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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1909)
Tnsztrz. fZ:ZX3&S52c3Z ' c DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAL.OI. OREGON, WEDNESDAY ATRIL 7, 1000. &P&tJimBm&liltoKagiftEB2eWK&BaKW OOOOOOOUOOOO SMILES. oooooooooooo Tho dofoat of Sonntor Ulnghnm for mayor of Kugcno, nn ablo and popular man, In a strong Republican city, snows that thoro Is something moro behind city govornmont than party politico. In ordor to win at Portland tho Republicans will hnvo to do Homothlng besides put up u trong purtlRan. A Portland court holds that thcro Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous mombranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubss. "As pleasant to tho taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It, For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Trj UMt KMiwj tnd Bliddtr PIHt -Sure and sift J. O. PKRRY. CLASSIFIED ADS AND REAL ESTATE SECTION FOIt HALM Tr Bale A first-class second-hand buggy, choap. Inqulro at Journal offlco. 8-10-tf For Bole Restaurant for salo choap. Hnqulix) at Journal olllco 4-G-lwk VOll HAMv Bplondldly Improved dairy fnrmj fully oqulppod. Ap ply W. D. Qllson, 344 Btato. Will tnko somo city proporty. 3-20-tf For Halo A good hoavy span of heavy mnres, on Frank Smith's farm, 14 mllo from prison, an tho Mnuluay road. M. A. Aufranco. 3-41-lwk. Vor Halo Fii'Hl-ulnss, second-hand buggy, cheap. Address "M.," caro Journal. For Bale -o-room houso, 8 lots, barn, ohlckon park, fruit, and borrlos, good will. Tonus. J, n. Hobs, Twentieth anil Loo streotH 4-6-1 m W)r Hah' Gray toam, 7 and 8 years old, weight 2000. Enquire at 4 GO North Commercial. 4-0-3t For HIo Good bouoo and corner lot cloiw In. $1800. Addross "Rot," Carp Journal. 4-G-3t VOU KENT. For Iti'iif A suvun-rooiu houso, and good barn and Iota of fruit, inns Trade stroot, uwir 22d Htroot, or for snlo. 4-5-31 l')!' Roni Four-room uottugo. Eu qulro of II. R. McWhortor. 14th nnd Mnrkut ntreetH. 4-3-Gt WANTED llortUrn stroot. Witfo! At 678 Sttto 3-tf-lra WAiUrxl 26 ntoii, hop yard work. Krobs Dros., IlAiBh-llroymau build in g. Phono 131. 3-15-tf WnntiHl To trade good house and half aero with some fruit, barn and ohlckon park, In Jacksonville, tho homo town, for unimproved farm land. Will pay oiiBh (or Part. R. T. HURNHTT. 4-2-1 in Jacksonville, Oro. WiinI Man and wife to work on ranoh. Cat bir addiHM II funita hau. R. F. I). 3. Haiem. Or. 4-6-lw PLUMUHUn Tliw. M, Hair pluiitliMK. a and stiMim heatlnu nnd llama. 1G4 Cominurolal street. Phone Ualn 103. 9-1-1r M. J. Peuol Plumbing, steam and gaa fitting. Huccostor to Knox Murphy. SSti Gnuiuuirclnl itreot Otto .Miu'llliaupt, plumbing, heating, gas fitting; prlcM roasonuble; work guarnuteed; catlmatoa furnished, phono 373. 1066 Chomekola St. 3-17tf Mr. F. U. Frltts, Oneonta, N. Y . writer: "My llttlo girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foley's Orlno lAxlttve, and I think It Is tho boat remedy for constipation and liter trouble." Folcy'u Orlno IaxatWe Is beet for women and children, as It la mild, pleasaut and eftoctlvo, ami is splendid spring medictno. as It oloawwa the system and clears the complexion. For salo by J. O. Perry. CASTOR I A Tor XifcaU vU QkilAmL m AIM R HVfw nfVvJv MpK Z'eara u. . f &ffi& Binv Is neorly $7000 duo that city from i A KNOCKER Justices who have collected irtarrlngo ,9 n man who can.t gco d ,n fees. It would bo Interesting to . ,,,,,, ... r , . " , know what tho follows or tho women porgoa or th,nB. I'" habit causeJ would