Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1916, Image 1

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After Fierce Bombardment
Terrific Charge Was Made,
But Was Checked
Storm of Shells Defeated Teu
ton Attempts to Debouch
from Forest
London, M;ir. 21. Hurling a flank
iiif; force from the went, the Germans
ure trying to force abandonment of
French positions northwest of Verdun.
Paris dispatches declared today. The
German offensive west of Malaneourt
followed the failure of frontal attacks
west of the Meuse.
On the narrow sector 10 miles north
west of Verdun the German crown
prince is applying his familiar "nut
cracker" tactics. His thrust near Mal
aucoui't was accomplished by nu ad
vance from tiognevillo. Kvidently the
plan is to drive French troops from
the village.) of Cumiores and Chnttan
eourt behind Dead Man's hill, and force
a retirement from Hie northwestern
chain for forts.
The attempt was partly successful
around Malaneourt, according to the
Paris admission. Germans gained
ground under cover of a terrific bom
bardment. As they charged, the French
were sprayed with flaming liquids. An
nrrempt to hreak the "nut cracker's"
eastern paw failed.
Germans marching southward from
Kc'iievillo were swamped hi the flood
ed lowlands by a hot 'fire from the east
bank of the Mouse, suffering serious
Attacks Are Weaker.
Paris, .Mar. 21. German uttacks have
gained more ground on the west bank
of the Meuse, it was officially admitted
today. Assaults were renewed during
the night along the Abancourt-Malan-court
line. Germans occupied a south
eastern part of the Malaneourt road,
Germans attacks were noticeable for
their loss of power, the war office said.
Before an infantryman showed his bel
met the French trenches were bathed i'
Hwirl of artillery fire. Then liquid
fire was streamer upon the foremost
French defenders. Behind this curtain
of 'flame came the grey legions.
The onslaught first rush carried
French soldiers from the southeastern
part of the woods 10 miles northwest
of Verdun, but the famous "seventy
fives" sent a storm of shells crashing
noiong the trees and defeated all Ger
man attempts to debouch from the for
est. Klsewhere on the Verdun front lint'
sidi-s were inactive.
Germans Captured Positions.
Berlin, Mar. 21. Capture of French
positions 10 miles northwest of Ver
dun nnd northeast of Vacnurt was of
ficially claimed today. The Germans
eaotured 2,.r,.12 and a' great amount of
Small Naval Battle.
London, Mar. 21. Four Pritish dc
Ftmyors oiifnced three Gorman destroy
ers off the Belgian const yes'erdny. th
Admiralty announced todav. Two r'f the
Herman vowels were hit by P.ri'- -shells.
Four British sailors were wound-
Many were greatly surprii-el t' hear
ii ' th' weddin'o' Mr. Ainslce Moots, as
lie wuz supposed t' be doin' so well.
Vmi have t' be mighty careful what you
in thee dnvs rubber heels.
ffW"n.iil ernm Pnire Three! .j
J 1 1 '
las Emissaries In Northern
Mexico urging Resistance
to Americans
By H. C. Bochme.
(I'nited l'ress staff correspondent.)
Douglas, Ariz., Mar. 21. Francisco
Villa is battling the de facto govern
ment of Mexico and the United States
with propaganda.
Half a dozen Villistas have been exe
cuted by firing squads since the Colum
bus affair. According to statements
made by arrested Villistas, already
much propaganda matter lias permeated
the districts where Villa and Zapata are
Miguel Vicente, a colonel in the Vil
la army, was arrested near LI Paso by
I'nited States authorities while spread
ing Villa literature.
Army officials here speaking unof
ficially expressed the belief that ViH
will hide out until the sentiments of
the peons has been sufficiently aroused
to cause a general uprising against
both Carranza and the invading Amer
icans. Others declared that the fugitive has
retreated with his band of Followers
into the wild mountain passes of the
sierra Madres, where he will make a
stand against the Americans, hoping to
gain the sympathy of the peons in that
Carranza intelligence agent have un
covered quantities of Villa literature.
It was reported that a secret Villa or
ganization similar to the Klu Klux
Klan in the youth following the Civil
war, has been formed.
