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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1916)
r ! ... m t " FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES , . i . m . . CntCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY vtyj THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 194 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS OH TRAJsTf AMD VBW1 STANDS 7ITB CB1TTS v t i vii 1 , -u ol ai ii ii ii ii i m a si it1 j1 a w i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 si 1 1 ALLIES SCORE VICTORY! IN BAU1 OFFENSIVE Serbs Capture 25 Cannon ail Bulgars In Full Retreat Tlri Greek Frontier-British and French Both Made ImJ s'ant Gains Over Bulgars Haig Reports Advance of 2t ) Yards at Combles-Four German Aeroplanes Shot Down Paris, Sept. 15. Allied troops have scored the great est victories against the Germans and Bulgarians since the Balkan offensive began, it was officially announced today. The Serbs drove the Bulgars back ten miles in a'hasty retreat on the allied left wing capturing Garnitichevo by a brilliant bayonet charge and the major part of the crest of Markanidge. Serbian cavalry pursued the retreating cuiganans ana capiurea cne village oi Ukesu. British troops have captured Matchoukevo and two heights north of the latter village. On (he right bank of the Vardar the French captured Bulgarian trenches to a depth oi OUO yards on a front of 1500 yards. The Germans attacked in force east of Clery, but were checked with heavy losses. South of the Somme, northeast of Berny-en-Santerre, a German grenade attack was checked. Between the Oise and the Aisne, the French cleaned up a German trench, inflicting losses and taking prison ers. At Verdun the Germans twice unsuccessfully tried to reach the French lines east of the Meuse. The Serbians captured 25 cannon and a large number of prisoners. The Bulgarians are still in retreat and fighting is continuing. The exact number of prisoners and the amount of booty taken has not been reported to the allied base at Salonika. " , ' The Serbs won their greatest victory northwest of Lake Ustrovo, where berbian successes were reported yesterday. After smashing Bulgarian trenches in the hilly region, the Serbians evidently poured . through the breach in the Bulgarian line in force and threw back the defenders in disorderly retreat toward the Greek frontier. The Anglo-French gains in the Vardar valley were made in the face of the most determined Bulgarian resistance. Break Third Line. Br Ed L. Keen. (daited Press staff correspondent.) London, Sept. 15. British troops have broken the German third line fn . the ereat nssnult iiinncnirntKil fhU I morning snid a Heuter dismitch f mm I Press hendnimrtcm nt th R,i;.h h.t i thin afternoon. i It is reported that the village of , .tuts, a mile and one-half northwest of Ginchv, has bgeen captured The British are sweeping eastward , toward the village of Morval, nbout two ' miles directly north of Tumbles, iu a I yrout movement that threatens to sur-! round the Germans in Comtles and ef. V't their capture. Tho greater part of Bouleuux wood. ' a mile northwest of Ooinbles. has al- ready been captured by General Hair's men. . - " j The British advance according to fragmentary bulletins received here to- night is the greatest made bv Generil Huig's nicii since the opening of tho' eilhod offensive. since the allied offensive began were The British are also reported to have rnnounced in an official bullet in issued leached the outskirts of the village of at Paris. The Serbians have driven Murtinprich, five miles from Bapaume. ' the Bulgarians back 10 miles on the al Two Great Battles. - I lied left wing, capturing two villages London, .Vpt. 15. Two of the srreat- est battles fought in Europe in scv- 1 -.- Tell Binkley has traded for a run about as it cost too much fer sody an ' cigars t' run his tourin' car. Neit t' listeiiin' t th' minutes of a previous meetin' ther haint nothin' as dull as liein' neutral. - Many Prisoners and Have eral weeks arc now racing nlong tb Somme front in northern France, nml along a 75 mile line in northern Greece, , L " . "ountc(,1 8,r,k," v,(,,ories '" bl"1' cu cou",e!, Allied war ottiees this afternoon an- British troops pushed out in a great Wow north of the Somme this morning, advancing more than 2,00(1 yards on a frollt of ab""t six mill'f'' til',l,'rl HaiB "f"",u " "".