Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1916, Image 1

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    fr fr -I SjS SfC ijc 3t 3fc ?C 5c 3C
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Four Thousand Carranza
Troops There Yesterday,
But Few Today
Strong Chain of Carranza
Troops Drawn Around
Pershing's Army
Kl Paso, Texas, Juno 22. General
Bell, at Fort Bliss, said today thnt a
copy of the Mexican report of tip Cnr
nzul battle forwarded by General Gon
ules pf Juarez wns tlio only informa
tion BelThad shortly after 8 a. m. No
report had been received from General
Questioning regarding Ameriean oo
Pupation of Juarez in the event Gon
zales ovaenates the Mexican town, Bell
referred the newspaper nieu to General
Funston at Han Antonio.
Mexican Consul Andres Garcia in ,Tu
tuez, today denied by telephone that he
intends remaining on the Mexican side
v here he went last night. He stated
Hint the consulate would remain open
3.1 Kl Paso and that lie would return
tuis afternoon. Garcia admitted he
crossed the border because he consid
ered himself safer in Juarez.
Asked if Juarez would be evneua'"d
f nrcia denied any such intention tn
the part of the C'airanza troo-.s. "Why
tlie hell should wc evacuate? " Garcia
Juarez streets, however, were com
parutivolv deserted before noon. Only
a sprinkling- of soldiers was to be seen
on the streets. A largo part of its
civilian population was encamped on
the southern outskirts'.
Whilp the Carranza military will
evacuate Jrmroz the civil authorities ex
pect to remain in the city and conduct
its municipal affairs.
Mav Attack TVnorl.'ffMi
General Trevino, commander of the I
ie tacto government's forces in Chi
luiuhnn, is concentrating most of his
.'strength in the vicinity of Valla Ahu
iiinda. This has been his base since the
American punitive expedition entered
51 exico.
When advised of the military evacua
t on of Juarez, EI Paso state depart
ment officials expressed the belief that
Trevino intended nttackiug the expedi
tion. A strong chain of Oai'ranzistn
troops has been drawn around General
Pershing's forces.
There was raufli excitement in .Tn-fi'-cz.
today when it became known that
the de facto troops were to evacuate.
Several hundred refugees crossed to lj
I Viso.
Pour thousand Carrnnzista -soldiers
nro understood to have been quartered
V -T'lirez yesterday. Onlv a few hon
ored remained this morniuir and they
v-ere leaving as fast as transportation
could be obtained.
General Gonzales and Mexican Con
ed Garcia spent the night in Juarez in
t.'.egrnnhic conference with Currnnzn,
War Minister Obregon and General Tre
vino. (iareia twice communicated with
OcnernI Bell at Port Bliss, also sending
Pell a copy of the Mexican version of
loo Carrizal fight. The officers de
clined tn make known the result of
t.-eir conference.
Situation Grows Worse.
Washington. June 22. Tn ri;...,..l.
t-'-nt to the war department bv General i
T.mston early today, the situation in!
iinrlhern Mexico v as described as in-!
ereasingly bad, orders issued by Car
finza for the arming of citizens adding'
materially to the ail i-Amcrieau feeling !
r ii ij sro u cnneii attention to the facti
I.af'e Bud's u'lrle is a juggler with
circus an' he comes by it honestly
i- his father cats peas with n knife.
T.i' Ben Davis apple, like other frauds.
i- a g"ed looker.
Say He Disobeyed Orders
About MovingGeneral
ft ir" l
fcomez r m!
Mexico City, Jur.' ?. American
troops from General C iliiug's com
mand were engaged nr.? veil back by
General Trevino 's for 'i i the battle
at Carrizal (Station o Mexican
Central railroad, the office an
nounced today. Seveitl Americans
were captured. Goner g lix Gomez
was wounded and died ; - the battle.
The war office anno I that the
clash was caused by General Pershing's
defiance of the instructions recently
transmitted to him by General Trevino
that any further advance into Mexico
would be forcibly resisted.
