Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 19, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 12

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Copyright, Th Frank A. Mm
IT wai a cold winter night A'
fierce snow-storm was raging
So heavy and awful wag the
darkness that the Inhabitant! of the
'mountain village could not recall
iwhen last they had seen the sun and
I he clear sky. The wind seemed to
txsue from the very gulf of death. It
roared wofully and ominously. It
toyed with the snow like a demon at
llay. It touched everything with a
killing breath. Men and animals
froze; the whole village, with Us huts,
and Us haystacks, and heaps of dung
fuel, seemed to tremble and shiver.
(Was the world aquIverwlthcold, or
with fear. C.-. TjX.-iSm
f The villagers stood in great awe of
.nature. V Thunder and lightning,
'storm and tempest were not the
tmrmlees, aimless sports of nature.
The peasant believes that these things
come for a definite and sinister pur
pose,' and there Is cause Indeed for
lum to tremble. It was lucky that to
L..rtArpr tha llEhtnlnE there was
jjthe sign of the cross, and to counter
V't the bllzsard there were stables
or the animals, and warm sakhl,
narrow compartments In the huts for
Ithe men.
I, ".Woo-o-o-o!" the wind howled, and
Vaeh time the fearful sound pen
etrated the house of the Mellkh
Whahln, his guests, who sat on both
aides of the sakhl, ceased talking,
jtook their pipes from their mouths,
looked at each other, and felt an In
ner need to move closer to one
aSnow and storm are good In their
time but this terrible snow-storm
what did It signify? No one dared,
to speak aloud the language of the
formidable element, but they aTT well
knew Us meaning. It was the mighty
Bong of fate, which the storm, the
wlernal wanderer, sings to every man.
Into Its song It gathers the world's
Buffering the sighs and groans of
Itlie weak, the cries of the helpless,
the tears of the unfortunate, the
misery of the poor. The storm draws
Itliem, all Into Us ethereal bosom,
from the faintest heartrending whls
Iiit to the roar that shakes moun
tains. And oftentimes the storm
rivets them to the highest peaks, or
'(to the wide, cavernous darkness;
;)nt sometimes he releases them that
tiiey may descend and re-echo through
lie world, uttering ' lamentable
threats, and announcing to fright
ened men the luejorabl (ate await"
lug them. .''Tw'... .
So thought the terrified peasants In
the sakhl. That Is why for them
the howling of the wind was a grue
some concert.
"Woo-o-o-o!" The wind grew still
stronger, the roof of the sakhl
crashed. Every now and then some
one seemed to be stamping upon It.
"It's Hades outside," said one of
the men. "I couldn't want even my
enemy to be on the mountain now."
"On the mountain?" said another.
"Why, you wouldn't dare go Into our
garden! Don't you hear the voices?
Heaven and earth have broken loose
against each other."
Silence again.. The door creaked
heavily. Every one turned In the di
rection where, in the half darkness,
appeared the figure of a man dressed
In a shepherd's mantle, looking like
a heap of snow. He must have been
out In the snow-storm a long time.
, "Good evening," he said, shaking
oft the thick layer of snow from his
"CJood evening. Come right In.
Poor Chal,' you look like a piece of
Ice. Make room for Chal. . Let him
sit down."
"Yes, by Heaven, I am frozen," said
the newcomer, stepping forward. "It's
Impossible to remain outdoors any
longer. It seems as If the sky were
tumbling down. What a storm!
What a storm. I thought I'd get
warm and then go out again."
The oil lamp burned peacefully
above the fireside In a little dark
opening. The dull flame wavered
and trembled softly as If It, too, were
afraid of the wind. Nevertheless, Its
faint light was sufficient to outline
some of the faces underneath their
thick lambskin caps. Some yellow
ish quivering rays fell upon the new
comer also. It was a peasant's face
upon which a life of suffering had
stamped the seal o"f ruggedness, and
sorrow had nestled In the deep fur
rows of his firm skin. He was still
a young man, but he seemed to have
lived too much. Beneath his bushy
mustache appeared lips firmly com
pressed, which lent a stubborn ex
pression to his face. He was a
stranger who had come to the vil
lage a short time ago, and, finding
no other work, hired himself out as
the village night-watchman.
