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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1909)
ri 9A1LT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 180. t I i ' I , h 4 t I I B.-l r e THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFEC, EeHtor mm! Proprietor The Red, White Independent 'Kowtpaper Devoted' to American Principle and the Progress and Derelopemont of All Oregon. rubllihod Kvcrjr Evening Kxccpt Sunday, Ealem, Ore. subscription ratbs. (itirarlably In Advance.) Dtly, by carrier, per year ....W,00 Per month- .600 Dillr, by mall, per year. iJOO Per month 85o Aoolcly, by mall, per ver..M . '.00 Six month! .tOo UrONLABELV Ami ether centttituetits of your bleed are powerfully enriched and vitalized by Heed's Sarsaparllla. It Increases tho red corpuscles nnd makes strong tho whlto corpuscles, and thus protects and restores tho health. It enres scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ncss, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, general debility and builds np tho whole system. Oct It today In the aul llqnld form or It chocolated tablet form called Sarsatabs. ( Nervous People IRRIGATION PROJECT IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY WONDERFUL STORY OF THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE SOIL IN AND ABOUT CANBY ; JUST SOVER THE LINE OF . MARION COUNTY (By IS. Hofer, President Willamette Volley Development League.) Canby Is about tho last town on earth whoro ono would look for it strong manifestation of tho booster spirit, hut this Is written to attract attention to ono of tho llvo llttlo towns of tho Wlllnmotto vnlloy, whoro thoro Is a raco moot today and whoro thoro Is tin Irrigation project on foot tho first in tho Wlllamotto vnlloy nnd It la oiflcorod by very bright won. Tho prosldont of tho irrigation projoct Is Walter D. Mooro, vlco prosldont It. W. Wostbrook; soerotary nnd treasurer, M. J. Loo, Thoro Is n llttlo story about Mr. Loo that will Intorest SalomltoB. In tho early days of tho blcyclo Mr, Loo was it raco promotor nnd npoody man on tho whool iiunsolf. Ho won rncos on tho Salem tracks whoa Wntt Shlpp and Ghestor Murphy woro on tho turf, nn dstlll romombera with plcasuro tho efforts made to ImmortnlUo hlmsolf on' tho flying silent cyclo. Now ho handles tin auto with Just as much noatness and dispatch. Tho irrigation nchonio 1b a big ono and will bring -water from tho foothills of tho moun tains by tin approved engineering nchoino, and tho corporation sells por potual witter rights to all who buy lauds. Tito County l-'nlr. Tho Institution that promises a groat doal for Oanby In tho Clackamas county fair, which has rocolvod a pormanont appropriation from tho loglslaturo. Tno grounds nro flno, having ono of tho best trucks In the ntnto, and buildings for stock nnd exhibits of nil kinds. Mr. Hair In the llvo man back of tho fair, und in fact hnH u hand in all that Is for tho up building of this part of the Wllltlm otto valloy. This Is u very rloh sec tion of country, nnd to provo It thoro nro appended a fow statements from farmers In town ono Saturday after noon. Tho story or tho soli In nuil around Canby Is n wonderful record nnd ought to convince all who road that soil down thoro Is a gold mine. Statement) of Production. John Mnlnwood has 40 acres Just outsldo tho city limits. Raised corn last year nnd got CO to 00 hushols ito noro. Cot seven cents for hogs drosued. llavo flno well of water. W. II. Cochran, four miles from Canby, sold half Ills potato crop last fall and half In April. Four acres nottod him $380. Tho nvurago crop. field culture, hits beun $50 to $100 por aero. Canby potatoes aro as sta- nlo In tho largo markotB as wnoat L. Hrudvlg, ono and a half miles from Canby, owns if acres; culti vates 25 acres; pets throo tons tim othy to ttoro and sells for H it ton In field. Wheat, oats, votoho. Aero and a half cardan stuff on boavur dam land. Cnmo from South Dakota four yours auo. Would not go buck for tiny price. My chlldro nfool Bnmo way about It. There nro several Scandinavian familloa hero. J. I). Mnnloy (retired) onmo to Cnnby throo yars ago and nys tho cllmato Is the host ho over lived in. Vor.y healthy. Ih 11. Ax toll, eight years on loft bank of Willamette river, two and a half miles from Cutiby, anys pouches and berries have