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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1909)
8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1009. J in I i U 4 t I I 5 i K V . i1 V I I M Wednesday Surprise Sale No. 428 ICconomlcnl nnd value-seeking shopper wnlt with delight for each Wednesday' Hurprlso Sole. Ilundrcdi of good values not advertised OHc u dozen for Pure Linen il-t slr.0 Napkins. Itcnl Worth $1.50 8$ k -A Summery Waists Tlio WhIhI Keel Ion offers to today's whopper n complete showing of Tnf tola nnd Mewtnllne Wnlits In nil the new creations of Summery colors. Reduced 20 per cent Today Only All Sizes to Choose From Ladies' Tailored Suits Reduced 25 to 50 per cent Tlio largo Rendy-Mado Section offerH n special lino of Spring Hulls! Home while, n fotv stripes nnd noIIcI color; cnrofully tailored, nnd for nlKiut tlio nanio price tlio fabrics would coit. Jtcduced 1-4 to 1-2 liivefttlgnto Wednesday Only The lnrge Domestic and WiiaIi Hoods Hectlon offers White Llnlno Suiting nt lUJion yuril. Careful oh Ncniitlnii can hardly dlstltigulHli this from fluo linen when It In mmlo up mid laundered. K&trn good iiinlltyj correct weight for nlilto Hummer drcHNOMl the bout value In this town for lliu money. TODAY ONLY If W t On sole at 8:30 No telephone orders received 12k T &7k irfVt HsiLJ k"V ' &o fM IX7& fsS MUmi V5ta&rtlSt.Jd.rrV'. JkVtJCbuwn !. :.iAtu Ut9f M 3&y i v m MMMBBHWRHMW 0 o o o o O O O O ) 0 CITY NEWS O O O O ) O O U () O () Wunther KoiveaM I'll le tonight mid Thurmhi) i froht tonluht. IlKlit When Is It'.' April JTtli. That U the date for the big Y. M. 0, A. inlnntrol. rienle lliiin Plonlo hnuis, 12o par pound, nt Farrlugton'e, the Itnto atreot groaer nnd markutmnu. For Htovo WoihI And coiil call 103, Voget Lumber Company. Old Hal Ami alotheo mnd to lonk llko now nt the O. K Cleaning IliHim. l'koae 605, 190 South Commorolal street. Tlio Ihiruutf. Hotel I'lirulahod room nmt oh fit In qn neotloti. wltlt the heel whit eook luK. Malu Quartet At the Y M. 0. A. iHlHttrtrt b4kw. April STtk. lfrult TmiU PlV attMl VM-MT9 Ltttftta OH Ui Oregon Itteetrte railread: Monthly InatnllmeHt. Derby & WMIUoh. Ml-tt t'hooolntes nnd Don lon At UuoklnbRiH't I'nlaw at Bv.iMti. Kiut 0roB I'haruiHcy. 4-3tf tlMK UudertMkliii; larlor - CottnKO nmt Chomokotn ts.; oalU day or nlsht; J. 0. Bill. Phone 7Si. Fine Mnplo mid Ah WckmI Knr nalo. ahvap. for lminollatJ d lUory. Apply ICrob llros.. Hush Unrjinau building. Tiilophona Mnln 714, J-lCtf ThU Mimuih Dollar To you. Two of tho groAtest Invou tlona of tundem time on exhibition In Dorcas Uro Hop Offlro. Gnutor inoncvy mskor than telephone. Gall nnd loo thorn; froo demoBitratlon. S-31-tf lho IVr Cent luirteniont DoiuK buhncriptloua lll ba ro9lvtl for wholo or pnrt of $943$. 10 lunirovo ment lomt ally of Snlent. Intu est paynhia oml-nnuiiaUy. Apply to city rvcordor or to tho comuiUteo. . H. Mlllnrd, nt Udd & uh'i bank, laadoro Qreinbaum. at Uoa-1 telu & Oivoubauiu'. 4 15-5t Y. M. V. A. MliiHtrel Tickets now on mlo. Tho boat xwita to those who buy onrly. Keerul N'eiv louses I'or anlo or rent. For prlcoa nnd term wh VoKt Iimber Company. Your Holt Or old elotltM, which need clranlnK enllod for. Steam ClonnltiK nnd l)y Works, naxt door to Journal of llo. A 1'nv.h Supply Of vfntitnhlM, uBga nnd butter ev ery mornliiK nt tho J. M. Iwrouao Kmonry. eorner Commercial uml Fer ry Htreta I'hono 311. Never UiiikIuhI Ih your I If. If that la tho truth th got .i Uekt to tho Y. M. O. A. w'ttatrwl how. nnd you will broak over tho line, Biiro. .Mrs. .1, Klrk-T" Una lift with auoh good auoaa with hor Sunday dinners alio hna di eWil to give n apeolnl dinner on WwiM day, from 0 p. in, to S o'olook (Tig Slate utreet. 