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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1913)
PAGE FOTTE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MASCH 18, 1913. By FALSE PRETENSES Foxy Timbor Broken Using the Law to Protect Timber, to Bob Timber ' Owners. That the forestry department of Ore gon keeps a weather eye open for the protection of not only tho timbor, but of the owners, against tho foxy timbor broker, is attested by tho following loi ter which has been issued by the do partmcnt: "It has been brought to the atten tion of the state forester that some un scrupulous timber brokers aro misrep resenting the provisions tof tho com pulsory patrol law, which was onactod by tho recent legislative assembly, and becomes offectivo Juno 2. Owncru of timber claims have been told that u.i dor this law it will bo necessary for them to keep a patrolman on their claims all summer, at their owi ox , penso, and this has been urged ns a rea son for sacrifice sales. Stntemonts of this kind aro made purely for tho pur pose of stimulating tho sale of timber lands, thus increasing tho business ami incidentally tho commissions of timber brokers. "The law provides that every tim'oi r land ownor in tho state not residing within one and one-half miles of his property, shall furnish a sufficient pa trol therefor during the dry season, nnd that in case ho fails to do so the state forester shall provide tho same at a NEW SHOW TODAY Two Refined Vaude ville Acts. THE DE LUX DUO WOODWARD & ALWIN Offer 15 mimitos of Piano s-ng and story. HILL and KIGHT Comedy Singing and Talk- PICTURES 1. Say Uncle A good comedy 2. French Alpin Ma neuvers Educational 3. Two Sisters A Tanhouser Ilramn. 4. A Day With the Life savers Instructive. 5. Mt. Rainier Park. Scenic. 6. The Extra Baby A Roaring comedy. Sign of Good Shows. high Where Everybody Goes COMING HELEN GARDNER IN , CLEOPATRA Six Stupendous Reels APRIL 1st and 2d U H n EXTRA ra n u H II II M M Kl a M ra n u ii H M ri it ti n ri u 13 n tt n u ti a ii ii u M ia n Today, Wednesday am' hursday 'THE REDEMPTION" In two reels 2000 feet, featuring "Red Ellis", the "King of the Under World" See This Feature Today at the Wexford Bring the Children to Matinee YE Today, Wednesday and Thursday Pathe, Edison, Biograph and Vitagraph All Good-YE LIBERT Y-See Lobby Display SZZSSSSSSSSSiS&ESa IB223S222223Z3222ZS535"a ' SINCE MR. WILSON DOESN'T cost not to exceed 5 cents per aero per annum. Any amount so paid by the Btato shall bo a lien upon tho land and shall bo collected with tho next taxes. 'It is obvious that tho maximum ex pense to tho owner of a quarter sec tion of timber land cannot exceed $8 per year, an amount that should scare no owner into disposing of his timber claim at a sacrifice. "Ono of tho best ways for timber land owners to comply with tho lhw is to join the County Firo Tatrol Associa tions that have been organized in most of tho timbered countries of the state. Tt is expected that every timhered county will have such nn organization beforo tho fire season arrives. Tho experience of these associations, some of which havo been in existence for four years, proves thnt adequate patrol can bo secured at a cost of from ' to cents nn acre, and if nil of the timber land owners join, tho ncrenge cost will be materially decreased. Pro tection from fire lit a cost of $3.00 or $4.00 per quarter section should bo wel comed by all timbcrland owners, and it is hoped that no one will bo Induced to sell their holdings through misrep resentations mado by unreliable timber brokers for tho selfish purpose of in cronHing commissions. " ALDERMANIO BREVITIES. F. J. T.afky, member of tho city council during tho Lachmund adminis tration, and chairman of tho street com mittor, sat in the lobby last night. The ox alderman didn't look exactly nat ural among tho visitors, yot filled the place with grace and dignity. "Andy" Hofer, ex-Bocretary of tho CURRAN & MILTON, Presenting "JIMMY'S GIRL" At tho Uligh. