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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1914)
THE DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAT. JULY 0 19U. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal MONDAY JULY 6, 1914 TIOAIft 'ftVWBfcL JOURNAL PUBLISH KD BY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. . CHARLES H. nSUER. .EDITOR AND MANAGER PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. BALEM, OREQON SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Pally, by Carrier, per year 3.20 Per month 45a Daily, by Mall, per jear 4 00 Per month 33e Weekly, by Mail, por year 1.00 Sit months SOc FULL LEASED WIItE TELEQRAPH RETORT The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the paper on the orca. If the carrier doea not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as thla is the only way we can determine whether or not the culler are following Instructions. Phone Main 82. CROSSING THE STREET. JUDGE SULZBERGER, of Pennsylvania, has pro foundly formulated and wisely applied the legal dic tum that street corssings belong to pedestrians, and he has sent to prison the driver of a motorcar which ran down and killed a woman at a crossing. A few more such examples inexorably applied would Co far toward maKing tne streets 01 ihb u.iu would remove the terrible menace which threatens the life of every citizen who ventures abroad. Automobile drivers too often imagine that the earth and its fullness is theirs; that the foot passenger, wheth er at a crossing of elsewhere, is offensively disputing their full ownership of the highways. A blast of the horn is an imperative order to "get out of the way." If the un happy individual fails to hear or heed, the worse for him. A term in jail for a few of this type may teach the les sons laid down by Judge Sulzberger that the pedestrians have the right of way at the street crossings; that when the crossing is not clear it is the business of the motor vehicles to stop; that if an accident results from the fail ure thus to stop, the auto driver will be held to strict ac count. Once this penetrates the consciousness of careless drivers there will be the beginning of better relationship between them and the general public; a less arrogant at titude by the one and a more kindly and tolerant feeling by the other. At a newspaper stunt the Boston Journal set a new pace when the day after the fire at Salem and while fire men were still fighting the burning ruins, it sent a photo grapher in a flying machine, who sailed over the still burning city and secured by far the' most novel pictures ever used in a newspaper. It is an example that will be followed, and pictures of disasters taken from airships will be a common feature of the papers in the very near future. less town." Other Oregon towns, Salem for instance, might accomplish something in that direction if the peo ple would pay more attention to their lawns and the park ing along the streets. ... Germany might build a canal through Nicaragua, pro vided she wanted the canal, had the right to build it and also had the money to spare from her naval schemes. The Panama canal will be sufficient for her needs for some years to come. . ' ' George Fred Williams took advantage of the first op portunity to let the world know who was minister to Greece. Now President Wilson comes and lets that same world know who is not minister to Greece. Getting into the kingrow may be pleasant enough, but getting out has its drawbacks, as witness Prince Francis Ferdinand, while bossing a country as president is not all cakes and ale either. Ask Huerta." It will be just one revolution after another until the United States steps in and settles the row. TnfprvpnHnn and quite likely annexation must come some time why nui now The mediators made a rather loud report, but it re mains to be seen if the eun was reallv lnnrlpH nr if it- wna ! only a blank cartridge for.Fourth'of July purposes. Six wooden-legged men testified in a damage suit in Massachusetts that the loss of a leg did not diminish a man's earning power. This might cause the railroad com pany to put in a counter-claim and ask pay for depriving the man of a useless log. Besides the opinion of the one legged six must be taken with several grains of salt. Sup pose for instance the man who lost the leg was a profes sional foot racer, or a mail carrier? Newspapers are made hurriedly, and sometimes the queen's English is pretty badly contorted. Here is a sam ple, all right in itself but still somewhat paradoxical. An exchange in telling of the arrest and fining of a "boot legger," says: "Twenty-five days in jail or $50, said the arm of the law." Truly, a most eloquent arm with re markable linguistic abilities. After