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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1916)
RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU FRIDAY, JAN, 21, 1916. SIX SSi No. Kill Price 0.90 No. K9S5 Price (IX TRADE NAHK Lbl US.PAr.OFF. No. K4 Pries (Ci.UO Everybody Wants Good Tools No.KMK-Jiiln. price 52.00 Keen Kutter tools are not made hap hazard nor bv truess. They do not embody crank ideas. Skilled workmen have found. through an infinite amount of experience, that a tool to be most convenient and most useful, must be made in a certain way. Pick up any Keen Kutter tool and "heft" it. You find it has the right "feel." It balances right, the weight is right it "comes right to your hand." That's what is meant by tool-making science. It is what distinguishes Keen Kutter tools from all others, Sold and Guaranteed by RAY L. FARMER IIDW. CO. Nt. KM Frio fcl.DO 1 Hi. KIK7J 7t in. rrlce S0.SS . Na. KYIOOB PrieoJl.OOj N. KIM Price $1.75 L ON STATE STREET Sporting Goods House Pre pares for Return of Pros perity by Enlarging No. KP Price 11 61) Tho Hauser Bros. Sporting Good house will move front their present quarters at 1.10 South Commercial street to 372 State street about March 1 after their new building has been re modeled. Their new location in In the building owned by Joseph Thompson and E. M. LnForc nnd will occupy tho same room formerly occupied by the jewelry storo of S." W. Thompson and now occupied by the Poole Drug store. The new building will be remodeled to suit tho new tenants it a cost of $2300 and modern nnd up to date fix tures will bo installed throughout tho building. Ono feature of the show window is to bo a glass tank for dis playing fish caught by Salem sports men. Live fish can be placed in the tank and will wiggle their fins in live ly fashion where they formerly reposed in tho gun storo window is a fishy corpse. Tho firm of Hauser Tiros, -'as .been established for 11 years in Salem dur ing which , timo t'10 business lias grown to ono of the lending stores in tno valley anil n branch Uoiiso is main tnined by Hauser Bros, iu Albany. The stendy growth of the business nnd the return of prosperity, tho forerunner of winch is ilreaily felt, justified tne tirm in moving to tho new location on State street, whero a better arrangement of tho stock may bo secured by the new fixtures. Tho repair shop of the firm will be installed in tho rear of the building and tho entranco to the shop will be from tho alley as at the present store. Wechtor & Ward have chargo of the construction ind the contract for the mill work will b let to one of the local mills. WAR ODDITIES. London The War office has received the following from a soldier's wife; "Sir My hus band has gone to the Dande lions, so will you please tell me how to get his Elopment money . " Birmingham War weddings have caused a dearth of wed ding rings hero and mnnufactur . ing jewelers are "up stump" on account of tho scarify of gold.'- , Petrograd .Kussinn soldiers 'wounded for the third tiino are not sent back to the front, ac cording to a new army ruling. About Men Who Wrote Patriotic Songs of Nations (By I'nited Press.) New York) .l.iu. "I. iFrnm data just gathered by the Metropolitan Opera company, those fuels are learned about I patriotic icings familiar to nearly ev eryone: 'The national song of the French, the "Marseillaise,'' was composed by Hon get do Lisle, A captain of engineers iiuirterci at Strnshurg when the volun teers of tho lins lthin received orders ut join Lucknor's army. They had no music, but at the suggest ion of Diet rich, the mayor of . Stiusbnrg, Do Lisle cniniinscd tiii song on the night of April 'J4, 1 THJ. It w:ifl subsequently WHY DO YOU SUFFER PAINFUL TWINGES? Backaches, Headaches, Lumbago and Rheumatic Pains Quickly Disap pear Before New Remedy, It is no longer necessary for any one to suffer without effort to cure with headachy, nil run-down feeling that is often the result of kidney trouble, It is no longer necessary for you to contend without treatment with ilis (igreeuble bladder and urinary disorders or be tortured with rheumntisin, stiff or swollen joints or the heart-wrenching miseries that follow as a result of ne glected or poorly working kidneys. Solvax is designed to quickly and sure ly relievo such troubles. Solvax is a woiidorfufdisoovery that lias always been so widely successful that everv package Is sold under a posi tive guarantee to refund the money if 0f it. dues not relieve the worst case of Kidney disorder. " Your money