pay tho city to get out of It. "y a d'sordored liver. If you find i that you arc beginning to see things City Attornoy Koyes has nbout through blue spectacles, treat your threo times as much work as ono man, vcr t0 a go0tl cloan,nB out proceM con do. But what doos ho think of ,,,, ,., ... . ' tho aldormon, who havo moro than i w,th Bal,ar1 "erblne. A jiuro euro thoy can do, nn dd oit nil for glory? j r" constipation, dyspepsia, Indlges- J tlon, sick headache, biliousness, all Mndamo Modjoska's maldon namo llvor, rtomach and bowol trouble. was Doxedn. Sho married Oustav Modrzojowskl In 18C1, and somo tlmol aftor hr huHband's doath married i i.jr prosont husband, Count Chlnp-' owskl. It shows tho nemo of genius , to have carrlod both thoso name through life, nnu still become great. . A dispatch this morning says that tho now consul-Ronornl for San Fran cisco, from Jnpan, has nrrlvod, and that, his wlfo donned Amorlcnn clothes In honor of tho occasion, "nnd mndo a pretty picture whon sho did It." No doubt, but what tho horso editor wants to know Is how tho press agont iiiscovorod tho fact. Anothor municipal graft ilttlng up qunrtors at tho city hall to put uoys nnu gina in jail, and rigging up a municipal court. Watch It dovolop and tho fruit ripen, nnd somo ono got on tho payroll, all In tho cnuso of humanity. o . DoWltt'o Llttlo Early Rlsoro, gontlo, easy, pleasant, llttlo llvor plllo. Bold by nil druggists. I1UB1NE88 CARDS. Mr. MuriM'y Fashionable i '"dres making. Work done on short no tlco nnd ronsonnblo. Phono 934 360 South 17th street. 4-G-lta Livery nnd Fcctl HtnbV Old PoJt olllco Btnblos, nt 204 Ferry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front stroots. Toluphonu 188. Somo of tho flnost UvorlCB In tho city can bo found Jioro. WHtncott & Joun- on tt CAPITAL IIAKEHH. 43!) Court Htroot, D. J. Bwltzor, prop. Hrond, cuko, plos nnd nil kinds of pastries, cookies, otc. Watoh for our wagon. Phono VG4. 11-19-tf Tho Elklicad Haloon Crouch & Noaa Props. (Successors to W. R. An dorson) 163 Commercial St. Llq uora and cigars of tho host brands. 3-19-3IH0 HUTTKUNUT IIUICAD. It Is worth moro than nny othor bioad, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For salo nt your grocers. CALIFORNIA HAKEIIY, Thomas & Ooolcy, Irops. CtinitiiliiM rtKw.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done !tirnlturo and pianos Inxod ready for shlpmunt. Prompt orvlco U our motto. Stand and olllco nt 2B3 South Commercial street Phono 210. Restdonco Phono liutto .V WeiuUvoth Flno wlnos llquora and cigars. Wo handle tho colebratod Kollog nnd Castle whUktcs. Cool nnd rofreahlng ber constantly on draught. Soutn Commercial stroot 9-3-lyr. Ilydo Hros. lUtvtiic Co. Electric suppllos and tlrst-cIaM wiring at reasonable prices. Call at our offlco for oatlinates. Phono 461 143 N. Liberty street. 1-12-tt Wrngrr .Vv Cliorrlngton Planot and organs sold on easy torms; tole pnon" 1187; 247 Street, Salem. Oregon tf If Von Want Your collections made promptly, laavo your accounts with W. D. Smith, room 4, over Iluth'f Dank. 3-9-lm Coucn'to Work Get my prices on sidewalk, eurbs. spetlc tanks nnd eouiont work of auy kind. All work guaranteed Qrst class. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Ave , Highland Phono BOO. May 34-09 O. F. MASON HOX CO. 347 Miller St., South 8alom. manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, orate and fruit dryer accosnorlei Phou iok The South Salem Meat Markot. ou poslto Dauo's storo. Fresh nd cured meat. Genoral delivery Give It a trial. Huffman & Mir tin, props. 