all, the act of that New Jersey boy who cut off a cow's tail because he could not catch some boys who threw stones at him, is in close touch with the reasoning of some grown folks. It is in fact allied to the actions of those who undertake to make the world holier and better by assassination of rulers. Mr. Jones should be well equipped for that diplomatic position. For six ye a re he has been a director of the Har vester company, and it must have taken lots of tact to keep it in the straight and narrow path. It might have been real wicked but for his moral guidance. It is claimed by French explorers in Africa that they have discovered a new kind of elephant, one that can stand severe punishment and go a long time without food. This is an opportune discovery and one the G. O. P. should welcome as a refuge and a hope. Baker City is ambitious to become known as the "weed- -C THE ROUND-UP. Multnomah county has issued orders through its officials tiii.t no load writh ing more than 4,000 pounds will be per inittod to cross tin- bridge in that county without a special permit. Wulter Luecke, aged 22, drowned while bathing in a small crock that empties into the Willamette near Oak tirovc. The drowning occurred Thurs day night. u n m What is believed to be the first car of loganberries sent as far east as the Kinky mountains, was chipped from .Monroe aim lonailis t riday night by the lleutoii County -rowers' associa tion. Albany's four days' Fourth of July celebration opened Wednesday with a free nntdnnr Aaiuleville show at First and Washington streets. At Elkton, Douglas county, it is re ported, there is no resident physician ami there is an opportunity for one so disposed, to supply a long'felt want. '''' Pendleton 's new pipe system is near ly completed, nnd it is hoped to havo water running, by the middle of this month from the new supply source, Thorn Hollow Springs. Volume of Med ford's streel and rail trnfiic is indicated by a count kept for two days by the watchman at the .Main street crossing of the Southern Pacific. There passed in that time 4,500 pedes trians, 2,000 automobiles, I'tA.'i motorcy cles, .'100 bicycles and .11 trains. A cer tain citizen n ado the crossing 42 times. . Corvallis Gazette Times: That Cor vallis shall deserve the title of "Aster City" this fall is evidenced by the number of asters that have' been nted in Comillis during -the past mouth; ls,"0 aster plants have been sold by the Parent-Teacher circles of Corvnllis. A flower show will be held here in the fall. The asters planted recently will bloom in time for the show. Mrs. (hailos Croner is the only wo man in the state, so far as is known, regularly engaged in the business at freighting. She hauls supplies to the summer resorts between Eugene and McRenzie liridge, a distance of 00 miles, and makes the ronud trip each week. The celebration at Newport Saturday was the first of the kind in the history of that beauty resort. Construction of the Willamette-Pacific bridge across Coos Bay was be gun Monday. Portland makers of popcorn butter are in trouble because they used cot tonseed oil iustead of butter in mak ing the "butter." The pure lood fel lows woke up long enough to nuke be- Remember to have The Capital Journal to follow you during your vacation. -, " -i lieve they were really trying to earn their salaries, and thus hold onto their jobs. C. X. Essex, a well known merchant of Albany, aged 70, died suddenly at 2:0 Friday afternoon. He di.'d from a sudden attack of heart failure. Candidates for the I'. S. senate, Booth republican and llanley progressive, spoke at the celebration at Marsht'ield (Saturday. The rodeo at Klamath Falls Friday, it is estimated, drew a crowd of not less than 7,000 persons. Many Indians from the Warm Springs and Klamath reservations were In attendance and some of them took pait in the proceedings. HotWeathei The weather's hot and sizzling, and most obnoxious, now; the moisture k e e p s adrizzliug tidown my bulging brow; it filters through my gal ways, in manner most absurd, yet 1 am cheerful always, and -chipper as a bird. To snowy wastes unending I've trained myself to look, all day 1 am pretending that I XV I urn Dr. look. At- ft 1 tired in linen, thin- K, I make myself believe that up old Mount McKinloy I'm elihibiug, by your leave. My Thomas cat is dozing upon the easy chair, and 1 keep on suppos ing that it's a polar bear. "The Ig loo" 1 have christened the house where in I dwell, and often there I've listen ed to arctic temptests yell, when other men were sweating, and groaning in their woe, and wringing hands, forget ting that there's such a thing as snow. The days will seem less dreary, if you, by hook or crook, can play that you are Peary, or, failing