corvallis, was reg istered at the Capital hotel yesterday James Tullis, of San Francisco, .is at tending to business aifairs in the city. Alotorman i. A. Atherton left this morning for a two months' visit in Ne vada. Donald Miles is in Portland attend ing to legal business in the federal court. Miss Edna Purdy, of Albanv, was a guest at the home of T. G. Albert over Sunday. Frank Laud, of the Eueene Guard was visiting with friends in the city yesterday. Miss Helen Gibson, of Albany, was an over cwniiay visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Olmsted- Mrs. Ella Watt was home over Sun- dny from Portland where she is now spending most of her time in the junior AninHD worK. Mr; and Mrs. J. A. Mills motored to Eugene yesterday to visit their son, Harry Q. Mills, who is attending the University of Oregon. Carl R. Smith, of Smith & Smith, at torneys, lias returned from a business trip to Portland. He left Saturday and came duck ouuaay evening. George lck returned this morning irom an auto tour to Klamath Falls aud returned by way of the lakes and Bend II. . . . lie reports ineu roads everywhere in fine condition. Commons Mission In Prosperous Condition The Commons Jlission on east State street is in a prosperous condition, ac cording to the report of William Ken yin, the superintendent. In his report he says: "We are in better shape than for a long time. Of course we arc look ing to God far results. The Commons Mission hclns those who are to a certain extent most need of help, those that are seeking employment as well as those who have not the wherewith to pay for a night's lodging. During the month of September, 10 meetings were held at which there wns total attendance of 41.1. The number of bods occupied 310 and 11 were giv en free. Seventeen people have been helped in securing work and ten havo been supplied with clothes. For the mouth of September the receipts were $90.05 with disbursements, $!)2.05. Wilson Women Will Meet "Goldhug" Bunch ' Snn Francisco, Oct. 10. The long rumored demonstration by Wilson wo men when the Hughes womons cam paign special arrives tomorrow after noon became a probability today when the All Parties League for Wilson call ed the women of the league to gather (it the ferry building tomorrow. Local republican women rcfuso to bo flustered bv the announcement. Thev .n L..nn. 1,A H.t,n,. .:ll lv.. o... corded courteous treatment here, and; that thev have arranged for the Wilson faction to ask anv political questions j they want to, and to have these ans wered m all fairness. Whether Saturday's deinostration at Portland will be repeated here is a much discussed question today, but none of the Wilson women loaders would express an opinion. Naval Appropriation ' May Break Records Washington, Oct. 10. Naval appro priations are likely to brenk records against the coming session of congress. This became known today in- con nection with the announcement' that' the naval house committee, foreseeing a vast amount of work ahead, will meet November 20, to begin consideration of the naval bill. In naval circles it was predicted the appropriation, un less the "little navy" members slaugh ter the bill, will mount up to $330,000,. 000 or more. The navy department is now working on the estimates. The bill of lust session carried $3 13,000,000 CHICHESTER S PILLS . TUB UIAUOND UBANU. A llmrei.t. A.k(-1 III ''IIHM TKB iilAiiuNn i:iim rn.i.. i... -j.i Vetrek4MmnuLst.Sast.AlwS)rt Kllal.l Our Want Ads are the Bait that catch the Big Fish ReulU Try one in to-moirjw'i-PaDer 'J?'.' J y. N l.llrl MUrriiruiiMInf . l( C-Vl lil-oae-l-rlllainonrTlrndV ubULA i-iiis m lira ana W14 metallic v CTnr Tt lioifSi te.le.1 Llia Rinkon. V en Take alher. Itor nt vnnr v II fa . - MONTH'S TRAVEL ON E 700 Autos, 343 Horse Drawn Vehicles and 462 Motor-- cycles, Etc., Everyday ' The census of traffic over the Salem bridge which was conducted under the direction of the highway department nas Deen conpleted tor a thirty day per iod. The time during which counts were made dated from o:J0 a. m. September lu to t:du a. m. uctotier 10, those hours being the times changes were made in shifts of watchmen on the .bridge. Con tinuous hourly tabulations were made and the traffic divided into four heads: 1.' Automobiles 2. Motorcycles, bicycles and pedes trians 3. Horse drawn vehicles 4. Stock. The census shows that during the thirty dny period 21,0OS automobiles. 