3-3-tf Htnntou M Rchuls'aiiUrc 376 Court street, for up to date work Dathe, oJaara and tobacco. First clas shiner In connection. All work specially call oa us. Gmtt lUrgttlna. In second-hand goods. Wo keep moit everything; will soil aa cheap as any fine, and some things cheaper High Ml prlee paid for second-hand goods. MRa LIZZIE V. GRIFFITH. 4-6-3w Prop., 486 8tato. 8ALKM WATER COMFANY OFFICK CITY HALL For Hter service apply at oce Hill payable monlhlv tn advanc4 Maude Adams baa begun the re heArsals of the production oP'Joan of Aro" which she la to make la the Harvard stadium In the spring. soi,i in- ,! ,iuui. " ---.-- , II " 1bt,ltcr regard the soil and condition than the almatwo as to tno Proper ffct to ohvt. " " ' . liiiuiuiini "in. ' Mor '.linn nine out of every tan cnieB of rheumatism of the muscles, duo to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In Biich cases no Inter nal troatmont Is rofjulred. Tho fr.e application of Chambcrlaln'9 Lin. mont Is all that li needed, nnd It Is cortaln to glvo quick reliof. Glvo If a trial and soo for yourself how quickly It relieves tho pain nnd sore noBB. Tho medicines usually glvon In ternnlly for rheumatism aro poison ous or vory strong medicines. Thoy nro worso than useless In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For rnto by all good druggists. If Hoonovolt don't kill nnd lions ho rnny got ovrn with them by add ing thorn to Miu Ananias club. NOTICE! AI.I, rUAN(li:H of con for Ileal JJ;ltp Aila nniMt lt? In The Journal iirrir liy r o'clock the evening: lcrro the ilny on which the ad In to appear. arms All hIzos and prices. Cull for largo printed list. City proporty of nir.doncrlptloiis. Sou us boforo buying for bargains. OUMSTKl) LAND CO. :tr:i stuti Hinu-t. REAL ESTATE. No, 94 47 ncrcs, 1 ncros In orch ard, 18 acres In cultivation, b.U nnco In pnsturo, now 4-room houso and barn, timber will out 400 cords Prlco $3200. No. 73 10 acroo, lot 6, Capital Ad dition to Frultlnnd, 6-room box houso, good cellar and woll, barn 30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 ncros last season; thU plnco Is woll tiled. Prlco $30.00. No. 101 20 ncres, nil In cultivation, 3 ncros orchard, good C-room house and barn, 2 wolls of water, near school and church; sell for $3400 or trndo for city proporty, torms. No. 34 5-room house, lot SOxLIO, on 13th stroot. Prlco $S00; tornm HAVAOE .V HERRE.V, t 134 South Commercial Street. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Seven and ono-hnlf noroa of uplaud iMiniorlitg on deep wator slough on YaquliiR Uay; all good laud. Prlco $160. Forty aorea. half way between New port, Or., and Toledo. Or . on coun ty read: one and a half acres clear ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom laml; gtoil alder nnd vine maple on land. Prlco $700. Good level lot on South Reach oppo site Newport, Or. prlco $76. Lot 9. blook it, nt Soal Rooks. Or.; fine view of ooeau. garni level lot. Prloe $100. Seventy-eight acre near Pioneer, Or., all alongside R. It. traak; between seven and eight aeree of bottom land ou It Is oleared; forty good bearing spplo trees; good stono quarry ou kind near R- R. Prleo $1800. Two-aero oyster bod at Oyster City, on Yauqlnn Ray; with this gooa half acre upland lots. Prlco $500. Ton-room house. 30x40 foot In size and blook of land, on Nye Creek nnd Olsonvllle sidewalk; houso Is In flno condition; good woodshed nud good water: this Is a fine prop osition for a summer boarding nud, rooming house, ns woll as a per manent home. Prlco $3300. J. O. OLSSON, Newport, Or. litqulro at Journal Ofllcv, Only Two Lota left ou 19th St.; 4 lota 17th and State at.; lots In Highland Addition. $150 and $300. Seo me bsforo you buy. K, LUPTON. 