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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1916)
TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1916. "Salem's Big Department Store" Laces ts Embroideries July Clearance Sale of Embroidery Flouncing at 98cyd. A beautiful assortment of 27-inch Organdie Flouncing in open eyelet and blind effects. Also a lot of new embroidered voiles, choice of pink, blue, flame or pink and blue Embroidery patterns. Every piece in these lots is new this season. Extra value offering, to clear 98c a Yard A.BATHING CONTEST FOR SWIMMERS TO BE HELD BY THE MEYERS STORE ON J THE BATHING BEACH OPENING DAY-FIVE RACES-TEN PRIZES. Co-operating with the Salem Commercial Club in i making the new Public Bathing Beach a success, this I store will give eight prizes in these races to be held I opening day announcement of which will be made t later. 1st Race 75-feet for girls under 16 years, first and second prizes. . 2nd Race 100-feet for boys under 16 years first and second prizes. 3rd Race 50-yards for women, and misses first and second prizes. 4th Race 100-yards for men and boys first and t second prizes. Special Race 75-feet for boys and girls (13 and un- f der) first and second prizes. If you wish to enter any of these races leave your name at the store. Meyers' I Swimming Contest will be interesting and exciting" as a number of good swim- I mers will compete. Be at the beach opening day. Announcement or Opening I Day will be made in our ads as soon as decided upon by the Commercial Club. I Men's Straw and Panama Hatsyour pick of the stock Vi Price QUALITY AND SERVICE A a3d concert will be given Sun day eveninjr in the Central OonjjrcKH tioual ohurrh by the icgulur choir, as sisted by loonl talent. Now that the addition' to the church has been com pleted, the HcntiiiK capacity is 880. A. M. Hansen will conileto the iimtall iug of the iew thin week. SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at any time. Office, BUgb Hotel PHONE 700 Adolph Greenbawn, son of I. Green- liuum, ban been ordered by the navy department at Washington to report Ht Oorvnllia .Inly 27 for another exam ination as alternate lor admission to Annapolis as milshipinnn. He lias al ready paused the physical examination and the menial examination to bo giv en next is the one that was formerly given at Annapolis. - RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ort. Hop Spray Black Leaf 40. Black Leaf 40 last season proved, without a doubt the best spray for aplisis on hops ever used. A great many growers efter using all other kinds of spray without success, tried it and saved their crops. We are local agents and carry a large stock and can fill any sized order promptly. Fish Oil Soap Usually called Whale Oil Soap should be used with any hop spray. We have the very high est grade and can sell it as cheap as some are asking for inferior grades. ' D. A. WHITE & SONS, 251 State St. Phone 160 " Salem, Oregon. Saturday Specials 12 Lbs. New Potatoes for 25c 1 Lb. Can of Cleveland Baking Powder 40c 2 Loaves of Bread for 5c 35c Can of Ground Chocolate 30c Our Best 35c Coffee Special 30c DAMON & SON Phone 68. We deliver All Around Town , COMINGJEVENTS TONIGHT July 17-23 Epworth League In stitute, Willamette University Campus. July 21. Chcrrians meet at Commercial club, 8 p. m. July 30. Salem Street Railway excursion to Newport. July 24-25-2I "The Birth of a Nation,'?. Grand Opera House. July 28. Wisconsin society re union at State fair grounds. July 31-August 1. Comie op era, "The Mikado," opcr house, auspices .(loose lodge. Aug. 23. Cherrian excursion to Marshfield. Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. : Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the health drink. Ask your grocer. tf The river continues to break all rec ords for high gunge at tins time of year. Toilav it is 3.2 feet above low wnter mark, a fall of H.j inches in 24 hours. Denlson's Baths, foot of State street. Safe, convenient, first class. tf o '' Now is the time to drinjn lemonade while lemons are cheap. While the sugar trust is a little timid about posh ing lip the price of sugar a tew notch es, the lemon situation is different, and next week there is likely to be a radical advance. Ice cold watermelons 22c lb., Tur lock cantaloupes IOc nn.l 3 for 2.c; hot house tomatoes 2 lbs. for 23c. Hoth Oroc. Co. 0 The Portland Chamber of Commerce has decided to. visit Marshfield and the Coos bay country for the week be ginning 'September 11. Marshfield and the country adjacent is 24 hours nearer l'nrtland than Sail 'Krnneiseo, and the l'nrtland merchants will spend an entire week in that country getting acquainted uml incidentally working up business. Non-Irrigated, finest flavored apri cots from The Dulles. Send your or der soon. $l.."ill crate. Hoth (Iroc. Co. While the central states and the east is iust recovering from the effect of n protracted hot spell, wherein the merenrv in the thermometer nns