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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1916)
! i TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, ' SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1916. W. B. Corsets--Munsing and Merode Underwear-Onyx HorieryL'-JKhJ!& Y6u can Positively Save Money on your Ready -to- ' Wear purchases at Meyers And get the very best in style, fabrics and tailoring. We take particular pride in tkis big department for it continues to please scores of women daily. It is said by customers, to offer the best assortment of garments in this section, for customers come from miles around to purchase from this big stock. "There must be a reason." New Sun-Fast Drapery Fabrics Just received a shipment of new fade-proof drapery fabrics36-inches wide and can be had in blue, green, brown or mulberry colors. Priced 50c per vd. Also new lot of double faced figured Draperies in pretty colorings, same pattern on both sides of cloth. Large stock of new Cretonnes, Scrims, Madras, Marquisettes and Scrim Voile, or Marquisette (ready made) Curtains. Drapery Section, Second Floor TTTTfTTTTTTTTTf TTT A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAA, TTTTTTTT T TVTTTV MIS QUALITY AND SERVICE taking purlors, returned yesterday from a trip to 1'ortland.. They came by mo tor. Glenn Unnih, attorney of this city, who lias been down at Dayton attend ing to bis prunes, was in Salem yea- ii-ruH.v rur g. snprt visit. He returned this morning to finish harvesting the cftp, which he says is a fine one. The temperature, as recorded at the u. c. 1. company 's dock, has been gradually rising and yesterday the max imum was (18 degrees and the minimum 42.' There has been no change in the uciyiu oi me river tor OTer a week. CondiJoins in the local hop market remains practically the same as they weie naiuruay. me Hop growers' asso ciation reports the manuestation of considerable activity, with no deals be ing closed, the price continuing steady at from 11 to 11 3 cents. The official score of the membership of the membership contest between the Sulem and Kugene Y. M, associations is as follows: Kugene 34,M)0; (Salem 102, S20. tieneral Klliott defeated Gen eral Rowland by 'about forty thousand points, which was more than Kugene scored. . A. M. Clough, the county coroner, mo tored to Mill City Sunday to bring Mrs. Workman, daughter of Mrs. Margaret White, who died here .Saturday morn ing, to this city. Mr. Clough reports the roads excellent except four- miles this side of Mchaiuu, which he says is rocy and rough and needs lots of work. The car shortage combined with other things has resulted in an increase in W. B. Chance, deputy labor commis sioner, has just returned from an inspec tion of plants in Klamath county. C. B. Webb, of Webb and Clough, un dertaking parlors, was out hunting yes terday and bagged four birds. "He says the game is quile scarce and that the birds are a long ways between. He savs they are running single and not in pairs. As an evidence of the promptness and efficiency of the W. A. Liston Insur ance agency, it is noted that this morn ing a check for $1,1U0 was received to cover the loss by fire of the dwelling of Antone Gehrmnn, at Hazel Green, cast or tins city, last Sunday. o The case of S. T. Northcutt, 'an old man of Turner, who was first declared incompetent to handle his business af fairs by County Judge Bushey but who was declared competent by Judge Gal loway, which decision was appealed from by Northcutt 's daughter, came up before the Oregon supreme court this afternoon. Judge C. 1.. McNary argued ine case, wnicn nas Ueen in the .Marion county courts for over two years. A churchful of interested people list ened to the lecture of Wm. I,, yinlay, state biologist, at the First Congrega tional church last night. Mr. Finlay's lecture was illustrated by moving pic tures, showing birds, angling scenes. antelope and elk. Mr. Finlay's work as a co-operating agent of the state fish and game commission and the depart ment of public instruction is very valu able to the state. He will deliver- the lecture at Dallas tonight. SALEM'S EYE SPECIALIST BEGINS HIS SIXTH YEAR OF SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE RepairB are being made on the steam er Grey Eagle, of the Spaulding Log ging company's river fleet, in prepara tion or the opening of the towing sea- ,1... i i a i iduii. iiiu ntcainer win oe eugageu in nic price or cord wood in tins marKot. .; i ,i I " --- inn j i win i ii v w 3 K t, ' ailirrilHllffiirMil ifoffl ;,.,........wwttwtritmtiiiiiimimrimim tmiiiitt mi ' ''"'nnTinimntnnittfflWttiiflllTii 1IFU TAVI n fi ' 11 is n?ii CAR5 Of An kihd An7 1 " Any time PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar anteed. Twenty-five yours' experience. . Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187. Residence phono 1405. J. K. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avonue. t Salem-Independence Auto . Service 9C )t (t ift )c )t )C )C t))t(c 9c )( iff ,. ucintc EDMUND SON BURNEE, Props - phone 959 or 12S5 Leaves ' Salem, cor. State and Hi Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m., : 11:00 a, m 2:30 p. m. and 0:00 p. m. 4c Leaves Independence opposite ' Postoffice daily. 'J:00 a. m., 12:80 p. m., 4:00 p. m. ' and 7:00 p. m. t Fare, 50c t Extra Can for Country Trips. All Around Town M "- 4Htn Mrrrnr COMINGJVENTS Oct. 9. City bowling leaguo opens Benson. Oct. 11. 1. I. Iloak, Head Con sul, W. O. W., in the city. Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr. Carl Gregg Doney as presi dent of Willamotto Uuiversi - ty. October 10-17. Degrco of Hon- or convention. October 17-20. Burrfiit stute convention, Salem." November 0. City primary election. November 7. Presidential election. When In 1ALEM, OREGON, stof at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths KATES: 75c, 11.00, 11.50 FEB DAI The only hotel in the business district Nearest to all Depots, Theatre and Capital Buildings. A Home Away From Horn. T. a. BLian, Pro Both Phones. Free Auto Bis. The picking of apples will begin this "week at the Wnilnce Fruit farm. The weather, according to I'ntil Wallace, Ji-anager, has been fine for harvesting fruit., A good crop of apples is expected j bard building, Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits giasse s eorreotly. U. 8. Bank. Bid.'. L. S. Qeer, of tho Oeer-Kreuirer Pur. niture store, returned from a business trip to Portland this morning. He left Duiuraajr for tho Hose Cirj. Drink Cereo, tlie liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf Spaulding Logging company's mill is shut down today on account of boiler flues springing n leak Sunday. It is ex pected the mill will resume work Tues day morning. Donald Miles and C. Z. Bandall have moved their law office to room 203 Sa lem Hnuk of Coinmerco bldg. - octlo A small roof fire at the residence of (1. II. Sellers, liss SouHi Liberty street, culled tho department out n't about 12:30 this afternoon. A season of fine entertainment for I. Salem Lyceum Course. A piece of window dressing that is nttiiicting much admiring attention is that nt the bicycle store of A. II. Moure Keith White is the artist responsible for it. F. H. Reeves, attorney at law, has moved to the fourth floor of the Hub- Second growth fir is now selling for $4.50 a cord in four foot length, and old iir is selling lor $j..)0. The price of four foot oak is $6.00. This is an in crease of 50 eents a cord. All the music stores are selling tick ets to the l.vceinii coarse.-ijit.OO each. John Gleason, of Lewiston, Idaho; R Nines, of Alliance, Neb., ami L. Hoyt Brown, of i'ortland, are out of town h is who lire registered at the Salem Idks'. club rooms. Cabbage wanted for kraut. Call and make arrangements. Gideon Stolz Co. oct 14 o The board of directors of the Salem Commercial club meet this evening in the Commercial club rooms. It is ex pected that a number of questions of in terest will come up before the board. Frank H. ShedeoJr, candidate for city iniushiill primaries Nov. 0th. oct 10 ine regular meeting of the Salem school boKid will be held this evening I.. ,i.a .l t . n iii mo uiim u m me scnool suiierinteu dent in tho Salem high school build-iiiK- So far as is known there is noth ing of special interest to come up at this time. Smoke and enjoy yourself L Coro na cigars tor men of good taste. Representative Wims C. Hawley, who is campaigning- in the first nn. gresslomil rtistrift for re-election to congress in November, speaks at Leb anon this evening and tomorrow will be in Independence, probnblv Mon. mouth, and in Dallas Tuesdav evening. Judge Powell of Pendleton will nlso be one of tho speakers. Mr. Hawley 's Itin erary will keep him busy time of the election aid (Hover, Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, who has been in Salem for the last five years, now owns a beautiful home situated in one of Salem's most exclusive building districts, and says: "Salem is a good enough place for any one." And in tends to continue his practice in Salem. He has recently rented additional rooms in the United States National Bank Bldg. and has enlarged his offices and arranged them to best suit his practice. Not only has. the Doctor enlarged his offices, but he has bought a large amount of new office equipments, among them, the