-. "n Klc " continuing nnd already large mtnv ,)era of German prisoners have been ,,rouK,lt '" A f',v hours before this advance on 'he British right wing aad center began, the British left wing struck last night southeast of Thiepval. German trenches trenches were captured on a front' of 1.000 vards including the strongly dc fended " Wsnderwerk. " At about the game time the French advanced to the c,'Ce of the village of Kancourt, further tightening the Auglo-i rench noose about the important town of Combles. I" the Balkans the greatest gains "d the principnl parts of the heights nr ni niirntttiin i 110 pi'mieii wnr niiinA i further announced the-capture of Mat choukevo village and two heights ti the north by the British and the capture of nearly a mile of Bulgarian trenches to a depth of six hundred yards by the French. The German war office, for the first time since the allies took the offensive in Macedonia, admitted allied successes this afternoon. Berlin announced that the Serbs have captured the Mulkaniilje positions but claimed the repulse, by the Germans of British soldiers' who' had gained a temporary success in the Var dar valley. While the allies were winning suc cesses on the Somme and in northern Greece, tho Italians attacked and cap tured Austrian entrenchments east of Vnllone. taking 2,117 prisoners and a large amount of booty, ma chine guns and trench mortars, it was officially announced at Home. Tierce righting in Balkans. London, Sept. 13. Field Marshal Mackensen, in supreme command of the Teutonic 0eratious in the Balkans, has arrived on the German Bulbar front to direct the defense against the new on slaughts of the allies. A Salonika dispatch today reported that the German Bulgnr commanders are hastilly re grouping their forces in Ma cedonia. Large bodies of troops are being concentrated in the Vardnr val ley to meet an expected Anglo-Freuch offensive. The fighting on the whole of the al- (Continued on page n'ne.) BRITISH COLUMBIA DET AND WOMEN CAN VOTE . ' Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 15. British Columbia has gone dry." This was clearly indicated to- day in early returns from yes- terday'g voting. The prohibi- tionists are couccded a majority of 7,500 with 10,000 soldiers ballots to'be counted October 12. Vancouver nud Victoria both gave a big majority for prohibi- tion. The dry law becomes ef- fective next July. Woman suffrage carried by n vote of 4 to 1. BARK STAR OF CHILE Owners Say She Came Near Shore to Get Bearings But Is Safe San Francisco, Sept. 15. Reports that the bark Star of Chile was a- ground and in danger off Point Pedro, south of the Golden Gate, were denied today by officials of the Alaska Pack ers association, owners of the ship. Officials said that, losing her way in the dense fog off the Heads, the bark came in close to Point Pedro to get her bearimrs. hut I'nnr ahn nnt go aground and had gone off shore again. There arc 200 men aboard the bark. Bay She is In Danirer San Francisco, Sept. 15. Out of the fog which enshrouds the sea off the Golden Gate came no word today solv ing the mystery surroundincr the fnto of the bark Star of Chile and the 200 men aboard her. Tne tug Fearless was searching the sea early today follow ing reports thnt the bark had gone a- ground off Point Peiiro, 25 miles south. Neither the Alaska Packers associa tion, owner of the vessel, nor the Bed ftacK lug company, owner of the Fear less, nas re.-eived any word. Italian fishermen hurried . to nort last night with the reiwrt tint the bark was in danger iu the treacherous south currents three quarters of a mile off shore. The vessel carries no wire less and this was the only method of griuux worn oi its piignt asnore. ine Star of Chile is inbound from Bristol Bay, Alaska, with the season's pack. It is also carrying tne 200 era ployes of tho Bristol cannery. BILLINGS TRIAL IS I iWitnesses Tell Little, and Lawyers Talk Much But Say Nothing Sun Francisco., Sept. 15. Both sides scored today during the trial of War ren K. Billings on charge of minder in connection with tho prej aredness ln nine uomu explosion. Despite objections of Attorney MV Xutt, chief counsel for the defense, the siuie succeeded in interjecting testi mony ny Liner ot Collie White nnd Ttaffic Sergeant Goff showing that Hillings hnd told widely divergent stor ies following his arrest. To offset this victory for the state, the defense suc ceeded iu having barrel evidence re garding dynamite said to liavo been ,'Hched near Tanforan by Hillings. A neur sensatidn was aiming shortly before noon today wheu an attache of the district attorney's office, carrying a suitcase filled with 7(1 sticks of' dy namite, came striding down tho aisle of the court room. This was tho ex plosive alleged by the proseeutiou to have been cached at Tanforan. Attorney Mc.Nutt immediately dash ed the prosecution's hopes of placing this explosive iu evidence by vigorous ly opposing its admission. Hint the defense hones to tear down the case of the proseeutiou by showing that Billings and Thomas Mooney, one of the four other persons indicted for murder, were shadowed by private de tectives prior to the bomb explosion became apparent today. FROST IN NEBBA8SA ' ' -Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 15. The first frost of the year visited Nebraska earlv today but corn was so far matured as to be out of danger. In several localities the frost was fairly heavy. In some sections slight damage to late corn may result, but this will be very slight as there was little -late corn. The remainder