Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 02, 1915, Image 1

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$ )K $ )(
rare to
Has Agreed With Her Allies
That She Will Not Sign a
Separate Peace
Bulgaria and Greece Believed
To Be Trying To Reach
An Understanding
Rome, Dec. 2. Italy lias definitely
decided to send aid to Serbia. This
announcement by Foreign Minister
Hontiino to the Itnlian parliament con
firmed recent reports that the Eomo
government had determined to take a
'Jinn, I in the near eastern situation.
At the same time, it was announced
(lint Italy has agreed with tho entente
nllioB not to sign a separate peace, thus
putting an end to reported Austrian
lioppn -r such a pence.
The pledgo not to sign a separate
pence was regarded as indicating that
Austria had actually made overtures
(o liomo looking toward such a settle
ment, for otherwise the pledge would
have been unnecessary.
Austria is regarded ns In desperate
financial straits, and the fact that she
lias appointed bnnkors in the places of
the three cabinet ministers who re
signed is taken ns further conclusive
evidence of her situation.
As for the aid to Serbia, it is under
stood that the expedition is nearly
ready, and that tlie forces will soon
land in Albania, prepared to take tbo
tortuous trail across that country into
Greece "Stalls" Tor Time.
London, Dec, 2 Btilgnrinn delay in
neizing Monastir Is regarded here as
Mreugthening the probability that
Greece and Bulgaria may reach au un
derstanding. If such a situation re
sults, an amicable agreement between
(he allios and Greece would bo diffi
cult, if not impossible. '
Reports yesterday declared Motiastir
had been occupied by the Bulgars. Lat
er advices, however, show that the Bui
(Tars are some way from the city
though it is reported a committee has
arranged terms of the surrender if the
Uulgnrs desire to force this.
The war council here was expected
to decido toaay a definite course to
ward Greece. Her demands have indi
cated that Bhe is "stalling" for time
and the allies are not disposed to brook
fluch a disposition for long. Disposition
of Grecian railways, and policing of
Grecian waters, undor allied direction,
apparently is distasteful to Greece.
Meantime, the allied campaign in the
Dardanelles apparently is slated to
continue, for hurl Kitchener's inspec
tion of that region is reported to have
decided him against abandonment of
those operations.
Gary, Ind., Dec. 2. Jack Thompson,
aged 45 years, of Needles, Cal., his
brother-in-law, Melvin Goodrode, of
Chicago, and Mrs. Anna Adkins, aged
25, of Chicago, were killed early to
day when their automobile overturned
in a muddy marsh near here, A fourth
person, it was thought possible, may
have been killed and imbedded in the
I'lickering of the tail light on the
overturned car led to discovery of the
$ Abe Martin J
Tell Binkley pays he'd git on th' wat
Vr wagon if ho didn't dread th' task o'
lireakin' In a lot o' new friends. Rev.
Wiley Tanger is no strong fer peace
that he won't even wear gun metal
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 2. Due
to the war, America's gold im-
. ports last month were $73,724,-
354 greatc an during Oc-
tober a ye o, and her gold
exports ' $ ? 3,672 less, ac-
cording to q tement made at
tho commev club here yes-
terday by ; B. Henderson,
commercial . Sj t pf the Be-
attle branch' 5 he federal bu-.
reau of fo; 14 and domestic
Gold impot for October,
1015 wero 9,357 against
$5,943,003 fori ' same month
in 1914 and I ' exports for
llctober this y.-i were $2,938,-
300, compared with $50,301,972
in 1914.
America's export trade bal-
a nee ior October 1915 was
$1S0,108,938. In Octobor, 1914,
it was $50,030,050.
Defense Sets Up That Its Acts
Are Not Illegal-Jury
May Fail to Agree
New York, Dec. 2. That tho jury
before night will have tjo cases of
Hnmburg-Aiuericnii directors charged
with customs violations seemed likely
when the case was resumed today. Ar
guments consumed a considerable por
tion of the session.
The decision will have a far reach
ing etiect on future action against
German activities in this country. The
jury must decide whether false muiii
fests for supidy ships sent to German
raiders in tho Atlanth constituted vio
lation of customs regulations, but the
jury cannot rule on whether there was
a violation of neutrality.