nov ered over and above the 100 mark, the Willamette vallev around Salem has been enioviug salunrlous wentiier, with the maximum temperature 78 for Wednesday, 7H for Thursday and,, 74 for today. A very fine shipment of Turlock cantaloupes is due to arrive Saturday! July 22, lovers of real cantaloupes will! find them at Hoth 11 roc. Co. j This is a society item. Mrs, Made-j eliue Force AstorPicK of New York; City spent u short time in Salem yes-i terday. She was the widow of the late! Colonel John .lacub Astor, victim f, the Titantic disaster and is now nc-! conipanied on her honeymoon by her' 28 year old husband. They were on the Shusta i. united and could stay but! a few minutes. Today they are onj their way back to the east. j Dr. F. H. Thompson, specialist, eye.' car. nose and throat, room 414 Hunk of Commerce bldg. . j ! The Knights of Columbus have char-j j tered the (Srahamona for a picnic next; Sunday. The boat will leave the dock: at o'clock in the morning, taking thei Ipicknickers to llren'ino's Landing.) I The dny will be spent at Horse Sheet lake. It is probable that about 2301 will take advantage of this chance for a trip on the river. The Salemj Street Railway band will accompany them. I The merry-go-round at the state falri j ground will ruu Saturday afternoon I ami evening. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse si correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;. The regular band concert will he given this evening by the Cherrian baud at Willson park.' Drink Cereo, the liquid food. Better than coffee or tea. Ask your grocer, tf The Woodmen of the World have on, hand big doings tonight including the initiation of 17 members. A party from Silverton will come over to enjoy the proceedings. Steusloff Bros., Inc., will pay 8Vi cents for top hogs. , tf Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clough and Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Bryant will leave to morrow for an auto trip to Portland, which will include a Sunday ride on the Pacific Highway. Cottage at Newport, near postofflce. Six rooms, good sized, pantry, bath, water and lights, modern throughout. Address box 595, Newport Oregon. jl21 o The bathing beach will be officially opened next week with a special pro gram for the opening dny. Arthur R. Wilson will have charge of the bench and the official liojijs .are from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until tl o'clock Baseball Sunday July 23, 3 p. m. Lo.ius vs. Battling Bradt'orda. The Bradiords are some scrappers and are coming back strong to retrieve their defeat the fourth. . july22 Get our prices on new and used furniture, we usually get the business K. L. Stiff &, Son. ' Meat cutter wanted for Saturday Midget Market, 371 State St. Frank Marshall was acquitted today in the ease that has been en trial in ! Judge Kellv's court, wherein he was on trial charged with committing a' siuiuiury uiiense. We carry a full line of tents, awn ings, wagon covers, nml campers sup plies, nncl reasonable prices. E, L. Stiff & Son. The case against Merritt Sutton, I charged with petit larceny, was dis missed by Justice of the Peace Web ster this miming and the costs taxed to the complaining witness. The Ladies and Knights of Macca bees picnic, next Sunday, July 23. Phone !.")."), W. B. Clilson for transpor tation. Truck leaves Marion square at 10 a. in. sharp. - july22 W. A. Bingo, formerly interested in the Crown Drug store of this city, but now owner of the Crown Drug store of Brownsville, is in the city, making ar rangements to move his family to his I new home. He sold his interest in the Crown drug store about a month ago. 1 Boys at Clackamas ' TODAY AND TOMORROW Company M Salem Soldier YE LIBERTY Choice Boiling Beef 8c Per Pound Roasts of Beef 1 lc Per Pound Juicy Tender Steak 14c Per Pound Boneless Rolled Prime Roasts 15c Boneless Rolled Pot . . Roasts . 12hc Balers and Threshers get our prices before contracting for your season's meat. MIDGET MARKET . 371 State St. Originator of Low .Prices Bring your building worries to, us. We will submit figures on lumber, lath, shingles, paints, oils, builders hardware, etc. Falls Citv-Salem Lum ber o., 349 S. 12th. Phone 813. Dr. B. F. Pound, president of the Canoe club, announces that the club will be fully represented at the open ing .day of the beach and do its share in entertaining the thousands who are expected to show their interest iu the sports of the evening. He reports that at least 20 canoes will take part and thnt every member of the club will be asked to assist in the canoe parade. Bids on 62 cords 2d growth fir; 8 cords largo oak; 40 cords slab wood. Delivered. Quote prices on each item and on complete order. Address Ivan G. Mc Daniel, Mgr, Salem Com'l club. july22 King Bing has issued the following command to his vassals: "A special meeting of the Cherrinns will be held Friday evening, July 2i, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial club rooms, for the purpose of taking up matters pertain ing to the Marshfield trip. The gov ernor and party will accompany the ( herriuns on this trip. George is also going. All inemliers urged to attend this meeting, as business of import ance will be transacted. "' Inter-City League pennant race is some fight. , Four teams close. Don't miss the game Sunday July 23d, Bat tling Bradfords vs. Lojus. League grounds. 