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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORKOON. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 1916. T"REE Come to Moore for More Values in Furniture Willamette Valley News WEST SALEM . (Capital Journal Special Service) . Rev. T. D. Yarncs is attending the Annual conference of the Methodist church at Lebanon, this week. Murphy and Bedford have sold their hops. The crop wan light but free from mold. . ' The Win. Squires family, who have been living on the .1. T. Hunt farm near Zeoa, will move into the Sriiith-Bran-naa house. ' Walter Hunt and family from eastern Oregon have arrived in the neighbor hood. They' traveled with team and were eleven days on the road. Walter Hunt is a eon of J. T. Hunt and will, make his home on the farm recently vacated by the. Squires family. Delbert Moore received 1st prize on his! bantam chickens at both ' Polk county and Oregon state faws. . Albert Lamb was another of West .Salem pu pils who had an exhibit in the indus trial department fore the high school students Wednes day noon, during the assembly period. Her selections were greatly . enjoyed by all the pupils. Mrs. Grace Weijer of Portland .gave "several instrumental se lections, besides accompanying Mrs. Street. Mr. Koyal and Mr. and Mrs. R. A I.uthy's brother, John Goodkeneeht and family near Silvertou Sunday. A. Mcl.ay, late of Anchorage, Alaska, visited over Sunday with his son ii. A. and family, who live iu the north part of town. Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly and Bob Kelly motored over from near Jefferson start on their journey to California Sunday in Mr. Royal's car. They will be accompanied to Albany by ln Hendricks where she will visit with her I Bister a few days. I Mrs. W. S. Gordon, wife of the for mer pastor of the Methodist church of this city, but now of Astoria. Ore., is visiting" friends here while her husband is attending conference.. . Florence , and Orvillo Stoner attend ed tho Salem state fair Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon during the physiology class in: the high school, an accident occurred. An experiment was being made with phosphorus, which ex ploded and caught the table afire.. In attempting to -put tho fire out, Dewey Witney was burned quite badly on the hand. ...... Karl Sims, who attended the Pendle ton round up. "returned Sunday. Nelson W TH. Kliacilii .Inhtiuntl atiirtpd S2iilni. lOdams. who accompanied him, remain- day for eastern Oregon to visit heri1' ' Pendleton, having secured a po mother, Mrs. Jasper Rhodes, .who is sition as clerk in a grocery store, ill. She went by wav of Kelso, Wash.,' Mrs. Kemp, "who has been ill wjth where she will be met bv her husband.! ptomaine poisoning, was attended by Among the Polk county pupils at- h"r daughter, Mrs.-Geo. Linduhl of tending Salem high school are Flossie Monitor. - .". Becken, Mildred J)ouglass, Ruth Bed- Chas. C Davis from Sheridian has lord and Walter Braanuii. Attending I taken charge oflHs father s farm on .junior high are Doretha " Douglass, Pacific Highway. '.,'-: Alice Wodd, Dorothy Miller and Joan-! W. L. Binklev and son, Bill, left Moli na James. -.'.I day for tioldendale, Wash. Mrs. Bmk- Mrs. Moore of Xewborg is the housel 'ey and daughter will leave to join guest of her nieco, Mrs. T.-1). Vames. them this week. Many friends regret She arrived Wednesday and will re-1 their departure. . main fur several davs. . )ieut. 1'. A. I.ivesley and wife with F. Id. Wood, Walter Gerth and Mrs. aptain and -ars. Murphy of Corvallis Horace Wuoley are maong the many, motored to Portland Wednesday. who have concessions at the state fair Many people, .from Woodburu are Ot tilia year. . tending the stato fair at Salem turn Mrs. Minnie Anderson of Newberg week. . is the auest of the Chas. Kuire family. Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Snntli ot nil She expects to return home Friday. The jucCoy family have moved t Hnleiu and the house vacated by them is occupied by a Johnstone family. James WJirinley of Muncie, Indiana,, was a dinner guest Thursiluy at the home of his cousin, J. T. Hunt, whom lie had not seen for forty years. Mr: Whrinley is on his way to San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Kellur and son, Glenn, liave gone to independence .to live ami the Peterson family have moved into the house they vacated. Mrs. J. T. Hunt spent a day in Dal las recently. She attended the Polk county fair and reports a very pleas ant time.' ' Mis. Ernest Blue and son, Asberry, expect to at rat for