In his opening argument today, De
fenso Attorney Rand, alluded to the
prominence of the defendants and took
up each chargo separately.
"Even u it is proved" that fulsc
manifests were made," Ho said, "we
are not convicted of conspiracy unless
it is shown that this was part of a gen
eral plan.
"We aro not pleading for sympathy.
War is no crime. But it means evad
ing, eluding, tricking and deceiving
the enemy, and if that were a crime,
there would bo no stntuo of Nathan
Halo in front of the city hall.
"Secre" was essential when our
cargoes went out, but oven at that our
enemies did pretty well. They got all
but ono ship.
"The moment that it was kaown
America was interested in this matter
the Hamburg-American line turned ov
er its papers and information to the
district attorney in tho Bpring."
Assistant District Attorney Wood in
terrupted with a denial of this lust
statement, and a heated tilt followed.
Rand pictured Wood as suffering
with "deteetomnnin," apparently.
meaning a disease among detectives.
Ho said Wood found a card bearing
the name of Naval Attache Boy-ed, of
tho Gdrman (embassy and forthwith
announced thnt the government's
"chain of evidence was complete."
"But the noxt day," ho continued,
"some one looked up the Jaw and
found there bad been nothing illegal
at all."
In proof of his contention that the
Hamburg-American mon had acted le
gally, Rand cited the case of American
ships which cleared Hong Kong for
Manila during tho Spnnish-Americau
war carrying cargoes of scrap iron.
"Great Britain," he said, "didn't
contend that the shipment of 'scrap
iron' to Admirul Dewey at Manila was
Judge ITowe announced during the
forenoon thnt he would instruct the
jury thnt. the fact that cargoes aboard
tho supply ships wero intended for
warships nt sea should have been in
cluded in the manifests. This cumo as
a reverse for tho defense.
Court attaches' believed that a disa
greement is not unlikely.
J ii closing his argument, Rand de
clared that tho government's case nar
rows down to whether or not it is a
crime to permit an unintentional error
to creep into the manifests Bitch ns
mado the port authorities statistics in
correct by $10,000.
"The promoters desperately hurried
ns they were engaged in a patriotic
duty," Rand declared, "and perhaps
ney ovenooxed tnis detail, we had
no reason to defraud America. The
purpose of tho enterprise was legal.
That is what you must consider. "
Referring to Boy-ed, he declared:
"I hold no brjef for Boy-ed nor the
German government, but Boy-ed has
not ben shown to bo a conspirator in
this case.
"If you Americana were In Ger
many when a war broke out, you would
help tho Amedican fleet all you could.
But if yon wero caught, yon would
tnko your medicine and bo proud.
"These defendants concede that
they helped Germany, but Intended no
"1'ntriotsf No whimpering patrl
ots. ' '
Judge Howe charged the jury not to
consider that the mere fact that the
defendants supplied German warships
violated any lederai statute.
"But if you find that they con
pired to cause any collector or cus
toms official to make false manifests
or records, then you will return a ver
diet of guilty," he slid.
The case went to the jury this afternoon.
Germany and Bulgaria An-
nounce the Serbian Cam
paign Is finished
Have Big Job As Monteneg
rins Are Most Desperate
Fighters In Europe
Amsterdam, Dec. 2. Montenegro is
the next nation on which the central
powers intend to concentrate their
admed forces.
Both Germany and Bulgaria have
announced that tho Serbian campaign
is at nn end. mow attention will be
paid to Montenegro, whose forces for
weeks past have done their utmost to
hamper the kaiser's southeastern cam
paign. What is left or the Serbian
campaigners is expected to aid the
Already tho Austrlann, on whom the
brunt t)f tho new campnign will fall,
have driven their way into northern
.Montenegro. The Montenegrins claim
a success ngninst them near Potcha and
it is admitted that tho Anstrians are
meeting a determined resistance, But
they swung their lines into Montene
gro from l'ricpolie, and severe battles
tire now raging. At tho same tjmo oth
ef Austrian forces aro moving west
ward from Sicnitza a short distance
south of Priepolie. Annihilation of
thousands of Montenegrins is forseen,
if they continue thoir wnrfare. At the
same time, however, the Anstrians are
likely to surrcr enormous losses, be
cause of the fact that the Montene
grins are well versed in mountain war-
1'ade and aro fighting with tho heroic
abandon that haB marked tho entire
southenstedn defense.
