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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1912)
PAGE EIGHT. DAILY CAM TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON- FRIDAY, JUE 21, 1912. t MtL. ATTRACTIVE FECIAL OFFERINGS FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS At Salem's Big Department Store JUNE WHITE SALE PRICES REIGN IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Ladies' $1.25 White Silk ladies'Shoes,$3.50 Pat- Goves,lomorrow?Sc pr eat Leather, special for i'T l'."S tnw, $2-45 a pair (short sleeve. These are 15- a fine quality patent leather button length and are a fine shoe welt soles; very neat and $1.23 quality. Special tomor- dressy and a Bhoe that will row 98c a pair give satisfactory wear. Regu- lar ?3.50 grade Ladies' .35c All Linen Sif'wl tomorro" iiilr Handkerchiefs, tomor- Fiaxon Fabric, the pop- row's price, each, 23c , smm mteM These are beautifully hand- embrlodered handkerchiefs and lOIUOrrOW, IdC 3 JMa are sure to please every wo man who likes a dainty ker- etly patterns In check and chief. Regular 35c kind floral designs a the popular Tomorrow, 23c each summer colorings, 30 Inches i wide. Table Covers, specially J priced for tomorrow Ladies'35cOulsize Black ZtlZ. r;l,frS Hose,toinorrow27cpair and mixed colorings. Entire ere , R flne Mack hoH9 showing specially reduced (or wth a wht(J , ,n te nm(,h tomorrow only. WBnte(, 01lUlzeg, We ,, theBe '"," regularly at 3ic a pair. Our Assortment Men's HvPfM for t"",rrow '- i,r Straw Hats, specially Boys'andChWs Straw priced for tomorrow Hats,toinorrowlceach Sailor, snap brims and pencil brim Htyles. A large line of Straw Hats Regular $1.50 Hats I0' ln veral styles, trimmed with Regular $2.00 Huts $1.35 vvhllo. brown and blue.' Extra Regular $2.50 Hats t.7 good values nt 25c... Specially Regular $3.00 Hats 2.0fl priced for Saturday shoppors Regular $4.00 Hats $2.(17 lllr each SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS . YOU MAY GET THE AT MEYERS' "BUCK" CITY NEWS. Business Men" Lunch, Hotel Marlon Excellent service, superior cooking, EOc. fj-27-tf An Inch of Hiiln The heavy rains that have pre vittled for the past 20 hours have re sulted In a. Tall of .K0 Inch of water, which for the season of the year Is unprecedented. 1'unllIcHs Dry Cleaning Fresh, dainty dresses are easily kept so If sent to us every little while to he cleaned by methods which elim inate cleaning wear-practically re store the gown to Its original beau ay. I'hone 3B0 411 Court street. 6-19-ood ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM Ladies' Long Gloves, fine lisle, only 50c pr Ladies' Long Gloves, extra good lisle, only 75c pair Ladies' Long Gloves, special only ,.$1,00 Ladies, New Knox shape Sailors, $1,50, $1,25, $1,00 All popular shapes. Good quality and special good values. Nice Pretty Shirt Waists at ' $1,25 All neat atylee, very ucat at 1.25. Boys' Wash Suit $1,00, 65c, 50c Now Styles, good values. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240 Commercial Street ffM'"fl?"iff,,iW,W"',Jf','',f,J''llW Wf "J"l""'l,,,,WWl?fWB BN Tlio Hotel Marlon's Business Lunch Prepared and served In an up-to-date manner, COo. 5-27-tf Wants a Dliorce Mrs. Ooraldlne Kroll has begun suit, for divorce from George Kroll, to whom she was married February 4, 1011. She alleges desertion since Juno 9, 1911. She asks for an abso lute divorce and the custody of their 7-uioiiths-old boy Claud. rtrnlc 1'oslpoiird The seventh annual plcnlo of the Waldo llllla Pioneer association which was to have been held tomor row at the farm of Hon. A. Hunt, at Victor Point, lias been postponed one week on account of tbo weather. Weather peniillllng the plcnlo will be held on June 1'9, the Indications be ing that there will be at largo attend ance at that time. Fresh Crawfish ..At the Elite