General Gomez, the Carranza com
mander killed in action, was born in
Vauegas, Kan Luis Potosi, and joined
the Carranza revolutionists three years
ago. He was on the staff of General
Gutierrez and accompanied Guiterrez to
the capital when the latter was elected
provisional president by Mexican
chiefs. When Gutierrez fled the cnpital,
Gomez followed him and took the field
against Villa. He later surrendered to
General Jacinto Trevino. For several
months he has been operating under
General Trevino in western Chihuahija.
It is to be noted that the Mexican
war office anuouncea the engagement
occurred on Sunday. All dispatches
from otticials at F.l Paso and Kan An
tonio reported the Carrizal fighting oc
curred Wednesday morning.
Southern Pacific Employs
Non-Union Labor When
Strike Is Resumed
Sacramento, Cal., June 22. Steamer
transportation service on the .Sacra
mento river was resumed last night by
the Southern Pacific eoinoanv. the
California. Transportation company
and the Sacramento Transportation
company, following the action of the
longshoremen 8 union in again calling
out all their members.
Non-union firemen, oilers, electricians
and deckhands are being used to oper
ate the river steamers.
The Southern 1'acifie steamer Modoc
left San Francisco last night and ar
rived here at 8:20 o'clock this morn
ing. She carried no passengers or
freight. The Modoc was the first to ar
rive since June 1.
The California Transportation com
pany's steamer "The Pride of the
River" is on its way to pick up
produce in the lower river country.
The riser steamer San Joaquin Num
ber 4 of the Sacramento Transportation
company left last night for Sail Fran
cisco. She carried no freight and had
the complement of men strikebreakers
required by law.
that all Information thus fur is 'from
Mexican sources. This was taken as in
dicating Funston's feeling that Persh
ing would prove his men were not the
aggressors in the trouble.
Mexican Officials Sore
Over Tone of Wilson Note
State Mexican Side of It
Mexico City, June 22. Mexican of
ficials today generally resented the tone
of the American note njid pointed out
what they declured to be fallacies in
President Wilson's argument.
The text of the note had not been
made public at nn early hour today.
General Carranza and his cmiinet
studied the communication in a lengthy
special session yesterday, denying them
selves to all visitors.
No formal statement was given out,
but the I'uited Press today obtained the
view of a number of .Mexican officials
who know the contents of the note.
Summed up, the Mexican attitude is ns'
lolluws: I
"Regarding President Wili-on's re-1
fusal to withdraw troops under the!
terms of the order issued sending theini
! into Mexico their presence ou Mexican j
soil i no longer justified or logical. 1
The order from the head of the Amer- j
ienn army distinctly stated that the ex
pedition 's sole object was the airet or
death of Villa and the dispersal of liis
band. That Villa is dead is generally i
believed here since three mouth have
elapsed since anyone has seen him and
if alive it is not believed possible by,
men who know hifli, that he would b'ej
aide to hold himself in check. His small .
force long ngo was dispersed and the'
only reason for keeping troops in Mex-j
ico is thus removed. The American
rnnm nrnmniin
rnuivi rtndninb
No Official Now Seriously
Believes That War Can
Be Avoided
Release of American Prison
ers Will Be Demanded
. by Military
By Carl D. ffroat
(Tutted Press staff correspondent)
Washington, June 22. IW-.'M pm.)
Hampered by the fact that all reports
up to this hour telling of the killing
of. 12 Americans and the capture of 17
in the fight at Carrizal yesterday come
from Mexican sources, the United States
wa9 rushing preparations this afternoon
for any action that may be necessary
in the latest crisis with the Carrnnzista
Press dispatches Teported that Gen
eral Pershing, commanding the Amer
ican expedithion in Mexico, is without
details of the engagement which bord
er accounts described as an ambush.
Against the border stories is the of
ficial eluim of the Mexican govern
ment, backed up by Ambassador Arre
dondo in a call upon Secretary Lansing
that the American forces were respon
sible for the clash. Through his am
bassador, Carranza sought an explana
tion of the presenco of the United
States troops so far from their head
quarters. Iteports from Columbus state thnt
Captain Lewis S. Moiey was in com
mand of the detachment of the Tenth
cavalry which engaged the Cnrranzistna.
