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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1916)
EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUG. 7, 1916. 331 A Great Summer Clearance of Women's mis Our entire stock of Summer Footwear must be diminished without de lay NOW. We've created an immense Footwear Sale that should make busy selling for the coming week as they are the best bargains you'll find in good grade Footwear. All popular leathers patents, dull finishes, tans, white, satin, etc., in dozens of dainty styles. You'll need such footwear for party, dance or evening wear when the warm weather is gone. Pick out a pair during this sale. WOMEN'S $6.00 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE $4.35 a Pair WOMEN'S $5.00 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE - $3.95 a Pair WOMEN'S $4.00 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE $2.95 a Pair WOMEN'S $3.50 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE $2.60 a Pair WOMEN'S $3.00 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE $2.15 a Pair WOMEN'S $2.50 PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE .$1.95 a Pair BIG LOT OF PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE . . . $1.95 a Pair ONE LOT OF PUMPS, YOUR CHOICE . . $1.00 a Pair ANOTHER LOT OF PUMPS, YOUR choice 50c a Pair ENTIRE STOCK OF CHILDREN'S pumps reduced 20 Per Cent. REMEMBER--This biS event starts Monday. We guarantee satis-faction with every purch ase. (See the window display. When you want Good Goods go to Meyers QUALITY AND SERVICE OP You can purchase here with confidence and satisfaction we guarantee that. Keen Disappointment Felt In Petrograd Over Diplomatic Failure I All Around Town I t I COIIINGJYENTS TONIGHT Aug. 7. Conwrt nt. Chcmawa by i.'hemawa Indian string quartet. August. 8. Lecture by Prof. J. O. Hull at Chcmawa on "Remedies Against .Pover ty." Aug. IS. Third asnual picnic Southern Pacific employe! at state fair grounds. Sept. 18. Opening day of city schools. Aug. 23. Cherrian excursion to Marshfield. Sept. 5-30 Oregon State Fair. ! Notice It has been reported that we make a charire for spectators nt iDcnison's Baths, which is not so. Nev-j or nave we cunrgea in me past, nor no we Intend to da so in the future. Chns. K. Dvuisnn. The Rev. H. O. Stover, pastor of the Centrul Congregational ehureh, and family, left this murniug for a month's outing on tho McKenzie river. During One cue of drunk and disorderly was: his absence there will be no services in taken in by the police Saturday night, 'the church, excepting Sunday school, and the city treasury contains un aiidi- which will be held at the usual hour. tional $10 this morning us a co queuce. o Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse M correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldj. Fosters are out announcing the Linn county fair at Heio for three days, .Sep tember 0, 7 and 8. D eel son's Baths, foot of Btate street. Safe, convenient, first class. tf According to 'placards posted in sev ei'nl windows, this is National Touring weea tnrougnout the country. Drink Cereo, Uie liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf J. Wayne Baker was in the city Bun dny from Shaw, where lie is overaceinc a force of Southern Pncifie Inspectors uuiiiiing a new depot at that place. Hlzs Fun makers, Commercial and Kerry Sts. (Free tonight. augl2 These are strenuous times. Dallas Is all excited as to whether street dancing Salem's lamest and '. best tewclrv , during band concerts should be allow- store is Iliirtmaii Hros. Co. cu Albany is working up a fuir of its u own, not in competition with the Seio A cigarette carelessly dropped from M,-' bllt 0" fo.r 1,on,c "J""' aml Sal,'m the window above set fire to the awning ' i,lk "l"5""11? 0,,t ,how t0. R ? at the clear store located on the cor. ! Maralifield and not spend more than 2.i ner of State aud Coiumerciol streets Saturday afternoon. Daniiige slight All kinds of lumber and builders each. A temperature of 78 degrees above has been recorded as tho maximum for supplier-Kails City-Hiilem Lumber Co. ' ''."T ' ,rie al government. 