Chal took his seat In a corner
against the wail. He was silent. It
was warm In the sakhl, but the wind
continued to roar and howl like a
wounded beast.' , . 7 .-
"It wan on such a night that ou
oor neighbor was lost," said th
,'illage magistrate, Qevo. "No won.
Jer he periBhcd."
"We warned him over and oo
again," said another. K((
'Tool!" exclaimed the Mellkh,
while the wind piped shriller than
ver. "can't you see that it was his
"ate? And who can argue with
"Who, Indeed!" murmured the hud
dled peasunts.
"I don't believe In fate." This time
the speaker was Chal, the stranger.
The other Inmates of the sakhl
peered at him with mingled suspi
cion and anger, almost with fear.
Vhe rich and powerful Mellkh, he
believed in fate; so did Magistrate
flevo, the autocrat of the village;
and the pastor, no matter what ser
mons he preached, he well knew he
vua a mere tool in the hands of
f ite. ? All were subject to the in
visible power and were afraid of It.
Only poor little Chal did not bellevs
l:i or fear It. '
"No, I don't believe In fate," Chat
reoeated In a bolder tone, aware of
t',.j mocking glances .'turned upon
film, "and I could prove to you In a
f.-w minutes I'm right, if I did not'
have to go out to make the round
of the village." ' sfHP"''
"Say, stay," several voices cried
eagerly. "Magistrate Gevo, tell him
to stay. Nobody Is going to rob the
vlllrige on Buch a night as this.'
At the magistrate's request, Chai
H iUed himself again, all eyes still
turned curiously upon him. ;3j"
"There were ten of us that year,"
Chal began. "All of us stark mad.
We all carried fire In our breasts, a
flea kindled by the same stroke of
Htfhtnlng. It burned and drew us
close to one another. We all had
one intrepid heart, and what a heartl
It was a sea flooded over with pain,
lowering with shame, a forest set
on fire by the passion for revenge.
For months we wandered about from
field to field, and from wood to wood,
from ravine to ravine. We drank
water with the snakes, and got our
snatches of rest on beds of stone, i
"What could we do? Too long
had we swallowed dishonor; our pa
tience and suffering had been long,'
but our enemy's Iniquity, his shame
less brutality, knew no bounds. It
was Impossible to live any longer;'
.there was no more bread, and what
therewas could no longer be eaten;
It had turned into gall and poison.
We abandoned everything house and
family, land and possessions; and.
; In order to cleanse our honor, each
took a gun and withdrew Into the
mountain gtfmr '- :
"It was good that way; we were,
free. Oh, when a man carries such'
Injuries In his bosom, when his child
has been killed and his old father
disgraced, then there is nothing In
the world to console him; nothing.
His breast bolls and seethes, It takes
fire, tears are unable to quench iti,
flames, comforting words are but
mockery and scorn. But when he.
presses the barrel of his gun close,'
close to his bosom, when he sees
himself spitting death upon the head
of his blood-stained enemy, then,'
only then, does his heart grow cool,
and he feels that he, too, has a lamb-"
skin cap on his head. He has re
acquired his honor. ft ' ' ''!?,
..ifne Turks and Kurds called us
conspirators, but the Armenians
called us 'spirits of revenge.' Terror
stalked before us, and behind us lay
death. We and the eagles remained
the sole rulers of the mountains. And
we resembled each other a little, for
we had the same way of pouncing
upon our prey. We went everywhere,
iand many were the Turks and Kurds
whose beastly greed and lust we
stifled forever, frfvjt ?
'- "One day, when we were on top of
Sun Mountain, our provisions gave
out, I Was chosen to go out and
forage. I knew the villages in the
neighborhood, but whether they were
still Inhabited, or had been destroyed,
I did not know. However, there was
nothing for me to do but go and
.try. I left my nest in broad day
light, unarmed, even without a club..
I hoped I would not meet the en
emy, and If I should meet him I
thought I might save myself by hav
ing no weapons about me; or, If I
should not save myself, then It was
evidently my fate. For a long time
I met no one, and absolute silence
prevailed. Then, suddenly, I saw a
tall Kurd approaching, a Hornldy,
armed from head to foot.
" Good day, friend," Jf said care
lessly. isflj&igS ' "
"''Good day, Armenian,' answered
the Kurd, stopping and looking at
"I did riot "slap," but "walked ""io'n.''