1673 State St. 4-2-lm o Kodol give tho stomach a chanca to regain Its lost strength and health, and aftor a little while you seed noi take Kodol longer, but take It while you do need It and If tt falls to bnt flt you your money will be refunded. Sold by all dPirs'sti, IL Tho Circus acrooat finds It necessary at all tlmui to keep h'jj muoclcs and joints sup ple. That Is tho reason that hun dreds of them keep a bottle of Bal lard's Snow Liniment alwayB on hand. A euro euro for rheumatism, cuts, sprains, sore throat, lame back, rontracted muscles, corns, bunion nnd nil points. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 por bottlo. Sold by all dealers, o A promlnont roason why ovory man Is glad ho Is not a woman Is that ho can wear his own hair only, and wear It short. Objcst to Strong Medicines. Many people object to taking th? strong medicines usually proscribed by physicians for rheumatism. There Is no need of Intornal treatment lu any enso of muscular or chronic rheu matism, and moro than nlno of of every ton cases of tho disease ao of ono or tho other of thoso varieties. Whon thcro Is no fovor and little (If any) swolllng, you may know that It Is only necessary to apply Chamber lain's Liniment frcoly to get qulsx relief. Try It. For snlo by all gooJ ! druggists. o - - Nowadays tho pain conraquont up on pulling a woman's hair Is not pro portioned to tho quantity alio usual ly wojirs. I REAIi ESTATE. Somo of Our Mpecinl Bargains. 200-acro dairy ranch; new 7-room house, two barns; 1G0 In cultiva tion, pnrt in crop, bnlancc timber, orchard and pasture; on good road two nnd n half nilloa from R. R. town; only $68 por ncro; good tonus. Flno house. A snap. Good 11 -room houso, flno grounds, 120x120, four blocks from capital. Bargain for a fow dnys. Now modorn 7-roont houso close In, $2200. Wo havo somo of tho best Insldo rosl denco lots lu tho city, only n fow left; also somo lots ou Installment. Wo havo somo flno ncroago proporty for $100 por aero; closo In; n simp. Wo havo somo vory flno fruit farms, also timber lands, nnd somo flnoly Improved 6 nnd 10 ncro tracts. Houbob to ront. A. C. SMITH Ai CO. 252 STATE ST. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 acres. 4 mllos from Newport. or Toledo, on main county rond, 10 acres level. 30 ncros under plow, bottom land, sandy upland, black Roll, 10 ncros timber. 130 ncros pasturo. Now houso, 14x24, ol 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox 40 ami 38x50, woodshod 14x24. I horsos, 28 head shoop, 22 head outtlo, 9 milk cows, 4 hoirors, 9 stoors, with all far mlmplomonts, wagon, huckbonrd, otc. Prlco $S500. 100 acres or timber In the Slletz reservation, uonr the coast. estl atod as follews: 3,000.000 feot hemlock, 2.000,000 spruoe, 2. 000.000 codnr. all of No. 1 qual ity, at $4400. 1G0 noroa of timber, ono-hnlf mllo from tne SIloU river, ostlmnted as follews: (J. 000, 000 spruoe, 1.- 000.000 hemlock; $6000. 1C0 uoroa timber on tho Sllotz, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 1,000,000 hemlock, 2,000,000 spruce. 2. 000,000 cedar; $4600. l acre 4tt milea from Newport. 10 acrea under plow, young or chard tO to 60 tree, good C-room house xlxlO. woodshed 12x14. root house 12x16, warehouse 12x l-l. split board barn 40x60. v3.- 000.000 ilr. 1.000,000 alder tfra ber. fir timber mostly second growth; $2760. 