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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1916)
CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . . FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 170 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS IJSSm! TURKISH TROOPS HELP AUSTRIANS AGAINST DIJSSfANS I?' J . Petrograd CI? J? i Advances, But Berlin I Austrians .W mg ft) - rt . s INVASION OF HUNGARY AMONG POSSIBILITIES French Retake Village of Fleury British Take More German Trenches By Ed L. Keen. (United Press staff correspondent.) London, Aug. 18. Turkish troops, shunted into Gnlicia after a round about railway journey through Serbia from Constantinople, have stiffened the Aus-ro-Gerinan lines before Lemberg and at least temporarily halted the Russian advance. The appearance of the Turks on Gen eral Bothmer's front was first officially announced by the German war office ,thig afternoon in a report of the repulse of further Russian attacks. That the Turks not only have stiffened the re treating Austro-German lines, but have lenauled Bothmer to take the offensive is admitted in an official statement irom Petrograd reporting strong hos tile attacks northeast of Stnnistnu. Despite their reverses in this region, the Itussions continue to advance in the Carpathian region anil are now threat ening to invade Hungary. The I'etrograd official statement re ported Russian troops nppronching the mountains of Korobezo, at the Hungar ian end of the Jnblouitza mountaiu pass and also reported the capture of two villages southwest of iStanislau. The dermau ond Austrian war offices, how ever, claimed progress for their armies in the Carpathian fighting. Recapture by the French of the vil lage of Fleury, three and one-half miles northeast of Verdun, was the most tell ing stroke delivered by the allies on the western front last night. The French announced that the village is complete ly in possession of the attacking French forces, though Berlin asserted that the battle is continuing at this point. Losses of trenches to the British in fighting southwest of Mnruinpuch was admitted in the German official state ment this afternoon, which, however, claimed the repulse of all other Auglo Frtuch attacks on the Homme front. The Berlin Version. Berlin, Aug. 18. The Austriaus con tinue to advance in southwestern Bu kowina and have repulsed six mass at tacks by tho Russians northeast of Stanisiau, said delayed official state ments from Vienna, under date of Aug ust 15, received here today. Tho re pulse of all Italian attacks is also claimed. "On the front of Archduke Carl, west of Bukowinn and on the sector of the Tomnatic mountain, our attacks are progressing, it was stated. "Several hostile positions which were tenaciously defended, were taken by storm. Several prisoners and five machine guns were "aptured. Mattnlions cngnge.l south of Tntnrov reeocupiod their former posi tions near Tntarov. " Near Stanisiau and south of .Tezunol (on the Stanislan-Halilz railway) Col onel Von Hoevcss repulsed isolated at tacks. Near Horozenkn and west of .Monasterzyska the Russians attacked throughout the whole front, undertak ing in some places six massed attacks and eveu more, but were everywhere re pulsed, suffering the heaviest losses Southwest of Kozova, the Austrians (Continued on Fage Five.) Be careful where you place your con fidence nil ' your bocketbook 'II take care of itself. Aeeorlin' t' th ' pic torial supplements candidate Hughes Oidn' overlook any photergraf galleries in li s young days. Deutschland Is Due ! at Home Port Today New York, Aug. 18. The German submarine Deutschland which dashed out of the Virginia capes on the night of August 2, should arrive at a Ger man port today if she maintains the sixteen days schedule established in her first voynge 'across the Atlantic to Baltimore. In the absence of any definite word from the big undersea merchantman since she left the United States, the Deutschland has assumed the vacancy in summer news reports from Atlantic coast towns once occupied by the fam ous sea serpent and the more recent man eating shark. Nearly every flock of summer resort correspondents along the coast have had their fling with the Deutschland, or Bremen in the lost few days. Correspondents Were Stirring Trouble Between the Two Countries By Carl W. Ackennan. (United Press staff correspondent.) Berliug, Aug. 18. The fight on Am bassador Gerard launched by several German newspapers because of his al- censorship, appeared to be subsiding to day. Tho Moargenpost alone