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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1916)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1916. This is the package that holds fbs cigarettes " - Sport News c M MM t tfj Mm Irnncisco 80 S9 .491 uaMnim 02 110 .348 Yesterday's Results At Voughu street Vernon 2. Port In ml 1. At ban Iraneisco Oakland 8, Snn rmncisco . At Log Angeles Los Angelesl, Salt UIK U. PLAY FIRS! TODAY OF E Phillies and Dodgers in Hand to Hand Fight In Last Trench ft V ni ma STICK BATTLE that do for smokers what no other cigarette has ever done for them before they satisfy and yet they're MILD X. VfELSLf ' -'jk - mam CSGAR.ETTES 'TIi ClutUrlield Bl.nJ i"lL"i,Sru,,i,,rt '" Turkilh totHMM SAMSOUN for r(chnMi CAVAIJ A3 .., SMVRNA for 20 for 10c en J ye re MILD Step Ladder You Can See Picking Pail IMUIWMMriM All kinds of the Northwest Ladders, Lawn Fence and Gates, Fruit Picking Pails, Orchard Ladders ana otner orcnard supply, etc., at our Exhibit, on oiaie rair urounas. N. W. FENCE & SUPPLY CO. Portland, Oregon jvGuardsmen Having f Y .1 WW w wwmm a Katner Hard Hike Hitt's Reach, N. M., Kept. 28. Suf toring irom blistered feet and tumble to continue the-hundred mile hike now being made by the 13,000 guardsmen of mo lonnsyivnnin division, 300 guards men were headed back to Fort Miss liv motor trucks today. More than 000 men nave been " invalided " back in the (nice days (or the same cause. The division made 111 mill's venteidnv through the rugged passes of the Organ mouiilnins. The men were forced to carry their own water supply over the moiintnin trails owing to the overturn ing of iimny of the tank trucks on (he rocky lull roads. A good little gtory is told of wo man at (he fair grounds yesterday, who was introduced to n young Indian nnd straightway begun asking him ques tions as to bis studies in the wnv of rendiu', writin' and 'rithnietie. The young chnp listened to her respectfully for a time, and (hen suddenly broke in to speech. "Madam," ho sa'id, "1 nm in my senior year at the Washington state agricultural college at Pullman." The woman nt this point in the conver sation remembered another engagement nnd the others of the. pnrtv giggled guardedly in their sleeves. American eLague. I'layer. AB. ir. Speaker 631 ' 205 Cobb 527 193 Jacksoi 570 lyu National League, riayer. AB. II. Chase 527 178 Daubert 449 144 Wheat 547 174 Tot. .380 .300 .340 Pet. .337 .320 .318 TODAY'S IF TABLE American League. Pet. Club. Today. W. Boston 095" .597 Chicago 573 .570 Detroit 503 .... I.. .591 .570 National League. I'layer. Pet. F.veu. W. I.. Brooklyn ... .012 015 .008 Philadelphia .004 007 .000 Boston 592 .590 .597 .583 $ TODAY'S BALL SCORES I . . . : . . Phillies Beat Dodgers. By H. C. Hamilton, Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 28. Pat Mornn's Phillies advanced to within half a gamo of the leadership of tho National league this afternoon when they trounced the Brooklyn Dodgers in tho first game of their three game series here this nfternoou. Wijh Alexander in the box the Phil lies won 8 to 4. Twenty thousand wild eyed fans Viewed the battle, which at times seemed likely to turn most anyway, i no ramies jumped into the lead with three runs in the second innine. but the Dodgers choked the bases with men in the fifth tund became menacing. i despite the fact that by this time the 1 In Hum hud piled up seven runs. 