160 acree unimproved land. 5 mile from Newport; partly covered with timber; No. 1 fruit itad graalag land; $1300 L. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For Information inquire at Journal ottlce. MUST SELL. $1100 Six-room plastered houso, barn and outbuildings, all build ings now, city water, two good lota; ownora left tho State, mut sell soon. $950 Good four-room house, large barn, good outbuildings, plenty frutt, one lot $2500 Modern 7-room houso. full basmont, good rustic barn, every thing strictly modern, Including electric lights, ono lot, will sell on Installment plan. $607$ For 121 tt acres, fine land, 4 miles south, best buy on the market. $8300 Uuys a choice 41tt-acre fruit farm, only two miles out, 13 aeres In bearing fruit. Would b reasonable at $9500. Small fru't tracts from 5 acres ip. Itulldlng lots from $100 up. $1100 choice tot on Court etreex. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY ULK. SALEM, ORE. H IH f I m IittLE-SUIil'llUi; BOLiUriUIN Nlngatd, tho tried and proved 32 test. Prices on appli cation. Special No. 2, guaran teed 30 test, at $6.60 por 10 gallon barrel, full measure at Salem. Made only by Oregon Spray & Gas Co., Portland, Or. Hood Itlvor Spray Mfg Co Hood Rlvor, Or. On Sale at Salem by II. P. Chase, succes sor to Cba8o & Skalfe. Golden Rulo Dazarr, Mrs. It. T. Swart, proprietor. mniminmnman HHf HH lllHHill t ASYLUM AVENUE STORE ? Wo sell all kinds of staple and x fancy groceries, nnd mill feed. T Prompt delivery. Phono us a trial order to Main 2G9. A. J. ENGLEI1AHT, Prop. 7 J Cor. Statesman nnd Asylum Av. T "I" g9ll8llt)H4MH CHICHESTER S PILLS V-6JTV . Till: lltAMO.flt IIKAXIl, "V rtirtr!unmllc.i sjii 11...... ...,., 1- iinnvi'fioisrsFVFpycRE THE LATEST IIARGAIN8. A cholco 40-ocro flno orchard of apples, English walnuts and small fruits, good barn and 4-roon houso, beautiful land, flno spring water at houso and Darn; $6000. A Joo Dandy suburban homo of 20 ncros, good Improvements, bulld IngB, orchard, shrubs and flowers. Windmill nnd tnnk, pipes and fiu cots in houso, yard, stock, otc, $7500. Sco this hom Cholco 11 acres, good Improvomonts, houso, barn, stock etc., $3000. 2 cLoIco 5-acro tracts, 1 mllon oast o( Pen. Seo thoso choan. nlco homos. Ono $1500, other, with stock, etc., $1750. A splondld tract for irunes and fruits south of towu. G3 ncrcs, good Improvements, Are road, etc., cheap, $10,000. Nlco chlckon and fruit tract, 8 acres, 2 ml'os out only, $1800; snap. 12 acres In fruits, good buildings, dno road on car lino, $6500. fG acres now land on Portland '.ar lino, houso, bnrn, otc, Just out of city, cheap, $3500. 160-acro dairy ranch on coast, notb of Slab crook, south of Oretown, Tillamook county, for salo or trado for Salem or Marlon county land, with or without tho jowa; torms If ad.rod. Somo cholco tracts for chorry or charOs south and wost 8omo splendid stock and grain farms In Fox Valloy. A nlco 70 ncros one mllo from rail road depot, school, otc, a bargain, with good improvomonts, bullJ Ings, orchnrg, otc. A good 12 Vi -aero applo and cherry orchard of 600 trees, new lauu, 21& miles out, only $2500. Now houso for salo choap on easy terms. Homes for rent at all times, also the finest lodge rooms and dancing hall, best floor In town, smooth and nloe, also for banquets, supplied with tables, chairs, dishes, etr; terms roasonuble on both. If you want help of any kind or want a place, or havo any notary woik to do, tee me for your wants. 