of the newspa pers that joined in the attack yesterday renewed its criticism today. The Mor genpost's editor, however, contented himself largely with reiterating the hope that the German government would investigate Gerard's alleged at titude. Gerard made a frank statement nf his position in a talk with the American correspondents. He explained his reas ons for not giving his approval of the complaints regarding the British censor ship sent to Washington by certain cor respondents here. He explained that by their action these correspondents were inviting trouble between the Initca States and Germany. THREE IRE DAYS OF So Say Weather Bureau- Hurricane Gathering in the Gulf Chicago, Aug. 18. Three more days of scorching were predicted for the parched plains states by the weather bu reau here today. Ninety-five degrees of neat are expected m Chicago today. High pressure of nir in the southeast and low pressure in the northeast, it was said, are responsible for southwest winds which are bathing the middle west in a neat wave. Reports of a hurricane gathering in the Gulf of Mexico were received at the weather bureau today. It is heading di rectly towards Brownsville. Texas, and probably will strike it today. El Puso and San Antonio, Tcxns, re corded the highest temperatures yester day. The mercury there registered 90. The local weather bureau says the storm will strike the coast probably late this afternoon, between Brownsville. Corpus Christi and Galveston and Hous ton. The wind may reach a maximum of SO miles an hour. At noon the wind ,l-wns blowing SO miles an hour here. At 3 o clock tho mercury registered 07 in Chicago. Galveston la Cautious. Houston, Texas, Aug. IS. Railroads and intcrurbans have been running spe cial trains all day, carrying persons from Galveston to the maiulund, as a result of a slight rise in the tide at the Galveston sea wall, attributed to the gulf hurricane. Evidently Has Arrived. Dallas, Texas, Au. 18. The local Western Union office reported that ail wires between San Antonio and Brownsville went out shortly before 2 o'clock this afternoon. The interruption is believed due to the Galveston hurricane striking the coast about an hour ahead of sched ule. ' Steamship Founders. Galveston, Texas, Aug. IS. The steamship Pilot Boy, of the Texas & Gulf line, foundered in the high seas running off Port Aransas, Texas, it was reported this nfternoon. Three of her crew ofT3 reached shore. Nothing has been heard of the others. The exodus from the city to the mainland continues but local authorities still believe there is no local danger. At no time has the wind reached more than a 30 mile gait and the seas are not exceptionally high. Militia Drowned Out. El Paso, Tcxns, Aug. IS. Five bun- (Continued on Page Five.) T E FEATURES OF SILL Returns Army Appropriation Bill to House Without His Signature EXEMPTION OF RETIRED OFFICERS BAD SYSTEM Chairman Hay at Once Rein troduced Bill Minus This Clause Washington, Aug. IS. President AVil son today vetoed the army appropria tion bill. His action resulted from a provision in the bill exemptinc retired army officers from liability to service and discipline under tuo articles of war. The exemption provision itself grew out of objections mado by certain re- nrru umeers wneu asKd to serve fol lowing the outbreak of the Mexican trouble at recruiting offices and mus tering stations. The action today will mean that at least this provision of the bill will have to be changed nnd may precipi tate a struggle over the. entire appro priations measure that might result in prolonging congress. The objection able feature was kept in the bill by the persistence of Chaiiman Hay of tUe house military committee." Chairman Hay of the house military committee fathered the exemption plan and succeeded in keeping it in the bill, despite the fight made on it by Sec retary Baker. In his veto messages to congress, the president suggested n constitutional objection to such exemption. So long as retired officers are continued in their Btntus as members of the United States army, ho said, tliey Tannot un der the constitution be relieved from obedience to the president Retired, But Still Officers The message expresses doubt that the majority of retired officers would sanction such a provision in the law Congress to pass the bill over his veto must muster a two third vote and with the arrival of the message at the house today the general belief is that this cannot be done. The action of the president, however, is deemed like ly to delay adjournment to some extent