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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1910)
- a -mT V. A VtW "kT !rW rrTTTCIT A U" A TTtT. FLIGHT CONSIDERED MARKABLE AVIATORS SAY FAUIiHAN FLIGHT IB MOST KEMAHKAHLE IN IDS TORY OP AVIATION WEATH ER. CONDITIONS INTERFERED WINS BIG ritlZE. tMITXD rH88 UUS11D WIBS. London, April 28. When Louis Faulhan alighted today at Manches ter, winning tho London Mail's $50, 000 prize, his wlfo and Henri Var man, inventor of tho aeroplane which made tho flight, wore tho first per sons who greeted him. Claudo White, who raced Paulhan for tho prizo .started from Northamp ton today, hut descended at Poles vorth, 7 mllca from Manchester. White ascended at 2:50 o'clock this morning an' hour and a half before Faulhan descended at Lltchfiold. Ho was forced by tho high wind to dis continue his flight. It is announced that he may ascend again and continuo his flight to J Manchester. Paulhan was greeted by a great crowd, out to see tho finish of tho flight. His machine worked perfect ly. Ho doclarod, today that ho would havo boon ablo to raako tho whole flight without stopping, had it not bcon for the Intense cold. 1 Paulhan said ho had plonty of fuol and his aeroplane was working so smoothly, that ho could have flown another hundred miles, undor favor-, ablo weather conditions. Henri Farman, who greeted Paul han at tho end of tho flight, was de lighted with tho rocord that his ma-' chlno had mado. , ' ' Tho flight caused tremondous ln- iVftjst'thrdughout England. All along tho course of tho flight groat crowds were waiting to seo tho aviator sail past. At tho starting points whoro , it was expected tho flight would bo re sumed today crowds of spectators re mained all night waiting to see tho start. Evorywhero tho aviators were greotod with cheers. At Manchester, whero tho flight ended, a big crowd had gathered and gavo Paulhan an ovation. Tho spec tators crowded curiously around tho machlno, as it lay on tho ground ni ter tho finish. Tho flight is considered ono of tho most remarkable In tho history of aviation hore. Paulhan's record in making tho flight with only ono do scent Is regarded as a romarkablo feat. Under tho terms of' tho prizo offer ho could have descended once moro. It is regretted hero that the weather conditions wero such that ho could not have continued tho flight "without alighting. ROOSEVELT LEAVES AND IARIS IS AGAIN NORMAL UNITED MKS8 LEASED WIUB. Paris, April 28. With the depar ture of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt for Brussols at 8:10 o'clock this morning, Paris resumed her normal modo of llfo. Tho American visitor wos attend ed at tho station by many of tho celebrated men of Franco and thou sands of Parisians hnd gathered at tho station to gtvo him a hearty farewell. "Paris Is groat. Franco is great. I havo had a splendid time. X novor will bo able to thank you enough," was Roosovolt's parting message, with his head and shoulder sticking out of tho car window, as tho train started on Its way. o All aboard to light tho wicked Southorn Pacific at Oregon City Wednesday. Stato Bank Examiner Steel goes to Portland to becomo cashier for tho Union Trust Company bank. STUDENT BODY HOLDS ELECTION CRAWFORD IS ELECTED PRESI DENT OF WILLAMETTE'S UNI VERSITY STUDENT BODY BY A LARGE MAJORITY OTHER OF FICERS ALSO GIVEN HAND SOME MAJORITIES, AND ALL ARE WELL QUALIFIED FOR PO SITIONS. James Crawford, son of Attorney General Crawford, was elected presi dent of tho Wlllamotto student body yesterday by a largo majority, carry, lng his ticket straight through. Tho minority retained hopes of winning till about 2 o'clock, when tho law students descended in a body on tho ballot box and tho minority's only hopo vanished. Young Crawford Is a brilliant young man. Ho is a junior both in tho law school and the collego of lib eral arts, and will undoubtedly fill his ofllco to tho satisfaction even of his critics. Miss Hattlo Beckley, a popular and capable student of tho College of Liberal Arts, was olectod vice-president; MIs3 Boulah Clark, secretary, and Albert MInton, tho famous mile runner, and present manager of tho Choral Society, was elected treasur er. Miss Alma Hasklns, tho budding literary genius, was elected editor of tho Collegian, with John McNess as manager. Tho officers tako up their duties tho first pf next year. Much Is ex pected of tho new regime, as It is drawn from tho blood which has been pushing Willamette to tho front this last year. 1 Portland's Ponnlar Pimp-Proof . Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlcry in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland at 10:55 a, m. and 4:55 p, m, I. C DICKINSON, Manager Stheoregon; BECIITEL & BYNON'S, BARGAINS 11250 buys a good house and two lots in Yew Park. Fine fruit trees. $1050 takes a nice little new cot tage and two lots on Capitol St. $050 buys a cozy little homo on Front Street. $600 will tako two and one-half lots with small house. $2800 buys a fino placo In Yow Park on 12th Street. Remember we aro headquarte-s for farms in tho celebrated Salem and Hpwell Prairies. Wo are always glad to show property In this fino district. Do you know that tho Capitol Street boulovard Is almost sure to bo built this summer. With that as nn accomplished fact property on Capitol Street will be tho most sought, aftor of any residence prop erty in Salem. Wo havo somo extra good buys on this street and recom mond buys on this street. You wl'l not rogret locating there. A'Skin ef Beauty fs a Joy Forever R. T. FELIX GGURADD'S ORIENTAL: CREAM OR MAGICAL BEADT1FIER IttmOTM Tu, Pimples, Freckle, Moth Patches lluti, n(J Ekln DlifMM, man mrj oitmaa on twisty, and d Se detection. It hu tort the teit ot eo jtn, ul li eo liannleM we Uitelttobeeurelt ! properly made. Accept no counter felt of tlmUM nimt, Dr. L. A. Bern eeld to a Iwfr of the bent- ton (a patient) t M Ae jm ladle will im them. I recommend ftlmwrn Atm fn m Mia lclft hlrmfnl Af all the tela preparatlone." For tale or all drauliti and Fancr OooOl Dealer In the Ualtod Statu, Oauada and Xorope. IBl T.HOFUnS, Flo?, 37 Bred Jwie Strut He Toil as a WILLAMETTE AGAIN DEFEATED Lot us tako you out and show you somo Capital Strcot property. Last but not least, don't forget Hollywood. IH!OIITEl7&"nYNON I7 State St. Tel. Main 4R' Ground Floor THE GLAD SUMMER COPYRIGHT ARE HERE ENJOY THEM WHILE YOU CAN No Better Way Than a There is no moro invigorating exercise than a bicycle, Ask any physician, He will tell you to live in tho open air all you can, We carry the high grades, DAYS Wheel I Racycle Excelsior I Cornell EXPERT REPAIRING. Prices From $25 to $75 MODERATE CHARGES When your wheel needs attention wo would boploasod to give It the attention needed, Frank J. Moore 447 Court Street Phone 368 Yesterday afternoon on Wlllamotto Field Willamette's baseball team was again defeated by the High School lads, on account of Its Inability to bunch hits or run bases without go ing to sleep. Thero were several clever plays pulled off and the High School found Willamette's pitcher for ono three- "bagger and three two-baso hits, while Wlllametto connected with Bush re peatedly, but so far apart that it brought homo but few runs. Willamette showed a marked Im provement over last Friday's game and when they work up their base running and get a beter batting eye they will play rattling good ball. Tho game star'ed out slow, but soon a high school man. reached first, and then two more walked, and a red hot drive to left center brought two men in. Then Willamette took n braco and closed tho High School out, and brought in two runs, to the great delight of tho rooters. Wlllametto got ono more run af ter that, but as sure as a Salem High man got to ilrst, ho would steal both second and third, and a small hit would score him, till at the end of the game tho score stood 10 to 3 in favor of the High School. Kady Roberts, shortstop for the High School, played ball like a leaguer, and shono out bright and clear over any other High School Wan. Ho certainly la a good man for his age. o What Is n cold in the head? Noth to worry about if you treat It with Ely's Cream Balm. Neglected, the cold may grow Into catarrh, and the air-passages be so inflamed that you havo to fight for every breath. It Is truo that Ely's Cream Balm mas ters catarrh, promptly. But you know tho old saying about tho ounce of proVotnlon. Therefore use Cream Ba'lm when tho cold In tho head shows Itself. All druggists, 50c, or mailed by Ely Bros., 5G Warren St., Now York. EARTH OPENS AND SWALLOWS OP CATTLE STRANGE ACTION OF EARTH IN NEVADA VALLEY IS CAUSING CATTLEMEN TO DRIVE THEIR STOCK TO IIICIIER GROUND- RANCHERS LEAVING VICINITY Daughter Sues Mother. twrrisn vbibh lkased winn. Los Angeles, Calif., April 28. Mrs. Clara Gllmore, widow of the late Edward W. Gllmore, Is a de fendant In a superior court action brought by her daughter, Mrs. How ard W. Squires. Mrs. Squires chnrges that Mrs. Gllnioro unduly influenced Gllmoro In the prepara tion ot his will, with tho result that tho daughter wns loft property worth but $20,000 of an estate val ued at $270,000. Gllmore was a member of tho con tracting Arm of Falrchlld, Gllmore and Witton, which has branches In almost ovory city of the Pacific coast. His will was dated on March fourth. 