Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 29, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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0 ll saying to Abraham. "Thy Beed , . !
O " 000 I nl.nl I be ns the Mars of bun veil. nd as . n,.,, .1.-. , ' " ,". ! Tig!" ? J-IL- LZ23 t -
Sermon by '1
Pastor Brooklyn
Londou, October 23.rastor Russell
of Brooklyn Tnhernncle today address
ed an Immense audience In the world's
greatest Auditorium, the Royal Albert
Hall. Many of tils audience were
Jews, attracted by the llbernl extracts
from Unstor Russell's sermons which
have been appearing lu the Jewish pa
pers all over the world. .Tho discourse
was full of comfortliiRasHurances (both
to Jew and Gentile) of tho glorious out
come to the Divine Dan, as respects
our world and Its Inhabitants. We re
port the address only In part, as fol
lows: There can be no diubt that the words
of our text apply, not to Spiritual Is
rael and tha heavenly, Jerusalem, but
to the Seed of Jacob, fur many cen
turies travailing In pnln-n nation
without a land, people possessing most
wonderful promises, yet enjoying none
of them 0 people scattered amongst
all other peoples; yet, In harmony with
the Divine proinlso made at the begin
ning of their organization, they have
been preserved separate and distinct
from all other nations! The Jews are
a miracle In themselves. They witness
to the civilized world God's promises
and the power thereof In the human
mind. As foretold In the Scriptures
for long cendtrlos they have hud no
Trophet, no Priest, no ephod. no vision
from God, no revelation. Tho people
. to whom at one time belonged the hon
or of being the only people to whom
the Divine purpose wi re revealed have
for more than eighteen centuries tx'en
left destitute of any evidence of Di
vine fuvor, except In this one fact,
thai thrlr notltluilltl a Wlto
We are ot of those who rail against
the Jew: who cry out, "Chrlst-klllers;
the venxeiince of Go l Is upon you, and
what you have suHend Is only a fore
taste of 1110:0 awful sufferings for ajl
eternity!" ThaiiH G"d, No! We have
o such evil sentiment in our heart.
We have nothing for the Jew but sym
pathy, even while in lit in. as in others
of Adam's children, wo may see much
to reprehend: nevertheless, we also see
Ids commendable qualities. Among
others, we see the quality which God
ao greatly appre iited in Abraham;
namely, faith In his God nnd In the
Divine promises. Such a faith has In
spired '.'Clod's C hosen People" to wait
for his promised Messianic Kingdom,
lo,. these tunny centuries through all
kinds of discouragements, disappoint
ments and persecutions.
The long-promised time of Israel's
exnlttitlon as tho channel of Messianic
blessing to mankind Is near It hasteth
creitly. What though th'ro shall be
another and great spiiF'n of tribula
tion In cnn'utietlon wltii tin birth of
the New Order of things Peyond tho
Klshlne; nnd the crying, the morning
dawns-the glorious ih'y In which tho
Sun of ItlghtcoiKticss shall chase from
the world ull the shadows of death
nnd despair, which slu ami Its penalty
have brought upon mankind! What
though the Scriptures tell us that Is
rael Is yet to Imve "The time of Ja
cob's trouble" In connection with tho
world's great time of trouble Impend
ing. None of these things shall hinder
us from rejoicing lu the New Heavens
and the New Kiirlh, which God de
clares be Is about to create and put
into control of our world -"He ye glad
and rejoice forever In that which I
create" (Isaiah Ixv, IN.
The New Heavens and the New
Piirth are but ayiutuilli-iil terms for the
consideration of that New Km, In
which there will be a new social order,
aa well as a new ecclesiastical system,
eternal In the heavens.