4-30-St Xutlrti to rnbllc Tk c ty ordlHaitee provldlnK that wry po'e altiwtail In the city shall be plBted, U going to he onfored by the city oWeluU. and partloi hnv Ihk poles aru requuted to attorn! to the matter nt oaee. lly ordor of Chief of Police. 4-19-tf l.lali for Wt Halum The elect rle IIkIU oomiwuy has beH taklHK up the matter of oMentllng their Hires tu West Salem and fur ulshlnK that rapidly ktowIdk suburb of Salem with l'tht ami pstvor It Heenletl. Wwt Salemltea nro onthu alasUo over the matter aud there Is ho doubt but that tho other side of the river will "shlno by night." A IrfHltto Unll Team Willamette Tent No. 6. Macoabo Is orHHHlilHK a baseball team and will eromi ttats with any other lodge team, or, for that matter, any other loal team. X. I Mottttt has beon elected captain, and ho says thoy are koIhk to do things, and tholr op ttoHeuts. If they oau. t)rKanlfliiK I.odKt.v J K Itmi'kway. supreme troasurer f the Weal or n Fraternal Assoelatloii. returued to Salem yosterdaji. ImivIhx -u-gaMlxeri a Kh1k In Portland. He 'Us arftKtsd lodites In KueH ami MaaM) The Salem lodve was the first one nrgaHlted In the alato aud has a good big membership. Wlwt Is It? Dou't you ksow ytt Say, boa. ou houM wake up and get wlo to the bltf Y M C A minstrel show April 27th New Notaries John O. demons,, Olon O. Gravos nnd Harold M. Sa7or, Portland. Trnpczo Act , At tho Y. M. C. A. Minstrel show. Physical Director Carter will do a fow turns. April 27th. Permit to Wed County Clork Allon lisuod n mnr rlaBo llconso today to Leonard C. Oiodman, ngod 19, of Portland, nnd Lllllnn A. Clomns, ngod 19, of Salem, Wanted In Iowa The govrrnor this morn's honored tho recjul ltlon of tho governor of Iowa, who asks the extradition of Kverltt Aibln, wnntod In Das Moines, Iowa, for obtaining money under fnhe protonas. He la at proBont un dor arrest In Portland. Injured In n Itnnnwny Word hn boon rocelved by n. D. Allen from D. 12. Knight nnd L. D. Keltcy, who woro Injured In a runa way nar Sllvorton n fow days ago. Mr. Knight Is improving rapidly nt presont, nnd It s thought by tho physician that ho will rocovor. Mr. Kolloy Is nlao gottlng nlong as woll a could be expected. Court Next Monday Owing to tho extra Inrg d ticket In department No. 2 of tho circuit court of Tillamook county, Judgo Gallo way will ho unnhlo to 1'onr his caeca In this city, nnd Judgo IVurnett. of department No. 1, for Marlon coun ty, will hold court for Judgo Gnllo way, hcg'nnlg noxt Monday. Tho Marlon county equity docket has ben crowded for aomo tlmo, notwith stnndlng tho many ca'ca which have beon settled rocently. .Tnx'lKMio Twisted Dr. II. C. Epley camo near having his left Jawbone twlolcd last night whllo nttomptlng boiiw of tho fpcclnl BlAints Tor tho Y. M. C. A. mlnstrots on April 27th. Announcement- j A rehearsal of tho "Chimes of Nor mandy" will ho hold at McMlnn'H dnnclni; academy. State and Commer cial, Thursday owning. April 22. All those tnkliiK part or desiring to Join, please call at 7:110 p. in. WOMAN VIGTUM OF FOUL PLAY Try Crystnlefft For tho hronth. For a alo nt: Meyer's hnrbor shop. Eckorlon's. Water cigar store. Adolph'H clpnr store. Pick Madison's. Tlio Spa. Wlllamotto Hotel. Tho Council. Tnlklngton's. ' Public Document One hundred and fifty mnll socks containing reports of the commission er of eduentlon arrived on this morn