11. R. RYAN. REAL ESTATE $-4500 Fine suburban home, JO aoree, 1 rnlle east of penitentiary. $160096 feet on State street, south front. $2600 Good S-room house, en Church, between Center and Che- mekata, lot 44x165. $360030 acres, good houso and barn, 14 miles from steel bridge in Polk county. $1000 Elegant lot on Court street. $3000 Elegant S-room house, fine barn and woodshed, lot 93x174, all new and modern. MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. 407 Slnte, near Dreamland Phone 857 A wan In Belgrade, Sorvla. killed the lending role In a drama oatled "The Flirt" with too niueh realism to please him. Kodol for DyspepsU and Indigestion taken occasionally will scon reliero you of all the simple stomaxh all. monta that you now hate, but wh-eh may bo more serious later. Sold h. all druggists. if fYS fivP TuLe t uthcr. II117 r -our V raecl(. A""iff .lll.cirt'H.TFTi )UA.1in.Sn IIKAXIl i:.i.itf.5'i.l? v fS SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Canby Oregon, tho best winter quarters in the North west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for a few more prospects, olthor for toe road or track ana would llko ..o communicato with anybody wishing their horso trained. Mr. Caato r conceded to he tho besi colt man It tho West and his success on "v lem track bears out this Terms reasonable and .( guaranteed. Addresc SAM CASTO, Canby, . Gold Dust Flout Uf" by THE SYDNEY POW EP rOMPAM. Sidney, Ore go. . Made for family nso. Ask your grocer for It. Itrnn nnd shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. RARGAINS WHY PAY RENT? If you nro looking for n Btinp lot us Hhow you our bnrgaln IIbL Horo nro Just a few. $1100. A new cozy 4-room houso, woodshed, drovo woll, nlco lot, fruit, closo In. Snap. $1100. Torms. 9 1 SOO. Now modorn 5-room houso, baso mont, concroto foundation, largo porch, two bod rooms with clos ets, pantry, chlnn closot, bath, toilet, soptlc sowor, wired for oloctrlclty, hot and cold wator, built for a homo, sightly location. Will HiTorlllco for a fow dnys. Worth $2500 Call on ownor, 1812 Trndo streot, or our ofllco today. Vacant IjotM. Wo havo thorn In ovory addition to Salem; $50 and up. Farms. For 5, 10, 20 and 40-acro tracts, seo us. fo Acres )j57n per Acre. 40 acres on bonutlful Ho woll pralrlo. HO Acres. 30 acres, vory best soil, woll im proved, buildings, orchard, closo to Salem, on main road, nn Idoal suburban homo. Snap. $5000. HOO Acros $'M per Acre. Exchange. If you havo proporty you wish to trado, call on us. Wo hnvo a largo list of exchanges, city for country, or country proporty for Salem or Portland proporty. What havo you; list with us. Yours for roal ostato, RECHTEL & MINTON. Rooms 7-8. 341 Stnto St. LODGE DIRECTORY. CurpenUTs Union No. 1OO0 Local Union No. 10G5 of Carpenters and Joiners of Aniorlcn meet over Sat urday uvenlig a 7:30 p. m. in Hoarst hall, 420 State Streot A. W. Dennis, Roc. Sue. Coutnil Lodge No. JH, K. of 1 Castle hall In rlman block, cor uor Stnto and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E, U. Anderson. K. of R and S. Modern WouUiuen cl America Ore gon Codnr Camp N'j. 5240. Moots ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman ball. A. H. . Bamber, V. C; F. A. Turner, cler. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day sight at 7:30. In Holman hall. A. L. Harvey, C. C ; L. H.' Fletch er, Clork. Jan. 10, '09. sc DeWItfa Carbollzod Witch Hawl Salve la eepecially good for piles. Soiild by all druggists. 20 per cent off On cash sales nn mv stnrk of Men's Women's and Child ren's shoes, this week only. Come in and see mv un-to- date line. J. VOGT 340 State St. 'n, . i' t - """""ftrWfMMiiiliTri i i irn '--wm'""