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. pen WEXFORD LB ERTY WANT AN INAUGURATION BALL OO A AME OP QUOITS. Fitx in Chicago Now. Board of Trade, now retired, and gen tleman of leisure, sat through the grist of routine mntters last night. Mr. Hofer has- just returned from a pro longed visit to California. . Charley Brant, one of the 'also rans" in tho last campaign for chief of police, and consequently still foreman of the mechanical end of the Statesman, was a visitor in the council chamber, n George Aronz, who is interested in paving contracts, is a cloBe listener ev ery Monday night. "Bill" Evans, the popular bache lor, mingled with tho plcbians in the listeners' gallery. Hudolph Hallberg was present. Charley Galloway, state tax com missioner, dropped in during the meet ing, but, like tho proverbial hero of Un popular song, he turned around and walked right out agnin, A butcher nnmed Iong from East Sa lem ventured into the council room. Under the soothing tones of nn nd dross by Alderman Stolz, he fell asleep nnd romainod enwrapped in tho arms of Morpheus until awakened by tho jani tor after tho council adjourned. Alderman Macy was late again. I ft V Tho assistant rending clerk of the council approached The Journal man last night, and gently informed him that tho reporter who wrote thnt there wcro 203 automobiles in the parad" Saturday had more than 100 too manv. She doclarcd there were only 93 an tomobiles in line. Asked how she knew, tho clerk said: "Somebody counted 'em." Urged to divulgo her authority, how ever, she blushed and refused. Tho re porter still maintains that thor.i wve 20.1 automobiles in the parade. (ieorgn lirown, who never sirs any thing -n tho way of an expletive str-i i:; cr thnn "by gravy" or "gee whir.." but night caused consternation i'i the covin ii when ho said: "If wo nllow our streets to bo ii ,4iired, wo aro going to hail Columbia."' G'.'cn leaves of shamrock an.l ounv n'd 'locktios were prominent in the. vn iti""-' gallery. Tho only nlderma;i Hhn h ni r 'ineiuliered to eclebrato tin dny, however, was Hat ch, ho woro a if tit buttonhole bow of green ribbon. Even Jim Waring, tho only Irishman in the H Q Kl 14 11 U 11 II 11 II II II II II II II II 11 IS u n 11 11 !! It II n ii ii ii n ii u n HI 11 M n SPECIAL WOMAN ESCAPES OPERATION By Timely Use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ilere Is her own statement. Cary, Maine.-" I feel itaduty Iowe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible suf ferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I had no ap petite and was so nervous I could not Bleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossi ble to move or do a bit of work and 1 thought I never would be any better un til I submitted to an operation. I com menced taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a family of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your med icine." Mrs. Hayward Sowers, Cary, Maine. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have tho slightest doubt that Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia K.Pinkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn.Mass., f or ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. council, neglected his duty to St. Pat rick. Alderman Macy recommends the es tablishment, under the auspices of the city council, of a school of instruction for tho police with tho mayor as teach er. The alderman said that while walk ing around ono block he had counted 17 bicycles without bells, but thnt tho po lice declared that they could not ar rest the riders, because they had had no instructions about bicyles without bells. tt A man recently voted onto the Inck list last night petitioned the council to have his name removed, declaring that if this wcro dono ho would remain sob er. The chief of police was instructod to investigate. ft Aldermen Uigdon and Minton got to gether in tho council room before the members of arrived last night and called off their weekly tilt, much to the disappointment of many who were in tho gallery. THE BILL PROVES THE GOVERNOR'S CONTENTION (iovernor West has put a neat ono ncross on thoso who aro responsible for statements that the state penitentiary revolving fund, is in a state of doplc Hon as a result of mismanagement un tho part of the executive. A bill Mitriv ilucod in tho legislature by tho ways nnd means committee of tho house in itself gives tho lio to theso statements. At