within one hour alter the veto reach ed the house, Chairman Hay rcintroduc ed the measure, minus any mention of tne articles of war. lue veto message declares, "it is with genuine reluctance," tliat the president returns the bill, which he describes as wisely and generously pro viding for national defense. iue existiue articles of war arc undoubtedly archaic," says the mes snge. "They have not undergone re vision for more than 100 vears. I therefore, the more keenly regret to find in the revision of the articles of wnr a provision to which I cannot give my approval. ' it cites a long list of rulings to s'.iow that retired army officers hold public office and are not "mere pensioners" Jrom whom no further service is ex pected. They wear the uniform of the army, their education and ser vice hold them out as persons espe cially qualified in military matters to represent the spirit ot the military cb. tablishmcnt, and thev arc subject to military duty in time of national emer gency by the mere order of the com inandcr in chief. An Unwise Provision "I am persuaded that officers upon the retired list would themselves re gard it as an invidious and unpalatable; .i.scr.nmnanon. wni.i, ,n citecr. I eluded them from full membership in tho profession to which they have de voted their lives and of wuirh by the laws of their country they are still members. So long ns congress sees fit to mnke the retired personnel a part of the army of the United States, the constitutionality of the proposed ex emption of such personnel from all li ability with tho article of war is a matter of serious doubt, leaving the president, as it does, without any means sanctioned by statute of exercis ing over the personnel thus exempted' the power of command vested in him by the constitution. "Convinced as I am of tho unwis dom of this provision nnd of its bane ful effect upon the discipline of the nrmy; doubting, as I do, the power of congress wholly to exempt retired offi cers from the control of the president, while declaring them to be a pnrt of the regular army of the United States. 1 am constrained to return this bill without my approval." The veto of the appropriation bill carrying $207,000,0011 will delay the general military reorganization as pro vided for in a separate measure, now a law, which provides for a regular army of 175,000 regulars and 430,000 national guardsmen. Chairman Chamberlain of the senate militarv affairs committee, declared the upper house would insert the old articles of wnr when the new house measure reaches the senate, (Continued on Paare Seven.) PRESlDEN NOT APPROVE SOM Warn Hughes Against Patronizing "Scab" Cafe - San Francisco, Aug. 18. The culin ary strike whichi has affected all the larger restaurants and eafes in Son Francisco got into national politics to day. I Leaders of the' strike filed a formal protest with the republican county com mittee against tpe plan to entertain presidential candidate Chas. E. Hughes at the Commercial club, which is dis playing an open shop sign in its dining room. The protest, which was sent to Fran cis V. Keesling, said in part: "As you are no doubt aware, an effort is being made by the chamber of commerce to break the labor unions of this city and establish the open. shop. Union labor is solidly aligned to resist this effort and any candidate for office who expects to receive, the support of the working people of this city cannot afford to an tagonize them by dining in an establish ment displaying the open shop card." Leaders of the striking culinary work ers today insisted on pressing the issue over the fact that Governor Hughes will be the guest of honor tomorrow at a luncheon at the Commercial clu, which is displaying "open shop" card. Hugo F.rnest, president of the waiters' union declared: "We are going to de mand that Governor Hughes make a statement in regard to the open shop." OLD DOWN AND OUTER First Appearance Was In Rags But Last In Uniform and Gold Braid Headquarters Washington National Guard, Calexico, Cnl., Aug. 18. Second infantrymen today learned the identi ty of "tae down and outer." Some days ago ."the down and outer" ap peared in camp. Nobody seemed to know where he came from. He was a.i oldish sort of a man, attired in grease spotted fad'd jumper and over alls, with an old wrinkled bandunna about his neck. He was unshaven and not overly clean. He performed menial duties about camp, silently and almost morosely and no one niterterred with him. He just did odd jobs here and there, poking uis iiuse iuiu vnriuua icuis, luiwug iu terest in