13,858 motorcycles, bicycles and pedes trians, 10,307 horse drawn vehicles and 923 head of stock crossed the bridge. Tho daily average was thus as follows: 700 automobiles, 462 motorcycles, bicy cles and pedestrians, 343 horse' drawn vehicles and 31 head of stock. The maximum automobile traffic occurred on Portland day at the fair when l.'wO automobiles crossed the brides. During two hours in the morning of that day the. record shows 300 automobiles hav ing crossed the river. The heaviest horse drawn traffic1 oc curred on Saturdays, the maximum bo ng on October 7tu, when 4i9 vehicles of that class crossed. There are two automobiles to every horse drawn ve hicle crossinir the bridge, The results of the census arc valu able, in that they would give an idea of the service required in case a ferry Would be noeessarv due to the closing of the present bridge to traffic, dur- ng construction ot a new nriuge. This information was compiled by the regular watchmen on the bridge who received no extra compensation for their services. The public is indebted to McAdams. Donaldson and Parker for this information. Judge Galloway and Party Go In the Ditch Judge William Galloway, of the circuit court for Marion county, who went to Gervais Saturday night to at tend the district convention of the Marion county 1. O. O. F., and four men in his car had a narrow escape from death when the machine driven by the judge turned turtle on the nar- row road and piled up in a doep ditch. A. M. Peebles received a gnsn over tho eye and other cuts on tho head; J. Patterson, of the Patterson lurni tura company, was bruised, but the other three were uninjured. John Scigmund, of this city, came along the road shortly after tne nc cident and assisted tho party -into Salem. The cause of the turn-over is luid to the focev liinlit and the fact that the ravs of the auto lights seemed to be reflected from the road aud into the ir. The road whore the accident took place is narrow and the ditches on each side deep. It is said the driver could not see more thau tnirty or nrty ieei ahead. Judge Galloway is .ih Albany .today. Mr. Wright was. the fourth party in the machine and thomc: of the fifth has uot yet been ascertained. Knows All About Mars : and Dry Farmers There Ifanyoije has any doubt as to whether "the planet Mars has real peo ple living on it, nsk Salem's local astronomer, Prof. T. P. McAdams. He has just returned from Corvallis whore ho heard the lecture of Pcrcival Lowell of Flagstaff, Arizona, the greatest ex pert in America on planets and espec ially Mars. Mr. Lowell says there isn't nnv doubt about there being people liv- ing on Mars and that this is evidenced Dy the eanais mat are ot-mg tu" ed each year. The trouble with Mars seems to" be thut it is drying up and the unfortunate inhabitants arc oblib ed to do considerable irrigating. There are several canals tapping the polar region of that planet and tney are drawn in lines that arc approved by onainnera who happen to Uvio on the planet called the earth. Mr. McAdams will take uu tne siuuy ui .wum t..i i ntor ami when occasion arises, give addresses on tho canals of that i.lnnet. how thev are constructed and other evidences 'that the people living there are some hustlers and know ex actlv what to do when there is a drought about twelve mouths of the year. BLUE SKY LAWS ARGUED Washinirton, Oct. 10. Arguments in cases affecting the blue sky laws of threo Biates Ohio, Michigan and South Dakota were begun in the supreme ponrt this afternoon. Attorneys general of the states handled their side of the controversy and former Attorney Gen eral ickersham, in lichalf of the In vestment Hankers association', appear ed as one of counsel attacking the con stitutionality of the laws. In the South Dakota case, Attorney (ienernl Cald well appealed from a state decree of unconstitutionality. MUST "OBEY" AND "SERVE" FOR THREE YEARS LONGER '. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10. The propos al that words "obey',' and "serve" in woman s portion of tile r.piscopal mar riage ceremony be stricken from the ritual was referred back this after noon to the rommission of the book of rommon prayer foT three more years. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R i A MONDAY. OCT. 16. 1916. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A : THE MARKETS -- .. v . . j The following prices for fruit and vegetable! are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aL3 not What is paid to the producer. All otter p.-ices are those paid th producer. Correction are made daily. Oats are showing a little stronger luuay wnn ai cents as tne lowest price. -sow is me lime tor tne Hens to pay for their year's feeding as dealers are paying 38 cents cash and 40 cents in trade tor eggs. Spring lambs arc up a quarter of a cent anu tne top lor ewes Is 4 cents. Vrsms. Wheat 1.001.08 Oats, new 37(S40o Rolled barley $38.50 Bran . $25.00 Shorts, por ton : $28.00 Hay, clover $9a$ii) Hay, cheat ..... $10.0011.00 May, vetch .. 111 $15(2 $16 Hay, timothy, Butter. Butterfat Creamery butter, per pound Couatry butter .... 37c .... 40c 2527c Eggs aaa Poultry. Kggs, case count, cash 38c Kggs, trade , 40c Hens, pound '. . 12,(5;l3y,c Boosters, old, per pound T.... 8t Broilers, under v pounds .. iiw Broilers, lvi lb, or less lflc Turkeys 21c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Pork, dressed llMi(rt'13c fork, on foot 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 1910 .:...:.7(& 7Ke Veal, according to quality .... 0(alic Steers o8 Cows 3 l-24c Bulls 33 l-e Kwes 4c Wethers 6 l-2s Vegetables. Tomatoes, Oregon $1.25 Cabbage 40c Cucumbers . ........... ; 40e String garlic Potatoes, sweet Potatoes 15c 2 l-2c lc Qroen onions . . 40t Green pephors .ir 0c uarrets, dozen Fruits. Miiskmelons $1.00 25(a00e Peaches, Oregon Grapes, lady finger $1.75 Crapes, ladyfingors $1.75 Apples 50c$1.00 Oranges, Valencies $4.75 J Lemons, per box . . a. . . i ', $fl.507.00 (.nntaloupes, per box $l;25 Bananas, pound 5t California, grape fruit : .......$3.50 Florida grape fruit $6.00 Pineapples & Honey $3.50 Bet all Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 4,"c Sugar, cane $8.25 Sugar, beet ... $8.03 fcreaiucry butter 4Dc Plour, hard wheat 1.S02.15 Flour, valley $l.S5fel.75 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Oct. 10. Wheat, club 1.30 , Bluestem 1.37 Fortyfold $1.33 Ked Russian 1.2G Onts, No. 1 white feed $20 Hurley, feed 34 Hags, best live $i.25(fi H.00 I'rimo steers l.7i Fancy cows o.SO Calves 7.50 . Spring lambs $8.75 Hutter, city creamery 38c Eggs, selected local ex. 4042c hens loOi lo'c llroilors liiC l7c Oeese llrti 11'i.c Caracas, capital of Venezuela, is to have a huge uew bull ritiir. but Cas tro's hat-tossing days are over. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ourwant llicatbactvE want ad is wonderful Try one ifuou navclosl somcthiiA MISCELLANEOUS OBEGON BCHOOti OR NEUROLOGY Inc, 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All drugless methods taught. Flora A. Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa tieots 1 to S p. m. Phone 2124R. tf REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points, east, on all boushold foods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. OSTEOPATH DR8. B. H. WHITE and E. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and ' nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in serve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronic diseasea Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 346 North Capital street. Phone 4H Aos areliM d maAnet rWrofabxOfoiAntj CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Salem Eleetrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High , Mala 1MI T if n. SFF' BTEA TlTTWCt AND TINNING l. Barr, 104 South Commercial street Mai 1M , TKAKSFEB AND DRA?AOB Balm Truck A Dray Co., corner State ana front streets lfal T : TRAVELERS' GUIDE )MMM BODTHKllN PACIFIC. NORTH BOUND No. 16 Oregon Uxpreas .. No. 24 Coo Bay No. 28 Willamette Limited No. 12 Hhlsta LlmltMl ... .B :S5 a. m. .3 :52 p. m. .9 :22 a.m. 11 :A5 a. m. .1 :SG p. m. Na 1 I'orlland Passenger No. 14 Purllanrt R No. 222 Portland fast Freight 12 -01 a! m. No. 220 Local way Vrelaht... 10:2Oa.m. I :oo p. m, BOOTH BOUND No. ISLCallfornia RiDresa . ..ll or. m No. 17 Ashland Pajuin.i . g- 23 Com Bay 10 :01 '. m'. No. 19 Cottage Orore Pass. ..4:18p.m. xuaKcs connection with N. 74 Geer branch. No. 11 Shasta Limited ...... .B :48 p. m. No. 2T Wlllametts I.lmltoil ft va m No. 13 Snn 1'innclsco Kinresa 10:(f, n. m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Prelaht . No. 223 Local way Freight. ...11 :40 a. m. Baliu-Our Linb. No. TS Arrives at Bnlem 9:15 a.m. No. 70 Leaves Salem. .9 :50a. m. No. TO Ar. Balem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Iave Salem 8 :0o p. oi. No connectlaa south of Geer. Salrii, Falls Cm and Wsstbbn No. 181 Lv. Balem,. motor 7:00 a.m. No. li)3 Lv. Balem, motor .....0:45a.m. No. 105 Lv. Balem for Monmouth and Alrlle 1:40 p.m. No. 187 Lv. Balem, motor .....4:00p.m. No. 180 Lv. Balem, motor . .; ..8 :10 p. m. No. 2SU Way Kr't lv. Balem. ..-.5 :OOa. m. No. 102 Ar. Bnlem 8:30 a.m. No.104 Ar. Balem ,...',.. ...11 . -10 a. m. No. 1118 Ar. Balem 8:15p.m. No. 108 Ar. Bnlem fl :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Bnlem 7:45p.m. No. 240 Wuy Fr't ar Salmi ... ' 2 :30 p. m. WILLAMETTE RIVER .HOUTB Oregon City Transportation Company. The Grahamona leave Ratetn tnr IMrf. land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday. No boat south oi najein. uonc leavsa Portland Tuesday, Thursdny and Batuidaj mornlnis until rorttiee nnuu SOAVANGEB 3ALEM 80AVENGEH Charles Boos proprietors Qarbage and refuss of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. FOB BENT FOB HENT Fine opening for room renting or board and rooming busi , ncss; seven to .fourteen rooms, two ' blocks from post office. Specially lavoranio terms to suitable party See William Fleming, Bayne build ing. nov2 FOB EXCHANGE FOB EXCHANGE 8' acres 6 miles out on good road. Seven room house, woodshed, full bearing family orchard Will exchange for good unencumber ed property, city or country. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. 8. Bonk bldg. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. UNDERTAKERS nnrnn a. rTnrtntr m n t wri.t. A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Lutest modern )nethods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. RIGDOX-RICIlARDSOiS CO. Fimera directors and undertakers, 232 North High street. Day and night phone J.0J. Money to Loan ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. k FORD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon CITY AND FARM LOANS Any a mount; low rates; promptly closed attractive pro-paying privileges. I iave C'i per cent insurance money to loan on oalom business and tcsi dence property. Thos. A. Roberts, sua V. a. ttat'1 Bank bldg. ilONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of Interest on highly improved farms. Homer II. Smith, room 9 McCornack Bldg., Balem, Ore., Phone 96. CHIBOPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 406-7-8 U. S. National bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND. REPAIRED 50 jears exoerience. Depot National and American fence Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fcoce and Stove Works, 250 8t. Phone 12. SEVEN ew ( ORBOON ELBCTHIC RAILWAY CO. Lv. Balem 4:35a.m. . 7 :15 a. m. . 0:45 a.m. . 11:20 a.m. , 1 AO p. m. , 4 :00 p. m. . 5 :30 p. m. . 7:00 p.m. Train No. Ar. PortlaM ... 2 Owl 6:65a, a. 6 g jUisk . 10 Limited.... 11:88 a. sa . aa. 4cO0Ksa. . 16 Limited ..., 20 T:40p.av 22 DWAn BVUllll - Poan-Aso xo Bauk Lv. Portland a.ln m- Balem 8:88 Bu 10:B5a.a. b :B0 a. m. 6 Limited 10 :46 a.m. . 