ing's oerhind from the United Statue somite WnshliiKton. I). C. id!rwd to Hon Willis C Hawlev. Tlloy will In stored In tho postofflce until Mr. Iliwlev's arrival hero, whon they will he distributed. IjlKhtlng the Alleys Alley Unlit- hnvo hoen orootod on the three blocks from Ferry to Cho meketo. nnd between Liberty nnd Commercial streets, to the great sat-Irfsrt'-m of the police dennrtment. Lights are not yot In on tho throo h'oeks lust weat of Commercial tret. hut a soon n" dlffe'enees can bo adjusted with tho compnntos own ing the poles thon the lights will go In thore. Chlff Gibson nnd lfa mon nnpreelate these nllev lklits. as It make hiding nlncos for tho orlmlnnl and hnue breaking olns rather senrce. lOl fill Thore hundred Ne jHiit s hotto'- outlook for thoirand dollar hotl an for umme- i---ort and tourl-t trnde at vewiwr than evor before In the hls orv of that ehwmlng aensldo city. A svmllente that Is hiiMdlng a tonrht hotel at Port Anxelea hns J-iist had 'ore eniatlve- over Mito r?d thoy w nhotonrapheil the wholo coun try from Ottr Ho'k to Heaver Preek " wtl 8el U-ck. Th same syndlrnto s ope-etlng 19 or BO hotela. nnd sny h,v wM hni If th'r 's a empe to et ra'lrosd srtmmoilatlnHs In there -rea wltbla five mm When Harrl Hiaa Is tkreatenlas; to oxaeed some oh" on wv t'n ta Oron. they Usw faith to baikve be wl'l nut ome if It lata a tour'st llae with through hi'hs aad 'lenB em sendee to Newport from Portlaad direct. thirled Into tUiMMiient At bh early boer this mornlg. Ru Hie Pistt. living Jn-t ea of the Or-iro U'eerlc depot, on MI'I street, "as wiVn f-oni M sl)Mn lv what e Hiiumm-.l to ha the eleetrte ear trviHw to rllmli hi- f-nt steiu. It roved to be the Falrmount dalrv de l'vrv wago seVtn: shelter 'n his mnem--nt The horse became fr'ght t at the car. and backed acosi the lawn lato a double window rBer tbaa a smashed window and tpliletl milk, no dnmago was done. ltv .lull ltiun'y Chief o' Po'ee Glh'on liberated e tat of the four prisoners In Iho -ty teU tolay at 12 o'clock. Teabo. U- Htn who sM the team of horses "Ht to sother man ror $45. xSm1 tl matter Tho other two d a halMav man wore tumM oat wMk ttwirM-teRa to net. whleh he wa - Klad to do. l-r 1 Hllltr Tb o)i Winniette Is w lutMb ' dw o the extre low water ark. ad It rtllotM by the eMk4t hmhi that the welr w he 'no Ww Ufre Utei; to a r-nlt mst' vtt4H h tUj vr rlvc. The steam w OrMsitA Sh4 Pom-aa are hav'nv en vIh Mwwn tnls city ad n-taiil ancvr atul th frth lil enplsllv is on th hm i'w ent Oa the upner Wlllatn- p" l n'nw for hs IsrcA hnat ha ttJnltH Press Leaned Wire. Portland, 4prll 21. Believing that his wife has been murdered or haa been abducted or hypnotized In Port land, II. W. Mix, a member of the hoard of directors of the Seattle Commercial club, vice president of the Seattle Italian club, and vi:e president of the Pacific Coast- Fire Supply Company, has oomo to Port land to search for the missing wo man. The police hnvo been investigat ing the case all day, and ono man. giving his nanio as 15. L. Carr-dl, his been arrested in connection with the case .i rs. Mix came to Portland with $2500 in her possession Inst Wednes day and visited n prominent family hero for n day. Thon she moved to tho Imporlnl hotel, whoro she stnjod two days. Then sho dropout out of sight. An oxprossman callol for her trunks, and according to Phil Mot schnn, proprietor of tho hotel, sho was presumably going cast. How ever, It wns loomed that hor goods woro taken to n houno on Thirteenth street and later moved to 2G0 Twolfth