doings of men and. officers alike. No one seemed to mind him very much. Last night the stranger went away. A group ot infantrymen gathered at tiie end of a company street to watch him trudge along the dusty road to Calexico, just before dark. "There goes old ' Down and outer,' " somebody said. "Guess nobody here will ever know who the old boy really is." Hut today "the down and outer" came back and young officers have been quaking iu their boots ever since. Colonel John B. McDonald of the staff of General J. Franklin Bell, in command of the department of the west, in full regalia strode over the camp places he had haunted in the rugs of a "desert rat" while making a "thorough inspection" of all depart ments of camp life hero for the war dpartment. And wherever he went to day men sprang from their duties and stood at salute while "the down and outer" passed by. Business Rather Light Stock Prices Lower New York, Aug. 18. The New York Kvening Sun financial review toduy said: Although transactions in the general market were in reduced volume as innmorait wilVi 1 tmun nf ihtk nrPPPllilll da ,hcr0 wa gtili a substantial amount of business un, under wav through out the list of prominent issues. Karly prices as a rule were at ad vances", but the improvement was not maintained in the general list except in a few stocks. The general market lagged in the early afternoon, with the tendency in most stocks toward cheaper prices losses from Thursday's fninl, running from substantial fraction to more than one noint. Even mercantile marine preferred moved down, insiders np- parently being disposed to accumu late stock at a lower level. In the later dealings prices were firmer and iu such stocks as American Can. Crusible Steel, Republic Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, V estinghouse. American locomotive and United Fruit much better quotations were recorded as compared with early lows. United Fruit was especially strong, advancing more than four points. TEXAS BANK CLOSED. Lone-view. Texas. Aug. 18. The Peoples State Bank, following a brief run this morning, was closed by John Wightman, bank examiner, under orders of Banking Commission Patter son. The amount of the shortage was not stated, but it is believed to be l&rfZGa Unofficial advances from the depart ment of banking and insurance at Austin, place the shortage at from 70,000 to $100,000. ROAD PRESIDENTS NOT FRIENDLY TO -PRESIDENT'S PLAN Seemed Set In Determnation Not To Concede An Eight Hour Day SAY WHOLE QUESTION SH0ED BE ARBITRATED Brotherhoods Would Accept But Managers Seem to Want Strike MEN AGREE TO ACCEPT, MANAGERS REFUSE Washington, Aug. IS. A nation-wide strike, tying up all railroads of the country again loomed up this afternoon. Thirty-one railway presidents left tho White House determined, .they said, not to accept a pro posal by President Wilson in tended to avert such a "national calamity." Fifteen minutes Inter the 040 representatives of the rnilroad workers announced they had voted to accept the president's proposal. Tho four heads of the brother hoods took tho result of the em ployes vote to the White House and remained to confer for 35 minutes with President Wilson. They refused, on leaving, to dis cuss the nature of their talk. The general cotnmittco of 040 will remain in Washington to morrow and have arranged to assemble ugain at the Bijou the atre for the purpose of keeping in touch with the situation. The employes' voto of accept ance wob at the ruto of 3 to 1, it was learned late this after noon. Washington, Aug. 18. If the railroad managers and presidents persist in their refusal to meet President Wilson's strike settlement plan, the president will call in the hoards of directors of the country's big systems, it was learn ed on reliable authority this after noon. By Bobert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 18. No settlement of the dispute between the railways and their four hundred thousand em ployes who voted In favor of a strike was reached at this afternoon's confer ence between President Wilson and the presidents of the great railway systems in the White House. After a 40 minute conference the 31 presidents emerged with the announce ment that tho president will meet them again tomorrow and ot the same time see the railway managers in what he promised to be the fintil session. President Hulo llolden, of the Bur lington railroad, spokesman for the executives, said they would at once con fer with the managers and arrive at some conclusion on the president ' proposition. They will lay this con-din-ion before him tomorrow morning, Holdcn said. . M4i r ou Apparently Want Strike. Tha the situation has wliri t he I J graduation, most dangerous stage was obv .o us r h, h view of the 'V,tUw,?LtHnlX' 'l school instructor, and is perfectly will when hey left the White House. They 'j supervision of the indicated clearly that they had no 1 t k Jf h , ' I . h fc com. changed their minds-made up against I ninIlllntion ,',.