dona well till that time. Cut peaohvu evory year early and late. Bell In orchard from f 1.50 to $. n bushel. Bold $300 worth from 300 trees on two acroa. flood river bottom land can bo bought for 1100 an aero. Jngoh Rupp, two and a halt miles from Canby, Milk ton cows. Oct SO cents for butter fat past year. A. H. Cummlngs, on IS acres gar den land produced 1100 nn aero not In 1908, Ilheubarb, corn, melons, as paragus. Some or my land in rhu barb turned oft 10 tons por acre, at 140 a ton. Ilavo 13 acroa. In clover und grain. H. G. Qllmore has worktuUat car- CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H. Albert, Pres, E, Mi Crolsan, Vice Pros, Jos. H. Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest-on Savings Accounts notnorlng for 10 yoars. Has put up 21 now buildings tho pnst two years Phil Tuckor sold potatoes from three acres for $390. W. It. Dulr has boon haudllng liny at Canby for 10 years. Says choat ylolds throo tons to ncroi soils balod at $12 por ton on averugo. Clovor about Hitmc ylold and price. Ho han dles hundreds of cars of hay, pota toes nnd other produce ouch as grain, hons, onions, green mid dried fruits, Chris. Kraft, off IB acrea (a light orop) took 3300 busbols potatoes Contracted at $825; 20 acroa alto gothor brought him not $1050. Geo. Drown got 42 bushols wheat avorago por aero on nbout 50 acros In 1908. Ills onto wont 70 uusnois to tho ncre. Ills red clovor seed wont six bushols to tho aero. Sold ovor $1200 worth at 10 conts a pound. Mrs. II. N. Drown, Cnnby ngont of tho Southorn Pacific, ontlmntcs that tho dally shipments ot cream to Port land 250 gallons. J. J, Snndsncns rocontly sold 124 acres ono and a halt miles from Can by for $12,000. Mr. Sandsnosa ratsod ,crop ot oats and penu togothor. Ho threshed out ot products on nvo acres 250 bushols, loavlug about ono-tourlh on tho ground. Sold nt from $1.50 to $3 por bushel. Two years ago ho raised 10,400 pounds hops on 12 acres. W, II. Luocko, commission raor chant of Canby, has tlvod In Canby slnco a boy and knows tho vnluo ot products u Clackamas county. Po tatoes, wheat and oats as follews: Potatoes. 100 bushols to tho aere: wheat, 30; oats, 60. Clover, for both hay and seed, and alfalfa, ho thinks Is tho most profitable product tho far mer can produce $50 per aero for hay alouu Including tho three crops. Properly handled It could bo in tide to nroduco n Kreut doul moro. Kd Summerfiold lives In edge ot Canby; has 20 acres; ralsod potatoes, wheat and oats; raised last your 84 bushels wheat on four aoroH, about 100 bushels of potatoes to tho aero Threshed 104 bushols off throo aores of outs. W. 11. Cochran lives seven miles from Canby and two miles oiibI of Necdv: has 123 acres: doea uononil running; raised lasi enr 500 uushols of potatoes on four acres, with closo ostlmato ot $260; sold $180 worth of tat hogs fod by ratsod products; $250 worth of fruit; 28 head of sheop sold In sheen and wool last year $70; from flvo acres of whoat throshod 115 bushols; oats on six and a half acres, 200 bushols. From four cowa last year roallxcd $00 nnloco. From 50 hens sold last year $160 worth of ORgs nnd chickens, besides supplying a guou-sliod family. Miscellaneous things sold from farm, besides, about $100. This Is certainly a gront show ing with only 50 acres in cultivation, liaised 1900 pounds clovor seed worth at least $200. Ola nergs,rom, two and u halt miles wost of Molnlla. Fifty acres of land .raised lust year on seven acroa 36? bttihola of outs; sovon aores wheat 214 bushols; ovor 11,000 lbs. hops oil flvo acres, Sold 30 fat hogs last year, 400 bushels npples, 40 tons of hay. M. Meyer lives ono tnllo oast of Needy. Hulscd lust yoar 200 bushels of potatoes to tho aero; 30 bushels of wheat to tho acres oats, 50 bush els to tho aero; flvo tons olovor hay to aero. Ho has 40 ucres of laud and oul)' 20 acres in cultivation. John Krlcksen has n farm about two miles northwest ot Canby, on tho Wlllamotto river; 30 acres, 25 in cultivation, liaised lust year 300 mckB ot potatoes on three acres; 305 bushels oats on olgbt acres; 10 tons clover hay; sold from farm about $700. J. J. Mallatt lives six miles east of Cany on tho Molalla road; 90 acres lanu, 20 acres. In cultivation, rest In pasture; 12 cows that average $60 a oar. "My experience la that this 18 acres; 1300 bushels