tho beginning of tho West admin istration there was approximately :f00 in tho revolving fund. Thero is now in tho fond nnd this is shown by figures given in the bill a sum of almost $;, lHt( to bo exact, $1,61 G.!K!. This am ount is a result of the prison's earnings through tho revolving fund. Whilo tha revolving fund hns been in existence fur soino time, it has not been estab lished by legal enactment, nnd tho new law recognizes the vnluo of tho fund by placing a stato law behind it. Under tho new law disbursements from tho fund nro to be mado in tho usual manner by tho stato board of control, providing, however, that when tho fund reaches nn amount in excess of $10,000, the excess shall bo paid into the state institutions betterment fund to be expended according to provisions !of law. HER NOBLE HUSBAND SLATTED HER ONE trvupn rmm itAsnn winn.l Xow York, March IS. With all her ideals of mnrried life shattered because of alleged cruel treatment on tho part of her husband, Princess Ibrahnm Has snn, tno California girl, who mnfriod a cousin of tho Khedive of Egypt, Is here today from Ilremen. "Pon't" Is the only word she hns to say to American girls who would marry titles of ntiv kind. Tho princess was formerly Miss Olga Humphrey, a San Francisco actress. She claims her noble husband knocked her down in a Paris enfe, and disappeared, and she never saw him again, SIAMESE NOBLE SEEKS EDUCATION rrvii-rp muss vitAsrn win 1 San Francisco, March 18. Marking tho first visit of a member of the Siamese nubility to this country for the purpose of receiving an education, Nni Prasit, aged Id, son of tho governor of Chiong llui province, northern Siam, is here to attend an American uiilvorsl- v" Hitv. Ho will remain In tha United Rtt for several years. COUNCIL HAS BUSY SESSION. (Continued from page 1.) Moose May Use Streets. Through recommendation of the ways and means committee the local lodj;o of the Loyal Order of Mooso was grant ed the uso of the streets from May li) to 24 for concession purposes. Tho lodgo is to hold a monster street carni val during that week and proposes to have a largo number of street jltc:u tions. On tho program of routine' iuattois Chairman Stob. of the street committee stated with regard to a petition for tlio improvement of Washington streot ai.d Fairmount avenue that whilo tho peti tion had been reported on uufavoral-'y previously, it had come back again with the name of ono more property owuor attached and that at the meeting next week tho committee will report on the petition favorably. Property Owners Meet. Tonight in tho council chainbuf nt tho city hall will be held a mcetin.r uf tho property owners residing on the proposed paving district of ( hemeketa street. The property ownors of Twen ty-first street will meet Wcdnt,.l,iy night, and those of North Commercial street on Friday night. A largo list of bids for tho construc tion work on these streets woro sub mitted and read at the meeting a weolt ago and were to have been reported on last night, but on account of a diffi culty among tho property owners re garding the kind of paving desired the award of contracts was postponed Theso questions will be settled at the meetings which have been set. Take Off Watchman. Tho watchman who has been station ed for several months on tho wagon bridgo across the Willamette is to b removed by joint agreemont of tho uty council and tho county courts of Polk and Marion counties. Tho watchman was planed on the bridge through un agitation startod by tho council during the last administration. Of Into the Polk county court has bocome dissatis fied with tho expense attached to !:io maintenance of a watchman and served notico on the Marion county court no-1 tho city council that it was unwilling any longer to pay its sharo of the ex pense Tho Marion county court was not slow to agree, and tho city, boing tho minority member, enmo across like wise. A bridgo across Mill creek on Front street was declared unsufe and tempor arily placed out of commission, City Officers Report. A. O. Wain is to receive a rebate cu tho assessment for tho improvement of South Commercial street, in accoidan'.e with a petition submitted by ,him sev eral weeks ago. Tho city