Alaska today. II or eon Leslie will accompany them as far as Portland where he will remain to attend school. Moshlierger and daughter, Thelma, will! Sunday and spent the day at the home Woodburu News (Capital Journal Special Service) Wooilbuin, Ore., Sept. 29 Mrs. Knth ivn Crysler Street, contralto, sang be- sav, I al., will lie tne guests oi men daughter, Mrs. S. G. Knglish, until spring. Mayor .Stoelhaunuer has appointed Mrs. Hiram Overton a member of the library board. A family reunion was held at the home of L. T. Johnson Tuesday even ing. This was the first time in twelve years that all the Johnson family had been together. Simon Voder's sister, Mrs. John Raggic of Needy, is staying at his home now. She has just returned from the Silverton hospital having undergone an operation for appendicitis. STAYTON- NEWS. Dr. Brewer removed- the tonsils and adenoids 'from truest, the Ki-year-old sun of David Acrgcrter of Linn county, Tuesday. Mrs. Alice: McDonald of Mill City stooped iu Stavton Monday to do some trading on her way home from Jordan wnere sue was visumi;. C. A. I.nthy, wife and little daughter Thelma visited at' tho home ot -Mrs of her parents, F. 1. Jones anil wife. Mrs. Dora Slireve has brought the Sa von hotel on 131 Eleventh street, bet ween Alder and Washington iu Portland und will move there as soon as her af fairs here can be arranged. While tightening a jar of fruit Suir day, Chris Giobler cut both hands se verely on the broken glass. Dr. Brewer had to take several studies to close the wounds. Mrs. K. H. Coats and sou Kugene ar rived from Vancouver, Washington, Sat urday for a visit at the home of her daughter Mrs. C. C. Nott. Mr. Coats returned home Monday but Mrs. Coats will remain for the winter. The second week of school shows a decided improvement over the preceed ing week in attendance, especially iu the high. This department gained twenty new-student, giving an enrollment iu the new high school of 152 pupils. This number, no doubt, will be increased to seventy or eighty. ltywas stated in Inst week's Mail that Miss Casper of L'aioii, Oregon was to be the fourth teacher in the high school,' but as Miss Caspar could not come, the board secured the services of Miss Olive Bassett of Newburg. .Miss BasBCtt is a'graduate of O. A. C. and is highly recommended. She will teach classes iu science, Knglish and" history. Carl Follis and -Miss May Georg'e were mnrried iu Albany on Wednesday of last week. The groom is the son of J. T Follis of Kingston and is well known iu Stayton, and the bride is the daughter of Air. and Mrs. Lee George of shelburii. The yquug couple will make their home on the Flood place between Stayton and Kingston. The Wilbur Woolen Mills company of this place secured the contract for 10(10 blankets for the state institutions bid ding against several other sharp com petitive bids. The contract was not awarded to the lowest bidder, but qual ity was taken into consideration, hence the securing of it by tho Stuyton com pany, whose products are of the very best. Mail. ----- . . 'i Mill City Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mill City, Ore., Sept. 30. Rev. Mac Leod preached his farewell sermon Sunday to a large congregation. A fare well reception was given for Mr. and Mrs, MacLeod .at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening and a great many friends and neighbors were there to pay their respects to the departing pas tor. The Silvertou I. O, 0. F. lodge visited the lodge here and. the evening was spent ill speeches and gclting acquaint ed, after which they marched to the dining room where the Rebeknhs had prepared a spread which was duly ap preciated by those present. Born To Mr. und .Mrs. John Bilyeu, a son, eptemher z4. -: '.: S2 I I fit ' if ' v m : u J 8 Rang e and Heater Time It is now time to plan the heating of your home for the winter. While you are changing your stoves why not buy that new range. The Estate Range is made of Blue Welded Steel scientifically treated withstand heat and will outlast any range on.the market for the price. Ask anyone who owns, an Estate. Prices $30.00 to $50.00 MHHHHHMHMMMM4tMMMM . - . . . '....' I See our window display of Beautiful Bedroom Sets: The latest effects in cane panels and plain in oak and walnut waxed finish. You must see these sets to ap preciate their values. We have a large line of Dressers that are especially priced to move. Fill in that extra piece of furniture now and get enjoyment out of your home. You deserve it. . v 4 ' Heaters For All These cool mornings and evenings make it neces