latest instruments for the correction of defective eye sight that science can produce. These new instruments are installed at an outlay of hundreds of dollars, but the satisfaction of knowing that you are absolutely always right in your treatment and correction of defective vision is worth the money, and each and every patron of Dr. Mendelsohn's is always assured of getting correctly fitted lenses at his office. Dl MpTirlplsnTin ia a o-vnrlnnto nf morlimno fvmn , , . urui uv numerous nunters trnm .nuivinv j. a um He 1 XKJ fo 'hav-c8' ; ! Heidleburg College, but took up the practice of Optometry feed tonight. gj "hat e noVb en b .in preference to that of medicine, as he says there-is a g parade is being planned by the' b.pleve' the severe snow of larger field in the correction of defective eyesight than 5'n , ,. m. , , . last winter killed numbers of the old I a r i i mi ,. , siiveVn : i i T..T eve,n,,,R birds in tint they became the prey ofW other field. The Doctor.'s early training taught him Miverton and Dallas Woodmen i .:m n..:...u m.- , J i t , , . v,, . , , , , ,,"' J inoiuugmiess in every tmng ne aiiempiea ana nas ai mer was also unfavorable to the young i i.v i ,,. ,.A birds and it is believed numbers of them i ways been thorough in every case that came to his notice perished ou this account. . j He never hesitates to offer advice along anything con- An address on "The saxon and sea j nected in his line. This and many other reasons among supremacy," by Rey. james Kivi.., was , them the very moderate charges he makes for his serv- the treut ot the Salem minister at the'- -1.1 .1 , , . , egular weekly meeting of the minister- MCK IS respuilSlUie lOr Hie large practice ne nOW eniOyS. - Dr. Mendelsohn has over fifteen thousand satisfied mouth of the l.uckiamute to the mill here. The work w ill begin as soon as the river rises, which will be about No vember. Captain T. B. Jones, who has been enptain of tlio Grev Encle and A. A. Mickle, Southern Pacific freight i"jni?Irl 'i?,ene,or ab,;ut- 15 y?nr9.' agent, who was ill the latter part .( .TuTZ b""7 'boUt last week with, a severe cold, is about his work again at the freight house. When he arrived at the office he found a fine China pheasant on his desk all Hunters are reporting the game to be quite scarce, according to information .brought by numerous hunters from A big Salem when wiU welcome Head Consul I. I. Bonk, who comes here on that date. A band is to be secured and all threo camps will appear in tho procession through the city streets. The time for filing petitions of can didacy in the city jiiinmVies expired October (i. Only one candidate of those mentioned for various offices in the city government 'failed to file his com pleted petition m "time. This was F. A Hoyington, who has been announced as a candidate for nldeimaii 1 10111 the 5th ward. J. R. Fouch, of Travers City, Mich., arrived in Sulem yesterday on a busi ness trip. He was a former resident of Falls City and is well-known in the Willamette valleve From here he will go to Raymond, Wash. He left his home 111 .Michigan lust lhursdny morning and has found exceptionally fine weather all the way out west. up to the according to Hon- his secretary. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Taylor of 1317 Center street, uve grieving sorelv nt the luss of their foster daughter, Rose Austin, who died Sunday night of sui coma cuueer. Nine weeks ago the little girl was stricken with tins fatal dis ease, which defies the best medical skill. No hope was extended for her recovery but she Imre her suffering with patience nnd foitiitude. Shu leaves besides her foster parent a. four little sisters Kola, Marjurie, Margaret and Helen. Just before she became ill she wns planning to attend school at the Washington junior high and was look ing forward to the winter with keen anticipation. 1 J. W. Jones, advertising manager of the Capital Journal, will speak to the business men's league Tuesday evening at its regular monthly meeting on the subject of "Advertising." Mr. Jones is an expert in the' line of advertising and it is expected he will give the bus iness men a thoroughly interesting talk After the address, matters of business will eoiiio tip for discussion. Fire this morning between 5 and 6 oVlock destroyed the prune dryer be longing to Oscar Fry, about three miles west of this city in Polk county. The drier contained approximately seven tons of prunes. Mr. 