Cafe. ... ' Always Fresh Every order you get from the Cap ital meat market Is sure to be fresh. Order your Sunday " meats early. Phone Main 247. Save Money By oiling your harness after the rain, and It pays to get the best ol'. F. E. Shafer, the saddle and harness man can supply you. 187 South Commercial street. Will Probated ' The will of Isaac Needham was ad mitted to probate by Judge Bushey yesterday afternoon. Real property to the amount of $6000 belongs to the estate, of which George Wilbur Need ham, Orris Delma Needham Isaac Winifred Needham and Bertha May McFarlane are the heirs. Mr. Need ham died June 15, 1912. Young or Old We can supply you with anything In the chicken line for your Sunday dinner. To avoid the rush, order early. Phone Main 131. The Sunset Grocery. Try our bread. Specially Cooked Toduy Elite Cafe crawfish. Nofliliitr Like It Ever before ln Salem. The G. A. R. reunion Is sure a hummer. All of the visitors appreciate good Ice cream. The Wonder Kandy Kitchen makes nothing but the best. Phone Main 999, 371 North Commercial. Married While Away Charles E. Anderson, of the music house of Cherrlngton & Peters, has just returned from an extended trip In the East. When Mr. Anderson lert here a month ago he was a single man, and he returned a benedict. bringing with him as his bride one of the fairest daughters of New Jersey. They will make their home at 541 Center street. Preparing to Itulld Workmen this morning began tear ing down the building on the lot re cently bought by R. R. Ryan, lying Jiut south of the building occupied In lr.rt by the Capital Journal. Mr. Ryan will niHh the razing of these buildings with as much haste as possible so that the erection of the new building may begin as soon as possible. I'll cd National Salute Yesterday afternon nbout 4:30 o'clock the national salute consist ing of 48 guns, one for each state In the union, was fired frrtni the court house square. The 'gun used was nn old howitzer that did service during some of the Indian wars of Oregon, I line Prohibition party vs. Socialist par ty. Question: Resolved, That the Prohibition party offers a better so lution for the liquor evil than the Soclullst party. For the Prohibition party, J. G. Voget A,. H. Meese, O. A. Stlllman. For the Socialist party, Ivl Bailiff. R. C. Mlnton, B, F. Ramp; 8 o'clock Friday evening, Sa lem Heights hull, right at. the end of Hulem Heights car line; Bo fare. Ad mission free. Sues far Divorce Diane Mario Ford filed a suit for divorce yesterday from Charles D Ford, whom she married In San Fiunclsco, California, September 4, 191.0 She alleges drunkenness and cruel and Inhuman treatment as grounds. She asks for the custody of their only son, Tllmon Waldo Ford, who Is nine months of age, She also asks for $100 for attorney's fees, $75 a month permanent alimony and for one-third Interest in 4.1 acres of hind which she alleges Mr. Ford owns near the Fair Grounds. l.lgliliiltiK Struck During the electric storm of Wed nesday evening a largo tree was struck by lightning on the McDonald place about three miles south of the city. The bark was stripped off one side from the top to the bottom, a number of limbs being also broken. Mr. II. A. Dove, who lives on an ad joining place, was out hunting hit cow, which had a long chain at tached to her boms. The stroke came Just as Mr. IHwe was about to take hold of the chain. The shock was so severe that the cow was knocked down, but Mr. Dove was only slight ly shocked. 