2 :0B p. m. . 4 :4fl p. m. . 6 :05 p. m. . 9:20 p.m. . 11:45 p.m. . Lv. Corvallis 4 :10 p. m. . Lv. Kugene, 10:11a. sa. 7 O ..... . 13 Limited . ...17 Local . lfr .... ...21 Owl .. BOBTH BOUND ,20 .12 :56 p. sa. . 4:16 p. a. . 8:40 p. av . 8:10 p. sa. .11 :20p.av . 1:66 p. av Ar. BalM . 6:SO p. av Ar. Bales . 8 :45 a. sa, . 4:0Op.Bv . 7 :58 p. sa, . 4:86a. bv l :ao a. . 10 Limited . . 16 Limited 22 .... ... 2 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND 1 :i5 p. m. 5 :2ft p. m. 12 :Oo p. m. Lv, Salem. 1 :&S a. m. 10:16 a. m. Lv. Salem 12 :6S p. m. Lv. Bnlem. 4 :16 p. m. . Ar. Rugeaa ... 21 Owl 6 :60a. av . 0 Limited ....12:26pav Ar. Albany 7 1 :60 p. av ' Stops at Corrallla Ar. Aloaay 8 6:10p.av Ar. Albaai .. 7:86a. bv Ar. Buea is s'nn n. Lv. ' Balem. 6 :40 p. m." MOKTJZ BOUND l.v. corvauia. Ar. Batata H :2G a. to. 10 .... ... 8:45a. sa, ... 1:45 p. m. ... 4:00 p. m. ... 5 .30 p. aa. ... 7 :6o p. av Ar. Camilla ...11:33 a. av .... 8:36 p. SB ... 2:20 p. sa, ... 8.-O0 p. aa. 12 :12p. m. 2:41 p. m. 4:10 p.m. . 6 :18 p. m. Lv. Balem. ..... 14 .... 16 .... 20 .... 22 .... BOUTS BOUND 10 :15 a. m. .. 4:15 p.m. 12:65 p.m. .. 6 :40 p. m. ... 7 . IS WtKJDUAW UtTEBBV vriT WOOD SAW We Uv and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salesa people saw your wood. Phone 269.1 lita a. Zlss. T. L. Keister, Wsa. frost ' , LODGE DIRECTORY DB MOLAY COMMANDEBY. Na 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday tn tarfc month at 8 o'clock p. m tn Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously Invited to meet with aa. Lot L. Pearce, H. C, Frank Turner, recorder. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllaon, seeretarar. All case of cruelty or neglect of duaah animals should be reported to tas secretury for Investigation. 8ALEM LODGE Ni. , A. V.' A. M. Stated communications ' first Friday la each month at 7 :80 p. m. In the Maaeole Temple. Clin McCarter, W. U. ; . S. Bulver, secretary. rjNJTHD ARTISANS Capital Assembly, Ho. K4, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. aa. In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A. C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 338 State Btreet. A. O. C. W. Protection Lodge . Na. is. Meets every Monday evening at 8 la thai McCornack ball, eorner Court and Liberty strpeta, A. B. Aufrance, H. W. ; S. A. M-Kadden, recorder; A. L. Browa, financier ; R. B. Duncan, treasurer. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In M:Crna block. A. J. Hwelnlnk, C C; L. H. Ott, olerk, 607 Court Street Phone &B3. CENTRAL I.ODOH. No. 18, K. of P. Me Cornurk building. Tuesday arenlug of each week at 7 :80. C. K. Barbour, C. Ci W. B. Ollson, K. of R. and B. , B. N. of A. "Oregon Grap Camp," N. 1300, . meets every Tburaday evening im Mcl.'oruuck building. Court and Liberty streets ; elevator. Mrs. Hylrla ScbaupB, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per sons, recorder, 12U0 North Commercial. Phone 143(1 M. noiWION COnNCIL, No. 1, R. 8. M . Mtated asaemhly first Monday In cecal month, Masonic Temple. N. P. Itaamua aen, Thrice Illuatrioua Master; Glean C Mies, recarder. BALEM COUNCIL NO. 2fl!2 Knights anal I.adlea or Hecurlty Sleets every rod sal 4th Wednesday each month at Ilurat ' Hull. Vlaltlng members are Inrlted te attend. I;. F. Walten, financier, 480 8S. 14th Street. PACIFIC LODGE No. 60. A. F. A A. St. Stated communications third frrlday In each month at 7 :H0 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Kolaoi, W. U.i Brneat II. Cheats, secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEK1CA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 6'J4, meeta every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In M Coroack hnll, corner Court and Liberty streets. Klevntor service. Geo. BelnohU V. c. : J. A. Wright. Clerk L M. HUM CARE OF Yick So Tong CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY Has medicine which will ear Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 . as. wati) 8:00 p. m. 1S3 South High Btret. Si!am, Oregon. Irnoua