'Fry's loss is esti mated to be in the neighborhood of $3, 000. It is understood that the dryer was partially insured. lal association at the Y. M. C. A. this morning. A discussion of the program for supplying the.stnte institutions with prcuchers each week during tho year was the main business of the session. Arrangements were made to fill the dates three Sundays in each month with protostant ministers while the Cntholie priest filled the fourth. A minister was detailed each month for duty with the .Miiem Hospital who is to be ready for any emergency cult. Adds to the Joy of Living- Launched at nnon today with a lunch eon in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, the annunl financial campnign of the Salem asso ciation began with a rush that is ex pected to carrv the committee through to success in record breaking time. KYirtv business men comprise the com mittee that will raise the 0ls for the coining year's work. The CBinpnign is expected to last ubout ten days. 0 At eight o'clock this evening the Snlem Rifle club will assemble in the city hull for drill under Captain Rosen berg. esterday the members of the club were on the Nile range at Finzer and the following qualified as marks men under the National Rifle associa ion rei'iilutions: II. A. Freehold, .1. (. Kenneoii, .1. C. Mncy, Charles McCnr ter, .1. T. Welch nnd A. Burleson, Next Sunday these will shoot the . sharp shooters course. It isn't alone the delicious- ly sweet nut-like taste of r!fnnAIn 4-V - 4- linn u,"l'rl,uls """ aictue bnion at the Oregon state fair, were tne IOOCl ianiOUS, tnOUgh'"'ut b" express this morning to Full- -a iman, wnsn.. wnere tney will take part taoic iimnea iutu dpjJKdl, in the Northwest Laying contest. What and gOeS a long Way. tucse lu'"8 wil1 ,l0 foreign territory But with the zestful flavor ,n.?&' there is in Grape-Nuts the ! ive xv Hshington hmwn a run as e it entire nutriment of finest I"'" as the wheat and barley. And this f , Dr- 3- H- White- and fanu1;. , . i ,1 ; , . , 1 boy and a daughter, who left here a few- inClUCleS the riCh mineral weeks ago to spend the w inter studying patrons on his books today and they represent some of the most severe cases of eye defects known to the prac tice. .Among them were cases of children who if they had not had the proper corrections made would have gone through life in a very much handicapped way. He has made the study of children's eyes a specialty and has suc cessfully corrected thousands of children's eyes. He does not use drugs or drops in making examinations and if after making an examination he finds glasses are not needed he will frankly tell you. Satisfaction is guaran teed in every respect, and he will change your lenses free of charge for one year if they are needed. Dr. Mendelsohn will always be pleased to consult with you in regard to your eye troubles, and will always give you his honest opinion in regard to your particular case. The Doctor extends a cordial invitation to all of his friends and former patrons to visit his new offices any time that they can conveniently do so. Five of the record-breaking Oregon one Gcrninu submarine in the waters 1.1'f Agricultural liens, which w ere on exhi-1 Nuntucket. 130 YOU SUFFER . FROMJBACKACHE? "vTlien your kidneys are weak ami torpid tlicy do not properly perform their functions; your back aches and you do not feel like- doing much of anything. You are likely to be uespunueni una to borrow troubl" nin-n 4-1 i ,,t. ,.,1,, it i,i- ; 1 a ..i. ,u . .,,...,... 1 1. ' Clements uj. me gram, llcces- , "'"' " ,.:.""'. just as if you hadn't enoiHi nl j 1. ui dnv on the Shasta limited to uttend the i.,j rv it! luun" Sary for VIgOrOUS health funeral of his mother, Mrs. Margaret reai-V' P,"" fie a victim any lonwr. the eTPatp?t lOV nf Hfp W1 wh li'1 Saturday night at U Jlle "I; U'llablo medicine, Hood's TP a ui 1. i j L ''- k- W'ite left Sale... by an-! Snrsapanlla, rivcs strength and HiVery table SnOUld nave tomobile and six davs later was in ! ,one to the kidneys and builds no its daily ration of Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason" l.os Angeles, located in his school had rooms, ami had the children started to 1 school. . ' I Says Only One. Newport, K. -I.. Dct. 0 Admiral ' (leaves today stated to the 1'nited 1'iess I that ho was confident there was onlv the whole system. Hood's Sarsnpai-illa is a pcculinr combination of roots, barks nnd herbs. Xo other medicine acts like it, because no other medicine has the same formula or ingredients. Accept 110 substitute, but insist on bavins; Hood's, and jret it today. ttttttitUiitititttttiiiitmitttftfttt 7"i" IN COMPETITION WITH HARD WHEAT FLOUR O n 1 1 m m . Paftenlt was made into Bread by Clifford Irving, 459 THE STATE FAIR. CHERR Y Union St, a boy of 13 yrs., and awarded first prize at You can get the same result if you use CITY PA TENT FLOUR. . 'mmc