44 i Base Ball MEIER X KHANh, OF PORTLAND VS. SALEM SENATORS SIM) AY, JINK iri, 1913 Meier & Frank have one of the best teams In Portland and Hre con tenders for the State Semi Pro. Championship. There will be some thing doing when they stack up BRAlust the only undefeated team In lb Valley. They will be loaded for the occasion. A Great Program AT Ye Liberty Beginning Matinee Today Ending Saturday Night. Special for old and young, THE KATZENJAXHEll KIDS DI ET, TRAXLER & KAREY Coming Sunday. "A BEAST AT BAY" Showing a race between an automobile and locomotive. This will be some Picture SEE IT Don't fail to se'e An Outcast Among Outcasts A Biograph feature at Wexford Tonight and Saturday After noon and Evening only. MISS WILSON IN SONG Crawflnh, Crawfish Special this evening, Elite Cafe. The Silent Clerk Now doing business ln four differ ent ways. If you want cigars, match es stamps or- breath perfume, It will pay you to patronize him, 6-20-3t Special on All Fruit Jars , We are making a specialty on all fruit jarsi caps and rubberB, the Ball Mason, Schram, Automatic, Economy and Golden State. Call on Spurllng's for anything In the grocery line, 311 North Commercial street. Phone Main 66. Just Hum III j the Among those attending the G. A. R. Is S. F. lilythe, or just "Sam," who was In Hood River when Mt. Hood sprouted, and took up the job of slid ing the "Hood River Glacier" soon af ter It was started. Sam ate his share of hardtack during the war, and chicken, too, If It could be requisi tioned, and came out of the war with out a scratch, except those he made himself In the war on graybacks. Since then he has newspapered, ranched, orcharded, berried, married, raised a fine family and a patriarchal beard, and done pretty nearly every thing else, except get old. Struck by Lightning During 'the storm Wednesday ev ening, about 8 o'clock, lightning struck a barn belonging to a Mr. Dee don, about one mile and a half from Hopewell, 13 miles north of Salem, killing Hire ecows, and setting fire to the barn, which was totally destroyed along with farming utensils. His wife had driven to Hopewell to deliv er berries, or be would have lost his horses. He had Just finished milk ing and left the barn, when the light ning struck. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY. Call at room 314 I'nlted States National Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN Til OS, K. FORD Over liadd and Bush Bank, Salem. Or NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY RCRGIIARDT A MEREDITH Resident A units XSi State Street "KING PHARAOH" THE HORSi: THAT DOES EVERYTHING HUT TALK AT THE BLIG11 THEATRE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE OREGON HUMANE SO CIETY, BEGINNING SUNDAY MATINEE, EVERY AFTER NOON AND EVENING. END ING WEDNESDAY NIGHT HA I. EM'S ONLY SANITARY, WELL VENTILATED SHOW OF MANY EXITS Japanese Hand Laundry and Dry Cleaning Works Clea and sanitary, all work done by haul. No machinery to tear and wear ent delicate fabric. Work tWi tar an! delivered promptly. A trlul will make yo a steady pitroa. 116 Ferry Street. Phone Mala S2ii STATISTICAL MARRIED. SHI PLER-WHITE At the home of the bride's mother, 446 S. Commer cial street, at high noon, Wednes day, June 19, 1912, Miss EulenaP. White to Thomas ;J. Shipler, Rev. G. L. Lovell officiating. The young couple left after the ceremony for a two-weeks' trip to northern cities. PURVINE-SCHLECT At the resi dence of E. T. Prescott, 541 Mill street, this city, at high noon, June 19, 1912, Miss Wllhelmlna R. Schlect to Arthur-M. Purvlne, Rev. P. S. Knight performing the cere mony In the presence of a few friends. The young people will re Blde In Polk' county. HUNT-GILLIAM A the residence of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, South 12th street. near Leslie street, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. June 19, 1912, Miss Velna Vivian Gilliam to Mau rice L. Hunt, both of this city, Rev. R. N. Avlson performing the cere mony ln the presence of a few friends. HALE-BENT In this city, Wednes day, June 19, 1912, Miss Lottie Mae Bent to Mr. Fred G. Hale. Both the young people are from Sa lem where they will make their home, the groom being