'tagged fielding in spots, which, has cropped out again today ,ind was re sponsible for much of their trouble. L TODAY REESE BROS. AfricanderCo Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Jubilee Singers. A $1.00 Show at 25c and 35c LISTEN FOR THE BAND n i Grand Theatre All This Week By H. 0. Hamilton. (United Press stuff correspondent.) iev iorK, sept. zn. The supreme tent of n season will be applied to tue MrooKiyn Dodgers this afternoon. With a day off under their belts nnd with every man in condition to play the game ot 11 is lite the Phillies will meet the Dodgers in the first uf n three game series which probably will decide the National league championship. The standing today found Brooklyn lending the league by n game and a half over (he Phillies. They added half a game to their weak hold by winning on the day dedicated to the laying of ghosts by Charles Ebbets and Joe Tin ker. This afternoon probably will find llube Mniipimil pitted against drover Cleveland Alexander. Mnrqunrd was given a rest yesterday by Robinson nnd sherod Smith was sent out to haul down the colors of the Cubs. It was -Mar- quard'a day to work, but he was saved fur the lid- lifting ceremonies tiuuiust the Phillies. Alexander, who has turn ed back National league clubs 15 times this seuson in shutout games, has not worked since Saturday when ho twice defeated the Reds. The Dodgers, after leading the Na tional league parade 'for five months, surmounting obstacles nt the crucial mo ments nnd then dropped into weird play which snatched their foundation from under them, find themselves confronted by tho most gruelling series of the sea son. . If they ena take' n majority of the three games they will have a lead which will mnke them favorites for the pen nant. And the same gofts for the Phil lies. The Giants will close the season with the Dodgers and 'those Giants, it must bo admitted, stand well up in Na tional lengtie society. In the American league today it is simply a case of beginning where they left off yesterday. The Red Sox, Hav ing drawn half a game nearer to the Johnson flag, engage the Yankees again Detroit will be idle but tho White Sox will meet Cleveland, i Two games and a half now stand between Bill Carrigan and another world's series pie. JncK Hurry, Red Sox second sacker, was in unitorni yesterdny and is ex pected to be back in the thick of the struggle before (he week is over. His return (o (he line-up will strengthen the champions. Giants Make it Twenty-five. New York, Sept. 28. Two shutout victories pitched by Jeff Tesreau and T (Fred Schupp this afternoon extended (he A.,., i um uiuuta luiuiiinnuic DLiiug of consecutive victories to 25. The Bos ton Braves were the victims in both ends of a double header, 2 to 0 and 6 to 0. In winning the second game, Fredie Schupp held the Braves to one hit, scoring Ins sixth successive remarkable victory. He has held his opponents to an average of less than three hits a game. Tesrenu had a pitching duel with Ru dolph before (he first game went to the Giants, 2 to 0. The big Giant twirl er held the Braves to six hits, Rudolph yielding a like number. The Giants landed on Regan hard in the third in ning or the second game, scoring five runs. Schupp was u regular Gibraltar nnd turned the Braves back in order inning after inning. New York played errorless ball behind him. The Brnves winning streak which had reached six games was broken by the double defeat. The Ginnts are now with in threo games of all existing records for consecutive victories, both minor league and major and have exceeded by five games the previous big league mark. Extra! Vaudeville! All This Week BLIGH THEATRE E. National First game R. H. Boston 0 li New Yro k 2 0 Hudolph anil Gowdv; Tesrenu and McCarthy. Second game R. 11. V Boston 0 1 New York 0 8 0 Rngan, N'ehf ami Gowdv, Blackburn Schupp nnd .MeCarty, Kocher. mostly in one pair of trousers and a revolver, Mr. Pade gave chase and soou halted the wondering Willies. It ap pears that the languago used by Mr. Pade offended the tramp wearing tho Sunday clothes and it was only by the persuasive use of the revolver that ho was induced to return to the tent, di vest himself of the Pade good clothes and stmt on his way with his wander ing Willie garments. t Court House