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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1909)
HWWJWffw msmmmmmmsm IWMW. M Sir wr .r C R I " 3 i ' I ; tv yv p? i f j. rt v r H I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AI'UIL 13, 1000. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOFKR, Editor and Proprietor Independent Newipaper DeToUsd to American rrlnclplet and tho I'roKreM nd Dorelopemont of All Oregon. Published Mrerr Krenlnn Bxccpt Sunday, galcm, Ore. HUUSCIUITION HATES. (InrarUblr In Adtanoo.) Dallr, by carrier, per year W.OO Per month Mo Daltr, by mall, per year.... M Per month 85o Weekly, by mall, por year '.00 Six month ..60o De not worry ever yoaT GRAY AIRS. Health BATTLING FOR BETTER STREETS EFFORTS 10 KILL SOUTH GOMMERGIAL STREET PAVING- FIGHT BEGUN IN EARNEST FOR BOULEVARD TO FAIR GROUNDS Tho ilty council was ronloto with oxcltlng InolilontB, ono hulng tho voto of tho imtyor of tho orcllmmco for paving ono hIiIo of Winter Htreot. Tho struct will now be a iiiiioiulum pnvumunt, ft regrottable fnol iib It Ih ono of the main thorough ruro load ing off Blnte "trout. An olTort wns made to roconsliler tho iiotltlon for paving South Com iiiorolnl Rtroot with bltullthlc, hut fnlloil, tho wholo miutor being ro forroil to tlio ntruot commlttuo. Tho forcing of hard Hiirfnoo paving over that h trout Ih hulUnrod to bo cunn ingly roHlMtod by property Intorosta north mill oiiHt, as thoy four IhihIiiohh property will advance to tho Houth If thnt trot Ih piivrd. Tho olTimt of tho paving petition Iiiih boon to Htliu ulnto hiiIoh of propurty at bottor prlcoB on tho hill than have ovur boon obtnlnod boforo, nnd lots nro being advanced nbovo the thotiBAiid dollar mark. Oilier Stri'otM I'romolud. Stops woro tiikon for oponlug Oho moketn itroot throiiKh the Clark Iroporty. nnd bojuiid 21st. Aluo for the Improving of h miniher of' streota In North Salem. Mr. Stolz took exception to the specifications of Borne or those Mud IihiI thorn nil toforrod to the street ooiiiinltoo. Mr. Ilofer moved tliHt the commlttoo on fair grounds honlevard bo oin pow ered to net with tho city attorney, and brln condemnation proceedings to open a unliable boulevard to tho Htato fair Bt'oundfl. He said there had been uolhliiB but Jockeying silh the riml netnti, IntoreMtH ho fHr. and wnrnml the city not to lot the yorr PHbb wllliout bulldliiB that boulevard. 1 1 Ih motion wan ndoptud. CONSIDER ORDINANCE DRASTIC will restore them to their NAT URAL COLOR, bo matter how long tlic hair has been gray. You will l sarprlsed how QBlckly the change Is made, how permanent the result Is; how luxuriant a nrowth and healthy a head oJ hnlr yem will hove. Thousands are proving It dalljt IS NOT A DYE. 1 AND ?0c. BOTTLES. AT DJOISTS. rSSS;r i. .bin nn. and olt. lie QrUfrffltlR. w ntsii .. .. ...vii 2e. tot Irca book!, "I'M uare oi me om, "Tbl c. Ju, "Y?r-71 1. Ptollo Hay Spec. Co, Newark. N. J. under tho mot fnvornblo condi tions.." Tho rport wa adopted by the council. vary from tho flno smooth weave of French linens to tho heavier aolf atrlpes and crashes. Linen duck la very popular for suits of a strictly ta'loreJ ordor. Collnrlcss Frocks. Most of tho fashlonablo dress makers are making tho oummer frocks for young women without any itandlng collars at nil, cut a llttto rounded or pointed In tho neck and finished Blmply with a band of In sertion or in lieu of this with ono of tho flata Dutch collars that Is bo becommlng to tho possessor of a well rounded throat. A perfect boat of separate llngorlo collars Indescribab ly flno and dainty and adapted to low nock offects nro now being Bhown In the neckwear departments of all the shops. (SOSSIl