The time has eomu when our text Is
having Its fulfillment. The shining of
the lump of Truth upon the prophetic
page shows us that the great clock of
tlie Universe Is marking the hour when
be whose right it Is uhull take to him
self his great potter and reign. Ah,
yes! Wo remember that It Is written
that then tho nations shall be nngry,
and God's wrath shall be manifest, and
then the time strill come for the Judg
ment of the dead and the reward of
11, both small and great. Put we lira
glad, nevertheless, that the "times of
the Gentiles" are nearly nt an end hihI
the time of Messiah's theocratic gov
ernment is at hand -For ho must reign
until he shall have put down all ml
righteousness aud lusuboitliiuitliiu, un
til be shall have caused every knee to
bow aud every tongue to confess to
the glory of God the I 11 1 her,
First In order of tho Kingdom work
Will be the binding of Kalan -the work
of heavenly, and not of an earthly
king. Gradually, In the Judgment,
decrees, rewinds, punishment of man
kind aud the banishing of slu and
dentil wilt tho great Ulug of Glory re
veal hi owu gracious character aud
the Father's righteousness to the chil
dren of lueu. Gradually all will have
the eyes cf their understanding open
ed to see, not only the Pa tiler of all
lu bis true ihuwte!". but also the Son
la bis glorious majesty the ('omjuer
or, "who, for the Joy that was set be
fore him. endured the cross, despising
the shuiiie." ami hence Is at the right
hand of I'lvlne majesty and entrusted
with the pouring out of the i'lvlne
tilssltir oi"" ' -rel snit thronuh Is-
Jiyers Hair Vigor
God's Message
of Comfort
To the Jews
"Comfort ye, comloit ye my people, Mh
yout God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusa
lem, and cry unto her, dial her warfare i ac
complithed, tint her iniquity u pardoned ; for
the Lib received of tlie Lord 1 band double
for all her tin,"- liaiah ll. I. 2.
rnel, extending that blessing to every
One King, but Twe Kingdoms.
It has escaped Christendom in gen
eral until now thnt the Divine promise
to Abrnhnm is to be fulfilled through
two Seeds-one a heavenly class, the
other an earthly class, with Messiah
the nead over all. Tor eighteen cen
turies God favored the Seed of Abra
hnm, the nation -nt Israel. Chastise
ments they had, reproofs In righteous
ness; yet in till that time they had also
Divine favor, ns represented In their
Law and In tha Prophecies and In the
privileges which came to them under
tho Law Covenant, In thnt they had an
annual Atonement Day, which contin
ued lo them Divine favor. That period
of favor, explain It how we may, be
gnn to wane nbout the time of Jesus'
death. It was completely removed
from them In the desolntlon of their
land by the Itonian army A. D. 70.
Now a pnrnllel time baa been reached,
as stated, lu our text. Hence It Is time
for tho return of God s fuvor, ns here
in mentioned. Tho favor already Is
The Jew hns not been so comfort
able, nor so favorably fixed as he Is
today. In more than eighteen cen
turies. Put his blessing Is only begin
ning. Shortly Divine favor, lu God's
due time, will accomplish for his
Chosen Teople all tho precious prom
ises of the Lnw and of tho Prophets.
Already the Jew is awakening to a re
alization of this jjroat Truth. Zionism,
which started as a political movement.
Is nbout to bud and blossom Into a re
ligious movement and tho blessing of
Dleinc- Providence will so order their
affairs, The words of the Book, tho
words of Divine promise, so long read
Irnornntly nnd blindly, are ubout to
become luminous nnd constitute the
light which will direct them In the
ways of the Lord-leading on to tho
rehabilitation of Jerusalem and to the
attainment of loftier Ideals nmongst
tho Jewish people. A voice is sound
ing from the wilderness, nnd tho Jews
everyvvhero are hearkening to It. It
does not coll them to become Chris
thins, but to remain Jews and to real
ize, ns Jews, the Ideals set before
(hem by the Lord In the Lnw and by
the Prophets. To nil thoso exercised
thereby a great blessing Is near, which
will raore than compensate for tho sor
rows of thJ past. Neither by sword,
nor guns, nor drendnnughts, neither by
flying nlr-shlps, nor torpedoes will Is
rael's great victory be won, neither by
numey power and worshipping of the
golden calf of II nance, nor by trusting
In tho nriil of fleih. but by looking to
tho Lord, from whom will come their
Messiah's Spiritual Kmplro, about to
be eslal.ll lie.1. will bind Satan, re
strain every evil and lift up n stand
ard for the people, blessing Israel and
establishing wltii them the New (Law)
Covenant Instead of the Old Lnw Covenant-under
the better Mediator, still
more capable than tho great Moses;
under the (.Tenter King, still more wise
than Solomon and still uioro beloved
of God than DnvM. This great Celes
tial Kmplro will be established with
great authority lu the world by n time
of trouble, a tinn, of earthly distress,
which the prophecies picture as terrible-n
short reign of anarchy. Jews
aud Gentiles will bo responsible, Hell
and poor, for the Jirluglng to pass of
this awful trouble, by reason of the
selllshness which at present Is govern
ing the world in: I which will be used
of the Lord In wreck our present grand
civilization j. 1 and at least on Its nr
fine and lu Us aspirations and preten
sions. A Sh Inllstlc artillery of words
aud ecclesiastical bonds of similar na
ture will only aggravate tho strife.