an em ployee of the Spauldlng mill. BORN. LOCHKART At the family home, 666 Ferry street, this city, Thurs day morning, June 20, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lockhart, a girl. Mr. Lockhart is city editor of the Statesman and the congratulations of the Journal are. extended to the proud parents upon the arrival of the young associate city editor, who will probably be an Important member of the family for the next few months. It Is now well kno-rfn that not more than one case of rheumatism ln ten requires any internal treatment what ever. All that Is needed Is a free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at each ap plication. Try It and see how quickly It will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. PRUNES We have one ot the finest large prune orchard propositions to be found at only $90 PER ACRE of . which there are 24 acres of or chard with 16 acres BEARING The whole place Is 155 acres, of which over 60 acres are under plow. Balance In pasture and a lot of GOOD TIMBER It Is located about two miles south of Rosedale, part of It facing on the main rock road. Also about a mile down grade haul to new Oregon Elcc trlo station. Good house, barn, etc. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. LH0FER& SONS . Investments. 213 S. Commercial Street Foster & Baker Red Raspberries FIRST OF THE SEISON' Cherries FOR CANNING, PIES, OR EATING Strawberries THE LARGE SWEET MAGOONS FOR TABLE, AND BEST WILSON'S FOR CANNING If you wish the best Cherries for canning, let us liave your order now and get them the day you want them. Fruit Jars MASON. SCHRAM, und ECONOMY . JARS, CAPS and RUBBERS FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY DAY OLIVES IN BULK AND TINS, GREEN, OR RIPE Prompt Auto Delivery. Phone 259. "Out Damn Spot" 10 cents WILL REMOVE IT AT ;i Fry's Drug Store OLD-TIME REMEDY DARKENS THE HAIR GIVES COLOR, LUSTRE TO FADED AND GRAY II AIR DANDRUFF QUICKLY REMOVED. For generations sage and sulphur have been used for hair and scalp troubles. Almost everyone knows teh value of such a combination for keeping the hair a good even color, for curing dandruff, Itching scalp and falling hair' and for promoting the growth of the hair. Years ago the only way to get a hair tonic of this kind was to make It In the home, which was .troublesome and not al ways satisfactory. Nowadays, al most any up-to-date druggist can supply his imtcpiis with a ready-to-use product, skillfully prepared In perfectly equipped laboratories. An Ideal preparation of this sort Is Wyeth's Sage, and Sulphur Hair Rem edy, In which sage and sulphur are combined with other valuable reme dies for scalp troubles and thin, weak hair that is losing Its color or com ing out. After using this remedy for a few days you will notice the color gradually coming back, your scalp will soon feel better , the dandruff will soon be gone, and In less than a month's time there will be a won derful difference In your hair. Don't neglect your hair If It Is full of dandruff, losing Its color or conv lng out. Get a 50-cent bottle of Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist, and see what a few days' treatment will do for you. All drug gluts sell It, under guarantee . that the money will be refunded if the remedy is not exactly as represented. J. C. Perry, Druggist. Card of Thanks. To those who bo kindly assisted its during the sickness and death of our beloved father, we express our Bin cere thanks. MR AND MRS. G. W. NEEDHAM, MR. AND MRS. O. D. NEEDHAM. MR. AND MRS. W. D. NEEDHAM, MR. AND MRS. W. M'FARLANE. All energy is soul impulsion from God. Partial views are but partial truths. CHICHESTER S PILLS WrC-v T1IK U1AMONU II It AND, IIII Auk yoir ItniBirUt for A til.phf.rlS IHmond TtrandyV Till in It. d ami u,ld meiallfAv b, tetlcl with Illua KiMwu. V Talk ni