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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1916)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1916. 1 r i i 8 SOCIETY By ALINE . Society and devotees flocked to tho tenuis courts today to attend the open lag of tho tenuis 'tomirament which is being iicld at the Salem tennis club courts on the stute uospltnl grounds. Mrs. Cforge 1'. Kodgers had charge of the refreshments today and the tables which have beeu placed under the trees for the beverages were surround ed all afternoon with chatty matrons and maids. ..'" - Assisting today 's hostess were Mrs. Frederic 1). Thielsen, Mrs. William H. Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. Charles L. Mc Nary, Miss Ellen Thielsen and Miss Margaret Rodgers. Tomorrow Mrs. Harry H. dinger will be in charge and will be assisted by Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs. L. F. Griffith, Mrs. Kd 'win h. Baker, Miss Elizabeth Lord and ,Mis Gertrude Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Young of Al bany motored to Salem today to at lead the tennis tournament and were Quests of the Chaunocy Bishops. Mr. Young is among the Albany players, 'who will participate in the tournament. ' Miss Nancy Skail'o and Miss Mary Kckerlin have returned rrom Astoria, where they attended regatta. Mrs. Harry Olinger has as her guests 'for the tournameut, Mrs. W. I. North-j-up of Portland and Mrs. Stafford of Seattle. The visitors arrived todny iand are among tho entrants in the tour nament. flrs. E. T. Judd and Miss Alice Judd motored home Wednesday from a three weeks sojourn at Astoria and Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kckerlin have visiting them, Mrs. 10. Carroll and small daughter, Helen, of Olympin, Washing ton. Dr. and Mrs. Armin Steincr return ed Tuesday from Nutans, accompany ing Mr. and Mrs. Karl Anderson and their guest, Miss Annette Graber, who motored home after an outing at the various Tillamook benches. Miss Margaret Putnam, who has ac cepted a position as stenographer with H. W. Collins, was formerly head clerk Jn the automobile department of the secretary of state's office at Salem. This is Miss Putnam's first visit to Pendleton and she is much impressed witii tho town and particularly anx ious to attend the Kouudup. She snys that in the valley the Koundup has been the one big topic of discussion for several weeks and that a largo del egation from Snlcni and vicinity un doubtedly will be here this year. Pendleton Tribune. Mrs. Fred 8. Stewart has as her house guest Mrs. S. R. Jessup of Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Jessup has many friends in Sa!em and her visits hero always are tho inspiration for many delight ful littlo affairs. M.r. and Mrs. Annuel Bush motored to Newport Monday morning, return ing late the sumo evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Grnham, who have been summering in Portland, re turned home Friday. While in Port land the Grahams were tho gnosis of Mr. Graham's parents, Captain and Mrs. A. W. Graham, and Mrs. Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Moore- Mrs. Henry A. Connoyer has as her 0 A BUSTER BROWN T V V SHOES K 1 vfoCfc Stop Your Worry SO many people allow their children's Shoes to wor ry them terribly, and all because they have not be come acquainted with Buster Brown "Blue Ribbon" Shoes. "A nice patent leather for this girl will do, but this boy the way he goes through his shoes is something awful!" Listen, Madam, we have a new Buster Brown Shoe with the "Tel-Til-Tip" for that boy of yours that will put your shoe worries com pletely out of business. They may cost a trifle more than some other makes but they are made to hold the liveliest kicker, and that's worth the price. NewFall Suits for Boys Stylishly tailored Knickerbocker Suits a wide range of fancy and serviceable fabric, made to withstand the skirmishes in which Young America is sure to participate priced $2.25 to $7.00 THOMPSON (house guest, Miss Monroe Dodson of ; ltaker, Oregon. Miss Dodson will visit 111 riuinil iur .wf ..... be the motif for a number of infor mal attentions. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Merwin and small son, Paul Henry, motored to Portland for the dav Wednesday. -. t o..L.i n.l will Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Platts and daughter, Dorothy, left yesterday for Salem, where they reside. .Mr. I'latts is maniiul training teacher in the high school there. They have spent tac summer in Eugene, their former home. Eugene Hegister. The Junior Guild of the Episcopal church will meet on Saturday after noon at the home of Mrs. Arinin Stein er, 'i'i'l North Church street. PERSONALS : Prof. D. H. Ennis is in the city from Los Angeles. H. J. Hassey of Concomly was a Sa lem visitor yesterday. H. C. Miller and wife of Dillard were registered yesterday at the Hligh. Louis Neff of Kurjene is visiting his parents on North Sixteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Criss of Vancou ver, Wash., were in Salem yesterday. Miss Laura Ames and Miss Alma Ames of Silverton were Salem visitors yesterday. Doughis iMe('utrnn of Hroadaeres was transacting business in the city yesterdnv. J. M. Martin of Maclenv was trans acting business in the city yesterday afternoon. B. G. Cochran was registered at the Cornelius hotel in Portland yesterday, and A. A. Bynon at the Seward. K. A. Lucas returned yesterday from a ten day trip to the mountains and left this morning on a business trip in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Ranch, Miss Ger trude Walling and William P. Murphy arc on a vacation on the Suntiam and expect to be away ten days. 1. L. Guiss, postmaster of Woodburn is in the city the guest of his sister, Mrs. E. Cooke Patton. He is taking part in the tennis tournament. Judge Gives Advice, Friend Gives Money Portland, Or., Sept. 7. ''Yon should be making your peace with God rather than forging checks," said Judge Davis today in paroling Mannie Gug genheim, traveling salesman, who iileuded guilty to the charge. Gnggen leim is near death, suffering from con sumption. He was arrested in El Paso. A former partner came here from Seat tle and furnished uioney to send Gug genheim back to his home in Texas. CHAMPION DEFEATS "WONDER" Morion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. Sept. 7. ''Hobby" Jones, Atlanta's 1 year old wonder, lost to national champion Robert A. Gardner of Chi cago this afternoon in the third round match play of the national amateur golf championship. Hobby was defeat ed by four up and three to go. "Chick" Evans, Chicago,, beat John G. Anderson, New York, 0 up and 8 to piny. Let These ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Id di ge sti on. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. E . OVER THLBIG DIVIDE Well Known Salem Man and - Pioneer'In Flax Industry Is Dead Following a stroke of apoplexy while in Portland, Eugene Bosse, the pioneer flax grower of Oregon, died at 8 o'clock last night at the Good Samaritan hos pital. Mr. Bosse, who was 76 years old was found unconscious in his room at tho Perkins hotel yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. He was rushed to the hos pital and was in a critical condifion all day. He went to Portland three days ago in connection with his work at Eugene where he was superintending flax oper ations for the Eugene Chamber of Com merce. He retired early Tuesday even ing leaving a call for an early hour. As ho failed to respond to a later call, the clerk went to investigate and found Mr. Bosse unconscious. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Emile Hansett of Salem and several grand children. As yet no funeral ar rangements have been announced. Mr. Bosse came to Oregon from Bel gium about -0 years ago to take charge of the flax experiments con ducted by a syndicate in which Mrs. W. P. Lord was interested. His ex periments in flax growing were so suc cessful that he won first prize at the St. Louis world's fair over the products of the best growers in the world and at the Lewis and Clark fair in Portland and the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific fair at Seattle. Early in his efforts in flax growing, he suffered losses from fire at his plant near Salem. A large amount of fibre and machinery were burned in 1SI02 in his mills at the mouth of Mill creek and two years another mill near the state farm was burned. He returned to Belgium several years ago and remained there until the Germans confiscated the flax and over-run the. country. On his return to Oregon, he was induced to take charge of the flax work at Eugene and it was while in Portland on business in con nection woth the Eugene work, that he was stricken. RIPLEY REFUSES (Continued tram page one.) are going to do we can do nothing. So tar as we know, no general and con certed plnu exists among the roads to ignore the Adamson law. I expect a complete report today from A. B. Gar rotson, head of our brotherhood, to gether with a copy of the Adamson law and its interpretation by the brother hoods." "We are not ready at. this time to make any statement," said E. D. Sew an, vice-president of the Chicago, Wil waukee & St. Paul. At the offices of the Burlington and Northwestern it was stated they had made no plans. TODAY'S BALL SCORES: National R. II. E. Brooklyn 12 3 New York 4 6 1 Rueker and Miller; Schupp and Rar iden. First game R. II. E. Philadelphia 4 12 1 Boston ' 2 6 1 Kixey and Kdlifer; Itugan and tiow dy. Second game R. II. E. Philadelphia 2 6 0 Boston 0 5 1 Mayer and Burns; Hughes, Barnes and Gowdv. R. II. E. Chicago 4 11 0 Pittsburg ..: 5 12 0 Packard, Prendergnst, Carter and Archer, Wilson: Mammaux, Cooper and Schmidt, Fischer. American R. II. E. New Yurk 1 8 2 Washington 5 8 0 Mogridge and Alexander; Gallia and Williams. ' R. II. E. New York 3 8 0 Washington ; -2 10 4 Fisher Slid Walters; Avers and Heu rv. R. H. E. Boston 2 4 4 Philadelphia 0 6 1 Coster and Thomas; Nabors and I'ichnich. R. H. E. Cleveland 3 11 1 Chicago . 5 5 Bagby and O'Neill; Faber and Seoul. Harney County Tribune: Recent press reports indicate that Crook coun ty will divide instead of moving the county seat, making Bend the seat of the new county. This seems a very amicable way of settling the matter. Outsiders had begun to fear that, where county scats were concerned, the name of the county was significant. THOMAS EDISON Commends the Many Nice Acts of President and Scores Standpatters Not since 18(15 has any campaign made such a direct call on simon-pure Americanism. The times are too serious to talk or think in terms of republican ism or democracy. Real Americanism must drop parties and get down to big fundamental principles. "More than any other president in my memory, Woodrow Wilson has been faced by a succession of tremendous problems, any one of which decided the wrong way would have had disastrous consequences. Wilson's decisions so far have not got us into any serious trou ble, nor are they likely to. He has given us peace with honor. Hughes' talk about the United States being despised iB nonsense. Neutral ity is a mighty trying policy, but back of it are international law, the rights of humanity and the future of civiliza tion. "With reference to Mexico I think the president has acted wisely, justly and courageously. It was right that the I'nited States should not have recog nized such a murderous personality as Huerta. I do not think we should have intervened, nor do I believe that we should intervene now. Mexico is a troublesome neighbor just now, but war and conquest is not going to make her a better one. Both against Eugland and against human slavery the United States worked out its salvation through revolution and it was a pretty slow trying process. "It has been said that Wilson at first was against preparedness. Perhaps he was, but when convinced that intelligent public opinion was overwhelmingly in favor of it, he changed. That is the proper thing to do. A president defiant of public opinion would be a dangerous man in our government. "His attitude on the tariff shows an equal openness of mind. A tariff com mission will take the whole problem out of politics. It is my hope that experts will be named and that the body will be continuing and vested almost with the dignity of the supreme court'. "They say he has blundered. Per haps he has. But I notice that he usual ly blundered forward. You can't get 100 per cent efficiency in a democ racy. I don't know that we ought to want it. We would be machines, and we would have to sacrifice too much of freedom. "As I said at the start, it has been just one big thing after another with Wilson. I have never known so many dangerous questions brought up for de cision to any one president. "In my opinion Mr. Hughes, if presi dent, would find it difficult to decide on the best course for the government to take had he been confronted with the possibility of a great railroad strike. His capacity for hindsight, as we learn from his speeches, is highly developed, but as to his foresight we are not equal ly well informed. "Mr. Wilson has now had about 'four years of experience, and he haB earned faith and trust. I do not think it a logical or sensible thine to change to an inexperienced and untried man just for the sake of change, or without much better reasons given for the change than I have noticed. "Roosevelt was my choice. He has had experience and is one of the best of Americans, but the machine-controlled republican party would not have him. Therefore I am for Woodrow Wilson." OPEN FORUM Concerning Tuition. Editor Capital Journal: Just a word about increasing the tuition for stu dents from the country districts at tending the Salem high school. The school board should make haste slowly in so critical an