Though "I felt that the Kurd was
still standing there, following '''me;
with his eyes, I walked no faster, so'
as-not to arouse suspicion.
" 'Hey, Armenian, wait!' he cried.
I stopped and looked back. 'It's my.
fate,' I thought. And, in truth, fate ,
might have borne the aspect of this
Kurd. The rifle on his shoulder, the
simitar at his side, the dagger with
Its white ivory handle stuck In his
girdle, a hideous face with ferocious
yes precisely like a wolfs.
"He walked up to me.
" 'In these days,' he said, 'no Ar
menian Would dare to appear In
this place. You look suspicious to
me.' "-.;
"Kurd, I said, 'the times are bad,
but don't forget that we are neigh
bors. As a neighbor, I tell you I am
from Chut. You know we're starv
Ing there, so I am going to Derdshan
'to buy some bread for my children.
Let me go In peace.'
; " 'No Armenian, you can't fool me.
You don't look straight.' .
' " 'Kurd, you believe in a God, too.
You see I have no weapons on me,
and no knife in my pocket. And
even If I turned Into a wild beast,
what' could I do to hurt you? I beg
of you, let me pass.' -
" 'Come along. Walk In front of
me. I'll take you to the police cap
tain. ipfgp.
"The police captain! That would be
dreadful. The police had been hunt
ing for us a long time. 'Kurd don't ,
tr.ke me to the police captain. I've
nothing to fear, but I'll be late. My
children are in an awful state; they're
dying of hunger. For God's sake,
Kurd, brother, neighbor, let me go.'
' "The Kurd remained Inexorable.
It's my fate, I thought, and with
drooping head I walked In front of
htm. The superiority was all on his
side the gun on his shoulder, the
poniard in his belt, the simitar at
his side. What could I do with my
'two bare hands? It was certainly
my fate, and so I ,walked on In ad- .
vance of him without any. thought of
resistance. . ,
"It was a beautiful day.' The' sun,
was bright, the sky clear, the moun-:
tains green. A crane soared up high'!
In the air, free and bold. I don't .
know why, but, forgetting my plight,
I began to watch the bird. Was It;
envy of Its freedom, or was It some-;
thing else that fascinated me? I do
not know, but I kept looking at him.")
For a long time the crane soared in'
the air, then he suddenly swooped',
down upon a rock not far from us.j
He hnd seen a snake crawling there. 1
The snake writhed under the blow of
the bird's wings, and hid Ita head
Deneatn its cons
I "Both of US stooi? BtllL Zs
I " Tou see," said the Kurd, "the Ar
menian is like a snake. He must be
strangled.' ajjj'
"I did not answer, but k'ept look
ing. The crane struck the snake;
with Us bill, and stepped across it.
The snake made use of the interval'
trying to escape, but It had scarcely)
deadly enemy, the embodiment of
"How was it that that day fate
had not been fulfilled? Is it possible
that God, who did not permit even
so loathsome a creature as the snaka
to fall an unjust prey to the crane.
; would permit this Kurd, ten times
more loathsome than the snake, to
determine my destiny?
"No, it Is all a mistake about
destiny, I thought. I mu find s
way of escape.
tarted when the terrible enemv was', J "And 1 bean a lonfr' "1,ent l!Oera
tarted when the terrible enemy was , s aUon wUh myaelf . looked for a
over us neaa. xae snane again coueu means of escape, but what could X
Itself together and hid Us head. JEjJI '. find? I didn't even have a knife. At
"The Kurd was right. . There was
great similarity between the .snake's'
fate and mine. The snake has also
reached Us destiny, it cannot escape
any more,' I thought I even found
some consolation In the Idea. ' -'vj
tt "Gradually the crane grew bolder,'
His blows became more and more
frequent. . The snake still kept Its
head concealed, and continued to de
fend Itself apparently Very feebly. Ifjj
"Suddenly, something remarkable
occurred. . The half-dead serpent,'
'collecting all the remnant of Us
strength, made a final desperate ef
fort, leaped and encircled the crane's
long neck. In vain the bird tried to'
extricate Itself from the deadly coll.
