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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1909)
.jwueewue. sMsBaiwwecuiwa DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, ORHOOX, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1009. smew: 00000000060 CITY NEWS ooooooooooo WoUter Forecasts Showers tonight, Tuesday fair. Hneclti Salo Of slx-ploco kitchon sot. Regular 11.00 values Wednesday only, 68c. Huron & Ilamlicon. Okodetetc and Bon Bows At Buckingham's Palace of Sweets. Rod Gross Pharmacy. 4-S-tf Loflt Sunday Morning Etruscan gold bar pin. Howard given to finder returning name to of fice oi Light & Powor Co. If you Noed a Now Home Bowing Maohlno or any parts for It. Geo. 0. Wills' atoro Is wlioro It la Bold . Bargain This Week, chalco lot on tiro Oregon Electric It. II. fronr $100 to $200. Boo Dorby & Wilson. 4-5-8t Vow Park Booster Will incut tomorrow night In tho Yow Park Iioko Iioiiho nt 8 p. in,, to dls curs matters or imprvoamont. uiu zoiih nro urged to bo prosdht. Miss Holomnii Jniproilng Miss Ana Hciomnn, who was hurt during tho horse fair Saturday, Ih bo Ing cared for at her homo, corner of 1'hlrtcumh and Statu streets, and la much Impiovod today, having rested well Huudny night. Han Hiring of YouiigNk- Haiu CaHto, tho veteran horse man, Is again located at tho stato fair grounds with a bunch of young racors Bam has had goou nucuess with his charges this your, and will probably have something ready, to please tho public during tho Htate fair moot. Mario HiihIih'ms l.lwly Tho Halum biiHlnoea concerns which probably realized tho largest buslnoso during the lioim- fan Saturday worn the restaurants Ever) rostauraut In tho city was crammed to tho doors with hungry people at noon, and In tho evening another mounter orowd waa fed. All tho other busluosH housed did a hrlvlng IiiinIiiohs, however, as, tho farmers made Saturday both a' ploasttro nnd biiHlnosii occasion, II, (1. Cournoy Who has been with the E. Ander son harliur shop for two years, has purchased a half Interest In tho llriolzko shop, on State Htreot, next to tho Court drill, and Invites his frleudH to call. I'Jiio Maple and Ash Wood For sale, cheat), for Immedlato do livery. Apply ICrnba UroB., Itiinh Ilroyman building. Telephone Main 7JU. a-lB-tf Cottngo Undertaking Parlors Coltago and Chemokotn sts.; calls day or night; J. 0. Slir. Phono 721. Young Lndlco To ontor training ichool for nursei, apply Wlllametto Sanitarium. 4-2-31 llurMi Wanted I will give someone who hai n good horse, weight 110Q to 1300 pounds, a good trade on a piano or organ, Just now. Otto. 0. Will. iiiuhIo and sewing machine dealers. 42-3t ItublKT Tiro Buggy to Trade Ilavu ou an organ or near now sowing mauhlne or piano ou do not need, and need a rubber tiro buggy? (loo. C. Will, tho mania man and seeing maohlno dealer, has two bug glen he wants to trado for either ono of the above. -4-2-31 This Moans Dollar To you, Two Of tho greatest Inven tions of modern times on exhibition In Uoioaa Hrort Hop Otflco. Creator money maker than telephone Call and ee tkeni, free demonstration. 3-31-tf Announcement gtlHtmmmmti'mmfmmmmim9mmmmn Wo wLlt t. itt.ito to our many patron aud fid mis that our spring puruha.t ate all t hand In Jowolr) we hae tho finest pru duotlgus wl owe o fthe finest dis play wo wwr iHile of the Ih both Indies' and OaHUemea'a Jew elry. All the dUUHOtlv mviv de lgn. In SUvorware, Out Ola, etc we havo tho Ht grootiiul and beautiful offerings to be geou far nil lee here about. All stocks moderately prlctsl and of high quality. Barr's JEWELERS DarneU'e (We Bent sorvlco in the city, all hours. Meals at Oct a KltclicH Ht A regular 11.00 value. Special for Wednesday, only G3c. Buren & Ham ilton. Phono BW - Tho O. K. Pressing rooms, when you want your soiled and bid clothes pressed and cleaned to look like new. O. A- Johnson, proprietor. Work Called For And dollvcred by A D. Houston, at tho Bouth Commercial street press ing