Pelvlijo in northeastern Montenegro
is tho immediate objective of the Aus
trian armies. They havo already reach
ed within six miles of the place in the
taco or stiff resistance.
Capture of I'riBrend with its 10,000
Serb prisoners mado it possiblo for
Austrinns and Bulgars to turn their
attention more seriously to the Monte
negrin campaign. Austria claims that,
in the past month, more than U7,U00
Serbian soldiors and civilians fit for
military ervico fell into the central
allies' hands, along with many guns
and munitions.
In southern Serbia, fierce storms and
a banket of snow have made operations
virtually impossible. Latest reports la-
dicato that tno actual occupation or
Monnstir by the Bulgars has not been
accomplished, though it is likely at any
The situation with respect to Ru
mania and Greece still remains uncer
tain, British Lose 610,230 Men.
London, Dee. 2. Great Britain's con
tribution to tho wnr to date, in terms
of. dead, wounded and missing men, is
010,230. Answering a query fron the
house of commons, Premier Asquith to
day gave tho following written estimate
of losses: Western front, 379.95H; near
cast, 100,010; other land zones, 11,502;
on the son, 12,100; total, 510,2.10.
Submarines Get Busy.
London, Dec. 2 Tho British steamers
Colenso, 3,801 tons, mid the Orange
Prince, 3,583 tons, have been sunk by
German submarines. Those aboard the
Colenso were landed, but the fate of
the crew of tho other boat was not
mndo public.
The Wilson liner Marengo, New York
to Hull, is ashore off Goodwin sands.
The Greek vessel Zuris has been sunk
by a submarine, but her crow was tak
en into Multa.
fa 1
Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 2.
Vancouver hus subscribed $1,-
820,000 to the new war loan,
Victoria $1,328,000 and New
Westminster $207,000. Nnnaimo
will, it is believed, take more
than $100,000.
Oregon: Rain
tonight and Fri
day; moderate
southerly gale
along the coast,
Denver, Colo., Dec. 2. The
mince pie has only 29 more
days o. life in Colorado.
Attorney General Fred Far-
rar today' pronounced its doom
after a conference with Gov-
eruor Carlson. Farrar announc-
. ed that under the prohibition
law, which goes into effect
January 1, mince meat, plum
pudding, macaroons, brandied
peaches and similar delicacies,
naving a certain content of al-
coaol are taboo.
Food Prices and Distribution
Cause Demonstration Be
fore the Reichstag
Berlin, Dec. 2. Germany wants
speedy settlement of questions affect
ing food prices and food distribution.
To gain these ends, crowds mado dem
onstrations before tho reicliHtag, it was
admitted todav.
"German enemies," an inspired Btato
ment said, 'will again spread ridicul
ous reports about troubles and street
riots and make other insinuations not
corresponding with the truth."
The statement indicated that the
chancellor will make a statement before
the reichslag, scoffing at enemy beliefs
in Germany's ultimate economic de
"In Germany, nobody understands
why the allies, after military failures
and diplomatic, defeats, have not yet
beguu peace negotiations," the state
ment said. "The chancellor probnbly
will show that euemv rulers still blind
ly believe stories of German starvation,
economic prostration and similar illus
"As a result, they interpret Ger
many's peace coiawtions, which her aye
cesses dictate, as unreasonnblo and as
signs ot weakness and weariness or
war." N
Indications point to n request from
the socialists for a definition of terms
on which Germany would make peace.
In this connection, the Tngeblatt holds
that such a question would bo proper.
It could not bo Interpreted ns a con
fession of weakness, the paper sayB, in
view of the strong military position in
which Germany finds herself.
Moreover, tho paper points out that
England asks, ami gets answers to such
Will Wait Until Other Mem
bers Are Present to Form
ulate Proposal
A part of the committee from tho O.
& C. land grunt conference met at Gov
ernor Withycombe's office this fore
noon for nn informal discussion of the
plan to be presented by the state. In
consideration of the fiict thut Chair
man Vawter, I, K. Bean and .Mr.