Peary, Cook. Imag ine you're exploring in snow up to your neck, and soon you will be roaring, ".We need a fire, by heck!" flormlntit, 114 hr Adam. N.iMKt jiffA, WRITE YOUR WANT AD PLAINLY, DROP IT IN THE MAILBOX. THE POSTMAN AND THIS NEWSPAPER WILL DO THE REST! United States Army In Splendid State of Efficiency at Present Time By Lieutenant General NELSON A. MILES of U. S, Army. Retired Lapp & Bush, Bankers Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes Traveler's Checks I WAS an interested observer of the war in the Balkans. I was visiting my son, First Lieutenant Siiernian Miles, field artillery, United States army, who is iniliuiry attache at Sofia, Bulgaria. We daily heard the booming of the guns and watched the wounded being carried to the rear. It has been a tremendous conflict and one of absorbing in terest to a man of military training. It was real war right straight through, and 1 would not have missed seeing what I did of it for any thing. As I am not on the active list of the army, I did not intrude my self upon the tiring line, but I was ablo to gain a splendid insight into the way the battles were fought and the strategy used just the sauie. IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT I HAVE BEEN RETIRED FROM AC TIVE SERVICE FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I TAKC THE SAME INTEREST IN MILITARY MATTERS I ALWAYS DID, AND IT IS A MATTER OF GREAT PLEASURE TO ME TO SEE TO WHAT A SPLENDID STATE OF EFFI CIENCY THE UNITED STATES ARMY IS IN AT THE PRESENT TIME. I CANNOT NOW RECALL ANY PERIOD WHEN THE STANDING ARMY WAS SO ENTIRELY READY FOR ANY DUTY IT MIGHT BE CALLED UPON TO PERFORM. GOVERNMENT AS BAD AS UPTON'S GANG Ail Contracts With Sir Thomas Can celled But Only After a Nasty Scan ' dal Had Developed. London, July 6. That the adminis trafionNiad route rather badly out of the army canteen scandal in which the firm of Liptons, Limited, was involved, was the opinion generally expressed in political circles here today. The case grew out of the grunting by persons high in the management of the Liptou of unlawful roinmissions to army officers charged with the purchase of ennteen supplies. Kight of them, be sides a number of the army officers, were convicted aud sentenced to var ious punishments. The government probably would not have been blamed had not Baron New ton developed, by questions he asked in the house of lords Wednesday night that no steps hud been taken to strike the Lipton concern's name from the list of army contractors. To these questions no direct reply was returned. The announcement was made Saturday, however, that orders hud been issued for the termination of all Lipton contracts as speedily as pos sible. The general view was that no questioning ought to have been neces sary to bring about this action, that the administration hail neglected to do it ought to have, done as soon uv convictions resulted in the criiuiiral cases nnd that by doing it finally, when public attention had been culled to the matter, it tactily acknowledged its de reliction. The opinion was also freely expressed that the sen mini was far from being favorable advertising for Liptons, Lim ited, or for Sir Thomas Lipton, though he was not accused of having bad any thing to do with the case personally. FAIE EXCHANGE. A Kew Back for an Old One How a Salem Resident Made a Bad Back Strong. The back aches at times with a dull indescribable feeling, mnking you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys, and r.jgain the loins are so lame that to stoop is agony. .No use to rub or. apply it plaster to the back if the kidneys are weak. You cannot reach the cause. Follow the example of this Salem citi zen: W. C. Johnson, gnrdener, 1021 Mill street, Salem, Ore., says: "After sev eral remedies had failed to help me, 1 iscd Donn's Kidney l'ills and got great relief from kidney and bladder trouble. 1 s;ill use Doan's Kidney Pills once in awhile when a cold settles in my back anj kidneys and , the kidney secretions become disordered I aways get quick relief. You may coutinue publishing the endorsement I have given Doana Kidney fills before." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same' that Air. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props, N. V. THE OCEANIC DOCK WAS BURNED SUNDAY Huge Structure the Ruins Prom Early Sunday Morning Fire Loss $150,000, Fully Insured. Portland, Ore., July rj. The Oceanic dock, a wooden building, 830 feet long aud 100 feet deep, was a mass of smouldering ruins today, a fire having destroyed the huge structure early Sun day with un estimated loss of $1.",0,000. The fire also damaged 2,."00 tons of wheat and 5,000 tons of barley piled ou the dock, but how badly was not yet determined. The steamer Maria, moored at the dock, was slightly damaged N before it could put out into the -river. SKIN PEELING NATURE'S AID TO NEW COMPLEXION Ordinary metcolized wax is a natural beautifier. lly flecking off the devital ized surface skin, it merely hii;t-."ns Na tuie work. The second skin layer, brought gradually to view, exhibits the healthy, youthful color produced by ca pillary circulation. This because the capillaries are thus brought nearer the surface; also because the new skin is unsoiled by sun, wind or dirt. This wax, to be had atany drug store (an ounce will do), is put on nightly like cold cream, washed off mornings with warm water. Its work usually is completed in from seven to ten days, long enough not to show too marked results from day to day, or cause discomfort or de tention indoors. A face bath to remove wrinkles, made by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint witch hazel is an other natural beautifier, since its astrin gent aud tonic properties smooth out wrinkles in accordunce with .Nature's own process. OPPOSITION TO JONES SAID TO BE WANING Washington, July 6. Opposition to the confirmation of Thomas J. Jones and Paul Warburg as members of tire federal reserve board was believed in administration circles here today to be waning. The prediction was made that both would be confirmed before the end of the week. Jones was in Washington, prepared to appoar before the senate commute un banking and currency, which wanted to question him concerning his connee" tion with the harvester trust. He was the president 's personal guest at the White House. According to Jones he held but a single share in the harvester company, America is the land of boundless possibili ties, opportunity and extravagance. Thousands and thousands in the old coun tries are working, saving and scrimping to get to our shores. Yet how many right here at home with op portunities on every hand are working and saving to grasp them? There's a lesson. Have a purpose. United States National Bank - of Salem, Oregon . ;.:t',- w SHO E WILL W YOU! Any afternoon this week between 3 and 5 o'clock you can see our Electric Range in operation and satisfy yourself that IT WILL COOK A LARGE MEAL FOR 3c. IT RADIATES NO HEAT. IT IS PRACTICAL. ' ' 'l IT COOKS WHILE YOU SHOP. ' " '-v IT GETS BREAKFAST WHILE YOU SLEEP. ' IT KEEPS THINGS HOT FOR HOURS. THE PRICE IS WITHIN YOUR MEANS. "If it's electric come to us" Salem Electric Co. MASONIC TEMPLE. PHONE 1200. to qualify him to act ns a director, rep resenting minority interests. CHAMBERLAIN FUNERAL TODAY. BIRMINGHAM, Kng., July 6. Jo-1 seph Chamberlain was buried in Key-i stone cemetery here today. Services' were held at the I nitarinu church of the Messiah. At the same time the: members of the cabinet and practically 1 all the members of parliament were at-1 tending memorial services for the late statesmen at Westminster cathedral, in London. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. So many thousands of women nave been restored to health ly Lydia E. Pinkbain's Vegetable Compound that there is hardly a neighborhood in any city, town or hamlet in this country wherein some woman has not found health in this good old-fashioned root and herb remedy. If you are suffering from some womanly ill, why don't yofi try it not expected the authorities would take any action against Duncan. The'case, was considered one of plain self-defense anil it was taken for granted the coroner's jury would exonerate th mayor. Duncan himself was imnrovinw mn. idly from the effects of the three wounds inflicted on him by Lantala. We Americans, with few exceptions,, nre entirely willing to let Mexico set tle its own affairs by a rationnl sys-' tern of compromise without our grab bing a big slice of Mexican territory as payment. Get your farm help through the Journal Classified Ads. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security, THOS E. FORD Oter L&dd k Bush Bask, Salwn, Qiga - MAYOR IS RECOVERING BUT ins ASSAILANT DEAD Butte, Mont., July 6. Though Eric Lantala, the Finnish miner who stab bed Mayor Lewis J. Duncan Friday,' and was in turn shot by the city execu tive, died Sunday of his wound, it was! WHEN YOU GO AWAY Hava Th Journal sent to yonr Sumner address House of Half a Million Bargains Come and see the biggest wonder In the history of Salem. We bay ad ell ererything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the highest cash pnee for everything. Monster stock of all kinds of grain aaeaa, H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. Phone Main m HtMMtHt Marion Second Hand Store I j Moving from Ferry and Liberty to 333 State street, between Commercial SALE CONTINUES ON ALL LINES. Better Location Larger Stock. Bictrer Bargains. Lower Prices.