sary to have a little fire. We have the heater for you from a well made air tight heater to a magnificant fire place heater. Prices to suit all. Quality and heating properties unques tionel. Prices from See them. -4 . It $1.50 to $20.00 . . - -i ... .... tt i t :t t- At a special meeting of Victoria Court' W. C. O. F., held September 22nd, three;' new members were initnted, making a Mr. ami Mrs. Kd Bertram went to the -total of 51) new members iu the Court fail Monday. with several other nplieatiuns pehding. Mrs. Morse ami daughter returned to! A committee was appointed to arrange Albany Monday morning. . I for a card social to bo held Friday ffven- Mr. and .Mis. I). I). McLnno were Al- ig, UctoDer u. Clean Cooking and Clean Kitchens Cooking becomes - really pleasant and work in the kitchen is . no longer disagreeable for the housewife who boasts a Cabinet Gas Range. .The heat, soot, dirt "arid general balkiness of the old wood range are all banished. With a Cabinet Gas Range Gas Range cooking is the clean, dependable way to cook. No bother or muss about it. A Gas Range will convert your kitchen into a cool, com fortable room where you may be without fear of soiling dainty garments. . You will be interested in the new Range. See them-in our showrooms. Phone 85. THE GAS COMPANY bany visitors the first of the week. V great many people are taking ad vantage of the mill not running this week n nd are taking in the state fair. We are having 'fino weather for fair week this vear. The bridge is again iu passable condi tion. Miss Mary Irvine, of Albunv, has es tablished a class in music here. Mr. I.ettallier's home burned Wednes day. , Mr. Wm. ltnuibu and Airs. Fox weru married in Vancouver lust week, return ing here Saturday. Tho Mill City band serenaded the bride mid groom Mon day evening which was highly appreciat ed. Fine reports are being brought ill by Salem visitors of, the state fair this year. Writes Enthusiastically About Our Great State The following letter was taken from a Columbus, NebntskJH, newspaper written by Mr. M. Hruegger, firesham, to go into the si In; some fields have i Oregon, who is visiting at that place: com ripe enough to husk, while much j ''After a rapid journey of three 1 or i.eeos hoc,,,, ,o ccks or so to through Nebraska toward the npea. ilos are being built bv the fob .. ... . . . . lowing: J , Heisbick, (2nd)', Mrs. i'. "orth, past tho not yet fully hurvested Wolff, J. H. (iooding, Thomas Connor, ' wheat fields of Montana, and eastern Walter W. Kay, J. Hnrle, .1. K. Larson,1 Washington, along the basalt banks of the classical ( olurtibia river 'where Much corn will soon .be in condition Mr. Jones, J. H. l.oigren, F. i. Cole man, J. K. Kldriilge, and P. O. Ciulinin, Mr. I. Hnrle has purchased a McCor- nncK corn Harvester, being the rust mm, Oregon, to rest from tho storm of ever purchased in this vicinity. , polilicm and business hv a visit with party is building u corn crib to In. Id I11V 0her and sisiers after a long 100 bushels. Many farmers having hop m.paration. driers will use them to cure the corn I irui,.r n, iil, ,.-. Petitions Council to Arrange for This In Compiling Year's Budget A movement is now on, bucked by the perfectly. Woodburu Independent. WEDDING JIT SUBLIMITY. J green illeys, surrounded by forests j of fir trees, und overshadowed by ! mighty mountain peaks, Mt. Hood, the teaching force have arranged band of Camp Fire Girls and took their first hike to the North Fork Friday p. m., returning Saturday. . KINGSTON NOTES l-ulltf the flr.Hinii ' T nrrtt-ml of..).. few days ago iu tho beautiful state of ; Com ly.-re iu I lb, ior the marking and liwivi iiiiiuiiijj wi u ii nin-i-ii in rMiifiii, whereby one may give intelligent infor mation as to locutions iu tho chy by street nniiies. The mailer of marking the streets and of course the money reipiired will have to come through action of the city council ami it is especially to the mem bers of the street committee, W. 11. Cook, chiiirmaa, J. A. Mills ami N. I). Klliott, thut a petitiou will be presented. A rding to those who understand city a tt'n Lis in general, tho only way to have this street marking done is to Jefferson. Adams. St. Helens and A verv- tiri'ttv i.liitivli mi.ildiiifr wiis ...1 l...- .1 .. 1.... !.. r. Mel. une sold his driving' horse'... , ... u. o....w: i. lIi i. , . . . i , . . , ' auictiiins-vu ni mu ni. iuiiimr inuiiii' I uii-iii-r- uiri nn-. ji ri-uu mil mi; ill ami bought un auto tins week. 1 1 ... t n ! Tlie.hiKh wliuul jjirla and iatlieH oft"1 irin, J,M"';u V, 1 J n ft u ni Hiii- Kr I n link nf fifiu n tr '"h"""""' l . .... ... ....... ft V ........1..