parlors. Phone 1245. All work satisfactory, For Wednesday's Have Cleaver, paring klfo, serrated edge bread knife, mixing spon, pancako turner and emery steel, for only C3c Mowltai Won In tho published premium llsto for tho Salem horse fair thero Ib an or ror In tho Shotland .awardB. Homer Egan was given first for best paddle Shetland, his racer, Mowltza, win ning tho contosts, nnd the Albany Lady second. DNclnlcM of Lycurmi Tho supremo court haB set Juno 8th, nt 10 o'clock a. m., on which to hold tho examination of applicants for ndmlKBlon to tho bar. Thero has been CO applications. IiiMirnuco ( . Files Article Another Insuruuco company has filed papers with tho stato insurance commission. Tho company Is tho Wcstorn Union 1,1 fo nnd Aclcdont In surance Company, with principal olll cos In Bpoknuo, Wash I). A Littler waa appointed ns tho general agent of tho flrm. to bo located In Port land, as required by law Foes ag gregating tho sum of $90 wore paid. The capital stock Is 1200,000. "John Dee, John Dee" Only six John Doos wero brought before Judge Moor oh this morning In tho police court, all of whom had been Imbibing too freely In tho (low ing bowl This was considered a very moderate number bj tho police, owing to the big crowd In town to attend tho horse show Saturday. For the first three months of tho yonr Chief Gibson reports 517 case han dled, consisting of "sleepers," drunks ami potty criminal cases. This Is tho first time slneo the Jail was con structed that so largo a number of onses wore taken caro of by tho po lice. However, none of these result ed In nnythlng serious, and nearly half of them wcto given but two days onoh. .Spuds Aro Hud Tho spud market Is getting on a high horso at prosout. and the Irish sort aro soiling at $1.00 per bushel. This Is tho highest tho market has climbed In tlila city for Kome.tlmo In tho potato business, and It Is probably fortunate for tho consumer that an other crop will ho on tho market abort ly. Several of tho big farmers havo como to realize the value In po tatoes, and tn a season there will be a groat Increase In acreage From ropons In California the market Is also beroinliii! wild, owlnif to llm shortage In Oregon, upon which Cali fornia depends iiioetlr for I iji ported stock. Inasmuch mm there nhm not any great amount of potatoes raised In tho Willamette valley lust ear, the extra raid snap tended to reduce tho supply to the famine point It) f reeling hundred of bushels be loilKIHM to ow Ultra rauvhf ntiiirioutrttil by the frees llOTIfh AHIIIVALN. Portland J J, Butta and family, Robert Jucobson. Al Htewnrt. Tommy Suitor. II J. Larson. D. W Williams, Mrs. P J MoMan, Frank Fryer. Qua A Stlnor, ThomiiB It. Doblo, O. O. Goodlu ami family. R. 0. Bockwltb and wife. C. L. Church, William Nlokson. Byron I.nvorlty. Monmouth--Gt-rge Smith nnd family. Jolm Mlrkel. Daniel A Swoppe, Jake Cuunlnghnm and wife, , it. ii i.iok. SetttUe-- H. J Young, QJlwr Rich 1 1c Victor Campbell and wlfo. , Ashland. Ore Courtney G. Miller. Prnuols Mlshler and Don Mlshler Tillamook. Ore. Mre. Samuel D T N i lleckeell. KiiKfHf Ore Mr and Mrs. P Hate A Char let on U Tucker. William J oh a Premier. City, Ore George Or en Oregon J Harry Give. Taioiua. Wash Perey Ooopor and Worla. Ore A. I), Barrett, Louie Ft niter, llaoe J. M hut ell. I 1 1 qim. Ore Mr. and Mrs., lieu 1" it Ci Watiereou. Tom Itlehmati. t.i Ore Walter Shlo, Miss littz Hhoupe lonaiiii On It H Metcalf. lKk Potior aad wife. I'hehMljft. Wask Clyde Davis. Poudlftot). Qre My. and Mrs. A F Dam William Heckman lunitu Clt H. C Boyo and wifi Ja Mltekoll nnd family. Daoii Wash Jamee McClcllau and wife i Baker i t n Ou Mr and Mrs Po l w r Kub and daughtei Gracv 0 YEARS KX(CRIEN08 Trade Marks COVRIOHTS ilC AooaiUaf ltrh anJ df1pik mm IkvvwIIoo U Wvb4Vlr tfOMUlAbM. UaBWttUlMk. lHuMtWeoafcUiil. HAkQUM lMMilt Vv. tcHI ) cwUlkut f M4au4f Vxariua. Tmw. W ft ijrmjja Bffc Light Sign Tho new Hallway Light & Powor Co. sign haa ben erected over