of tho corn crop will be benefit- ed, it is said, Nebraska hav fever sufferers are again smiling today, the first time for weeks. V CARRANZA ALL FOR AH ELECTION These to Form Constitutional Congress and to Meet October 25 DECREE ASKS REVISION OF PLAN OF GUADALUPE Today Is Mexican "Fourth of W-Oflicials Are Watchful Mexico City, Sept. 13. Mexico is about to resume her place among t'.ic repuoncs or tne western hemisphere after four years of revolutionary dis turbances. A -decree issued by General Carranza on the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of Mexican independence prepares the way for the present de facto government to be replaced by a substantial constitutional government. The decree calls for a revision of sev eral articles of the Plan of Guadalupe, drawn np on December 12, 1014, and makes provision for the election of members of a national congress. An other decree will be issued tomorrow, calling for the election of a constitu tional congress on October 25. The first session of the new congress will be November 20, probably at Coyoacan a suburb of Mexico City. The decree issued last night provides that each state and territory shall elect a deputy to congress and a sub-deputy for every 70,000 inhabitants, and an additioaal deputy if the fraction above 70,000 exceeds two sevenths of that number. Any state or territory not having 70,000 -i. habitants is entitled to elect a deputy and sub-deputy also. - The eligibility requirements are the same as those provided in the election of 1857. Those who opposed the consti tutional government with arms will be ineligible to hold office. Villa at Chihuahua : Juarez, Mexico, Sept. 1.5. (Via- F.l Paso) Kxtraordinary precautions were taken to prevent revolutionary upris ing here on the occasion of the celebra tion of national independence day to day. Carranza troops arc guarding each street and civilians found carrying arms will be arrested. Only persons registering and known to the officials will be allowed to hear the reading of "gnto, (the Mexican declaration ot independence.) Villista bandits are pillaging in the outskirts ot Chihuahua City, it was re ported to the military authorities here. The people tear that ulu will make good his threat to attack the city on independence day. Inquiry As To Cars Needed to Transport Troops Stirs the Border By Webb C. Miller (I'nited Press staff correspondent) F.l Paso, Texas, Sept. 15. That ten tative plans are under wnv for with drawal of the national guard from the border was revealed today when tele grams from Washington reached every guard commander asKiug how many tourist and stock cars would be neces sary to transport troops back to their respective state mobilization camps. Guard officers today are making up reports of the number of cars needed to carry each organization. As the report of receipt of telegrams spread over the militia camps hern it caused a buzz of excitement among of ficers who believe it forecasts an early withdrawal of the guardsmen. Armv ouicinls at headquarters, how ever, pointed out that the actual with drawal may be weeks or months dis tant as this is only the first move. After the homeward movement begins it will consume several weeks as the transportation to their home stntes of one hundred thousand troops, with lim ited trackage, is a huge problem. Stock Market Booms Prices Rule Higher New York. Sept. 13. The New York Evening Sun financial review today says: Although operations throughout the list today were in heavy volume, with further decided improvement in many parts of the list, there was not the fur ious buying which marked the greater OF CONGRESSMEN 0 FELLOWS REAP 111 HARVEST IN T Morgan, Rockefeller and Du pont Gather In Many SMALL DEALERS MAKE TREMENDOUS WINNINGS Money Mad Speculators Dressed In Rubbers Jam Gambling Resort New York, Sept. 15. The Morgan, Rockefeller nud Dupont groups of fin anciers have reaped millions in in creased valuation of thoir holdings in the present boom on tho stock exchange, according to estimates in Wall street to day. Steel, oil and motor stocks have been lenders in the wild rusn of specu lation which recorded one million shares day after another and sent prices to new high records on many successive days. The boom started iu the "Morgan group" and it is common talk on the street that a bullish sentiment was de sired in order to facilitate the flotation of the recent British loan. As the up ward movement was getting well under way, Maine election returns were inject ed into the situation and a price move ment followed, described as similar to the boom which started when first re turns indicated McKinley'a election in IShU. I'nited States Steel went to a record at 107 a share yesterday, a figure which was duplicated today; General Motor shot upward at a $50 a "day rate to t'.'50 a share and was but slightly under thnt figure today. . Standard Stocks Rocketed. On the curb the various Standard Oil stocks have been successfully