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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1912)
TAGS rocs. DIM CAPITAL JOBBSAL, SALEM, OBECOH, SATrRPAY, APK1L 13, 1912. 12 Bin i Tf Absolutely Pure Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar Ko Alum No Lima Phosphates FIRE LOSS IS HALF A MILLION Stanford Eight-Oared Rare Oakland, Cal., April 13. Stanford won today's 'varsity elght-ourod boat rnce hero. Washington wm half a length behind the winning shell, and California wai third, three length to the rear of the Washington, craft. Time 10:43. The freshman race, two miles, wan won by Stanford by a quarter of a length, California second. Time 10: 12:04. It la said William 11. Hcuret foels tlml lie would make an excellent dark horse In cane the 1 ) I ioci at have trouble la electing a candidate for president. Willie Is not a dark horse, be li only Just a little shady. o ... Tho Cottago drove Leader has ngaln changed hands, C. 0. Drydun again, taking charge. The Southern Pacific has served notice on MurHhfleld that It must he good and give the 8. P. anything and everything It wants or It will not build an old railroad to that place. The answer should be an .Invitation extended to the S. P., In polite terms of course, to go some place where Its ties would to be Bale, have to be made of asbestos. o Astoria has begun work on her big hundred million gallon storage reser voir, In connection with the city's water plant. The sportsmen of Jackson county will co-operalo with the state game warden In protecting game, o It is proposed to raise money for the Portland Itoso show by direct taxation. HAPPY TIIO MARRIED? There are onhnppy married Uvea, hut large percentage ol these unhappy home, ire due to the illneai ol the wife, mother or daughter. The feeling! of nervoimncM, the befogged mind, the ill-temper, the pale and wrinkled lace, hallow nd circled eyei, rcault muni ollcn I rum thoie diiorder peculiar to women. For the woman to be liaopy and good-looking ills mint naturally have good health. l)ragging-down fcelingi, hyntt-ria, hot-llanhea or ooiutuntly returning puini end chei are too great drain upon woman 'i vitulity and ttrcngth, Dr. Pierce's 1'nvorlto I'reioriplnm retiire weak and tick women to tound health by regn luling and eorreuting the local diaordcra which are generally reinomihlo (or the hoy. dibtrctaing symptom.. "1 uflVr.'.l (jn-ntly- for a numlwr of yiwra and for the pnt three ypati nn m IniJ Uiut. Iif v. us a inlci-ry to mo,'' wrlu-a Miw. H. l' Dies OHM, tit Ullr-n. Ohio, Kiiuto i. "'I'll, iloolora toll) mo I woulil have to fit In hiwi'loil txifura i winilil vir In btitti r. A yivir aim Ihla wlntor ami Hirln 1 wita worao thim uvt'r U-turu. At rach put-Unl 1 aiiltrtil lik. una In tunni'lil, I am tlm nmlhi'r of al children. I on no bad for llvo innntlia Unit I knew iiinttliinK moat l ttonw, an I wroti" Ui )r. R. V. riiirra, tflliiiK hint ua ni'iirlv na 1 imild how I aulfuml. Ho oulllnt.l a niiiina of tniilmi'iit which I follow.1 tn lha li llir. 1 took two hutth'i nf 'Kavorlto J'rom'HpHon' anil onaof (lolilrn Mllrnl lllanivory ' and a llfty-runt holtlanf 'llniart-Wwl,' and hnvf never .ulTortwl nnu-h aim-a. I who t could ti'll avnry auirprlinf woman tho world uvar what a boon Ir. I'Iuppo '. mmlli-lnt am. Thvro la no uho waatfiiaT tlin. siui nionuy doi-torliiK with anytlilnaT lao or any ono elae." The Medical Advlaer by R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N, Y., snawera lioata ol delicate queationt about which every woman, tingle or married ought to know. Sent f-H on raoeipt ut Jl ataiupt to puy for wrapping and mailing only. Mu, DiiHovu. CNiTBD russ liihid wins.) Omaha, April 13. With a total loss of $400,000, the Ames building, In the heart of the retail district, was burned today. The loss on th ebulldlng was $100,000, and the loss to the stores In It was $700,000. o Wheat Takes a Jump. UNITED PBE8S LEASED Wlur. , Portland, Ore., April 14. Bids for wheat In the Portland grain market today. The loss on the building was fers for club range as high as 98 cents track basis Portland or other coast points. Wuestem Is now rang ing at $1.02 a bushel and buyers are anxious to take hold at this high figure. o BOY KILLELI) AT GRANTS PASS TODAY UNITED PRESS MASKD WIRE.1 Orants Pass, April 13. Bentley Brumbaugh, the 11-year-old son In the family of J. E. Brumbaugh, of Grants Pass, was accidentally shot and In stantly killed at noon today on the Prltchard ranch, four miles west of this city. u Burned to Death. ( UNITED FREBS IJDiflED WIRE. Canby, Ore., April 14. E. Rosecrans a farmer of Needy, Ore., was burned to death today