back if you want it," is the way all the best druggists are selling this grent kidney remedy. A piinrunloo like that speaks eloquently Mr i hp merit or poivnx. sung iu Marseilles with immense suc cess, hence its name. The Bong as it stands is tho greatest revolutionary hymn in tho world. Tho French gov ernment recently transferred tho body of l'augot Lisle (who suffered im prisonment for his revolutionary opin ions dining his lifetime) to tho Palace des Invaliiles with great pomp and ceremony.. The music, of " Dentsciilnnd uber nl les" was written by i(nyden in 17(17, The present words were not written until JS4 1, by Hoffman von Fnllersleb en. At- that time Germany was not united into in empire as it is today. Tho "Wacht am Rhein" -was writ ten bv Max Scheckenbcrger, an obscure Swnbinn merchant and the music was I by Carl Wilhelni. The song became ; popular during the Franco-Herman, war. , The nilional hymn of Austria was composed by Havdeu and is known as the "Emperor's Hymn." Tiio words of the "Stnr Spangled Banner"-were ' written by Francis Scott Key, an American prisoner on a Ill-it ish nmn-o'-wnr during the bom bardment of Fort Molloflrv in 1NI4. The melody is au old Knglish drinking song. The. words of "Yankee Poodle" were propably written by A Dr. Sliuok burgh, a surgeon in the French and In dian wars, llnlliday, tho antiquarian, asserts tho melody Is. derived from a chant used in the Italian churches of tiie twelfth century, It is well known that the song wis a vintage song in IFranoo nnd Spain, and a song of tho reapers in Holland, It is also said to be founded on a jig of 1 74;", known as "Kilty Fisher's .lig." The Cnvcliors are said to have used it in ridicule of Cromwell just as tho British used it against the Americans. the origin of "America tno tune "(Ind Save The King ' in England and 1 1 oil dir im Sieges Krnnz" in Germany is in doubt, though it is of ten ascribed to I'r. John Hull, an Eng lishman. It is also ascribed to Henry ( 'a rev, The Iliisslan nitiounl nntliem, "God Ifrotoot the Czar," is one of the most Do not suffer another minute until I innjestic of hymns, It wis composed you see if Solvnx will not relieve you If It doesn't, tell the druggist that that you want your money back nnd he will cheerfully refund it. Sold in Salem by Dnnlel J, Fry nnd other leading dealers. bv Colonel Alexis, an officer in the Uussian army, In 18:12, to words by the poet Jonkowshy. It Is probably the only Inspired national song ever writ ten to order. President and Wife to Entertain Diplomats (By United Iress.) Washington, Jan. 21. With Ambas sador Jusserand of France, dean of the diplomatic corps and Madame Jusser and as guests of honor, President and Mrs. Wilson toniglH will entertain at the first of two diplomatic dinners to be given at tho White House. Seating representatives of t"ic war ring jiowcrs together being out of the question, tho president is entertaining tno representatives of the .entente pow ers tonight. .Next Monday evening representatives of the Central powers will bo tho guests of honor. At both functions neutrals will be present in number. Tho nnmcs of the guests for this evening havo not been made public Of courso it is known that in addition to Monsieur and Madame Jusserand, tiiero will bo Ambassador nnd Madame Itnkhmctoff of Russia, Viscount .ind Viscountess Coo of Japan, Sir Cecil and Lady Spring-Kiw'o of Great Hritnin, Count and Countess Mncclii di Cellnrc of Italy, Viscount do Alte of Portugal and Minister Jlavenith and his wife, of llelciiim. As to tho euests who will bo seated at tho entente dinner, no infor mation has been given today. It is understood, howover, that these will includo representatives from Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Norwny, Guatemala, Sweden, Denmary, Nicaragua, Neth erlands, Persia, Haiti, Venezuela, Costa Itica and Orcoce. Tho seating of tho flreek charge with the allies caused some comment when it was learnod some time Ago, but it was stated at that timo that in nr ranging tho neutrals no particular sys tem was used other than selecting them alternately, According to their rank in the diplomatic corps. Muiluine Jusserand will sit at the president's right, while the ambassa dor will Bit at Mrs. Wilson's right. On the left of the executivo collide will sit Madanio Do Onma and Amb.issadoi Da (lama of Brazil, respectively. The banquet will bo served in the dining room. BABY VICTIM OF STORM, Governor Withycombe Issues Pardons and Paroles to 9 Convicts Acting upon the recommendation