1910. AN HONEST DOCTOR. Remarked to his patient who had been cured by Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vogotable Compond aftor his efforts had fallod, "Mrs. Wobor, I do not bollovo In patont medicines, but I will sny that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegotnblo Compound Is tho best medlclno over discovered for vo mon. Continuo to uso It." This Is nnothor link In tho long chain of ovldonco to provo tho reliability of this Rjnndard medlclno for women. r Rheumatism, More than ton out of overy ton cases ot rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheuuia Usui. In such casos no Intoru.V troatmont Is required. The free ap plication ot Chamborlaln's Llntnionl Is all thnt Is nooded. and it Is cer tain to k!vo quick relief. Give It a trial and see for yoursolf how quick ly it relieves the pain and soreness Tho nied'clnes usually given Inter nally for rheumatism are poisonous or very strong medicines. They are worse thnu useless In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For siilo by U good druggists. : o Thoro aro several old-tlmo Jokes that soom to have disappeared. The one about tho big feet of the Chicago girls has not boon seen In a 'long time. A Ileal Iiir Solve for Burns, Chapped 1 lands unci Sore Nipple. As u healing salvo for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamborlalu's Salvo Is most fxevllent. It IImvh ths p'n of . bum almost Instantly, and unlesi i he Injury is vary severe, heals in, parts without leaving a soar. Price. nnts. For sale by all good drug gurts. iL-AjJ- Ronor Nov., April 28. Residents of Jakes Valley, 25 miles west of Ely, are driving the r cattle to higher ground today fol'owing tho appearance of great crevices in the earth, which suddenly opened and swallowed a largo number of cattlo." Tho crevices, many of them from six to eight feet wldo filled with wa ter, v Thus far ranchers have found about 50 head of cattle dead In the nowly made water holes. Tho Information of the strange action of nature was brought to Ely by Robert Burko, a government for estry employe. Many ranchers aro leaving the vicinity fearing that further disturb ance may occur. It Is believed tho disturbance was of local nature. Piles Quickly Cured At Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial PneknKe Mnilcd Free to All iu Plain Wrapper. Many cases of piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further treatment. When it proves its value to you, order more fron ycur druggist at 50 cents a box. b!mily fill out free coupon below and triRll tn-ny. Save yourself from tho surgeon's knife and its tor ture, the doctor and his bills. FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 254 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send mo a sample of Pyramid Pile Cure, at once by mall, FREE, in plain wrap per. Name Street City State Of course, the Portland business men were all smoking, and some even drank beor, and wero a wicked and ungodly lot, but just the same they make the money that keeps the churches going, and tho prohibition brethren should not be too severe on them. Give them a chance to re form and bo good, even If tho state does not go dry. The old fashioned way of doing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This Is why his prescription Dr. Shoop's Restorative Is directed en tirely to tho cause of these ailments tho weak Inside or controlling nerves. It Isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stom ach, Heart, or Kidneys, If one goes at It correctly. Each Inside organ has Its controlling or inside nerve When theso nerves fall, then these organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading drugglbts everywhere to