In a fire of unknown origin, which dostroyed the City Hotel here, and for a time threatened to wipe out the entire town. The little daughter of Mrs. Eva Bradburn, proprietress of the hotel was knocked down by some man In the rush to escape from the burning building, and suffered Injuries from which she may die. The fire loss was $10,000. o Crop DlsnsPr Feared. ' UNITED PHKflB I.EAHED WIRE.) Chicago, April 13. Wheat prices today advanced In a manner that at trncted widespread attention. The cause was tlint damage to the soft winter crop appenred to have reached nearly the proportion of a dlBnater. Many millers from interior points bought cash wheat freely and were not backward In confirming reports that hundreds of fields that were ex pected to produce a fine hnrvest, would have to be plowed under and utilized ns far as possible In some other wny. The Injury, though vattt, won said to be confined to the Htuteg weat of tho Missouri River. July wheat, which closed last night at $1.00 7-8 to $1.01 today, reached $1.04 and finished within a Bhnre of last, night's figures. USUALLY ONE DOSE ENDS INDIGESTION OR BAD STOMACH (iot n Bad Fall Tlils morning, about 10:45, ns Miss Ora Constable, daughter of C. O. Con stahlo, was descending the steps of the U. S. Natlonid bank building -f i'uui the second floor to tho first floor of the building, she stumbled and fell al most the full length of the stairs. The force of the fall was partly checked by a gontleninn who wus Just begin ning the ascent, and who caught her. She was taken to the office of IlelBley ft Kelsloy, on tho second floor, where she was given every at tention. I lor splno was Injured, but the extent of It cannot at this time he determined, but there were no other Injuries, ex cept some bruises and a severe shak ing up. r . N M II H M I I 01 tm natn mlrrnwiivifvaitiwipwaaaMVaion MUnlaMdmo-HlaHlogMiOiMH-frHaiiya w,t M , I I f .i. t HI "WMlf MlM l lll Oti '" If what you Just ate Is souring on your Btomach or Ilea like a lump of lead, refusing to digest or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste In mouth and stomach headache this Is Indigestion. A full case of Papea Diapepsln costs only 50 cents and will thorough ly cure your out-of order stomach, and leave sufficient about the house in case some one else in the family may suffer from stomach trouble or indigestion. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on these 50-cent cases, then you will under stand why dyspeptic trouble of all kinds must go, ' and why Diapepsln always relieves sour, out of order stomachs or Indigestion in five min utes, Diapepsln is harmless and tastes like candy, though each dose contains power sufficient to digest and prepare for assimilation Into the blood all the food you eat; besides, It makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but what will please you most, Is that you will feel that your stomach and Intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for bllliousness or constipation. This city will have as many Dia pepsln cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be cranky about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too, this minute, and forever rid yourself of stomach trouble and indigestion. Notice for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that the com. mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, Invites sealed bids for the mak ing of an improvement of North High street from the north line of Court street to the North line of Marlon street with Standard Bitullthic Pave ment, Light Standard Bitullthic Pave ment, Light Gravel Bitulithic Pave ment, Heavy Gravel Bitullthic Pave ment, El-Oso Pavement, El-Oso Pave ment Number Four (4), Crushed Rock Concrete Pavement, Gravel Concrete Pavement, Asphalt Pavement, Asphal tlc Concrete Pavement, Hassam Pave ment, Granocrete Concrete Pavement or Dolarway Pavement, In accordance with the plans, specifications and es timates on file In the office of the city recorder of said city, which are here by referred to and made part of this notice. Said bids will bf opened on or after the 22d day April. 1912, at or about 7:30 o'clock ji. m., In open council meeting In the city hall, In Salem, Ore gon. Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified, check equal In amount to 10 per cent of the bid. The city of Salem reserves the rglht to reject any and all bids. This notice Is published for five successive days In a dally newspaper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, the date of the first publication being April 13, 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. 