I'ltOM THIS WOULD OI' FASHION.' The tioltl comiiiitiwc to whom wan rfrrl nt the but mating of the ally council tl mtlr of anfore liiK tho onlliinuea rauulrluic tha Ha lorn WooIoh Mills Company, Uta lorn Wnlar Compauy. and tha Swlvm 1'lourliiK Mill CJompany. to rapluoa tha bridge which wm broka down on Winter teet aorotm tha wnlar pow er dltoh raporUtl hi fellnwa: "Dafor tha haftrlnnn held during two a-vlng f tha pat waak woro over the bridge eomiulttaa wh eon vlueod thnt It wn 1U duty to order tho brldg roiBOl by tho 8trot GommlaBlouHr aad so ortlerl, an thar) Momed to Ua to many lagnl tfbataelaa Ik tha way of compelling tha aorttoratloHB owhIbr tha dltoh to prvaaait and kaap tka siraet opn to trams. Trow the heftrtitgr had bafora your jolat eommUtM at which tha owmmh of tk South want ditch aaaaarav la paraon aid by attoraay It apivaart Uwt tha franaWaa for thHi wtlar powar wm gntatat) by U tg- UiIh aubjeot tor tho protection nnd promotion of water powor In dustrie nnd to oncournKe tho con struction of power dltohoB, nnd U itppenrt very doubtful tc thin commtt te whathor an not of u city oounell coniIiI abrognto any rlghta naqulred under laws that apply to all wntur power dltohrts In the stata and which no olty lwa o for baaa able to sat aslda. "I li .lait niiularftl fvAtn I ha tiAAr. lug, befora tha oommlttaa that the often gra,a and eharrlea on one .Ide. )iaa of Ufa frow the powur dltoh -"'"..-. .., "'"'"' -"," had been vary tmall, and tha'eorpor atlona liitaraatal expressad a willing neas to do all In their power to make their property wtfa In that raapuot. SprhiB Millinery; Qimiiltle of I'linv crs; Hows on tin' Duck of lliitw; Drldiil TroHscim; Siiiiiincr I'rorks. Wharerer two or three women (ihnnoe to meet nowadayt the all ab sorbing topic Is millinery. There haa boon Biich a vory doclded chntigo In tho shape of the liaU this year that It Is extremely dlllloult at llrst to accept tha new models without a groat deal of limitation nnd prollml nary "looking around." The Spring hats are very heavy looking but In reality the materials nro light. Large tut bans, mush room shapes, bowl shapes and n. large variety of eurloiis models and shnpos of which In gar description. Hut the two things most noticeable In the new mllllury "an the poo or the hat upon tho head and the com plicated and tophenvy character of the crowns. lOvery hat 1 worn low upon the head and whatover Its Mhnpe the crown Is lnverlhly ex tremely wide, io thnt a woman with a small head oho of these models uppeara not tinllko a Biiuffor on n can dle. Itotu'H, Tulips and Wisteria. There never wiib unite such n xer hoii for nrtlllclnl flowers. Amorlcin Ileauty ami Juno roses are the mont popular blossoms and then come tu lips, popple", wisterias, sweet pent with, of course, the pcrenlal violet ami a quantity of line Dowers eurh as forget-mo-nots, heliotrope, etc. I'nult of all sorts Is also a favored ilecyalloH. Many of the hats look like Inverted salsd bowls with per haps a bunch of mixed fruits, most color tied arouud It and the whole nnUhed off with a bow In the back. A Itlium StNii-oii. To anyone In touch with the ticii I It wa, N ahown that the three ear- """"J fM"l7111lIll ,? ..ntlnU nl.n.. !. tl,..Mn.l lHt lH" ""! Of lUQit Will OUtdO dollarB n year taxte la this olty. and voguo preylouslj known In linen .,.. ....! .. ..... ......... -.! 