He flapped his wings, prodded the
ground with his bill, pulled back
. ward and forward,' rolled on the
ground, and tried to rise again, to
fly, to escape in vain. The snake's
desperate attack was terrible. It's
coll drew tighter and tighter. At
last, It was the bird which lay life-;
less on the edge of the rocks. The
snake glided away and disappeared.1
I "The Kurd was now silent He.
Iriail at "tut AVAa niaf onil tnm
auunau c iitci s u l vjto uici) tkitu ivi i nntlnlnM vir alnnmaaa1
a few seconds we were unable to turn fa. T llfted my head suddenly,
our gaze from one another. Each of ' snatched the poniard from his belt,
us endeavored to define what was In ". before he had time to defena
... ,. himself, I plunged it into his breast
his opponents mind. There was no 7, up t0 'tneery hnt. one piercing
doubt that the thoughts of each of ,f cry, then he tumbled to the ground.
us were terrible. So much we un- , I was Baved, and this Is the poniarj
derstood, so much we read In ea'ch lttjaveme.'
other's eyes. I knew that the Kurd,1 j( wlth an ivory handle, and placed U
that moment, my eyes fell upon thai
Kurd s pretty poniard which stuck in
;hls belt. Oh, if that poniard at least
were In my hand I
" 'Go on,' cried the Kurd. "What
are you stopping for?'
( "I started. We descended Into a
ravine a black hole, with no human .
'soul around. The Kurd began to
look about, his movements uneasy.
He repeatedly took the gun from hi
shoulder, then put it back again.
;I felt my end was at hand, but I was
!no longer ready to die. If the snaka
hod a right to live, then a human
'being, especially a Christian yr
;menian, cannot be robbed of .hat
; right. I gradually slackened my ,
!pace. At any rate, I must not re
main In front of the Kurd. That was
jt "Quick, quick!" he urged. He was
plainly trying to keep me ahead of
him, while I was trying to keep
alongside of him.
"We seemed to understand each
other perfectly. We fought a silent
battle for life and death, which w-s
all the more terrible because of Jtjy
treacherous nature.
"I stopped suddenly. I had to tfl
my sandal-strings. The Kurd stepped
toward me and also remained still.
Without raising my head I observed
his position from below. He stood
erect at my right side; the white hilt
of the poniard shone from his belt.
1 " 'Get done quick, Armenian,'' he
angered by the snake's unexpected
victory, had resolved to kill me. I
read it in his eyes plainly, for his
expression " was now even more
malicious than before. . I knew. . the
Kurds well, i . " J
. K'V'But my mlrid," too, began to work.'
The struggle between the snake and
.'the crane had wrought a change In
before the men In the Mellkh's house.
The shining blade cast a cold ray ol
light in the sheen of the lamp. All
the men got on their knees, and ex
omined It in silence. The little, in
significant Chal had become a .heroV
He was a giant. He was master of
his fate.
t "I don't believe in fate," Chal re
peated, this time with pride. But his)
words now aroused neither anger nor
ji . "ltrre(i up thoughts or salvation,
snake being able to strangle a crane.p thoughts of freedom, sacred thought
JThe cranelsknojivnJiqbe the snake's 'sf of revenge, '
. Why Not Us j
sjt Columbia QUALITY Carbons? )
Made In Oregon s)
100 Copies Guaranteed froal i
Each Sheet.
Ik Oolimbl Carbon P?er Mf g. Oo.
13rd ft Broadway, Portland, Ore. s)
Sixth nud Everett Btreots, Port
land. Ore., 4 blocks from Union
Station. Under new manlike
ment. All rooms newly deco
Rates: 50c, 7!ic, $1, $1.50 per day
Of tll
rliivi in
Each Cap
ulelwnrd th(MIDY.
ttrtrar aft'oii nterMt
Think Street Car and In
terurban Fares Are Go
ing Up Cost Is High
Jinver, Col., Aug. 13. The pimsiliil
ily of higher street car and intoriiib
an fare for everybody in the country,
a result of the increased cost of ma
terials used in traction operations was
not si'uffed at by officials of the lo
cal linos when tiiey dwlnred today Hint
their operating expenses hnve gone up
from 12 to 300 per rent in the last five
years. The iueressed car fares would
affect every street, car and intemibnii
system iu the country, as nil of tliem
hsve experienced the same blither cost
of doiiiK business.