The latest Mexican reports declared the
American. commander was killed,
It is believed that survivors of the
cavalry detachment will have returned
to their base lute this afternoon and
thnt General rershing's complete report
will be in the hands of the war depart
ment before tomorrow.
The militia forces of three states
were ordered to the border today. Fol
lowing a conference with President Wil
sm. Secretary of War Baker announced
that 11 other militia bodies called but
will be rushed to the border us rapidly
as they can be equipped.
General Funston, directing the move
ments of the forces concentrating along
the Mexican frontier, marked time also,
awaiting word from Pershing.
Since the American note was dis
patched to Mexico City, no official hint
lias come from Currnnzn, 'a capital of
the nature of his reply. A special truin
bore 130 Americans away from Mexico
City to Vera Cruz today,' but 2,"A) others
will remain, despite the crisis in rela
tions between the two countries.
Invasion Impending.
Washington, June 22. General in
vasion of Mexico a ppm rod to hover
just ahead today.
The Carrizal clash between Mexican
government and American troops, ap
parently resulting in the American ex-
(Continued on Page Seven.)
troops would be much better employed
in pntroliag the border to keep out raid
ing buudits, rather thau concentrated in
a small district us at present, letiving
large areas unguarded.
"We warmly challenge the statement
that constitutionalist troops have not
co-operated with the Americans to pre
vent border raids. At the beginning of
the trouble and on the occasion of the
first arvunce of American troops into
.Mexico. General Obregon, minister of
war, asked information concerning the
plans of the American expedition in or
der that he might co-opeinte with Gen
eral Pershing's forces. This ini'oruia
tion was refused, leaving him unable to
take such measures except at k great
" We indignantly deny that Carrnn
zista soldiers have taken part in raids,
except on their own initiative. Furth
ermore, no soldiers now belonging to
the constitutionalist army part icijwted
in any raids,
"The fact that one raider was founJ
with an old constitutionalist comniis-.-ion
in his pocket i not good proof of
President Wilson's conti-ntiun. It is not
just to blame the Mexican authorities
for such sporadic act. The statement
that some of the raiders wore constitu
tionalist uniforms is ridiculous since is
(Continued on Page Four.)
I I W r will IILUIIU I 1 1 U U I U Ul
As Fast As Equipped State
Troops Will Be Rushed
to the Border
Washington, June 22. As fast as the
different state militia units can be
equipped, they will be sent to the bord
er, Kecretury of War Baker stated, fol
lowing a conference with President
As to who go 'first and where they
will be assigned, the secretary said he
could not state; titer will bo dispatched
as quickly and in the order in which
they make themselves ready, ho said.
General Mills, ' head of the militia
division of the war department, is keep
ing in direct touch with the organiza
tion of the different units and is being
atlvised ns to the progress of prepara
tions for movement.
The secretary stated that beyond this
no conclusions had been reached nor
plans made ns a result of the latest
Mexican development.
''We are awaitini? further
tion," he said. "We do not vet know-
just what happened and it would be
unwise to make or announce any plans
until we do."
The secretary said it would not neces
sarily mean this government would
await comulote reports from Pershing
himself, which may be delayed before
determining upon a course of action, if
accurate information can be secured
from other -sources.
Secretary Baker said he did not lie
lieve the question of going before con
gress is eve-n in the nresident 'a mi ml
These Go Hrst.
Washington, June 22. Secretary of
War Baker nnnounced today that the
department is endeavoring to get the
California. Mi
tia to the border immediately.
mere are About 8,000 men in the
three bodies.
The war department would give no es
timate eurlv todnv
dOOn tht thrtp nru-fiTiivti tinno ....
train lor the border. They will not
ulurl it r. : l i " ... -'.
v, . r3 sum, nowever, until their
equipment is complete. When they arc
reudy it will be only a matter of hours
u iney can reach their border sta
tions, railroad schedules hnuin,, i
prepared with rolling stock in rendi
upss. A war department official said the
actual order to the three state militia
has not been given, but that these
forces would be sent to the border just
as soon as they could be put on trains
with their equipment. He added:
"I expect we will have to get pret
ty much all the militia ordered out
collected down there pretty soon." '
The resolution held up 'enrlier in the
week because of the fear that Carranzn
would interpret it as an act of war was
to be introduced in the house today by
Iiepresontiitive Hay and cailed up for
consideration tomorrow. It is hoped to
obtain unanimous consent for its in
troduction. But if thin is impossible
Hay will obtain n rule which will be
put the resolution in order tomorrow.