141) H, 12th. Phone 813. . , , , ", 0 deck. Last night the minimum was 55. Pntniomr TTn-l...n i. i.. T,.i.., The river is about holding its own as . ... ... I. l 1 1 u ' , .. , ... . .. today ns a delegate attending tho state f" " '.' " , -uon.iny meetinir of ih., W.,.,lr,,. Wii-.... !....,... mornings was .7 ot a toot above low He will remain several dnvs. takinir in the Columbia highway drive before returning. By Carl W. Ackerman, (United Press .Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Aug. 7. Failure of the British to make any important head way in their great, offensive on the Somnic front ami a fresh defeat for allied diplomnts in Romania have in spired the Herman public with con fidence. All reports from Bucharest and Vienna indicate that the Balkan situa tion is again satisfactory to the Cen tral Powers. Reports from Stockholm declare keen disappointment is felt in Petrograd over the failure of the al lied diplomats' lutest maneuvers at Bucharest. Satisfied that they could not induce Rumania to enter the war, the allies attempted another coup in the negotia tions just closed. They asked that Russia be permitted to send troops through Rumania to invade Hungary, thus evading the Carpathian mountaiu barrier. Sussia guaranteed to defend Rumania from attack should Austria declare war on Rumania. Hulting of the Russian advance in the southeast and the allies' failure to break through the (Ionian lines in the West were factors that aided fieriuany grently at Bucharest. The allies, It is understood here, have now practical ly discontinued their efforts to win Rumania's favor. J TODAY'S BALL SCORES SPECIAL NOTICE! Ladies admitted FREE to Den nison's Baths (or 4 Days We want the ladies to know the joys of our Baths, and as a special inducement will furnish suits, towels and rooms free to all ladies at tending our baths for the next four days. FOOT OF STATE STREET n LI A change for the tetter front pasted unit other lenses with ugly seams to the dear Kryftei lensesi You Need Not Fuss With Two Pairs of Glasses lY. GLASSES XV The only Invisible Bifocal tlive you near and far vision in one pair without seams or cement. Let ns show them to you. MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 208-209 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109 4 ; t w. National. Chicago New York Ijivender, Prendergast Schupp, Tresreau and Rariden. Pittsburg-Broo'klyii, postponed, rain. I.. Pet. 2 2 3 .1 0 and Wilsoa; First came: It. H. E. Cincinnati 0 5 4 Boston 2 2 1 Toney aud Wingo; Barnes and Blackburn. Second game? E. H. K. Cincinnati 0 10 0 Boston 6 fi 0 Mosley and Clark; Allen and Blackburn. R. H. E. St. I.ouis. 3 11 2 Philadelphia 5 Jl 3 Ames. Williams and Ooizales; Chalm ers, Dcmaree and Killifer. Quality bestprices right Hartman Bros, Co., successors to Burr's Jewelry store. State und Liberty streets. water nun k. In a contest between the good house wives of the country and the sugar trust, it appears that the hoincfolks have won the first round, ns tho refiner ies this morning announce a reduction of 20 cents a hundred, and this Is right Postoffice autiwrities are iu receipt iu ,he ,m,lat of the "'" season. It of a warning that money orders mi,.jl'P"' Ht the women folks simply re boring from 7,47(1 to 7.1S00 were stolen fu",'1 ,0 'a,, fruit wn,n ,llc l,rU'e of ,ie at Kast St. Louis, Illinois, and tlirv l,0Ht ""K"r wa8 hovering '' ' have reasou to believe that orders will oeu,!,i of ' thc' ''id. ill!,t reduced the bo forged and attempts made to enh'U"mi1 n,mum, thereby getting even them at stores and hotels. w,,h ,no ,rust- On and aftemigTm, 1916, andun-' x DISSOLUTION NOTICE til further notice 1'ry ' Drug Store will I N,,,"' hereby given that the part supply its customers nceording to awi"ersoip heretofore existing between the who pure grain or ethyl alcohol, tf I , ,, " ' ,, . ' "V . iiii- iiiii.invii .iiiiii. v(., linn ii.'i'ii iiik- An trmy Inspector of Portland is in the city, inspecting the government's order for lilO.OOO feet of lumber to be shipped by the Spanldiug Logging com pany for the use of the army at Calex ico, Cal. The shipment will bo made ar the rate of two cars a day. -: . ' ' ' V CHIROPEACTIO IS THB MASTER SYSTEM If your spine is right, you are right. Those who have tried every old method and found no relief should try Chiroprnctio and get well. Many hundreds of grateful patients in Salem and elsewhere can substantiate my statements. Six adjustments will be Rivea for tho small fee of . 