Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
On tht Ocean, October 10.-rastor
Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle is en
joying hit usunl health, en route for
London. lie eipoctt to be back ,ln
Brooklyn the first Sunday In Decem
ber. Hit Sundays in Great Britain
win be given to London, filling flp
polntmentt with at ninny at possible
Of the tmaller cttlet week day. Hie
discourse for todny from the foregoing
text follow:
The wonderful force, and lmmonslly
of the thought of our text, caunot be
appreciated by those who have never
been npon the great Ocean. At we
travel through the water at railroad
epoed and keep watch In every direc
tion, yet seldom tee ft Tessol, largo or
tmaU, day after day, we begin to get
little conception of the world In
which we live. It It to much larger
than previously we were able to com
prehend. Yet by the aid of the tele
scope and the mathematical calcula
tions we perceive that our earth and
lit teat are small, In comparison to
many other worlds. We perceive that
our solar system (our sun and his plan
etary satellites) constltutot but a small
fraction of God's grcnt creation. As
tronomers tell us that by the nld of
sensitive photographic plutcs they are
able to count about one hundred and
twenty-Ove millions of suns, around
which planets are revolving, as our
earth revolves around our tun. And
they estimate that probably only a
portion of these tuns is vlnlblo to our
Baked eye so fur distant are they.
Astronomers estlnmto that there are
millions of other suns so far diHtant
that their light cannot even be dis
cerned by photography. .
We stand oppallfHl at the Immensity
of space and the law and order which
everywhere reign. We benrtlly assent
to the words of the Prophet David,
"Day nnto day utterelh Bpoecb, and
night unto night sbowcth knowledge;
there It no place whero their voice Is
not beard."- The person who can look
upon this wonderful display of super
human power nnd who can bollcvo
that these worlds created themselves,
shows to the mujorlty of us that, If bo
hat brains, they are sadly disordered,
unbalanced. The prrtnn who, after In
telligent thnv- V. concludes that there
It no God. lli.it everything camo to
be what It Is by c hr-i or by the op
eration of ne blind fc rce that per
son 1 1 Aescrlhi'd In the Scriptures In
the fulln ring words, "Viie fool hath
said In bit tio.irt, Thr; j is no God"
(Psalm xlv, 1).
"The Half Was N..r Told."
On flrht rrudlug uu. text some of us
might have buen l'i !l:n'! ( say, Ah,
beautiful poetic exiruvuuunccl Hut
nt so. dear frUi)?i! As scientific In
stmmcnt demon unite to us the lm
lauunlly of the i.'ilv.-ne we perceive
tlirt tli Prophet uncd very iiioderuto
laugurge Imi. -d lu his description of
tie.- iiiii.V ;! lower and greetings of
the Creator, representing hlni as
vo!;. hluj i lie inouutiiliiH lu bis bnl-
' nuei's I ml holding the seas In the hol
low nf his baud and that, from tils
stiiiM'polut, a t lion wi ml years nro but
as a watch lu the night. How liiNlg
nlOcautly small wo all feel In tbo
prosenee of our God I No wotiilcrsomo
great men hiivo beeu inclined to say
that huiuaulty Is too liiKlgnllleatit from
the Dlvlue standpoint to be worthy of
tbo least consideration much less to
be objects of Divine care and provi
dence! The Bcrlptures encourage us
to reason from the known to the un
known They tell us that although
God is so great, so wise, so xierfnl,
he Is also Just and loving. And the
more we consider the mutter, the more
reasonable this I'.lble description of
tbu Almighty appears. His power we
tee ' demonstrated. The wltfdom of
One to great cauuot be doubted. Then
We come to consider, Could Ono so
wis and to powerful be unjust or un
generous? Our hearts answer, Not
No one Is really great who Is devoid
of Justice and love. Bo surely s our
God It Jehovah be must possess tliene
When we came in contact with the
Illble, and particularly after we learn
ed something of Its teachings and got
rid of the mlHrcprcncntathiu which
gathered about il durlug the ilurk ages
then we begun to recognise It as the
message of Johovnh to his creatures.