- 41... ... ,1,....A,1(. . ... .. . The contracting parties were Adam ,'" i, , ' . W f it I ,..lf , I '"'Pess memliers ot the council an. es u . . i. r t t i fll,m r 1,1 1IH '"'.V f'1' himself diawn , ,,(,,.my the street committee that it i Susbauer, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph,,,, ,lilt country and conse,uently spent , ho wish of the citizens. The Coinmer Susbauer, of near Sublimity, and Miss ! his last davs hero. Many former rial club has iilremlv evuresvi-il itm-lf in 'ltose Kintz, the churming daughter of siss citizens especially ' from the fV((r of such action, but the money und Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kinz, of Sublimity.! "erne Jiigniann, live .nero, miia taeir , nuthonty to do so must come from the J. T. Follis was au Albany visitor. The liride was tor several years the Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. Thomas and Miss Marie Henkel visited at the O. F. Harold home Sunday. Miss Bertha Si-h liter and Carl John sou of Portland were guests at. the Cur tis Cole home Sunday. cows and yodel just aslhey did in the city council popular clerk in F. J. Kiesterer's gea- days of old in the Alps. It has been suggested that citizens eral store. The groom " is a hustling ''The two states of Oregon and; who really want the streets marked, voiinc? farmer and well liked bv every- Washington, with their wonderfully should tako the trouble to write the one. I fino climate, great natural resources . Commercial (;lub to show that the ef- The bride wore a white pussy-willow , in the mountains, forests and valley, forts of the club are being appreciated taffeta with p net overdrape, trimmed besides having a population of very and endorsed. with pearl beads. Her attendants were intelligent, extraordinarily progressive, 1 lie following petition, signed by the German Newspapers Make Bitter Attack on American Neutrality Herlin, Sept. :tl). Chamiellor Von; Hethmaiiii llollweg met with the bnd: get coniioisioii of the reichstng today in a secret session that will have a most important bearing on the future con duct of the war. The chancellor faced members who have criticised him for his alleged dri ll re to wage more energetic war on Kny laud and men who still advocated a re sumption of vigorous submarine Will i's re. Supported bv a renewed outburst of editorinl opinion anil by attacks on American neutrality appearing in yes terday's papers, they pressed the chan cellor tor moo explicit pledges than were .contained in his reii hstag speech on Thursday. On the outcome of this couferei-e will depend whether Hethmann-lloll-weg's opponents will continue to wTto open war on him when the reichstng reconvenes next wees. Though several newspaper critics at tacked the chancellor for failing to out line more specifically the government ' intentions towurd Kii'.'laml in his reich stng speech, these sentiments wore not ' Kc).n..l tiLirin. M.wijuv uitli id., un m. . t lie Miuwi-s Wiimm SiiKlifiiier mill Antrcliiic mill t'enernltv sober and moral iicoulu nresiilent of the Ciiniincrctiil cluli n ml shared by the majority of his reichstue Kintz. .Miss Kushituer wore a -Nile- are facing a great future, greater man the director or each iiepurtment, w ill be 1 "i'i""'-iiin. ;) rimmi-u, un-j nm.. teacher as last year, Mrs. Kuth Smith of 4-l.iunon. ' Omar Cole is home again after har vesting about three weeks on Albnny prairie. '" Mr. and Mrs. List on Darby returned home . Friday afternoon' from the hop weeks-. Green silk and Mins Kiiitu was attired j any other section of the I'nited 1 presented to the council iu light blue silk. The groom was at-! States." tended by laa hint, and Joseph Sus bauer, Jr. ' . A wedding banquet was held at the home of the bride 'a parents at noon, and was ateniied by FRUIT PACKING AT DALLAS before today's conference btgna th:ir "Whereas, Numerous complaints are thr chancellor was speaking under lie beiiiL' received bv the Salem Commercial Igrcatest dil tu ulties, with hostile news- club, from citizens of and visitors to 1 l"'l"'rs waiting to pounce on any utter- the city, because of the luck of ade quate street signs, und "Whereas, This much needed i m provement could be instituted by the mice and misconstrue it to suit. th. ir nity at a very nominal cost per veur bv'"' '"e reichstng commission today he. means of a unit plan of installation, I WiJl,lil silence the attacks or tno ma .CO ST. PAUL ITEMS. Hiippickiug will be cleaned lip in this viciuity this week, as many hops