Some Opposition Made
To Navy Yard On Sound
Washington, Mar. 2(1. Senator Miles
I'oiudexter is today completing before
the house naval committee his appeal
in favor of a senate appropriation of
$2,0iii,0o0 for the Paget Sound navy
y.ird. Representative Butler interposed
the remark that ho "couldn't under
stand why Secretary Daniels approves
the expenditure when" Admira-l Benson,
the secretary's right baud man, oppos
es it."
A spirit of opposition to the Puget
Sound project developed in the com
mute. Representative Humphrey fa
vored it, exhibiting telegrams from
public officails in the state of Wash
ington asking for immediate action.
There was a sharp debate when Rep
resentative Britten charged that Chair
man 1'adgett, .it Secretary Daniels' dic
tation, refused to call Admiral Fiske to
testily, supposedly because he had crit
icised the small navy policy.
Chehulis, Wash,, Mar. 21. L. Mc't
calf, a farmer, was burned to death in a
fire which destroyed the liandle hotel
at Handle, early today. The origin
of the fire is unknown. The building
and contents were a total loss. Other
guests escaped without injury.
Douglas. Ariz., Mar. 21. This is a
story partly about war correspondents,
of which there is a bumper crop here,
and their tribulations.
An interview was arranger with Gen
eral P. Klias Calles, constitutionalist
governor of Sonora, and the correspan
dents went over the border en masse,
regular Kuropean war style.
All Mexicans wear ammunition and
some clothing. A number of soldiers j
thus attired scrutinized the Americana
at the line, eyed their passes from the
Carranza consul in Douglas, then mar
shalled them outside the vacant store
building occupied as "headquarters"
while the general conferred with his
During n half hour of waiting, the
"gringoes" were inspected by 10 priv
ates and .'10 officers of the de facto
government nrmy. They presented a
jhnrp contrast to the snappy American
regulnrs. The impression one gets of
the Americans is that they are the fin
est fighting men in the world. Privates
look efficient, offievrs alert, and the
force has plenty of the very best mili
tarv equipment.
Filthy Dogs, Dirty Kids.
Mingled with the Mexican soldiers
were many amazingly filthy dogs and
toddling brown children in a similar
state. Swarthy women chewing tooth
picks squatted nearby regarding the
white men stolidly.
Finally a lieutenant came out and
viewed the newspRer men at some
length after which he said that '
general" would see them. They filed
in The interpreter, a diminutive Mex
ican from the consul's office, became so
frightened in the governor's presence
that he forgot evcrymmg and became
F.verything went smoothly, however,
until one correspondent nsked Calles.
if, in his opinion, peace in Mexico
General Has Abandoned Wire
less and Is In Hot Pur
suit of Bandit
Mexican General Not So Hope
ful But Says It May Take
Six Months
El Paso, Texas, Mar. 21 Gen
eral J. J. Pershing wirelessed
his headquarters at Columbus
today that Carranizstas yester
day" severely defeated the Vil
listas in a pitched battle. Villa
retreated into the Santa Clara
General Gutierrez, Carranza
commander at Chihuahua, eon
firmed the report but said noth
ing of fighting having occurred.
San Antonio, Texas, Mar. 21. Gen
eral John J. Pershing is so close to
Francisco Villa that he has discarded
his wireless anil dispensed with reports
to armv headquarters here, in the be
lief of officers today. Absolutely no
word of the man hunters w.is received.
The pursuit is believed to bo hot
through the mountains south of I'd
Valle. FJfty four additional motor
trucks are en route to Columbus, at
tended by factory experts who will op
erate them In the field. It is expect
ed that they will relieve the transpor
tation troubles between Columbus and
the field forces.
Think Villa Hard Pressed.
San Antonio, Tex., Mar. 21. "On
the map it looks as if Francisco Villa
might he in hot water, said Major
General Fred Funston todav. "The
next few hours mav tell the storv. We
must not forget he still has free move
ment in a big lot of country, where he
knows every trail and cowpath.
Wireless messages received at head
quarters here after Villa's first brush
with the constitutionalists indicated
that he and his men were near Las
ruces. while American cavalry closed
in on them by galloping for Lake Bab
ricora, Carmen e.nd Kl Valle.
If it is. true that Villa is moving
(Continued on Pace Six.)
would be restored after the extermina
tion of Villa and his band. The in
terpreter hated to ask that, but he (I
tremblingly. Kuch staff member mut
tered uneasily. Calles frowned fero
ciously and evidently boiled with sub
dued rage. The situation was acute.