attorney re authorized to draw tho ordinanco neces sary for granting tho rebate. A report from the city attorney rec ommending that tho Oregon Kloctric Railroad Co. be notified to keep its lie Cars off South High stroot wus tablol upon recommendation of tho attorney himself who stated that ince hand! in tho report ho had had a conversation with an official of tho company, who had stated that the company was build ing standing tracks and in about GO days would be prepared to take cnr-i if its cars in other places. Much Street Improvement. By resolution of Alderman Stolz the plans nncj specifications for the im provement, of Union streot from Wurur to Twelfth wcro rescinded and now plans and specification! adopted In their stead. Other resolutions by Stolz authorized tho engineer to prepare plans, specifications and estimates for tho improvement with hard surface of Statesman street, South High streo', I'birmount avenue from Lincoln to Su perior, Eighteenth street from Cednr to State, and Marion street from Water to Fifteenth. The resolution were all adopted. The mayor and recorder wcro author ed to enter into a contrnct for tho construction of paving and abutments for tho Mill creek bridgo on Slimmer street. Through a resolution offered by Southwiok nnd Drown, tho Portland Eugeno & Eastern company is to b.) nsked to rhow its authority for crossing certain streets. Tho authority must be shown not later than March 21, Whilo merely a matter of form, this mensuro is one of .caution to prevent difficulties thnt might nrise over roads given a franchiso to pnss along a certnin street crossing tho Intersections without fraii chises having been granted. Bonds Nearly Beady. Minton made Inquiry of tho city -tt-torney when the city sewer bonds would bo ready for issuance and sale. City Attorney Pngo replied that ho had communicated with the Poston firm uf lawyers to whom tho bonds were rfoi red for npprovnl nnd had Tecoived r.u answer that the bond would bo rend; by about tho middle of May. Upon motion by Macy the police were authorized to investignto tho nuisnn of person." riding bicycles without boil". The alderman said that the matter bnd been brought to his attention by a i!v son who hnd cnlled the attention of m police to tbn inntter, but that tho ofi'l cer to whom he complained had slated that ho hnd no orders to arrest such persons, and that in order to havo th' offenders nrrested he would havo to swear out a warrant. Sin Wants Costs. A sidewalk resolution was adopted authorizing the construction of a side walk in front of property belonging I) 1H hp AhsoImelyPure Royal Baking Powder is indis pensable to finest cookery and to the comfort and convenience of modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot breads, cakes and pastry wholesome. Perfectly leavens without fer mentation. 1 Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pas. try Cook" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK the Sisters of Charity on tho cast tide of Fourth street between Norway nnd Shipping streets. A petition present) d by Mrs. Nancy Clark in relation to costs in tho case of Mrs. Clark against tho city of Salem was referred for f.c tion. Aronz 4c Son submitted a petir'nu asking final estimato ou the iuiprov.; ment of Lincoln street amounting to -tOS.I.GO. Tho petition was grunted, (h street having been in uso for a period of six months nfter the completion of tho improvement nnd having proven satisfactory, A petition for an electric arc. light to bo plnced at Colorado and Fourth streets was referred to tho- commit ti" on lights, City Is Poorly Wired. As a specinl committee to investigate a complaint registered by E. C. Race that tho street commissioner is respon sible for injury to his property to the extent of $300, the mayor named Min- ton, Jones and Cumnilngs. If I; Vorse a direct renresentntivo ii. i;. vorse, a inrect n piesentntixo of the underwriters association of Port- lnnd, appenred before tho council last - , ' , . . . , . , . night and wns instrumental in having nn ordinance bill introduced making the city engineer, in addition to hi, present duties, inspector of electrical wiring in the citv. m, , .; , . .. The underwriters' association now