It Informed us Hist tho grout Creator
of the unlverwe In uot only Almighty
and All-wise, but loving and Llinl,
with Justice as the very fuuudatlou
of hit Umpire, from the Illble we
learned, too, that our Creator hud beeu
pleased to make us in bis own Imago,
In bit own moral likeness, to the In
tent that we might enjoy lilin and the
fruits of bis rlghteoiiKueiis to all eter
nity. ' From this standpoint we began
to reellxe that the loftiest sentiments
of the human mind and heart are
merely the reflections of this Creator.
Thus coming Into sympathetic ac
cord with our Maker we can compre
hend the principles of bis clmrartor
what Justice signifies, and mercy and
kindness what Is wisdom as contrast
ed with foolishness. From this stand
point we were enabled to see the glori
ous perfection f our Maker's nurse-
l 1 mJkJt . Vj
for bac"j
Pott y' Ki
i y 5'il.s rr i
The Seas
In the Hollow
God's Hand
"Who hath meajured the seas in
the hollow of hit hand" (Isaiah xl, 1 2).
tor and attributes, which Justify the
name which he bat tnken to himself
when he dirclares through bis ambas
sador, "God Is Love." At we come to
realize this more and more, we are
grasping the Infinite; we are getting
near to the heart of tbo great Eternal
One, who weighs the mountains as In
n balance nnd measures the seas in the
hollow of bis hand.
"LIUs Unto Your Father."
Godllkeness Is love-likeness, and, at
tho Scriptures declare, "Love Is the
fulfilling of the (Divine) Law" (no
mans xlll, 10). Our great Creator, the
only living and true God, is thus teen
in confront with all tho gods of the
heathnn, who are pitiless, merciless,
vengeful, dovlllsh. From the Bible we
lenrn that Jehovah, the True God,
takes delight in doing good in the ex
ercise of bis Almighty power and wis
dom in the creating of beings in whose
everlasting life and enjoyment forever
be tukes pleasure. With tuch glorious
Intentions bis creative work began
with the celestial beings, who are still
enjoying his favor. With similar be-
nevolenco ho created ninn ft little low
er than the angels, crowning blm with
glory nnd honor as the king of all
creatures, on the animal, the human,
plane, the likeness of hit Mukcr, who
Is n spirit. Hearkening to the explana
tions of tbo Divine purposes by the
Apostles and Prophets, we have re
ceived assurances that nothing bat
befallen humanity in oil the dire ex
periences of tho past tlx thousand
years that tho greut Creator did not
foroNCo. Further, we have the aasur
auces that Divine Wisdom purposes
eventually tbnt the teurt and sorrows,
rrjings nnd dying, the penalty for
Original Bin, under which man bat
suffered all theso centuries, the grent
Creator purposes shall work no real
disadvantage to his creatures. Instead,
tbo end of the Divine Program will at
tent the various elements of the Divine
character as nothing else could have
dono. The holy angels, who have
kuown no sin, will lu mankind read to
eternity a valuable lesson of the ex
ceeding sinfulness of sin and the wis
dom uud blessedness of righteousness.
And even mankind, although at pres
ent suffering seriously under the
weight of Divine displeasure and con
demnation to death, will ultimately be
to blessed and the weight of blessing
so outweigh the sorrows of the curse.
Unit every creature shull bow the knee
and every tongue confess to Divine
Justice, Wladotn, Love and Tower, In
connection with tho Divine dealings
with humanity.
"Joy Cometh In the Morning."