rocket ing, Standard Oil of Indiana, Ohio Oil and Prairie Oil and Gas selling up nearly a hundred points during the course of the movement. These three groups represent in order, the interests of Morgan, Dupont nud Rockefeller. International Mercantile Marine, an other Morgan interest, which, with Uni ted States Steel, form the two great est mergers ever made in this country, has been another of the lenders in the present movemeut, common selling from 50 cents to 50.75 and preferred from $:i to $125.25 iu little more than a year. Identified with the Dupont interests arc two other groups known as the Katiffman anil the CliutuinPhoenix bunk groups. General Motors, Chevro let Motors nnd United Motors by their advances, have enriched these men by millions. Almost unnoticed General Mo tors new stock nppcuied on the curb market, selling for future deliveries "when issued" nud jumped from 125 to 100 a share. Little Fellows Art V timers. It is on the curb that the little fel lows have run shoestrings into 'thou sands during the present movements. The game of the small speculator there has been riding the upward market by purchase of low priced copper stocks. One example of inflation jn this list is furnished bv United Verde lixtcnsion par value 50 cents, which sold nt less tiinn !2 a share recently und hail jump ed today to 015. Wild scenes were enacted on the curb today as " war brides" continued to ad vance. It poured down ruin during the morning, but trading did not even hesi tate for nu iiiHtnnt. Dressed in rubber coats and lints, curb brokers dashed from group to group in the street, sig naling und shouting orders to their men leaning out of windows. The crowd jn mined the street from curb to curb und t limiting of the brokers could be heard blocks away. Curbed for the bnd venther the brokers appeared to be dressed for a carnival. .Men representing different houses wore vnrinus colored rubber hats. Blue, red, yellow nnd orange lints bob bed nbout in the crowd, while, with a wild gesticulating the brokers trans mitted orders to their offices. part of Thursday's session or the 'fev erish anxiety on the part of the com mission house customers to get into the market. There were many cross currents born of realizing snles, bear pressure and new buying. Stocks which hud not been so active were taken up with good re sults, while interest in stnndurd rails was mor pronounced, particularly in I'uion Pacific, which moved up to a new high record for the year. Many sharp advances were recorded nmong the so-called specialties and in some of the equipment shares. United Stntes Steel and other steel issues were In demand on all recessions; also the cop pers, especially Anaconda and Ameri can Smelting and American Can and the railway equipjment securities. In the lato dealings prices as a rule were strung under the lead of I'uion Pacific, New York Central and the steels. BOOMING 1 FIRE UNDER CONTROL . ' San Jose, Cal., Sept. 15. For the first time since the battle was started Sunday, fire fight- crs early this morning expressed a hope that the forest fire in the Santa Cruz mountain dis- trict is under control and will soon bum itself out without causing further damage. The fa- mous Jf'alifornita redwoods are safe, as are the ranch houses on the O'Neal, Letcher, Bolph and Deeririg ranches. Back firing in adobe canyon proved effective finally,' m keeping the blaze from crossing to Black mountain Lowden's 107,000, Dunne's 70,000-McCormick Is An , Easy Winner Chicago, Sept. 15. With only 344 down state precincts missing from Wed nesday's primary, indications' today were that former Congressman Frank O. Lowdcn, republican, for governor, will have a plurality of 107,000 over Morton D. Hull, his nearest opponent. The vote gave Lowden 20li,8S4j Smith, 72,524; and Hull, 108,750. ith 844 precincts missing, Governor Dunne, democrat, for governor, received 129,024 votes, a plurality of about 70,- 000 votes over William Brinton, Roger Sullivan entry. Trayaor's vote was 1S,75. Latest returneg indicate thnt Medill ivicCormick is an easy winaer for the re publican nomination for congressman at large. Former Senator William E. Ma- son is still lending over B. M. Chipper- field and is believed a winner, though Cuipperfield continues to cut down Ma son's Cook county' plurality with a heavy poll down state. James B. Mann, republican leader in the house, won re-nomination for con gressman over Bev. M. P. Boynton, 14,- NOI) to 3,4M. Charles Martin.