Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
NOVEMBER 16, 1914
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It is said that most men never realize their full pow
ers and possibilities until they have met with some great
shock or severe reverses.
Napoleon said of his general, Massena, that he was a
very ordinary commander until he got into the heat of
battle and saw men falling all about him; then he fought
like a genius and a demon.
It seems to be the same with nations. America has
been content for years to import from abroad countless
articles that might have been better made at home, and
to permit European manufacturers to supply foreign
markets that might better have been supplied by us.
But necessity is the mother of invention, and the great
war is compelling us to do for ourselves what we have de
pended upon others to do for us. What seemed insuper
able difficulties two months ago are turning out to be
undreamed-of opportunities. Enormous profits that have
hitherto gone abroad will hereafter stay at home. Em
ployment that has gone to European workingmen will
now come in increasing volume to the workingmen of
The business genius of our people is equal to any
emergency. Ways and means of meeting many phases of
the new situation have already appeared. The business
boom is already on. We needed a jolt to awaken us to our
opportunitiesbut we have awakened.
The war has made us realize that in 191:1 we imported
$:J1,000,000 worth of lace goods, $22,000,000 in linens, $1:!,
000,000 in cotton clothing, $4,000,000 in cotton thread, $:t.
000,000 in clocks and watches, $2,000,000 in handkerchiefs,
$2,000,000 in buttons, all of which we could have produced
at home, and are now beginning to produce.
Potash for fertilizers has been coming from abroad
to the amount of $12,000,000 a year; and it is found that
our own Southwest can abundantly supply the need.
Imported toys to the value of $7,000,000 a year are be
ing made by home manufacturers.
For years Germany has made our dyes out of our own
coal products ; now we are successfully tnaking most pf
them here. ' ' 1
Carbon for moving picture shows is an enormous item
which came almost entirely from Europe; now a big
Cleveland chemical works is running day and night, turn
ing out as good carbon as was imported.
Heretofore American mills have manufactured only
40 per cent of our cotton product; now we are being forc
ed to manufacture it far more largely, and the home con
sumption of cotton goods is being increased. Doubtless
many new mills will be built in the southern states, near
to the supply; and what has been the South's temporary
disaster is likely to be turned into its greatest blessing.
When the foreign supply of carbolic acid was shut off.
Edison, in two weeks, had in operation a plant for its
manufacture at less cost than before.
Necessity is goading us on to marvelous opportunities.
Adversity is being coined into advantage. Disaster is be
ing traded into profit.
The American people have just sent a ship to Europe
carrying Christmas cheer indeed to more than five mil
lion sufferers in the war-stricken countries. It is but the
starting of the stream that will pour from generous Am
erican hearts to relieve suffering humanity, regardless of
faith or creed. It is the loaning of a ship-ioad of supplies
to the Lord, since they are given to those who are indeed
Naval Paymaster General McGowan has issued an or
der that all employes in his department who work with
coats and vests off must wear belts, and suspenders are
prohibited. Truly a dainty general, and with perfectly
lady-like instincts.
If the European babies are to be named after battles,
here is another choice one for some helpless little fellow
to be saddled with. How would Czenstochowa sound
when his mother called him to bring in the wood or run
an errand?
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Capital $500,000.00
Transact a general banking: business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Though you may be able to draw'your check for mil
lions, if you are not master of yourself, you are not suc
cessful. You may control thousands of employes, but if
you cannot control yourself, if you are a slave to passions
or appetites, you have failed. .
You are not successful if you chafe and fret, if you
are discontented and unhappy and out of harmony with
your environment.
If your vocation absorbs all your energies, leaves no-
thing at the close of each day for your home and family
but lassitude and irritability, you have no claim to the
character of a successful man.
You are not successful, though you own a fine house
and wear broadcloth, if you grind the life out of those
under you in order to increase your wealth.
If you neglect self -culture, if you do not develop your
higher faculties, but live clown among the brute qualities
of your nature, you are defeating the very object of your
being growth.
The germ that causes gangrene has been discovered
and a serum is now being prepared by the doctors which
injected into the wounds will prevent many amputations
and deaths. Now if some one will discover the war bacil
lus or militarism microbe, and inject the proper serum
into prince, potentate and ruler, as well as war ministers
and men of the Krupp kind, blatant congressmen like
Gardner and certain critical editors who can hardly keep
the country's hands, not their's, off Mexico, the dawn of
perpetual peace may be heralded. '
In a divorce suit at Cleveland, Ohio, recently the testi
mony showed the man's earnings were $7 a week. In fix
ing the alimony in granting the divorce, the sapient judge
ordered the male victim to pay his widow $14 a week.
This reminds one of the story of the Irish mine boss who
called down the shaft: "How many of yees is there down
there?" "Three," was the reply. "Then half of yees come
up," was the rather difficult order.
