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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1909)
AILY CAIMXAJj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1000. EDITORIAL PAGE - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL I u y 2&t 'V FIVE BILLS THAT SHOULD BE PUT THROUGH AT THIS SESSION OF THE LEGISLA TURE IN THE CAUSE OF PROGRESS AND TO BUILD A GREATER OREGON. t The people who would love to see Oregon great want to see "Passed both houses" writ ten under each of the following bills, THE BEAN BILL THAT CREATES A GENERAL PORT COMMISSION ACT. (Has passed both houses,) THE JONES BILL FOR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL AT OREGON CITY. (Has passed both Houses,) THEBILAPPRdPRIATING $100,000 FOR THE CRATER LAKE? ROAD. (Has passed the House.) THE BILL TO BUILD STATE-AIDED RAILROADS. (Introduced by Speaker McArthur.) THE CONSITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR SAME-PURPOSE. (Has passed thd House,) ljwiiirg8iiBiiat8iitiiiitiiiiWiMttitBiiiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiii w THE CAPITAL JOURNAL tt, riOFKIl, Kd. ud Prop, Independent Newipapor Devoted U Atnorlcitu I'rlitclplva and the I'ronrvM ami Dovoloeinenl of All OrcKOti. fubllihcxl Uvcry ItrunliiK Kxcopt Hutnlur, Enlom, Uru. 8UHHUHIPTION UATKH. (IiirnrUlilr In Advliw.) Dully, bjr oirrior, por ycur tfl.W I'er monlh We , JMllr, by mull, per yer. iM l'er month Mo mall, per vonr. , IM Six motithii ....Wo t5iSp5SgJ7. "N)QN(M JtApixf00100 l.ABEL VfcfYV tics of the business of training teachers for the public schools, THE OREGON SENATE CAN DISGRACE THIS STATE by saying we will hiro young men and young women trained in the Normal Schools of other states but we" wil Inot bear our share in the work of training them, Isn't that a feautiful attitude to take before the eyes of the world and pass a bill like the Smith bill THAT IS A COMPOUND OF IGNORANCE AND PETTY POLITICS? The Senate is not composed of men who love the public schools and are willing to have them supplied with teachers ot any training, ARE WE AMERICAN CITIZENS? Oregon has a gonoral state law that requires all teachers in the High Schools to be graduates of a Normal School, or its equivalent, Yot the Orogon Senate has men in it who would abolish Normal Schools in toto, CALLING THEMSELVES AMERI CANS. Tho Smith bill for one school at Portland, to be submitted to a voto of tho people in 1910 abolishes the present Nor mal Schools, It makes no provision to continuo tho three schools that aro running In Orogon AND WHICH MUST RUN UNTIL NEXT JUNE. VICIOUS EFFORT TO AMEND THE LOCAL OPTION LAW. But what does Smith cam? What do anv of the Senators of tho Ways and Moans committee caro? Tlioy are not from count os that havo Normal Schools, Tho Sonato Ways and Moans committoo has not shown the people generally that tlioy wore enacting a drastic pro mo siigmosi couriosy 10 any memuor 01 uiu ouue ouuru ui mumon law, While pretending all through the session of the legislature that they did not want the Local Option law amended, the Local Optionists have now put through A BILL OF A VERY VICIOUS CHARACTER. The measure known as House Bill 272, by Mahone, pro vides for search of private houses, and state constabulary and state assistant attorneys to take execution of law out of tho hands of the district attorney, The Sonate will be asked to pass this bill that will make it absolutely A CRIME FOR A MAN TO GIVE A FRIEND A DRINK OF CIDER IN HIS OWN HOME if it has the slightest taint of fermentation in it, How much more of hypocrisy and sumptuary legislation will the pooplo of Oregon endure at tho hands of those who are UNWILLING TO LEAVE IT TO THE PEOPLE TO DECIDE WHAT THEY DO WANT. The original local option law was put through on an en tiro misunderstanding of the subject, It was not known by Roconts or its socrotarv, That board has conducted tho four schools ono year for tho cost of two in the past, has conducted throe for tho past yoar for tho cost of two, and has mado thoso schools earn AND PUT TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN THE TREAS URY. , , Yot not a,singlo mombor of that board, nono of whom re sido in tho counties whoio tho threo Normal Schools aro lo cated, WAS EVER SHOWN THE COMMON COURTESY OR DECENCY DUE ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN of boing asked a slnglo quostion on tho matter that lias ongnged their atten tion for tho past two yarns, This same Orogon Sonato when tho Ono Board Bill was en acted two yoars ago .rofusod to ompowor this board to abol ish any of tho schools, AND YET THE BOARD ABOLISHED THE DRAIN SCHOOL. , , Wlion niiiQ of tho host