The company oiled 12 American cities
where increased fnres have boon do
limiiile.l in the Inst two years. Toledo
went bai'k to the straight five cent
fare from the three cent fare so lung
fought for. Cleveland restored the one
cent charge tor transfers, hovprnl six
cent rity fares in Massachusetts towns
. were cited. A Massachusetts interiirhan
company also wns frrnnted nn increase.
I Compiled by
( children, the question of negligence
becomes largely u question of due care
on the part of the per. son having charge
of the child, allowing it to he in the
place where the injury was received, iu
the case of children who tire of an age
(From the Kiigone Diiily Ouiird.)
(Continued from lust .Niturduy.)
another is turning into it from another
or intersecting street. In nil such cases
there is no fixed regulation, iin.l the i "e ,"sl V
,u ..( u,., .,, I..V.. ......; I- i to go about unattended, to school and
ing due cure on the part of both. W hen j l,.ke' 1 uVllll! tr.,Hl""es ' them the
an automobile coming out of one street ' um ot mlc'l, diction as such children
turns shnrplv lo the left hand, in other ! 'T? '"J ? "'"''" in ,,.l" f B"
language 'cuts the comer' the motorist B,ult'. b"t.nl' the-ordinary care of
fails in his duty, and is therefore guilty I ?'hw 1 operator of a car
of negligence ' in a street where thero are children is
Running Over IVdestrians-IVdestri-' r,'ll"ir,'',l1 " ,1,0.n,.,Kp .hi"car wi,h raf,,r,on
n.,s have a right to travel nuvwiiere ,, " ,0 1,11 h r",k1s ,,mt muJ y
n highway, and are not confined in the l,e .,M''to1. ami uinoug those may be
right to crosswalks, l'ersons driving "'elu.ucd the risks .arising Iron, ho
automobiles along the roud are liable i t ! heedlessness and indiscretion of child
they do not take cure so as to avoid ! r''".'n le street Be.ng or pluyiug upon
dm ing against the foot passengers who ' a1s,r,,,,t 'J1 not .1",,''t ''"'l..,tory ne
ar., passing on the roa.l. A man has a lfll,RT-1 1'" " fMt-t- t?,,,,r J"00'"
rii'ht to will t in t ho rnrtil if h u Inn hp a I " ." -r. v. ,. ..
e rot Urn to ho in the Htroot uloiu, tlion
nn orror of juuKmont, imsou on mich ex
it ia a wny for foot immnigeni, n well
Huh! to walk i.. the ro .,1. ami nr eu- Pnce am discretion as a very young
titled to the exercise of reasonable care
on the pint of those who drive automo
biles on it. Hut pedost ria ns as well as
all others ure bound to exercise care
according to circumstances and especinl
liy bound to look where they are going.
It is negligence for a foot traveler to
attempt lo cross the public thorough
fare ahead of vehicles of any kind, upon
nice calculations of the chances of in
jury. If such uttempt be made and the
circulations l'n i I to the person's harm,
tie omi linvo no address for injuries re
viiild would nnturally possess, is not
negligence on the child a pnrt, parti
cularly if the error in judgment was the
result of circumstances calculated to in
spire fright, such as tlio unexpected or
sudden nppenrnnce of nn automobile.
Defense of not Exceeding Speed Li
mitations, No owner or operator of an
automobile is exempt from liability for
a collision in a public street by simply
showing that at the time of the acci
dent he did not run at a rate of speed
exceeding the limit allowed by state law
t $100 Reward, $100
The reader of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there la at least one
dreaded disease thut science has been
nhle to cur in all Its stuges. and that U
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tha only
. nokltive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh belli a constitutional
- dlftease. requires a constitutional treat-
ment. Hall's Csturrh Cure Is taken In
tornully, actlna- directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
by deatroyina- the foundation of the iln
ease, and giving the patient strenRth lr
huMdliiK UP the constitution and asslstlnc
nnlure In dolns Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative pow
era that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any ca that it fulls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. ,
- Addren: I" J. t'HKNBT CO. Toledo, O.
Bold by all Drussiaia. "io.