dispense and reconi mend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days, and see! Improve ment will promptly and surely fol low. Sold by Capita! Drug Store. Shoo Ply Screen Windows and Screen Doors Wood good grade prompt delivery Chas. K. Spaiilding Log Co. Phono H8 Front & Ferry Sl. I Gold Dust Hour Made by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Ortioa. Mul ffr Family Vtet. Ante your grocer for it. Bran and Shorts always oo haJML 3 P. B. WALLACE, Agt. O. C. T. C o Steamers Pomona and Oregoai leave for Portland Monday, Wedne day and Friday nt 10 a. ni.. Tnw lay, T"mrla and Satnrds to. For Corrallls, Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday about 6:80 p. m. H. P. BALDWIN. At HrfT NUB M m M mm. mm The aged father arid mother of a prominent Boston lawyer . ' safely carried through the last two winters by The son says : " My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol. Durinc: the last two trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. t .i i it? i if .i ti. j ;i.. : i tninK vmoi is penectiy wonaenui. it uenuimy ia the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of." Wc want every feeble old person In this town to try Vinol. We will return their money without question If It does not accomplish all wc claim for it. G. W. PUTNAM CO., Druggists, SALEM. DON'T SEND YOUR HUSBAND Hero to buy meats If you want to keep down the household expenses. For tho sight of our succulent chops, juicy steaks and rich, red roasts will tempt him so thnt he will buy twice as much as you would. That would be good for us, but wo are looking after your Interests as well as our own. Come yourself. :. C. CROSS SON. ' fiiPi IHI IF ll $lm Lr f " '' : Hi YOU NEEDN'T HE AFRAID That we will upset your house when wo come to do the plumbing work you want done. Wo don't rip up the floors or barter down walls Just to make tho Job look like a blc ono. We make as little "muss ' as possible, do our work quickly and get away as soon as wo can. Think you'd like that kind of plumbing? GRABER BROS. Telephone Main 550. ome people ride the bicycle. 1 M nd some in autos course, Jife is fill of mixed desires, ' lect then what you most admire. y choice remains the norse. ut when In searc hof pure delight. ftervescent, clear and bright i i veryone can read the cheer ight in these printed verses herp jm. to. REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT A nOME? WE HAVE THEM. 106 acres, 70 In cultivation, bal ance good timber. All fenced and good land, on splendid road In 7 miles of Salem, Only $50 per acre. A snap. 575 acres, 5-room house, 2 barns, goat house nnd orchard; 200 acres In cultivation and crop; 200 acres open pasture, good; balance timber; well wntered; all stock and machin ery goo's; only $20,000. Seo this be fore you buy. 18 ntres new 4-room house, barn, orchard, fine well, 10 acres In culti vation; three acres of fine timber; biilnco pasture; all fenced, on good road. For a few days only $2700. We have houses In all parts of c'ty. from $S00 to $7500. See us, we can suit you. Somo fine lots close In cheap. We have some choice acreage in small tracts. House to rent, etc. It you want to buy, see us. We sell them. A. C. SMITH & CO. Phone 1507 8-M.Stnto St. 8KB SAVAGE & PRUNK Per Farni9 and City Property 1MJ 8. COMMERCIAIt BT. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. A G-room house, lot 55x100, good well, woodhouso, place for chickens? and garden; a bargain, only $1000. 26 acres on main road from Sa lem to Dallas, all in cultivation and In crop, 1 good team, worth $400; 5 good cows; cream separator; new sulkey plow, harrow, new buggle. good wagon, and all other Imple ments on tho placo; 4-room house,, barn 40x52, good well; two-thirds of crop of 70 acres goes with'place besides crop on it. This Is a real good place and can be boucht tnr only $4800, well worth the money. Aalr no mVnA ta uo uuuub It Two lots on Falrmount Hill, $875 each. New 5-roora house, modern, lot 50x100, In South Salem, for aaly $1700. Also four lots In samo black, $600 each. Five-room house, large porch, 10' lots, newly fenced, chicken tight ; good well; everything new; good" cheap placo, $2000. We have some fine farms near Sa lem, and also in Polk county and near Jefferson. All kinds of city property. Call on us, J. G. SCIIULZ & CO., Bush Bank Building.