'The Americans began thinking nbout
making a graceful exit, but colonels,
captains and majors thronged the nar
row doorway.
Calles eventually grumbled an ans
, wer, but the interpreter in his terror
struiglitwny forgot it. The subject was
ubnndoned. Later it developed that
Calles became furious when anyone "sug
gester there had been any strife in
I Mexico recently. He says Mexico has
been peaceful ever since Carranza was
i recognized.
Will Obey Orders.
i Asked if he would cooperate with
j American troops if they should enter
Sonora, Calles hesitated, then carefully
I formulated an answer thnt he would
follow orders from his chief.
I "Obregont" he was asked.
! "Well, my chief is Cnrranzs. of
course. His orders are already that
Sonora soldiers co-operate in the pur
I suit of Villa, I rfl follow orders
until I am commanded otherwise."
' He was apparently very nervous on
j this point, and sent one of his men over
afterward to inspect correspondents'
'dispatches, and see if they were satis-
Observers here belipve it is a fore
gone conclusion that Villa will escnne
j to the mountains 3")0 miles straight
i south of Columbus, and thnt it will ta'
j six months to capture or kill him.
i The Amerienais hen arc well en-
camped and apparently making no pre
parations to move, They are cvidentl'
trained to the minute and would wcl
come a chance to join their comrades
"over the border" if Villa gets through
the hills nnd heads into Sonora.
Russian Artillery Demolishes
Forts Held by Austrians
for Six Months
Berlin, Mar. 21. I'scieezvo bridge
head and trenches northwest of it have
been evoruatcd by the Austrian's, the
Vienna war office officially admitted
today. The positions were defended for
six months against heavy Russian at
tacks. Russian artillery reduced to ruins the
bridgehead defenses and adjoining posi
tions. The bridgehead is on the south
bank of the Dniester, 38 miles north
west of Czernowitz.
"Russian 'fire blasted a breach 30(1
yards wide," said the Vienna account.
"At 5 p. m. Colonel Planch decided to
exneuate. First he destroyed the
trench. Small detachments: with wound
ed gained the south bank of the Due
ister in boats, but soou the enemy's
concentrated fire made the crossing im
possible. Austrian sappers ftnd dragoons
fought on the north bank through Usci
ezko which the Russians occupied in
strong forces. These joined Austrian
troops established on the heights north
of Zaleyczyki since Monday."
Russians at Trehlzond.
Rome, Mar. 21, Rus'sian warships
have arrived off Trebizond and are be
sieging it, advices received here today
asserted. The city was said to be de
fended by a large force of Turks.
Ispahan is Taken,
l'etrograd. Mar ' 21. Russian troops
marched into Ispahan Sunday, accord
ing to advices from Teheran received
General Kurapaikin Forces
Vcn Hindenburg to Re
treat to Save Army
By Charles P. Stewart.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, Mar. 21. Russian victories
at both ends of the 800 mile eastern
battle line today overshadowed new
German gains at Verdun.
General Kuropatkin, of Japanese war
fame, forced Field Marshal Von Hin
denburg to withdraw his troops from
the salient south of Ivaracoz lake. Ber
lin admitted this was necessary to avoid
having the German troops annihilated
by a circle of fire,
Berlin announced Slav attacks had
been repulsed south of Riga, west of
Jucofstudt and northwest of Postwav.
The Russians suffered heavy losses.
At I'scieczo Russian artillery forced
the Austrians to abandon the bridge
head, which had been held for six
months against strong attacks, accord
ing to the official Vienna announce
ment. l'etrograd 's statement said that Te
heran reported Russian troops last Sun
day marched into Ispahan which they
had been menacing for some time.
The earlier Austrian official state
ment admitted the important Russinn
victory in southeastern Galicia, 38 miles
north of Czernowitz.
This makes the Austrian position on
the north bank of the Dneister precar
ious nnd is believed to forecast the
beginning of a new Russinn campaign
against Buckowina. It is considered
certain the new Russian offensive will
compel a withdrawal of Germans from
the western front, and possibly termin
ate the Verdun smash.