15.00. Difficult cases, which require X-ray examinations and Bpinographs can ob tain them at a nominal fee. - Only ex pert Spirograph work. A talk with the' old Chiropractor may lead you to health and happiness; act now. P. H. MAT, D. C, Hubbard Building. Phone 672 solved, and that Robe-t llutcheon and David llutcheon will hereafter conduct the business ns partners under the namt of llutcheon Point Co. and will pay all liabilities of the former part nership and collect debts due it. Dated at Salem, Oregon, August 5th, 11)10. Robert llutcheon, Allan llutcheou, I Dnvid llutcheon. . Ten men from the Salem Rifle club auxiliary reported at the Pinior rifle range yesterday. Sergeant Block of the C. S. army was made chief rauge of ficer ami 1). Wiggins statistical officer. The shooting began at a range of 200 vurds, with the distance of the target increasing until the final shoot was (K) yards. At this distance, H. Doe made the remarkable score of hitting the tar get 21 out of 25 times. Three of the shots hits the bull's eye, which is IS inches ia diameter in the army target. The tUH) yards shooting is about equal to the distance front the Lndd & Bush bank to the Waite fountain in Willspn park. The members of the auxiliary will report again next Sunday for additional rifle practice. Tonight members of the Auxiliary will meet at the armory and bo given ' special instructions in the school of the squad by Captain Rosenberg. The cider season is now on as the Commercial Cider works of 1010 North lommcrcial street begun today the grinding of the first apples. auwiuvuup lies VUUUIIH iruui Newport report the best roads over f ......... .........:.. rpl... 1 m i, .1,1.-1 uii.i.u.tfr ll. Jill- m-r lllttlfr """"iu nn- lliuilllltlin IIUD ilUb US VI ....,..l.,l.,.l 1.7-1. -,W.M. O Dr. B. L. Steeves went to Falls City ths afternoon to operate on the eye of Merschel, the ten year old son ot K. K Lwis whose eyes ner sriously injured Trom a dynamite explosion lasi Thurs day. The boys of the Southern Pacific freight office did a little fishing yes terday on the upper Abiquu. In the party were ('. S. Newberry, J. C. Camp bell, R. L. Lewis, A. O. (iood and their guest Otto Brandt. ' o Mrs. Jones was found dead yester day at her home in (Servais. There was no signs of violence and the report of the locnl doctor wifs that siio had died u natural death. The body today is in cure of John Wise, an undertaker at tiervais. A. A. Mickel, freight agent of the Southern Pacific, 'was in Portland Sat urday, attending a safety first meet ing of freight agents in Oregon, lie sides taking up the safety first propo sition, the agents gae their time to discussing better means of transportation. Charles M. Kavanaugh, 19, of West Salem, passed the physical examina tion for service in th- V. S. army and will leave this evening for Portland, where he will be sent with n squad to Fort McDowell, six miles from San Francisco. After three weeks of train ing, he will be assigned to his regi ment. E. Cooke Patton returned ' Saturday evening from a week 's business trip on the west side,. including calls at Me Miunville, Forest drove and Newberg. At North Yamhill, he Will Vender sol formerly f Salem, who is now in charge of a large department store at tnat piace. A petl lon will be presented to the city council this evening, signed by more than 100 residents and practi cally all the tax payers living in the Burlington addition, 'asking for addi tional drainage for that section of the city between Seventeenth and Twenty Second and D and Center street. Last winter almost all the basements iu that part of the city were flooded caused by the back water from the city sewers. After a heavy rain, tin water flowing irom the asylum farm fill tho sewers to overflowing, pushing the liackwaters into the bssements'nf the homes In Burlington addition. Tiie matter will be brought before the council as a mat ter of necessary health precautions. Th petition is also signed by Dr. O. I. Miles, city physician. Mr. Wallace is the ulderiuau from tiiat ward. American New York Cleveland Fisher, Siinwkey Biigby aud Daly. B. .. 