3 p. 'm. ' july22 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the kind friends for their hel;), sympathy and floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lowry, Mrs. C. Jordan. While the Price shoe store is not ex actly doing a national business, occa sionally orders are received from points not exactly iu the Willamette valley. For instance, a few days ago an order was received for two pairs of liuljes; buttoned shoes, from Juneau, Alaska. Another order came from the owner of a large nursery at Chico, Calif., for a pair of men's ground grip pers, and today the mail brought an order for a pair of Witch Klk men's shoes, all the way from Milwaukee. Thousands of friends and patrons of Dr. M. 1 Mendclshon will be very glad to hear that the doctor is gaining in health every dny, and expects to be in his office beforo long and resume his practice as before, if yon watch this paper you will know exactly the date on which he will arrive. When it comes to making a radical reduction in price, the government is not backward or even slow about it. The official postal guide, a mysterious volume to be found only at the post otfice, has sold formerly for $3.50, enough to discourage any honest cit izen or business house that might need the information. Now the same offi cial guide may be had by sending 40 cents to the disbursing clerk, post of fice department, Washington, D. C. For 75 cents, the book will be sent also each month during the year, a sup plement showing all changes. For those who are only interested in the official postoffice names in Oregon, an investment of 15 cents sent to the disbursing eli.- at Washington will bring the Oregon list. The postoffice department believes that a better knowledge of postal conditions ami correct addresses will mean improved service. Postage stamps, foreign mon ey, defaced or smooth coin will not be accepted. The better way to send money, even to cents, is tnrougn me mouev order office. t The Korean Restaurant Z is now opened in our new loca- tion at 110 1-2 Com! street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pay us a visit. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH t Automobile Passenger and Bag- t-- irace Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottaget Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 When In SALEM, OREGON, itof BLIGH HOTEL . Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths OA TPS. 7K. lino. ll.RO PES DAT The only hotel in the business distri:. T 1 ml 1... - r. .Nearest to an uepois, Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Pro. Both Phones. Free Auto Bni. I Company M Salem Soldier Boys at Clackamas TODAY AND TOMORROW YE LIBERTY PEACHES Early Triumphs, Basket....'. 20c HOME MADE CAKES Mrs. Sawyer's Sunshine c Burnt Sugar, Chocolate, Orange, etc 50c each Parker House Rolls, dozen 15c Watermelons, Imperial Valley, pound 2 l-2c Cantaloupes, fancy ones ." 3 for 25c WESTICOTT-TH IELSEN COMPANY Salem's Best Market Place -426 State Street ? Two Phones, 830-840 cazszacaaczssszszzzszzaccsaacnacnnnnnnBnnnnnsann n ii n u a in in i ii !! ii ii ii ii M II II U a n TODAY TOMORROW OREGON TODAY TOMORROW Triangle Pictures A BIG COMEDY PROGRAM "THE NO GOOD GUY" Five-act Comedy Starring William Collier. One of the Best Pictures We Have Yet Shown H a n A Dash of Courage A Keystone full of laughs and thrills. Selig-Trihune Weekly The latest in film news. A Full Show After the Band Concert VAUDEVILLE STANLEY & CO. Unexcelled Comedians Special Matinees 10c "WE LEAD" n a a W a n w Evenings 15c EannanncnEzaanEncnoncGaEaBcaEEaaHncEinoBnaunaaanna Dependable Pianos at Low Prices Good, dependable Pianos at very cut prices. They are pianos of char acter and quality; built to sell and satisfy and to retain their newness in case and tone in the after years, that are the real test of piano worth. Cheaper pianos than we sell there are, but your safety lies not in seeing how cheap an instrument you can buy, but seeing just how much value you can secure for each dollar invested. It is for giving real value a full dollar's worth for every dollar expended that our House has become celebrated. "Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back" is our slogan, and it is religiously lived up to. Comparatively, we sell pianos on a more economical basis and at a greater real saving than you can buy elsewhere. Carefully investigate our pianos, our prices, our terms then decide. Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back. The Wiley B. Allen Co. 521 Court Street R. F. PETERS, Mgr. Salem, Oregon I?