were undoubtedly left on the vine as were jiicked owing to the mold and scarcity of pickers. Kven some of the larger grower-dealer yards left large parts of their yards unpicked. Gravel hauling has been resumed on the road lending south toward Salem. years of health and happiness. Stay-1 of pu'eking the top Invars in the boxes "Whereas, With the right construe-! '""'"(f the street committee to cany ton Mail. - by hum). The real work of packing will i tion, these signs, when once ' installed, !"'' ? " 1"r coming year, he The J. K. Annsby packing plant start- many, relatives ed vesterdav mornfrigou the pack of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schafer and and friends. I HUH prune crop. During the three days Carl Schafer and Mrs. Schafcr's neice The young couple will livo on the of this week thut the plant is running, frnin Wnuhiiiiiti.ii viuitixl r(.1iitivi. nn t .Timnli KiiHliHiier fiinn itetir Nnblimitv. itiHf, a few hands are einnloved at errad- McCully Mt., one day last week. The Mail joins with their many iug the prunes and facing them in theli. e., installing a certain portion of thel".v ''ritics Mrs. S. B. Cole ud son. Kulph of friends m wishing them many prosperous: boxes, this latter 0eratioii coiisistingileity each year, and Jordan were visiting at the Curtis Cole home Mondny. Halph will attend high school in Stayton this year. A number from this viciuity will at tend the state fair this week. Carl Fleischman, who has been work ing for Chas. Schafer this summer has returned to Salem. G. F. Harold and daughter Alta. Curtis Cole and l.oyde Chrisinan went to the state fair Tuesday. Stayton Mail. own ends. The chancellor's supporters wero con fident that in a frank talk in private POLK FAIR RECEIPTS voinmence next Monday morning when ; become a permniient improvement, with it further 1 tiO women and -5 men will report at the plant for work and the packing win con- According to the report of Director; tinue throughout the months of October of Admissions W, I.. Koehreu, the ndoiis sion receipts of last week's county fair totaled to4".-JS. Concessions paid in ,147, making a total of iiti4.4. The dinvtors are pleased with the admis sions, particularly, as this year's fair js the first one at which a charge has heen made at the gate. The 1IU5 fair lacked 450O of paying for itself but tliA lior.1 lunula thin VI'Ui'h .vii bi I ion will Clear ex-ni's. ii-iihiik iinni iiiii tion can not be' given until the present oudit o'f the bills is completed. Dallas Observer. The lurid lif- of the city is gener ally exaggerated. The town is seldom as red as it is painted. am) November. Dallas Observer. PARKER SUPPORTS WILSON Branch, N. .1., Sept. 30. John M. l'arker, progressive nominee for vice president, has offered to speak in sup port of president Wilson iu the cam paign. His offer has been accepted by the president. He will make speeches in Ohio, New York and New Jersey. President Wilson today arranged fo resume conferences with newspaper men, which were a feature of the first two years of his administration. Through this medium lie is expected to discuss Militical subjects freely and ex piniiid them for the counry. pructieallv no up keep cost' and Kesoiveu, limt copies. ot tms reso- "Whereas, Such an improvement '"''i" be "'-'i'1 to ' . mH-VOr would not onlv add to the attractive- i wf ,,,e 'ouiieilineii, urging them to favor ness of the citv but would also be time ul,l-v ul'"1 ' important proved savers to merchants and others .nuking I improvement, and that tho Salem Com ....... n ..... i ..l..l. !.... ....l. .I......... leliveries in the citv, and "Whereas, Such an improvement in volves the entire city and not some par ticular section or ward, and "Whereas, The city council through the street committee has mado a much needed improvement ill the installation of 'School District Traffic Signs,' thus beginning the campaign for bet ter street signs throughout the city, therefore be it, "Hesolved, That the board of direc tors of the Salem Commercial elub iloea hereby petition the Common Council of the city of Salem for an ndeipiate ap propriation in the coming budget, al- in en in I club through the civic depari incut offers their services to tho eonii-. cil in carrying this mutter to a succoh- t" ill completion. "HOARD OF D1RKCTOKS, SAI.KM COMMKRC1AI.C1.CB. "Jos. H. Albeit, president; "Cha. H. Fisher, secretary; H "A. Bush, Jr., treasurer; "C. K. Spaulding, vice-president; & "D. I. Howard, 'i "F. B. Southwick, "Then. Roth, "F. W. Steusloff, . "Seymour Jones, "Chas. V. Galloway, "ChiiS. ArehDid."'