Hpenco were unable to be present no
definite action was taken by the gov
ernor, Secretary- Oli'ott, Hlnti) Treasurer
Ivny and Sam Garland, who wero pres
ent. It is certain that the committeo will
be culled together again but tho ditto
has not been fixed as yet and the next
time they meet it is honed to hnve n
plan prepared to be presented to the
representatives oi tne railroad for n!'
eeptaneo or rejection. The railroad of
ficals left after yesterday's confer
ence and put it up to tho state to form
ulnto a plan for submission to the
At the informal discussion this morn
ing the committee members oxnressnd
tiiulr individual views relative to the
disposition of 'tho land in tho grant
but no efforts was made to reach any
finnl conclusion In the matter uutil the
other members of the committee could
bo present. Taxes were discussion rel
ative to theso lands and also tho item
of transportation of soldiers. This fnc
tor has been the cause of considerable
concern on the part of the railroad and
lias been repeatedly brought before the
conference liy the railroad. It is stat
ed that it hna rost the railroad com
pany over two million dollars to haul
troops for the government ami thnt the
expenses of transportation are growing
grenter yearly,
In all thcro are numerous problems
to be considered before any final
agreement ran be reached even to be
presented to tho railroad eompny
where It may be rejected In its entirety
and it is probable that the matter will
drag along for considerable time before
any settlement la made.
Chairman of Executive Com
mittee Says No Compromise
With G. 0. P.
Johnson, Beveridge and Char
les Sumner Bird Are All
New York, Dec. 2. Colonel Roose
velt intends to stick by his guns and
not go back to the G. U. P., Chairman
George V. Perkins of the Bull Jloose
executive committee declared todav.
"Tne fact that the colonel has with
drawn his name as a republican candi
date in Nebraska," ho said, "should
put an end to all such talk."
Asked concerning the possibility of
Supreme Court Justice Hughes as a re
publican candidate, Perkins answered
shortly: "The progressives are not
bothering a., ut what the republicans
nnd democrats may do. We nre going
straight ahead with our 1910 plans."
Jn addition to Roosevelt as a bull
moose residential nossibilitv. Govern
or Johnson, of California, former Sen
ator Beveridge, of Indiana, and ( has.
Sumner iird, of Massachusetts, aro al
so possibilities, Perkins said.
The li)12 platform, "brought up to
dnte." will torm tho basis of the bull
moose appeal to tho voters next venr.
and, the men in charge of the campaign
believe that they will meet with suc
cess in a popular appeal i- funds with
wnicn to carry on tho fight.
Perkins was slated to go to Oyster
Bay today for a conference with Koose
velt Carranza Getting
Situation In Hand
Douglas, Ariz., Dee. 2. Fifteen
American refugees from El Tigre, head
ed by L. R. Budrow, manager of the
mines there, nrrived here today. They
Bnid tho trip waB uneventful. Fivo more
refugees are due to arrive tonight.
General Obregon and Major General
Funston, commanding the American
troops here, went into closo conference
this morning, discussing the general
border situation. Obregon told Funs
ton that Villn was located in the moun
tains near Uros, 160 miles south of
The first train of Carranza reinforce
ments arrived nere tins morning from
Nogules. Tho train also carried army
equipment loaned the Mexicans by Fun
ston to facilitate their movements and
enable them tho more quickly to protect
American mining properties from rebel
raids. A second train is due this aft
ernoon. Rebels seized one end of a telopgraph
lino working southward from tho bor
der today and tried to lure a Carranza
train out of Agua Prieta by asserting
tnat curranzn'ii null men under Colonel
Aguirre, who are cut off from Agua
I'rieta, wero locuted near the town
awaiting aid. The ruse failed.
Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 2. After
stating that ho would favor limiting
the hours fur liquor selling, until alt
er the war, Premier Richard McHride
announced today that a plebiscite cov
ering the prohibition issue would be
submitted to the vuters nt the next
provincial election.
Farce Comedy
New York, Dec, 2. Out of the de
lirious activity at Ford headquarters,
preceding sailing of the Ford "peace
ship" came today an nduisision from
Secretary Louis Loc'nner that perhaps,
utter all, tho expedition will uo unable
"to bring thn boys out of the trenches
by Christmas. "
"1 won't say it is Impossible," he
said, "but the Whole expedition is real
ly an attempt against tne impossible.