3 11. 10 R. IT. K. Boston 17 1 Chicago 7 13 . 0 Leonard, .lories and Aguew; Russell aud Schnlk. Philadelphia Detroit Mvers and Halev; Baker. $$:ic):$c$$l!':!'el' AUTO GOT HIS TAIL FIRST SHIP BUILT ON LAKES FOR NORWEGIANS Port Orford, Ore., Aug. 7. This is the tule of a panther 'a tail. Shiller B. Herman, of Port laud, motoring on the Klk river road by night, came suddenly upon the panther. He jammed on his brakes. The Machine stop- ped with its front wheel square- ly on the animal's tail. For five minutes the uir was sit shattered with the panther's protests. It gnawed all portions of the automobile within reach and ripped a tire to ribbons. Finally it bounded away with a loud cat nurse, leaving the tnd of its tail under the wheel. Herrmnnis going to have the fragment embalmed and keep it as a souvenir. Riverside Dip Was Lively Place Yesterday The La Area club, composed Riverside Dip was a lively place yes terday afternoon and evening, fully 1,500 taking advantage of a stroll about the park and watching the bathers. K. Fully 200 at a time were in the water. 1 The receipts tor the day were some 1 thing over if'JO. Of the 1,500 who were and Xiinamnker; on the bench, tully oOO were children, a fact that was very satisiaciory ro rue members of the civic club as the bath ing beach idea was originally that the children of the city should have a sufc place to bathe. Elinor J. Mungis is in charge of the grounds during the absence of A. R. Wilson. It. H. E. As n special entertainment, Hans Hofstetter, a dairyman living in Snlem, 1 entertained the erowd by giving an ex- nml I hibition of diving from the bridge. Thursday evening Mr. Hofstetter will give another exhibition, something nnrn in thn ffltlPV liltfi Hfl NRVB llA nf J - - learned to sw ini and dive when he was Covaleski young lames trom tne i niteii Artisan years M whilo livill(j in thc od luuiic iii ui,-vb iiiin c.i-miiu hi. ,iiv country. - The committee of the civic depart ment of the Commercial club is making arrangements tor a special program some evening of this week. home of Mrs. Leah Armstrong on Sum mer street for the election of officers for the coming year ami the closing up of tho year's business. nenrve M Post will Mibmifc nlana for the three buildings to be erected oujD..,., fnrtpprt HI WillsfHI the three junior hi"h -school grounds! D&U1 lAHUCIl 111 U11ISUH at the meeting of the school board of j education tomorrow evening. The uliiiiM will l,a una nv.r mill mlv.irl ihmi! for bids at once iu order that the build-! Band concert at Willson park by the iugs will be ready nt the oiwning of! Salem Municipal bang Tuesday, August Park Tuesday Night school September is. Charlie Maxwell, tho 270 pound por-, ter of the Oregon Kb.'etrie depot, left yesterday for a week of recreation atj Newport. Charlie says he is the father i of seven childreu the oldest one mt grown, and that, with his duties- from i 0:30 in the murning until S:3t) iu the eveniug, a man surely needs a little t rest, and recreation at least once a! year. I o- S, at 8 p. m.: 1 March. "Free I.nnce. " Sousa 2 Overture, "Beautiful Cnlutea." Suppe 3 Waltz, "Anette." Baxter 4 Comic Opera selection, "Al geria." Herbert 5 Vocal Solo, "Beautiful Valley of Dreams." Sung by Hiillie Hinges (1 Intermezzo, " Eleanor. " 7 Ballet Musie, "Flight of the Birds." 8 Grand Opera selection from "Carmen." Bizet According to the report of Dr. O. B, Miles, citv physician and health ofti- 9 Descriptive " Home,Sweet Home cer, during the month of July there; thc World Over." Arr by Lampe. were 10 deaths reportel, 8 male and 8' This number depicts the manner in female. The birth report shows an in-, which foreign musicians interpret crease in the population of the city, as'. "Home. Sweet Home." the returns give the birth of 10 fe-'lO March. " All America.". .Znmeenie male and 13 male. Twj cases of diph-' H. X. STOl'DENM KYER. theria were reported for the month audi Director, only three eases of measles. 