- gtnte BU1)erii.tcndoiit. the president's proposn s-ana i is oe- heved they will stand him os their contention for arbitration of nil the is sues. The executives contend and with bitterncss-inni tne . ur, .... . - - .1.. irnniy trying xo lurlT ""7' ,m " ciill.crt stating that he will make ar t the railroads an t hour ' "R rangements with the various high uay ut-iure mr ii-uaiiiiiiij ui nn -'n..t. tiou to railroad operation has been in vesticnted. "When a railroad attempts to in- crease its rates," one official sold, "itl. mnst first show (?' " i".1 , uum, -.I- - - investigation Why isn't that rnilroad ont.t.ou to now cause ,,, ul)portullity ,0 complete his educa ncrease its salaries o employes tore giving himself to the service of having to pay those incrensest" ). . P. . ,,, ,; , .. The Bession today was very snorr, tne president speaking only briefly after putting up to the men his proposition for a settlement. President Wilson was in the Oreen room when the rnilroad executives ar rived. President Holdcn presented each of his colleagues to the president as thev entered the room. After shaking hands with all of them, President Wil son indicated he was ready for the con ference to begin. Will Concede Nothing. Hidden opened the session by stating the railroad executives approved in full evervthinir done bv the railroad man agers, in whom thev had vested the power of attorney. He said tho rail (Continued os Psgs Six.) Took Him for Prowler Shot His Brother Portland, Or., Aug. 18. Accident ally shot by his brother while sleep walking, Walter Smith aged 14, receiv ed wounds which will probably neces sitate amputation of his right leg at at hospital here today. The episode occurred near Bunker Hill, St. Helens, where the Smith boys were camping out. During the night Walter walked in his sleep. His broth er Chauncey awoke and challenged the supposed prowler. Receiving no reply, he fired a shot gun iu the direction of the noise. Wal ter's right leg was shattered. In spite of his horror when ue discovered what had happened, Chauncey kept his nerve and tied up the torn arteries, prevent ing his brother from bleeding to death. Eighty Cases This Month and Disease Spreading Many Adults Attacked Chicago, Aug. 18. Infantile paraly sis is increasing in Chicago to an alarming extent. Eighty known cases havo been reported this month, it was admitted today by health department officials and spread of the disease is continuing. They deny, however, that the malady is epidemic. At the county hospital it was ad mitted today there are sixty one cases quarantined and emergency prepara-j tions are being made to receive a mucb greater number. An average of three patients a day is being received and the procession is increasing rather than diminishing. Three of the victims at the county hos pital are adults. That the mysterious plague Is spread ing is indicated by the lct that with very few exceptions, none of the cases conie from the same locality. Dr. Hen ry B. Thomas, an infantile paralysis specialist declared that "whilo the sit uation should cause no great alarm, it is the gravest we havo had in years." . . Three now cases were discovered to day bringing the total number discover ed thus far at 83. THIRDOREGON MAY HAVEHIGH SCHOOL Chaplain Gilbert Suggests This As Means of Giving ihe Boys a Chance High school classes may be establish ed iu the Third regiment Oregon infan try uow in camp at Palm City, Cali fornia. It is thought that the regiment will not return to Oregon before Christmas, and possibly mil not return before spring. These points are brought out in a let ter just lecoivcd by Stute Superinten dent of Public Instruction Churchill from Chaplain Gilbert of the Third reg iment, In view of the likelihood thut the regiment is to remain on the bordel for a number of months yet. Chaplain Gilbert suggests thut high school class es be organized for the benefit of tho numerous high school students in the regime-ill nuu uu uui wisu iu iviivc mr I :, ,i , ,,vi,, i, ,.i i i ...u.. .1 i :..i. i .i. regiment a sufficient of .n9trutton) to meet all tho requirements of the plan. The suggestion has met with the hearty approval of the state superintcu ,.,..,, H(1t . to Clnn.luiii uem, who hum sviiv v, itrnur iu viiuimuii school principals and city superintcu dents throughout the state to give cred its towards graduation to the pupils in these regimental classes, in this let- u . , ..,,...,, ',,, .,,. 