otW, ltnv f your UruBulH. Asl;fH llKs.TFRS yefttl known as llett, Saft. Always Kelfat) S0LH BV DP'JfiGISTS FVLRVUHFF Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved ln water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless To remove nlcotlno from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, Intlumcdeyes. lleuls sore throat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists or by mall postpaid. Sample Free, tHR PAXTONTOILITCO..Bmton.M o r d e rs 2010 Quick, courteous eervlce day or ' night. StandHotel Marlon Salem Taxicab & Transfer Co. J. B. UNDERWOOD Manager. ATTENTION LAWYERS We publish legal notice aa required by law, furnlahlnf affidavit and preof of pub lication. Pine Brief Work Lj our apootalty. Let na flgura with you on your next cue. Capita! Journal SALIM, ORLGON It . r MCUf Tnr... IUUAY NEW BUNGALOW close i ' , . modern, four blnci , ' . 8trlc"; section; $200 down, balance '' ly. See Homer H. Smith nack building. Phone t j-S" MUST BE SOLrTriiTlfe my household ith. R 1 pose hor- cov't wood wagon and light wagoa and double harness. woS 'c tools, blacksmith forge avS ! many other articles too num. to mention. Come at on 7"' Waller, 2199 Broadway. 6.10; FOR BALE-BxeeUentWar; . , VDllctuy goun. quire of W. A. Thomas, one w I north of West Salem scC 6-21-3t. .u.u ia, ouumai ornce. 213-f SPBCIAL-Hot TanTaleT u.B"k u corner uommerclal and State, In front of Madison's. ' 6-20-3U TEAMSTER WANTE-PhonT c" al utn Fifteenth street. 6-2l-!t FOR RENT Four well uow mairs rooms for housekeep. ing. Enquire 332 North Church street 6-21- WANTED At once an "elpJ porter and shoe shiner. Call . Model Shaving Parlors, Salem. 6-lWt FOR SALE 5 W acres of first-clan fruit land. Five acres under cul tivation, slopes gently to the north, close to school, ueautlful view. Just four miles south of Salem. Price $750. $350 cash. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 6-21-31 FOR SALE Ten acreB first-clan fruit land. Six acres In 2-year-oll Italian prune trees, four acres n" oats, new five-room bungalow, chicken house, well, beautiful view of surrounding country. Just (our miles south of Salem. Price $2300 Oregon Realty Co., 273 Stale street. 6-21-31 FOR SALE Acre tracts In Salem Heights, close to car line, a 5-ceat fare, land all under cultivation, Price $800 per acre, $50 down and $10 per month, without Interest lor three years. Oregon Realty Co., 215 State street. 6-21-31 FOR SALE First-class Jersey coir, $65, also good young mare, $75. 6-21-3t JUNK DEALERS. STEMBOCK Brothers' Junk Com pany, dealers In scrap lion, rubber, metal, Backs bottles, hides, pelts, wool, furs, and tallow. All kinds second hand machinery, pipes, and tools, and all kinds of second nnnd goods. Highest cash price paid. See us for a half million bargains. Let us know before you sell any thing. Successors to Browni4eln Sons, 233 State street. Telephone Main 224. 6-21-lmo Journal "Want Ads" Brln Results. WOOD AND COAL In anv nuantltv. Promnt dellverj our specialty. Falls City Lumber Company, 279 North uomiflercw street Phone Mala 813. MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate secirlty. BECHTEL BYNON 147 State Street MONEY. TO LOAN On farm and city property. Joan H. Scott, over Chicago Store, 8alem, Or egon. Phone 1552. . THE NEW SECOND-HAND CLOTHING STORE We have a good line of Clothing and Shoes. Highest prices Jah1 (or second-hand clothing and shoe". 812 N. Commercial SU Mfm ur' CAROLINE ELINOR HAINES CONCERT PIANIST Piano Instruction. Write for circu lar. Studio 491 NortU Cottage street. Office Phone Main 183 RIgdon Residence Main 111. R1GD0N-RICHAHDS0N CO. Funeral Directors aud Undertaken 252 N. High Street TYPEWRITERS All Makes BOfGHT SOLD RENTED REPAIRED RIBBONS ROLIFBS SITFLIES Bee me before you do anytuln. C. M. LOCKWOOD Phone ! KM n A SIMM . CeoaiMTcW. Sl. Owl