1 ' o n T.iJ iin C. C. Brisblne loll dead this morn-! rreSllieiH 10IU IT lien ing while working on a public road i '-j , miles north of Salem. He wns helping ( loud a wagon and just ns he pushed! his spade into me grounu ne leu aiuij was dead before those who were work-; ing near could reach him. His home was just east of Chemawa and he is' survived by a wife and two sons. one of them a" dniiitfist in Portland. As1 vet no funeral arrangements have been made. He wns 50 years old last July. He Will Be Told Of It Lai Cow, the chinaman who was in iured in a hoi spraving machine a week auo todav. died this morning at the I Willamette sanatorium from the re sult of the cuts iu the head. He never fully regained consciousness although Friday, and Saturday he appeared to be slightly improving. He carried both accident and death insurance. Funeral arrangements will be made by K. M. Croisan on whose place Lai Cow work ed. He had no in this coun try. . Journal Want Ads Get Kesults. Washington, Aug. 7. In a four and oue-half hour conference this afternoon President Wilson and Chairman Me Cormick and Vice-chairman Cummings of the democratic national committee tentatively agreed upon Saturday, September 2, as the date 'for notifying Wilson of his noininaation, Wilson's advisors held the democratic campaign ought to be ready by then regardless of whether or not congress had unjoined. Chicago, Aug. 7. The first ship ever built on the til-cut Lukes for tho Nor wegian Merchant Marine will soil luto this afternoon from the South Chicago docks on its maiden trip to Montreal and thence to Rotterdam. The ship, christened the Nordnl, has been chartered by the Ruckefeller Foundation to carry grain to Belgian war sufferers. MADE NO OVERTURES Washington, Aug. 7. With the eon ventiou of the womun's party at Colo rado Springs but three days away, the democratic, party lias made no overtures and may be unrepresented when the votes controlled by the party are dis posed of, Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the Congressional I'ninn snid today. The Hughes alliance the prohibitionists nnd socialists will have representatives at the convention, she said. ATTENDED BALL GAME Detroit, Mich., Aug. 7. The governor and Mrs. Hughes this afternoon went to the Nnvin field where they occupied a box behind the Tiger dugout. The con test was delayed nearly half an hour while the nominee personally greeted the ball players and posed for the movie men in pictures featuring Cobb, Craw ford, Jennings, Lajoie and the repubii can candidate. The crowd which wan small, cheered wildly throughout the ceremonies. !ttjt5!tj: HEARD NOTHING OF BREMEN Baltimore, Md., Aug. 7. Hen ry Hilken of the Eastern For warding company, local ncent of thc Undersea line stated this afternoon that as yet they had heard nothing of the Bremen and were not in a position to say whether the craft seen in tho vicinity of Boston, was tho . expected submarine. 4c When In SALEM, OBEGON, stoi a BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern . Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, 11.00, tl.50 FES DAT The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres rd Capitol Buildings. A Home 'Away From Horn. T. a. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Anto Bos. STENOGRAPHERS Why Not tlse Columbia. QUALITY Carbons? Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Colombia Carbon Paper Mf f . Co. (3rd ft Broadway, Portland, Or. ! NEWPORT-NYE BEACH I Automobile Passenger and B- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 " MILLIONS FOR MOVIES m .New iora, Aug. i.-iw orgaui-1 tion of the Success Films corporation I HqJfilj) snid to be capitalized at $7.."00.000 was ' announced here todav. The new com-l1 " pany will -build a large theatre here and P5 fir, in a number of western cities. I The Journal Does Job Printing. KIMD mum Any time .