A night of weeping six thousand
years long, Involving suffering and tor
row to twenty-thousand millions, is an
awful thought. Jlut tho proposition it
yet n different ono when we remember
that tho majority of Adam's children
die in Infancy uud that to tbose who
live their three score years and ten
with labor uud sorrow, there are pleat
ing und happlf) It g experiences, at well
as tears. And wl.eu we read that even
tho tears of a few years are a part of
the disciplines, Instructions ami export
eiicos which God designs shall be val
uable lessons In preparation for ft
glorious uud Joyous eternity then the
whole matter begins to have new as
pect to our uiluds. If tho light utlllc
llons of this present time will work
out blessings for eternity then we can
rejolco lu them for ourselves, our
neighbors nnd ull humanity. And this
Is the Divine pi-okih1Uou. Not that
God bus ever propose! eternal lift) for
a single rebellious soul, but that he bat
prepared Mooting for all of Adam's
race who shall come Into full burtnouy
with himself. At present he Is teach
ing great general lessous to liuiuaulfy
as a w hole b.v tho exceeding sinfulness
of slu. It would be too bud if, as these
lessons are learned, there should be
no opportunity of profit lug by them.
But there will be an opportunity of
pro IH I in,', and this Is the great message
which God has sent to mankind and
which, Scrlpturnlly, Is styled The Gos
pel the "good tidings of great Joy
which shall be uuto all people,"
through t'lii'Ut.
The night of weeping, tlx thousand
years long, Is about to be followed by
the morning of Joy. The New Day, In
which diirkneHH and sin will be abol-
Ihlnil ami lu which the Bun of Right
'Miusuess will bless and heal the world
of mankind, Is a Thousand-Year Day
for the blessing and upllfllug of our
ram ill Ivtor 111, H). The Bible do
crllics t lint day lu most glowing terms.
It Is the day of Moanuh, the day In
wtil h God's KIiumIoiu shall come and
his will be done ou earth as It la done
llii hou ven, the day lu which the poor
and ueetly will be lifted up from the
dunghill of superstition and depravity,
the dur lu which the knowledge of the
glory of God shull fill the whole earth.
Aud there shall be no more fear.
That day w III not eud at do others. It
will uot be followed by night, but
lead ou to glorious eternity for all of
God's creatures who appreciate Divine
goodufKS and. using the Divinely pro
vided opportunities, will return to full
harmony with their Creator. Such- he
will In turn nn'ounlse as his s ins and
nr.i, kidne or bladdr" trouble,
I ta bloo J, restore loit vlUllty
t bit right band of favor, they will
njoy pleasures for evermore.
The Revelation of Our God.
One of old truly Raid, ."Thou art ft
Ood which bidest thyself (Inn In h xlv,
1G). How true! As result tho world
by wisdom knows not God. ' He is
near in hit wisdom and love, yet he
can be teen only by those whose eyes
of understanding have been opened.
But we are glud that the time is com
ing when nil the blind eyet shall tee
clearly. "At I live, salt.fi the Lord, the
whole earth shall be tilled with my
glory," "The knowledge of the glory of
God shall fill the whole earth as the
waters cover the great deep" (Habnk
kuk 1L 14). Then all shall see what Ood
butb wrought nnd our temporary blind
ness will but accentuate the glorious
brightness of hit Wisdom, Justice, Love
nd Power:
"Blind unbelief Is sure to err,
And scan his work In vain;
Ood la his own Interpreter,
And he will make it plain!"
In the end It will be teen that the
Divine permission of the reign of tin
and death In the earth, instead of be
ing blot upon Divine character and
demonstration of Divine unwisdom
and incompetency, will reveal the
great Creator to hit tubjectt, his chil
dren, as nothing else could have done.
Besides, the experiences of mankind
during the soven thousand years front
Adnm't creation to tho end of Mes
slab's mediatorial Kingdom will dem
onstrate traits of the Divine charac
ter which could not otherwise be man
ifested to angels or to men. .
For" Instance, without the permis
sion of tin, the element of Divine
Justice and the unalterable opposition
of God to all tin would never have
been known to bis creatures. His sen
tence upon father Adam nnd bis race
and the permission of tbo reign of
death and slu for all these centuries
bave demonstrated the fact that Di
vine Justice cannot be trifled with.