Xak Hall's Family fill for tlP'.kM
ceived iu the mistaken effort. It is not or c't.V ordinances. On the contrary, no
the exercise of common or ordinary care'nintter how great the rate of speed may
on his part. When alighting from ai1"', 'i''' the law or city ordinances
street cur, u person is not bound ns a permit, the operator of an automobile
matter of law to look both wavsj but he '' remains bound to anticipate that he
must look where he in going, and he I may meet persons on any point iu a
must not walk blindly into danger. A I public street, and he must keep a pro
driver of an automobile has the right to 1 lMr lookout for them, nnd keep his ma
suppose that a person, whether on toot i cliiiio under such control as will enable
or in a vehicle, when dulv warned in su-i'tinio to avoid collision, with another
fficient season, will not cross his path, ! person using proper cure nud caution,
or attempt to do so; but if he does' lt necessary, he must slow up, and even
make such attempt, it is the dutv of the, No blowing of horn or of whistle
driver to do everything in his power to "or the ringing of a bell, without an
avoid an accident. Wheti two niitomo-1 attempt to slow the speed is sufficient
biles are issiug, it is the duty of each 1 f the- circumstnaces at a given point de
driver to look out for pedestrinns mid-1 md that the speed should be slarken
deuly appearing from behind the other J or hc machine be stopped and where
automobile. such a course is practicable. The true
l'ersons Under Disabilities. At times test is, that the operator must use all
greuter degree of care is lieinnude.l of the care and cnutioii which a careful
an operator of nn automobile tlinii ntl"d prudent driver would have excreis
other times. Thus, if n person under "' nuAvT ,ho 8flmo circumstances. The
obvious disability, such us old age, In- W" prevails amoug some motor drivers
fancy, lameness, drunkenness or the like I that when once they hnvo sounded the
is crossing tho road, the dutv of avoid-1 '''"" ,luy justified in going t any
ing him is greater thnn if he were a I rate of speed, and that people are bound
person of ordinary capBcitv. Care audi to Ret out ot their way; but the inw
cnutioii must be exercised i'u nronortion I will not excuse the owner or driver of
to the apparent risk
(Hnbbitt's Law Applied to Motor Ve
hicles, page 271M
Children in the street. The rule of
nu automobile for any such reason
Evidence of Over-Speeding. In cases
whore drivers or owners are beiug pro
secuted for over-speeding, the testi-
Inw is, that streets and highways are nuuiy of a witness who has hnd experi
mude for the use of all travelers, chil-jence in timing or knowing tho speed
drou as well as others. But in the vase of motor vehicles is evidence of better
quality thun that of cue who has not.
If tho speed was timed over a known
or mensured distance by a clock or time
piece, or by a stop wutch or other me
cuauicul device in the possession of a
person skilled iu managing it, such evi
dence would huve greater weight thun
that of a witness who spoke from im
pression only.
(Continued next Saturday. )
Blissful Depravity.
In a border southern town lives an
elderly ucgro carpenter, who is locally
distinguished for two things the use
of large words nnd his abiding fear of
his wife, who is big, impressive nnd
domineering. In this town a trio of
young professional men keep bachelor
quarters together.
"Boss," inquired the old man, in the
midst of his work, "does you white
gen 'I 'mens live heali in totul depravity
of the feminine sexf"
"Wo do," wns the answer.
From the bottom of his hen-peckcrl
soul the old dnrkey fetched up n long,
deep, sincere sigh.
"Well, snh," he suid, "ef I wuz or.
you is, I should suttinly remain o."
Saturday Kvening Post.
and Back
Every Day of the Week
$2 Sat. & Sun.
a comfortable ride on
all steel cars.
a quick ride on well
ballasted track.
your choice of seven
' trains each way.
convenient hour of
arrival and departure.
Our local agent can
explain many other
reasons why you should
use the
General Passenger Agent
First Conference of
Catholic Social and Charit
able Workers Opens Today
New York, Aug. 10. The first con
ference of Catholic social and charitable
workers ever held, opened here today.
Kt. Rev. P. J. Mtildoon, Bishop of
Rockford, 111., chairman of the social
service commission of the American
Federation of Catholic . societies; Rt.
Rev. Thomas J. Hliahan, of Washington,
prosident of tho Catholic charity confer
ence of the United States; Sir Joseph
Frey, K. S. G., president o'f tho Ger
man Roman Catholic Central verein, nnd
John Paul Chow, president of the Cath
olic Press association of the United
States, called the conference.