of the parole board Governor Withycombe today granted paroles to tho following inmates of the penitentiary: Ross Gar her, sentenced from Washington coun ty in November, 1913, for forgery; Robert W. Owen; sentenced from Mor row county in December, 191 1, for lar ceny of a cow; Ray Piper, sentenced from Linn county- In December, 1915, for larceny of i gelding, and Jamoa Woodward, sentenced from Multnomah county in January, 191", for larceny from a dwelling. Tho governor also granted two con ditional pardons upon the recommenda tion of the parole board, ono to Chnrlos Davis, sentenced from Ymihill county in May, 11)14, for burglary, and the ot'uer to John W. Homo, sentenced from Malheur county in May, 1914, tor burirlnrv. not in a dwelling. Davis and Ho'rne have been at the rock pile near Astoria for nine months, at hard libor and not under guard. Before his death, former Warden Harry Minto had acrreed to recommend leniency to nino men so employed at Astoria, con ditioned upon their making good. These are tno last or tne nine coiuimonuiry pardoned bv Governor Withycombe in respect for the agreement entered into by the dead warden. Secretary Daniels Talks About Uncle Sam's Navy Washington, Jan. 21. That a short ago of officers for the American navy exists to "some extent" was admitted by Secretary of Navy Daniels today be fore a joint session of the senate and house naval committees in tho course of a defense of tho administration navy nrotrrnm. "It is a question whether wo have enough," he said. "The Gorman French nnd Japanese havo more per ship. " Regarding possible disarmament am ong nations after the war, ho added "I hope'thnt when the war ends there will be an agreement to limit arma ments. Our ability to build more ships than anyone else will give us a strong er voice in such a conference." Representative Roberts of Massachu setts asked Daniels if the German navy is superior to the American. "Germany," he replied, "has more dreadnaughts and more powerful fight ing ships. " Ho had no information, however, as to how ninny vessels Germany has con structed since the war started. Ho said the United States could build battleship-within IS months under tho stress of war, but ho admitted only seven dreadnaughts arc now in commission. Sport News Portland Club Bars Boxers For Suspected Crooked nessSport News Portland, Or.. Jan. 21. Frank Farm er and Al Somniers are forever barred from boxing before tho Hose City Ath letic club, because Manager Fred Mer rill has testified himself that all was not straight iii the six round be tween tho two middleweights Tuesday night. The boxers and their managers still leny that they had agreed to box a ui&w. . But Merrill declares that each man posted n $50 forfeit that ho would not whip .the other.' Most fans Agreed that Farmer could havo come out on op if he had extended himself. Eellah May Be Coach. Portland, Or., Jan. 21. Sam BcIInh, winner of tho last national pole vault- i nig ciiampionship, was considered to 'ay for the track team coaching posi- t;on at Stanford university, according to information received here. Bcllah was once a member of the Olympic club in Mm- iraneisco, out now belongs to tho Multnomah club Of Portland. John C. Teatch, coacIi of the Wash ington high school team, is said to havo doclined the Stanford position bo couso of business reasons. Joe Gideon To Play Season With Pittsburg San Francisco, Jan. 21. Joe Gideon will play with Pittsburg next season if Washington, to which club he reverted from Salt Lake at tho end of last sea son, is willing to relinquish him for a cash consideration. This news leaked out here today when a telegram came from Manager Jimmy Callahan, of tho Pirates, asking for in formation about Gideon's ability. This smashes Manager Cliff Blankon-ship'-s hopes of again having his sonsa t'onal infielder this yenr. All winter "Blank" has felt that there was a big chanco of his retaining Gcdeon, as the peppery second baseman had refused to accept Washington's terms. Gedeon has had a meteoric career in ba:iobnll. o started with the Seals in 1912 and was drafted by Washington. In the fall of 1914 ho was sent to Los Angeles whero ho fuiled to show any thing to mnke him valuable- to Cap Dil lon. Both Dillon and Washington gave him permission to sign with any Coast league- club. Last year ho was the class of the league. GIRLS TAKE TO ATHLETICS NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word le One week (0 insertions), per word.5c One month (20 insertions), per word 17c All ads must bo ordored for stated length of time, no nd to count loss than 10 words. The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertise ments. Read your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us im mediately if it contains an error. Minimum charge, 15c. IFOR SALE Good 2130 Maple avenue. SECOND GROWTH sile. Phone 2249. OAK, ash, old fir, second growth, cort wood. 1'aoae I.J--J. Feb FURNISH ED APARTMENTS $5.00 to $15.00. 