At a recent meeting of dairymen in Sumner, Washing
ton, one of them made the statement that "babies are
cheaper than cows." This, is not very encouraging to mo
therhood or a boost for eugenics. Neither is it a very
strong indorsement of the fitness of the man who marie
the remark for the business of furnishing milk for the
public, especially to that part of the public that has babies
in the house.
Only five more weeks until the shortest days of the
year, then only four days to Christmas and a week to
New Years, and then before we know it the fishing will
be good, and the Fourth of July will be here, and then
Thanksgiving and Christmas again. Tempus certainly
does fugit fast after one has passed the half-way station
of life.
A rather queer condition of the markets is that poul
try is unusually low. Stocks in Portland at the end of the
week were slow to move at 10 cents, and thislin spite of
the Thanksgiving season being at hand. Chickens are
getting so cheap" that beef and butchers' meat will be con
sidered a delicacy soon and chicken become the every-day
Novelists describing love situations invariably mention
the fact that the man "gave" his heart to the woman. This
probably .accounts for the manifold and various troubles
these same men get into in novels, of course. In this
heart business there should be mutuality, trade of heart
for heart, or something of that kind, with only "boot" suf
ficient to even things up.
While Theodore is saying nothing and devoting his
time and mind to trying to understand where his little
bull moose has gone, Son-in-law Nick Longworth goes
flying back to congress under new registration and fly
ing the republican flag. In the language of the Missouri
politician, "Kin sich things be?"
It is impossible to say how that old school-book poem,
we believe it was Campbell's, would sound to a German,
Belgian or Frenchman, but the English can now under
stand at least the lines, "And dark as winter was the flow
of Iser, rolling rapidly."
Statistics show there are only 8:599 mentally deficient
persons in the state of New York. If this is true, how can
the recent election returns in that state be accounted for?
! Oregon City is determined to keep its
! expenses within its income, and is cut-1
ting expenses to the bone, rho office'
of city engineer is to be abolished ami'
the police force reduced and other re-1
auctions of expense made all along the
line. I
Fifty delegates gathered at Oregon I
City Friday to attend the animal con-1
vention ot the Clackamas county Sun
day schools. The convention adjourned
The Umatilla Indians desiring it, both
Senutors Chamberlain and Lane have
asserted tiieir intention of asking the
division of the tribal lands with the
provision that the beneficiaries cannot
sell the lands. This is for tho protec-
tion of the Indians against sharpers. I
Baker high defeated Pendleton, high j
at Baker Friday iu one of the most
spectacular games of the season, by a!
score of 13 to 0. I
. v. nonnum was lulled in a run
away accident near John Day Thurs
day. He left John Day alone at dark
driving a team. Kvidently the horses
became frightened after he hail gone
a short distance and ran away. He was
found in the road, his neck broken and
skull crushed. He wa9 alive when pick
ed up but died a few minutes Inter. He
was a pioneer of Grant County, having
lived there more than 30 years.
Mis. Belle Barker, indicted tor child
stealing in connection with the escape
from custody of Helena Alves, a minor
child, in charge of the Boys' und Girls'
Aid society, was discharged at Dallas
Friday morning on motion of the dis
trict attorney, who dismissed the indict
ment, bhe immediately began suit in
damages against .1. M. Grant, sheriff of
Polk county, and J.. Tuscher,, Jr., rep
resenting the Boys' nnd Gills' Aid so
ciety, suing for ijs.lOOO.
Baker county had its first snow of
the season, Friday. The snow did not
lay in the valleys, but tho hills were
while in the evening and the mercury
tailing last.
W It .
Ill spite of adverse weather, more
than l.)0U attcudeil the Hubbard fair
on opening day, Friday. While there
was a line display in uiunv lines, tlmt
of corn ami potutoes was pronounced
tne best shown anywhere in the state
this year. A free dinner, served by
the Kchcknhs and Pythian Misters was
a feuture of the occasion.
It is claimed a coal prospector, Geo.
B. Carpontier, has found a four-foot
vein, of Benii unthracttis- coal near To-
Jedo,' that, is known .to- covert n- mile
square. It is Within three miles ot To
ledo, and a tunnel will be driven for
1U0U feet through the hill to bring the
coul iu' touch with the market,
Exhibitors and representatives of
eom jrcinl clubs in nil parts of the state
are enthusiastic iu their praise of the.
Manufacturers' und Land Products
show in Portland. They say it is the
equal at least of any similar shows giv
en in the eastern states.
Higher water in the Willamette re
sulted iu an order for the Griihaiiionn
to make the run from Portland to Cor
vallis Sunday. She leaves there Mon
day on a regular run to Portland.
The storm Friday night reached hur
ricane proportions at Astoria. One of
the musts of the Marconi wireless was
snapped, bringing the wires down and
putting the plant out of commission for
some time,
The famous Bonnvview stock furm,
belonging to J. II. Gray and son, and
located nboiit -II miles south of Prine
villo, was sold last week to 1). P. Dono
van, of Hood River, the price being
about $110,000. The furm contained
1101)0 acres and wna devoted to raising
Hereford cattle and Polnnd China hogs.