This conference preceded tho fifteenth
annual convention of the American Fed
eration of Catholic societies, which
starts here tomorrow and continues un
til August 2,'i. The week is known ns
"Catholic Week in New York."
Twenty thousand Catholics were ex
pected to attend from all parts of the
United States. Fifteen hundred dele
gates will attend, representing three
million members nud, indirectly, 13 mil
lion other Catholics in the United
The speakers for tomorrow include
Cardinal O'Connell, Bishop James A.
McFuul, of Trenton; Governor Whit
man, of Ner York, and John Whnlen,
national president of the organization.
The business session of the conventiou
will consider divorce, social reform,
censorship of moving pictures, the Cath
olic theatre movement and other re
forms. Rev. rhilip Gordon, of Winnebngo,
Neb., one of the two Indian Catholic
priests in the United States, will repre
sent the Catholic Indian Bureau.
Some Odd Things
London, Aug. lfl. A noted professor
declares the phenomenal position ar
tuincd by labor during the war will
mean the extinction of the middle
Portland, Oregon, Distributors.
Taris, Aug. 10. French red tape
reached its highest efficiency when a
Portuguese man contributed 5.000
francs to the fund for war munitions
received a statement for 2,'i francs re
quires on all moneys they receive.
St. Faul. Minn., Aug. 19. Minnesota
saved 224,Sll by carrying its own in
surance on state institutions for three
years, according to records compiled by
H. D. Works, state insurance commis
sioner, today.
Charles Toth. of Boston, nnd Henry Sul
livan, of Lowell, when they struck out
from here on a 40-mile swimming rnce
across Massachusetts bay to Provi
dence today. This is one of the longest
rnces ever staged. Tho shnrk fighters
are keeping searchlights constantly
playing on the swimmers. .
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 10. Herman
Lnubis, aged 20, who runs a St. Louis
elevator when he's not swimming, and
who never has lost a distance race of
over five miles in his career, is here
today to compote for the silver trophy
in the annual Ohio river swim. Lnubis
holds the U. S. 10 mile championship,
western five mile, and every western
A. A. U. titlo from 220 yards to the
mile, no has been swimming for four
years. Bud Goodwin, Chicago; Tom Hor
rocks, Pittsburg, and Halpin Burke, of
St. Louis, also will swim.
First War Game of the
Atlantic Fleet Begins
Off Newport Tomorrow
Newport, R. I., Aug. 19. Hasty pre
parations were being completed by the
.Atlantic reserve fleet todny for the de
fence of the coast line against an en
emy attack tomorrow. Battleships, de
stroyers, mine layers, submarines and1
fleet trnins are at their posts and Bet
to repel the invasion.
At the first poop of Sunday morning's
dawn the Atluntic fleet will attack
and attempt to effect a landing with its
theoretical army of invasion. It will
be the first of this year's war games,
worked out by the war college.
Tho problem is: The reserve fleet, in
command of Rear Admiral J. H. Helm,
with the destroyer flotilla, will defend
the approach to the vital parts of tha
coast from an attack by the present At
lantic fleet, with the submarines as aux
iliaries. Rear Admiral Austin M. Knight
will act as umpire on the new super
drendnaught Pennsylvania. Particular
stress will be laid upon the value of
battle cruisers as an attacking force
against a slower but heavier armored
defending squndron. The radius of ac
tion will be about that of last year's.
i - V
"You say you are a pacifist t"
"Yes," replied the indignant per
son, "nnd let me tell you sir"
"Hold on a minute!" .
"If you are pacifist, don't shake,
your fist at ine. "
Willie Ma, may I have Tommy
Wilson over to our house to play Satur
day f
'XrnfliAi Vn rnn mnltA nltnrrethpr
too much noise. You'd better go over
io nis nouse anu piay.
McGregor, Town. Aug. 10. Trustees
of the Methodist Kpiscopal church here
have a close monopoly of the first class
angle worm supply of this locality and
they have forbidden any digging in the
church yard that being the scene of
the monopoly on Saturday or Sunday,
in the hope that those who can't fish
will eome to church.
Nnntasket, Mass.. Aug. 10. Shark
fighters armed with long knives accom
panied the two long distance swimmers.
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