I't -in n 1 tu I weights and levers will have
much to do with die great crash of
the forces of clvllixatlou lu this near
upprouchlng cataclysm of trouble, lu
which the relgu of sin. Ineiiulty, In
justice, selfishness, shall forever fall,
to rlso 110 more j nud tho present re
ligious systems also shall bo found
wanting and pass nwuy. For these
old systems, symbolically tho heavens
and earth of the present time, will be
substituted tho New Heavens and the
New Karth the Church glorified, be
yond tho vail a the Hrldo of the
great Messiah, and. Society on earth
reorganized, will coustbute tho New
Karih, n herein will dwell righteous
ness. Tint transition will be but a
momentary ordeal, ns comparvd with
the glorious eternity of blessing under
Messiah's righteous supervision. "He
tnaketh wars to cease unto the eud of
the earth."
Itraal'a Hopts Why So Delayed?
The perplexing thought with our
Jewish friends, ns well as with Chris
tians, Is, If (hce things bo so; If Mes
siah's Kingdom Is yet to be establish
ed, as tho Jews contemplated, only ou
a spiritual plane Instead of au earthly
one; aud if God's purpose Is to use
thoso anciently favored people as the
channels of Ids blessing lu tho future.
why has there been so long delay t
We auswer, This Is what the Scrip
tures term fht UyattTp the matter
which God diil not reveal directly,
either to Abraham or through any of
Ibe Prophets Indirectly lie hinted at
It, saying to Ahrahaw. "Thy Bw
Rhnll be ns the stars of heaven, end aa
the sand of the seashore for multi
tude." Hut Abraham did not discern,
nor did others, thnt theso two Illustra
tions belonged, not to the same people,
but to two different Isruels. The
earthly promises belonged to natural
Israel. Kventunlly all mankind, bless
ed under the Messianic reign, will be
come Israelites of the Seed of Abra
ham. Thus Abraham's "Seed shall be
as the sand of the seashore for multi
tude." And they must all hnvo the
fa Kb of Abraham and bis. obedience,
ere they cau reach perfection ns mem
bers of bis Seed. First In the order
of blessing will come the Ancient
Worthies Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and
all the Prophets and holy ones of the
past. Those wlil bo raised from the
dead by the power of God not Imper
fect and fallen, but perfect; fully up
to all the glorious Ideals of their minds
aforetime. This will be their reward
for having walked by faith and not by
sight. Thus wo reud, Instead of be
ing the fathers, they shall be the chil
dren, whom Messiah will make princes
in all the earth his representatives in.
power, In rulershtp. In authority
(Psalms xlv, HI). At that time the
blessing shall return to Israel that hns
been taken from them for more thnn
eighteen centuries God's special fa
vor. Under their New Covenant they
shall be blessed; their eyes shall be
opened; "they shall look upon him
whom they pierced;" they shall mourn
for him; they shall rejoice In him.
They will say. This Is our ruler. We
have waited for him, and be will save
us (Zeclnirlah xll, 10).
Crimea Committed In Jeaua' Name.