1 casion to say that he is very proud of i evc ry high school boy who has made a , y 8arifice b Jtti b(.himl hiln his country. It is the opinion of the su periiiienuriit thut Chaplain Gilbert has "started something." LOAN OVER SUBSCRIBED Now York, Aug. 18. Hubscription books for the new quarter billion dollar five per cent British loan were closed today to syndicate participation be cause subscriptions have been so Inrge, it was announced by J. P. Morgan and company. large numbers of applica tions have been pluced on file for the opening of the public subscription next weeK. A magazine has been patented for carrying an extra load of tobacco along the Btem of a pif0' HUGHES TALKS TO T E Finds Big Contract of Salve? Political Wounds Await ing Him .d GOVERNOR JOHNSON IS 'IGNORED BY MANAGERS 300,000 Progressives la State Have Not Followed Roosevelt's Lead By Perry Arnold. (United Press staff correspondent.) San Francisco, Aug. 18. A rousisg welcome was extended to Presidential Candidate Charles Evans Hughes this) afternoon when ho and his party ar rived at the forry at 12:50 to begin a- two day visit to the bay cities. Mayor Bolph of San Franoisco, and a large number of republican notables met the republican nominee at the fer ry building nd presented him with tho formal greetings of Ban Francisco and Oakland. Little time was lost in formalities. however, for tho candidate had to hur ry to "make connections" wittt tne va rious affairs in which he was scheduled to participate during the afternoon. After he had been escorted to his headquarters at the Palace hotel, Hughes was permitted to take a snort rest be fore going to tne union League chid, where, at 2:45. he stood in the reception lino and demonstrated Mb ability aa a handshaker. He was scheduled to re main at the Union League club only half an hour, as one of tho most important addresses of his whole trip was ev for 3:110 when he will speak to the women of Han Francisco. It was expected that, in this address, he would reiterate his announcement in Tavor of a federal en abling act, permitting the states to vote on a constitutional amendment extend ing suffrage to women. The mass meeting ai me vivm .au ditorium will be one of the largest Hughes has addressed ou his present trip. William H. Crocker, republican nntionnl committeeman, will preside and most of the republican celebrities of California will bo seated on the plat form. Mrs. Hughes' Speech, Benecia, Cel., Aug. 18. Mrs. Charles) Evans Hughes mado her first campaign speech today. It wasn't a very long one and sho didn't attempt to argue any of tho questions of the day but her husband, the presidential candidate himself, would havo beon proud to hav evoked the applause sho did. Hughes spoke briefly to the crowd from the rear end of his private car and in conclusion, turnod to Mrs. Hughes and the crowd and introduced her. "This is Mrs. Hughes," he said. "Hhe is not going to make a speeeh, but sho doos much better fhan that." Mrs. Hughes smiled greeting and in a cloar voice responded to the Intro duction thus: "Mrs. Hughes Is making her first po litical campaign." "May it not bo her last," came from somo one in the crowd. Must Salve Sore Heads. Hacramcnto, Cal., Aug. 8. Charles E. Hughes' capacity as a ap peared likely to bo tested to its fullest extent today. No sooner had he reach ed tho boundary line of California than a bitter factional battle intruded. Hecause the progressives one party to tho row assert that there is great menace in the division, it appeared like ly early today that the republicon presi dential nominee would spend most of his) nfternoon today spreading the soothing; balm of harmony on California state lenders in various conferences. He was scheduled to reach Pan Francisco shortly after noon and will deliver his muin address today at the Civic Auditorium there tonight. On the Burfneo, the division is appar ent in an effort of two factions of th .,nrf in msumo iironrietorship of the ' r. mi.. .nr.r.iuaivA.roniihlirsns ,..!,., im ,i, iireiriilnra" headed by Na- 1 lit; " - ' i ; tional Committeeman William H. Crock- (Continued on Pass Tws) THE WEATHER Oregon: To night and Satur day fair, warmer (Saturday south west portion; westerly winds. ; CROWDS GA HERED ALONG