'suitings ami dreae materials. Lord A Tayor Is making a most entic ing display of the wonderful range that nwlag to the changed conditions i of the whent orop. the 1'lonirlng Mills have kaea kept open at a lose dur ing the past year of about $15,009 "The first eeeaslon of your com mittee was held April 6, and the sec ond session April S. At the henrtnye copies of the ordinance were rend and showed that four things are re quired of the ditch ewners: I That both side of the ditch be foMeod with net wire fence. II Thai the ditch bo covered I where It ruas alouf a street. Ill That brkifea full width f , street be autlataiaed by ownf IV That the chaauel of rbe dltoh Idiom If oepitfil provldas security, tf surplus find undlvldad profits IndlCBtti prosperity, if qonstnnt growth Is proof of good sorvicoi thn wo solicit your bujinoss on tho ground thnt wo offor you tho .wr vlco of n good bunk, Capital National Bank ESTABLISHED 1885 J, II. Al.miltT, Trtih. K. M. GitOliUN, Vlce-l'nvs. JOS. II. Al.MKUT, Cwkhlcr i-i-u- ..i. if . u.iu. ikuM . be narrowed to twelTe feet There irm the franchise of the city Ueelf. J ao Ww oiHteee and the questloa of enforawreat w whM the legal whlth of the grantal wlllt neehl logUlaUon on , a,t,n "w bwl tbw r,n, or way ueewa tor taau tarougu wairn the ditch ruaa Its entire length. "INtllowlag was subwltteil by the! committee to the owners of the dltca as e.oredMg their position after eon alderlag the wauer: 1 The owners of the dltoh agree to fence the dltek wherever nere sary to eroteet the anbUe. U.The ewaers of the ditch are willing to realrlet the same to a rea- soaahle width wherever H arcaees aUts, m. The owner of the dtteh are willing to restrict the seme to a rea sonable width wherever It erosse or runs along streeU. Iv The ownera Ueellne for legal grounds to aasuwe th exnenee o bultding or maintaining street bridges on etreeu of the olty. After full hearing at the matter your committee considers the require ments of the ord'nanee toe drastic. aa to enforoement wxiW puet and en tail an ejenemm that would almost eonfUoute the propertv of these cor poiatlon nt a time when we aro aU luvltlBg tapltal to come to our city of plain coloring and In tints that rival the Hneat shades of the Kreuuh dyers. All the fruit shades, In plums grape and the dull rich tones hith erto found oh by In the more 001 ly faerie are here In textetres that Sel Wear Oiit Dr. .Miles Anii-Pnin Pills ivlievo pain not ouly ouce, but as many Unie it is nocessnry to tnko them. ' Afnuy peitsoiu) who suffer from chronic ailments .rind in them a source of groat relief from the suffering which they would otherwise be com pelled to ondure. Their soothing influoiieo upou tho nerves strengthen rnther than woaken them. For this reason they sel dom lone their effectivc uess. "I 9 U and har suCwrM lar tl ywi tnw svriuut truubl. rhulUu sd nurli. (wtlpiuitan at t hrul! m of lrMla. SnklMMio. ail wli urtxji.l ins Emm Tltr l' VI li.- v.11, Cui . 1U hm brn a IHr ns ' "' I dkm't Knr I -t-.ui 4o :tt .u ihsfn. and II.. r U v. .. I SAVa m '-xii 1 1 1 r 0 4 u i ar ut li - 1 if 1 1 I .- born lac llurtt. I. 1 1 ,uriHM rrultl vrt i.. 1 1 1 1 ; ivl Ik i.llit4 ta viiui ntB-vsoN. ST Ortvr Hi'i'..i liwu Dr. MikM' Aitua.i e: r yur entas1- K vu auaxawM Uut tr Mrt S4tk mM at It It fall. h wiU itlwra taur ri d, 3 Nar otl In bulk. Mtlcs Medical Co.. ClUurt, lnd Colorctl Kmbroldcry. A snsclal featniro 0' this Bcaeon fashions nro embroideries wrought! , In colors of tho most vnrlogntod?. 