4-13-6t r1 . " ' .1 Jl-, all mrvrrtiflTifi 1 1 1 1 f i mm Wm. L. Cook, Prop, the Bee Hive Store, Neihart, Mont, says the Belt canon running from Belt to Neihart Is the most picturesque spot In all Montana. He writes, "I recommend If you ever try a little for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to i.ii.i..- . ... .... all my customers and am never dlsap """8"""" " O'"!1 Iua J U,Cr po,nted u gWeg begt reflultg for Btomach trouble and Indigestion. couchs and colds of anything I sell." Get some Pape's Diapepsln now, Red Cross Pharmacy Oregon Made ! ALL WOOL 1 Special Price Monday and Tuesday $27.50 . SOLD BY OTHERS AT $35 TO 110. JrU.Hfl 466 COURT ST. MERCHANT TAILOR Visit Kingwood Tomorrow The season Is on now In full blast. Every week day brings Its quota of eager Investigators and scores of busy people are attracted each Sunday to this beautiful spot. Promise yourself a treat tomorrow. Unless you have kept thoroughly posted as to the development work at Kingwood Park you cer tainly have a surprise in store when you vlBit It now. We make the statement boldly that before the ; summer Is well under way Kingwood Park will be the center of the greatest home-bulldlng activity ever known In the hlBtory of Salem. And there Is going to be no let up. In addition to the home building there will he constant Im provement and development worl: throughout the entire tract. Kingwood and Kingwood Heights are destined to become the premier high-class residence district of Salem. Its to your advantage to select a building site now while large lots on graded streets with ce ment walks In and paid for can be bought from $300 to $C50 on easy terms. Capitol Trust Company Bechtel & Bynon, Sales Agents 347 State Street Main 452 line O 2LK8 U f I M M n i) IT M II II i I !! n 1 1 i i M H 'I i ; 1 1 M M f i r H n u r i M Now Has All Modern Improvements Installed It is ready for you to establish an ideal home in an environment most pleasing. 1 no Oaks addition is located six blocks north of the Cap tol Building in tho residence center, with two street car lines on the property, 4 A reasonable building restriction assures you The Oaks addition will become Stem's most exclusive residence dis trict, . X' , While you are thinking the matter you had better come out and' select your lot before te other fellow gets it, All are large lots, and by pi om action you a facing in any direction you wish. . can secure IS I! VI II II IJ II n ri El M n sa Kl M M n n aw im jm wtf m t aj m m w a rw flaiBlMiiaaaianiaMWlliaainiaia fan pal ka tiai nit SPENCER HA Jajp-a-Lac For renewing furniture, screens, woodwork, etc., etc., cannot be excelled. Can be applied by any one and dries In a day. Call for color card showing shades, prkces Reduced. Regular 20c Can now 15c. Regular 30c Can now 25c Regular 90c Can now 75c Liquid Granite A CO. M E aresco The best and most eaBlly applied sanitary kalsomlne on the market; works equally well on Iron, wood or plaster; ho laps or creases shown Price Per 5-pound pkg, 50c W WW WW ffl ww W WJ biB itt jtf tttt totA JpfeA in for linoleums, mattings, floors, etc., keeps them clean duced by one-half. Price 50c np Is re- Lawn Mowers Lots Sold on Easy Payments 'wiers on brdun Phone 617 or J. H. Scolt, Sales Agent, over Chicago Store, Phone 1552. El n 11 ti II ri N ti n w M n ti mi tl El IS tl n N tl U U n ti N 11 U ti u S. 4. 5 cutting blades. 12. 14, 16. and 20 Inches In length Plain bearings, priced up from $2.50. Hall bcarlnps, priced up from f 4.00. Grass catchers, 50c to 11.00. Sickles, 2:c. 30c, 40c and 4Ro each. (iarden f.c to 50c. Hakes, shovels, hoes, garden sets. Phoenix Pure Paint The kind that stands the climate, and has stood It for 25 years. We have It In assorted colors, always on hand. This Is the highest priced ready-mixed paint on the market, and will last the longest. Call for color card. Price per gallon $1.25 five-gallon can $1.20 Johnson's Dyes Make Oregon fir look like oak and other hard woods. Prices 35c, 50c, 85c per bottle; crack filler and prepared wax for finishing floors. Rubber Water Hose In colls of 50 feet, with couplings, one-half Inch. Price $3.75, $5.00 and $6.50 per coll. Three-fourth Inch, price $4.50 per foil and up. See our guarantned crack proof rub ber hose, without kink, break or crack SPE Full Line of Builders and Shelf Hardware NCER HARDWARE 466-472 Stat? Street. Phone 19 CO. mm U u u Kl 11 tl 11 13 II II 13 Ki II El ri El l S3 II El II El If EJ tl El tl El tj n El El El tl II M n n u 11 El El n El El tl M El El EJ U El 11 tl El n t ti ti ti ti ti ii ti ti vniRwafmm -j tamm mmmmltmkm fczzzzzzzzzzzzsr- t m mm amm'itm mm mm m