491 North Cottage. U TOR RENT 5-room house, $10; also 4 room house, $4. Phono 047. Jan 22 Cubs to Havo a Scrap, Chicago Jan. 21. A lively tilt ovor the management of tho Cubs is expect ed when Ex-Manager Roger Bicsuiihan Appears at Cub headquarters to learn whore he stands. Reports from Toledo, riresnahan's home, are that he proposes to fight his deposition in favor of Joe Tinker. His contract docs not expire until October 1917. Stanford University, Cnl., Jan. 21. Stanford women undergraduates are taking an unusual interest in athletics this year, and moro than 200 will bo out for tho various branches of sports. Mary of the athletic co-eds are paying particular attention to rowing, since" the new twelve onr rowing shell, similnr to that used by the women of tho univor sity of California, was obtained. GOOD TOP BUGGY for eittle. 253 S. Outfielder Johnson Sold. Oakland, Cnl., Jan. 21. Baseball fans here were disagreeably surprised today when the inforiHAtion reached here that Harry F. Sinclair, former Federal league club owner, had " sold Outfielder Jimmy Johnston to the lirooklyn Nationals. Johnston signed a Federal contract lust fall. It was generally felt that the speedy girdner would revert to the Oaks, niid in fact a bid had been put in for him by club ol'l'icials. When Thinking of iuving a Piano 1 RECOMMEND FOR BEST TONE AND DURABILITY; The Remington $225.00. Trayser .....$250.00 Richmond $300.00 Sold by Oakland, Cnl., Jan. 21 The storm which swept this section of the state several day ngo claimed a baby vie tun iu Oakland tndnv. Beatrice Eve lyn Cumraings, born five days ago while li or mothor marooned in her home and unable to summon a physician because of (he flood waters, died of pneumonia Tho father, H. H. Ciiiumiugs, was away trom homo nt tno time. G C. WU eo. 432 State Street, Salem, Oregon 1 GRAND THEATRE TODAY MATINEE ONLY Oliver Morosoo Presents Chnrloto Greenwood and Sydney Grant In Chnrles Frohninn 's Cele brated Comedy "JANE". Paramount News Pictures On account of the Grand being rented to Salem High School Student llody for their entertainment, "Servant In the House," (hero will be no pic tures at Tho Grand this even ing, Thin program will be re sumed Saturday, Coming Sunday and Monday William Fox Feature, "TUB BROKEN LAW" With WUliam Farnuia Salt Lake City Team To Tram at Modesto Modesto, C'ul., Jan. 21. Tho Salt I.akc City team of tho Pacific Coast league will do its spring' training in Modesto. This was the anonuneement made to day by Manager Cliff Blankenslup of tho Itces, after he had conferred with the baseball conmiitteo of tho chamber of commerce. Illankenship intimated that ho ex pects to have his full squad in camp when the training season opens. Al though all his men have not signed up for the eomiir season, based chiefly on tho splendid showing the Bees mado last year, ltlankenshlp's clner diiucuny in roiindinir out his suiind will bo replac ing Joe Gedeon, whom, it is reported, the Pittsliurff l'irntes are imer, California Wants Coach, University of California, Jan. 21 Has Graduate Manager John Stroud, who has been in tho east several weeks, secured a iootball couch for the 1910 varsity? Stroud's whereabouts, his timo of arrival hero and the result of his trip are being kept a secret, leading under- gnuliutos to believe his mission has been accomplished. The only informa tion divulged is that Stroud will rc turn "booh." Ring Tabloids a iork, Jan. 21. Al McCoy, of Brooklyn, was outfought in nearly ev ery round of his bout with George Chip of New Castle, Pa. Chip was the uggressnr inrougiiout nnd intlicted se vero punishment. lluilalo, .. . Jan. 21. Jack Brit ton and Ted Lewis fought ten fast rounds to A draw. Lewis took the lead in the opening rounds, but Britton came back strong nt tho finish. New Orleans. La.. Jan. 21. .Tnhnnv Fisse, a local boy, went 15 rounds with rrankio Burns here, losing on points MAX GEHLHAR SELLS HOUSE After being vacant for a year a house owned by Max Gehlhar, of this city, was rented in threo days by inserting a For Rent add in tho Capital Journ al's New Today. Mr. Gehlhar