street, nnd thon to hoiiio unknown destination. This bnggago is valued at approxi mately $7C0 and tho man giving his nanio as Carroll Is held under n chnrgo of grand Inrcony for tho thoft of those trunks. Ho wob Identified by tlio oxprossman who moved tho trutiKs as being tho man who had received baggago nt tho houso on Thirteenth street. Carroll says ho Is connected with the Iloynl Asiatic Socloty of Amer ica. This is what especially worries Mr. Mix, us his wife two months ago took up a lino of Asiatic studios ns a fad, and It Is believed possible that bur connection with these studios may hnvo led In sumo way to hor disappearance hero. Mrs. Mix left hor husband luflt Wednesday evening to visit her par ents In Hangor, Mo., Intending to visit In Portland for two days, then to go on to San Francisco, then to Los Angeles nnd thonco oast. Sho oarrled with her $2500 In chocks nt tho time besides vnluublo Jewels. The trunk and two suit eases, one leather nnd the other cane, were fill ed with fine clothing uml It Is feared Mrs. Mix has been murdered for the money, or that she has been In duced by a gang of fakers, supposed ly alveu to Asiatic studios, to no Into hiding with ihoin. WANTED PAY FOR HIS TiM OOOOOOOOO PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOO o 0 o Aftor making a trip to this city to pay bis taxes, W. T. Hurt, of Sll rrton, failed to pay all his property tax, ow'ng to his name being mis placed on the tax roll, and he camo o. OltitA.tnH nnnln naf Atf1 a V rXT' Vfn'i ."nh wn o visit friends for tho remainder of tho Miss Mabel Robertson went to Portland on tho Electric this morning to visit for a week or more. Mr. Strong, of Corvallls, has lo cated In Salem, nnd purchased the R. J. Kinney plnco through tho Dennis & Hughes real ostate Arm. Clarence Wilson returned last Light from tho bedside of his father-in-law, at Lebanon, C. Harnetta, who has boon sorloimly 111 for tho past few days. Mr. Harnetto is an old pioneer of Orogon, nnd Is 70 years old, Robert and Mrs. Weddnm, of Itoseburg, arrived this morning to nenalized. and had Interest due on them. Mr Hurt objected to being charged with the interest and penaKy from overdue taxes, and asked tho "herlff to -trlke out that amount, which tho collector of tnxo9 was fun nblo to do, It not bolng within his power. Mr. Hurt explained that it wns not all his fault the property tax wob overlooked, and that ho thought ho should be componsatod with a day's wngos nUo, having lost a day making tho trip to Salem. NEW CORPORATIONS"" GOING INTO BUSINESS Articles of Incorporation wore filed In tho office of Frank W. Uenson, sec retnry of state, April 20, ns follews: Tho Kllngc-lihicbo Co., principal of fice, Portland; capital stock, $15,000; Incorporators, Martin Kllngc, P. K. Enebo, Jennie Klingo nnd John K. Encbo. Hnrborton Wntor & Land Company, principal offlco, Portlnnd; capital stock, $100,000; incorporators, T. L. Greenough, T. F. Wren nnd A. C. IOminons. Electric Dovolopmont Company, principal offlco, Portland; capital stock, $50,000; Incorporators, W. II. Cobb, Irving Nottingham nnd C. W. Kllppol. Tho Athenaeum, principal offico, Myrtle Cieek; Incorporators, S. S. Johns, M. I). Johns, LC. Nelson, C. O. Nelson. A. C. Dotg, E. L. Koozol, T N Humphreys, Henry A. Adams uml Luln L. Howlan.i. Dcsfun Trust Co., principal offlco, Portland; capital stock, $25,000; In corporators, E. It. Clausen, II. E. Carlbom nnd C. W. Elston. United Trust Company, principal office, Portland; cnpltnl stock, $10. 