Mora than Slid head of registered cat
tle were included iu the sale, and the
Oregon hotel at Hood River was part
of the consideration.
Don't wait
for Time
to teach
your boy
to save,
Start him
i ii ti v: w;i ii
ith Oregon fresh eggs selling at 42 and 45 cents and
the China variety at 16 and 18 cents, it does not look as
though the competition between them was very fierce.
London, Nov. 111. The body of Field!
Marshal Lord Huberts, ' who (lied la
France Saturday was expected today
In arrive at Folkestone this afternoon.
It was expected that funeral services
would be held at Ht. Paul'a cathedral.
Lady Huberts was said to have decided
on a private burial and to Intend to
have her husband remains laid to rest
In All Saints church-yard at. Ascot,;
near his late hump, In aeeoMnnce with
hi own expressed wish. A tomb was
offered for In in in Westmister Ahber. ,
King George and Field Marshal Sir
John French were among m many who
sent personal condolences to the widow.
The most difficult part of drluhlny1
aongs Is tho refrain. j
Wntts, Cal., Nov. 1(1. Albert Wright,
a city prisoner, Is at Ilborty today, and
the Watt municipal "hoosgow" Is a
heap of debries, for the same rontrlhii
tory cause. Because he disliked close
confinement, Wright "did a Samson,"
pushed over the wnlls of the jail and
walked forth to freedom.
Wright was .jailed early yesterday.
At. dusk he hacked up against one
brick wall of tho jail, Braced his feet
agniust another and heaved ho. The
walls parted, and Wright went dowo
under a shower of brick and mortar.
The next man to run afoul of the
law In Watts will be put to work to
rebuild the prison.
An Old Story
V5 4
s'1 W
The winter's approaching, the sleet
nnd the storm will soon be encroaching
on latitudes warm. The snow flukes
are leaking from clouds thnt are gray,
the winds will eome shrieking from
Hudson 's oh e a r
bay. Then peace
to the worker who
toiled In the heut.
and woe to the
shirker who loaf
ed In the street!
The man who kept
toiling in June
and July, hns cab
.bage for boiling,
and chickens to
fry) with grub iu
his larder, the
storm he may
dnrci "Dad bust
you, blow harder
it's little I
care!" With toal In the cellar, he
ay to the storm, "Get busy, old fel
ler I'm comfy and warm!" But what
of the neighbor who's not a live wire,
who look on all labor as puuisiimeiit
diref Ho loafs through the summer
when farmer and clerk, and painter and
plumber are doiug their work. He sits
In the shadow and dreams by the day
of some Kldorndo where loafing wiil
y. And then when the wintnr Is do
ing Its chore, he goes like a sprinter
from door unto door, assistance be
seeching eome prunes or it pies "My
children," he's screeching, "ail
threaten ro diet" The generous toller,
the kindest of men, takes out from his
boiler the wing of a hen: "Give that
to the kiddies," he says, "and by
heck, 1 'II kill some more biddies to
:oep them on ileckl"
Young people who are taught to save
become a credit to a community by rea
son of the fact that it makes them ambi
tious. Young people will take pride in look
ing upon this institution as their Bank
and they have the privilege of coming '
and going just as much as they please.
A Bank acquaintance is a fine thing for
a boy who is nearing the point of active
life. Start him with $1.
of Salem, Oregon
London, Nov. 1(1. Replying to ques
tions usking today ill the house of com
mons concerning reports of tho loss of
the British battleship t'anopus, First
Lord of the' Admiralty Winston Church
ill ta'uli "We have every reason to
believe that the Canopus is safe."
And many n ijirl whr thinks she ir
mnrryiiig a man after her own htui?
discovers Inter that he was only alter
her moni'v.
Washington, Nov. 14. Unof-
ficial advices received here this it
afternoon declared (he two fae- $
Hons in Mexico wero trying to
reach an agreement. Strong in-
flucuces, it was said, were bo-,
iug brought to bear on Oenoral
Carranza to resign in favor of
Governor (lutlrrez.
Low Round Trip Fares
For Thnnksgiving Day, November 2(1, low round
trip rates will be sold between all points in Oregon
cn the Southern Pacific, Mnin Line and Branches,
Nov. 25 and 20. Filial return limit Nov. ill).
Round Trip Fares
Between Salem and Portland $2.00
Between Salem and Junction City $2.30
Between Salem and Kugene 2.80
Corresponding low fures between nil other poiitts.
Superior Train Service
Full- particulars as to train service, specific fares,
etc., from nearest agent of tho
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
For .
Address ,
This coupon may be exchanged for votes in the con
test for a trip to San Francisco in 1915, at the Capital
Journal office. Not good after November 21, 1914.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H, Steinbock Junk Co.
US Stat Strwt. Balim, Oragoa. i'hona Mali tM