tholr offices In this city, and will burn this evening for the first time. The sign carries 327 lncandcsrcnts. Itnn Into by Hike An accident occurred Saturday evening when a cyclist ran Into the little son of Jo,e Gilbert, Kf South Salem, and broko the little fellow's arm above tho wrist. Tho bicyclist was coming down Commercial street, near Bush, when the child, who was coming onto Commercial street from Bush, suddenly darted In front of tho wheel. A Pica ami t Party A very delightful surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. J. Mothorn last Saturday evening. Tho amuse ments of the evening wcro cardB and music. At a lato hour refreshments were sorTCd. Tlwso present wore Mr. i and Mrs. O. C. Kcnncn, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dorman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carter, Mr and Mrs. Will Smith, Mrs. Chas. Evans Mrs. Alice Dauo, MrB. S. A. Leach, Miss Maude Evans, Miss Ethel McDonnld, Mr. A. D. Leach, Mr Elnxr Dane. Office nee leer b are discovering thnt President Tnft can say "No." III M II OF DXISIIN IX lmSammrTTITEsmS MBBBBtBBBBBB "4 !P9BBBBb1biBBBb1bbV jfti "BB 71 rorch and Window Koxes t We have several styles. v. .nci wc will MASON BROS., FLORISTS I PHONE 308 211 MILLER ST. 4. k--flHerC K. VOw - 3 - H - HM - e Have You Seen BISHOP'S SALEM STATE EDUCATIONAL BOARDS IN SESSION Tho Stato Board of Higher Gurri cula, composed of Senator Smith, of Pendleton; Prof. J. It. Wilson, of Portland, Representative Bonis, of T llamook; Senator Hedges, of Ore gon City, and O. P. Coshow, of Rose burg, met nt 2 p. m. and organized. President Campbell, of tho Stato Uni versity Is in attendance. This board was created to cut out duplication of courses at the state scnools. Tho executive committee of the Normal School Regents mot today at 11 o'clock and audited bills of the several Institutions that havo put up their money to run tho schools until July first, In order that graduating classes may complete their work. CITY TREASURER MAKES REPORT City Treasurer Frank Meredith will submit his quarterly report to the city council this evening, showing $33,100.57 on hand In the various funds of tho city. A proposition may bo mndo to chango that ofllco to In clude the duties of license tax col lecor and city treasurer under ono official "Tllll (ilVfiKHIUtKAD MV.' Call and see them or phone call and see you. - ff IN TAILORED Our spring line of suits, recently arrived, is mak ing a tremendous hit with those who have seen them. It's but right that they should. The patterns are simply great. Beautiful fabrics backed up with quality. The tailoring is the best, and prices are especially attractive. WOOLEN MILL Orvlllo A. Stanson and wife, of Los Angeles, stopped off hero today and visited for a fow hours before resuming tholr trip to Portland. Mr. Lloyd Catotrlln, of Portland, spent Sunday with friends here. He expects to leave about tho middle of tho week for Montana, and will re main there cevoral months. o DIED. PICARD. At tho home north of Cho mawa, at tho age of 51, Sunday, April 4, 1909, Mrs. Ida Plcard. Tho remains will be shlpepd to Pendleton for burial, o MARRIED. QUENFELL ADAIR. Near Mc Mlnnvlllc, In Yamhill county, April 4, 1909, Mis Inez E. Adair to Stuart .Qrcnfcll, both of Yamhill County. Rev. P. S. Knight, of this city, who porformed the ceremony, per formed the same ceremony for tho brldo's father and mother nearly 43 years ago. Tho hrldo wob born In Salem, her father, W. H. Adair, be ing former owner of a fine homo on tho Garden Road. Tho nowly mar ried pair will reside In McMlnnvlllo. NOTICE. , To N. W. Harris & Company of Chi cago, and to Whom It May Con- j cern: Notico is horoby given that I, T M. Dlmmlck, County Treasurer of Coos County, will within thirty days . from tho dato of this notico rodoom and pay school bonds Numbora 11, 12 nnd 13, Issued by School District No. , 9, Coos County, Oregon, and dated , May 1st, 1895. Tho said bonds will bo paid at tho "Banking Houso nt tho Now York Security and Trust Company In the City and Stato of Now York, tho said bonds to bo re deemed being for the sum of ilvo hundred dollars each. No Intorost will bo nllowod after May 1st, 1909. Datod at Coqulllo City, Coos Coun ty, Orogon, this 25th day of March, 1909. T. M. DIMMICK, County Treasuror of Coos County, Orogon. 