- democrat, for con gressman iu the Fourth district, was the only interloper who broke the charmed circle of sitting congressmen in the 25 districts of Illinois. He defeated Congressman James T. McDermott for the 0mocrntic nomination. THREATEN 10 CALL Managers Think Strike Brok en, Strike Leaders Think Otherwise New Vork, Sept. 1.1. With subway and elevated lines running nt better than nornuil capacity and taking care of the overflow from the tied up sur face lines, ot'ficiiils of New York's traction systems today declared the carmen's strike was broken. With a showing of tome 10,000 for mer employes sticking to tiieir strike, union labor leaders countered with n threat thnt unless a settlement camo on ihcir own terms lliey would tie up the city on Monday with a syaipathetic strike of 4lO,noo trade unionists. Be tween the two divergent forces, Mayor Mitchcl and the public service commis sion nro seeking so far in vain to obtain some middle ground for adjust ment. I'nlph Fusseno, driver of aa ice trucji, was hurled twenty feet and prob ably fatally injured, when a Third avenue car plunged down n grade at Ninety Sixth street today into the truck, Tiie strikebreaking inntnrmnn, William Mi'Gownu, and several passen gers were cut nnd bruised. Anna Schwartz, age 22, a passenger, had both hips ditJocatcd. Numerous instances of "bombnrd nient " of elevated trains by milk bot tles, stones and other handy missies were reported today. No one was in jured. One shot was fired, the bullet lodging iu the woodwork of the car. The socialist party headquarters here today announced a campaign for munic ipal ownership of all transportation lines in the city, with a series of meet ings to thresh out all sides to the issue. KAISER'S NEPHEW KILLED Berlin, via wireless to Pay- ville, L. I., Sept. 15. Prince Frederick WWilhelm of llesso, a nephew of Kaiser Wilhelm, was killed in the fighting near Cara Ormnn, in the Balkans, it. was officially announced today. Prince Frederick Wilhelm was 23 years old and a member of the non-reigning branch of the royal house of Hesse. Ho had been wounded earlier iu the war. LI IIO CONKS Oil COOS BAY SPIT A RED HOT VRECK Fire Started When She Was Thirty Miles Off Shore at One o'CIock WON RACE WITH DEATH : BY NARROWEST MARGIN AH of Her 453 Passengers Saved-5,000 Barrels of : Oil in Tanks Burns CONGRESS' PASSENOEBS Eugene, Or., Sopt. 15. A ape- ciul train to carry passengers from the burned liner Congress ' to Seattle left here at 7:30 a. iu. today for Marshfield. It is due to arrive there about 12.30 p. m. Southern Pacific officials said that the passengers would 4c not reach Portland before to- morrow morning. A second special is boing made up for the crew. It will follow that of the passengers. ' Marshfield, Ore., Sopt. 15. Officers of the burned liner Congress were un able to tell today how the fire started. They agreed it originated in cargo un der the second . steerage, aft. Smoko curling up from the bold gavs the first warning. ' . ' There is nothing left of the crack steamer but its metal parts steel hull, smokestacks and masts. Smoke was still drifting -from the blackened ehell at A report that several passengers had been overlooked in their-staterooms and suffocated was denied today by officers. They declared a careful check had been mudo and every person accounted for. The special train from Kugenn to con vey passengers to Seattle is due to ar rive early this afternoon. Its appaer ance is eagerly awaited bv the passen gers saved from the floating furnace. Many went to the beach this morning to view tho wreck. The Congress lies a short distance off shore. Some of the castaways wore ill fitting garments, donated by sympathetic towaspeople. Their own wore burned. A lnrgc num ber were seasick and lying in berths disrobed when stewards spread tho fire alarm. "I never saw so many babies aad little toddlers aboard ship before," said Mrs. D. K. Smith, of Seattle. "Thia added to the .danger, but nearly every body was composed. Some were hys terical but most laughed and joked." All Behaved Splendidly. Mrs. Smith declared that even whilo the hot decks could bo felt under foot nnd the roaring flames heard, some of tho men nnd women crowded in the bow tried to treat the affair like a pleas ant adventure. Mrs. F. L. Asliton, of Seattle, saved a baby. It's seasick mother left it in Mrs. Ashtoa's care. She carried it down B ladder to a lifeboat, and restored it to the mother on shore. Mrs. Ashton'a hand wns crushed uetween the lifeboat nnd the steamer's side. Mrs. S. B. Snrensoii, of San Fran cicco, snid: " Kveryhody behaved splen didly, A steward came to my state room and askcil me to come on deck im mediately. When we got into the cor ridor he rushed me through a wall of smoke, putting his hand over my nose and mouth so I wouldn't breathe it." II. L. Peck, of Los Anjeles, an of ficial of the Pacific. Klectric company, was en route to Seattle to visit hrn brother. He praised the crew for its coolness. He said all the luggage that could be saved was piled in the bow and lowered to lifeboats after nil pas sengers were off. Marshfield, Ore., Sept. 15. Sinoka pouring from its upperworks and its steel plates red hot in spots from th rumbling blaze inside, all that is left of the crack coast liner Congress lay on Coos Bay spit today practically a total loss, (Continued on Vm flven. : THE WEATHER 4t ArtEfe THIS- VACATION INEffl "TO Oregon: To night and Sun day fair, easterly winds. . I t mil