business men of tho state and threo stato officials do tho bost work they are capablo of and do it without pay, ARE THEY NOT ENTITLED TO A LITTLE COURTESY AT LEAST? Not in tho opinion of tho honojablo Sonate that is under tho whip hand of a Portland nowspaper trying to make poli- Tho bill that has now gone through the House is onlv an other step in the same direction of deception and destruction of personal liberty, KILLED A GOOD MEDICAL PRACTICE ACT. Tho Senate either through ignorance or lack of intelligence killed tho Nottingham general medical practice act, That bill sought to put order into the chaotic conditions SURROUNDING THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE IN THIS STATE. It sought to harmonizo the interests of the conflicting sphools, and struck a hard blow at all kinds of quackery, What respect have members of the Senate for the best ef forts of a learned profession PURIFY ITSELF OF CRIMI NALS AND IGNORANT MEM-BERS? Not a particle, it seems from the summary disposition of tho Nottingham bill in tho Sonato of Orogon, FIGHTING BOB WILL LECTURE IN PORTLAND Retail Market. Flour, per sack $1.25 Eastern Oregon $1.50 Bran, per Back . . . . 95c Shorts, por sack $1.36 1. GO Wheat, per bu ?05 Rolled $29,000)29.60 Brewing $27.50 Locnl Wholesale Market. Wheat, per bushel '.90c Onts, per bushel 45c Flour, nard wheat $5.00 Flour, valley $4.25 Mill feed, shorts $32 Mill feed, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop 57c Hops, 1907 crop 23MiC Chlttlm bark 36c Wool, coarso 13c Wool, medium 15c Mohair 20c Hay, cheat $13,00 Hay, clover $12.00 Potatoes, bushel 404Gc Apples, bushel 50c ft $1.00 Onions, per cwt 85 90c Prunes, por pound 14c Cranberries, Howo's variety, bbl $13.00 Batter anil Egg. Ecg8 35c Butter, creamery 37c Butter-fat 7c Cheeso, twins 15c Nerve Sick Appointed Kcgcnti Governor Chamberlain mado ap polnttnonts ycBterday to Borvo on tbu board of regents of tho. Orogon Av;rl culturarcollego for a nine-year torm. Tlioy woro W. P. Kneady, of Port land; J. K. Woathorford, of Albany J T. Apporson, of Orogon City. If weak, worn-out, nervous, cannot sleep; have indigestion, head ache, neuralgia ov peri odic 'pains, it is because your nerves are weak. It is tho lack of nerve force that makes the stomach, heart, lungs, etc., work imperfectly become sick. Dr. Miles7 Nervine cures tho sick when it restores nerve strength, and puts the power behind the or gans to do their work. "Almost three yrars I mtffered from nrrvoupnrxn, ImllKrutlon, and palpita tion of tlic lipiirt I could not cat or lfft with comfort, or walk or talk without i,irfrlitK. Altogether I was In n bad condition. My doctor lld not C'fin r i.i m. niiy k'x)1. 1 liml tried u inxi.y uiiniliid tint t I did not hav mucn nupe or any or mem uoinc ma any kooii, ur. siiich- tiKKCittcd tv n frlrnd. Nervine wn I cot relief rrotn hip nmt, nnu nncr a rcw nays I fell llko a new person. It not onlr relieved my lieurt and nerves, but ban Invigorated my whole nystom. 1 am very tirnteful kecnuso nlnee I lmv tlopprd using It, I havo lind nlflo)ulcly no return of my old trouble." MUS. IIOWAIID l-'OUU, 60 Summit Ave., Wprcenttr. iUre Or. Mllet' Nervine Is told by your druanlit, who will guarantee thst the nrsilioUle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Highest In the World. BoIho, Idaho, Feb. 17. According to tm annoiiucomont today, tho high-; est suspension bridge In the world I will bo built over tho Sntiko river I Just below ShoBhono fullB. I BUNGALOW THEATRE Portland, Or., Phonos, Main 117, A 4224. Emplro Thontro Co., (Inc.) Lobsco . Geo. L. Balcor, General Manager. Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, February II, 1000. dimming Pollock's dranmtlzatlon of tho wldoly rond novel, In the Bishop's Carriage By Miriam MlchoUon, As played by Jessie Busloy. Ono of tho best stock plays over written. ICvctilng Price 25, !W, 50c Matinee 15, 25c. Mntlnco Saturday, Next week, "Tho Collogo Widow." First tlmo In stock. All mail orders, or by wire, recolvo prompt nnd careful attention IHPI Who bus eve i' patronized us ivs to the accuracy and excellence of our optical work. When we lit" your eyes yo;t have u pair of glnvM'H that will remedy, w far iin human ability can, any defect your cycH tire Mifferlng with. Genuine experience, nklll and the lat est apparatus ttnrantee you M'rfect work. Barr's JEWELERS wnou m f f miiiim iiiiiiiiifim I HOW TO OPERATE A MOVING PICTURE ALVCHINE AT HOME. How to Ront or Buy a Moving PIcturo Machine How to Mnko Big Monoy nt Entertainments and Amusomonts. How to Obtain Positions Which Pay $35 per Week. How to Become a Finished Operator. Wo Glvo Instructions That Aro Slmplo and Interesting. Wo Hnvo tho Nowest Mothod of Teaching by Mail. Wo Send You, on Rocolpt of 1.00, Comploto Instructions. Wo Tench Operators How to Pass All Examinations. Wo Represent tho Leading Film Exchange. Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchange, 400, -101, -lO.t Burke Building, Seattle, Wutdi. WARDEN SCHOOL OF OPERATORS X !; nnnuim iimn nnuu Mf taiauni WWHUrt HH f !! HHllllf f iHf W ! Greatest Combination Offer I MONEY la cither Idle or ImUutrloua. Idle monoy a carried In tho pocket book or Is kept about tho houao. Not only does It not earn any thing hut It la Boon go""- Indus lirloun monoy U that which is earn ing n fair ruturn. It addtt to It solf constantly. A havings account la u good exnmplo, and. yot tho wholo depoult is avollublo when wanted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital. National Bank An oxchango mentions tho faot, thnt Omaha has nn Mndortakorwho( (United Proa9 Leased Wire.) Portland, Feb. IS. Portlandoru nnmo l Gontlomnn. In this caBo, wo wro ioukihk lorwuru to n uuart u hope, It will not bo necessary to auk: beart talk with "Fighting Boh" Ev "What's In a namo?'" I""8 wben ho comos horo on his lec- ture tour of tho Pacific states. No definite ditto for his appear- g g ; unco nns boon tixeu, uut tno rear admirals manager. Fred 11. Wilson, who Is in the city, says ho hopes to urrungo tho Itinerary bo that Evans can deliver his lecturo hero within a few days. It Is probable that Biliousness 'itiiut,j )-or.iuu t'4itiw J very in iiici. L'auidn t au wiiuuui iuw i o. aitil tun ill fur law Hut for IwJhIch 1 til iou iit iHii tu how couiMtlaij iej iuna intiu la klf l Ukunl his subject will bo "From Hampton VV.Sr,,ui:,.,i't?.,I,j,.,,;BiiHonil to Ban Francisco In Command ,lhtoih;,a,:,,i'i,b,.N.T. of the Atlantic Fleet." De&t for Tho Qowels Rear Admiral Evans recently told Mr. Wilson that with tho exception of n little rhuumatlsm In his knees ho feels bettor today than ho has for . forty years. ANk Yourself the Question. Why not use Chamberlain's Lluli mont whon you havo rheumatism? i.. Wo fcol sure that tho result will be nromnt and satisfactory. It has cured others, why not you? Try It ' It costs but a trifle. Price 25 cents; largo sUo, 50 conts. For sale by Dr..T Stone's Drug Store, O- ' TJceitso to yLurry County Clerk Allen Issued mar riage llconses to Annlo R. Townsoai 21, and Josle C. Hockett. 21, both of Woodburu. HlCmllilHH CANDY CATHMlTie r-tMkitl . !'! tStuol Tli4 liIoo4. I lit I. iK r Kdiultt iKbUI I.hiI4 t CO, Witrr i.tMtiriw it- - ? MX , lit I. i'V I'll KOIUIIM, tKUiai l.l.i)n tiurHtxl W r vf jout kiM.r ttt. Circuit 0urt FrltUy Circuit Judgo Galloway, of depart ment No. 2, will hold court tomorrow ; In this city, aud a few divorce cases j a 8ltrltn-RmJyC,.ChUtootN.Y, ', lh KAvnral iltMnurrom u-lll h tho. Annua sale, ten mum mxes rmcipi uusm... m hnd IilMBULPHUK SOLUTION Niagara, the tried and proved 32 toM. Prices on appli cation. Special No. 2, guaran teed 30 test, at 6.50 por t0 gallon barrel, full moasurg at Sulem. Mado only by Oregon Spray & Gaa Co.. Portland. Or Hood River Spray Mfg Co. Hood River, Or. On Sale at Salem by II. P. Chase, succes sor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden Rulo Bazarr. Mrs. B. T. Swart, proprietor. $ ii ! 1 NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK FOR FORTY CENTS A MONTH Tho Dally Capital Journal and the Thrlce-n-Week Now York World tho greatest Newspaper of Its Type. It always tolls tho news as It is, promptly and fully. Read In every English speak ing country. "t hns Invariably been the groat offort of the Thrlce-a-Week World edition of tho New York World to publish tho news im partially In order that It may be an nccurate reporter of what has happened. It tells the truth, Irrespective of party, and for that reason it has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of Its class. If you want the news as it roally Is, subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of tho New York World, which comes to you every othor day except Sunday, and is thus practically a dally at the prlco of a weekly. THE THR1CE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price Is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled nowspaper and I: Daily Capital Journal three months $1.20 i; Daily Capital Journal six months $2.35 . . The above offer Is only good for Strictly Cash in Advance. Send ) check, draft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No agent's commission allowed on these terms. Send remittance to E. HOFER, publisher Dally Capital Journal, Salem, Orogon. WtlUUUHMHIHIl fof NHttieBIf f f ff flf H ! ! 1 niW"M