3-27-lmo - -o President Roosevelt Snyo that outdoor oxorciso Ib noodod by tho American pooplo. That's all vory well, but how can pooplo with rheu matism follow that advlcoT Tho an Hwor Is simple uto Ballard's Snow Liniment nnd tho rheumatism wl'l go; leaving you ns spry as a colt. Glvos quick and permanent rmllof from rhoumattsm, nouralgla, laino b'nek and nil pains. Arner, 31300 Arner, ill, 00 .. cord 2 17-. Full brothor to Don Dorby, 2.01 ,i ; Dorborthn, 2.o,. Diablo, 2:09; Domonlo. 2.114 Ed Lufforty. 2.104. and others Ily Chas. Deroy 490,, slro of C better than 2:10. dam Uertha by Al cantara, dam of 4 better than 2:10. and five others. Winner of first premium at Sa lem horse show. For standard stallions soason of 1909 nt Fair Ground nnd Club Sta bles Fee it6 00 for season. $35.00 to Insure G B SIMPSON. Fnlrgrouud. Ore . the New READY $10 to $35 ooooooooooo PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOOOO J. A. McCorklo, of Portland spent Sunday In tho city. Werner Broyman was a business passenger to Portland this morning. Mrs. C. a. iomeroy, Mrs. F. A. Erixon and Mrs. R. .0.. Moores went to Portland this morning. Mrs. F. Moffltt and nlocc, Miss Blanche Molhtt, returned from Lebar non this morning, where they havo been visiting friends. Mrs. J. W. Phillips and son loft for tholr homo in Blngcn, .ash., today, after visiting Mrs. Phillips parents. Captain and Mrs. D. C. Howard, and H .B. Howard. Miss Belle Barker, of Sllvcrton, was a guest of .ir. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew during tho horso fair, returning homo Sunday night. Miss udna Stanley nnd sister, Miss Frances Stanley, of Portland, wero guests of Mrs. R. B. Houston over Sunday. Miss Francis will take tho position vacated by Miss Dorby aB stenographer to Manager Page, of tho Goneral Electric Company. John Mlnto, ox-postmaster of Portland, Is In tho city visiting his relatives and friends for a fow days. Mr. Mlnto is glad to boo tho old fa miliar faces again, and Intends to como oftener hereafter. Miss Hallle A Rhodes, of Grants Pass, loft this morning for Port land, where she will visit for a few days with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, of Dallas, nro in tho city visiting friends for a short time. C. F. Dlmlck, of Roseburg, loft for Portland this morning to look after business matters for a fow days, af ter which ho leaves for Alaska on business. Tom J. Smlthson returned to his homo In Portland this morning, af ter attondlng tho horso fair hero Sat urday, and visiting frlonds Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Wheeler and daughter, Bessto, novo rotumed from n visit to Los Angolcs. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Room 13, Ladd & Bush, Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORI) Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or PIANO TUNING LUTKLLUS L. WOODS. Tuning, polishing, ropalrlng, Ph'oG08 OOOOOOOOOOOO 0 NEW TODAY OOOOOOOOOOO For Sole Nearly now Studobaker ono-soutcd buggy, sldo spring. A rig. Enqulro of Walt Low nt llv ory barn. If taken Immediately sold cheap. 3-26-tt New .Shorthand Claxs A new class In shorthand will bo commonccd at tho Capital Buslnoss Collego on Monday, April 6. For luformn- tlon phono 3SS. -1-1-31 Snuji Fine corner lot on Stnto st, 1550. Olmsted Land Co. 3.30-Gt For Rent A seven-room houso, and good barn and lots of fruit, 2398 Trade street, nenr 22d stroot, or for salo 4-5-3t Fr Sale Rostnurant for salo cheap. Enquire at Journal ofllco or 485 Stato Dtreot Jno. Isdoo. 4-5-lw Styles SUITS STORE bbbWbbU 9 i "llr14 oik i 'imvtuVfutiSZZJW Ml