Jap Laborers Refused
Admission to Mexico
San Francisco, Mar 21. Passengers
on the steamer George V. Elder which
arrived here today from Mexico declare
the Mexican government has tnkeu def
inite action against Japunesc immigra
tion to Lower California.
Forty-eighth Japanese laborers were
refused admittance to Lower California
j at Ensenada recently by Governor Cnn
I tu when the Elder took them from Sa-
!lina Cruz. No reason was given.
I'nder contract to land the Japanese
the Elder's officers and others interest
led in the contract appealed to Japanese
ami American consuls for relief but de
spite all pressure Cantu was obdurate
and the Japanese were returned to Sa
liea Cn z.
Stiob-i.ts of Mexican affairs point to
the incident as supporting rumors of
Jiif auee colonization activities in Low
er California.
Marshfield, Ore., Mar. 21 Mrs. Eith
er M. Lockhart, aged 91, the first wo
man to come to Coos county, died here
this morning, the was born at Ulvwes,
N". Y., January 1.1, 1K25. After driving
an ox team ncoss the plains with her
sick husband, she tnught the fir
school established at Coos Hay in lHol.
Mrs. Y, Pullexfen, of San Francivo, Is
one of her three surviving children.
Justice Bean Rules That Pro
ject Was to Exploit Private
An Attempt To Use Municipal
Funds In Violation of
Organic Law
The supreme court decided today that
the city of Roseburg was attempting to
use the credit of the city to exploit a
speculation scheme in the building of a
railroad to timber lands on the I'nipqua
river and reversed the opinions and
rulings of Judge G. F. Skipworth in
the Douglas county court. This suit
was brought by John Hunter and oth
er tax payers to cancel two contacts
entered into July- lo, lOlo between the
city of Roseburg and the Roseburg 4
Eastern Railroad company and Kendall
Lumber company, a corporation nnd to
enjoin the issuance of $1100,001) in
The voters of the city of Roseburg
passed a charter amendment to author
ize the city to issue $300,000 in bonds
to build a railro.ul to the I'nipqua tim
ber ami to erect a sawmill. Then the
charter amendment was attacked in the
courts by the taxpayers in the present
Justice Bean, in his opinion, holds
thnt the Kendall Brothers induced the
city to enter into the contract to build
the road for the sole purposes of open
ing up a large body of timber that be
longs to the Kendall brothers and that
it jwaa.simply a.schvuie.tj'.aid IL.WI'01'.!
anon lor me interests or t lie corpor
ation and that the contract w.is such
that it would work against the inter
ests of the city in he long run.
"Viewed from .my standpoint indi
cated by the contract It is a plain viola
tion of our organic l.iw. The funds of
the municipality are for public pur
poses. It follows that tile decree of
the lower court must be reversed and
one entered her delating th contracts
mentioned void, enjoining the enforce
ment thereof and inhibiting the issu
ance of the lp'300,000 in bonds, " said
Justice Bean in closing his opinion.
The rulings of Judge Webster Holmes
of the Polk county circuit court, were
affirmed in an opinion written by Just
ice jfurnett in the case of ,T. L. Haniu
against the Alluvial Farm company.
This is an action brought by Hunna on
a promissory note for $,47i against
the Alluvial F.irni company. The trial
resulted in the jury bringing in a ver
dict anil a .judgment in favor of the
plaintiff according to th praver of his;
complaint and fixing his attorneys fees
at $200 and the defendant iinne.iled.
Carson & Brown represented Hunna the:
respondent, and C. A. Sheppard appear
ed for the appellant.
The other opinions handed down bv'tional scenes Senator Heed charged to-
the supreme court this morning follow: day that Senator Oliver, one of the op
Will E. Purily, plaintiff and appel-1 pnnents of the Tillman armor plute
hint vs. Estate of II. D. Winters ami plant bill, owned 1,000 shures of Unite
others, an action for damages, appealed ; Steel stock. The United States Steel
I Corporation is alleged head of tho arm-
(Continued on Pta Six.' 'or plate monopoly.