With shame truo Christians must
admit tint most atrocious crimes were
committed In the nnme of Jesus dur
ing the "Dark Ages." Worse than
that! The horrible misrepresentation
of all that, the name of Jesils stands
for still continues. Witness, for In
stance, the Injustices practised In the
nnme of Christianity ngnlnst the Jew
in Russia for years past, and in vari
ous nutlons In remoter times. Witness
tho fact nlro that only two months ago
the so-colled Christians of Itnumnnlu
acted like veritable demons toward
their Jewish neighbors. Well-nuthen-tlcntcd
accounts tell that the Jewlbh
cemetery wus despoiled. Jany of
those burled within the two preceding
months were du:,' up ami the putrid
and mmigled corpses thrown on the
Flops and In the door-yards of their
families. Can we wonder that the
Jew has come to hare a hatred for the
word Christian aud for the nirfiie Je
sus? The nnmo Jesus, as is well known.
Is but another form for Joshua, which
signifies Deliverer. Tho name Christ
Is the Greek equivalent for tho word
Messiah. Every Jew, rightly Informed
respecting the character and the teach
ings of Jesus, Is bound to respect
him and bis Immediate followers as
amongst tho gruudest Jews that over
lived. They must uot be Judged ac
cording to the perversion of their
teachings, so common nmongst Chris
tians. And It should uot bo forgotten
thnt while the masses of Christendom
hnve misrepresented their teaching,
doctrines and practises, thero has been
throughout the entire age u saintly
few who hnve closely followed lu the
foo'steps of Jesus.
In my preaching I do not urge upon
tho lews to become Christians; but I
neck to hold forth the Divine standard
for tbmu and to assist them to get
ready for tho fulfillment of the glori
ous promises which are theirs. That
the duo time for the fulfillment of
flieso Is nt hand Is tho comfort we of
fer them, In harmony with our text.
Tho Prophet declares that It will be
after their return to their own land,
and after the great time of trouble
which Is now Impending upon Chris
tendom, that tho Jew will recognize
that the great Messiah of glory, the
great Michael of Daniel xll, 1, for
whose Kingdom they hnve been wait
ing, Is none other than the "Man Christ
Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for
all men" eighteen countries ngo. God
will then blessedly open their eyes of
understanding. As The Prophet de
clares, "They shall look upon him
whom they pierced"; they will then
see tho Identity between the Jesus
who was sacrificed for tho sins of Is
rael and (lie world and the Messiah of
Glory, whose Kingdom will use Israel
In the blessing of the world.
Meantime, what has God wrought 7
Ah, this, again, we sny Is tho Mys
tery; Here aud thero from Jew aud
Gentile, saintly characters have been
sought nud found by the preaching of
tlie message of Christ, even though
that message frequently was dimmed
by earthly Imperfections nnd blemishes-by
erroneous representations.
Those saintly ones will be uuarers
with Metisluh lu Divine blessings on
the spirit piano, mentioned to Abra
ham under the figure thnt his "Seed
shall be ns the stars of heaven." Hut
under what conditions do these attalu
a spiritual Inheritance like unte the
angels and far alcove them? We au
swer that the spirit nature is tho di
vine reward of a special obedience.
Our race was uot created on tho heav
enly plane nor for a heavenly nature;
but of the earth earthy. And it sal
vation from sin will bring it to the
full ierfivtlou of humnu nature and
to the full enjoyment of a world-wide
Edeu. The Spiritual Seed of Abraham
Is to Ik comiSHud of Messiah and the
Elect Little Flock of saintly footstep
followers. The price of their exalta
tion Is their consecration unto death
and faithfulness to that Vow. These
are the Jewels mentioned by the Lord
to the Prophet "Gather together my
saints uuto me, snlth the Iord; those
who have made a Covenant with me
by sacrifice;" "Tbey shall be mine; in
that day wheu I make up my Jewels."
The Maine battleship mystery
may be solved by the time the uew
Multnomah county courthouse U
One can bear great quantity of
talk these daye that not very wtao.
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v. -