Ford meant tho trench slogan as an in
spiration and an ideal for the dele
gates." A big office force worked until two
o'clock this morning nt Ford head
quarters and then returned at 0 o'clock
to continue tho task of reserving ac
commodations for tho delegates,
answering telegrams and letters and
greeting the arriving delegates, Ford
himself reached here this forenoon wit.i
a party of Detroit peace adveoate who
will sail with him Saturday.
"Ilnve you read Alton B. Parker I
attack on you, saying that you are 'a
that you are
ord was asked by
strutting clown V " Ft
a newspaperman.
New York Dec. 2. A sharp
decline in the stock market.
which had been generally pre-
dieted took an unexpected turn
today. When the market showed
weakness yesterday, the Street
had a familiar explanation un-
certainty over congressional ac-
Instead of uniform declines
everywhere, the war stocks tend-
ed to react mostly. This was
not ascribed to congress. The
immediate reason wns the
speech last night by the presi-
dent of the City Bank In which
he stated that while no one
knows how long the war will
last, it is known that possibly
before the war ends, foreign
purchases, here must be cur-
tailed because the means of pay-
mcnt will perhaps be lacking.
Washington Supreme Court
Nullifies Law Says the
Oregon Journal
Portland, Or., Dec. I Tho supremo
court' of the state of Washington last
week reached a decision overthrowing
the law passed by tho last Washington
legislature putting stutcwide prohibition
into affect, according to a story print
ed in the Oregon Journal this after
noon. The decision was to have beon handed
down Saturday but at the request of
Governor Lister the court delayed mak
ing public the result of its Htudy of the
act, the Journnl says.
Constitutional prohibition by a vote
of the people goes into effect in Wash
ington January 1 and Governor Lister
urged upon the court a reconsideration
of its decision, requesting at the same
time a speedy announcement of its at
titude in order that be might call a
special session of tho legislature this
month to correct tho faults in tho law
ns found by the court, according to
tho Journal,
The contentions against tho Wash
ington law were, the Journal Btatod,
that it does not express the will of the
people, and that it is the result of the
misuse of the initiative.
T'uder the first contention it Is urged
that the people voted for prohibition
and that legal permission to buy speci
fied amounts of spirituous and malt
liquors each month is contrary to tho
spirit of prohibition.
Under the second contention, tho
Journnl says, It is asserted that voting
prohibition through Initiative measure
is an uncommon use of tho initiative
and thnt the initiative wns not intend
ed to bo employed to so extremo a pur-
Bays Nothing In Story.
Scnttlo, Wnsb., Dec. 2. In a long
distance interview this afternoon re
garding the Portland Journal's story
that tho Washington supremo court find
knocked out tho stnte-wide prohibition
law, the clerk of tho stale supremo
court at Olympia denied any knowledge
of such a decision.
"It has not passed through this of
flee, and I believe I am in position to
Know of such a decision," ne Bind.
Washington, Dec, 2 Continued gains
in uenerul business conditions were re-
ported today in the federal- reserve
board's monthly bulletin, but Pacific
coast conditions were noted us not as
?ond as the eastern situation, duo to
iiilure of the export boom bo far to
reach the western const.
Into World's Tragedy
"Oh, you mean that man who tried
to run for president 1 No, 1 haven't."
"Will I he lnle iliMinrtmenl's an
nouncement that no passports will bo
latinnil fm- vnml imrtv to io to bclliir-
erent countries inteil'eio with your
plans " the newspaper omicry con
"Wo don't intend to visit Diosc
countries." Ford replied.
"Well, tiien how do you expect to
get (he men out of trenches by Christ
mas!" a questioner interposed.
"We will leave an international
court sitting at Tho Hague to whiefi
any belligerent can turn when it wants
peace," he answered,
"Who will finance the courtl"
"I will to the limit."
"Will Bryan bo a member of the
"I hopo not," Interrupted Theodore
I.avlgno, of Detroit, a member of the
Ford party.
Asked if iie approved of Lavlgno's
sentiment about Bryan, Ford answer
ed: "Tho vlelegates will cbooso their
own members."