Oioville, ('!., March 21. Fred Lam-f
son, father of Gertrude Lamson, aged
1.) years, testified against his daughter!
today in Rev. Madison Slaughter's j
trial on a charge f attackmg her. j
ne corroooruicu mo evidence or nis attorneys wer. itident they had
wife, who declared Gertrude slept at i ri)lllbil.d an alibi for the accused
home on the nights of November 13 ami j paNtor
I t when she alleged the pastor attacked j Gertrude's mother, Mrs. Martha Lam
her at his own house I'ho father le-1 , ,,, ,innl .,. , ,lc HM
clared he saw her in bed on both cven-i whn ,, HW()r0 ,u,r lh,ui,hu,r wa9 nonie
'"J"- . . , in bed at the ti the girl testified
On cross exaniination the prosecution slaughter uttucked her
attorney, announced they would at- M rs. Lamson also declared that Ger
tempt to impeach Lnmson's testimony. trui,(! ,ipe1 wuvwar(I
Lamson, oa cross examination ever since she was a child. When the
nutted ho stood before Slaughter's con-,ir w, ()llK g Ulhv motht,r .
gregntion and said the minister was .l)M w am, th(m
innocent and his child a liar without ,,;, tll,.. ..llt;i . i,,,,,,,, .,. Mr.
first asking Gertrude as to the truth or !
falsity of her charges.
Although Lamson testified his wife'
was in fine health and that there was
no reason for Gertrude to write denials
ot ner iic u.-mn.iis in ...o.-, , , m-,
uf p.iiiiiupit j.m ,iq Mjj h j,moui
Lamson acted irrfiiioiinllv at. times,
"diil not appear to know what she was
talking about," and behaved as if ill.
The district attorney announced he
would introduce fellow employes vf ( l.lycnr old Gertrude Lamson, took the
Liimson to prove that he told them he wit"n,.H!, stalll i t,in own defense this
believed Slaughter guiltv. ,, ,. , , .
, , " . ... . 'afternoon, lie did not apiienr nervous.
Six school teachers were wnitiug to 1 '
testify concerning Gertrude's char-. Slaughter denied all the girls aeeusn
ncter. ' tions.
Dalton However Denies All
Knowledge of It and Wants
San Francisco, Mar. 21. Henry P.
Dalton, former assessor of Almeda coun
ty, today flatly denied any knowledge
of an alleged plot to vindicate him
by secreting on the person of Samuol
P. Knstman, manager of the Spring Val
ley Water company, fabricated proofs
of his innocence.
Dultou was sent, to San Quentin peni
tentiary on a charge of extorting a
bribe of $5.0110 from Fastmnn to lower
valuations on Spring Valley property in
Alamedn county. District Attorney W.
H. L. Dynes, of Alameda county, de
clared he has affidavits that George
Allan Robinson and Ada Fletcher con
spired to place in Eastman's pocket,
where it could be easily found, a forged
promissory note for $5,000, signed by
The lntter has always contended that
the $i5.0(',0 he was convicted of taking
from F.astman was a loan, for which hr
had already handed Knstman a note.
Dalton said today he never met the
Fletcher woman, who is in jail in New
York on a forgery charge. He said hi
had known Robinson in San Quentin,
hut denied he had made nny such
proposition ns Robinson in his affidavit
alleges Dalton suggested.
Dalton said he helped get Robinson
nut of prison and got him work. Later,
he said Robinson broke parole and dis
appeared. "I am ready to meet any accusntion
in any shape or form," declared Dalton.
"I have mixed around in nothing since
my release from prison. This accusa
tion is naturally a great shock to mn,
but I will just keep going along. All
I want is nu impartial investigation."
According to the uoolnson nnd Adr
Fletcher's affidavits, numerous at
tempts were made to lure Eastman to a
place where the woman could meet him
and secret on his person the fraudulent
promissory note.
Market More Active But
Prices Are Fluctuating
New York, Mnr. 21. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
With the resumption of business, pro
fessionals started repairing the dnmago
yesterday's peace discussions occasion
ed. Under active short covering and
aggressive pool buying, prices rallied
sharply at the outset. War stocks ano
industrials reflected the greatest gains.
American Zinc, Crucible Steel, Bald
win Locomotive, Industrial Alcohol and
Mexican Petroleum opened 1 1-2 to 3 -
points higher. Their recovery did not
appear to be a reflection of the public
state of mind. Dealings were profes
sional and afterward some issues de
clined. Though lending rails hardened in
sympathy with the general upward
turn, recoveries were limited, nnd the
inactivity of the group acentuated.