The resolution is technical in nature.
It provides that the president shall be
empowered to draft the national guard
"to serve for the period of emergency,
in accordance with section 111 of the
new army act.
California Ready.
Sacramento, Cal,, June 22. "The
California militia is ready to move to
the border upon a moment's notice,"
said Adjutant General C. W. Thomas
this morning when he was advised of
the war department's contemplated ac
tion through the United Press.
General Thomas slept in his office
last night to be in readiness for any
order. But, he announced at 7 n. in'.,
he received no word of nnv kind 'from
the war department.
"Uutil I receive the official order,"
sind the general, "I cannot make a def
inite statement. I will sav, however,
thnt the first move would 'be to tele
Kruph all national guard commanders in
lue suite to i,c ready to move their
forces at once in ncconluiice with the
war department's arrangements as soon
ns that arrangement is announced.
"The present fordce under nrmB is
1,100 officers and men, the great ma
jority of whom lire trained in military
tactics, fully equipped. There are com
paratively few recruits lint these woidd
be sent along with their companies."
Clackamas, Ore., June 22.
Mobilization of the Oregon Nn
tionul Guard was completed to
day. Seventeen hundred militia
men lire under aims here ready
to move to the Mexican border
on short notice.
Captain Kenneth P. Willinuis,
I.'. S. A., will muster the Ore
gon troops into the l'cdeial serv
ice today.
Ail iutant (ienenil White In it
night telegraphed the wur de
purtmcst in Washington that
mobilization was completed, and
tlist the Oregon troops are
nwaiting fur'ljer orders.
Bei atise of the speed with
which they luobiLiced, the Ore
gon militiamen hoped t,i e
suiong th" f-'st of the irregular
troopi ral!: :,1 to Mexico.
V . )(i if -Jt . : if if if f.
Must Be Certain Carranzista's
Made Attack Before
If Conflict Comes It Will Be
To Bring Stable Govern
ment to Mexico
By Robert J. Bender.
(Tinted Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, June 22. Until it is
definitely established that there is an
organized effort, by Carranza troops to
attack or harass American forces in
northern Mexico, no change in President
Wilson 's policy toward Mexico is likely,
callers learned today.
The president is awaiting complete
details of the fight between Carrnnzista
i a. .... i.i c...:..l l.
fore planning his course.
The White House 'today was flooded
with inquiries us to the true situation.
A score of congressmen called to learn
the determination of the administration,
Tl ,.r,.u;,l,, in.linotnil im nlnorlv
that if a change in policy occurs it i Company M is now within a few men
will result on the initiative of the "f ' maximum strength. The addi
Mexicnns. i tion of tme w,u ll'ft k!,llt1" tlus morn-
If a conflict is found necessary us a ing will bring the total number of men
last resort, the president emphatically enrolled to 142. One hundred and
declared it would in no way be a war fifty constitute the whole, enlisted
of conquest b ytho United States. It strength of tho company on a war
would simply bo a vigorous effort to re- ; footing.
establish order and pence in tho trouble I
ridden country and then to return it to
its people established on a sound
The president understands that the
principal danger is from individuals in
northern Mexico who are armed, ex
citable nnd likely to attack a force of
Americans at any time. This apparently
is appreciated also by General Carrnn
za, it Is believed, because copies of re
cent orders issued by him, show that
the first chief is attempting to get
all armed bandits in northern Mexico
to enlist in his army. This is to pre
vent individual forays.
Telegrams by the score wero received
by the president. They wero about
equally divided in urging immedinte
action in the Mexican situation nnd in
begging him to avoid war with Car
ru iiii.
Two Hundred Ford
Employes Enlist
Detroit, Mich., June 22. Two hun
dred employes of the Ford Motor com
pauy who cpiit work to answer the cull
to arms hi the Michigan National
Guard, were assured today by factory
officials that their jobs will be open
foi- tliion wliioi tliov i-ntttrn i'riiin unrv.