undertaking as to demand of our country boys and girls more tuition than that fixed by the clear intent of the law. In the end the reaction will surely re sult in not only loss to our school fund but also in intensifying the antagon istic feeling against the business in terests in our town on the part of many of the rural residents. Should the present demand of $72,57 per country pupil for one year's tui tion in the high school be insisted on, this attitude will result in many of our farmers moving into Salem with their families resulting in the entire loss of tuition. In other words it will greatly encourage the present movement of the country people into the city, thereby increasing tenant farming in Marion county with a consequent depreciation of our agricultural output. If Salem support is largely depend ent on the surrounding farming dis tricts, any movement that will work in--jury to the agricultural interests sur rounding the city will surely react on the social and business interests in our city. This attempt to build a wall around Salem's schools and shutting- the gates against ambitious country boys and girls unless they pay an exorbitaut tuition fee is certain to divert much of the trade which rightfully belongs to Sa lem merchants, into other channels. The country stores and mail order houses will profit by this move. The capital eity of Oregon cannot af ford to be pernicious in her attempt to hold up the ambitions country pupil. The qnalitv of her citizens will' be mis interpreted by others. Already we find the following com ment in the Oregon Daily Journal of ornvmucr o ox rortianil: "Salem is said to be the only city in the state that is objecting to" Church ill's way of figuriug the high school lumon cnarge. " Can we afford to be penny wise and pound foolish t OBSERVER. Journal Want Ait. n P. ...It. T Want Try on and see. E Says It Was a "Surrender to Force" and Roasts Presi dent and Congress By Perry Arnold. ' (United Press staff correspondent.) Hampton Beach, N. H., Sept. 7. "It is only one step to the abdication of government," was the characterization with which Charles E. Hughes here to day wound up a vigorous denunciation of the "policy of surrender to force" which he saw in President Wilson's hur rying through the eight hour law in at tempting to avert the railroad strike. The republican nominee went farther in his denunciation of the legislation than in any speech so far and a crowd of about 1,500 cheered him vociferous ly. "It is not an eight hour law," he vehemently asserted; "it is a wage law." He referred to "surrender of the rule of reason" and declared: "Against every effort of that sort by the hand of the executive, the auth ority of congress should be raised. We cannot surender what we have wou for free institutions iu the country. We have won the right of free discussion, a free press, a democratic form of govern ment, freo legislative assemblies, and an executive chosen by the people. We have left autocracy and we have left tyranny and we have left force. They shall not come back if we can help it. "We have had recently at the pro posal of the executive, an act passed by congress confessedly in ignorance of what justice demands; confessedly in ignorance of what tho facts require. It is not an eight hour law, it is a wage law and no one knew whether it was just or not. It may be just, but I am ngninst arbitrary action like that what strikes a blow at the fundamentals of our institutions. I propose in what wo do we shall investigate first and then legislate, not legislate first and then investigate." Court House News The county clerk has issued a mar riage license to Lloyd Vernon Bell of Corvallis and Bessie Olive Putnam of Salem. C. A. Huston of Salem has taken out a civil war veteran's hunting and fish ing license. The Oregon Electric Railway com pany instituted a suit in the circuit mirf thin mnrnina ,n A.nllont 4tA( mUti claimed to be due from Joe Neuman of woodburn for freight charges on a car of household goods. A suit to quiet titje in some land has been begun in the circuit court by Christian Engi against Ellen Chapman et al. An answer and a cross conVplnint has been filed in the circuit court by Alma Fischer in the case of Anton Fischer vs. Alma Fischer. It is asked in the cross complaint that the former coin plaint be dismissed and that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the parties be dissolved. The couple were married in Salem in May, 1005 The will of the late George W. Ste phenson has been admitted to probate by the county court. Alice H. Steph enson is named as executrix and Joe Ryan, John Murray and Earl Gibbons as appraisers. Registration at the county clerk's of fice since tho primary election has been Ktrht- nnlv 1 111 linvintr ArAtt Tr,in. dreds of Mnrion county voters have not yet registered. Registration for the presidential election will close Octo ber 7. 