And this reign of sin and the strength
of the Divine opposition to sin, nnd
the sentence upon sinners, in turn
gave opportunity for the exhibit of
Dlvtno mercy, compassion, sympathy,
love. Undoubtedly God't love was
known to the angelic hosts before, but
not to the same extent. Ills dealing
with bumnnlty will prove the depth of
bis sympathy to angels and to men.
"God commended his love toward us,
In tbut while we wore yet sinners
Christ died for us" (Komnns v, 8).
Surely, as the poet declares, we have
In this a manifestation of
"Love Divine, all love excelling."
More than this; some of us nt one
time were, perhaps. Inclined to crltl
rlxe our Maker and to say that ho bad
no right to redoem us at the cost of
Calvary; that It wot wrong to enncel
tho slue of one aud require their pay
ment of another. But we erred. It
wat not thus. Rightly understood, the
dealings of the Father with the Son
add still further to his glory magnify
still more bit Wisdom, Justice, Love
and Power. With all power and nu
tborlty tbo Almighty would not com
mand the death of his Sou. For Jesus
to become man's Redeemer mount his
voluntary encriflce of himself. And
how shall we understand this the
Heed comer's willingness to bo man's
ransom-price? The Scriptures, reply
ing, tell us that it was because of Ills
great love for the Father, his great
confidence In him nnd bis willingness
to submit to the Dlvlno will uml pur
pose und urruugemcnt lu everything.
Yet, notwithstanding tho wllllnguess
of the Redeemer, the Father would
not permit blm to engage in this great
undertaking which would cont himself
to much, unless he would give blm
tbo corresponding reward. Thus we
road of Jesus, that "for,, the Joy thut
was set before him he eiulund the
cross aud despised tho shame."
"Nol It Is Just Like Him."
Tho Divine Plan being set forth to
an old colored wouian, she was asked
if it was uot strange that God should
do such great things for us. Her an
swer was, "No, Muster; It Is Just like
So we aay respecting tho great God
who nindo tbo heavens aud tho eurth
und sun and stnrs, It Is uot strange
thut bo should bure a glorious Pluu
for nil of bis creutures a Pluu which,
will fully exemplify bis character bU
Justice, Wisdom, Love aud Power!
And amongst these wonderful things
of the Dlvlno Purose none is more
wonderful tliiin thut wtilrli relates to
the Church class, "the elect," drawn
and called and begotten of the holy
Spirit durlug this Gospel Ago. These,
Justified by faith tustautly, ure a sep
arate clans from the world, who will
be Justified, perfected, through works
durlug Messiah's glorious rctgu. The
arrangement for their fulth-Justltlca-tlou
through tbo merit of tho Redeem
er lu advance of the world a Justlttca
tlon is for the purpose of allowing
these, who by nature are "chlhireu of
wrutb eveu na others," to become sons
of God ou the Hplrlt plane, "partakers
of the dlviue nature."
Dealing on Hues of Impartiality,
God's offer to theee members of
Adam's race, a "little flock" lu all, is
that, if they Join with their Redeem
er In sacrifice aud walk in bis foot
steps, his merit shall rover tbelr blem
ishes and they may become for all
eternity bis glorious Bride and Jolut
helre with hlui in his Kingdom that
they may sit with him In bis Throue
and be associated lu tbo great work of
uplifting the children of men.
How wonderful Is our God, infinite
In all bis (jualltles! "Who hath known
the mind of the Iord; who hath been
his counsellor?" (Romaus xt, 3-t.) How
came all these wonderful things
which are wrltteu In bis Book, unless
by his own knowledge? Let us bow
before hliu and adore bliu a,nd be
faithful follower lu the footsteps of
Jeans until the end of the race until
W receive the crown of lift
and urinary rrt-nm.-ltie.
ar vijor. Kef at sut;titute.
Ci&iTSueAT -!&fctSZ&5Liiii& it in mln 1 1 i "i i'i Ii ii ' 'i
1 T..
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