had another house which had been vacant for six mouths and ho advertised this For Rent but tho plans miscarried as tho party who camo to look at tho house bought it outright. MORAL Two vacant houses, two adils three days ono renter one purchaser. y Pitcher Ieft v Williams. He intimated he has his lines out for high class men to take their places. AUTOS KILLED TRADE Oakland, Cnl. Jan. 21 The popul ir il.y of automobiles led John W. Harris, aged fil years, a carriage upholsterer, to commit suicide iu ilis office today. Tho carriage business had 'been very poor for months because of the Inva sion of iiitomobilos. lie leaves a widow and two children. DANGERS OF A COLD ALKALI MAKES SOAP BAD FOR WASHING HAIR Most soaps and prepared shnmnnos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and nukes the hair brittle, The best thing to uso is pluin mul sified cuconiiut. oil, for this is puro and eatirclv frenspless. If vn ,.i....... i nn.i i..... : ... : . i "u urnia me iiuki expensive soaps or nnv- Saloui People Well to Hoed thing else nil to pieces, You can get mi ut nuy urug sinre, nnd n few od s will Inst the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wnter and rub it in, about a tenspoonful is all tnat is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thor oughly, nnd rinses out ensily. The hair dries quickly nnd evenly, 'and Is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wnvv and President and Teddy Agree On One Subject Philadelphia, l)i Jan. 21. Presi dent Wilson und Ex-President Uoobo- velt may differ in politics, but they agrco in then view of hyphenated Am erictns. Speaking here beforo tho Na tional Conference on Americanization, the colonel likened tho "hyphenates'1 to the man "who loves other women as well ns his own wife.' lie expressed himself in favor of creation of nn intense spirit of Ameri canism, of national solidarity; ho lav ored, too, a largo efficient liAvy and a small efficient army. In the matter of interstate commerce and on the subject of social justice, he declared tho ettorts of Governor John son, of California to obtain just treat ment for railroads had been nullified by the rulings of neighboring st.itc commissions. Roosevelt declared for centralized control of interstate com mcrco at Washington. Cod Fishers Demand Decided Raise In Pay )iiklnnd, Cnl., Jan. 21. Unless tho fishing companies agree to meet tho terms of the fishers, and grant an in crease of wago scale, and also pay the men for tneir time during transporta tion from Oakland hnrbor to tho Alas kan waters, tho men will rofuse to ac company tho expeditions this year. This is the result of a meeting of cod fishers held last night when they am algamated with tho salmon fishermen's organization. F. N. Hylcn of Berkeley, secretary of the newly formed organization, said this morning that a committee had been appointed to submit a new scalo of pay, but had not hnd timo as yet to say exactly what tho demand would be. 1nst year tho men were paid $28 per thousand for their catches. A material increase is asked, however, and may reach a total of $11) per thous and, and $50 for working tho vessel HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 76. Jan31 WANTED Beef Phone 1425-M. cattle and veal. Feb 20 driving horse. Jan ii FIR WOOD For tf 10 TEAMS WANTED To $3.50 per Jay. haul wood, Jun2l BOY 15, wants work oa farm. Ad dress 11, 15, care Journal. Jan23 For salo or tra.lo Liberty. Jan27 ROOFS REPAIRED And guaranteed not to leak. O. L. Donaldson. Phone 644-R. J An 26 MAN AND WIFE Want work on a farm or dairy ranch. Address E, care. Journal. Jan22t LAROK YOUNG TEAM For salo. col or, bliek. Inquire C. O. Light foot. Jau27 1303 North ISth street. LOST Agato witch fob, engraved E. B. G., on Lincoln street hill. Finder roturn to 275 State street. Reward. Jan 21 FOB RENT Housekeeping rooms in large suites from $b to $8 per month. Why pay moreJ Cj.ll at 343 1-2 North Commercial. tf HOUSEKEEPER Between 40 or (M) years old wanted by elderly gentle man, good home. Sporadic, Journal. Jan2a FOB EX CHANG E 5 acres of land highly improved, 3-4 mile from town, will take modern bungnlow of $3,000. W. A. Liston. Jan2!l MANUFACTURERS Of nil kinds col ors of rag carpet. Call at O. K. Grocery, 150 South 12th street. Louis Jukubce. Jan27 SIX DOZEN Sicilian Buttercups for sale, largely laying pullets, $.