eats on 34 country. I raise oats, Ktilo and red clover! which Is excellent feed for cows." . J, W. Smith lives near Macksburg and nbout four and a halt mlloa from Qnpby. Has 116 acres land, about 95 acres In cultivation, donora! far ming. Ralsod, 300 bushels wheat on J gucres; 1300 bushels oats on 34 acres; baled 24 tons, hay and sold and used, besides, ab$ut 60 tons; clovor and clovor nnd timothy; 64 head Bcotch wool and full-bred Lin coln sheop average about $3 apiece la wool. IOWA PICNIC WILL BE CELEBRATED Thoro aro so many lown poo,plo in nnd about Salem that It Is proposod to colobrato Iowa Doy with a basket picnic nnd nrocram on soma Baturr day tho latter part of Juno. A moot ing is called at tho Board of Trado rooms Monday oronlnir nt 8 d. m. to appoint a fow committees to take charge of tho details, The picnic can ho hold nt Falrmounl Park, and would ho nttonded by hundrods. It will brine toKothor many old lown frlonds, nnd introduce tho hundreds of lato arrivals to tho IowanB who enmo during tho pant 20 years, Thoro was also a largo Immigration of pioneers In tho early dayB frbm Iowa, nnd thoy should bo givon a part in flip program, MARION COUNTY PIONEER REUNION Tho nnnual rounlon of Marlon county plonoors, usually hold In tho Waldo Hills, will tako place this yoar as usual at tho grovo of Hon. John Hunt, Saturday, Juno 20. Thoro will bo an lntorosting program car ried out as usual. Men liko (Joorgo S. Downing nnd others Interesting thomsolvcs, thoro promlsos to bo a largor attondanco than at nny past occasion of th's character, . . unit Constipation. For yoars I was troubled with bil iousness nnd constipation, which mado life mlBorablo for mo. My np petlto failed mo. I lost my usual forco and vitality. Popsln prepara tions and cathartics only mado mat tors worse. I do not know whoro 1 should havo boon today had I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver Tnblots. Tho tablots rcllovo tho 111 fooling at onco, Btrongthou tho dlgcstlvo functions, purify tho stomnch, liver and blond, holplng tho nyntoin to do Its work naturally. Mrs. Ilosa Potts, DlrmlnKhnm, Ala. Thcso tnblots aro for salo by all good druggists. And those afflicted with heart weakness mar now hitro no fear nf the dental chair. HEAD WtlAT MltS. IIANLEY 8AY8: I had 10 teeth extracted ot the Harvard Dentists' without the Icaat pain, and highly recommend them. MItB. IIANLEY, Frecmont Station. Whalebone Plate $10 A Orcat Dttcoicry. the Hcio Whalebont Plate, which la . lightest and strongest set known : does not cover the roof of the mouth ; bite corn off tho cob ; guaranteed 10 years. flOOO WE CHALLENGE THE WOULD. We will forfeit 1000 to any charitable Institution for the dentist who can make a plate for $10 ns good as we make for S10. lO Year Guarantee (lold Crown, extra heavy. ........... SC.OO I'ull Bet Teeth (whalebone 8. S. V.)..8.UO Bridge Work, per tooth, best gold. .. .io.00 White Crowns J4.00 Teeth Ito-cnamcled , $3.00 Go.U PdJUjogs ., S1.00 And not exceeding , $2.00 licet Silver Killings .'.,,.. SO.SO I'latlntim fillings S1.0U Teeth Cleaned lo.BO TMTll. HXTUAO'lKI) WITHOUT PAIN rrre linen uincr warn i unirrni Uy our new system of painless dentistry, used by us nlone. Our success Is due to the high-grade wort? dno by our expert, gentle manly opcrntgrs. Harvard Painless Dentists Comor Park and Washington Sts.. Ovor Hoynl Dakery, Portland, Or. Largest nnd best equipped Dental cstnb ilslitnent In the world ; 20 offices In United iiuiin. ujicn oununy, u to J. Iiaily until 0 4HsJIllHJsjlllli-HMOf ll8l'WHHWi ; ; Mechanics' Tools, Sharpie Separators; ;; Heath and Milligan Paints, Ornwood ;; Spray, Frictionless Metal, Builders' II Hardware j; Salem Hardware Co. ; isrWtellfll84ffailKf)lI f ih nnnnn with tho said strcot railway track ot tho Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway Company, as shown In tho plan. Said Improvement shall bo made In accordanco with tho plans anJ specifications ndopted by tho Corn mon Council of said city on tho 17th i 5-18-lltt-dly day of May, 1909, and which are hereby referred to and mado, a part of this notice. Djite of tho first publication of this notico May 18, 1909. Dy order ot tho common council.