Ice on the Mexican border. Officials
of the company, however, knew nothing
of any plan to continue pay to employes
during their service in the gourd or to
provide for their families.
Ford today refused to discuss the
Mexican situation or to comment in
nnv way regarding the policy of the
company toward employes who tire
members of the guard.
Peons Must Enlist or Be
DisarmedThis in Mexico
Is Same as Conscription
Washington, June 22. Secretary of
War Baker went to the White House at
H: 10 this morning'for a conference with
President Wilson, after receiving from
General Funston a message showing
General Pershing's report on the Car
rizal fight wns delayed by the fact that
it must be sent part of the way by
It is reported that Cnrrunza has in
structed inhabitants of tho republic to
"defend themselves ill case of internu
t i u mil war." The situation is described
by Genenil Pershing in a dispatch to
FuiiHton from Dublaii, .Mexico, Tuesday
and forwarded to the -state department
last night. Peiirshing's dispatch to
Funston says:
"Following received from confiden
tial sources: June lit. sent nut to all
de facto commanders by General Tre
vino. " 'The first chief of the constitu
tionalist forces in charge of the execu
tive power of the nation advises this
department today us follows:
"'These headiuiuters of the,first
chief, convinced that the majority of
inhabitants of the republic desire
to -Vilixt in the nrmy s'o as to defend
tlemselvcs with arms in hand in rase
r " .ntcVtintioiinl war ( words omitted i
- -of imr territory and knowing thai
Company M Now Part of Fed
eral Army-Has Recruited
To Full Strength
Company M and all other troops of
the Oregon National Guard concen
trated at Clackamas, today became
soldiers of the United States. The
mustering in to federal service earlier
than was looked for is due to the unex
pected turn events have taken across
the Mexican line within tho past fortv-
cignt nours.
Salem's last contingent of guardsmen
te go direct from here to the mobiliza
tion oninp left at 9:22 this morning
over the Southern Pacific. It was
composed of eleven men with Lieuten
ant. Allen in charge. The recruits were
Daryl proctor, Linn W. Nesmith who
arrived from Eugene this morning and
immediately signed up; Claude John
son, Frank Grosvenor, Ben McClelland,
Verne F. Williams, Dewey M'Kllreth
and Orley Leffingwcll. Sergeant Mnx
Alford and Private Ivan Suhomaker,
who have been on duty at the armory,
accompanied the new men.
Lieutenant Allen yesterday after
noon received orders to be ready to
leave Bulem at a moment's notice and
make preparations accordingly. Last
night Captain Gehlhar at Clackamas
ordered Allen to movo this morning,
with all the recruits he had.
No more recruits will be received at,
! th ar,"or' -T ,e. h "ii ' ' !
nd e of l' ,',oh n80n1." ho( ,8"1-
-T1- applicants to
"animation and receive equipment as
80011 BS tllPV IIBSS.
Asks Building of Dreadnaught
of 60,000 Tons to Cost
Washington, June 22. Chairman
Tillman today urged the senate sub
committee drafting plans for the en
larged American nnvy to iiuthofizc a
ship of sixty thousand tons, W feet
in length, armed with fifteen IS incli
rifles, with a speed of llo knots, to
cost $:(fl,(M;0,(l0O.
This ship would have approximately
twice the power of any vessel afloat.
It would., be the largest craft that
could puss through the Panama ennui.
"It would whip a whole fleet of
ordinary battleships," said Tillman
Naval experts have told Tillman, he
said, the ship is entirely feasible.
Indications were that the committee
will adopt the general board recom
mendation of four (Irendnnughts nnd
three buttle cruisers for the first
year's program. If Tillman's ship is
approved it will be counted us two
in the border states nnd especially along
the bolder there lire various bunds
ready to fight the American army in
case of rupture of relations mid in or
der to avoid having tinned organized
bunds of people in our border territory
(words unintelligible, probably "con
tiguous to") American territory,
causing greater trouble than that which
ulreudy exists on account of the deli
cate international situation, please or
der General Trevino to advise by menus
of notices to nil the people ill the juri
isdictiou of the nrmy of the northwest
that all citizens who desire to enlist in
the nrmy must present themselves to
correspondiiii barracks so ns to re-
Iceive orders and be incorporated in said
army, advising them that those who do
not not comply with this order win tie
ordered disarmed lit once n nil give or
ders to the barracks along the border
that they prevent alined forces from
crossing that bonier so that he shall
advise the domiciles in his jurisdiction
for their strict observance.