Prices, while irregular, held some re-
coveries in the early afternoon,
Washington. Mar. 21. Amid sensn-
Sent Her to Slaughter,
Oroville, Cnl., March 21.-WI.cn the
lriul u( lfv. iUum,n Slaughter on a
dlIir(j,, ()f ti.-lit g Gertrude Lamson,
tt)(.d was rt,Huml.,l todav, defense
Ijamson said Gertrude frequently
threatened to kill those with whom she
On cross-examination Mrs. Lamson
ftlln,j,t,., s. m,nt i,.rtfude to Slaughter
m ,,.,,,, 0 m.x matters,
Minister On Stand.
Oroville Cal., March 21. Hev. Madi
son Slaughter, charged with attacking
Reported Engaged In Running
Fight With General
Cano's Forces
Absence of News Leads Army
Men to Think Bandit Has
Escaped Trap
By E. T. Conkle.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Kl Iaso, Texas, Mar. 21. Colonel
Dodd's swiftly moving cavalry is re
ported today on a forced march toward
Namiquipa to reinforce Oener il Cano's
Carranzistas who aro engaged in a.
fierco running fight with Francisco
Villa and his followers.
Encircled by Carranzistas and Ameri
cans, Villa is apparently desperately
trying to reach Santa Clara canyon in
the Guerrero mountains, 70 miles east
of -Namiquipa. Absence of any new
from tho battlefield sinco Juarez lata
yestorday received first word thit Villa
was at bay led to fears that he might
havo cut through the flying ring and
reached a position of temporary safety.
In order to trap Villa if he escaped
tho central American column, General
Pershing sent squadrons of cavalry to
ward Iluhricora and Carmen on either
sido of Namiquipa. One of them should
be within striking distance ot Villa to
day or tomorrow.
Several aeroplanes accompanying tha
expedition spent tho night near Asceti
cion. wiithin a few hours flight of Nain-
i iquipa, possibly to assist the reinforce-
. i i!
meuis in lociuuig vmu.
No Details of Fight.
Oeneral Gavirir said today he hid r"
further details of the battle. He urg
ently requested information and mom
entarily expects replies to his message.
Gavira pointed to the battle as i con
crete denml of reports that i.arranza
was disposed to let Villa get away, in
order to give him an equal chinco with
the Amiricnns.
Gavira intimated that the American
expedition had established its base of
operations near Cases G ramies. Hnportsi
th.it the garrison there was going tu
,fuare,7, was unconfirmed. F.ven if larg
bodies of Carranzistas placed them
selves between the American expedition
and the border, it was pointed out that
thonsands of soldiers at Fort Bliss and
Columbus were nmple protection
against the implied threat. There is no
sign of friction between de facto gov
ernment troops and Americans.
It was reported that in return for
President Wilson's aid at the battle of
Agua Prieta, Carranza would permit
tho United States to use Mexican r in
roads for military purposes. There was
no confirmation of this from Queretaro,
tho temporary capital.
More Troops Enter Mexico.
American troops are continuing in
march into Mexico from Columbus. The
number now pursuing Villa is upward
of 7,000. '
At fl:l" a. m. tndnv General Gavira
said he hail not been advised of the
result of lighting at Xaniiquipa. An
atmosphere of suspense was noticeabln
in Kl Paso military and civil circles. A
belief was growing that the reported
engairement would not prove decisive.
Asked if Villi had been killed or
captured, Vavira replied "no" to both
General Garcia visited Gavira 's head
quarters at Juarez, to learn how tha
battle came out. He wis told that
communication with Namiquipa had
been cut off. Gavira said he did not
know where the break was, but as
serted it was preventing the arrival of
lny news from the battlefield.
Tiie train dispatcher of the Meiica
Northwestern railroad, located near ,
whero the fight was reported as oc
curring, Raid he had received no word
since last night. It is not ascertained
whether the wires have been cut or
whether Carianzista officials are with
holding information.
naleigh, N. C, Mar. 21. Death sen
tences recently imposed on Mrs. Ida
Hall Warren nnd S. P. Christy wer
commuted to life imprisonment by the
governor today.
Oregon: Tonight
and Weduesday,
rain west, unset
tled, and probab
ly raiu east por
tion; and souther
ly winds reaching
eale force near
the coast.
(Tint s the)
(first OfiiJ