000; Incorporators, E. L. Frnloy, J. . Ilonson nnd frnnk L. Wallor. Will E. Purdy Investment Co., prin cipal offlco, Portland; capital stock, $10,000: Incorporators, Will E. Pur d. M. 11. Evans and II. D. Wlntor. MASSACRES (Continued from Pngo I. i ; k Admiral Howe will probably dls tho year, but tho smnllor ornft nro patch n force of mnrino to protect realzlng a good passenger trade. i ifiuropenn resldontB of tho vlllagos hero, W'llluiiiiif d, Trni'l.- IViim HIk Hill Haywood is putting In his lCtrator vacation week coaching Wil lamette track team. He has about 12 men In training, raw material that la beliiK licked Into shape b) his sturdy me. hods. He says In one week he hones to net them working on tho system that will convert them into winners. Song With n 5fomI While other matters nro occupying the public attont'on, It Is worth not ing that some of Snlom's back alloys are nut In nice osudltlon. Don't for- aet that old aoug. tho refrain of which la "Ciena Up Your Own nack Yard." Paint Is Needed Tho Sienna Pnlat Co. Is atli. do'ng hutlnoes In Salem, which nignerj hat either Its product or somoono else's would Improve tho looks of many bus'iiee buildings. A wide nwako olty, that wants ta get thero. ihould iirotlt by Ihe Imnoh gh-on by tho lad'ea, and taint tip tho front view. To lliilld on LeMlo Slnvt O. J. Gould, agent for Wella-Far-ho. haa completed arrangemeats for huliniug a re Ideuee oh Ielle street, between Comuieixlal bb1 IJberV" and Carey Martin, the well-known at toriitn. v,V. also put up a haudlitne "evidence oa the corner of L'lie and Uberty streets. Awbaaasilor James Hree Is to open the Alaaka-Yukou exptMitlon ut S-attle lllannfnliaa rnolvnil linrA Ii t At. I ' i'" - .""""" .."."" "' fniug any me toes oi lie in mo mnssn cros in the Vilayet of Aleppo Is oven greater than that at Adenn, where more than 500 person were ilaln. The population of Aleppo Is more than 1,000.000, and the moagre re ports say that thousands of per sona were killed there within tile past 24 hours. Lanilos. April 21. Tho 8ultnn of Turkoy I- to retain his throne, but his cnhlnot Is to roMgn Immediately, under an agreomont ho has signed with tho loaders of tho' Young Turks, according to dlspatchos recelvod horo today. The Constantinople corrospondont of the Exchange Telegraph Is au thor ty for tls tatomont, which ho declare Is authontlc. Private mo-sages confirm tho cor ro pondont's dispatches which ny that, following the signing of the agreement hotwoen the Sultan and he Young Turks, the government sent provisions to the army outsldo he cty. The army was scantily pro visioned and neoded toree badly. It i also reported that tho barrack aro being prepared for the invaders' pMnaaey whon they march Into city. 0J- tho -o- "Onllforjilii ItiiNu Day." California invites all the world to hi California ralalns on April SO i'er day r that matter, but par-u-ularl) on April 30 which has beu oilded to the i'lendar of festival oc nloiiB as a iImx of reJtlclRK Rat t'tlifiuiilH ralsnn on "California Itat--m Da April 3 4-21-2S. Harry GIrnrd loft this morning for Portland, to transnet business and bco tho Portland-Los Angeles ball game. Mrs. T. II. Hornor returned to her homo In Dallas last night, aftor a short visit hero, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Clemmens, of Sonttle, nro In tho city vitlng tho state Institutions and tho city. L. D. Wlckcrsham roturncd to Eu gene ln-st night, aftor an extended bUBlnoss vlst hero nnd In Independ ence ( Miss Helen West was among tho Portland-bound passengers thlo morn Ing. Jay Stapleton hns returned to Port land after a brief business trip hero. Mrs. Allco A. Miles is In Olympln, Wash., called thero by tho serious Illness of n grandson. Sho will ho gone Indefinitely. IJ. E. Edwnrds has roturncd from no extended business visit to South ern California. Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Thomas of Turner nro In tho city for tho day. Mrs. C. P. Bishop of Portland is tho guost of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnuncoy Ulsliop. Miss Eva Savage Is visiting friends In Forost Grove. Miss Jessie Catching of Portland Is teh guest of friends horo for n fow days. Mrs. Rose Hargoss of Irving Stntlon Is visiting her mothor, Mrs. S. A. .Ills. W. W. Xlnn and Ed Ellis mndo n business ttlp to Dallas this afternoon. o . Miilem Hotel Arrivals. """" Drain K. A. Laird nnd wlfo. Pasndomi S. O. Whnlon. Carson City, Nov. Mr. and Mrs. Iluchmiiu Vancouver Chas.'Mlllor and son, C. C. Hall. Robort Estos. Oregon City Thomas J. Mosses, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Dudloy. Tillamook J. C, i.oallo and fnmlly. LnOrnnde Dick Uushnoll, Hnl A. Henderson. Wnlnmn Mr. nnd Mrs. S. E. Ison, Franklin G. Slmos. The Dalles F. M. Dawson. Saoramonto Geo W. Young. Toledo, ore. Mrs. C. E. Hnnklns. Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Hubort C. Falters, Roy Ilolllstur and wlfo. Dallas T II. Morrison. F. II. Smith Albany Hob loung, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.Iacobsnn. Portland A. A. Raetbtirg. II. F. Lee, CO. Lauutzon, Mrs. C. Nloh ls. II. II. 13 ii I log. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fnntaln, Wm. Kelley and wlfo, Dan iel D Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Manning, Jacob Walters and family, Al Itomauly. c. N. Hunt. Seattlo-0. P. Wolf. F. T. Mo- Comet. Welser, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Goo. D. Coopor. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Pm nk Meredith, Resident Agent Room 13, Ladd & Bush, Dank Building. MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Hush's Bank, Snlem, Oj PIANO TUNING LUTELLUS L. WOODS. lining, polishing, repairing. Phof08 O O t) O O O O O O () O () n o NEW TODAY O O O t) o o o o o o Ayer's Hair Vigor rnlllns tiolr Ain't Hilr Vlar promptly Jtttrort the mu ttut cauw fMn( tutr It Muiishcs th hlt bulti. rorr incm l hfMh. The lull ttopt auiKN.u ipunftfuufC l.4Uir Dandruff AytrU HiJr Uor Jut u ptomrtly Jtro the fiennt Hut wun: iJUnUiull It ttmovc ewry trice of JinJrull Uu.U, and kcp Uic tcalp mn m a iiiny kutiuiltufl. c wth sou to p,v.itiwly and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor ' n',llalV"? '"r ot the lulr. even to the slightest decree. Found --Drawing of city lots. Own er can have same by paying for this ad. 4-21-3t For Sale Two good freeh cows, cheap. If taken at onto. Phone Farmers 231. Dert C. Clearwater. 4-22-3t Fine Lot Two ljlocks north af the state house. Call at 382 North Capital street. Phqne 1630. 4-21-lw For Sale One thousand vow b.rlck, for $S per 1000. Enquire of A M. Hansen. 4-2 1-3 1 HmttUHeUHHIleHI9eeHHfmi special SATURDAY special Children's Trimmed Hats 1-4 to 1-2 off on all Children's Trimmed Hats for one day only, Saturday, April 24 Mrs. P. E. Fullerton LEADING MILLINER 291 N. Commercial St Phone S78 S85? BARGAIN 551 Lot 70x140 on Winter Street, near Oak NEXT lO J. II. ALiiunrs. RESIDENCE Apply to Meyer & Belle Laid Co. 467 State St, Phone 857 pnutlalty gUen out at tola time of I II ll H1 i) )f jl8I Ht!K wJL 9T Mxt&-rv:,i WTViliiHY- MgiillaaaWIi-tiriaaliiiBato