"'I salute iiffeetioiiutely, Francisco
L. Trevino, provisional governor.' "
Cnrrunza 's signature is reported af
fixed to this order it ml Funston ex
plained that the words omitted nnd indi-
.......! I.,. .I...,)..,., .u..r ;it...i l, i
'he copies received by him.
Secreted Machine Guns and
Lured Negro Troopers
Into Deadly Trap
Negros Fought Like Fiends
Another Battle Is
M 9ft
El Paso, Texas, June 22. The
Carranzistn troops opened fire
on the United States cavalry at
Cnrrixal on War Minister Obre
gon 's orders. General Gonbales,
commander in Juarez, announced
today he had received Obregon 's
message to this effect.
Twelve Americans, including
their commander, whoso name is
unknown were killed in tliu tmt
tlo at Carrizal yesterday, Mex
ican Consul Garcia announced
today. Seventeen Americans
were captured nnd the Amer
icans retreating carried off a
number of wounded, consulate
advices said.
Tho Moxicans lost 14 killed
and a number wounded.
El Puso, Texas, June 22. Reinforce
ments were rushed today to the aid of
tho Tenth cavalry, victims of an am
bush by Mexicans of the Forty Ameri
cans are reported to have been killed
nnd 17 known to have been captured.
General Pershing has sent a brtdy of ad
ditional troops to tho Tenth general
headquarters, according to word receiv
ed here. Kl Puso untl the army head
quarters were still anxiously awaiting
today full report of the fight near Car
rir.nl. The Mexican authorities profess com
plete ignorance of the extent of Ale.xi
c.un casualties in the buttle which, fol
lowed ambusing of the negro troopers,
of five troops of the Tenth. Latest
reports arc thnt the troopers were lured
into the hamlet of Carrizal under a flag
of truce yesterday. Mexicans stuck to
their claim that there wero 40 Ameri
cans killed uud 17 cuptured,
iJeuliz.ing that war may come as a re
sult of the treacherous killing of tho
Americans by the Cnrraiizisla forces,
General Francisco Gonzales, do facto
commandant at Juarez, oppsito F.l Paso
was preparing to evacuate thut town.
Preparing for liny contingency, Oen
crul Bell, in command of tho American
troops in this section, moved his men
forward, planted artillery where it could
I sween the Mexican eitv nnd unlvrml
preliminary entrenchments around tho
Texas town. The mesa overlooking Ju
arez bristled with a battery of tho big
4.7 inch American guns.
The Vilest Treachory.
From reports received by state de
partment agents, mining compuiiies and
the Carrunzista officials here, it ap
pcars thut five troops of the Tenth cav
alry were on scout duty near Carrizal
when they were discovered by Cafranza
outposts. These Mexican troopers hast
ened buck to the hamlet. General Felix
Gomez, coinmanding the de facto troops
in the town, ordered machine guns se
creted on the roofs of houses and placed
them behind ndobe walls. A small com
pany of Mexicans wns scut to the west
ern part of the town to wave a flag of
truce. The unsuspecting American cav
alrymen rode into the ambush. When
the Mexicuus opened fire from the ma
chine guns, the negro troopers fiuielit
back like fiends. General Gomez wns
killed, his body literally riddled ' with
Aniericnu bullets.
The Americans charged the unseen
Mexicans in nn effort to recapture sv
erul of their number nnd inflicted
heavy casualties, the unofficial reports
stated. They were finnllv forced tn re
tire in the face of vastly suporior Mex
ican forces.
(Continued on Tage Five.)
sc fc sjc sc Jc sc sjc sjc
MLLA 7r 7)
night and Friday
fair except part
ly cloudy and oc
casionally threat
ening northwest
portion; winds
mostly northerly.