Providence Journal Sends
Letter to Department Sup
posedly Written by Hia
Claimed the "FnuV Was
Bombs for Sinking Vessels
On the Pacific
Providence, R. I., Dec. 2. Continuing
its revolutions of alleged anti-ally ac
tivities in this country, thn .Tonriul
day announced it had laid before the
department of justice startling evidence
in mo case or u. v. Crowley held as an
anti-ally bomb plotter at Baa Fran
Tho most significant of its evidence,
apparently, was a letter, purporting to
have been sent by Crowley to the Am
erican wifo of Russia n Ambnnnjiilnr
Bakhmotoff at Washington, asking her
Biu, n u nea Lross representative, in
getting cases of dried fruit aboard
steamers bound out of Tacoma for
The Journal claimed Mme. Bakbomo
teff ignored tho anneal. suBDectinir miH-
In the alleged letter. Crowlov was
quoted as saying California fruit grow
ers aoBireu to contribute fruit to th
Russians. To this end, the letter ask
ed that tho shiiientK be facilitated, as
the writer understood government sup
plies were constantly being shipped
from Tacoma to Vludivstok.
"It would bo necessary, therefore,"
said the document, "that an under
standing be had with tho Ofrents of
those steamship lines at Tacoma that
immediate shipment tie made via what
ever steamers might be sailing. It i
tno desire of the donors that there bo
no delny in the shipments, as delays
would lessen the benefits intended to
those for whom tho fruit was provid
After Blue Funnel Line.
The lottor announced that "we havo
an agent" at Tacoma who could assist
in the shipments, nnd it suggested thnt
the Bluo Funnel line might be used ad
vantageously because of. its numerous)
Tho Journnl intimnted that the
"dried fruit" cases wore really in
tended to contain explosives, and it
charged that German Consul Bopp at
Ban irnncisco nnd received $40ti,(H)) for
furtherance of destruction of wharven.
steamers and munitions at Ban Frunois-
co and Scattlo.
In view of tho Journal 'a statement
thnt it had laid the evidence before
tho department of justice and in con
junction with tho Washington "tip"
that enormous developments in the
Crowloy enso might bo anticipated, par
ticular importance was attached here to
thn newspapers allegations.
Recently it printed charges of form
er Austrian Consul Goricar of finn
Francisco thnt German Ambassador
Von Bornstorff and Austrian Consul
OoncTiil Von Nuber of New York were
the heads of a vast system for further
ing anti-ully activities.
Crowley is Silent.
San Francisco, Dec. 2. In the fnco
of thn Providence Journal's allegations
that ho wrote to tho Russian ambas
sador's wife at Washington to secure
credentinls for shipment of "dried
fruits" aboard munitions steamers out.
of Tacoma, C, C. Crowloy, alleged anti
ally consuirator, maintained silcnco
hero today. The Journal's intimation
that tho "dried fruits" offorod to the
Russian Tied Cross were in reality to
be bombs, did not stir him.
Ho referred inquirers to his attorney
and suggested that, in time, anything
seeming to implicate him as a plotter
would bo explained.
"I don't care to discuss the letter,"
he said. "Anything scorning to in
volvo me will bo cxplnined in time,
but I must refer you to my attorney."
Net Tightons on Crowley.
Meantime, federal officials had their
ohms luid for bringing Louis J. Hraith
before tho grand jury this afternoon to
fasten, if possiblo, their charges upon
Crowley, Hmith is accused by the gov
erinnent of receiving money from Crow
loy to blow up a munitions barge nt
(Seattle, and otherwise to cripple mu
nitions shipments dcsimoa ior me al
lies. Humors were current Smith w
rendv tn uivo damaging evideucw
against Crowley. At any rate, foderal
officials seemed to tie comment tuai
from him they would gain important
Meantime officials are continuing;
their hunt, for Robert ( nnelle. North
German Lloyd agent, wanted aa a wit
ness before the grnnu jury in connec
tion with tho question of supplies
furnished Gorman raiders at sea.
According to infnnnation today, Ca
pello wns the "Mr. Hoott" who last
spring received a considerable sum ot
money from New York to finance is
expedition of the vessel Saorameuto
a supply ship.