3 ahadoB on whlto cotton and llnonp materials. A oharmng summer frock ( of white iMvn Is mndo In tho newt princess effect nnd has tho ccntorj front panel of fine tucking out lined down each Bide by wldo banJa of palo pin'- ombroldory worked on the lawn. The same embroidery ed ges the round nock,' trims tho sleeves nnd hoads tho llounce that starts from each side of the front panol, Smart Shirt Wnlst. Cotton gronndlne or n It Is often called cotton Marquisette s a vory smart material for the dressy sum mar shirt waist These are elabor ately trimmed with Oluny laoe and hand embroidery or they aro braided Tle ni10ve dekn Is hv The McC.ill In cotton soutache or comatlon braid (".mr.w. New Yor'. .Pattcm rr.T- v and prettily trimmed with croohot .cbtJlneJ t ,iw .XUL-ill Akv. lmttono. . o Often the most revere criticism of watched pot nover bollx, but a public men U the nlgheat praise. It lack-pot will nlzzlo If the ante Is , tl pf-ndu of course, on the source and lntni rnough. hf motive of tho crltlclrm. Mi S SfM h WVl 2667 jp;' -tu 1 vt '.Ani jpsi -1 1 mil. nini rt-s ta 'ow figtia ' s 'wm M ' 'V'MX if 1 II tm 1 mm m . Ill rfW ft V, 1W 1 : ill nm r n if vrll jiii p vlli,Yl;v1, ii SIMPLE WASH CURES ECZEMA i'bK Why Salves Will Ayhllo a Simple Liquid lias Accomplished Thou sands of Cures. It Is now thoroughly established among tho best medical authorities that eczema is purely a skin disease, duo to a germ, and curablo only through the skin. It Is not a blood dlseaso at all; In fact, thousands of people suffor with skin dlseaso and nro perfectly healthy otherwise, and thereby prove they havo no diseased blood. Smeary salves cannot reach tho gorms becauso they do not penetrate tho skin. The only way to roach tho germs Is by moans of a penetrating liquid. Such a llauld can be obtained by simply mixing ordinary oil of wln- torcroon with thymol, glycorlno and other honllng ngonts. This compound known as D. D. D. Proscription, Btops the Itch Instantly and tho euros all appear to he permanont. In fact, It took thousands of cures, case after cafce, boforo tho host scientific au thorities were convinced of tho ab solute merit of this romody. D. D. D. Prescription kills tho gorms in tho Itching skin. Its ofToct Is scon within one mlnuto after tho first ap plication. We especially rocommond U. D. Soap In connection with the troatment. The Capital Drug Co. Some Coos liny people got religion wth as little forothought as a child gets measles. 0 Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion taken occasionally will soon rollovo you of all the simple stomach ail ments thnt you now havo, but whh may be more serious later. Sold br all druggists. o Mnn dot ant much cate what else lovch woman 1- so long n sho 's lovely I the KING W-CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS and COLDS AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES PREVENTS PNEUMONIA " CONSUMPTION "Two years ago a severe cold setUed on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was uuable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after usine one botUe I went back to work, as well as I ever was." 1 W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tcnn. PRICE 50c AND SI.OO SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY A J. C. PERRY. Pierce Bicycles None Better $40 355 gjBBaaBBBaaBBwasMHBiBm Oaaaaa .yfye nan YPinxis ( Snell and Harvard Bicycles $25, $30, $35, $40 According to Equipment PIERCE BICYCLES are too wall and favorably known to need much praise, This yeat wetove a new model in the Pierce Line. THE HEAVY SERVICE MODEL, built to stand abnormal, use; extra heavy frome and forks, steel rims, G. & J. tires and coaster,, $45.00. Please note we maka no extra charge for steel rims on this model, SNELL BICYCLESThe oW reliable; Hussey bars, 6. & J, tirw, coaster brake $40.00. HARVARD BICYCLES This is a bicycle that we equip to suit the rider; prices range tiom$25.00 to $45.00, according to equipment, BICYCLE REPAIRING Our repair department Is in charge of the best bicycle man in Salem; sick bicycles called for and delivered. Give us a trial, A Full Line of Bicycle Sundries Gau-ie A Full Line of Bicycle Sundries