44 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444i444444444444444 4 School Specials A real money saving special for School Chil dren. All tablets, stu dents' notes, pen and pen cil tablets, composition books, drawing tablets, etc., at less than whole sale cost. All 5-cent books and tablets Crayolas, regular 5c how 4c 4c, or 3 for 10c Thomas Inks, regular 5c, now .... 4c All 10-cent books and tablets 2 for oc pencils, now 2 for 4c 9c, or 2 for 15c 5c pen holders and brushes, now. . 4c Always remember Everything in this Store Reduced at Least 20 PER CENT HOBSON'S 5, 10 and 15c Store 254 NORTH COIilMERCIAL STREET Salem Oregon !!",'M..,M,.MMM,,UU.M. SHIPLE Y'S Suggestions for School Preparation Children's Coats Children's Middies Children's Dresses Children's Underwear Children's Sweaters Children's Gloves Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Hair Ribbons, - Jewelry, Umbrellas A good line of pads, blank books, pens, ink, pencils, erasers. See our big special Tablet at ..5c Each Mothers will find these and many other items in our store to fill the requirements of the young folks soon to resume their school duties all at our usual popular prices. -MSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl U. G. Shipley Co. Liberty Street, "Where Shopping is a pleasure" STATE HOUSE NEWS t . A proposal of A. P. Devers, of Port land, that he be given a lease, with option to purchase, on 265 acres owned by the state in connection with the Tumale project was refererd by the desert land board this morning to State Engineer Lewis and Superintendent Wallace of the Tumalo project. Governor Withycombe has written n letter to District Attorney Devers, at Eugene, stating that there is no mon ey in the state extradition fund, and therefore if the Lane county authorities wish to have F. G. Mathison, who is ac cused of swindling a number of Lane county farmers out of their laud hold ings, returned from Oakland, Cal., for trial they must advance the money or have the private prosecutors advance n.. -i. l :ii.i.. j u, mere win ue no raunvv nvuiuiuic i fnr evtnditinn mirDoses until another ' appropriation is made by the legisla ture. I A meeting of tho emergency bonrd lino Khpii ,.qMpi1 fur Mnndnv. Scittemher j 11, at 10:30 a. m., to provide funds neeuea in ine sinie nax uepariuicm. A petition to cpnstruct a spur trnck at grade across Douglas street, Cottage Grove, has been filed with the public service commission. The car shortage on the Southern Pa cific north of Ashland is 1,205 this morning. Governor Withycombe is at Portland today. Tomorrow he will attend the Eastern Umatilla County Fair at Free- water. A certificate of dissolution and new articles of incorporation were filed this morning at the office of the cor poration commissioner by the Eastern Manufacturers' company of Portland. capitalized for $5,000. Also were filed articles of incorporation of the Brewster Valley Creamery company of Sitkum, Coos county, the capitalization of which is $5,000. State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff expresses gratification with the work of District Attorney Joseph M. Devers, of Day's Am I Eugene, who yesterday sent in a check of $125 for one firm that owed on back inspection fees. When inspuection feed are delinquent a certain length of time the accounts are turned over to tho district uttorueya for collection. Tho commissioner says thut Attorney Dev ers has been very successful. Comniiti sioner Hoff goes to Eugene this morn ing to take up some state cases. Messrs. Koscoc Howard" and Jesse Stearns, representing the Central Oregon Irrigation company, appeared before the desert lund board this morn ing and submitted plans for the opening of 800 additional acres of land in tho vicinity of Bend. The plans were ap proved by the board. 44-M SACRED HEART ACADEMY Under the direction cf the Sisters of the Holy Names Salem, Oregon BOARDING SCHOOL and DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, primary grammar and High School Departments, complete course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Vio lin and Harmony, Elocution and Physical Culture. No interference with religion of pupils. Modern Conveniences. Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins Sept. 11 ADDRESS Sister Superior Miss 4 t I