- W. A. MUUKEB, City Recorder. HaBfallaJHHTT-s-aB 5 t I Summer Rates East ii Yon Cnn Never Tell Just exactly tho causo of your rheu matism, but you know you havo It. Do you know that Dallard's .no Liniment will euro It? rollovos the pnln reduces tho nwolllng nnd II in born tho joints nnd muscles so thnt you will ho ub nctlvo and woll na you ovor woro. Prlco 25, 50c and $1,00. Bold by all Dealers. Notico of Intention to Improvo n Portion of Forry Street. Notico Ib horohy given that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa eom, Oregon, deems it ozpodlont to tho oxponso of abutting nnd ndjn-'g pnnt nrnnnrtv. Vnrrv Rtrnnt In onl.1 ! V city, full width from curb to curb, with Warren Urothorn' Dltullthlc Wntorproot Pavomont. fjrom Clio oast lino of Front strcot to tho West curb ! lino of Llborty stroot, excepting that portion of Bald Forry street which is Intorsoctod by Commercial otreot nnd oxcoptlng n strip eight foot In width extending nlong tho conter of tho proposod improvement which Is to rccolvo tho stroot railway track of tho Portland, Eugene & Eastorn Rati way Company, and cxcoptlng a strip sovon tcot in width which Is t oro coivo a switch track ot tho Portland Hallway, Light & Power Company, and which shnll extend from tho al loy running through block 35 In tun City ot Salem, Oregon, to conno-.t DUUIiVG THE SEASON 1000 via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. FROM SALEM To OMAHA and return.. $61,65 To KANSAS CITY and return $61,65 To ST, LOUIS and return $69,15 To CHICAGO and retur, $74,15 and to other principal cities In tho East, Mlddlo West nnd South. .Correspondingly low faros. ON SALE JUNE 2, ; JULY 2, it; AUGUST 11, 12 To DENVER and return $56,65 On Salo May 17, July 1, August 11 Qolng transit limit 10 days from dato of salo, final roturn limit Octobor'31st. Thcso tlckots prcsont somo vory nttrnctlvo features in tho way of stopover privileges and cholco of routes; thoroby enabling passon gors to mako sldo trips to many interesting points on routo. Routing on tho roturn trip through California may bo had at a slight advanco ovor tho rntos quoted. Full particulars, slooplng car reservations nnd tlckots will bo fur nished by tiny Southorn Pacific local ngont, or WM. McMURUAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. -HH4K saswsmmww----sss BSBs-wia-y n-.m - -- -s-aaaas-MM MBrifc-KrwfTi rri rn rri ft Willi ly iJ TO)l)lPnrarttHn si wiyi STUDY THE ABOVE MAP HLOOMUU'S ADDITION to tho City ot Newport, Oregon, is now on tho market tor the first tlmo. Tho tract is located about halt way bctwoea Nye Creek und Newport, and consists of some SO lots, on tno rising ground directly above the ocean. Each lot Is but a fow steps from' the beach and a commands a view ot tho ocean or surf for miles north and south. To the north can bo seen Jump Off Joe and tno Yaguina Head Light, To tho Louth tho ontrnnco to Ynqulna nay and tho LlfosaYlng Station. The property is about aflvo-minute walk from the boat landing Iu Newport. H Is reached by n now six-foot board walk, which runs In a straight line from the Ocean House Hotel in a northwest direction to the dots. This is now tno most popular wnlk(ln Newport on account ot its beautiful surroundings and magnificent viow ot the Paclflo whentbe.e-d Is roachod at HLOOMEIl'S ADDITION. Hore bbfore the observer the ocean and the Leach stretch for miles and milea. :aw6rd about yaquina bay You could not And a moro Interesting location to spend your summer than around thja heautlful bay, which is conceded by those who know, to bo tho most beautiful summer resort, NATURALLY, ot any on the Pacific coast, barring none. Huuting and fishing are unexcelled, and the many places of Interest close to Newport, such as the Lighthouse, Otter Rook, Seal Rocks, etc., make It an Ideal place to own a summer home. NOW LOOK AT THE MAP You will 8eo ttiat UliOOVlUlt'S ADDITION Is right on tho ocean, and yet has the great advantage ot being closo to tho bay and town, with no steep hills tocjlmb to reach It. Tho beach In front ot the proporty is good for bathing and the gathering ot rock oysters. Mr, Illoomer has already built two beautiful cottages on these lots for his own personal use. Mr. Dloome is a Seattle man, and Intends to make this the most popular addition to Newport. FOR SALE WY MEYER & IU5LLK, DRRIIY J- WILLSON, IT. A. JOHNSON, FERGUSON J. FISHER, BECUTEL & MINTON For further Information enquire at CAPITAL JOURNAL OFFICE V V'