News $ llary h. Sybeldon, administratrix of. the state of Mary A. Gates, deceas ed, lias been ordered by the county court to sell real estate belonging to the estate. of Oregon Hop Growers association vs. Dick, has been enjoined from selling his crop of hops by order of Judgo Biishey of the county court. R. H. E. Philadelphia 8 9 ! Brooklyn 4 0 ! Alexander nnd Killit'er: Cheney Coombs and Miller. No other scheduled. American Pacitic Coast League Standings W. L. Pet. l.os Angeles 101 07 .001 Vernon 100 74 .575 Portland 80 81 .497 Salt Lake 82 84 .494 New York Boston Mogridge and Wallers: Cady. (10 innings.) Slavs E. 0 1 and Washington Philadelphia Gallin and Henry; and Schang. R. It. 8 E. 4 8 .8 1 5 3 Nnbors, Bressler A request has been filed with the county clerk by the plaintiff in the case of Henry Meister vs. Fred .T. Mil ler (hat the case be placed upon the Lllurnld fuse nf Hnhlmnl i r in i aocKei. Oscar Pick, defendunt in the case Action for divorce has bein filed in the circuit jjourt by Pauline J. o.lsso-i against Louis U. Josse. The demand for hunter's licenses continues strong at the office of the county clerk. The following were grant ed licenses this morning: Miller B. Ilnyden, J. A. Bamble and Carl K. Tay lor of Snlem: Leo Connor, John Dav idson, L. A. Buysorie, I. F. Buyserie, Ambrose Connor nnd Francis Connor of St. Paul j Clement t'rnne, Joseph, Wolf, George Doit., J. A. James, ('. W. James of Aumsville; K. K. Hurtness and J. C. Ritchey of Silverton; L. D. Kunlile, Flmer Schmucker, Ernest Scholz, Pete Mathias and Albert SmitU of Aurora; James Ryan and ClifiSel Case of Donald; Joe Ranch and Tims. Harrison of Gervais; Peter DeHuire of Wondhurn; Gene Bowman of Shelburn; J. B. Farr of Waeonda; H. ('. Baches of Amity; M. J. MVCormick of West Woodburu; Bruce Bowne of Turner. Chicago-Cleveland postponed, rnio. No other scheduled. Engagement Extraordinary SSi Grand Theatre it ' ........TTTTTT,,,, & The World's Greatest Peature CIV IZA ION The Great Ince Triumph in 1 1 reels with 1000 thrills. Brought direct in its entirety from a .uu. nttiw enSoSciiiKiii ai me newg ineatre, Portland, Oregon SPLENDID ORCHESTRA WONDERFUL EFFECTS FEATURE CHORUS A REVELATION J Prices Same as in Portland, 25c, 50c, 75c. Reserved Seat Sale Opens Today Jllllltllllllllllll - " m To have one's Sunday clothes stolen from a slcepiiij! tent while taking a bath in the house is n hard luck story, but that is exnetly what happened to Hen Pade, of the V. W. Moore furni ture s(ore, at his home yesterday morn ing at about 11 o'clock. While taking the bath Mr. Pade heard a noise, in the back yard and looked out just in time to see two hoboes leaving, one of thein wearing his best suit of clothes. Clad The fool and his money form n com bination that keeps the rest of the world busy. MarionButter Awarded 1 First Premium by Judges of the State Fair Butter Exhibit. Butter Awards Made. The judges of tho butter exhibits completed their work Inst night, awarding first premium for but(er to the Marion Creamery -of Salem, with a score of 93.935 per cent. Coos county was given second nward, with a score of 93.00 per cent. A. A. Oswald of the Hnzelwood Creamery, was third, with a score of 93.5. Mr. Boin, of Coquille, fourth, with 92.60 per cent, linsm'ussen, of Portland; fifth, with 02.5 per cent, and S. O. Rice, of Mt. Angel, sixth,witli 91 per cent. The judges, T. S. Townsend, of Port land, C Shallinger nnd O. B. Neptune, declared the'exhibit splendid and said they were obliged to go into the fine details in order to place the first r. wards. LAST TIMES TODAY MARY PICKFORD in HULDA FROM HOLLAND See New and Used FURNITURE on display at 341 N. Commer cial street. We take your old furniture in exchange for new and allow the highest price. New Furniture for Less E. L. Stiff & Son, - 341 North Commercial Managed by Frank Richter