( pw dozen. Bhone 54F13. A. M. Wright. Routo 8, Salem. Jiu23 200 CORDS OAK STUMPAGB For salo or trade, no reasonable offer re fused as I need tho land for pasture. Address C. J. VanAvcry, Independ ence, Oregon. COWS FOR SALE 10 head eood grade cows, prices riiht, good reas ons for selling. Fred W. Durbin. Phono 10-F-21. Jan 23 FOR RENT Store, 21x105 feet, elec tric lights and steam heat. See Watt Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial street. Phone 303. tf WANTED 60 White Leghorn pullets, about 7 months old, mention strain, price must bo reasonable. Mrs, Jos. Docrfler, Silverton, Ore. Jan 21 FOR SALE Your choico of two good young, gentle Jorsoy cows, one fresh and tho other one iu few days. 760 North 21st street, Asylum car. Jan 21 WANTED Information of Iva Louisa Thomas Gorden, last heard from it Salem, Oregon, general delivery. No tify J. W. Thomas, Sclma, Calir., Box 30.1. Febtf FOR SALE 7 room houso and two lots, several first class fruit trees, chicken yard. Also 20 acres, about 8 1-2 acres in all kinds fruit, mostly prunes, 7 room house, goou barn, chicken houso and yAid, wood house, telephone. Inquire 20 B, enre of Journal. Jan2l A THOUGHTFUL THIEF San Francisco, Jan. 21. It was a con siderate thief who pilfered a watch from Ric.haid Johnson, blacksmith, for he sent back the pawn ticket for it Bnying: "I had to havo tho money; hopo this does you soma good." I,,rin (l,ii uovnirn in n twl f,n,n tlia easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and ! f iHhiiur waters' takes out every particle of dust, dirt I - and dand ruff. Manv bad cases of kidney troublo re sult from a cold or chill. Congested kidneys fall behind in filtering the pol son-ladeu blood and backache, headache, dizziness and disordered kidney action follow. Don't ncirleet a cold. Use, DoanV Kidney Pills at tho first sign of kidney trouble. Follow this Bulcin resident's example: J. H. Peiilon, 1415 Lee St., Palom, says: 'A cold settled on my kidneys, causing pain through my back. I know that my kidneys were to blnme, and, hearing several local citizens endorse Poan'i Kidneys Pills highly, I begnn using them. They were just whnt I needed to relievo (he pains and other kidney troubles. Whenever I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills since, a few doses havo brought mo robef.' Price 80c, at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Poan s ldnjy Pills- the snme that Mr. IVnton had. Foatcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. HOUSE TO VISIT BERLIN Berlin, by wireless to Snyville, I I. Jan. 21. Colonel House of" Now York, President Wilson's personal envoy to Europe, will arrive here next week to be the guest of American Ambassador Gerard for several days, HERE IS RARE HEALING POWER Contained in Foslnm and Ready to Boneflt Your Skin. "Consistent performance," n term used by sellers of that modern wonder, the automobile, perfectly explains the success of another modern wonder, Poslnm, the skin remedy. And with Poslnm ns with (he motor, the power is there, and at your bidding Sets to work persistently to clear your In flamed complexion, to eradicate your Eostomn, Pimples or any ailment that may beset your kin. Foslnm Soap imparls the hygienic effects. Try it for Toilet nnd Bath. For samples, send 4c stamps to Emer gency Laboratories, .12 West 25th St., New York City. Sold by all Druggists. 8UE8 TO OUST CORPSE San Francisco, Jan. 21. Ouiseppi Dnti is a paralytic. Ho fears he is about to die, but because some body already occupies tho beautiful spot in tho ceme tery which he bought venrs ago so he might sleep the long -sleep besido the body of bis wife, ho has Btartud ouster proceedings. MOTHERS WANT THE BAR. , Dallas, Texas, Jan. 20. Bids for the bar privilcgo nt the big slate fair here next fall have been submitted by tho council of mothers. If they win, they will make tho bar a soft drink em porium to thwart the liquor interests. LIQUOR REW.lHJE.JS LESS. San Francisco, CaJ., .Tan. 21. RefV mie from liquor licenses fell off in 1915, Tax Collector Edward Bryant reported today. In 1014, $1,041,750 was collect ed from this rourso against $925,025 cullocted In 1915. Fire Marshal Stevens evidently thinks (he county jail A good school houso In which to tench the danger of neglected fire hazards. - Don't Get Wet mj, end carry around a load c of water i.nd a cold. VpTower'sFishBrarid Slicker $3.00 sheds every drop. Easy fitting and r.trong at every point RcficxEdgea stop every drop from running in at the front Protector Hat, 75 cents Satisfaction Guaranteed ffjWER',y Send for catalog- I ."-"Vs, A. J. TOWER cO.Jr: P BOSTON JJfBRMi I. I Ju'Al'.'.tV K 111 REM EDYfor ME n AT rHU,OllirB,OHTHIAL BOX BV MAIL 1,0.