has two representatives in the citv in- vestigating with a ,iew to cutting thu insurance rnto for the benefit of Sa- lem people Mr. Vorse explained that while it wood be possible to do this :iome owners of lnrge buildings would yet have to bear nn extra expense on account of defective wiring in their buildings. Mr. Vorse declared thnt he had searched the city charter thorough ly and that there is no provision for inspection of wiring. The bill was read and referred to tho fire and wnt"r committee nnd the city nttornev. She Is Awfully Sorry. (united rnnss iimskd wiiib.J Chicago, March IS. No reconciliation is possible between liev. Nestor K. Clarlisnn, of tho White Cross Midnight Mission herd, nnd his wife, as the re sult of the woman's friendship for Owen P. Conn, the "$100,000 burglar," captured in Snn Frnncisc. This was the announcement mado by Clarkson today. It is said that Mrs, Clarkson, who is nt tho home of friends here, still hopes for a reconciliation. Body In the Ice. UNITlin 1-llKhS IJiASKD WIMt.1 Fresno, Cal., March 1H. After hav ing been incased in a block of ice for several days, tho body of P. A. I'nni e, a lumberman, wns discovered in tho Sierra Novnda mountains, 40 miles enst of here. Ponco has baun missing for sonic time. A wise man niny conceive an that any fool enn throttle. idea 1913 MARCH 1913 j. I I I I 111 919llW3!4lS 7li9202li A Big Surprise for Marion and Polk Wo have a big stock of pulleys, boxing, saws and all kinds of tools and machinery. Also chicken netting and hog 'wire. Itargniii pricos, Everything from a needle to a pleco of gold. The houso of a half of million bargains. II. STEINBOCK JUNK CO. 233 Stato Street. Caucus Denounced Him. Washington, March 18. Senator Till man, of South Carolina, was practically endorsed by President Wilson for chair man of tho senate appropriations com mittee, but the Democratic caucus over rodo the president's preforeuco, it was learned today. Tillman's caucus speech on Saturday is published us a stato doc ument. The speech was a bitter denunciation of Senator Martin, whom tho ngoit South Carolina Bonntor called a "doublw crosscr." Famous "Pint of Cough Syrup" Receipt JTo Hc-r Ttrmrdr nt Any Price. I'ulljr Uunrnutet-ila ' , , . , ffi &&rJ"?$ warm water and stir for two minutes. 1'"t. 1UM.' of. P".1'" I"" ,,,,,. W()rth) , ft p!nt utu iui(, m up with the Sugar Syrup. This gives J'011 a f.umiy .""I'l'Lv 'f tho best cough ?yrup at a saving of $2. It never siwils. Tko a tcaspooiiful every one, two or Wire.8 hours lH stantly, nnd will usually stop the most obstiuuto cough in U hours. It tones "P te J'o'cd appetito n.d is just luxa- tivo enough to bo helpful in a cough, jnd has a pleasing taste. Also excellent un SSS remedy for whooping cough and croup, I .'his recipe for making cough remedy ' alnefl '&v" t a'pXc fu voFj in thousands of linmes In tho United States ! J"!1 c,nn,l,'l Tho plan hns been imita- try it, uo onlv penulno Pinex, which is tho nmt . viiluabln concentrated com pound of Knnvnv while pine extract, and is rich In piiuiiicnl and nil the natural healing plno elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this reeine. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist 'ms Finer, or will get It for you. f not, send to Tho Pinuc Co.. Ft. Wayne, lad. READ READ INVESTIGATE Some good buys nnd exchange. $(i."i(IO takes Ideal home, 1!0 acres. I"i0 acres in Polk county, cheap. "")0 acres, well improved, $Jfi00. SEVERAL GOOD BUYS IN PRUNE RANCHES, HOP RANCHES AND; BERRY TRACTS. H lots, (i-mom cottage, -$1000, snap. fi and 10-acre tracts, closo in. 10(1x15(1, li-room house, $500. CITY LOTS ALL PARTS OF SALEM fi lots, il-roimi house, bam, chicken yard, fruit and berries, $l(ioo, Several business chances, restaurant,, rooming house, grocery store, black smith, pool hall, eignr stand. SEVERAL STOCK RANCHES, CHEAP. 4V, acres, 2 houses, on car line, fine garden trnct, $(1000. Four-room furnished house, good lot, $1 !(). 10 acres bearing Italian prunes, MOO. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, AOCCIDENT INSURANCE. "4, A, 6 ROOM HOUSES, INSTALL MENTS. Acme Investment Co. COOK tt WHITNEY, MANAGERS, l'hono Main 477. H 10 Stato St. Opposito Court House. Phono Main 2L'I